How to get rid of fleas in an apartment using folk remedies, where do fleas come from

Folk remedies

Fleas in the house cause discomfort to people living in the room, as well as to pets. They are carriers of serious diseases and contribute to the development of allergic reactions. You can get rid of parasites using folk remedies, which are sold everywhere at a low cost. When used correctly, folk remedies help eliminate parasites and also prevent their appearance in the future.

Most folk remedies for fleas in the apartment do not pose a danger to people and are not toxic. Now there are many proven ways to remove parasites without chemicals, which allow you to remove bloodsuckers from your apartment on your own.

Traditional methods for fighting fleas

Now let’s figure out how to effectively remove fleas using folk remedies . There are many folk remedies for fighting fleas. They work quite well if used regularly. Folk remedies for fleas in an apartment or house will help both in the process of control and in the process of prevention.

What folk remedy for fleas in the house will bring maximum effect? How to get rid of fleas using folk remedies so as not to harm your beloved pets or children? The following ingredients are considered the most effective and safe:

  • citrus;
  • pine shavings;
  • garlic;
  • table salt;
  • mixtures of herbs;
  • pine sawdust;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • baking soda.
  • Recipes with herbs

    It has long been noted that bloodsuckers do not like herbal infusions. They are repelled by the smell of such herbs:

  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • eucalyptus leaves.
  • It is very simple to prepare such an infusion. It is enough to pour the collection with boiling water and leave for 12 hours in a cool place. Then the liquid is poured into a spray bottle. It is necessary to carefully treat carpets, rugs, and floor coverings.

    Animals can be bathed in herbal infusions, and the liquid can also be rubbed into their skin.

    Caucasian chamomile is very effective. It is also called Persian. It contains a high concentration of pyrethrins, which are harmful to bloodsuckers. Leaves and stems of the plant are used. It is important to take as many of them as possible. They are laid out around the perimeter of the home. When fresh, the leaves and stems of Caucasian chamomile are quite effective. As they dry out, their effectiveness decreases, so it is important to regularly add fresh ones.

    Pine sawdust helps a lot. You can even fill your pet's bedding with them.

    A good mixture of wormwood and pine shavings. It is recommended to scatter it right in front of the entrance to the home.

    It is also recommended to scatter leaves of wormwood and calamus around the room.

    A fail-safe remedy is peppermint. It should be scattered fresh around the perimeter of the home. The space under the bed needs to be treated especially carefully.

    It is recommended to bathe pets in a decoction of wormwood. To enhance the effect, use flea tar soap when bathing your pet. It will not only drive away bloodsuckers, but also soothe damaged skin and relieve inflammation.

    Essential oils against fleas

    Fleas really don’t like essential oils of pine, citrus, lavender, and mint. If you or your loved ones do not have allergies, you can periodically drip a few drops of essential oil in the corners of the room.

    Salt, vinegar and kerosene against fleas

    Salt, soda, vinegar, and kerosene have proven themselves well.

    A very simple recipe - mix salt and baking soda in equal quantities (recommended 200 g). This simple mixture should be sprinkled on carpets, soft toys, and coverings. The powder must be literally rubbed into their surface. 12 hours after treatment, all surfaces must be thoroughly vacuumed. The procedure can be repeated regularly. As a result of this treatment, bloodsuckers die or lose their ability to reproduce.

    If an animal has fleas, you can bathe it in a solution of table salt. The salt must first be diluted in boiling water (a pack in a bucket). Then the water is brought to bathing temperature and the pet is placed in it for 4 minutes. The water should cover him up to his neck. After 4 minutes, be sure to rinse it with warm, clean running water.

    Inexpensive pharmaceutical products

    At any pharmacy you can buy inexpensive but very effective products that will help in the fight against annoying bloodsuckers. Regular ammonia is considered the most effective. Cotton pads are moistened with it and laid out around the perimeter of the room. During disinfection, it is better to go for a walk.

    Eucalyptus tincture is also effective. It will cope with bloodsuckers no worse than ammonia, but at the same time it has a pleasant aroma.

    If cats or dogs have parasites, a veterinary pharmacy can offer the following inexpensive drugs:

  • Insectal.
  • Dana Spot-on.
  • Dana Ultra.
  • Veterinary expert About Insecta.
  • Butrox 50.
  • Unostomosed.
  • Delcid.
  • Celandine zoospray.
  • For indoor use, you can buy the drug Perol A.

    It is important to remember that after treating the room for at least 12 hours, you should refrain from wet cleaning and do not vacuum.

    Other means

    It is believed that garlic and brewer's yeast are very effective. They can be combined to enhance the effect. Parasites cannot stand their smell. A big plus is that they will not harm pets. This mixture should be used to treat carpets, rugs, and floor coverings and leave for 10 hours. Then the entire surface must be thoroughly vacuumed.

    Bloodsuckers don't like citrus fruits. To combat them, peels of lemon, orange, grapefruit, and tangerine are suitable. They need to be placed around the perimeter of the home, as well as in hoods, chests of drawers, and cracks. A pleasant surprise will be that along with the fleas, the moths will also disappear.

    Here’s another simple recipe for homemade flea shampoo. Grind a quarter of baby soap, pour a glass of warm water and cook until you get a jelly-like mass. Add a medium-sized grated onion to the mixture. You need to thoroughly lather the animal with the resulting shampoo, wrap it in film or put it in a bag and keep it for 20 minutes. Then the shampoo is thoroughly washed off with running water. Instead of onions, you can add a decoction of nettle or calendula.

Wormwood for fleas in the house

This plant is used to exterminate parasites. You can hang this grass in a private house or apartment; its smell repels adults. Wormwood essential oil or tincture, which has a more pungent odor, is also effective.

The folk remedy does not kill black fleas, it only repels parasites. It can be used to prevent the appearance of parasites, for example, on the first floor, if wingless carriers may live in the basement. Used to prevent the appearance of insects in the house after initial treatment.

A decoction of wormwood is used to treat areas where insects accumulate in the greatest numbers. The plant should be used with caution, as it can cause allergies.

General information about herbs

Most herbs do not have insecticidal properties. And only some plants are suitable for getting rid of parasites. The secret to their effectiveness is essential oils that repel insects. Sensing a pungent odor, fleas tend to leave the area, as it irritates the respiratory tract and causes terrible discomfort.

Of course, if there is a huge population of fleas in the apartment, migrating from the attic or basement, herbs alone are not enough to kill. Here you cannot do without professional pest control. Herbs are in demand to repel and eliminate a small colony.

Plants have a gentle and prolonged effect. To get rid of fleas and further prevention, you need to use them constantly. Dozens of recipes have been invented using fresh and dried raw materials.

Boric acid

The folk remedy has low toxicity, however, it is part of many insecticides. Boric acid from fleas causes dehydration in parasites, which leads to the destruction of blood-sucking ones.

How to use the product:

  • Remove all foreign objects from the floor and carpets; children and animals should not be present during processing.
  • Vacuum carpets to remove dust.
  • Sprinkle the powder on carpets and around baseboards.
  • Using a brush, distribute the powder over the carpet pile.

The folk method is effective in the fight against larvae; it does not have such a strong effect on adults. After treatment, 1-2 days later, clean the treated areas with a vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to carry out the processing procedure several times.

Dalmatian chamomile

Dalmatian or Persian chamomile is the main component of a very ancient household insect repellent called pyrethrum. This product comes in the form of a powder made from crushed plants. Pyrethrum was used to control insects in the home and to treat animals. The insecticidal effect is due to pyrethrins - special substances that repel insects.

However, the plant itself will also have an insecticidal effect if it is crushed and placed in different parts of the apartment. This powder should be sprinkled on hard-to-reach places - under baseboards, under furniture, under carpets, in a closet, on a sofa. These are the favorite places for fleas. The closest relative of Dalmatian chamomile is Caucasian chamomile, which is much easier to acquire. The plant can be used both dry and fresh.

Pyrethrum powder from Dalmatian chamomile


One of the frequently used remedies is ammonia for fleas in the house. This substance has a pungent odor. Before treating the premises, children and animals should be removed for the duration of the procedure.

How to perform disinfestation:

  • Pure alcohol can be poured into cracks and baseboards. The manipulation is carried out using a respirator.
  • To obtain a solution, dilute 10-30 milliliters of ammonia in 3-4 liters of water. The resulting solution should be used to treat furniture, walls, and wash floors.
  • Cabinets and other furniture should be wiped with the solution inside and out.

Along with ammonia, ammonia is used for fleas. The folk remedy repels individuals with its smell and is used to prepare a solution for washing floors and walls.


Wormwood owes its insecticidal properties to its specific odor, which insects cannot tolerate. In ancient times, our ancestors hung bunches of wormwood in the barn where the cattle lived to repel insects. The same bunches were hung in houses.

Wormwood is an easily accessible remedy even for residents of large cities. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of crushed dry raw materials or ready-made tincture. Wormwood is used in different ways. Fresh or dried plants are formed into small bunches that are hung in the apartment. You can also chop the plants and sprinkle them in areas where fleas live.

Another method involves preparing a water infusion based on wormwood, which can be sprayed indoors using a spray or added to a soap solution for wet cleaning.

Recipe for wormwood infusion: you need to take 20 g of dry wormwood leaves or 40 g of fresh plants and boil them in two glasses of water. When the broth has cooled, it can be used both for wiping the animal’s fur and for treating the room. This product is even suitable for treating small kittens, puppies and pregnant females.

Wormwood is an excellent remedy against fleas in the house


To kill fleas that live in carpets, this affordable and safe folk remedy is used.

How to treat the room:

  • Sprinkle carpets in every room.
  • Rub salt into the pile with a brush.
  • Leave the surfaces for a couple of days.
  • Vacuum the carpets.

It is advisable to carry out the treatment several times to avoid the appearance of new individuals from previously laid eggs.

Essential oils for fleas in the apartment

Insects cannot tolerate strong odors; the aromas of essential oils repel them. Aromatic oils are often used to prevent insects from returning after pest control.

What oils help in the fight against fleas in the house:

  • Eucalyptus.
  • Peppermint.
  • Sosnovoe.
  • Lavender.
  • Flea streaks.
  • Cedar.
  • Tea tree.

First you need to clean it, dilute 10-20 ml of oil with several liters of water. Use the resulting solution to wipe the surfaces. Oils are effective as long as they smell. This method is not recommended for allergy sufferers.

How to use

Tansy against fleas in the house is used under the following circumstances:

  • if the owners cannot or do not want to use chemical insecticides;
  • when single parasites are detected;
  • it was possible to identify the nest or the exact location of the blood-sucking insects is known.

Tansy against fleas is used in the form of dry herbs, decoction or essential oil.

Dry grass

Tansy against fleas is often used in dried form. Among the methods of fighting fleas, this is the most popular. It is recommended to place the dry plant on closet shelves, under the bed, bedside tables or in the corners of the room.

The plant has a specific pungent, repulsive aroma that effectively repels blood-sucking parasites.


Experienced housewives also know how to prepare a decoction of tansy for fleas. For cooking, you can use both dried and picked plants. Take 30 g of inflorescences and add 250-300 ml of boiling water to them. Keep in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, and then leave for half an hour. The solution turns out to be quite concentrated. It is used for treating pet hair, as well as for treating living quarters.

Tansy decoction is an effective composition for spraying the surface of furniture, corners, parquet, crevices and linoleum. It is also used to treat furniture on which the dog spends a lot of time. After such treatment, insects begin to actively leave their homes. They even begin to crawl out of cracks and hidden places. And when the pests are already in the open space, it is advisable to use chemical insecticidal compounds.


Tansy oil, like wormwood oil, is prepared by infusing the dried, crushed plant with olive oil. It is recommended to shake the container with the composition well and leave it in a dark place for 10 days.

After straining, the oil can be used to repel insects. It is added to water when cleaning a room, as well as washing the floor, despite the fact that the product does not kill parasites, it effectively repels them.


Vinegar essence is one of the most accessible remedies. To use flea vinegar, you need to make a solution to treat your home. Water and apple cider vinegar are poured into the container in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting solution can be sprayed onto furniture, walls, and floors.

Then you need to clean the surfaces with a vacuum cleaner and carry out wet cleaning. When working with the substance, it is important to take precautions to avoid damage to the skin, respiratory system, and eyes.


The main advantage of the substance is its strong disinfectant and antiseptic effect. The folk remedy has a smell that repels insects; chlorine fumes have a negative effect on insects, which leads to their death.

The disadvantage of using bleach is that the substance has a negative effect on humans and domestic animals; its high concentration leads to poisoning. The substance is a bleach - as a result of use, there is a risk of damaging furniture upholstery, carpets, and finishing surfaces in the apartment.

What plants repel parasites

Natural herbal remedies have proven effective in repelling fleas. Herbs must be used for a long time. Fresh raw materials should be constantly added. Plants are placed around the entire perimeter of the rooms. It should be borne in mind that freshly harvested plants have a stronger effect than dried herbs. Fleas cannot tolerate the smell of the following plants:

  • Sagebrush.
  • Tansy.
  • Mint.
  • Carnation.
  • Korostavnik.
  • Citrus.
  • Needles.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Geranium.

To wash animals and carry out wet cleaning, decoctions and infusions are made from thyme, lavender, celandine, and eucalyptus. A concentrated infusion of wormwood, celandine and pine needles has a special effect.

The use of folk remedies before insecticidal poisons is largely determined by their natural origin:

  • safe for use in areas where children and pets may be present;
  • most herbs or ready-made infusions can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy;
  • act where poison cannot reach;
  • combined with poisons and with each other;
  • no need to wash the room after using them;
  • cheap price.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then only in comparison with chemical herbal preparations:

  • may not be effective and will require support from the chemical industry;
  • have a limited resource - the grass dries out, essential oils evaporate. As soon as the fleas realize that the smell has weakened, they rush to return to their habitual places;
  • Some may develop allergies.

In defense of the use of plants, it is also worth mentioning the effective removal of fleas from pets. Often there is no need to buy expensive drops that are harmful to the animal. Many breeders bathe their dogs and cats in herbal infusions. Their smell remains on the pet’s skin and fleas are no longer so willing to settle in the fur.

Tansy for fleas

The plant is used to prevent the appearance of insects. It is a repellent and repels bloodsuckers, but does not kill them. Fresh plants, oils or decoctions of tansy have virtually no effect on the larvae of individuals.

The oil of this plant can cause paralysis in fleas; in addition, tansy is relatively safe for people, but can cause allergies. Used if single individuals or localization points of parasites have been detected.


Peppermint works flawlessly against fleas in the house. You need to cut fresh peppermint stalks and place them in the apartment. Be sure to place the stems under furniture and near rugs. If you place sprigs of mint in the closet, it will get rid of not only fleas, but also moths. The smell of peppermint not only repels insects, but is also pleasant and calming for humans.


5 flea products that are not recommended for use

Not all traditional methods are effective in controlling insects or preventing their appearance in the apartment. For example, kerosene, creolin, turpentine against fleas are not only ineffective, but also dangerous folk methods that are not recommended for use in the home.

Creolin for fleas

The substance has an oily consistency and brown color. It smells strong. Helps fight microbes, is a disinfectant, and an insecticide, but it is not recommended to use it indoors. The drug is toxic and causes adverse reactions.


In the last century, kerosene for fleas was a popular option for getting rid of insects. However, this method is dangerous for pets, since the toxic substance causes vomiting, damage to mucous membranes, and breathing problems. In high concentrations it leads to severe poisoning and death.

In addition, kerosene is a fire hazard and has a persistent odor. Upholstered furniture and carpets absorb the smell of kerosene, which is then difficult to remove, so it can only be used on hard surfaces.


Garlic has a strong odor that repels insects. However, the product is not the most effective compared to some herbs and essential oils. In addition, it is not recommended to treat soft surfaces and fabrics with garlic, as the aroma of garlic is difficult to remove.

Laundry soap

Using laundry soap, surfaces are cleaned of dirt. It has an antimicrobial effect. The advantages of the product are that the soap does not cause allergies and is low cost.

However, the product has a strong smell, which is unpleasant not only for insects, but also for people. Soap does not kill insects; it repels them with a strong odor, so it is not popular for fighting parasites.


Alcohol is used in combination with other folk remedies. It has a pungent odor and has a disinfecting effect, but evaporates quickly, which reduces its effectiveness. It should be used with caution, as the substance is toxic to animals.

Some folk remedies for fleas in the apartment are effective when used correctly and repeatedly. However, most of them are used as a preventive measure against insect damage to the home, but not as an option to combat existing parasites.

Natural flavors

Most natural odors only have a deterrent effect. The use of fragrant plants and products does not destroy pests, but many aromas can become an obstacle to the path of fleas into the apartment. Brooms made from fragrant herbs, fumigators with essential oils, concentrated infusions and decoctions of strongly odorous plants are a pleasant and harmless way to combat parasites.


Tar soap has gained considerable popularity. This is an effective flea remedy. It is dissolved in water and used to wash animals and floors. Tar destroys adult fleas and their larvae.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Pinworms, how to treat medications

Essential oil

Essential oils from the following plants have a strong repellent effect:

  • Carnation.
  • Mint.
  • Aloe.
  • Thyme.
  • Walnut.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Geranium.
  • Camphor.
  • Lavender.
  • Anise.

It is enough to dilute a few drops with water and wipe all surfaces in the room, including hard-to-reach places. For preventive purposes, treatment should be repeated. The concentrate has an enhanced and effective effect. Pleases with a pleasant aroma.

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