Flea tablets for dogs and cats


No pet is immune from fleas or ticks. And we definitely need to fight this. Flea tablets for cats are the latest innovation in veterinary medicine. The product is not yet as popular as, say, collars, drops or shampoos, but it has many advantages over other products. Abroad, tablets are used very widely. This article presents the best flea medications for cats, and also discusses the features of using the products in the fight against parasites.

Description of action and types of tablets

Tablets for cat and dog fleas have long been popular abroad. In our country you can buy only one drug developed by the American one - Comfortis tablets. In addition to these flea tablets, the following are used:

  • Sentinel Flavor Tabs – for cats and dogs;
  • Bravecto – for dogs and puppies.

For those who do not want to use chemicals, Capstar Flea Treatment Dog flea tablets have been developed based on natural ingredients.

Flea tablets

The drug is absorbed in the intestine when administered orally and enters the systemic circulation. Feeding on the blood of the victim, the parasite, along with food, absorbs an insecticide dissolved in the blood, which destroys adult blood-sucking insects. To increase effectiveness, it is recommended to combine flea tablets with external agents - shampoos for dogs and cats, sprays such as Clean House, drops for cats and dogs:

  • Barrier;
  • Dana Ultra Neo;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Inspector;
  • Celandine.


The flea lays about 500 eggs, most of which fall on the animal's bedding, carpets, and in floor cracks. The parasite can remain in the pupal stage for about 12 months. 95% of flea eggs, larvae and pupae do not live in the fur of pets, but are found in the apartment, so in order to completely get rid of insects, it is necessary to treat not only all cats and dogs living in the house, but also the room itself.

The number of tablets for dogs and cats per single dose is calculated based on the body weight of the pet. If the dosage of the medication was observed, no side effects were noted.

How to choose a flea remedy?

It is worth knowing in advance that there are fewer special means that are used to destroy these parasites than from any other insects. The parasite cannot be eaten with poison; for this reason, you can get rid of it using the following means:

  • sprays, as well as aerosols containing elements that penetrate the parasite along with air;
  • anti-parasite products, which are available in powder form;
  • crayons.

Almost all drugs against these parasites block the receipt of impulses, due to this paralysis occurs.

Comfortis flea tablets

Comfortis flea tablets are very popular among animal lovers and professional breeders. The active ingredient of the drug is the bioinsecticide spinosad. Spinosad is produced from substances produced by the bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa.



Until recently, scientists believed that cycloaddition reactions could only be carried out in a chemical laboratory. As it turned out, in living nature there is a microorganism that is capable of carrying out such an intramolecular reaction. Inside the bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa there is an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction that results in the synthesis of the complex insecticide Spinosyn (spinosyn) A.

Spinosad is a complex of isomers of spinosyn A and D. It is non-toxic to dogs and cats, but kills adult insects very quickly. The tablets contain flavoring additives and beef flavoring, which make the medicine attractive for use by pets.

Flea remedies:

Insecticides have a special type of effect, which is necessary precisely if these parasites have been present for a long time and are already multiplying. Based on these components, products such as, for example, Dichlorvos are produced. Despite the fact that there are a large number of negative aspects, there are still situations when they are simply irreplaceable. One of the drugs that is used is flea poison in the form of a special chalk.

As a rule, it is used to carry out processing procedures for various surfaces. These drugs are almost safe, but nevertheless have a low degree of toxicity. They are recommended to be used for preventive purposes, thus preventing entry into the living space.

Flea powder is an effective drug that has a very long-lasting effect. This remedy for parasites actually has a slightly slow type of action, which guarantees long-lasting results from their use. In this form it is quite easy to scatter it under the carpet, including in cracks. The drugs have a contact action, so the parasite will be poisoned as soon as it comes into contact with the poison. Various dusts are in greatest demand, such as, for example, Clean House.

The most popular among consumers, according to a large number of reviews, are stronger drugs, which include:

  • Raptor, available in spray form. This drug is actually very widely used against household fleas. It is considered safe and also has a rather pleasant minty smell. A special type of influence makes it possible to get rid of reappearing larvae, because the result of use lasts about three weeks.
  • Sinuzan. This drug can be classified as professional, because it is used only by pest control services. This remedy is currently one of the most effective against parasites, because it reliably protects the living space from various uninvited guests. The only downside is that it has a strong and at the same time rather unpleasant odor; there are difficulties with this problem when using it at home.
  • The flea drug Chlorpyrimark is also considered professional. Its production is located in the Netherlands. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos.
  • Biorin. This drug can be classified as a special agent that is very toxic and for this reason is used by special services. The effect of use lasts about two months, but the parasites actually sag almost immediately after use. The active ingredient is deltamethrin. This product has an unpleasant odor for humans, and it is also dangerous for both children and pets. You can purchase it in the form of a special concentrate. In order to use the product, it must first be prepared according to what is written on the package.

The modern chemical industry produces a fairly large number of effective flea preparations, each of which fights blood-sucking insects in a certain way:

  • "Raid". It is an aerosol that is sprayed in places where insects accumulate. It should be noted that the product is quite popular and effectively copes with the task. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is advisable to leave the house or apartment closed for some time.
  • "Get" It is considered the most effective drug for controlling fleas. The manufacturer produces the product in the form of a spray or emulsion, which must be diluted with water to the desired ratio.

There are many more different insecticides, and among them, a special place is occupied by preparations that do not have a strong odor. These products are most suitable for people with a heightened sense of smell:

  • "Pyrethrum". A completely natural product made from chamomile. Its main feature is that it is completely harmless to children and four-legged pets, and can be used as a prophylactic agent. The drug is placed in all places where parasitic insects are expected to live.
  • “Varan” drug is odorless and effectively fights pests, which after treatment do not appear in the apartment for quite a long time.
  • "Butox." An absolutely harmless product, sold in a veterinary pharmacy. Available in glass ampoules. Before use, it must be diluted with water to the recommended proportions. In most cases, one treatment of the room is enough to get rid of fleas for a long time.

If the drug is chosen correctly and all recommended measures are taken, then you will certainly get rid of annoying parasites for a long time.

Mechanism of action of tablets

Once in the stomach of a cat or dog, spinosad is absorbed through the intestinal mucosa and enters the blood. Thanks to a completely new type of effect on parasitic insects, Comfortis does not cause the effect of cross-resistance. The insecticide is excreted in the urine by 78% after 48 hours, and after a week the body is completely cleared of the drug. Spinosyn, entering the digestive system of the flea, is transported to the tissues, where it activates nicotine acetylcholine receptors. As a result, the insect's nervous system becomes extremely and prolongedly agitated. Tremor, muscle hypertonicity, paralysis and death of fleas and other insects are noted.

Dogs are more sensitive to the action of the drug, so the maximum concentration of spinosyn in their blood is observed 2-4 hours after a single dose, and in cats only after 4-12 hours. This feature of individual sensitivity determines that side effects are observed more often in dogs than in cats.

Advantages and disadvantages of anti-tick tablets for cats

When using anti-mite tablets for cats, it is useful to know their advantages and disadvantages. So, the advantages of using drugs include:

  • onset of action within two hours after administration, achieving maximum effect after 8-12 hours and maintaining the effect for 1-3 months;
  • through the bloodstream, the active components of the product penetrate into all parts of the body, leaving no weak points for parasites to penetrate compared to local sprays or shampoos;
  • the dosage is calculated based on weight, the risk of overdose is minimal;
  • do not cause resistance in ticks, exclude re-infection with fleas (they do not have time to lay eggs);
  • medications with caution, but can be used during pregnancy or lactation.

The disadvantages of using tableted anti-tick medications in cats include the fact that they are taken after an insect bite. There is a risk that the infection has already entered the animal’s body and has begun to affect it, so taking the medicine is not able to slow down the development of the pathology.

  • Cardamom - beneficial properties and contraindications. Use of cardamom in cooking and folk medicine
  • Kinesiology - what it is, methods and exercises at home. Applied kinesiology
  • Creatinine in the blood is elevated - causes in women, men and children. Blood creatinine levels

Instructions for use

Flea tablets, the instructions for use of which recommend calculating the dose depending on the weight of the cat, are produced in various dosages. For ease of use, tablets that smell like beef are added to food. If the cat does not eat the medicine, you can repeat the dose. The effectiveness of the drug lasts up to 1 month. Repeated admission is allowed only after this period has expired.

The dose for a cat is prescribed at the rate of 50-100 milligrams of the active substance per 1 kilogram of body weight. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions to avoid the risk of side effects.



Comfortis should not be given for fleas to other pets. According to laboratory studies, in rodents the medicine causes overexcitation of the nervous system, nervous exhaustion and can lead to death. In rats, under the influence of spinosad, lipids accumulate inside the cells, fatty degeneration of the endothelium of the hollow organs and their failure occur.

In dogs, an overdose of the drug causes nausea and vomiting.

Long-term studies of the properties of the insecticide have proven that it does not have a mutagenic or carcinogenic effect on the body. The active substance of the drug Comfortis is fat-soluble and therefore can accumulate in milk and adipose tissue.

Recommended dosage

Depending on the weight of the animal, the manufacturer produces the drug in color-coded packaging. The blue box contains tablets suitable for animals weighing between 4.5 and 55 kg, while the tablets in the green box are suitable for animals weighing over 55 kg.

Dog weight (kg)Box color to use
4,5 — 55Blue package (11.4 mg)
More than 55Green pack (57 mg)

The tablets are taken orally either alone or with food.
If you are not sure that the animal swallowed the tablet, you can safely give a second one - it will not harm. Note:

A dog weighing 44 kg can be given one tablet from the blue box, a dog weighing 66 kg can be given one tablet from the green box.

Side effects and contraindications

In case of individual intolerance to tablets, the following may occur:

  • apathy, decreased activity;
  • lethargy;
  • nausea or vomiting.

If the symptoms do not go away on their own within 24 hours, you should consult a veterinarian.

Despite the fact that the insecticide has a minimum of side effects, Comfortis tablets are not recommended for treatment:

  • pregnant and lactating animals;
  • for systemic diseases;
  • weakened and old animals;
  • kittens and puppies up to 3 months;
  • animals with pathology of the nervous system and prone to epileptic seizures.

A flea tablet for cats has a number of advantages over drugs in other forms of release.

Insecticidal collars and shampoos

Flea and tick collars for cats are made of polyethylene tape impregnated with an active substance, which gradually accumulates in the cat’s sebaceous glands and forms a protective barrier for a long time (up to six months).

The advantages of these products are the possibility of protection against helminths, convenience, and aesthetics. But their use is undesirable for pregnant and lactating cats, sick and weakened individuals.

Shampoos for fleas and ticks are characterized by a milder effect, but do not cope with larvae. In addition to bathing your pet, it is recommended to wash cat bedding and clothes in them. Cat owners are offered hypoallergenic products that are gentle on cats with problem skin.

In general, the fight against external parasites should be comprehensive, carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. Our store specialists, in turn, will try to give customers comprehensive information about the products and help with product selection.

Benefits of Comfortis tablets

Unlike drops and sprays, which can cause allergies and dermatosis, the medicine in tablets is safer. Comfortis can be used to treat animals with impaired skin integrity.

Once the drug enters the cat’s body, it begins to act within 15-20 minutes. The effectiveness of protection lasts up to a month, which ensures the death of all insects.


Capstar Flea Treatment Dog Tablet can be used to treat cats. The active ingredient of the tablet is garlic juice. Once in the body, phytoncides are released through the pores, repelling insects.

Comfortis tablets for fleas, reviews of which are mostly good, are used not only for treatment, but also to prevent the infestation of animals with blood-sucking insects. However, there are reviews according to which the death of cats was noted when using Comfortis tablets. The message did not provide more detailed data (the dose of the drug used, the animal’s health status, the presence of allergic reactions, age, weight).

Comfortis tablets

Comfortis flea tablets for cats are one of the most popular drugs of this type. The active substance of the drug is spinosad, which is an environmentally friendly substance. It is a powerful nerve agent. Getting into the blood, and from it into the body of the parasite, the substance kills the flea. Those insects that do not die lose their ability to lay eggs.

The action of Comfortis begins half an hour after administration. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the cat’s blood is recorded after 4 hours. The medicine is excreted in the urine through the kidneys.

The tablet has the smell of beef, and, as a rule, there are no problems with feeding it to an animal. Removing fleas with this product is easy and convenient. As a last resort, the manufacturer recommends adding the medicine to food. The dose is determined at the rate of fifty to one hundred milligrams per kilogram of animal weight. The drug is contraindicated :

  • pregnant and lactating cats;
  • animals that have an individual intolerance to the composition as a whole or its individual ingredients;
  • cats suffering from nervous system dysfunctions;
  • old, sick animals;
  • kittens under 14 weeks.

If there is also a dog in the house, then these flea tablets will suit her too. Although the dog will tolerate them somewhat worse than the cat. The drug should be kept away from rodents. For them, Comfortis is deadly.

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In most cases, the pills do not cause side effects. Rarely, controlling fleas in a cat with medication may cause nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the animal looks lethargic, apathetic, and temporarily loses its appetite. If the symptoms are not severe, there is no need to worry. The cat will soon feel better, and the effect of the drug will last for about a month.

Drug Tsapstar (Capstar)

Capstar tablets are designed to rid cats and dogs of blood-sucking insects. They are based on the insecticide nitenpyram. The drug is a neurotoxin that paralyzes the neuromuscular system of insects and leads to their death. The medicine can be used for fleas on kittens after 4 weeks. Capstar has been on the market for more than 10 years, which confirms its effectiveness.

The medicine is given to the cat while eating, and the insects begin to die within 10-20 minutes. The active substance reaches maximum activity after 2-4 hours, and its effectiveness is 1-2 days, so Tsapstar is not used for long-term prevention of infection. The product is active against adult insects, so repeated treatment is required when new individuals emerge from eggs.

Laboratory studies revealed no side effects to the drug. Tsapstar can be used to treat pregnant and lactating animals.

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