Insecticide Mospilan: action, why it is dangerous, use in individual households

The insecticidal plant protection drug Mospilan has clearly passed its peak of popularity among summer residents and small private plant growers, and during this period hopes for this drug were definitely excessive. But the potential of Mospilan as a plant protection product (PPP) against pests has not yet been exhausted. The active ingredient of the drug stops the development of eggs of harmful organisms, and very few plant protection products have an effect on their non-feeding phases. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to figure out in what cases and how Mospilan is still applicable and useful in an individual household.

What parasites does it destroy?

The product eliminates pests that attack plants in open and closed ground:

  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • apple sawfly and codling moth;
  • aphids;
  • weevil;
  • scale insect;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly

The chemical composition is effective against adults, larvae and eggs of parasitic insects.


Vladimir: Mospilan is effective against many pests. I was convinced of this last summer, using it first against the cherry fly, then against the gall midge in a raspberry field, and then against the codling moth on a quince and apple tree. I am quite satisfied with the result.

Anna: Mospilan poisoned scale insects on orchids, and at the same time destroyed thrips. Such an unexpected bonus! An excellent drug.

  • Reviews of the drug Ordan

Natalya: I treated fruit trees and potatoes with this preparation. Mospilan did an excellent job with the beetle; I didn’t even expect such an effect. And the caterpillars on the apple and plum trees were gone too.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations:

Advantages and disadvantages of Mospilan

The drug is universal, provides effective protection of melons, vegetables, and fruit crops. Benefits of the chemical:

  • works at high temperatures, even in abnormally hot weather;
  • protects plants from reappearance of pests for up to 20 days;
  • destruction of adults, eggs and larvae, prevention of the emergence of new harmful insects;
  • is not addictive;
  • works in hard-to-reach places;
  • economical to use;
  • there is no specific smell.

Possible disadvantages:

  • impossibility of use near reservoirs and apiaries due to toxicity to bees and cold-blooded animals;
  • work is not carried out during the flowering period.

If the instructions for use of the drug Mospilan are followed, no significant disadvantages were found in the insecticidal agent.


Acetamiprid belongs to the class of neonicotinoids and is a contact-intestinal nerve poison. Its effect on pests is similar to that of other substances of this class (see below): the drug blocks nicotine-dependent acetylcholine receptors on the synaptic membranes of nerve cells. The affected object stops feeding, and within an hour convulsions and death await it. But, unlike other neonicotinoids, acetamiprid is able to some extent to penetrate the membranes of fertilized eggs and kill the developing embryo, i.e. the drug Mospilan also has ovicidal activity, although limited, see below.

Application of Mospilan insecticide

The work is carried out during the growing season. Technology for preparing the solution: it is recommended to dilute the required amount of insecticidal preparation in 1 liter of water, after complete dissolution of the powder, add the remaining liquid. For convenience, the product is poured into a sprayer.

Against the Colorado potato beetle

Mospilan is used for soaking root crops before planting in the soil and for spraying plants after flowering. It is necessary to adhere to the dosage: 2 g of chemical per bucket of water. For 100 m2 of potato plantings, 5 liters of solution are required.

From whiteflies in protected ground

You should prepare a working liquid: 1 g of poison per 2 liters of water. The drug can be used in granular form - the granules are scattered on the ground.


Original Mospilan can be stored for 36 months in unopened packaging. in a dark place (all neonicotinoids are subject to photolysis). In reality, the powder can be taken in parts over 2 seasons from a tightly sealed, vapor-tight container if the drug is stored in a dry room (neonicotinoids are also subject to hydrolysis). The remaining storage conditions are usual for pesticides: locked away from children and animals in a separate non-residential area in which food products are not stored. The permissible storage temperature range for Mospilan is +(5-30) degrees Celsius.

Note: how to divide a package or large sample of powder into small doses without precise scales, see the video below:

Video: how to measure the required amount of the drug

Application rate of Mospilan for specific plants

Mospilan is suitable for processing plantings growing in open and closed ground. To effectively combat parasitic individuals, you should adhere to a certain dosage relative to a specific plant variety. Frequency of treatments: vegetable and grain crops are sprayed once, fruit trees are sprayed twice.


Treating crops 1 month before harvest will help protect wheat. Chemical consumption – 0.1 kg/ha.

Tomatoes and cucumbers

To eliminate whiteflies, aphids, and thrips from vegetable crops, you need 0.2 kg of the substance per hectare of planting.


Spraying will help rid potato plants of the Colorado potato beetle. To treat 1 hectare, 0.05-0.125 kg of the Mospilan chemical is required.


Consumption rate – 0.05-0.075 kg/ha.


The amount of solution is the same as indicated in the previous paragraph.

Apple tree

Double spraying will help protect fruit plantings from aphids, codling moths, moths, and leaf rollers. The treatment is carried out 2 times, the last preventive spraying is carried out before the formation of the ovary. The consumption of the chemical depends on the type of pest; it is 0.2-0.4 kg of product per 1 hectare of area.

Compatibility with other security products

Without destroying ants that carry aphids, pest control is not effective.
When combining Mospilan with other substances in tank mixtures, it is important to remember that the drug is not compatible with alkaline compounds, for example, Bordeaux mixture, lime-containing fertilizers, soda. And most importantly, the insecticide is completely intolerant to preparations containing sulfur.

When the listed substances are excluded, you cannot be completely sure that other drugs will “get along” with Mospilan.

Sometimes, the instructions for the drug indicate a number of products with which this insecticide does not chemically conflict. More often than not, manufacturers list their products. If specific names are not indicated, it is recommended not to mix the product with alkaline substances.

You can check compatibility yourself if:

  • Separately dissolve a small amount of each drug that is planned to be mixed in one tank mixture;
  • Test samples are poured one by one into one container.
  • If a homogeneous mass is obtained without changing color or flakes, the solutions are considered compatible.

Unfortunately, this method does not provide a 100% guarantee that the mixture will work as expected in the future. It is likely that a slow chemical reaction will not appear immediately, but after some time. This can be definitively determined if the tank mixture has no effect on pathogens and pests. That is, nothing will happen.

Security measures

The chemical Mospilan belongs to hazard class 2. To avoid poisoning, you must follow the following rules:

  • carry out work in the morning or evening, spray plantings away from apiaries, ponds, and domestic animals;
  • spraying of vegetable crops on a personal plot is carried out wearing respiratory, vision, and skin protection;
  • It is forbidden to drink, eat, smoke;
  • work with the drug for no more than 4 hours;
  • To prepare the solution, use plastic or glass containers; the use of food utensils is not allowed.

Are there any analogues

The following products are produced for agriculture with acetamiprid: “Grinda”, “Agent”, “Quartet”, “Dexter”, “Alpha-Amiprid”, “Snake”, “Gazelle” and “King Combi”. In private household plots, you can replace Mospilan with the insecticide Stozhar.

"Mospilan" is a new insecticide for treating greenhouse vegetables, grains and potatoes against various types of pests. It is also used to treat pastures for livestock and wild vegetation. It is economical, low dosage, fast-acting and has a long-lasting protective effect. To destroy all pests, you need to treat the area with plants only once, since the insecticide also affects eggs. It is safe for bees and bumblebees, so it can be used without fear during flowering of trees and meadows. Approved for use in fields and private areas.

What to do in case of poisoning

  1. If the chemical gets on the skin, remove any remaining product with a cotton pad and rinse the skin with running water.
  2. If a toxic substance gets on the mucous membranes, copious rinsing with cool water is recommended.
  3. In case of accidental ingestion, take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, induce vomiting.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of acute intoxication (weakness, dizziness, nausea).

Mospilan pest control MOSPILAN-profi 2.5 g

MOSPiLAN -profi MOSPILAN 2.5 gr. systemic insecticide against insect pests.

MOSPILAN 2.5 gr.

MOSPiLAN-profi insecticide neonicotinoid

100% stopEffect

Active ingredient: acetamiprid, at a concentration of 200 g/kg.

A highly effective systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action for the control of pests at all stages of their development:

egg – larva – adult

Reliable protection of your plants from insect pests of representatives of the orders Homoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Lepidoptera, such as:

  • Whitefly
  • Apple sawfly and codling moth,
  • Apple and leafminer moths,
  • netted leaf roller,
  • Common beet weevil, gray beet weevil,
  • Beet flea beetles,
  • Shield socks,
  • Beet leaf aphid,
  • Sand slugger,
  • Aphids of all kinds,
  • Cabbage pod mosquito,
  • Rapeseed flower beetle,
  • Secretive proboscis
  • Rapeseed bug,
  • Bread ground beetle,
  • Scale insects - all types,
  • Flea beetles (leaf flea),
  • Cruciferous flea beetles,
  • Colorado beetle,
  • Fly,
  • Thrips,
  • Leech larvae,
  • Bugs of harmful turtles,
  • Locusts and other harmful insects.

In greenhouses and greenhouses it destroys western flower thrips, greenhouse and peach aphids, and greenhouse whitefly. Depending on the type of pest, it affects adult insects, larvae and eggs.


fast-acting – protection up to 4 weeks – not washed off by rain,

does not affect beneficial entomofauna - low danger to pollinators.



The preparative form of RP is a soluble powder.

To use the drug, you should prepare its aqueous solution, observing the proportion: 2.5 g. for 10 l. water

The contents of 2.5 g of RP are enough to process 8–10 acres.


  • 2.5 gr. Mix soluble powder with 1 liter of water, then add the remaining amount of water (9 liters).
  • Spray plants in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather.
  • The solution is prepared on the day of its use outdoors or in a ventilated area!
  • Treatment is prohibited before harvesting 30-35 days.
  • The drug is compatible with other agrochemicals, except for highly alkaline ones (sulfur-containing drugs, Bordeaux mixture).
  • Does not show resistance, is not phytotoxic.
  • Mospilan causes a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses through the synapse and the insect dies from severe nervous overexcitation.


It is recommended to use before flowering or 7-10 days after the end of flowering in the garden and at any time indoor plants. The number of treatments per season should not exceed 1 time.


Potato Colorado beetle 0.05 kg per 1 ha During the growing season 35 days (1 time per 1 season)
Sugar beet Locusts; common beet weevil, black, gray; beet flea beetles; sandy middlyak; beet aphid; leaf plant From 0.05 to 0.075 kg per 1 ha Crop treatment; spraying during the growing season; 40 days (1 time)
Cucumbers and tomatoes in protected soil Whitefly; aphid From 0.2 to 0.3 kg per 1 ha Spraying during the growing season 3 days (2 times)
Apple tree California scale insect; mole; aphid; leaf roller; apple sawfly; codling moth 0.4 – 0.5 kg per 1 ha At the beginning of bud break; during the period of rebirth of larvae (summer); processing during the growing season 45 days (2 times)
Sunflower Locusts From 0.05 to 0.075 kg per 1 ha Crop treatment 40 days (1 time)
Winter wheat Thrips; drinkers; aphid; bug; harmful turtle From 0.1 to 0.12 kg per 1 ha During the growing season 25 days (2 times)
Rape Cruciferous flea beetles; rapeseed flower beetle; aphid; bedbugs From 0.1 to 0.12 kg per 1 ha During the growing season 30 days (2 times)


ü Spray plants in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather.

ü The solution is prepared on the day of its use outdoors or in a ventilated area!

ü Treatment is prohibited 30−35 days before harvesting.

ü The drug is compatible with other agrochemicals, except for highly alkaline ones (sulfur-containing drugs, Bordeaux mixture).


  • It has a contact and systemic effect and can spread throughout the plant. The drug has a two-way effect: transmilar – on plants and systemic – on pests. Therefore, the effect of the drug against the pest also manifests itself on untreated areas of plants. Thanks to this, the death of insects occurs faster and in larger quantities;
  • Destroys pests regardless of the development phase: eggs, larvae, adult insects;
  • The result is visible almost an hour after use. The next day you can see pests affected by the drug under the plants and on the ground.
  • Does not cause resistance in both the adult pest and its larvae;
  • It is effective even at high air temperatures, and therefore can be used even in the hottest months;
  • Suitable for all types of sprayers;
  • It is not phytotoxic, odorless;
  • It has good compatibility with literally all pesticides and insecticides, with the exception of only those that, when combined, make the solution highly alkaline (sulfur-containing products, Bordeaux mixture)
  • The plant protection period is 15-20 days;
  • Does not pose a danger to humans. Also non-toxic to bees, fish, earthworms and mammals.
  • The active ingredient of the insecticide is absolutely safe for the plant itself and mammals.
  • Treatment with the insecticide MOSPILAN does not in any way affect the growth, flowering and fruiting of crops, as well as the benefits and taste of the crop.
  • According to registration in the European Union and studies conducted, MOSPILAN soluble powder is approved for use during the flowering period of the garden and rapeseed!

The mechanism of action is as follows:

After processing the plant, the chemical substance enters the sieve tubes through the stomata on the leaves - a kind of system for moving organic substances through the vegetative part. When an insect eats a shoot, acetamiprid enters the pest's body. There, this chemical destroys neural connections and the entire nervous system of the insect.

The effect of the drug on harmful organisms is unique and differs from currently used pesticides: acytomipride interacts with the nicotine acetylcholine receptor of the postsynaptic membrane as a competitor to acetylcholine. But unlike acetylcholine, the active ingredient of the drug MOSPILAN - acetomiprid is not destroyed, which causes a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses through the synapse and the insect dies from severe nervous overexcitation.


Mospilan is not very dangerous for bees - hazard class 3, but nevertheless, it must be used with extreme caution during flowering. Bees are sensitive to neonicotinoids and may be harmed by the active components of the substance.

Advice: postpone the use of MOSPILAN during flowering in the area of ​​any nectar-bearing plants minus two days before and the same amount after.


  • Store in a dry place, protected from direct exposure to sunlight from -15°C +30°C, in closed packaging, away from food and medicine, out of the reach of children.
  • You cannot store the prepared solution, as its effectiveness is lost within six hours after preparation.
  • Use special clothing, glasses, gloves.
  • Drinking, eating, and smoking while processing plants is prohibited.
  • After processing the plants, hands and face should be washed with plenty of water and soap.
  • If the drug gets on exposed skin, wipe it off with a cotton swab without rubbing it into the skin. Next, this place is washed with soap.
  • If it gets into the eyes, rinse them with running water, trying to keep the eyes open. If the insecticide is swallowed, the victim should drink activated charcoal and induce vomiting, and consult a doctor if necessary!
  • Shelf-life Unlimited
  • Guaranteed shelf life: 5 years
  • It does not cake during storage and does not change its properties due to temperature fluctuations.
Active substance:
Acetamiprid 200 g/kg
Preparative form Soluble powder
Chemical class Neonicotinoids
Penetration method Enteric pesticide, contact pesticide, systemic pesticide
Effect on organisms Insecticide, ovicide, pesticide
Hazard class for humans 3
Hazard class for bees 3
Prohibited for use in the water protection zone of reservoirs
Air handling: Allowed
Production Imported
Packaging PET / 2.5 grams
Shelf life n.d.
Registrant Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer Nippon Soda Co., Ltd Japan
State registration number 094-01-1159-1
Registration expiration date 17.07.2026

Rules for working with the drug Mospilan

In order for treatment with the Mospilan insecticide to bring the expected result, you need to remember several important rules for working with the insecticide:

  1. To prepare the working solution, only plastic or glass containers are used. It is not advisable to use aluminum and galvanized containers, since acetamiprid reacts chemically with these materials.
  2. To prepare the insecticidal solution, you cannot use cold water - it must be heated to 20°C.
  3. Mospilan should be poured into water in small portions, stirring constantly until the powder is completely dissolved.
  4. The prepared solution should be immediately poured into a tank with a sprayer and treated with plants. It cannot be stored, as this leads to loss of insecticidal properties.
  5. The drug Mospilan can be applied only to the upper part of the foliage - it is quickly absorbed by the cells of the plant and spreads throughout its tissues.
  6. Mospilan is not used in early spring, when there is a high risk of return frosts.

When treating with insecticide, weather conditions must be taken into account. Mospilan is ineffective at air temperatures below +15°C and above +29°C. The optimal option is considered to be a temperature ranging from +22°C to +27°C.

It is best to apply the solution in the evening, after sunset. Do not spray plants in rainy weather, or in case of dew drops on the leaves. This reduces the effectiveness of Mospilan and will not allow it to be completely absorbed into the plant tissue.

Precautionary measures

Mospilan is a moderately hazardous insecticide (class 3). It is harmless to bees and bumblebees, fish, earthworms and mammals. However, treatment with it during the flowering period is not recommended, and on the packaging of some manufacturers there is a warning prohibiting use in water protection fishery zones.

Important: Treatment with Mospilan leads to the death of many beneficial insect predators. For example, after treatment with the drug, the greenhouse whitefly parasite Encarsia dies in protected soil.

When working with the drug, you must use protective equipment:

  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • safety glasses;
  • special clothing.
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