Preparations for scale insects

All scale insects and false scale insects cause enormous damage to plants. The signs accompanying them are characteristic of all types of scale insects. At the site where the scale insect is sucked, yellow spots appear on the leaves, which grow in size as the juice is sucked out, then the leaf turns completely yellow, curls and falls off. The plant stops growing, the branches become bare, then the entire bush begins to dry out and the plant dies. In addition to leaves, the scale insect damages the fruits of tangerines, lemons and oranges.

Brown scale insect (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi). © fturmo

Scale insects - description

Scale insects , Latin name – Diaspididae. A family of hemiptera insects from the superfamily of scale insects. There are over 2400 species in the family. The body is covered on top with a waxy shield (hence the name of the insect).

All scale insects are distinguished by the fact that they have protective shields and look like plaques on the plant. The mouthparts of all scale insects are sucking. They differ only in size and color. The scale insect is especially dangerous because just a few hours after hatching from the eggs, the larvae are already settling throughout the plant and immediately begin to suck all the juices out of it, and the leaf surface is completely covered with scutes.

The brown scale insect (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi) damages mainly leaves, settling on their upper side. The scutellum of the adult female is round, about 2 mm in diameter, reddish-brown or dark brown. The male's scutum is smaller and oblong in shape.

Liftings – procedures for neck rejuvenation

Radio wave lifting or RF lifting (Thermage, ReAction technology, etc.)

It is able to restore elasticity, strengthen and tighten tissues that have lost their tone. When a radiofrequency pulse is applied, loose and stretched connective tissue septa of subcutaneous fat and the skin itself contract.

The effect comes from a controlled (the penetration of radio waves is clearly regulated by a given program and the depth of influence is adjusted to the nearest millimeter) thermal effect, simply heating.

Targeted heating of the skin frame is caused by a temperature of 42 to 50 degrees. What’s interesting is that it is during this process that old connective tissue fibers are reduced and the production of new collagen and elastin is stimulated, followed by skin contraction. The effect increases over several months and lasts for about 2-3 years.

This technique, rejuvenation using plasma isolated from a person’s own blood, is indispensable for tissue restoration.

Plasmolifting uses the patient's own plasma, which is injected over the entire surface, including the chin area, the front and back surfaces.

The skin responds very well to this: turgor improves, fine wrinkles disappear, and noticeable lifting occurs.

To carry out plasma lifting, only 20 ml of the patient’s blood is required, from which the drug for injection is prepared using special equipment that allows concentrating in the resulting plasma the maximum amount of useful substances and, first of all, growth factors that promote rejuvenation.

The advantage of plasma lifting or PRP therapy over other methods is its absolute safety for human health, the absence of the risk of allergic reactions, and the complete biocompatibility of the administered drug with the human body.

The use of special high-tech disposable sterile kits guarantees absolute safety for the patient.

For neck rejuvenation, it is especially good to use a combination of fractional thermolysis with plasma lifting. These two procedures in combination greatly enhance the effect of cell renewal.

False shields - description

False scale insects differ from true scale insects in that they do not have a waxy shell, and the eggs and larvae are protected by the drying skin of the dying female.

False scale (Coccidae). © James Clay

False scale insects , or coccids (Coccidae) are a family of hemiptera insects from the superfamily of scale insects. Over 1,100 species have been described, of which about 150 species are found in Europe.

Shield injection in the neck

Nov 15 • Uncategorized • 90 Views • No comments on the post Shchitovka injection in the neck

Since the skin on the neck has some peculiarities, and age-related degradation occurs approximately according to one very similar mechanism, in therapeutic cosmetology there are procedures that can be called real hits in rejuvenating the most vulnerable area of ​​the body: the neck. We will talk about them below.

Reproduction of scale insects and false scale insects

Most species of scale insects reproduce by laying eggs, but there are also viviparous species. Pests live on the underside and top of leaves, shoots and trunks of plants. Only young larvae settle, sticking to various parts of the plant; adult insects are not mobile.

With severe infection, the leaves along the veins and plant trunks become covered with a coating formed from a large accumulation of scale insects. Damaged plants have stunted growth and development, leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely.

Scale insects and false scale insects secrete a sticky liquid - honeydew, on which a sooty fungus settles, which further impairs the development of plants.

Scale insects and false scale insects damage many indoor plants: palm trees, citrus fruits, oleander, ivy, cyperus, asparagus, aucuba and others.

Adults and larvae function all year round, sucking cell sap from the plant. Damaged plants turn yellow, develop incorrectly, leaves often fall off, and young shoots dry out.

Scale insects belong to fast-growing pests. Reproduction can be either asexual or conventional. It occurs by laying eggs under the scutellum, and some species are viviparous. After hatching, the scale insect goes through several stages of development. At the initial stage, scale insects are very mobile and can quickly spread, in particular to neighboring plants.

Females are immobile, but males can even fly during their lives. However, the life cycle of the male is very short. They live only a few days, unlike females, who live for several months.

Under good conditions, more females are born; under bad conditions, more males are born. The composition of the population changes itself in such a way as to improve its mobility and move to a more favorable place for life.

Ficus leaf infected with false scale insects. © Karl Magnacca

Ligature lifting for neck rejuvenation

It is worth tightening the neck with threads if there are already existing visual changes in this area in the form of an unclear cervical-mental angle (the angle of youth), developing “turkey bands” and sagging of the submandibular zone.

To achieve the result, threads are introduced over the entire surface, including the back, forming an invisible subcutaneous supporting frame that does not allow the tissue to sag.

Mesothreads, despite the fact that they gradually completely dissolve, have the ability to form their own connective tissue network around themselves, which is a natural rejuvenating and tightening factor.

A slight lifting effect from the strengthening procedure with mesothreads is observed immediately, but it reaches its maximum development within two months after the procedure - this is exactly the time it will take for the formation of your own collagen in response to the implantation of threads.

Reinforcement with mesothreads allows you to maintain the result from 2 to 5 years.

How quickly does ligature lifting begin to work?

When installing threads with clamps, the tightening effect occurs instantly. Although for complete beauty without swelling, bruising and complete redistribution of the tissues of the chin area and the front surface of the neck, it will take about two weeks. The results of the tightening last for up to two years or more.

Lifting with biothreads

Bioreinforcement, or biothreads, have a pronounced lifting effect.

In the process, thanks to the linear injection technique of introducing special stimulating preparations of hyaluronic acid with atraumatic cannula needles, the finest lines-threads are lined up in thin, uniform rows in the inner layers of the skin, forming a tightening frame.

Thanks to the powerful hyaluronic saturation of tissues, instant strengthening and tightening occurs, as well as deep natural hydration of thin and very flexible skin. On average, the lifting and tissue-filling effect lasts 1-2 years.

Measures to combat scale insects and false scale insects

Scale insects are protected from external influences by a shield, so fighting them is not easy. Scale insects are cleaned with a toothbrush or a cloth soaked in an alcohol or soap solution; you can also use a soap-kerosene emulsion.

Alcohol solution with soap . The mixture consists of 15 grams of liquid soap, 10 ml of denatured alcohol and 1 liter of warm water. However, you need to be very careful here, especially for soft-leaved and thin-leaved plants. These species are very sensitive to alcohol, so they do not spray the liquid, but apply it to the insects themselves with a brush. If you really want to use this method, it is best to do a small sensitivity test on one sheet first.

In case of severe damage, the following chemicals are used:

"Aktellik". Dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water and treat during the period when the pest appears. Solution consumption up to 2 liters per 10 sq.m. No more than 4 treatments. The waiting period is 3 days.

"Phosbecide." Treatment with these drugs (they are toxic) is best done outdoors (20 ml per 10 liters of water).

Scale insects. © Jeffrey W

If the plants are short (up to 30 cm), try watering them at the root with a solution of the drug "Aktara" . This insecticide penetrates the plant through the roots and makes all its above-ground organs toxic to insects for some time. When treating with an insecticide, wipe the window sill or shelf where the plant stood, as well as the window glass, as small larvae may not be noticed.

To reduce the harmfulness of scale insects and false scale insects, one can also use the fact that the reproduction of many species of these pests is greatly slowed down by a drop in relative air humidity and prolonged exposure to sunlight. Therefore, be moderate with watering, avoid crowding of plants, ventilate the room more often, isolate the infected plant from others, and move it to a more illuminated place.

How to deal with scale insects on indoor plants

Scale on an orchid

Among indoor plants, scale insects most often affect citrus fruits, subtropical and tropical palms, begonias, cacti, pomegranates and indoor roses. Scale insects on flowers of the Araceae family, which include monstera, caladium, calla, philodendron and spathiphyllum, are also quite common, as is scale insects on the leaves of ferns. But the most offensive thing is when pests attack orchids, these beautiful, delicate and by no means cheap exotic flowers. How to get rid of scale insects on an orchid? It is best, of course, to do without chemicals, but the choice of means depends on how severely the plant is affected.

As soon as you find pests, wash the orchid under warm running water, trying to remove insects from its leaves and flower stalks with a brush. Then you need to isolate the orchid from other plants, for example, by placing it in a greenhouse: scale insects do not tolerate high humidity. If this is not possible, then simply put a transparent plastic bag on the plant, which will need to be removed twice a day for about 20 minutes to ventilate the orchid and prevent it from getting burned.

The next step is to treat the plant with a folk or chemical remedy. Of the chemical preparations, the most effective are Aktara, Fitoverm and Actellik. Among the folk remedies that have proven to be the best in the fight against scale insects on orchids, a solution of olive oil, infusions of garlic, onion and pepper, a kerosene-soap emulsion and, finally, treating flowers with alcohol: types of orchids with thick leaves are wiped with a swab dipped in ethyl alcohol, and for thin-leaved species, treatment is used with a solution of 10 ml of ethanol in 1 liter of water, which is applied with a brush.

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Scale insect on lemon

A homemade lemon can become infected with scale insects from nearby house plants, fruits or bouquets of fresh flowers. The scale insect can enter the house with a gust of wind through an open window. You should know that if the air in the room is sufficiently humid, the pest will not affect your plants.

If signs of the presence of scale insects do appear, that is, the lemon begins to grow worse, its leaves begin to turn yellow and become smaller, begin pest control as soon as possible. First, try to collect all the scale insects by hand with an old toothbrush, then wash the tree under warm water in the shower, and then wipe the trunk and all the leaves (including the underside) with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then treat the lemon tree with an insecticide, and re-treat after 10 days.

If a small number of scale insects have settled on a lemon, you may be able to deal with them using folk remedies - soap-kerosene emulsion, onion infusion, olive or transformer oil solution.

Whatever you use to treat the lemon, do not forget to protect the soil in the pot, and when the fight against the pest is successful, change the top layer of soil just in case.

Scale insect on ficus

Scale insects can get onto indoor ficus in the same way as onto a lemon tree. The first sign of a ficus being affected by scale insects is a sticky coating on the leaves of the plant - honeydew, or honeydew, on which a sooty fungus very quickly appears. If you look closely, you can find whitish or gray-brown plaques on the trunk, branches and underside of the leaves of the ficus - adult scale insects feeding on the sap of the plant. Gradually, the surface of the leaves becomes uneven and ugly due to the growing new tissue, the affected leaves turn red, become deformed and eventually fall off. If the ficus is not treated, then within two years its leaves and branches will begin to dry out en masse, and the bark will crack. The most common scale insect is found on Ficus Benjamin.

How to get rid of scale insects on indoor plants

How to get rid of ficus from scale insects? Remove severely pest-infected leaves and, if necessary, branches. Then wash the plant and scrape its above-ground parts with a brush or stiff sponge. If there are few insects, use a folk remedy or a biological preparation such as Bitoxibacillin, but it is better to take the ficus out into the open air and treat it with a strong insectoacaricide. And even after this, it may turn out that not all the scale insects have died, so after 3-4 days, inspect the ficus and if pests are found, wash the plant again and remove the scale insects manually, and after another week, re-treat the plant with a chemical preparation. Weekly inspection of indoor plants should become a mandatory procedure. Apply fertilizers in a timely manner and adjust the watering schedule so that pests do not have any chance to settle on your indoor flowers.

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