Bats under the roof: a neighborhood that leads to bites and various diseases, including rabies
Species of winged animals Some species of nocturnal mammals carry diseases that pose a danger to humans. One
Karakurt spider - also known as the “black widow”
Why is the karakurt spider called the “black widow”? This name is given not only to female spiders, but
The best mouse repellers
Medicines and folk remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
It seems that everything is simple - just take it and spray the plants with the first drug that comes to hand. But
Drosophila fly. Lifestyle and habitat of the Drosophila fly
Flying insects such as Drosophila flies are familiar to everyone, although not everyone knows how they
Clothes moth: features and control methods
There are about 3,000 species of moths in the world, of which about 30 are pests.
Photo of aphids on leaves
How to prepare a solution with ammonia against aphids?
Aphids are one of the main enemies of summer residents and gardeners. These insects attack plants, feed
Bee sting
A child was stung by a bee: what to do?
Honey Place / Bees / Bee sting 0 How pleasant it is to relax in the warm season
Beetle Kuzka
Bread grinder: a real scourge for food
Not only we humans rejoice at our harvest, some people also don’t mind feasting on our troublesome
How to fight melon aphids on cucumbers as quickly and effectively as possible
Melon aphid - causes of infection and control of it
What kind of pest is this? Melon, or cotton, aphid belongs to the class of insects, the True family
Onion fly: how to fight it in the garden
Description and life cycle of the onion fly This is a very small, but very nasty insect,
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