6 symptoms of pubic lice and where do they come from?

Pubic lice are parasitic insects that live on the human body in the genital area and pubic area. They can settle in the armpits, on the chest and abdomen, beard and even eyelashes.

Such lice are scientifically called pediculosis pubis (phthiriasis) and belongs to the group of sexually transmitted infections.

Features of pubic lice

Pubic lice, or lice, are parasites that live primarily in the groin area. Outwardly, they look like crabs: their body has a round shape. The body has a large pectoral element, which tapers towards the rear of the abdomen. The front legs of the insect are thin, the hind legs are thicker. There is a hook on the limbs, with the help of which the louse attaches to human hair.

Parasites have special outgrowths in the oral cavity with which they pierce the skin and are able to feed on blood.

The insect has a light brown body color. The average length of the flats is 2 mm. Due to their small size, it is quite difficult to detect pubic lice with the naked eye.

Pubic lice, located at the base of the hairs, look like small seals.

The peculiarity of these bloodsuckers is that they remain in one place for a long time and do not move. But this does not stop them from reproducing. During their life, flatworms lay eggs, which are called nits. The latter are a kind of capsule that is firmly attached to the hair at a distance of 1-3 cm from the skin.

The female is capable of laying up to 3 eggs at a time.

Plasters that live in the groin area can only live on the human body, feeding on blood. If they get into the environment, then, left without a food source, they quickly die.

With lice pubis, a person experiences severe itching resulting from the mite piercing the skin.

While on the human body, the pubic louse feeds on his blood every 4-5 hours. These parasites multiply quite quickly.

Unlike other types of lice, pubic lice are not carriers of infectious diseases.

The lifespan of parasites of this species is 24 days.

What do pubic lice look like?

Pubic lice are an inconspicuous yellow-gray color. They resemble small crabs up to 2-3 millimeters in size. Pubic lice live for about 25-30 days and feed on human blood. One individual lays about 50 eggs.

A cluster of pubic lice nits may look like a large amount of dandruff, especially on the chest area of ​​men.

Routes of infection

Pubic lice infestation occurs:

  • during intimacy. Parasites crawl from the hairs of an infected person onto the body of a healthy person and cause the development of phthiriasis,
  • through bedding that contains lice eggs or parasitic individuals themselves,
  • in the swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna and solarium,
  • through the use of someone else's underwear and other items of personal clothing.

People at risk for this type of infection include:

  • leading a promiscuous sex life,
  • without a fixed place of residence,
  • employees of hairdressing salons, saunas, laundries, baths,
  • living in dormitories and barracks,
  • children and workers of preschool educational institutions,
  • persons in prison.

The most common method of transmission is sexual contact with an infected person.

The disease is often transmitted in hotels and other similar establishments that do not pay due attention to the cleanliness of bed linen.

How can you get pubic lice?

A louse can be detected by visual inspection in the groin area. Pubic lice in men, in addition to the groin area, can affect the hair in the chest area.

It is important to know where lice come from in order to avoid them. The main methods of infection are considered to be sexual contact with a carrier of lice and household infection, when pubic lice are transmitted to a healthy person in a bathhouse, swimming pool, on the beach and other public places.

Infection on trains and hotels can occur due to poor sanitation of bed linen and towels.

The following categories of people are at risk:

  • Hairdressers, bath attendants, workers of solariums, swimming pools and trains;
  • Children and employees of preschool institutions, health camps;
  • Persons living in barracks and dormitories;
  • Prison prisoners;
  • Women of easy virtue and their clients;
  • Homeless people and tramps.

Symptoms of infection

Symptoms of phthiriasis are expressed as follows:

  • itching of the skin,
  • local thickenings on the skin,
  • papules and blisters forming in the affected areas,
  • inflammatory processes on the skin caused by scratching the affected areas,
  • burning in the areas of the anus and external genitalia,
  • red or blue spots that quickly disappear and occur as a result of secretion deposits or blood sucking,
  • scratching in affected areas,
  • the appearance of brown particles,
  • inflammatory processes associated with the addition of a secondary infection that penetrates through scratched skin,
  • dark brown-orange spots on underwear, which are waste products of parasites, as well as lice and larvae on it.

Signs of lice pubis are no different in men and women.

Signs of appearance

Pubic lice are practically invisible among the hair, so for a long time a person may not realize that the cause of the discomfort is lice. The signs of the appearance of these parasites on the body are similar in men and women. Among them are:

  • Severe itching, especially worse at night.

  • Rash and bluish blisters at the site of bites.
  • Inflammation and peeling of the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin: thickening, redness.
  • Dermatitis or eczema. These diseases can appear as a secondary infection when germs enter open wounds in areas of scratching.
  • Dark spots on underwear. They are a product of the vital activity of parasites.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by specialists: a dermatologist and a venereologist.

To identify lice on the skin of intimate places, you should undergo some diagnostic measures.

The main method of identifying the disease is a visual examination of the affected areas of the patient’s skin. To determine pathology, a specialist uses a magnifying glass.

To identify nits, hair that has scales is examined under a microscope.

A Wood's lamp is also used to examine lice: in its light, nits fluoresce, which are difficult to see with the naked eye.

After identifying a parasitic disease, the specialist prescribes a course of treatment.

Consequences of lice pubis

Lice do not pose a danger to humans, but due to constant scratching, the integrity of the skin is compromised. If left untreated, the lesions can develop into eczema, which in turn can cause secondary sexually transmitted infections, boils and abscesses.

When pubic lice settle on the eyelashes, inflammation of the edges of the eyelids (blepharitis) and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis) can form.

Only timely diagnosis and individual treatment from a dermatovenerologist, taking into account the characteristics of each patient, will help cope with this disease and its possible consequences.

Ways to process things

To effectively get rid of lice pubis, it is necessary to remove parasites not only from the skin, but also from clothing, underwear and bed linen.

When processing things at home, you should use the following methods:

  • wash clothing and linen at high temperatures (95°C). Insecticides can be added to water
  • soak things for 20 minutes in a composition of soap shavings and kerosene, taken in equal proportions, and then wash them with powder,
  • treat things with steam.

Treatment of underwear and bed linen is a mandatory procedure in the presence of lice. These parasites can be completely eliminated only with an integrated approach.

Personal hygiene

When symptoms of lice pubis appear, special attention should be paid to personal hygiene. Necessary:

  • make a daily change of underwear and bed linen, which must be washed thoroughly in hot water and using special products,
  • shave the hair on the affected areas of the skin,
  • wash daily using a washcloth,
  • iron items of linen and clothing after washing,
  • if the lice is not too pronounced, carry out wet cleaning every 10 days using a weak vinegar solution in all living rooms,
  • Use only personal hygiene items.

Treatment methods

There are many ways to get rid of flat spots.

Drug treatment involves the use of the following:

  • "Spray-Pax" in the form of an aerosol. This remedy consists of substances that have a toxic effect on parasites. The spray should be sprayed onto areas affected by lice: the pubic area, anus, external genitalia. Half an hour after application, the product is washed off. The manufacturer indicates that a single use of the spray will be sufficient to kill lice,
  • "Nittifor", aqueous-alcohol solution. This product destroys both larvae and mature individuals. Nittifor is applied to the affected areas and washed off with water after 40 minutes. A week later, for preventive purposes, the procedure is repeated,
  • "Pedilin." This is an anti-parasite shampoo, the action of which is aimed at destroying nits. The product also has a preventive effect, preventing the likelihood of re-infection with head lice. Apply the shampoo to slightly dampened hair in affected areas and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.
  • "Vitar". The anti-lice product comes in the form of soap, so it is very easy to use. It is enough to lather the affected skin, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water,
  • Medilix. The spray contains clove oil. It is sprayed onto infested areas and left to kill parasites for 30 minutes. After this, the treated areas are washed generously with water,
  • sulfur-mercury ointment. The drug should be applied to the affected areas of the pubis, as well as into the hair. This ointment can be used only if there are no contraindications,
  • "Paranitis." The spray acts quickly due to the silicone compounds it contains. They bind parasites, leading to their suffocation and death. It should be applied to dry hair and left to act for no more than 20-30 minutes.
  • "Knicks". The ointment is good for lice pubis. It must be carefully and evenly applied to slightly moistened hair in the affected areas. Nyx must be removed 10 minutes after application,
  • Medifox. The medicine in the form of an emulsion is used for three days. It must be rubbed into the affected areas and left overnight.

You should purchase medications that the doctor recommends after diagnostic measures.

How to get rid of it?

The earlier a disease is detected, the faster and easier it is to cure it with minimal consequences for the body.

It is important to follow simple rules of effective therapy:

  • Treatment is carried out simultaneously in the patient and his sexual partner.
  • Heat treatment of things and items related to personal hygiene (ironing, boiling).
  • Hair removal from armpits, pubic area and chest.
  • Before using any medicine, be sure to treat the site of infection and the patient’s hands with antiseptic medical soap.

The simplest medicines to combat pubic parasites are pharmaceuticals. These are modern special products that are easy to apply, virtually have no odor, minimizing possible inconvenience for the patient.

The following are the most popular means in the fight against head lice:

  • Sulfur or mercury-sulfur ointment. A highly effective product, it can be used by rubbing into the skin up to 40 times. There may be side effects in the form of skin irritation or disruption of the nervous system.
  • Nittifor is a water-alcohol based lotion. It is convenient to apply it using a cotton swab, making sure to rub it into the hair roots. After application, wash off after ten minutes. Not effective against nits, requires repeated treatment after two weeks.
  • Pax. This is a combination drug. The main component is poison, which affects the nerve cells of parasites. A one-time use is sufficient, as its effect affects lice and nits.
  • Pedillin. Also an example of combined effects. Can be used as shampoo or emulsion. The product must be reapplied after two weeks and kept on the body for 30 minutes.
  • Medifox is an emulsion, suitable for use on various parts of the body, rubbed in for 3 days.
  • Malathion. Mainly presented in the form of shampoo or lotion, apply it to wet hair for no more than three minutes, requires thorough rinsing. It is optimal for use not only on the pubic part of the body (can also be used on the chest, abdomen).
  • Veda-2. The drug is presented in the form of an anti-lice shampoo. It affects both mature parasites and their larvae. It has a time of exposure to the affected areas of the skin for half an hour, repeat treatment with the product after 2 weeks, exclusively for preventive purposes.

How to treat at home?

In the treatment of pubic lice, not only purchased medications are effective, but also those prepared at home.

How to get rid of lice using folk recipes:

  • Birch tar. Mixed in equal quantities with butter. The treatment is effective after taking an evening shower for nine days
  • Sorrel with garlic. In a ratio of 3:1, combine parts of sorrel juice with garlic. The mixture is applied to the affected area for ten days.
  • Kerosene. Combine with vegetable oil in equal proportions. The best option would be to process and leave overnight for six hours. After ten days, the procedure must be repeated.
  • Vinegar. To prepare the product, you can use both table and apple cider vinegar (diluted with water up to 3%). This solution should be left on the hair for at least an hour for 3 days.
  • Lemon and mint. Mint leaves (2 tbsp) are combined in equal quantities with sunflower oil and the juice of one lemon. Used also with lemon zest. The crushed zest is combined with the finished mushy mass. Apply to the groin area for ten days. Once a day for 24 hours is enough, keeping it for 2 hours.

Folk remedies for lice removal

Removal of flats is possible using traditional methods. The most popular include the following:

  • treatment with vinegar. Any type of vinegar is suitable for this method: table, apple or wine. It needs to be diluted with water, based on the proportion of one part vinegar to three parts water, and treat the areas affected by lice with the resulting composition. After 40 minutes, rinse these areas
  • mint and pomegranate juice. You need to take 2 tablespoons of washed and crushed mint leaves, mix with a glass of natural pomegranate juice. Place the mixture on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Wipe the affected areas with the prepared mixture,
  • black cumin seeds. Grind the raw materials to a powder, pour in any vinegar (proportion – 1:1). Mix everything, apply the finished product to the affected areas, leave for 6 hours. After the specified time has passed, wash off the remaining cumin mass with warm water,
  • mixture with birch tar. To eliminate not only the manifestations of lice pubis, but also to destroy its causative agents, you should mix a tablespoon of tar and butter. Treat the affected areas with the resulting mixture. This ointment should be used immediately after taking a shower.
  • cranberry juice You need to squeeze the juice out of the berries and use it to treat all areas that have been affected by flatworms,
  • sorrel and garlic. You need to squeeze the juice out of the sorrel, take 3 tablespoons of the resulting liquid and mix with a teaspoon of chopped garlic. Apply the product once a day, the duration of treatment in this way is at least 10 days,
  • mixture with kerosene and garlic. To prepare a mass against pubic parasites, you need to combine 2 tablespoons of kerosene with a teaspoon of vinegar and a clove of garlic. This mixture should be rubbed into cleansed and dried skin several times a day,
  • hydrogen peroxide. This is a simple but effective method: peroxide causes paralysis of parasites and allows you to eliminate the disease as soon as possible. It is enough to rub the product with a cotton swab into the skin once a day. The course of therapy is 3 days.

Prevention measures

To prevent the risk of developing a disease such as lice pubis, a number of rules should be followed. They are to:

  • carefully observe personal hygiene standards,
  • do not use other people's clothes, underwear,
  • iron all things,
  • shave off pubic hair,
  • avoid sleeping on beds in dubious hotels,
  • wash your underwear and bed linen regularly,
  • limit sexual contacts with unfamiliar partners.

Pubic lice are parasites that attach to hairs growing in the intimate areas. The flats cause severe itching, burning, and can cause inflammation. They need to be dealt with comprehensively: using medications to treat the affected areas, but neglecting personal hygiene standards, it is impossible to get rid of pubic lice.

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