Common Pelopias: lifestyle of burrowing wasps and features of building earthen clay nests
Appearance of a burrowing wasp The size of burrowing wasps varies: the body length of different species can reach
linen lice
How to treat a bed for lice
4.6 / 5 (12 votes) Blood-sucking skin parasites have been a nuisance for centuries.
Hot fog
Hot fog is the most effective way to get rid of bedbugs
What is hot fog? A hot fog generator is a device that is used to eliminate
Rules for using lice dust
What is lice? Pediculosis is a parasitic disease caused by small wingless insects called lice.
stages of development
Getting rid of linen (bed) lice at home
Linen or body lice are known to settle in clothing and appear on human skin
How dangerous is the sand flea and how to fight it?
Relaxing on the beach on Hainan Island is a dream for many tourists, but there are small
Does hair dye kill lice and nits?
Neem essential oil - properties and uses
About the author VK profile Svetlana Tarasova Hairdresser-stylist with more than 8 years of experience, expert in
How the subcutaneous gadfly lays larvae
Description and features A two-winged insect with short antennae belongs to the Tachi-nidae family. Large hemispheres
Sand flea remedy - how to get rid of sand fleas
Who are sand fleas? The sand flea is a very small parasitic insect, a distant relative of ordinary Russians.
Where do fleas in an apartment come from and how to get rid of them?
How to dilute vinegar In the case of bedbugs, the concentration of acetic acid should be high. Protection