Celandine Spray against Fleas and Ticks for Decorative Rabbits and Cats

General information

Do rabbits have fleas?
Yes, two types of parasitic blood-sucking insects can live in the thick fur of these animals. The first type affects all domestic animals, the second can only be found in rabbits. But both varieties carry dangerous diseases. It is impossible to understand that a rabbit has fleas without a careful examination. The parasites are camouflaged in thick fur, and people become aware of them when the animals begin to itch intensely, clots of dried blood appear on their skin, and while combing, black or brown insects up to 0.5 cm long fall out. bite site, in the later stages it bites itself. An alarmed pet is a reason to contact a veterinary clinic, where they will make a diagnosis and select an effective medicine.

A pet can become infected through contact with sick animals, while walking outside, through equipment or furniture in which flea eggs live. These parasites cover distances of up to a meter in a jump and settle in fur coats, carpets, rugs and other fleecy surfaces.

What fleas do rabbits have?

Many farmers or lovers of decorative pets doubt whether rabbits have fleas . We are not talking about a cat or a dog. In fact, there are even several types of fleas found on rabbits:

  • human;
  • canine;
  • feline.

One insect lays up to 50 eggs per day. They appear on any free surface - the floor, cage walls, bedding of pets (the eggs are not attached to the fur). The danger is posed not only by adults, but also by eggs, pupae, and larvae.

The insect is not at all easy to detect. Its body has a size from 0.8 to 4 mm. Cat fleas are dark brown in color, while dog and human fleas are black. It is the small size and difficulty of detecting an insect in the fluffy undercoat that often makes visitors to a veterinary clinic or pharmacy doubt whether decorative rabbits have fleas.

Do domestic decorative rabbits get fleas?

Rabbits can get fleas just like any other animal. These pets have thick fur, which is an optimal environment for insects to live. Parasites can be seen with the naked eye; they measure 1.5-2 mm.

For infection to occur, three factors must be present:

  • the presence of a cat or dog that roams freely on the street and can become a carrier of fleas on the rabbit;
  • keeping your pet in the dirt;
  • High sensitivity of the rabbit to fleas.

Thus, we can conclude that the answer to the question of whether rabbits have fleas is positive. Rabbits that do not come into contact with any other pets and are kept in clean conditions are less susceptible to the appearance of blood-sucking insects.

What types of fleas infect rabbits?

There are more than 2 thousand varieties of fleas in the world. Of these, only 2 species parasitize rabbits.

All fleas have a similar structure. Their body, elongated in length and compressed at the sides, is covered with plates. The six long legs have bristles with which they cling to the fur. Initially, these insects flew, however, in the process of evolution, their wings disappeared as unnecessary. But the hind legs became much longer, and they adapted to jumping long distances. Among the sense organs, fleas have eyes and a pygidium, which allows them to sense air vibrations.

Insects live more than 3 months. During this time, one female will have time to lay 5 thousand eggs. They end up not only in the hair of all pets, but also in upholstered furniture and carpeting.

Types of fleas

Fleas in rabbits come in the following types:

  • canine;
  • felines;
  • human.

Expert opinion

Dobryshev Sergey Anatolievich

Professional rabbit breeder and hare breeder with 30 years of experience

Note! Rabbits also have their own fleas. That is, they live exclusively in the fur of these animals.

Insects lay their eggs not only in hair. They can do this on the floor, on carpets, in upholstered furniture. This is fraught with the fact that even if the parasites can be removed, there is a risk of secondary infection when paws and fur come into contact with nests located indoors.

Parasite development stages

When the flea is in the larval stage (imago), it is not able to attach to hairs. After being laid, the eggs fall to the floor, ground, etc. Their further development occurs in cracks, soil and other damp and dirty places.

Expert opinion

Dobryshev Sergey Anatolievich

Professional rabbit breeder and hare breeder with 30 years of experience

Note! This is the main way to distinguish flea larvae from lice. If eggs are found on the fur, then this is the second type of blood-sucking insect. The first type carries out its life activity on animals already formed.

Fleas are divided into males and females and have complete metamorphosis. The first mating occurs 2-3 weeks after the larvae develop into adults. At one time, the female lays 7-8 eggs. Moreover, this can happen 2-3 times a day.

It usually takes 7-12 days for the eggs to mature. The larva turns into a pupa in 10-12 days. She becomes mature after 14 days. All this time the insect is not on the animal. When the room temperature is below +25 degrees and humidity is less than 90%, the total period of flea development increases to six months.

Parasite development stages

Why is a flea bite dangerous?

Insects obtain nutrients from the blood of rabbits. To do this, they pierce the skin, inject a substance that prevents blood clotting, and begin to suck intensively. At one time, one insect can suck up to 10 ml. If there are a lot of insects in the fur, anemia will develop in the pet’s body, and without proper treatment it will die.

With the saliva of an insect, many pathogenic viruses enter the rabbit’s blood, including the most dangerous ones - myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic disease (VHD), which are almost impossible to cure.

Parasitic insects carry worm eggs, so an insect accidentally swallowed can become a source of helminthiasis, a disease that greatly depletes the body. In addition, the pet will scratch the bite sites, and microbes can enter the body through damaged skin, and large purulent ulcers will form at the site of small wounds.

If you breed animals for skinning, fleas on rabbits will negatively affect the quality of the finished product. Valuable skinned individuals must be treated against these parasites.

What diseases do fleas carry?

Fleas in rabbits are carriers of:

  1. Myxomatosis. A disease of inflammatory nature. Myxomatosis develops in two forms: edematous and nodular. The first signs of it are bumps that appear on the rabbit’s skin, inflammation around the eyes with purulent discharge. From the moment of infection until the first signs of the disease appear, up to 6 days pass. The main danger of the disease is that all rabbits become infected with it at the same time. The rabbit's nose, eyelids, ears and genitals become swollen. The mucous membrane of the animal's mouth becomes inflamed, which is why it cannot fully eat and breathe. Pus is released from the animal's nose and mouth.
  2. Purulent conjunctivitis. A purulent disease of invasive nature. In rabbits, the conjunctiva swells, the eyes become red and watery. In advanced forms of conjunctivitis, mucus and pus are released from the eyes.
  3. Helminths. If fleas are detected on a rabbit, then it is possible that the animal is also infected with worms. Feeding on helminths, flea larvae easily enter the rabbit's stomach, which provokes infection. Sick individuals eat poorly, are lethargic, and do not respond to loud sounds. If there are a lot of helminths, the animal may die.

A severe form of infection causes anemia and flea allergic dermatitis. In both cases, death cannot be ruled out. Pets become depressed and refuse to leave their cage or eat their favorite treats. Fleas in decorative rabbits multiply quickly, so you cannot delay treatment.

Symptoms of fleas in a rabbit

to understand whether decorative rabbits have fleas . To do this you need:

  • put the animal on your lap;
  • inspect the fur around the ears and withers (insects often accumulate in these places).

If there are small red dots on the skin, then the animal is infected with parasites. If you look more closely, you can see mature individuals, as well as eggs and larvae, the animal:

  • itches intensely;
  • eats poorly;
  • may not allow himself to be picked up.

On the fur you can see dried blood left after the insect bite was combed.

When your pet has no obvious signs of fleas, but there are suspicions, you need to:

  • put a clean sheet of paper on the table;
  • put a rabbit on it;
  • Using a fine-toothed comb, comb the animal.

Disturbed insects will jump from place to place, trying to avoid a collision with the comb. Some of them, along with the eggs and larvae combed out of the wool, will end up on a white surface, where they can be clearly examined, making sure that the actually have fleas

In the undercoat, which is usually lighter in color, you can see a large accumulation of black dots of microscopic size. Inexperienced livestock breeders mistake them for dirt, but in reality, they are flea secretions.

Lice on rabbits

Signs of bloodsuckers can be easily determined at home, without the help of veterinary doctors. Several signs indicate that a rabbit is infected:

  1. The animal has a restless behavior and squeals tensely.
  2. Very often he bites something in the fur and itches.
  3. Upon examination, it is easy to immediately notice fleas on the withers or along the eared spine.
  4. In addition to black moving dots, the fur may contain white larvae and insect pupae. The latter look like white, greasy grains and are often confused with a seborrheic disorder.
  5. Also, bright spots and irritation appear on the skin, and in the advanced stage, hair begins to fall out in clumps. As if it had been torn out with tongs or cut off.

When analyzing the fur, run a comb in all directions of the fur to get an idea of ​​the degree of infestation and the number of lice present on the rabbit.

Depending on the number of lice individuals.
remaining on the comb after the analysis depends on the degree of damage. In addition to examining the rabbit, the cages are also analyzed, since flea discharge is easy to notice on the bedding, in light areas of the floor. They look like small, uncharacteristic brown or black dots.

Rabbits are parasitized by one species of lice, Haemodipsus venricosus.

Lice (hemadipsosis) in rabbits is recorded in all regions of Russia.

Epizootological data. Lice infestation is observed in adult rabbits, from which the parasites crawl onto suckling rabbits. Further spread of lice among rabbits is facilitated by their group housing, overcrowding, unsanitary conditions in rabbit cages, frequent movements of rabbits from one cage to another or to other farms, and non-compliance by rabbit breeders with the rules for quarantining rabbits newly admitted to the farm from other farms. The spread of the disease is facilitated by inadequate feeding of rabbits.

Morphology and development cycle.

Lice are small insects, the body length of an adult insect reaches 1.2-1.7 mm, flattened in the dorso-ventral direction, and do not have wings. The mouthparts of lice are adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. The head is narrower and 2-3 times smaller than the chest. Attached to the chest segments are three pairs of legs with paws, each of which is armed with two claws.

The last abdominal segment consists of 8-9 segments. The last segment of the abdomen in males is rounded, and in females it has a small notch. The color of lice is yellowish, while those that have sucked blood are reddish. In rabbits, lice are localized on the outer surface of the pelvic limbs, the hock joint, and in case of severe infestation, also on the back, sides of the body and other parts of the body.

After fertilization, female lice lay numerous eggs (nits), securing them with a sticky liquid at the base of the hairs. One female is capable of laying about 200 eggs. The eggs are oval in shape, with a pointed rear end and a wider front end with a cap. The size of the eggs varies from 0.50 to 0.66 mm.

Clinical picture. Lice in all stages of their development and imago feed on the blood of a rabbit, secreting saliva at the sites where the skin of rabbits is punctured, which prevents blood clotting. In this case, severe itching occurs, and a small nodule forms at the site of the bite. Rabbits scratch itchy areas of skin against the cell walls, with their paws and even with their teeth.

During a clinical examination, a veterinarian finds crusts and lost hair in areas of the outer integument affected by lice, especially on the outer surface of the pelvic limbs. At the same time, the lice themselves and their nits are detected. Rabbits with severe infestation often develop anemia and exhaustion.

The diagnosis of hemadipsosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture - we find lice and eggs at the roots of the hair, especially on the outer surface of the pelvic limbs.

Treatment is based on the use of various antiparasitic drugs. To expel lice from rabbits, dust therapy is used with a powder consisting of equal parts of tobacco dust and naphthalene. This procedure is carried out in a box by rubbing dust between the hair, especially in the area of ​​the sides, hind legs and along the ridge.

In addition to dust treatment, you can fight lice in rabbits by using insecticidal powder "Insectol", "Butok-10", sprays - "Franchline" and "BIO KILL". To treat rabbits, you can use 10-20g of 3-5% chlorophos dust or 2% sevin dust made with talc. They are treated with it 2 times, the interval between treatments is 1 week. 2-fold treatment is carried out to kill lice hatched from eggs.

After treatment for lice, owners must disinfect cages, nests and equipment with a hot 3% aqueous solution of creolin, scalding with boiling water, steam or burning with a blowtorch flame.

Prevention of lice in rabbits is based on compliance with the rules for the importation of newly acquired rabbits (they are imported if the imported rabbits have a 1st veterinary form or a 4th veterinary certificate); during a month-long quarantine, it is necessary to carefully examine the rabbits for lice infestation, not allowing rabbits with hemadipsosis into the general rabbitry until they are completely free of parasites.

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The danger of flea bites

Constant bites exhaust the animal's body, making it more susceptible to colds and viral diseases. Fleas living on a pet can bite a person and spread to other animals - chickens, dogs, cats. They are carriers of brucellosis, pasteurellosis, plague, E. coli and even some types of hepatitis.

The bite site becomes red, swollen, and very itchy. Even if the flea did not manage to introduce an infection into the wound, the possibility of infection still cannot be ruled out. Worried by severe itching, the animal scratches the bite with a dirty paw, which leads to even greater inflammation, which sometimes results in the death of the rabbit.

Signs of fleas

It is not difficult to determine that a rabbit is infested with fleas. Let's look at the characteristic symptoms:

  1. The animal is worried, itches, and bites itself.
  2. There are bite marks on his body - small red dots (mainly in the head and neck area).
  3. There are dark grains in the hairline - excrement of parasites (if you put them on a damp cloth, they dissolve, leaving red-brown marks).

If you take the bedding on which the rabbit slept and shake it over the bathtub, brown dust falls off, which subsequently dissolves and resembles blood. This is insect excrement.

You can see fleas with the naked eye if you stroke your pet with your hand against the fur in the area of ​​the withers and head. If the infestation is severe, you will be able to see brown insects moving quickly in the fur.

How to remove fleas correctly

Your veterinarian will tell you what to do if your rabbit has fleas. During therapy, products are used that are optimally suited to the immune system of such delicate animals. Using medications intended for other pets will harm your rabbit.

A good solution may be to use flea shampoos (Neguvon, Bolfo). Before using the product, you should carefully study the instructions and calculate the adequate dose.

The detergent is distributed over the rabbits' fur with gentle movements and left for 15-20 minutes. Then the product is washed well with warm water. After 1-1.5 weeks, the treatment is repeated.

Traditional methods

The veterinarian will tell you how to remove fleas from rabbits and what means are best to do this.

Particularly popular among medications are:

  1. flea drops for rabbits. The drug (Frontline, Adfantage) is applied in the area of ​​the pet’s withers. This will protect the animal from poisoning, since it will not be able to lick off the insecticide. After applying the product, the pet is not bathed or walked for 2 days. Repeated treatment is performed after 4-8 weeks.
  2. Insecticidal solutions. To eliminate parasites, veterinarians recommend treating rabbits with the Brommocyclen insecticidal solution. The drug is distributed over the coat and left for 10-15 minutes. Then the product is washed off with warm water. The pet's fur is thoroughly combed and dried with a soft towel. The procedure is repeated once a week for a month.

Flea drops are used for both therapeutic and medicinal purposes.

Treatment with folk remedies

Experienced farmers or pet owners can tell you how to get rid of fleas using folk remedies.

A flea remedy for rabbits may involve the following manipulation:

  1. Dissolve table salt in a bowl of warm water.
  2. Dip the rabbit into the solution up to its neck, leave for 5-10 minutes,
  3. Wipe the fur dry. Using combs, carefully comb out the parasites.

It is also practiced to rub the animal's fur with a decoction of strong-smelling herbs (wormwood, tansy). Fresh sawdust is poured into the cage, and branches of wormwood or calamus are laid out throughout all the rooms.

Strong odors will repel parasites.


Bayer Advantage Flea Drops for Cats and Rabbits

How to remove fleas from a rabbit at home

Before removing fleas from decorative and rural rabbits, a selection of animal treatment methods is carried out. Rabbits are very sensitive to the effects of poisons, so choose a remedy responsibly.

  1. You can use a comb to comb fleas out of your rabbit's fur. The size between the comb teeth is 1.0 mm or slightly more.
  2. Rabbits should be careful when using insecticidal shampoos, although such preparations exist. It is not recommended to wash these animals, especially rexes.
  3. Insecticidal collars containing flea poisons are contraindicated for rabbits. Their skin is sensitive to mechanical and toxic influences, and there is a risk of contact dermatitis.

Appearance of an insect

Not everyone knows what a flea on a decorative rabbit looks like. All blood-sucking parasites have a similar anatomy. They have a body elongated in length and compressed at the sides.

It is covered with plates on top. It has 6 legs, each of which has bristles that allow the parasite to cling to the rabbit's fur.

Pests are well camouflaged in the thick fur of pets. You can tell that a rabbit has fleas by the fact that the animal begins to actively itch.

Blood clots are visualized on the skin, and as the animal itches, black or brown parasites fall from its body.


Flea drops for rabbits must be chosen carefully. Products that can remove insects from dogs and cats are not suitable for rabbits. Preparations containing the active ingredient fipronil are lethal for these animals. The popular insecticide Frontline should never be used on rabbits.

All drops are applied equally. The ampoule is poured onto dry skin, spreading the hair at the withers. The rabbit will not be able to reach there to lick the drug. Bathing the rabbit, stroking the treatment area and allowing children near the animal is prohibited for 2 hours after applying the product.

Any insectoacaricidal drug is toxic; exceeding the dosage can lead to poisoning of the animal.

To treat an infected pet, drop treatment is used once. To prevent secondary infestations - once a month during the season of activity of blood-sucking insects.

A contraindication is an allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.


The active ingredient of the drug is selamectin. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal. The solution is produced in 6% and 12%, the pipette contains a volume from 0.25 ml to 2 ml. For an animal weighing 2.5 kg, the instructions recommend 0.25 ml of a 6% solution. It is better to take the packaging for kittens and calculate the dosage according to the instructions.

Stronghold is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is effective against flea, ear and scabies bites. It has anthelmintic properties, destroys nematodes (ascaris and toxocar). Selamectin not only causes the death of adult insects, but also interrupts their development cycle.

The instructions indicate that there are no side effects of selamectin for pregnant and lactating female cats and dogs. The use of the drug for pregnant and lactating rabbits, as well as baby rabbits, has not been thoroughly studied.


Advantix - an analogue of the previous medication contains imidacloprid and permethrin. Dosage is calculated by weight: 0.1 ml per kg. If several rabbits are being treated at the same time, they should be spaced out so that the animals do not lick each other.

The drug is absorbed into the blood within 4 hours. Not suitable for sick rabbits, as well as pregnant and lactating females.

Where do fleas come from in rabbits and how to get them out?

Removing fleas is a rather troublesome task and requires patience. Even when the animal is freed from bloodsuckers, a course of prevention is carried out for several months. To combat lice in pets, modern veterinary medicine offers many medications. In this case, the release form can be chosen the most convenient and comfortable for use.

Anti-flea products aimed only at type 2 insects are quite rare. Most often, pharmacies sell universal preparations suitable for the fur of cats and rabbits. Since the structure and structure of the hairs and epidermis are similar, experts recommend using this segment of medicines for eared animals.

Anti-flea products are most often complex for all animals

Fleas on a decorative rabbit

According to the form of release, medications can be in the form of drops, shampoos, dry powders and an unconventional, but increasingly popular type - a collar.

In addition to selecting a suitable drug for eliminating fleas based on the degree of neglect of the disease, the characteristics of the epidermis and the animal’s immune system, it is always necessary to follow a clear sequence of actions, as well as simultaneously carry out preventive measures and disinfection of the space.

  • inspection of the animal for the number of adults, larvae and damaged areas;
  • If you choose shampoo as a means of control, then you need to close the windows to avoid drafts and prepare a large towel for wrapping the rabbit after bathing. Wash with shampoo according to the manufacturer's instructions;
  • Drops are usually used on the withers and head. The shampoo is foamed and evenly distributed over the entire coat;

Shampoo is one of the most effective means in the fight against fleas

  • leave the product on the skin for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with warm water;
  • When the time indicated in the instructions for the drug ends, the rabbit is combed with a brush, removing dead insects and larvae. The procedure is done with special care, working through every centimeter, moving the comb in different directions;

The treatment is repeated after 1-1.5 weeks until the larvae and pupae completely disappear. Also, after each procedure, the comb and other contacting objects are wiped with alcohol wipes or kept in a manganese solution.


The simplest remedy for fleas are solutions in drop format. Depending on the composition and concentration, they are used not only as a therapeutic agent, but also as a prophylactic agent.

Popular among veterinarians and rabbit breeders are: Frontline, Advantage.

Advantage drops help effectively fight fleas

The drug is applied in the area of ​​the withers so that the rabbit cannot lick the drug, since the latter has a high degree of toxicity.

The drops are reused after 1-1.5 months.

The second most popular anti-flea drug is shampoo. The procedures are performed more often, but when there are a large number of insects, this is one of the effective methods.

Shampoo brands include Neguvon and Bulfo. The products are concentrated and are pre-diluted with water. Repeat the treatment after a week or a week and a half, depending on the severity of the disease.

There are also solutions that are neither drops nor shampoos, for example, Bromocyclen.

Now in veterinary medicine there is such a remedy for fleas as a collar; it is impregnated with a special composition that repels insects. This is more of a preventative measure than a curative one.

Fleas are miniature blood-sucking insects that cause a lot of trouble for pets. They occur in any animal with fur. These animals include rabbits. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of blood-sucking insects, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

General information

Blood-sucking insects are ubiquitous. At the moment, scientists have been able to identify more than 2,100 different subspecies of fleas. Two such subtypes have been known for a long time. According to accurate data, insects appeared several million years ago. But the natural life cycle of these insects is short - no more than 90-100 days. Life expectancy is influenced by the environment.

Under unfavorable conditions, blood-sucking insects can hibernate. In this state, fleas go without food for several weeks. But after such a state, insects intensify the process of blood consumption. Fleas are very unpretentious in food. Therefore, such insects pose a danger to people. Flea bites are very painful.

After them, allergic reactions may appear.

The appearance of blood-sucking insects on a rabbit should alert the owner. Fleas can cause dangerous diseases in pet owners. To completely remove parasites, you will have to devote a lot of time and effort.

Fleas Fleas on rabbits Flea drops for rabbits

Fleas are tiny blood-sucking insects that cause a lot of trouble and trouble to those animals that have them. Many people think that this scourge is only for cats and dogs. Not everyone knows whether rabbits have fleas.

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However, parasites can attack any mammal with fur. Domestic or decorative rabbits are no exception. Pests not only cause discomfort to the charming little animal, but are also capable of infecting it with various diseases.

Therefore, every owner of a furry pet needs to know how to remove fleas from a rabbit.

Before we talk about methods of fighting the parasite, you need to know what the pest looks like. The flea is a small insect, up to 5 mm, whose dark brown or black body is laterally compressed.

The bristles located on it help strengthen the bloodsucker in the animal’s fur. A similar function is performed by the ridges located on the chest and head of the parasite. The abdomen can grow, as a result of which it can accommodate up to 10 ml of blood.

The flea does not have wings, but the presence of 3 pairs of strong and powerful limbs allows the insect to jump high.

Fleas in rabbits can be of two types:

  • Parasites that live only in rabbit fur;
  • Bloodsuckers that live in the fur of cats and rabbits.

These blood-sucking insects live for more than 3 months. The fertility of the parasites is amazing: a female can lay up to fifty eggs per day. They can be in completely different places: on the floor, in carpets and even in upholstered furniture, coming into contact with the fur or paws of a rabbit and infecting it.

During a bite, the insect injects saliva into the wound of its victim, intended for blood clotting. It is at this moment that all kinds of infections and diseases can be transmitted. Fleas in a rabbit are very difficult to detect. And if the fight is not started in a timely manner, they can multiply at an alarming rate.

Insects lay eggs not only in rabbit bedding, but also throughout the house: in carpeting and on furniture. Flea larvae are able to live in the external environment for quite a long time. Therefore, owners of furry creatures discover the presence of a pest only after they see insect excrement or baked wounds after a bite.

It is possible to determine that decorative rabbits have fleas not only in a veterinary clinic, but also at home. The following symptoms will indicate this:

  1. The animal is tense, may bite itself and even squeal.
  2. You can even see bloodsuckers with the naked eye on your pet’s withers or spine.
  3. The presence of pest eggs, larvae and excrement in the animal’s fur.
  4. Small red dots on the skin that are the result of a flea bite.
  5. Constant itching and redness on the skin.
  6. With prolonged infection, hair loss may occur.

The presence of these signs indicates that the rabbit is infected with parasites. You can examine your pet using a special comb with fine teeth. You need to place your furry pet on white paper and comb its fur. Little vampires living in the animal's fur will be very noticeable against a light background.


With prolonged infestation by pests, the rabbit may develop anemia from loss of blood, which can even result in death. Another serious disease that a bloodsucker can “award” is myxomatosis, the consequences of which are also sad.

To remove fleas from a decorative rabbit, you need to choose an effective and convenient means of combating parasites at a pet store. These can be anti-flea drops, shampoos and insecticidal solutions.

The most effective flea treatment for rabbits is drops. They can not only treat, but also be used for preventive purposes. The most popular are drops from the Frontline or Advantage brands.

To prevent licking of the drug, it is applied in the area of ​​the animal’s withers. To achieve the effect, it is not recommended to bathe the rabbit for 2 days.

After 1-2 months, re-treatment should be carried out.

Flea drops for rabbits

You can also remove fleas from rabbits at home using anti-flea shampoos that have an insecticidal effect. The drugs Neguvon and Bolfo are especially popular. Before the procedure, you must carefully study the instructions and correctly calculate the dosage.

The product is distributed over the rabbit's fur with gentle rubbing movements. After 10-15 minutes, the pet is rinsed with clean warm water. Due to the fact that the drug contains insecticidal components, it must be washed off thoroughly. After 7-10 days the treatment should be repeated.

Insecticidal solutions will also help remove parasites. For this you can use Bromocyclen. Treatment is carried out every 7 days for a month.


Treatment of parasitic infestations can be carried out using sprays. Shake the bottle thoroughly and spray the pet against the grain from a distance of 10 cm. You should move from the tail to the head, protecting the eyes and ears from the spray.

Allow the animal to dry as usual without disturbing the fur, and comb it thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb. After the procedure, the rabbits' fleas die.

Spray the cage from a distance of half a meter and get rid of the contaminated bedding.

The rabbit should be re-sprayed against bites after 30 days or after bathing.

The drugs are combined with other antiparasitic drugs if they are used at intervals of 2-3 days. The spray is not suitable for pregnant and lactating rabbits.


A solution for external use based on ivermectin, a nerve agent insecticide. Used against lice, lice and fleas. The drug is low-toxic, applied in small doses to the ears, back of the head, neck and back.

Beaphar Immo Shield Spray

Suitable for pets - cats, dogs, rodents and rabbits, as well as for disinsection of their habitats. The main active substance dimethicone acts on the respiratory system of fleas. To relieve itching, the spray contains aloe vera extract, which has a wound healing and antibacterial effect.


This is not a good flea treatment for rabbits. The tape is impregnated with dangerous drugs that have a toxic effect on the animal. The collar is not suitable for young animals; the animal may be poisoned or injured. Anti-parasitic tape is worn when walking to prevent infection and removed upon returning home.

Bars and Dana Ultra products containing fipronil are strictly prohibited. Rabbit breeders are inclined towards the German brand Bolfo (Bolfo) based on propoxur.

Treating rabbits for fleas

Not knowing what to do if fleas on decorative rabbits cause them pain, you should remember the following:

  • a rabbit infected with parasites is isolated from other animals;
  • the cage, feeders and all objects with which he came into contact are thoroughly cleaned.
  • After this, they go to the veterinary pharmacy and buy a flea remover. In the fight against parasitic insects, proven folk methods are sometimes used, which we will talk about in more detail.


    The immune system of rabbits is sensitive to any influence, so it is better to use disinfectants for other animals (cats, dogs) with caution. A specialized pharmacy may offer to purchase:

  • drops on the withers;
  • shampoos;
  • sprays;
  • powder
  • The most convenient way to treat fleas on a rabbit is to use drops. It is enough just to part the fur on the animal’s withers and apply the medicine there. But the drops are used only to remove fleas from adults; they are not recommended to be used to destroy parasites that have settled on rabbits or pregnant females. There is a high risk of poisoning.

    If a rabbit lives in the house as a pet, then it can be bathed using shampoo for removing fleas from kittens. Not all animals like to swim; for some pets, bathing is very stressful. If several animals are infected, intended for breeding and slaughter for meat, and therefore living in ordinary cages, then bathing can become a very troublesome process, which is better to avoid.

    A much better remedy in this regard may be Insectozol spray. This is a relatively inexpensive and safe drug that can be used to disinfect cages, bedding and the animals themselves. If there are few animals, then each individual can be sprinkled with special powder for killing fleas “Ektosan”. Butox is considered a proven drug. It affects not only adult insects, but also gets rid of larvae and eggs. Fleas die 2-3 days after treatment. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

    When using shampoos to treat wool, be careful and strictly follow the instructions. The rules of application are as follows:

  • the rabbit's fur is moistened with water;
  • squeeze a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand;
  • distribute shampoo over the coat without touching the eyes and ears;
  • leave the rabbit in the soap for 10-15 minutes;
  • wash off the foam with water;
  • wipe the rabbit with a towel.
  • Dry wool is combed with a fine-toothed brush to remove dead insects, larvae and eggs. If it is impossible to use chemicals due to the age of the animal or its sensitivity, you should find out how to remove fleas from a rabbit in another way.

    Traditional methods

    get rid of fleas on rabbits using traditional methods. The cage and animals are sprinkled with decoctions prepared on the basis of:

  • wormwood;
  • tansy;
  • eucalyptus.
  • Herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected independently. Only adult rabbits are treated. Fresh bunches of tansy and wormwood are placed in cages with baby rabbits. Fleas cannot tolerate the pungent odor of these herbs.

    Parasites cannot tolerate the smell of pine needles, so it makes sense to make pine bedding. To do this, cut coniferous branches, cut off their needles and strew the floor of the cage with them. To expel fleas use:

  • brewer's yeast;
  • garlic;
  • saline solution;
  • homemade shampoos.
  • Yeast is dissolved in water and the resulting mixture is sprinkled on the cells. Garlic is hung from the ceiling of the cage. Rabbits are not interested in it, so there is no need to worry about the animal getting poisoned.

    Saline solution is used to bathe pets. To prepare it, 100 g of salt is dissolved in 2 liters of warm water. The resulting mixture is used to treat rabbit fur. If there are few fleas and they have not caused serious harm to the pet, then you can dip it in salt water. If there are wounds on the animal’s skin, it is not worth subjecting them to such treatment.

    To prepare homemade shampoo, pour a quarter of a bar of baby soap into 0.5 liters of water and boil until a jelly mass is obtained. Grate a medium-sized onion, add the resulting mass to the jelly and rub it on the rabbit. After this, the animal is wrapped in plastic film and picked up, trying to ensure that the pet does not free itself from it earlier than after 15-20 minutes. After the allotted amount of time, the pet is bathed in warm water. If necessary, repeat the procedure. To enhance the effect, add egg yolk, decoctions of calendula and nettle to the shampoo.

    Diseases carried by fleas

    In addition to bites, irritation, itching and allergic reactions, fleas spread infectious diseases. Most often, rabbits become infected from fleas with myxomatosis and rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease (RVHD).

    Fleas also carry helminth eggs. Therefore, by biting or licking insects from their fur, animals swallow the eggs and become infected with worms.

    By spreading diseases and parasites, fleas can cause great harm to your pets, so you need to take measures in advance to protect yourself from these insects.

    Flea prevention

    Flea prevention is the best treatment, but it is not always possible. However, you should check your rabbit as often as possible. The best prevention is to regularly care for your rabbit's fur, so you can not only detect fleas, but also remove unnecessary fur from it.

    If your rabbit comes into contact with your other animals, including dogs and cats, you should make sure they are free of fleas as well. There are good flea collars for dogs and cats - but you shouldn't use them all the time, and never use them on a rabbit. Grooming your rabbit regularly is the best preventative measure.

    Preventive measures

    Measures are taken to prevent the appearance of fleas and if they are followed exactly, you can forget about parasites forever. Regular examination of the rabbit's undercoat and skin will help identify ectoparasite infestations at an early stage and quickly get rid of them.

    Wet cleaning of housing areas with decoctions of wormwood and celandine will help repel insects entering the breeding premises.

    These simple steps will allow you to avoid treatment, and your pet will always be cheerful and playful.

    What problems can a rabbit have with fleas?

    If your rabbit is not treated for fleas, he may develop a severe infestation. The more fleas a rabbit carries, the more blood it loses. This often leads to anemia and in severe cases is fatal. Another serious disease that fleas can carry is myxomatosis, which is also often fatal.

    In addition to illness, your rabbit will become unhappy and its quality of life will noticeably decrease. Rabbit owners are usually not bitten by fleas, but in cases of prolonged infestation, when fleas are in carpets and upholstered furniture, bites may appear around the ankles and wrists.

    If you decide to have rabbits, you must take full responsibility for their lives. Fleas can be a serious and destructive problem that can make life miserable for your pets. Therefore, prevention is the easiest and best way to take control of your rabbit’s health, as well as regularly lift his spirits by caring for his fur.

    Treatment of rabbits

    How to get rid of fleas on rabbits

    The first step is to get rid of the old bedding, which is probably full of flea larvae and eggs. Then you should treat the cage with an insecticidal spray, after removing the rabbit from there. After a couple of hours, the cage should be thoroughly washed.

    The most common and, perhaps, effective method of treating a rabbit for fleas is the use of insecticidal drops (for example, Advantage 40 or Delix). Their advantage is that the rabbit will not be able to lick the drug: the drops are applied to the animal’s withers.

    Many rabbit owners praise bathing in an insecticidal solution.

    It is prepared in different ways:

    • diluting Neguvon (chlorophos-based drug) to 0.15% concentration;
    • dissolving Bromocyclen (organochlorine insecticide) in a ratio of 1/200;
    • using special shampoos for kittens (in which the concentration of toxic substances is reduced).

    Opinions differ about the effectiveness of the collar, since a rabbit can easily stick its paws into it and can be injured. In addition, he can get a dose of insecticide by biting the collar.

    If you do not follow the prescribed standards, the drug against parasites can cause poisoning. Before treatment, it is advisable to identify the cause of the rabbit’s severe scratching.

    • It is recommended to wash your eared pet with a special anti-parasite shampoo. It must be designed for rabbits.
    • After the first bath procedure, parasite eggs may remain. Therefore, the event should be repeated after 6-9 days.
    • Brommocyclen drops (0.5% solution) can be used against insects.

    Fleas will not appear on an animal if you adhere to the basic rules and care for it. With proper attention to his health, you will not have to deal with the hassle of insects.

    We suggest you read: Symptoms and treatment of lice in cats at home

    Prevention is an easy and simple way to control the health of a hare. Do not forget that a person is responsible for the one he has tamed.


    1. Fleas - blood-sucking insects - are not only an unpleasant problem on the hair of rabbits, but also a source of infection for serious diseases.
    2. The disease is best and most successfully identified at the initial stage, as well as treating ear mites.
    3. In addition to the procedures for eliminating fleas from a rabbit, it is necessary to disinfect the cage space, bedding and drinking bowls.
    4. Strictly follow the instructions for dilution , application and concentration of drugs, as they have a high degree of toxicity.


    • https://homjakam.ru/kroliki/bolezni/blohi-u-krolikov
    • https://klopkan.ru/blohi/vsyo-o-blohah/blohi-u-krolikov-chto-delat/
    • https://FermHelp.ru/kak-vyvesti-blox-u-krolika/
    • https://parazitdoma.ru/blohi/blohi-u-krolika
    • https://lifeinsect.ru/blohi-u-krolika.html
    • https://dezplan.ru/vopros/u-krolikov-blohi
    • https://krolikiikoshki.info/blohi-u-krolikov/
    • https://petstime.ru/article/blohi-u-krolikov
    • https://PoFerme.com/zhivotnye/kroliki/zdorovye/boleet/kozhnye/blohi.html


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