Cockroaches in the microwave: where and how to get rid of them

cockroaches in the microwave

Many people, unfortunately, are familiar with the problem of an infestation of cockroaches in the house. It is always unpleasant when such parasites appear in your home. They settle everywhere, and are especially attracted to the kitchen, where food can always be found. It is possible that pests can easily infest microwave ovens. After all, cockroaches in the microwave often find something to profit from.

Everyone who has encountered such a problem is beginning to storm the Internet in search of effective means and methods to remove cockroaches from the microwave and the entire home. The modern market offers a wide range of various sprayers and baits for removing red invaders. However, they all have varying degrees of effectiveness. In this article we will tell you in detail what to do if there are cockroaches in the microwave. First of all, let's look at the reasons for the appearance of pests and figure out why it is necessary to remove cockroaches as soon as possible.

Reasons why cockroaches appear in the microwave oven

dirty microwave

If you think that cockroaches cannot live in a microwave oven, then do a simple experiment. Try to catch at least one insect, put it in the microwave and watch what happens next. When you turn off the oven and open its door, you will see that the cockroach has not died, but is in excellent health.

Due to the fact that cockroaches are good at sensing the radiation emanating from a microwave oven, when they get inside the microwave they find a place where radio waves do not reach and begin to settle there.

Cockroaches are attracted to microwave ovens because they are always warm. This is especially true in winter.

If you keep your microwave in an unsanitary condition, you are allowing grease and food debris to accumulate inside the oven. This is a favorable environment for the appearance of cockroaches and their subsequent reproduction.

Reasons for the appearance of Prussians in technology

It is no coincidence that cockroaches settle in the microwave. This is the technique in which fat, crumbs, and food debris accumulate. Parasites will always find something to feed on here. In addition, the equipment attracts insects when it is cold outside, since microwave ovens are warm

If the microwave oven is built into the kitchen furniture, then the device becomes even more attractive to parasites. In this case, the housewife will be even less likely to disturb the insects that have settled comfortably.

Having taken root, cockroaches begin to multiply in the microwave, run over dishes and food, spread pathogenic bacteria, and leave behind waste products. In addition, Prussians can cause a microwave oven to catch fire during operation.

Why is it necessary to get rid of cockroaches in a microwave oven?

microwave oven cleaning

Despite their small size, cockroaches cannot be called harmless insects. These parasites can cause significant damage to property and human health. Remember that a turned on microwave and cockroaches in it can cause a fire in the house!

Prussians are one of the hardiest types of insect pests. Most of them are able to survive without food for a month. Some varieties may resist radiation. Cockroaches are able to reproduce in a short time. Before you even have time to blink an eye, they will already fill the entire house or apartment.

They can easily damage book bindings, leather goods, plants and food. There are types of cockroaches that eat all kinds of garbage, including feces. In this case, insects become carriers of various infectious diseases: worm eggs and dysentery.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Various “Raptors” really help in the fight against insects, if you follow the instructions from the manufacturer and the exposure time.
  2. Dichlorvos, an equally well-known remedy for cockroaches, is also very effective. But it is worth considering that such aerosols are not safe for humans.
  3. Freezing a house or apartment also allows you to get rid of uninvited “guests”. Cockroaches and other insects are afraid of the cold. To get rid of them, you need to reduce the temperature inside the house or apartment to -8 C. The advantage of this method is that it is a completely safe method.

Preventive measures

Perhaps the best prevention for the appearance of cockroaches in a microwave oven, and throughout the home, is the basic cleanliness of the owners:

  1. These red-haired parasites are very attracted to moist environments. Therefore, try to avoid high humidity in the premises, make sure that the plumbing does not leak, and do not let water stagnate in the sink, washing machine, dishwasher, or in the bathroom. Be careful when cleaning your cutlery and wipe off the table so that there are no puddles left on it;
  2. Do not allow any gaps to form, as cockroaches may be attracted to them. There they can settle and breed their numerous offspring;
  3. Systematically ventilate your home. This helps get rid of cockroaches and improves the well-being of people living in this apartment or house.

Of course, it is not enough that the owner cleaned the microwave oven just once. If you are afraid of cockroaches appearing in it, then you need to constantly keep the microwave clean.

We invite you to watch a video about an effective “trap” for cockroaches that can be used in a microwave oven

How to remove odor from a microwave effectively, inexpensively and quickly?

It would seem, where can the smell of burning in a microwave come from? It’s very simple, we can heat up a banal sandwich or meat dish and simply leave the kitchen.

But you can get rid of it, and it’s not difficult:

  • You can remove the smell of burnt food using the usual and readily available lemon and water. To do this you will need a whole lemon and two glasses of clean water. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, you need to pour half a glass of lemon cut into slices with a glass of water and, setting the oven to full power, let this water boil for 5 minutes. After this, take the remaining half a lemon, fresh water and repeat the procedure. The aroma will disappear as if it were not there;
  • Another surefire way to help clean the stove from strong aromas is the usual vinegar, which, by the way, also has a disinfecting effect. Dilute the essence in water, maintaining a 1:1 ratio, and wipe the microwave working surfaces with the prepared solution. After this treatment, leave the oven open for a few minutes. Next, we wipe everything with a clean damp cloth - the microwave no longer smells like burnt food.

From the video you will learn how to deal with the burnt aroma.

Unpleasant smell after cooking

If you sometimes heat up food that has a strong, distinctive aroma, you are bound to be faced with the question of how to remove the smell from the microwave afterwards? After all, dishes with garlic or fish leave the aroma for several days. Removing such consequences is also possible, moreover, it is not difficult to do if you know a few tricks:

  • The first method is regular soda. A simple remedy will help remove the smell as it arises - 2 teaspoons of soda diluted in 50 ml of water. Just dip a cotton pad in the prepared solution and wipe the walls of the stove with it. There is no need to rinse off, and after 30 minutes the procedure should be repeated, preparing a fresh portion of the product. We assure you that the question of how to eliminate the smell of food from the microwave will disappear forever;
  • Another reliable, “fragrant” option for the fight is regular natural coffee. Wipe the walls of the appliance with the brewed drink, and the unpleasant smell of leftover food will be replaced by a pleasant coffee aroma.

Smell of fat

If you, like most people, often forget to cover the food you are heating with a protective cap, then you, along with the question of how to clean the microwave, inevitably face the problem of dealing with the unpleasant odor of fat particles. You can clean the walls using any cleaning product you like, but you can fight the aroma in the following ways:

  • place about 100 g of ordinary table salt in the microwave overnight; being a natural absorbent, it will completely rid your oven of the unpleasant amber;
  • The usual and affordable activated carbon works on the same principle - crush a dozen tablets and leave in the oven for several hours. There is no need to heat the device, the aroma will go away on its own.


However, why fight unpleasant odors if their occurrence can be prevented? Moreover, there are a number of simple and accessible ways to do this:

  • After each use of the microwave, open the device door for a few minutes: this will allow odors to evaporate naturally;
  • do not forget to cover the food with a lid before heating it: this way you will prevent the fat from splashing, and therefore the smell will not arise;
  • You can carry out monthly general cleaning in the microwave: just treat all hard-to-reach surfaces with regular toothpaste, remembering to rinse it off with water.

These simple methods will help once and for all answer the question of how to effectively get rid of the smell of burning or grease in the microwave, without requiring a lot of time and material costs.

Be sure to try them all in practice, you will be convinced of their effectiveness.

Video “Fighting unpleasant odors”

From the video you will learn how to clean a microwave from unpleasant odors.

Ways to get rid of cockroaches in the microwave

dead cockroach

Of course, no one will cook or heat food in the microwave if there is a whole army of cockroaches living in it. Insects have the nerve to crawl right into a plate of food. If cockroaches have become frequent guests in your apartment, then you will certainly be faced with the question of how to quickly remove cockroaches from the microwave. Is there any way to fight these parasites? What ways are there to destroy them?

First of all, you need to clean the oven with any high-quality detergent, getting rid of dirt and food debris inside it. You should approach this process as carefully as possible.

It is not only the easily accessible surfaces inside the oven that need to be cleaned. You will have to unscrew the back panel and check for parasites among the wires and microcircuits. Pay attention to the integrity of the wiring. Damaged by insects, dirty, it can cause a fire.

After the microwave oven is cleaned of dirt and food debris, you will need to get rid of the cockroaches and the eggs they laid inside the microwave. This can be done using the following methods.

Removal using boric acid

Boric acid has long been successfully used as an effective means of killing cockroaches, since it acts on them as a strong poison. To make bait, you need to mix boric acid powder with egg yolk in equal proportions and roll into small balls. Put them in the microwave and leave them for a week. After this period, you can open the oven and collect the finished insect corpses.

Boric acid can also be mixed with dough, mashed potatoes or other food that uninvited guests like to eat. Boric acid can also be used as an alcohol or water solution, but these are less effective because the smell of alcohol can repel insects.

Killing insects with crayons

To remove cockroaches from the microwave, you can use special crayons. Their use requires extreme care from a person. Crayoning should only be done when the oven is not being used for heating or cooking. Before turning it on, be sure to rinse off the product with warm water. However, if the cockroach population is too large, then such a remedy may not be effective.

Removing parasites using aerosols

Aerosols are very convenient to use and they work well in removing cockroaches. The main disadvantage of this product is the short duration of its effect. It is only effective when it is sprayed. Then the vapors disappear and the effect of the aerosol stops.

Using gels to control cockroaches

Insect control gels contain certain types of fats that prevent the product from drying out quickly. The product has a fairly long period of action and is absolutely safe for human health and life.

Getting rid of cockroaches using flour and asbestos

Another effective way to poison Prussians is a mixture of flour and asbestos. Mix both components in equal parts, place inside the microwave oven and leave there for a day. This time is enough for the cockroaches to eat the “delicacy” treat. As a result of such a meal, the insects' esophagus will become clogged, which will inevitably lead to their death. All that remains is to collect the dead insects and thoroughly wash the areas removed from them with detergents.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the microwave using special household products

There are many ways to get rid of insects. Before using them, the microwave oven is cleaned of fat, food residues are removed and thoroughly washed with any detergent. Unscrew the back wall of the device, check for pests between the wires and microcircuits. Then they begin processing.

Rubber gloves are used during processing. To avoid damaging equipment, avoid contact of chemicals with electronics. The surface is carefully wiped with a sponge.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the microwave

Important! Before processing, the microwave oven must be disconnected from the power supply.

To combat cockroaches, use crayons (for example, Mashenka chalk), which are applied to the walls of the device when it is turned off.
The product is not safe for human health, so before turning on and using the microwave, rinse it thoroughly with warm water. If there are a large number of pests, chalk is ineffective. Aerosols (Raid, Raptor, Dichlorvos) help get rid of cockroaches in the microwave .
They are convenient to apply, but they have a drawback. Such products are effective when sprayed, then the vapors disappear and the effect ends. Some insects manage to hide. Aerosols are dangerous to humans and pets. Gels have a longer effect (Dohlox, Exil Schaben paste, Raptor, Lethal force, Domovoy Proshka). They contain fats that prevent the gel from drying out quickly. They are safe for humans.

Fumigators and sticky traps (Dohlox, Raptor, Combat) are also used to control pests. But they destroy only part of the insects.

After using all of the above products, clean the stove with a solution of soda and soap.

Ways to repel insect pests

Cockroaches lived on our planet much earlier than humans and have long learned to adapt to any extreme situations, so they are practically not afraid of anything. They are able to quickly restore their numbers even under the influence of a significant dose of radiation or potent chemicals.

Cockroaches quickly become accustomed to various types of poisons and toxic substances. If such drugs enter the body of parasites again, it will be expressed in the insect only in the form of a slight malaise. Further use of these insecticides will be useless, since it will not harm either adult individuals or their future offspring.

How to get rid of cockroaches if they have managed to develop immunity to such chemicals? There are several ways in which it will not be possible to destroy pests, but their life in the apartment will become unbearable.

Exposure to low temperatures

Cockroaches are heat-loving insects, so cold for them is one hundred percent death. Comfortable temperature for red parasites ranges from 28 – 35 C˚. Therefore, to remove insects from the microwave, place it outside, provided that the air temperature is no higher than -1 C˚.

Note that freezing is effective only in winter. To 100% guarantee the death of pests and their offspring, it is necessary to freeze them at -10 C˚ or at lower temperatures. This will only take 2 – 3 hours. If the temperature is higher than -10C˚, then the freezing time must be increased.

Exposure to high temperatures

A good method for getting rid of cockroaches is to expose them to high temperatures. To do this, you can place the microwave in a sunny place outside on a hot summer day. Pests do not do well at temperatures exceeding +50 C˚.

You can turn on the device by setting the required temperature and smoke out the insects. To ensure that the oven completely expels all the parasites, leave it to heat for 30 minutes. At the end of this time, you will see for yourself how the Prussians will rush to escape from the microwave. But this method can lead to damage to the microwave oven, so use it only in cases of extreme necessity.

Cockroaches are afraid of light

Anyone who has had or has cockroaches at home knows that these insects are afraid of the lights being on. When the switch is clicked, they scatter in different directions at great speed. They are afraid not of the light itself, but of the fact that people will start killing them with the first objects that end up in their hands.

According to another version, Prussians do not like rooms with bright lighting, since the level of humidity in them decreases. And these parasites feel comfortable only in a humid environment.

Removal methods

Of course, no one wants to cook food in a microwave when it's infested with insects. Brazen cockroaches are not afraid to approach fresh food, crawling straight into cups and plates. What to do with this scourge? Is it possible to remove parasites?

First you need to eliminate the main reason why cockroaches settled in the microwave oven - dirt and food debris. Accessible surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned using a high-quality detergent. Take your time and be careful - you need to clean out every last crumb.

When the microwave is cleaned of food residues and dirt, it must be cleaned of the parasites and their eggs living inside. You can do this in 3 ways:

  1. Chemical treatment

Treating the microwave with high-quality, modern insecticides will help get rid of any insects, including cockroaches. Before processing, the oven must be disassembled so that the poison gets into all the cracks. It is better to film the process of disassembling the stove so that there are no difficulties with assembly later. Once the microwave is disassembled, it can be treated with an insecticide. If you use a liquid insecticide, be careful - it should not get on the electronic filling of the oven. It is worth using a sponge to gently wipe the desired surfaces. When working with insecticide, be sure to use goggles, gloves and a respirator.

Naturally, few people want to treat the stove where food is prepared with poison, but most insecticides can be deactivated using a regular soda solution or soapy water. A few days after treatment, the treated surfaces should be wiped down to make them safe.

  1. Freezing

Cockroaches are afraid of the cold - these heat-loving insects prefer temperatures from 28 to 35 degrees. Therefore, the surest way to drive pests out of a microwave oven is to expose it to temperatures below -1 degree. True, freezing only works in the cold season. For complete death of insects and their eggs, 2-3 hours of freezing at a temperature of -10 or below is sufficient. At temperatures from -1 to -10, freezing will take longer.

  1. Burnout

Another reliable way to exterminate cockroaches is to expose the microwave to the summer sun. Cockroaches also don’t like heat above 50 degrees, so by heating the stove in the sun you can drive out the insects. This method can damage the oven itself, so use burning only as a last resort.

Ineffective ways to kill cockroaches

dead cockroach

So that you don’t waste your time using ineffective methods to fight cockroaches that can often be found on the World Wide Web, we will tell you about the most common of them. Often people use all kinds of home-made odorous substances and various ultrasonic repellers to remove insects. Some try to get rid of “red mustaches” by resorting to magical spells and spells. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Use of household chemicals and fragrant herbs

The meaning of this method is to use substances with a repellent, pungent odor for processing in the microwave oven. You can use decoctions and tinctures prepared with fragrant herbs, you can use household chemicals and even inexpensive perfumes. This method is good for repelling cockroaches that cannot tolerate strong odors. However, only a few insects die in this case. This method is recommended to be used simultaneously with the use of insecticides or as a preventive measure against cockroach infestations in the apartment.

Ultrasonic repellers

Cockroaches do not have sensory organs that can perceive ultrasonic waves. This means that ultrasonic repellers are a useless tool in the fight against these insects. With their help you will not be able to exterminate pests.

Magic ways

Even if you are an ardent supporter of magical rituals, spells and conspiracies, remember that none of these methods help at all in the fight against cockroaches. If you really want to destroy insects, then buy a suitable product in the store.

Now you know where cockroaches appear in the microwave and how to get rid of them in a short time. Use our recommendations, and you will be able to remove cockroaches even from those places and devices that are difficult to access.

How to remove cockroaches from a microwave using traditional methods

Insects develop immunity to chemicals. Surviving individuals multiply quickly, and repeated treatment no longer affects them. It is possible to remove cockroaches from a microwave without the use of special household products.

Housewives use traditional methods, which are effective in controlling pests and safe for the health of humans and pets.

Boric acid

The method of removing cockroaches using boric acid, which is sold in pharmacies, is very popular. It acts as a strong poison on cockroaches.

How to prepare and use:

  • boric acid is mixed with egg yolk in equal proportions;
  • Roll the mixture into balls;
  • the balls are placed in the microwave for a week;
  • after 7 days, the household appliances are opened and the dead cockroaches are removed not only from the chamber, but also from inside the appliance by unscrewing the back wall.

Boric acid is also mixed with other products that insects love (mashed potatoes, dough, etc.).

Reference. An alcohol-containing solution of boric acid is less effective, since the smell of alcohol repels pests.

When using this product, make sure that there is no free access to water in the kitchen. If the cockroaches get drunk, the poison will stop working.

Flour and asbestos

Flour and asbestos are mixed in equal proportions. Place inside and next to the microwave for 24 hours. The insects eat the bait and clog their digestive tract, leading to their death. The cockroaches are collected, and the oven is thoroughly washed with a solution of soda and soap.

Wormwood decoction

To combat insects, a decoction of wormwood is used. Preparation and use:

  • 20 g of dried or fresh wormwood is poured into 250 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 2-3 hours, then filter;
  • Fill a spray bottle or moisten a cotton pad and treat the surfaces of the device inside and out.

The process is repeated 4 times a day.

Chamomile powder

Ready-made chamomile powder can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently by grinding the dried flowers of the plant. Place in a microwave oven for 2-3 days.

Advice. When baiting cockroaches, do not use the microwave.

During this time, some of the insects die, the rest leave their favorite place. Then the microwave is washed with a solution of soda and detergent.

Borax paste

To prepare the paste, mix 2 tsp. borax powder, 4 g vanillin, 70 g starch and 70 g powdered sugar. Mix with water to form a paste-like mixture. Place in the microwave for 2-3 days. Then the surfaces are washed.

Products with a strong odor

How to get rid of cockroaches in the microwave

Products with a strong odor repel insects from the device . But only a portion of the individuals die. This method is used simultaneously with insecticides or for prevention. They use decoctions and tinctures of strong-smelling herbs, perfumes or household chemicals.

The oven is treated with ammonia, essential oils (rosemary, clove, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, cedar, lavender). They moisten a cotton pad and wipe the surfaces of the microwave and wires. Bay leaf leaves and elderberry branches, which are placed in places where pests live, effectively repel cockroaches.

Cleaning the microwave after etching

After taking measures to combat insects, the device is cleaned of contaminants, insects and traces of their vital activity are removed. The internal and external surfaces are washed with a solution of soda and detergents. They clean not only the camera, but also, by unscrewing the back panel, the space between the wires and microcircuits.

To prevent cockroaches from settling in the microwave

Cockroaches in the microwave are a very unpleasant phenomenon, so in order to prevent its recurrence, after exterminating the insects, special attention must be paid to preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to regularly clean the microwave oven from greasy drops and food residues.
  • Ventilate the rooms every day, as longhorned beetles do not like the cold. Be sure to prevent the appearance of cracks where Prussians can breed.
  • It is necessary to block insects’ access to water as much as possible: repair plumbing fixtures in a timely manner, close taps tightly, and clean up spilled liquids.

What to do if cockroaches still appear in the microwave? The best solution in this situation is to call SES professionals to your home. They will quickly arrive at the scene of the incident, determine the number of parasites and how they entered the house. The anti-cockroach service uses only innovative technologies and certified drugs to fight. All insecticides are completely safe for people and pets, do not leave marks on furniture or wallpaper, and also allow you to quickly remove cockroaches from your apartment. Sanitation workers will treat not only the microwave, but the entire apartment, so as not to leave the Prussians a chance to survive. There is no need to waste time and money on self-treatment, trust the SES, and then you will forget about the Prussians forever!

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