At what temperature do cockroaches die?

Probably everyone is familiar with the joke that after a nuclear explosion, only cockroaches will remain on the earth. This is partly true; these insects are distinguished by a high level of resistance to external negative factors.

Parasites can go without water and food for a long time, exist in harsh conditions, and they are able to develop resistance to the effects of toxins and poisons.

The only thing that can shorten the lifespan of an insect is temperature exposure.

The optimal values ​​for parasites are no lower than twenty-five degrees. If the thermometer drops to zero, the well-being of cockroaches proportionally worsens.

At minus values, the death of adult parasites and egg clutches occurs. A similar thing happens with a critical increase in indicators. The temperature method is one of the most effective in the fight against cockroaches.

At what temperature do cockroaches die?

The optimal temperature for cockroaches to survive ranges from twenty-five to thirty degrees above zero. A decrease or increase in these values ​​leads to the death of parasites or a decrease in the ability to live.

Cockroaches die at the following temperatures:

  • If the temperature is fifteen degrees, the reproduction process of cockroaches is suspended. Adults exist in such conditions, but the size of the colony is greatly reduced. If the indicators remain at this level for more than two weeks, then the hatching of nymphs from already laid clutches of eggs does not occur.
  • At temperatures from zero to ten degrees, insects fall into a state of suspended animation, in which they can remain for two weeks. When the temperature increases, the parasites come to life. If values ​​persist for fourteen days or more, the arthropods die. The death of nymphs and egg clutches also occurs.
  • When levels drop below zero degrees, insects die within a few hours or days. Clutches of parasites are resistant to external factors. Cockroach eggs die at temperatures below ten degrees in a few minutes.
  • High temperature can be used to kill parasites. At values ​​above thirty-five degrees, overheating of the arthropod’s body and dehydration occurs. If the temperature increases to fifty, the parasites, as well as their eggs, quickly die, which makes heat treatment an effective way to kill insects. This takes a few minutes.

Domestic cockroaches freeze only at low temperatures. If the indicators do not fall below zero degrees, insects can remain viable, falling into a state of suspended animation.

Conditions under which these insects die

The cockroach is a heat-loving insect species. Cold affects it much more destructively than various chemicals. Too high a temperature in an apartment can sharply reduce the population of these parasites, but it is almost impossible to warm up a room in central Russia to 50 °C, so it is better to take advantage of the cold. Scientists have found that domestic cockroaches in natural conditions can die when the temperature drops, for example:

  • If the cold reaches -5 °C, the insect will die within ½ hour.
  • When frost increases to -10 °C, parasites die in 120 seconds.

As biologists have established, when the temperature drops, the life cycle of domestic cockroaches sharply slows down, so they prefer to settle in multi-apartment, well-heated buildings, where they can hide in various crevices. They occupy bathrooms, kitchens and toilets, where it is usually warm, there is plenty of food and there is a place for safe breeding.

Cockroaches are unable to control their body temperature. They lack thermoregulation, which means that Prussians are completely dependent on environmental conditions. They need a stable and comfortable habitat, where there is food and sources of water necessary for life and reproduction. And home conditions are ideal in this sense.

Under unfavorable external factors, the insect’s life cycle is disrupted, becoming slower. An unexpected cold snap knocks the Prussians out of the normal “rhythm of life.” All physiological processes are inhibited and the parasite dies.

Temperatures of 25-30C are the most comfortable for domestic cockroaches, but even at 3 they survive quite well. If the temperature is lower, then

  • at t=0 their vital activity and reproduction slow down;
  • at t= -1C, young individuals and larvae die;
  • at t = -5C, adult insects and laid eggs die within half an hour;
  • at t= -10C – after 5 minutes the remaining colony disappears.

What temperature can it withstand?

Cockroaches can withstand high and low temperatures. If the indicators do not fall below fifteen and do not rise above thirty degrees, the conditions for the existence of insects are comfortable.

If the values ​​decrease, the insects are partially immersed in an anabiotic state . The pace of life and mobility slow down, and parasites require less food.

Reproductive activity decreases. The number of egg layings decreases. If the low temperature persists for a long time, the parasite larvae do not hatch from the eggs.

This feature can be used for practical purposes. For example, to reduce the number of parasites, it is recommended to regularly leave windows open in the apartment. This measure will help reduce the insect colony.

If the thermometer rises above thirty degrees, this also has a negative effect on the condition of the parasites. Dehydration and overheating sets in. However, cockroaches only die if the values ​​increase to thirty-five or higher.

It is important to note that it is impossible to freeze the premises in apartment buildings, since pests can hide from unfavorable conditions in secluded corners of the apartment. The method of exterminating cockroaches by freezing is effective when it comes to a private home.

Thermal method of killing cockroaches

In the fight against domestic cockroaches, the hot fog method is often used. The method of eliminating mustachioed pests is to treat suspected places where insects accumulate with a stream of steam from a household steam generator.

At what temperature do cockroaches die if the hot fog method is used to treat the room? According to exterminators, adults and their larvae die when they come into contact with steam whose temperature is above 60°C. In this case, insect eggs also die.

The disadvantage of the method is low efficiency. Cockroaches are mobile insects, so some individuals are able to dodge a jet of steam without dying. For more effective treatment of the room, experts recommend adding liquid insecticides to the water for the steam generator. In this case, experts recommend carrying out disinsection using a respirator. After treatment, you must leave the room for at least 12 hours.

Cockroaches are vulnerable to cold and high temperatures, however, in order to get rid of insects completely and for a long period of time, it is advisable to combine heat treatment with the use of traps and chemicals.

Cold fog

Exterminating the Prussians is not an easy task. To clean an apartment, it is sometimes necessary to carry out several treatments.

This takes time and requires certain financial costs, especially if professional exterminators get down to business. That's why a technology was invented that allows you to exterminate cockroaches at a time.

First, let's try to understand the concept of “cold fog”. We are talking about the use of aerosolized disinfectant solutions. This kind of treatment makes it possible to distribute the insecticide as evenly as possible throughout the infected room. Its drops will settle on all surfaces, including the ceiling.

An aerosol cloud is produced by a generator. It is a mobile, small-sized device. In the cloud it produces, insecticide particles are no larger than 80 microns in size. The temperature of the produced “fog” corresponds to the ambient temperature. That’s why the technology has such a name.

We invite you to read: The most effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment - a comparison of types of insecticidal preparations for cockroaches

Advantages of the technology:

  • The operation of the generator makes it possible to use various types of insecticides.
  • Small droplets of the solution remain in the air for a long time, after which they settle evenly on the surface. Complete settlement occurs within four hours.
  • The precipitate formed from the solution, after settling, can be observed not only on open, but even on almost inaccessible surfaces. In addition, the cloud covers the entire room.
  • The aerosol does not harm the health of domestic animals and humans.
  • The use of a generator makes it possible to significantly save insecticide and allows you to get rid of cockroaches without extra costs.

On a note! When a generator is used in a residential area, its operation significantly increases the humidity level. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to first protect from its effects those objects that are afraid of water. Perhaps this is the most important disadvantage of this method of controlling household pests.

Most often, such disinfestation is carried out by specialized companies. But there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Therefore, you can do it yourself. However, buying rather expensive equipment just for one processing would be an unwise decision. So the choice is yours.

Hot fog

This technology involves not only spraying, but also heating the solution produced by the generator.

The method consists of producing smaller particles of insecticide (from 5 to 30 microns in total). Such a cloud stays in the air much longer and completely settles only after 10 hours.

When using the technology, the room is not humidified as much as with “cold fog”. This method has less negative impact on objects that cannot tolerate moisture, and allows you to completely destroy adult insects and egg laying after the first treatment. But this technology is not suitable for all rooms.

The temperature is comfortable for life

Cockroaches live at different temperatures, but the optimal conditions for them are values ​​ranging from twenty-five to thirty degrees.

In such conditions, insects multiply intensively, and the number of colonies rapidly increases. Also, such temperature conditions are especially favorable for the rapid maturation of eggs.

Without harm to the body, cockroaches can live at temperatures up to fifteen and not higher than thirty degrees. When the values ​​decrease, the processes in the organisms of parasites slow down and the reproduction process stops. The maturation of eggs under such conditions continues, but this process may take several months.

Living conditions for cockroaches

Pests prefer damp places with accessible food supply. Comfortable temperature for a cockroach varies between 20-28°C.

In this regard, they settle in the kitchen, bathroom, sewers and basements. The main thing for pests is water; without it they can live for a week. The insects will live for a month without food.

At temperatures of 0°C and below, cockroaches hide and stop breeding. Even low subzero temperatures with prolonged exposure will destroy pests.

An experiment conducted by scientists showed that at a temperature of -5°C, insects will die in half an hour. Death in 3-5 minutes threatens cockroaches at a temperature of -10°C. Larvae exposed to temperature also die. In heat of 50°C and above, insects also die. Thanks to this, it is possible to combat them with temperature changes using both heat and frost.

When the temperature drops sharply or the temperature rises, the intracellular fluid of cockroaches becomes thicker and acquires a viscous consistency. Due to these changes, the death of the insect occurs.

Heat treatment methods

High and low temperatures are suitable for complete destruction of cockroaches. There are many methods, but those used by specialized pest control services are especially effective.

It is permissible to use cold or heat on your own, but you can get a positive result only if you follow all the rules given below.

How to apply cold

Cold is the simplest and most affordable way to kill parasites. Since cockroaches freeze at temperatures below zero degrees, in the winter season you can get rid of insect colonies without the use of insecticides that can harm humans and animals.

A simple option for getting rid of cockroaches is the following::

  • If the outdoor thermometer shows below ten degrees, you can begin treating your home to remove arthropod pests. First, remove animals from the house, remove indoor flowers and things that may be damaged by the cold. Household members should also leave the premises.
  • Next, turn off the heating and drain the water from the pipes. If you do not do this, there is a high risk of damage to communications.
  • Then open the windows. If we are talking about private home ownership, it is additionally important to open the doors. It is recommended to carry out the freezing procedure if the weather outside is rainless. If there is a possibility of a snowstorm, it is recommended to postpone measures to destroy cockroaches for a while, since you can return to the snowy room.
  • To remove cockroaches through the action of frost, a few hours are enough. But to get the maximum effect, it is recommended to leave the room for a day.

It is important to know that using this method in an apartment may be ineffective. This is due to the fact that during cold weather, adult individuals will leave the room, moving to another apartment.

After the procedure is completed, the pests will return. Only cockroach eggs can die .

Specialized insect extermination services also use the freezing method. However, its essence is different. Employees of such services use cold fog to treat and clean residential premises, which is produced using a special generator.

Cold fog is one of the most effective ways to cleanse your home of parasites. The impact on pests is carried out using a combined combination of low temperatures and toxic substances with insecticidal properties.

After treatment, the substances released by the generator retain their effect for several weeks or months, preventing the reappearance of arthropods. Among the advantages of professional home treatment is the ability to destroy insect eggs.

Temperature method of influence

And the reasons for the appearance of Prussians may be as follows:

  1. The sanitary situation in the room, its clutter, the presence of many cracks in the flooring and walls.
  2. Insect settlement in neighboring apartments.
  3. Open access to food and water, making it impossible to get rid of pests.
  4. Transferring cockroaches into the house along with furniture and other interior items from outside.
  5. Availability of unsealed food packaging.

There are other, less common causes of parasites.

But in any case, the cause should be eliminated, whatever it may be.

If you have carried out pest control in your apartment, but insects remain in the next apartment, then all your efforts will go down the drain.

One of the most common and most ancient methods of fighting cockroaches is the temperature method.

According to their historical origin, Prussians are tropical creatures, which is why they die at sub-zero temperatures.

At 5 degrees below zero, cockroaches will live about 30 minutes, at 7 degrees - no more than a minute.

Of course, in Russia it is very difficult to apply this method in practice. The presence of heating pipes and radiators in the house complicates the situation. Freezing out parasites can lead to heating system failures and will require additional costs for home repairs.

In addition, household appliances or pets will be damaged. Despite the effectiveness of this method, it is used extremely rarely in practice.

Method of action:

  1. Remove from the house any inhabitants who feel uncomfortable at temperatures of minus 8 degrees Celsius.
  2. Open all windows.
  3. Cover hot water and heating pipes.
  4. Close the premises for the day.
  5. When the pest control period has expired, close the windows and sweep dead cockroaches from bedside tables, cabinets and other furniture.

In cold regions during winter, the procedure can last no more than 20 minutes. Of course, the temperature outside there is much lower than eight degrees. This is enough. But, if the region is warm, you need to act for sure.

Of course, it is better to find a way to sit in another place and leave the apartment for the whole day, but be sure that the method will work. By the way, frost can easily destroy not only adult individuals, but also their eggs.

We suggest you read: How to get rid of black cockroaches in the house

Advice! In warm regions, the opposite method is used. When the heat is 40 degrees and above, the windows of the house or apartment are also opened. Pests will also die in high temperatures.

It should be noted that our ancestors used ordinary boiling water against the Prussians. But it’s inconvenient to water things with it; moreover, books, fabrics, furniture and interior items, and even flooring can be damaged using this method. The best way out of the situation is to use a household steam cleaner.

Being synanthropic organisms, the Prussians have long chosen human habitation. Having found there not only food and shelter, but also an ideal microclimate for existence, the insects moved along with the settlers to new lands, constantly expanding their habitat. Considering the fact that the homeland of cockroaches is South Asia with a subequatorial climate, one can only be surprised at the vitality and ability of these pests to adapt to the harsh weather conditions of our latitudes.

The influence of ambient temperature on insects:

  • 22... 28°C is an ideal microclimate for the life and reproduction of Prussians; the lifespan of an individual under such conditions is on average 170 days;
  • above 30°C - development duration is reduced to 70 days;
  • 5°C is a lethal temperature threshold for insects;
  • at a temperature of -5°C cockroaches die after 30 minutes;
  • at a temperature of -7°C and below, death occurs within a minute.

In warm climates, red robbers are able to survive on the street, feeding on human waste.

Another common type of parasite, Blatta orientalis (black cockroach), is more sensitive to low temperatures and freezes already at 0°C, but tolerates heat above 30°C well, so it prefers not to live in the wild, but to settle inside or near human habitation.

Help from professionals

Dry ice pest control is a method used by professional exterminators to control insects. This is an expensive method, so purchasing all the necessary substances yourself is impractical.

Not all companies that provide pest control services use this method due to the high cost of consumables. In addition, dry ice slowly penetrates furniture, carpets and other objects where cockroaches prefer to hide. It is more profitable to use poisonous insecticides.

Hot fog is a more effective method. Using special equipment, a vapor cloud is created with an average temperature of 70°C.

The droplets in the cloud of steam are filled with toxic substances that kill cockroaches, and the high temperature guarantees the destruction of pests. The hot steam method is recognized by experts as the best way to kill insects.

Temperature treatment allows you to quickly get rid of cockroaches and return comfort and coziness to your home. If there are children and animals who can be harmed by chemical residues after disinfestation, the method of exterminating pests with low and high temperatures is a guarantee of safety.

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