Why can the temperature rise with helminthiasis?

Helminths belong to the group of lower worms that lead a parasitic lifestyle in the human body. They number about 200 species that can cause diseases such as helminthiasis. Of these, about 20 species are found in the vastness of our country. Basically, worms settle in the human gastrointestinal tract. Infection leads to the manifestation of various unpleasant symptoms, many of which are difficult to associate with the appearance of parasites in the body.

First of all, people feel an increase in body temperature and therefore, naturally, a logical question arises: can worms cause fever? Of course, if there is no cold, nothing seems to hurt, but the person has a fever, then you need to see a doctor. Since timely detection of helminths will allow you to get rid of them at the initial stage of the disease without significant negative consequences for health.

Is there an increase in temperature due to helminths?

Parasites that have settled in the body of children are a very strong allergen and contribute to the exacerbation of other diseases. Sometimes when worms appear in a child and an adult, an increase in temperature is observed. At the same time, the formation of a rash on the skin and an allergic runny nose is possible. In addition, these symptoms are also accompanied by unbearable itching.

Can there be a high temperature from worms during an exacerbation of other diseases? Active reproduction of helminths in the intestines leads to their migration throughout the body. Their introduction into the tissues of other internal organs causes chills.

The main reasons for the rise in temperature

With helminthiasis, a decrease in the patient’s body weight is observed, the skin turns pale, and itching occurs in the perianal area, especially in children. A person may feel nauseous, experience constipation, flatulence, sleep disturbances, and general weakness.

The symptoms of the disease are most pronounced during the acute phase, during the spread of the parasite larvae.

And then the question of whether there can be a high temperature due to worms always receives a positive answer, since poor health at this time is associated with sensitization of the body and the active introduction of helminths into the tissues. At the same time, they release toxins that cause allergic reactions. The more waste products of parasites accumulate, the stronger the intoxication.

If you have a high temperature against the background of other symptoms of helminthic infection, you should consult a doctor

Temperature with worms can be associated with a whole complex of pathological processes observed during infection:

  • Decreased immunity in the patient.
  • Injuries to mucous membranes.
  • Exposure to toxins.
  • Inflammation of areas affected by helminths.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Immunodeficiency and changes in the blood.

Does it happen that parasites are an indirect cause of fever? Yes, with a general deterioration in health. It also largely depends on the location of the helminths and the time they remain in the body.

Other symptoms of helminthiasis

Infection can be determined by other signs. Very often they are not even paid attention to, but in vain, since together they indicate the presence of helminthic infestation and can cause fever.

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Manifestation of allergic reactions in the form of a rash, runny nose or cough. You should especially pay attention to this if they did not exist before.
  2. Nausea, diarrhea, constipation, occurring irregularly and seemingly going away on their own.
  3. There may be a fever during exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.
  4. Constantly feeling tired, fatigued easily, drowsiness, lack of concentration on anything.
  5. Lack of appetite or sudden increase in appetite.
  6. Sudden weight change.

If chills appear against the background of these symptoms, then this already indicates a problem with helminths.

Symptoms of the effects of helminths on the human body

Worms appear in the form of an embryo or larvae; adult individuals do not show signs of vital activity. Parasites move throughout the body through the blood system, settling in the lungs, intestines, and other internal organs. The immune system produces symptoms that determine the presence of the disease in the early stages.

Sometimes adults have a fever but no cold symptoms. At the same time, many begin to take antipyretic drugs, which should not be done, because such a sign may indicate that parasites live in the human body.

During their existence, roundworms and other helminths cause inflammation, reducing the host's immunity, resulting in fever (37 - 37.5 degrees).

In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe tests and, if the presence of helminths is confirmed, administer appropriate anthelmintic treatment.

Pinworms, lamblia, roundworms are parasites that very often attack the body of a person with weak immunity, who does not always follow hygiene rules. However, with giardiasis, ascariasis or enterobiasis, in addition to low-grade fever, there may be other symptoms indicating helminthic infestation.

Thus, helminths in adults cause a number of characteristic signs that indicate helminth infection.

The body's response to helminthiasis

Some parasites directly cause an increase in body temperature. These include, for example, roundworms. By affecting the intestines, they not only weaken the immune system, but also lead to complications.

In order to find out the reason for the increase in body temperature and prescribe treatment, you first need to determine what caused it. Typically, helminthiases have the following types of effects:


Associated with the release of poison by worms into the human body. These toxins are absorbed and distributed through the circulatory system to all organs, leading to infection. At the same time, an increase in temperature is observed. The greatest danger in this regard are flukes and roundworms. Children especially suffer from this. Since in children the body has not yet developed a protective barrier.

Symptoms: causeless tearfulness and moodiness, nervous and restless sleep


Parasites eat the tissues of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs. They strive to pave a direct path for themselves to the circulatory system and in doing so destroy all obstacles encountered along the way. This is how helminths provide themselves with a source of food and a means of transportation. The resulting wounds become inflamed, which leads to fever.


This is due to the basic principles of life of worms. Having settled in the human body, they grow, actively develop and begin to reproduce. At each stage they need to eat. Parasites obtain all their nutrients from the body of their host.

Their activity in the intestines can lead to a lack of vitamin B12, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the production of blood cells, insomnia, and symptoms of chronic fatigue. These symptoms are most severe in children.

Allergic reaction

A very great danger to human health is the process of decomposition of the helminth after its death, which occurs in the intestines. The toxins released during this process cause an increase in the body's temperature, as a protective reaction to the appearance of a focal infection.

When there are a lot of parasites, they form specific plaques that block the intestines and thereby create fecal obstruction. This leads to the fact that the dead worms begin to decompose, gradually poisoning the body.

Allergic reactions: most often a rash, an allergic cough or runny nose.


Worms kill all beneficial microflora in the intestines. This poses a significant danger, especially for children. The dysbacteriosis they cause leads to:

  • Abnormal stool;
  • Poor absorption of vitamins and microelements;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the intestines.

The development of colonies of harmful bacteria observed in this case is the cause of inflammatory processes. The consequences of dysbacteriosis are nausea, lack of desire to eat, refusal to eat.

Useful video: How dangerous are helminths?

Method of treatment of helminthiasis

The principle of combating parasitic diseases is usually the same for all types of worms - diagnose the invasion, destroy its culprits, remove immobilized individuals and their metabolic products from the body. To alleviate the condition, medications are added to anthelmintic therapy to treat diseases caused by parasites in children.

There are quite a lot of modern drugs that destroy worms, but they are not universal. Therefore, a specialist should prescribe them to children, focusing on the type of helminthiasis and taking into account the child’s health condition. Among the most popular medications are the following:

  • Pyrantel is a universal medicine in tablets, the action of which is aimed at destroying various types of worms by blocking nerve impulses, which immobilizes the parasites;
  • Levamisole, a unique medication in tablets and ampoules, not only destroys parasites by paralyzing them, but also demonstrates an immunomodulatory effect, which is also used to treat oncology.

Experts supplement the course of anthelmintic therapy by prescribing drugs to stabilize the immune system and vitamins. It is mandatory to take probiotics, which are necessary to restore beneficial microflora and intestinal mucosa damaged by worms, as well as stimulate local immunity.

It is important to take into account that if helminthic infestation is accompanied by fever, the selection of anthelmintic drugs for the child should be especially careful. Medicines are intended to eradicate living individuals, therefore they are highly toxic, which can harm a fragile organism.

Regardless of how a child’s body will react to insemination by parasites, it is not so easy to fight them. The most dangerous to humans are the larvae of worms, which are capable of freely traveling through organs, violating the integrity of their membranes. The gastrointestinal tract is considered a potential habitat for many types of worms, and the result is the development of intestinal pathologies. For young children, high fever is especially dangerous due to concomitant diseases. Therefore, to defeat worms, personal hygiene is important, otherwise the drugs will be useless, and the parasitic disease will cause a relapse.

What is accompanied by fever when infected with worms?

Helminths are quite easy to recognize. They multiply quickly, so they don't go unnoticed for long. Doctors have been fighting them for quite a long time and successfully - now you can get rid of parasites at any stage and in different ways, without a hint of harm to the host’s body.

But before removing worms from the body, you need to be able to recognize them and consult a doctor in time.

Digestive disorders

Various types of disorders - this includes periodic acute pain in the intestinal area, and stool disorders - constipation or diarrhea, changes in the speed of digestion. The famous property of worms to deplete the body was even used several centuries ago in various beauty practices - women took worm eggs internally, deliberately infecting the body in the hope of losing weight. It is worth saying that this method worked, although the helminths then had to be exterminated using far from safe methods.

Itching in the anus

Itching in the anal area
Insatiable itching in the anal area (in most cases it begins at night, as it coincides with the biological rhythms of the parasite). This is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of infection, and if an adult endures it steadfastly, the child will definitely try to scratch himself, will not wash his hands afterwards, and will certainly spread the infection in his body even more.


Typically, worms raise the temperature to a maximum of 37 degrees, which is not critical. Sometimes 38 degrees is acceptable, which according to all the rules can already be “knocked down” with medications. Worms can cause fever with extremely unpleasant accompanying symptoms - severe headache, weakness, nausea.


One of the stages of worm development takes place in the lungs, where the larva feeds on blood (which, by the way, is where the infection comes from in most cases), and causes a cough. In the absence of other obvious signs indicating helminths, people naturally think that they have a cold or any other viral airborne disease, which becomes their mistake.

Treatment and prevention of helminthiases

To completely get rid of worms, the patient must undergo antiparasitic treatment. Doctors prescribe antihelminthic drugs after examination and all necessary tests.

You can resort to self-medication at the initial stage of the development of helminthiasis. To prevent and destroy parasites in the initial stages, light drugs and medications are used; you can try to resort to proven folk remedies.

However, if the infection may be long-standing, or you are not sure that you can cope with roundworms, pinworms or trichinella on your own, you should seek help from a doctor. He will prescribe a medicine based on several factors:

  • duration of infection;
  • the presence or absence of other diseases;
  • general condition of the patient;
  • age and body weight of the patient.

Many anti-worm medications are toxic, so it is better to make your choice based on clear data to be sure of the result. You can independently get rid of symptoms before going to the doctor, for example, normalize your body temperature.

The main causes of increased body temperature from worms

As you have already noticed, exceeding the normal temperature is not a direct, but a concomitant sign of the disease, which significantly affects the general condition of the patient.

Many types of parasites, carrying out their destructive activities in the human body, significantly reduce its defense functions, resulting in inflammatory processes. Which, in turn, can cause an increase in human body temperature.

It is worth noting that the temperature may rise a few days after infestation by parasite eggs, which is caused by active maturation and growth.

The temperature with worms is due to the fact that during the period of rapid reproduction they feed on the beneficial substances of the host, releasing dangerous toxins as a product of their vital activity. In turn, this leads to massive damage to the cells of the infected organ, and the temperature rises to 38°C.

Doctors often note hyperthermia in the first week of the disease. This is due to the fact that a large number of helminths spend their main life cycle outside the gastrointestinal tract and the larvae, as they develop, migrate throughout the body to the final organ. In which they continue their parasitic activity.

Do not forget that by ignoring the obvious signs of helminthiasis, you are causing almost irreparable harm to your health!

What invasions are accompanied by fever?

Fever with worms can occur regardless of their type, but some of the infestations are accompanied by the presence of fever all the time. As a rule, this symptom is characteristic of helminthic diseases, the causative agents of which are:

  1. Roundworms.
  2. Giardia.
  3. Pinworms.
  4. Trichinella.

Each of these parasites, after penetrating inside the human body, is characterized by its own characteristics, different from others, but the helminth infections they cause are united by the presence of fever.

Intestinal parasiteName of the diseaseThe main symptoms felt by the patient and a description of the characteristics of the invasion
RoundwormsAscariasisThis type of helminth is characterized by migration throughout the human body along with the bloodstream. During the migration stage, worm larvae remain in the lungs, which is accompanied by symptoms similar to those of pneumonia.
Adult parasites, which form foci of accumulation in the lumens of the small intestine, constantly move within them. This movement not only causes most of the symptoms characteristic of helminthic infestations, but also mechanically irritates the intestines. Such irritation, which does not stop for a long time, leads to erosions and other damage.

Developed ascariasis is characterized by severe pain in the abdomen, either occurring periodically and having a spasmodic nature, or constant, nagging, or manifested as heaviness in the abdomen. The movement of helminths also provokes disturbances in peristalsis, as a rule, it causes loosening of the stool. However, with highly developed infestations, with a large number of worms, constipation is also possible due to the filling of the intestinal lumens with roundworms.

GiardiaGiardiasisGiardia are not helminths; they are intestinal parasites belonging to flagellated protist organisms.
The danger of Giardia is that during the process of parasitism they almost completely cover the intestinal walls, preventing the absorption and, accordingly, assimilation of most nutrients. A developed Giardia colony deprives the body of a sick person of most of the carbohydrates, sugars, and fats.

In addition to the symptoms typical of many helminthic diseases, which Giardia causes, even though they are not worms, patients suffer from constant diarrhea, disturbances in digestion and metabolic balance.

PinwormsEnterobiasisPinworm parasitism is concentrated in the lower parts of the small intestine, cecum and colon. Parasites are heterogeneous and tend to move within the intestinal lumen.
Mating of these worms occurs in the ileum. After the act of fertilization of the female, the male worm dies, and the female begins to move to the lower intestines.

To shed invasive eggs, the pinworm needs to crawl out of the anus. These worms lay in the perianal folds and in the perineal area.

The total lifespan of helminths of this species in the human intestine does not exceed 4 weeks. However, due to the specificity of egg shedding, the invasion becomes chronic. This happens especially often in children, who find it much more difficult to control their own desire to scratch than adults. Helminthiasis acquires a chronic form due to the constant self-infection of the patient. Worm eggs end up under nails, on bedding, and things, from where they subsequently enter the mouth and are swallowed.

A distinctive symptom of this invasion is the presence of irritation of the skin around the anus and in the perineum, a frequent desire to scratch and severe abdominal pain with accompanying flatulence. Pain and gas formation are caused by the movement of worms inside the intestinal lumens.

TrichinellaTrichinosisThe first stage of parasitism of Trichinella larvae takes place in muscle tissue, where they end up migrating with the blood along the vascular beds.
The disease is deadly, since the larvae parasitizing in muscle tissue become overgrown with cocoons, which, in turn, accumulate salt deposits around themselves. As a result of this process, the muscle tissue in which the helminth larvae are located is irreversibly damaged, literally turning into a kind of sieve.

In addition to the typical symptoms of helminth infections, the sick person feels terrible body pain, muscle aches and severe weakness. Signs of pathology directly depend on the immediate location of the larvae. As a rule, lesions form in the transverse muscles, masticatory, oculomotor muscles, as well as in the diaphragm.

Any other types of intestinal parasites can also cause fever, that is, cause it to rise. As a rule, low-grade fever, that is, a slight increase in its level that lasts for a long time and is difficult to correct with antipyretic drugs.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

If a person has a fever, it means that there is an inflammatory factor in his body that causes hyperthermia. Provided that there are no signs of a cold or other inflammatory process, it is not recommended to let the situation take its course. It is important to see a doctor for further diagnosis.

After conducting diagnostic examinations, the specialist will determine what changes are occurring in the body. If hyperthermia is indeed caused by parasites, complex treatment with anthelmintic drugs is necessary.

It is possible to bring down the temperature only if its readings exceed 38.5°C in an adult and 38°C in a child. There is no need to panic about such a temperature, as it means that the body is trying to overcome the inflammatory process.

To reduce the temperature, as with a cold, medications Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, and Aspirin are used. After the fever subsides, the patient’s well-being returns to normal. As an additional adjuvant, you can take Nimesil, a drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

How to reduce the temperature with worms and how to normalize it with helminths?

As previously stated, rushing to lower the temperature if it does not reach a high level and does not last for a long time is contraindicated.

If your temperature does not exceed the permissible deviations and is in the region of 37-38°C, you should drink as much fluid as possible and, if possible, adhere to bed rest. As in the case of colds, it is recommended to wash with cool water and apply cold wet wipes. In most cases, these simple manipulations are enough to alleviate the condition.

If the temperature does not drop for a long time and interferes with normal life, it should be brought down with anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroids. These can be any analgesics: paracetamol, analgin, aspirin and others. The patient is given one tablet, which must be taken with a glass of water.

Do not also forget that such tablets have a high impact on the digestive system and liver, so you should not abuse them.

What worms cause fever?

Worms can give fever while still in the initial stage of their migration, that is, when they first spread throughout the body. Often hyperthermia with worms is not observed at all. Its absence, as well as the absence of cough, abdominal pain and other symptoms, indicates a chronic course of the disease. An increase in temperature in adults and children is most often caused by parasites such as:

  • Giardia;
  • Trichinella;
  • Roundworms;
  • Pinworms.

Giardia Trichinella Ascaris Pinworms

In addition to an increase in temperature, they often cause a number of other associated symptoms:

  • Giardia. The presence of these worms in the body is diagnosed by pale skin and discomfort in the umbilical region. A person with giardiasis often has nausea with vomiting, as well as an uncontrollable desire to eat something sweet. When infected with these parasites, the body temperature remains within 37.5 °C for a fairly long period.
  • Trichinella. Their presence rarely remains without clear symptoms; they are expressed in puffiness of the face and are accompanied by muscle pain in the lower extremities. A temperature not exceeding 37 °C often indicates trichinosis.
  • Pinworms are worms that almost never affect preschool children. They are rarely detected in adulthood. When infected, the child usually complains of severe itching in the perineum and anus. Enterobiasis can also be diagnosed by a child’s lack of appetite and poor sleep. These worms rarely produce temperatures exceeding 37 °C.
  • Roundworms. This is the most active worm that parasitizes the body of people of any age. The greatest danger of this helminth is the regular laying of a large number of eggs, which can result in inflammation of internal organs and mucous membranes due to minor mechanical damage. In children, the presence of roundworms rarely manifests itself with any symptoms, and in adults it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and the presence of high temperature, which, depending on the degree of infection, can range from – 37 to 38 ° C.

What types of parasites can cause fever?

There are several types of helminths that actively infect a person with weak immunity if he does not take care of his hygiene enough. A characteristic sign of their presence in the body is a low-grade fever (lasting from 37 to 38 degrees for a long time), in addition to this, other symptoms may appear indicating helminthic infestation. An infected person can always identify a helminth infection by several obvious signs.

Pinworms are one of the most common types of parasites. They affect the human intestines and can cause the following consequences:

  • Redness or irritation on the skin, similar to an allergic reaction;
  • Loose stools and discomfort in the navel area;
  • Itching in the anal area, especially acute at night;
  • Pale skin, bluish tint to lips.

Most often, during infection, appetite disappears, but you may want to eat something sweet. Over time, weight loss is observed, and the character of the infected person becomes nervous and irritable.

Sometimes the symptoms listed above are absent. In this case, only the unexpected appearance of fever and weakness can indicate the initial stage of helminthiasis.

Roundworms are parasitic roundworms that most often penetrate the gastrointestinal tract and are found in humans and animals. They feed on the beneficial substances of the infected person and poison him from the inside, releasing toxins. The temperature in case of infection with roundworms may rise to 37-37.5 degrees.

Sometimes a symptom of infection is discomfort in the stomach. During migration, roundworms can also enter the lungs, causing a dry cough, which over time develops into a wet cough, indicating the onset of an inflammatory process.

Pinworms: signs and symptoms

The pinworm is the most common intestinal parasite. Although it is not dangerous, it can make a person's life unpleasant. Typical for pinworms is persistent itching around the anus, especially at night.

All signs of the presence of pinworms appear at night, causing sleep disturbances. A person feels tired and irritable throughout the day. If we are talking about a child, his parents also feel anxiety along with him, who cannot determine the cause of this condition for a long time, because they do not know whether worms can cause such manifestations.

Pinworms are among the parasites that are more than easy to become infected with. The infection is transmitted by consuming eggs, most often by licking the fingers on which they are present. Therefore, this disease is also called “dirty hand disease”.

Can worms cause a high temperature? Yes - pinworms can cause not only a mild low-grade fever, but also a feverish state. However, such manifestations do not last long, and a person usually attributes the blame to a cold.

Amoebic dysentery or amoebiasis

The parasite mainly lives in areas with poor sanitation conditions, mainly in developing countries. People can become infected through contact with contaminated soil or by consuming contaminated food and/or water. Sometimes the disease spreads during sexual intercourse.

The main signs of amebiasis include:

  • mild diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • Infection may develop within 1-4 weeks.

How can parents recognize worms in their child?

Parasitic infestations lie in wait for children everywhere, even in the womb of a mother infected with helminths. It can be difficult to ensure that children observe basic personal hygiene; infected pets can also cause worms in a child. By carefully observing children at home, parents will be able to recognize symptoms characteristic of helminthiasis:

  • signs of anal itching, the appearance of frequent constipation or “sheep” feces;
  • fluctuations in appetite with morning nausea, weight loss;
  • night symptoms – grinding teeth during sleep with increased salivation;
  • the appearance of bruises under the eyes against the background of pale skin;
  • traces of long-lasting skin rashes on the forearms and thighs;
  • colic in the abdominal area, soreness in the area around the navel.

Advice: if parents detect even some of these symptoms in their baby, this is a good reason to seek help from a doctor. If the condition is accompanied by an increase in temperature, you will have to undergo tests to make sure whether worms are present in children and what is the cause of the fever.

What parasites can increase body temperature?

The most common parasites that can cause fever in adults and children are:

  • pinworms;
  • Giardia;
  • roundworms;
  • Trichinella.

But in addition to hyperthermia, they also cause other associated symptoms of the disease. Let's look at how these pathologies differ in the table.

Type of helminthSymptoms

PinwormsRarely diagnosed in adults. A child suffering from enterobiasis complains of itching in the anus and perineum, and poor sleep at night. Body temperature with pinworms rises to 37°C.
GiardiaDiscomfort in the navel area, insatiable cravings for sweets, nausea and vomiting, pain in the liver, and pale skin usually indicate giardiasis. The temperature can remain at 37°C – 37.5°C for a long time.
TrichinellaMuscle pain, puffiness of the face, low-grade fever at 37°C may indicate that the body is affected by trichinosis.
RoundwormsThis worm is a very active parasite, regularly laying hundreds of eggs throughout the human body. All this leads to inflammation, which can result in increased body temperature. The symptoms of ascariasis are most pronounced in adults; in children, the disease is often practically asymptomatic.

So, we found out that temperature with worms in children and adults is not a direct, but an additional symptom of the disease.
Moreover, this symptom can significantly affect a person’s well-being, since against the background of hyperthermia, weakness develops throughout the body. By the way, the temperature can rise within a few days after parasite eggs enter the body, which is due to their rapid growth and development. Fever due to helminthiasis is more common in children than in adults. This is due to the imperfection of the children's immune system and the lack of a protective barrier. That is why it is recommended that children be examined more often for helminthiasis in order to prevent the development of the disease. Unfortunately, many parents intuitively perceive their child’s temperature as the onset of a cold and do not take proper measures against helminthiasis out of ignorance. By missing the onset of the pathology, they later face more serious complications.


Temperature with worms is an additional (secondary) symptom of the disease. Against the background of increased indicators, the main symptoms only worsen.

Temperature jumps from worms can occur several days after the body is infected. This is due to the rapid growth of parasites and their ability to actively reproduce in sufficiently large quantities.

Fever in children with worms is more common than in adults. This fact is explained by the imperfection of the immune system in childhood. For this reason, screening for the presence of parasites in preschoolers should be regular. Prevention and control of infection at its initial stage helps to avoid serious complications later.

How doctors diagnose parasites

An indirect indicator of parasitic infestation can be a detailed blood test, in which an increase in the level of eosinophils with low hemoglobin indicates insemination by helminths. Proper preparation for an enzyme immunoassay test allows you to detect worm eggs in a person’s blood using the antibodies that the body produces to detect the presence of worms. A highly informative test will detect even a minimal number of worms at the very beginning of infection.

The most accurate diagnosis is considered to be a laboratory analysis of stool for parasite eggs, but it will have to be taken at least three times to obtain reliable information. Diagnosis of feces is especially important for young children, since worms can be found even in infants. Their infection occurs during childbirth; artificial feeding can also cause infection, since the baby has not yet developed a strong immune system.

What helminths provoke fever?

The phenomenon of hyperthermia is not one of the main signs of infection with worms, but indicates possible intoxication. The presence of some types of worms acts on the fragile organism of children as a strong allergen. For example, roundworms lay larvae, their shell provokes an allergic response, which results in an increase in temperature to 39°C, the appearance of paroxysmal cough and skin rashes.

Important: with reduced immunity due to allergies, the temperature from worms may indicate the formation of helminth balls. The colony blocks the intestinal lumen, which leads to stool retention and intoxication of the body as a whole.

Types of parasitesFeatures of infection of childrenTemperature indicators

RoundwormsWorms are distinguished by their ability to form huge ovipositions, which for humans results in inflammation with an increase in temperature. Ascaris larvae, being a powerful allergen, migrate throughout the body of children, causing rashes, itching, coughing, and asthma attacks. Location: soft tissue. Possible symptoms of rapid ascariasis are pain around the navel, loss of appetite, lethargy, moodiness. The temperature rises above 37°C and can reach 39°C
PinwormsChildren are more likely to suffer from this type of infection, and adults are less likely to suffer. Enterobiasis in children is manifested by itching in the anus, as well as the perineum, and restless night sleep. Can there be a fever with this type of worm? A low reading is often confused with a signal of a cold. There is usually no heat, but the temperature can stay at around 37°C
TrichinellaThe place of localization of parasites becomes the digestive tract due to the low level of immunity of young children. Invasion is indicated by complaints of muscle pain, swelling of the face, and the appearance of low-grade fever warns of trichinosis. The temperature remains at a constant 37°C
Liver flukesThe result of invasion in children is opisthorchiasis, the liver and pancreas suffer. The acute phase of the disease is signaled by hives, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea with fever. The chronic stage is characterized by liver disease, but without signs of hyperthermia At the acute stage, the fever reaches 38°C, with severe disease it can rise to 39°C
GiardiaIn humans, worms parasitize in the small intestine, causing dyspepsia, allergic reactions, and nervous disorders. In addition to peri-umbilical pain, giardiasis is manifested by children’s irrepressible craving for sweets, nausea and vomiting, pale skin, and hepatic colic. The period of elevated temperature (37.5°C) lasts for a long time

Advice: if a low-grade fever persists for a long time, and there is no reason for its increase, parents should check whether the baby has worms. Most often, children suffer from infection with roundworms and pinworms, the destruction of which requires high-temperature heat treatment of products or freezing them at especially low temperatures.

Parasites that cause fever

Some types of helminths, during their parasitism, reduce the protective functions of the body, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops. Thus, a fever occurs with worms.

Enterobiasis may be a common cause of fever. Pinworms contribute to the development of the following manifestations:

  1. grinding teeth during sleep;
  2. allergic skin reactions;
  3. itching in the anal area that occurs at night;
  4. blue lips and pale skin;
  5. upset stool and discomfort in the navel area.

There is no appetite, but sometimes there may be a craving for sweets.
The patient's weight gradually decreases, and the person also becomes irritable. However, in some cases, there are no manifestations of enterobiasis, so many may not be aware of helminth infection. But then the patient may have a fever from worms and weakness, which indicates the initial stage of helminthiasis.

What to do if the temperature rises and you suspect worms?

IIf there is a constant low-grade fever (37°C), the child should be taken to the doctor to be tested for worms. There is no need to reduce this temperature, but it is necessary to find out the reason
IIIf the temperature rises to 38°C, bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids for several days are required. If the high level does not decrease after some time, medical help is needed
IIIThe temperature should be reduced only at critical levels - above 38°C. After taking an antipyretic medicine (Analgin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol), you need to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment

How to reduce temperature if there are parasites in the body

If there is no fever or the critical level has not been reached, then it is not recommended to reduce body temperature. The body fights pests on its own.

Recommendations for alleviating the condition of fever in children and adults:

  • Drink plenty of fluids (water, tea with jam, lemon, honey).
  • Maintain bed rest.
  • Give liquid food.

The main reason that fever lasts a long time and causes inconvenience is due to the active reproduction and development of parasites. In this case, the following medications will help:

  • Paracetamol.
  • Analgin.
  • Ibuprofen.

It is extremely undesirable to take these drugs often; they will aggravate the condition of the body.

Why does the temperature rise?

The impact of any type of worm parasitizing the human body provokes a number of factors in which the vital activity of the helminth can cause fever:

  • Release of toxic waste.
  • Mechanical damage to internal organs.
  • Allergic reaction.

Can worms cause fever in children? The child’s immunity has an unformed protective barrier; within a couple of days after the worm enters the body, general health may deteriorate due to the growth and development of the parasite.

If there is an unreasonable occurrence of low-grade fever in children up to 37°C, doctors recommend testing for the presence of helminths.

Toxic waste

The human body is a natural habitat for worms, which affect overall health. Feeding on beneficial substances entering the body, worms secrete products of their vital activity - toxins. Once in the blood, they are carried throughout the body by the circulatory system, poisoning tissues and organs. The liver, which serves as a natural filter, gives a protective reaction - attacks of nausea, vomiting, and headaches appear. Such symptoms are called the toxic mechanism of the effects of worms on the body.

The parasite can poison the host’s body even after its death. When carrying out deworming, it is important not only to destroy the worm, but also to remove it from the body.

Damage to internal tissues

Methods of attaching the parasite to the walls of organs to keep it in place are hooks and suction cups. Their impact irritates the nerve endings, causing pain. If the parasite is subjected to constant pressure (for example, in the intestines), it can cling tightly to the mucous membrane, causing bleeding and leading to a dangerous disease - intestinal necrosis.

An adult worm, when migrating from the intestine to other organs, can pierce its walls like a needle, in the same way it penetrates the blood vessels - causing mechanical damage to tissues. Inflammation and suppuration form on the affected organs, which can also cause the temperature to rise.


The migration of parasite larvae throughout the body provokes problematic allergic rhinitis and dry cough. Chronic diseases are exacerbated, accompanied by a slight increase in temperature:

  • Sinusitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Inflammation of the vagina.

Other symptoms

It is important to know what signs can be used to identify parasite infestation. Some of them are often ignored, while being quite obvious signs of helminthic infestation.

  1. Allergic reactions, especially if intolerance has not been observed before. Most often, a rash, allergic cough or runny nose appears.
  2. Nausea, digestive problems, constipation or diarrhea. They occur frequently and can go away on their own and appear again.
  3. Symptoms of poisoning and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. The emergence of chronic fatigue syndrome, which is especially noticeable in children. A person begins to get tired quickly, constantly feels drowsy, and is unable to concentrate on anything.
  5. Decreased appetite or, conversely, increased appetite. At the same time, weight can constantly change dramatically.

These are the main symptoms of helminthic diseases. If there is an increase in temperature against their background, this is an indirect sign of a problem. You should consult a specialist.

Dysbacteriosis and temperature

By parasitizing the human intestine, worms disrupt its microflora, promoting the death of beneficial bacteria, thereby causing dysbacteriosis. Young children with weakened immune systems and periodic use of antibiotics are more often susceptible to the disease. Due to an insufficient number of necessary bacteria, dysbiosis leads to:

  • Stool disorder;
  • Violation of the functions of all internal organs;
  • Inability to fully absorb vitamins and minerals from food.

The active proliferation of harmful bacteria is the main cause of inflammatory processes in the intestines, which provoke a rise in temperature. Lack of appetite and nausea are a consequence of dysbiosis, which appears against the background of helminthic infestations.

Drug treatment, without identifying the true cause, will not only not give a positive effect, but will also significantly worsen the situation. The components of drugs for dysbiosis include all the necessary nutrients for the full existence of parasites.


If the cause of the rise in temperature is caused by helminthic infestations, it will be enough to start taking antihelminthic drugs to eliminate the symptom. Medicines are selected by the doctor based on the test results. For complex infections, anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes prescribed. Young children who find it difficult to tolerate even a slight increase in temperature are recommended to use any antipyretic based on:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen.



Regardless of the nature of hyperthermia, even if it varies within insignificant limits, medical consultation is necessary. The prolonged presence of low-grade fever indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. A visual examination, based on the patient’s complaints and general clinical picture, as well as a mandatory blood test, will help determine the cause of its appearance.

Why does the temperature rise during helminthiasis?

Before contacting specialists, it is important to know what exactly you are dealing with, because an elevated temperature does not always indicate the presence of parasites in the body. With hyperthermia, based on the following signs and symptoms, you will understand whether you are infected with a parasite or whether it is a common cold:

  • sudden allergies in the form of cough, runny nose or skin rashes, especially if it has not previously manifested itself;
  • gastrointestinal problems: constipation, diarrhea, vomiting. They are periodic in nature;
  • appetite decreases or, on the contrary, increases with a sharp change in weight;
  • Chronic fatigue develops with a syndrome of constant drowsiness and lack of concentration.

An increase in temperature during helminthiasis infection occurs more often in children than in adults, which is interpreted by the poorly developed immune system of children and the lack of stable immunity to external irritants. In view of this, it is recommended that children be regularly examined for the presence of helminths in order to reduce the risk of developing chronic forms of this disease.

Alas, often we, as parents, incorrectly interpret the symptom of fever in a child, considering it, due to lack of information, the beginning of a cold and giving various medications without consulting a doctor. Which, as a result, leads to serious complications and pathologies of the baby’s organs (that is, it is dangerous).

Why does the body need low-grade fever?

Low-grade fever is defined as a prolonged, persistent febrile state of moderate severity. That is, the temperature stays within 37-38 degrees. This phenomenon is considered normal and indicates a struggle of the body’s immune forces against an infection that has penetrated it (including parasitic ones). That is, increasing heat exchange even by a couple of degrees accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which creates unsightly conditions for the further development of any infection.

What is a dwarf tapeworm: the structure and life cycle of the parasite

However, here it is worth understanding that worms are so insidious that they can deceive the immune system for a long time, remaining unnoticed. And only after a significant proliferation of worms and their active life activity, the patient’s defenses begin to recognize the enemy based on individual phenomena (toxins, organ damage, etc.). But in this case, it happens that there are already a lot of worms in the body.

Is it possible to get rid of worms in the heat?

The question of whether it is worth poisoning worms at a temperature, or whether it is necessary to initially bring it down, and only then take antiparasitic drugs, worries almost every person who is faced with the need to treat helminthiasis.

The course of action in such a situation depends on what exactly caused the heat and its strength, of course. An increase in thermometer readings can be caused by both the harmful activity of helminths and the immune defense reaction of the body’s own. As a rule, the causes of fever become clear to the attending physicians after the results of blood tests become available - general and a number of special ones, for antibodies.

In the event that the worms themselves and their activity, which caused mechanical damage to the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and its muscle walls, are to blame for the heat caused by parasites, then doctors, as a rule, do not postpone therapy.

If the cause of the fever lies in the immune reactions of the patient’s body, that is, the increase in temperature is caused by toxins secreted by parasites, then doctors take into account a number of individual factors before starting therapy. The defining nuances in such a situation are:

  • the amount of antibodies secreted by the immune system;
  • patient's age;
  • the weight and degree of exhaustion of the body that develops with giardiasis or the level of muscle tissue dystrophy that develops with trichinosis;
  • severity of allergic reaction;
  • the degree of development of helminthiasis, that is, the approximate number of worms inside the human intestine.

As a rule, in such situations, complex treatment is carried out, including antiparasitic agents and drugs that relieve the severity of the allergic reaction.

Situations often arise when a fever starts from medications taken for another disease and provoke the activity of intestinal parasites. In this case, all medications are stopped, and after the fever subsides, intensive therapy for helminthiasis is carried out.

Video: worms - how to find out that you have them and how to get rid of them?

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