Where do lice on eyelashes and eyebrows come from, and how to get rid of them?

What do they represent?

Another name for pubic lice is lice.
They usually prefer to live in areas near the anus, as well as on the pubis, which is where their name comes from. Over time, they migrate, moving to the stomach. Then the flies crawl onto the eyelashes. They have several specific differences from ordinary lice. If you look at such a parasite under a microscope, you can see that it resembles a miniature crab. Its color is yellowish-brown. The size of the insect does not exceed 2 millimeters.

Note! The insects pass to a new owner through sexual intercourse.

It is impossible to protect yourself using special means. A condom, even the best one, is not able to protect a person from infection.

Showering after sex does not protect you from infection either. Lice are tightly attached to the hairs on the genitals, and water cannot wash them away.

Plaster beetles love to parasitize eyebrows; they also often prefer eyelashes. Very often they can be seen on eyelash extensions. The insect feeds on blood, which it receives by making a puncture in the skin of the eyelid. In this place it is thinnest, and it is easier to get food than in some other area.

Therefore, women who believe that eyelash extensions will save them from the progression of this unpleasant disease, phthiriasis, are deeply mistaken.

What are pubic lice?

Pubic lice, also known as lice, usually settle in areas of hair growth on the human body: on the genitals, around the anus, crawl onto the stomach, and settle on the eyelashes. Externally, they differ from ordinary head lice: they look like small brown-yellow crabs no more than 2 mm in size. What eyelash lice look like in the photo is shown below.

Lice on eyelashes

Fixed at the base of the hair near the skin, the louse hardly moves, but reproduces very quickly: the female lays 2-3 eggs per day. Almost transparent nits measuring 0.5 mm are tightly glued to the eyelashes using a special secretion.

Pubic lice feed only on human blood, biting the skin twice a day. When bitten into a wound, an adult insect injects an enzyme that prevents blood clotting, resulting in a slight itching in the bitten area, and then wounds. Lice on eyelashes in a photo are an unattractive picture, but in reality they look even more disgusting.

On a note!

How long lice live depends on living conditions. Without food, the louse falls into a state of anabiosis, in which it can remain for several months, and then, under favorable circumstances, again begin a full-fledged “blood-sucking” life.

What they look like

It is possible to notice insects with the naked eye only when there are large concentrations of them. Parasites look like small gray-brown grains.

In some cases, an inflammatory process develops under the influence of parasites.

Their length rarely exceeds 1-1.5 mm. Pubic lice are smaller than head lice. They have a flat body. The larvae look like miniature silvery bubbles stuck to the hair. Nits can be dead or alive. The first ones have a dull color. Living ones burst with a pop when pressing on the capsule.


The main traditional method of diagnosis is a thorough examination of the hairy parts of the body with the naked eye or using a magnifying glass. Once saturated with blood, lice on the pubis become more noticeable, as their bodies increase in size and acquire a reddish tint.

Pubic lice can be identified using modern methods:

  1. Using a Wood's lamp - live groin lice, when illuminated with a Wood's lamp, glow like white pearls, and empty dead nits look like gray shells.
  2. Using the videodermatoscopy method , the doctor uses a digital video camera to film the affected areas, which can then be examined in detail on a computer in an enlarged form.

If parasites are detected, all family members must be examined and treated.


After penetrating the body, the parasite attaches to the skin and begins to feed on blood. In parallel with this, a special component is released that provokes unbearable itching. When feeding is completed, a secretion is injected into the wound of the insects, preventing blood from clotting. Because of this, a blood-sucking bite does not heal for a long time.

You can get rid of the disease quickly if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. To do this, you need to pay attention to early symptoms, which manifest themselves:

  • unbearable itching, which intensifies at night. This is due to the activity of lice during this period of time;
  • swollen eyelids. It is difficult for a person to open his eyes in the morning;
  • glued eyelashes. Since lice eggs are attached to the hairs with an adhesive component;
  • pimples. Their cavity contains a liquid similar to purulent discharge of a white-yellow hue;
  • darkened eyelids as a result of nit deposits;
  • During palpation, small nodules are detected. These are lice larvae;
  • If the patient has a tendency to allergies, then the eye increases to enormous size.

An important sign of the presence of phthiriasis are dark spots, as if from unwashed cosmetics. If they are not washed off with warm water, then this is a reason to assume a disease. Doctors say that a similar clinical picture occurs in other eye diseases. Simultaneously with the listed symptoms, small blood spots may appear on the underwear in the groin area.

Attention! It is impossible to independently determine the presence of phthiriasis. To do this, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostics.

Symptoms of infection

Before we get into the symptoms of head lice, let's figure out how lice act when they get on the body. First of all, they attach tightly to the hair and make a bite on the skin, feeding on human blood. At this point, they secrete a certain liquid that causes irritation and itching.

Read more about the types of lice, how they reproduce, and the incubation period on our website.

After saturation, lice secrete a secretion into the wound, which prevents the skin from curling up and the person develops small, long-lasting wounds. Then mating occurs between individuals and the laying of eggs, about seven pieces. Nits are attached to the hair very tightly , and it is impossible to remove them without exposure; they also remain in place even during water procedures.

There are several symptoms of phthiriasis:

  1. The first symptom is the appearance of itching in the eyelid area, and especially at the root of the eyelashes. Sometimes, the intensity of scratching changes with the time of day. For example, during the daytime the parasites are less active, but at night they become more active and the greatest desire to scratch your eyelashes appears.
  2. also occur ; in exceptional cases, it is impossible to open the eye.
  3. The eyelashes begin to stick together, and there is a feeling of thickened eyelashes, with dusting, as nits are attached to them. It looks quite strange, since the eggs themselves are almost invisible.
  4. In those places where there were scratches, vesicles and pustules appear, resembling small pimples with accumulated fluid inside.
  5. Also, black and brown spots appear at the base of the eyelashes , which resemble the remains of cosmetics - pencil or mascara. In fact, these are parasite excrement and eggs that can be seen under a magnifying glass.

These symptoms are conditional and can also occur in other diseases, therefore, for effective treatment it is necessary to go to the doctor and conduct a detailed diagnosis.

Features of the disease

Having discovered lice on the eyelashes, their owners believe that the parasites got into the eyes from the head. However, this statement is erroneous. The appearance of lice on eyelashes is called phthiriasis or lice pubis. Pubic lice in humans also live on the eyebrows, groin, axillary area and on the hairy part of the abdomen. Insects prefer to live on hair, which is rigid and has a triangular cross-section. The hair growing on the head is round in cross-section and is infested with head lice.

The pubic louse is a fairly small (up to 2 mm) insect that has a wide and short body of brown color, which makes the pest inconspicuous. However, detecting a large accumulation of parasites is not difficult. Below is what eyelash lice look like in the photo.

On a note!

Externally resembling small crabs, the insects are inactive. An individual fixed at the base of the hair is capable of sitting in one place for a long time, which is why it is often confused with a mole. Such a measured and calm lifestyle allows insects to reproduce very quickly, increasing their population significantly.

Are there lice on eyelashes?

Lice are divided into three types:

Pubic lice appear on a person's eyebrows and eyelashes. These are small brown parasites. Due to their small dimensions, they are quite difficult to notice. In addition to eyelashes and eyebrows, they can live in the armpits and on the hair in the genital area.

ATTENTION! Pubic lice cannot live on the human head. This is due to the fact that they are able to live only on hard hairs with a triangular cross-section.

Parasites cling tightly to the skin and use human blood as food. They reproduce extremely quickly because they lay eggs every day, and the female can lay up to seven eggs at a time.

How can you get infected?

A healthy person can become infected with this type of lice in several ways:

  • during sexual contact with a person who has such insects;
  • close contact with a sick person: hug, handshake, kiss;
  • When pubic lice appear in the genital area, a person can easily transfer them through his own hands to other parts of the body that have hair: armpits, eyelashes;
  • through the patient’s personal belongings: towel, clothes, bed linen;
  • in public institutions: sauna, swimming pool, etc.


Having settled on the eyelashes, lice can cause various eye diseases, because the resulting wounds easily become infected.

Causes of infection

Phthiriasis on eyelashes can appear in the following situations:

  • Upon contact with a carrier of pubic lice. Most often, the disease can be contracted through sexual intercourse. Handshakes, hugs and kisses are also not safe; any close contact with a sick person can cause phthiriasis infection.
  • If you have pubic lice on your genitals, be sure to wash your hands when touching other parts of the body. Otherwise, the parasite's nit may get under the nail and then subsequently move to the hairline of the eyelids.
  • The wearer's towel, bedding or underwear, and even mascara can also spread pubic lice. Infection is not excluded even when using washed but not ironed clothes of a person suffering from phthiriasis.


Due to the fact that lice live outside a person for more than a day, their eggs, nits that can survive without their prey for seven days, pose a danger. Therefore, extreme caution should be exercised when visiting public places.

Why is phthiriasis dangerous?

Skin damaged by scratching is favorable conditions for infections to enter the body. The scratched areas become infected, ulcers and boils appear on them. If left untreated, the infection goes deeper into the lymph system. This can lead to systemic diseases and blood poisoning. Pubic lice, with their saliva, transmit infectious diseases, such as typhoid, from person to person.

Many patients experience allergic reactions. Also, phthiriasis is almost always accompanied by sexually transmitted diseases. It could be chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis. Pubic lice, passing from person to person, carry the causative agents of these diseases in their saliva. This is precisely what causes the most danger of infection with lice pubis.

When a person is very seriously affected and there are a large number of lice, they do not have enough space to live in the groin and armpits. In this case, they can live on eyebrows and eyelashes. When these areas are affected, conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other eye diseases develop.

Now that you are more or less familiar with lice on eyelashes, a photo of their appearance is the next important question that worries many:

Symptoms of phthiriasis

This disease is very unpleasant, its treatment depends on how quickly the parasites are detected. Symptoms that indicate that a person has lice on their eyelashes or eyebrows are as follows:

  • severe itching on the eyelids or at the roots of the eyelashes, more often at night, because... this is the period of maximum insect activity;
  • swelling of the eyelid area, sometimes in the morning a person can hardly open his eyes;
  • sensations of gluing or thickening of the eyelashes appear when eggs are glued to them, causing the hairs to become denser;
  • the appearance of pustules on the skin near the eyes, when pressed, fluid is released; pimples often form in such places (see photographs);

    Lice on eyelashes

  • darkening of the skin of the eyelids to a brownish-black color: when you try to wash it off with warm water (when the woman thinks that these are residues from cosmetics), nothing will work, this happens due to small lice eggs laid.


Eyelash lice cannot be washed off with water or by scratching the eyes. Adults bite into the skin so tightly, and small nits on the eyelashes are so firmly attached to the hairs that it is difficult to remove them mechanically.


Typically, aggressive agents, such as tar soap, dust or kerosene, help fight lice. But the eyes are a sensitive place, and if contacted, these products can cause a corneal burn or an allergic reaction.

Therefore, for the treatment of phthiriasis, agents are chosen with caution so as not to cause more harm . There are two ways to combat lice: mechanical and medicinal.

Chemical method approved by an ophthalmologist

If lice are found on the eyelashes, consider using pharmaceutical products to remove the parasites. It should be borne in mind that most of these drugs do not kill nits. When the lice on the eyelashes die, they need to be removed along with the pest eggs using improvised means or a special comb, you can use a regular comb. List of acceptable means for use:

  1. Permethrin is the most aggressive drug on the list, but it can be used when lice appear on eyebrows and eyelashes. The active ingredient in the composition is permethrin.
  2. Pedilin. Available in shampoo form, contains malathion.
  3. Medifox. The product can be purchased in the form of a solution, the active ingredient is permethrin. Additionally, the composition includes castor oil, which facilitates combing out parasites and promotes their death.
  4. Nittifor. The product is in liquid form. The main component in the composition is permethrin.
  5. Knicks. This product also contains permethrin, but is available in the form of a cream, which makes it easier to treat the affected areas.

When they appear

lice on the eyelashes, the product rips the eyelid.

Moreover, this should be done so that the toxic substance does not enter the structure of the mucous membranes, otherwise the eyes will have to be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Insecticides in liquid form are applied to the skin in the visual area only if they have previously been diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. This will reduce the aggressiveness of the product, and perhaps the lice will not die under such conditions. However, treatment with an insecticide in a lower dosage will reduce the activity of parasites, and it will be easier to remove them from the hair.

Mechanical method

Mechanical removal of lice is the safest method. To combat phthiriasis, use a special comb to comb out the parasites. This process takes a long time.

It should be done several times a day for 2 weeks. Until the eggs and adult insects are removed.

You can also use tweezers. Before performing this method, eyelashes and eyebrows need to be lubricated with Vaseline, which will slow down the insect.

Next, quietly remove each parasite and its larva with tweezers. A magnifying glass will help improve the visibility of lice and nits. It is better to entrust this manipulation to a close person; it is not recommended to carry it out on your own.

Important! During mechanical extraction of parasites, care must be taken to ensure that insects and their secretions do not enter the eyes. Since this will cause the development of conjunctivitis.

During treatment of phthiriasis, bedding and underwear should be treated. To do this, you need to soak it for 1.5 hours in hot water, then wash it with detergent at maximum temperature. After the laundry has dried, it should be heat treated with an iron on both sides.

Items used in daily care must be treated with antiseptics. After ironing, bedding and clothing can be additionally treated with a special preparation that kills insect larvae, for example, A-steam aerosol.

Folk remedies

These are the same products that are used to kill hair or body lice and nits. The affected areas are lubricated with the following means:

  • vinegar solution;
  • pulp of crushed cranberries;
  • Castor oil;
  • geranium oil

All these options are quite gentle. They do not cause harm to health, but require long-term use for the effect to occur. If they are severely infested with pubic lice, they are powerless. In addition, you will have to leave the product on the affected areas for some time to work. This is not always convenient or appropriate.

More aggressive options can be used:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • boric or sulfur ointments;
  • kerosene.

They must be used with great caution, as these products may be toxic or cause burns to the mucous membranes. In addition, they may not be effective against nits.


How and why you need to wash your face with eyelash extensions. Why do my eyes itch? Recommendations. Eye mite

Treatment Options

It is difficult to treat lice because the parasites multiply quickly and can cause infection in wounds. As a result, secondary symptoms and pathologies appear. The latter includes, for example, conjunctivitis. To prevent such complications, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient’s condition and change the course of treatment depending on the symptoms. In addition, parasites are able to migrate from one part of the body to another or remain on things, in the seams of clothing, which can lead to re-infection.

Chemical method

Chemical treatment methods include the following:

  1. Using Vaseline. This option is suitable for those who have a small affected area and a small number of insects. Apply Vaseline to the roots of the eyelashes daily. The manipulation is repeated up to 3 times. This prevents parasite bites and deprives the lice of food.
  2. Using a solution of soap in kerosene. The ingredients are mixed equally. This is not the safest method, because... vapors and liquid irritate mucous membranes. You need to apply the solution with your eyes closed. Keep the mixture on the eyelashes for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  3. Anti-pediculosis drugs. The most popular is Permethrin. Medicinal solutions should be used carefully and only after prescription by a doctor, because they are aggressive. To prevent burns, it is recommended to further dilute the composition with water (up to 50%). Most often, solutions are applied to the eyelash line with a cotton swab, wait for the time specified in the instructions and wash off.
  4. Sulfuric ointment. It is applied to areas near the eyelashes. The drug is believed to repel lice, but this is not the most reliable method. It can be used as an auxiliary.

Lice treatment
Fighting lice on eyebrows and eyelashes is not an easy task.

Mechanical method

This method of treatment involves manual removal of parasites and their larvae. This can be achieved in 3 methods:

  1. Combing with a comb. To do this, you will need a special comb with fine, frequent teeth. You should not carry out the procedure yourself due to the small area of ​​infection and the close location of the eyeball. In the process, excrement, larvae or adults may enter the mucous membrane, causing inflammation.
  2. Removal using tweezers. The manipulation is carried out by an assistant or doctor. It removes adults and larvae from hairs. For beginners this can be difficult, because... lice are difficult to notice, and they attach eggs firmly. Removal with tweezers takes a relatively long time.
  3. Trimming eyelashes. The most reliable method of the above. Eyelashes are shortened to a minimum length. This method is more often used when treating children, so as not to use toxic drugs and a comb.

Mechanical methods are less reliable because often a few individuals remain in the eyelashes, which quickly restore the population. Insects may get on the surface of clothing, bedding or skin.

How long will it take to get rid of lice?

The treatment time depends on the measures taken and the initial condition of the patient. With mechanical methods, therapy can take months, because... after incomplete removal of lice, short-term relief occurs, then the parasite population is restored. When using chemicals, the duration of therapy is reduced. On average it takes 3-5 days. For a small area of ​​infection, treatment will take several days. In advanced cases, it may take 2-3 weeks to eliminate parasites.

You should not rely entirely on mechanical methods, since getting rid of parasites will take a long time.

Disease prevention

  • Proper nutrition is the key to good functioning of the immune system.
  • Following good hygiene will reduce the likelihood of infection from a sick person. It is important to remember that hygiene items are intended for individual use.
  • Protect your eyes from UV rays in the sun.
  • Use of sunscreens in summer.

The interciliary mite is a human companion, but its waste products can seriously affect the functioning of all body systems. Demodicosis is a serious ophthalmological disease, so it must be treated by a specialist. It is possible to get rid of the parasite, but only a doctor can select the necessary medications.

Self-medication can lead to an advanced form of the disease, which will negatively affect the condition of the visual organs. It is important to follow simple rules of hygiene, eat right, avoid stressful situations and maintain immunity - these simple rules will protect against illness and preserve the beauty of your eyes.

Can there be complications?

Pubic lice feed on human blood and are therefore capable of transmitting some diseases. Also, the development of complications may be associated with permanent mechanical damage to the skin and its infection.

Lice infestation is dangerous due to the development of the following conditions:

  1. The presence of parasites often accompanies sexually transmitted diseases. This includes gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, etc. If lice are found on your eyelashes, you should undergo additional tests to check whether an infestation has occurred.
  2. Insects can be carriers of the causative agent of Volyn fever and other infectious diseases. They are characterized by fever and severe pain in the legs. Excessive rashes appear.
  3. Development of secondary pyoderma. First, wounds and scratches on the skin of the eyelids become infected, then the process spreads. Vesicles appear on the surface, which can then fester.
  4. The appearance of allergies. When the reaction is severe, swelling occurs and the person cannot open the eyelids. With severe allergies, the tissues of the nasopharynx can be affected, which leads to breathing problems. Rarely, death is possible.

One often hears concerns that lice carry typhus. This is a dangerous disease that can cause complications in the lungs, heart and intestines, as well as cause the death of the patient. However, it is only carried by body lice and head lice. Insects living on eyelashes cannot cause this disease.

Traditional methods of treatment for phthiriasis

All traditional methods for removing lice on eyelashes should be used with great care to avoid eye damage and infection.

One of the old and effective folk remedies is the use of a solution of kerosene and ordinary soap, diluted in equal quantities. This mixture must be applied with caution so as not to get into your eyes. You need to leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse everything off with warm water.

Less commonly used is sulfur ointment, which must be applied to the affected areas daily, and tar soap.

What to do if lice and nits appear on eyelash extensions

Many people believe that lice cannot live on artificial materials. In reality this is not the case. Insects use eyelashes to attach the larvae, and the parasites feed on blood, so synthetic materials do not prevent infection. If lice are found after extensions, you should first inform the specialist so that he can carry out treatment.

This will prevent re-infestation and transmission of insects to other clients in the future. Then you need to remove the artificial eyelashes and begin treatment with standard methods.

Treatment of pubic lice and nits

To get rid of pubic lice, you can use them as medications in the form of shampoos, sprays, solutions or gels. You can also use folk remedies. Read about everything in detail below.

Also remember to wash all clothes and bedding during treatment.

But first, let's look at the fastest way to remove the parasite, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article.

How to remove flatheads quickly?

I offer you an extra quick way to remove pubic lice from your body. With this method, even nits will not have a chance. Simply take a sharp razor and remove all the hair in the pubic area, under the arms and anywhere you notice insects. As a rule, the parasite does not like to live on the hair of the arms and legs, so treating only the two areas described above is completely sufficient.

If you take care of your hair, I suggest other effective methods of treating pubic lice.

By the way, in American clinics the hot dry air method is very often used. Lice love moisture and cannot tolerate dry air. Therefore, if you direct a hair dryer stream at them for 20 minutes with an air temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, then the flats will not be able to stay on the hair and will simply fall off. The method does not work on nits.

But we will not go to extremes and will use simple, proven methods.

Remedy for lice pubis

Most medications for lice pubis do not work on nits. Therefore, it is important to repeat the initial treatment after 7 days.

Some parasites can become resistant to treatment. Then, if you feel that the itching remains and it does not help, be sure to consult your doctor and he will prescribe another drug.

The most popular drugs for phthiriasis are based on permethrin, as well as melathion.

Here are the ones that are used:

  1. Medifox solution. The active ingredient is permethrin. It is produced in 2 ml ampoules or dropper bottles. To use, dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 50 ml of water, and then generously treat the affected areas. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water and soap or shampoo. Next, it is recommended to comb out the lice with a special comb and repeat the procedure after 7 days. Avoid contact with eyes, mouth, and genital mucous membranes.
  2. Pedillin shampoo is used to combat both head and pubic lice. Active ingredient: Malathion. Kills only adults and larvae, has no effect on eggs. Therefore, be sure to repeat the treatment after 7 days. It is recommended to apply for 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water and do the same again.
  3. Nittifor cream. The active ingredient is permethrin. The cream is evenly distributed over the coffee and hair and left for 10 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and shampoo and repeat the procedure after 7 days.
  4. Benzyl benzoate ointment. To get rid of pubic lice, it is better to use 20% ointment. It is convenient because it does not need to be washed off. It is enough to rub it into the affected area once a day on days 1, 3 and 7. Then you need to wash with soap. It is recommended to repeat the procedure after a week.

How to get rid of intimate lice at home?

People have been familiar with lice pubis for many years, so previous generations also knew how to fight it with natural remedies.

So people knew that many herbs contained natural permethrin. These are tansy, aster, chamomile. Concentrated extracts from them will also easily defeat phthiriasis. Read the article on how to prepare a solution of the natural insecticide Pyrethrum.

We also used a solution of rhizomes with Chemeritsa roots. In pharmacies it is called hellebore water. It is necessary to smear the skin and hair generously, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Repeat the procedure in a week.

Treatment of pubic lice on eyelashes

In fact, the parasite does not really like eyebrows and eyelashes. But if it gets on the child’s body, then most often it is in these areas.

Infection can occur if a baby sleeps with an adult with phthiriasis. Also when using shared towels or clothes. A very rare occurrence in the pool.

In this case, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. Because if chemicals get into your eyes, severe irritation can occur. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe correct and safe treatment.

However, it should be noted that you can wash your face with Pedillin shampoo, which is used in the treatment of head lice. Vaseline oil is also popular among folk remedies. It is recommended to apply it to your eyebrows and eyelashes at night, and in the morning try to pull out and comb out lice and nits.

Duration of treatment

How long does it take to treat eyelash lice? Usually, as with the fight against head lice, treatment requires an integrated approach and a long time .

The course of treatment also depends on the degree of infection. If you have a small outbreak, it will take a day or two to get rid of it.

If the degree is advanced, then treatment may require weeks and sometimes months. On average, the course of treatment for lice on eyelashes takes three to five days , followed by prevention for a month to avoid recurrence.

Treatment methods

If a person suspects he has lice on his eyelashes, the first step should be to see a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the optimal treatment method. Phthiriasis on eyelashes is treated in two ways:

  • Mechanical – involves removing insects and nits manually using a special eyelash comb or tweezers. Before using tweezers, you should lubricate your eyelashes with Vaseline, which will help “slow down” the insects and prevent them from escaping. Removing lice and nits with tweezers must be done several times until they are completely exterminated;
  • Chemical - using special ointments or creams, but only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. The most commonly prescribed remedies for head lice are usually Permethrin emulsion, the use of which is permissible in the eye area, but with a lower concentration of the active substance: the drug should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. You can also use Pedilin, Nyx, Para Plus, Nyuda, Paranit, Veda, Medifox, Lavinal, which are applied with a cotton swab along the hair growth line. After waiting the required time, the product is washed off with water.

Remedies for lice
The most radical way is to completely trim the eyelashes. It is used most often in children for whom it is very difficult to cope with this problem in other ways.

Possible complications

Lice can carry infectious diseases and provoke the appearance of bacterial and viral diseases. Serious complications of phthiriasis include:

  1. Parasites carry bacteria that lead to the development of typhus. The infectious disease is characterized by a cyclic course, severe fever, and a specific rash. Pathology is treated in an infectious diseases hospital. Threatens complications from the intestines, heart, lungs.
  2. Volyn rash is transmitted from person to person by lice. The infection is manifested by a pronounced temperature reaction, intense pain in the lower extremities, and profuse rashes.
  3. Secondary pyoderma appears when bacteria enter the skin through scratching or wounds. Numerous vesicles appear on the body, filled with purulent contents.
  4. People prone to allergies may experience an allergic reaction to bloodsucker bites. It is manifested by swelling of the eyelids and severe itching.

Pubic lice require treatment as quickly as possible. Advanced cases of the disease are treated for several weeks.

Symptoms and photos

It is quite difficult to quickly get rid of phthiriasis, so the sooner the patient sees a doctor, the more effective the treatment will be. And for this you need to know all the symptoms of the disease. The infected person has:

  • There is severe itching near the roots of the hairs and on the eyelids. It most often appears at night, since it is at this time that the parasites are more active.
  • The eyelids swell and it is difficult for the patient to open his eyes in the morning.
  • Since nits are attached to the eyelashes using a special substance, the patient’s eyelashes are glued together.
  • Bubbles with liquid inside appear near the eyes. They look like purulent discharge that has a whitish-yellowish tint.
  • The eyelids may darken due to lice laying eggs. It is impossible to wash them off with plain water.

The development of the disease on the eyelashes resembles a purulent inflammatory process with a huge number of nits. These are small dots that most often accumulate at the roots of the hairs. Not knowing about the disease, the patient thinks that it is pus that comes out of the eyes.

Therefore, he resorts to various manipulations to get rid of it.

Long, well-groomed eyelashes are an important detail in the appearance of almost every modern representative of the fair sex. Today, most women and girls from a very young age do not go out without first applying makeup to their eyes or at least applying mascara to their eyelashes.

This is easily explained: with the help of mascara they give the look openness and attractiveness. The fact is that many women have eyelashes that are not only thin, but also colorless at the ends.

Mascara helps make their color brighter, the eyelashes themselves thicker and longer.

Pubic lice: causes and treatment

Once on the body, the louse attaches itself to the skin and begins to drink blood. At the same time, it secretes a special substance, which provokes severe itching and irritation. At the end of feeding, the parasite injects a secretion into the wound that prevents the blood from clotting. As a result, the bites do not heal for a long time. Then the insects begin to multiply. The female lays approximately 7 eggs at a time.

Nits are attached to the base of the hair, and they stay there very tightly. It is not possible to get rid of them even in the shower.

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When lice and nits appear on eyelashes, you need to learn as much as possible about the intricacies of their removal. This is due to the risk of complications, since during processing the toxic substance can get on the mucous membranes. It is recommended to ask your questions to a specialist online.

How is this possible - lice on eyebrows?

Marina, St. Petersburg, 29 years old “I’ve never heard of lice on the face. But yesterday I saw something in a man’s eyelashes, and later I found out that they were insects. Tell me, how is this even possible?” Expert opinion Valery Aleksandrovich Galanin Acarologist, research institute employee, specializing in arachnids “The reason for the appearance of lice is contact with an infected person. Parasites may end up on the pubic area, then spread to free areas where the living conditions are suitable for them - the hair should have a triangular cross-section, which will allow the parasites to stay securely on it. I wish you not to become infected with phthiriasis!”

Can there be lice in the armpit if it itches constantly?

Olga, Pskov, 39 years old “Recently, armpit itching appeared. I heard this is one of the signs of lice. Is this so?” Expert opinionAnastasia Nikolaevna MikhailovaExpert on garden insect pests, biologist, chemist. “Yes, it’s true. Itching in certain places already suggests a lice infestation, but it is important to find confirmation of your suspicions, otherwise it will simply be a symptom of dry skin or a skin disease. If you see nits on the hairs, you can assume the development of pediculosis. But I hope that it's just skin irritation that manifests itself this way. Do not be ill!"

Where to go if there are lice on your eyelashes? Where did they come from?

Anastasia, Krasnodar, 27 years old “Who should we call if we notice lice on a relative’s face? What are the reasons for this phenomenon? I want to prevent its occurrence in the future.” Expert opinion Evgeniy Igorevich Bragin Entomologist, 19 years of scientific experience. “For all questions regarding infectious diseases, contact the SES, but lice on the eyelashes are not a reason to do this, since they are easier to remove than with head lice. I'm sure you can handle it yourself. And it’s easy to prevent the disease - avoid direct contact with an infected person, and even more so, you should not have sexual intercourse with him.”

Can you get infected from trying mascara in a store?

Irina, Perm, 42 years old “I had to deal with lice on my eyelashes (a relative had insects), and since then I have a phobia - I’m afraid to even use mascara samples in the store, not to mention using eyelash extensions. Is there a risk of catching parasites in this way?” Expert’s opinion Valery Aleksandrovich Galanin Acarologist, research institute employee, specializing in arachnids “Don’t worry, it’s unlikely. For lice to come to you from a tube of mascara, several conditions must be met: an infected woman literally used the product in front of you, the parasites did not have time to die; the louse or nit did not fall into the tube, but lingered on the brush. In addition, extensions do not contribute to the development of pediculosis, since the cross-sectional shape of the hairs is important, and not their length or quantity. Do not be ill."

Lice and nits appeared on eyelash extensions, what to do?

Many people believe that parasites cannot appear on eyelash extensions. However, this situation occurs because the parasite feeds on blood, receiving it through the skin of the eyelid. Artificial material does not protect against parasite infection.

If such an unpleasant situation occurs, it is necessary to remove the eyelash extensions and then continue treatment using standard methods.

Can chronic conjunctivitis develop due to lice on eyelashes?

Vitalina, Nizhny Novgorod, 39 years old “My uncle’s eyes are always inflamed and fester. He says he is treating, but there is no result. Could this be the result of the appearance of insects in the eyelashes?” Expert opinion Evgeniy Igorevich Bragin Entomologist, 19 years of scientific experience. “Of course, conjunctivitis is a consequence of pathogenic particles entering the mucous membranes. As a result, inflammation develops, which leads to complications in the form of eye diseases. Let your uncle see a doctor, don’t get sick!”

Can you get lice from shaking hands?

Inga, Moscow, 31 years old “I work with different people, not all of them follow the rules of hygiene. Tell me, can I get lice if I shake hands with a person with lice?” Expert opinion Evgeniy Igorevich Bragin Entomologist, 19 years of scientific experience. "This is unlikely. Let me explain: lice are transmitted through direct contact if an infected area has been touched. They live in the hair, so they cannot end up on the smooth skin of the palms. This is only possible if there is a hair with a nit or lice on a person’s hand, and then it gets to you.”

Signs of pubic lice

Pubic lice have the following symptoms:

  • Itching at the site of the bites , which can manifest itself in different ways - from a slight feeling of discomfort to severe itching and burning day and night.
  • Violet-blue spots with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm, visible to the naked eye. They are formed as a result of hemorrhages that appear at the site of the bite and the injection of secretion by the parasites against blood clotting.
  • An allergic reaction, expressed in the form of a rash, redness, swelling and tearing.
  • The appearance of dark brown dots (parasite excrement) on the underwear.
  • Presence of nits.
  • Loss of appetite, nausea and insomnia.

Pubic lice are less common in women than in men, since for the most part they are more responsible about genital hygiene and choosing a sexual partner. As a rule, in women, in addition to the pubic area, the anal areas of the skin are also affected.

What must be done when treating phthiriasis

Pubic lice can hide not only on a person’s body, but also in his personal belongings. Therefore, during treatment, it is important to treat underwear, clothing, bedding, and towels. It is better to soak all items that can be washed in a pediculicide solution and wash at high temperature, and after drying, carefully iron or treat with a steam generator. Closets where clothes and linen are stored should be washed with a pediculicide solution. It is advisable to treat mattresses and upholstered furniture with a steam cleaner. Since lice can wait out unfavorable times in a state of suspended animation, it is necessary to do a general cleaning and wash all surfaces with an insecticide solution. This will remove insects from the home that could survive the treatment and then return to the human body.

How to get rid of pubic lice?

Treatment of pubic lice is possible using several methods:

  • Chemical - influencing parasites with special medications. Some disrupt the functioning of the nervous system, paralyze and kill lice, while others envelop them in an airtight film, leading to suffocation.
  • Folk - using home treatment methods.
  • Mechanical - complete shaving of hair followed by antiseptic treatment.

The most effective, fastest and easiest way to remove phthiriasis is chemical. However, as a result of its use, the patient may experience a severe allergic reaction and poisoning of the body.

It should be used with caution after consultation with your attending dermatovenerologist.

Boric ointment

An effective remedy for pubic lice - it has antiseptic, antiparasitic and antifungal properties. The ointment should be applied to the affected area, and after 20-30 minutes, wash off the ointment and comb out the parasites with a fine comb.

The dosage and number of applications depends on the stage of the disease.

The use of 5% boric ointment to combat head lice is possible only after consultation with your doctor, since the drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age, pregnant and lactating women, people with skin diseases and kidney failure.


External remedy for pubic lice and nits - has insecticidal and antiparasitic properties. Nittifor is available in the form of a cream and a ready-to-use aqueous-alcohol solution.

It is rubbed into the affected areas, after which after some time the dead spots and nits are combed out with a fine comb. The cream is not recommended for use in children under 5 years of age, during pregnancy, allergic reactions or acute inflammatory skin lesions.

An aqueous-alcohol solution of Nittifor is applied to the affected skin, left for 40 minutes and washed off with warm water. It is recommended to carry out 2 treatments with an interval of 5-7 days.


Available in the form of a cream (gel) for hair and a 5% concentrate for preparing an emulsion. The active substance is permethrin, which actively fights pubic lice and nits.

A 0.2% aqueous emulsion (4 ml of a 5% solution diluted in 100 ml of water) is prepared immediately before use and applied generously to the scalp, and then after 20 minutes, washed off with running warm water using soap or shampoo.

The product is not recommended for children under 1 year of age, nursing women and persons sensitive to permethrin.

Other means

In addition to the above drugs, you can use:

  • Pediculen Ultra Lotion - when fighting pubic lice, the lotion is applied to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with water. After this, comb out lice and nits with a fine comb. A week later the procedure is repeated.
  • Pedilin shampoo and emulsion is produced to combat head lice, but also effectively fights pubic lice. Apply with a cotton swab and wash off after 25-35 minutes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after two weeks.
  • Medilis-super is a drug that is destructive to lice and nits. The mixture is applied for 20-30 minutes, and then washed off with soap. Dead lice and nits are combed out with a fine comb.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of pubic lice at home should begin with complete removal of hair in the affected areas. Since lice attach to the base of the hair, shaving does not guarantee complete removal of the parasites.

Let's look at the most common methods:

  • with apple cider vinegar lasts three days. Vinegar is diluted in a 3% concentration and applied to the affected areas for 30-60 minutes, then washed off. With this method, the hair does not need to be shaved. Under the influence of acetic acid, lice and nits peel off from the hair and die.
  • Birch tar - course of treatment - 9-10 days. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter is mixed with 1 tbsp. fly in the ointment. Treat the affected areas with the resulting mixture.
  • Hellebore water , which has antiparasitic properties - before use, wash and dry the infected areas, carefully apply hellebore water to the scalp, rinse after 10-15 minutes. It does not kill nits, but significantly weakens their connection with the hair. Therefore, at the end of the procedure, you should comb out the nits with a special lice comb. In advanced cases, the procedure can be repeated after 1-1.5 weeks. When working with hellebore water, you should be careful. It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age.
  • Using kerosene, lice can be removed in one day. Prepare a mixture of 1 part kerosene and 10 parts sunflower oil. Gauze soaked in this mixture is applied to the affected area, covered with cellophane film and secured with a band-aid. After three hours, the gauze is removed, the treated area is thoroughly washed and treated with a rich cream or oil. The kerosene treatment method should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, school-age children, or for skin irritation. It should be used with great caution, as kerosene can burn the mucous surfaces of the genital organs and skin.

Treating pubic lice yourself at home is not entirely the right decision because not all traditional methods are effective and beneficial for the patient.

Pubic louse is often only a concomitant disease with other more dangerous sexually transmitted problems (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis). Only a competent dermatovenerologist can cope with them.

Preventive actions

Prevention of phthiriasis is more advisable than long, painful and unpleasant treatment. Preventing the appearance of lice on eyelashes and eyebrows is designed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Its actions are easy for children and adults to perform.

Maintaining a high level of hygiene includes taking a shower every day, washing thoroughly, regularly changing clothes, underwear and bed linen, and applying repellent sprays to the entire body. Even in places with large crowds of people, where there is a chance of becoming infected with parasites, you need to use only personal items and belongings, and minimize contact with strangers. After any communication or touching, it is better to immediately wash your hands and vulnerable areas of the body.

Preventative washing of laundry with pre-soaking in hot water will not hurt. After drying, all items are ironed (steam) on both sides - lice and nits die from high temperatures. At the end of the action, equipment and the bathroom are also treated with special aerosols.

Prevention of head lice on eyelashes and eyebrows

You cannot completely insure yourself against the occurrence of blood-sucking parasites on your eyelashes and eyebrows. However, you can reduce the risk of developing phthiriasis by taking into account the following recommendations:

  • First of all, it is important to adhere to all hygiene rules . Regular showering and washing is important. This will make it possible to quickly identify parasites and promptly eliminate them.
  • When visiting public places, be vigilant. After contact with strangers and using shared objects, wash your hands and disinfect parts of the body through which you may have become infected.
  • It is important not to use other people's hygiene products. Try to avoid other people's cosmetics, towels, and bed linen.
  • You need to change your underwear regularly , not only by washing it, but also by ironing it.

hygiene rules

Phthiriasis is not a reason to panic. There are a number of means to help get rid of it as quickly as possible. But it is important to start treatment as early as possible - this will help prevent unpleasant consequences.

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Pubic lice can affect anyone, regardless of their lifestyle. To reduce the likelihood of illness, you should take the following measures:

  • carefully observe personal hygiene;
  • do not engage in sexual contact with strangers;
  • do not use other people's bed linen;
  • do not wear other people's clothes and underwear;
  • do not use other people's towels.

In public places, you should protect yourself as much as possible from lice. For example, you should not sit on the seats in the sauna or in the changing room of the swimming pool without a personal sheet or bedding.

After visiting a place where infection is possible, you must thoroughly wash, wash and iron your clothes with a hot iron. For prevention purposes, it is worth removing hair in intimate areas.

If you suspect a pubic lice infestation, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment, preventing the insect population from increasing many times over. If you start fighting right away, you can get rid of them quickly and without health consequences.

Types of lice in humans

Types of lice are classified based on their shape and area of ​​infestation.

Head lice: This type of lice is usually found on the scalp. Lice have an elongated body type and are the most common organism that usually visits children during childhood.

Body lice: This is a type of lice that usually infects the hair on the body, especially the abdominal area. The causative agent is the body louse Pediculus humanus corporis.

lice on eyelashes photo

Phthiriasis: This louse has a crab-shaped body and is found in the pubic region and at the base of the pubic hair. Infestation and spread of lice on eyelashes and eyelids is a manifestation of pubic lice infestation.

Parasite identification

Having discovered lice on their eyelashes, many people mistakenly think that it is lice that have spread from the head. In fact, this phenomenon has its own name - phthiriasis , which is characterized as lice pubis.

It sounds strange, but it is pubic lice that are able to “linger” on the eyelashes. These parasites settle on the pubis, armpits, and, in more rare cases, on the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Lice cling to the skin at the root of the hair and feed on human blood. Another unpleasant feature is that pubic lice can cause palpebral lice and cause unpleasant consequences for the eyes.

also very small in size - up to three millimeters , usually yellow in color, and look like crabs. They move little, but they reproduce quickly, laying eggs daily. Adult parasites live up to 30 days.

Symptoms of the disease

Did you know that yours
are vulnerable to lice infestation?

Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp, but are sometimes found living on the eyebrows and eyelashes. Because lice are easily transmitted from person to person.

Such cases are common in schools and affect all socio-economic groups.

Do you know how to determine the presence of lice in a child's hair?

While lice are not dangerous, they are extremely irritating to the skin and carry a variety of infections.

Lice are wingless insects that feed on the blood and skin of people. An adult louse can attach itself to the skin around the hair and then lay eggs (nits) and multiply greatly. Nits are attached to the follicle of the hair itself and last for 6 to 10 days. Within 15 days, the nits become adults and lay even more eggs.

  1. Sudden extreme itching;
  2. Feeling unwell or tired;
  3. Low fever;
  4. Redness of the eyes;
  5. Conjunctivitis;

Also among the secondary symptoms can be identified “Small irritated red spots from lice bites.”

At high magnification, lice can be seen at the base of the hair. Interestingly, their bodies look clear, but at first glance the doctor can only see how

flows through their bodies, which you scratched to escape the itch.

lice treatment focuses on physically removing lice with fine tweezers. Nits should also be removed if possible. An antibiotic is sometimes prescribed (if the scale of the infestation is huge) as a method of suffocating the lice. Commercially prepared chemicals and shampoos are sold in pharmacies and are generally not recommended for use on eyebrow and eyelash lice for fear of causing eye irritation or damage.

How to treat head lice?

If you or your child has lice, you want treatment that works quickly. Lice affect 6–12 million schoolchildren each year. In many geographic locations in the United States where there are lice that are resistant to permethrin-based treatments, you need to know how to properly get rid of lice.

Experts offer several basic recommendations to help control these parasites:

  1. If you see lice on your child's head or body, they need to be treated.
  2. If you live with or are around someone who has lice, you need to get it checked.
  3. Anyone sharing a bed with someone who has lice should be treated at the same time as the infested person.

If you don't want to use chemicals, talk to your doctor about other options. Wet combing is one technique. You simply wet your hair and use a fine-tooth comb to remove active lice and their eggs. You will need to do this every week for at least 3 weeks.

Some believe that you can smother and kill lice by using fatty substances such as Vaseline, mayonnaise or olive oil. But this may not work.

If a child rubs

Your doctor can diagnose lice on eyelashes and eyebrows using a slit-lamp biomicroscope. It is used to study the site of invasion.

It is important to remember that lice infestation on eyelashes, eyebrows and eyelids is a manifestation of pubic lice infestation. Recurrence of lice on eyelashes in children may be a sign of child abuse (contact local police).

Lice larvae are characterized by a higher degree of viability than adult parasites. They are able to remain viable for over a week. Infection can even occur through washed laundry. Parasites attach to eyebrow hairs and eyelashes due to the sticky component they secrete. Therefore, they cannot even be washed off with running water.

The disease picture is often similar to diseases associated with the eyes. Therefore, a doctor must make an accurate diagnosis. If at least some signs appear, medical consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Allergic reactions can also occur due to secretions that insects leave on the skin. Constant mechanical irritation leads to swelling, tearing, the appearance of wounds and irritation, and when parasites or substances secreted by them enter, conjunctivitis develops.

The presence of small pimples and pustules filled with yellowish-transparent liquid is a sign of phthiriasis. Over time, black-brown spots appear on areas of the skin that cannot be washed off. This is how abundant clutches of insect eggs manifest themselves.

Difficulty opening your eyes after sleep is considered a symptom of the disease. Lice on eyelashes actively attach new nits, causing the hairs to stick together. When examining the area around the eyes, small lumps may be felt, which are eggs and adult parasites.

The presence of small pimples and pustules on the eyelashes is a sign of phthiriasis

As eyelash lice spread, the affected area expands. The area of ​​damaged skin increases and its protective layer deteriorates. Each wound can become a source of infection for diseases carried by these parasites.

Lice on eyebrows and eyelashes are removed only in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. The most common treatment methods:

  1. Mechanical, including combing out insects and nits with a special comb. For single removal, tweezers are also used. This treatment is carried out several times a day and takes 2-4 weeks. The radical method is the complete removal of eyelashes and eyebrows and further treatment with medicinal agents.
  2. The chemical method consists of using various drugs. The skin around the eyes is especially delicate, and the closely located mucous membrane does not allow the use of aggressive drugs. Therefore, it is practiced to treat the site of infection with Pedilin, Medifox, Nike, Nittifor, Permethrin, diluted with warm liquid in proportions 1:1. The solution is applied with a cotton swab along the hair growth, washed off after half an hour with running water. Treatment is repeated several times as necessary, taking about a month.
  3. The traditional method of treatment includes the use of more dangerous ointments - sulfur and mercury. Before applying them, the area around the eyes is treated with Vaseline. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day and takes 1 month.

Very often, lice on eyelashes are confused with another disease - pediculosis, which can spread from the head, but in reality everything is a little different.

Lice on eyelashes are correctly called phthiriasis, since other types of lice, pubic lice, linger and multiply on them. Also, do not think that pubic lice are found exclusively on the hair of the genitals - not at all.

They can be found in the armpits, from where they can gradually reach the eyebrows and eyelashes.


This type of parasite prefers to cling to the very base of the hair and, firmly attached to it, feed on human blood. But their negative impact on the body is not limited to this. Pubic lice living on the eyelashes can cause so-called palpebral lice, which can subsequently affect the functioning of the eye.

The size of these parasites is extremely small. One louse does not exceed three millimeters, and sometimes it is even less. As a rule, lice are yellow or red in color and look like crabs.

Unlike their counterparts, pubic lice move extremely little, but at the same time the speed of their reproduction process is extremely high. Every day, parasites are able to lay new eggs, developing new cilia.

We suggest you read: How to quickly get rid of lice at home

Their lifespan does not exceed one month on average.

Phthiriasis appears very rarely on eyelashes, and there may be several reasons for contracting this unpleasant disease. First of all, direct contact with the patient.

Most often, such lice live on the hair of the genital organs, and therefore sexual contact with the patient is enough for the lice to move to a new host, and then spread to the armpits and eyelashes.

Sometimes even a kiss, a hug or a simple handshake is enough for phthiriasis to appear.

The fact is that the patient may unconsciously and not even intentionally scratch the itchy spots in the armpits or pubic area. In this case, the louse can get under the nail and later spread to another person. The same thing happens when nits move from the pubis to the eyelashes.

The parasite lingers on the hand and then settles on the eyebrows or eyelashes when a person touches these places.

The next opportunity to become infected with phthiriasis is to use the patient’s personal belongings. It is enough to dry the patient with a towel, put on his hat, and lie down on contaminated bed linen.

Nits are one of those parasites that are unable to remain without a foreign organism for a long time. One day is enough for them to die, being torn from the human body.

This is why lice often move from body to body using eggs (nits), which can land on individual items such as a towel or hat.

Lice on a child's eyelashes

Accordingly, in a swimming pool, beach, sauna, solarium, water park, or in public transport, you must be extremely careful and not use other people’s hygiene products.

Pubic lice behave on the human body in the same way as any other similar parasites that cause lice. First of all, they attach tightly to the hair, and once established in a new place, they bite. They feed exclusively on human blood.

The itching that appears from their presence on the body is not caused by bites, but by the liquid that they secrete after absorbing blood. After the louse has had enough, they release their specific secretion into the open wound, which prevents the blood from clotting and the wound from healing.

Therefore, very often, after lice are removed from the human body, there are many unhealed wounds left behind, which can still cause pain later.

Once the parasites have settled on the body, they begin to mate and reproduce. As a result, the female is able to lay up to seven new eggs every day. Each harmful organism is attached to the eyelash very tightly. As a result, even water procedures are not able to wash them off from the hair root.

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