15 effective remedies in the fight against mole crickets

Medicines for mole cricket

People have been fighting this garden pest for many years. During this time, both mechanical and chemical methods of killing mole crickets were invented. Any preparations against mole crickets in the garden must be safe for people and effective in combating insects. As a rule, you can get rid of mole crickets by combining traditional methods and industrial preparations.

Drug Parachute from mole cricket

This chemical is used as a bait to get rid of the pest. The remedy for mole cricket Parachute has an intestinal-contact effect. Getting into the pest’s stomach and dissolving there, it causes paralysis and death. The drug has the following advantages:

  • non-phytotoxic;
  • universal;
  • effective at both high and low temperatures;
  • mole crickets die 3 hours after ingestion.

Bait using a Parachute should be prepared as follows:

  1. A crumbly porridge of rice, oats, millet, and peas is cooked until half cooked.
  2. For 1 kg of porridge, add 1 sachet of poison and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour a little vegetable oil into the mixture for scent.
  4. We make small balls from the porridge.
  5. Place the bait in small holes and cover them with soil. You can scatter poisonous porridge between the rows in the beds or place it in mole cricket burrows.

The drug Rubit for mole crickets

Rubit is produced in the form of multi-colored granules. They are laid out in holes and passages dug by the pest. The mole cricket reacts to the color of the balls: red ones look like plant roots to them, and green ones resemble young shoots. After eating a pellet, it dies within three hours. This substance is safe for both plants and soil. The drug Rubit against mole crickets and wireworms also does not have any dangerous effects on humans. After it is applied to the ground, it protects the plantings for 2-3 weeks. But the instructions for its use prohibit mixing this substance with others.

The drug should be used as follows:

  1. Sprinkle on manure heaps.
  2. When planting seedlings, the granules are embedded in the holes to a depth of approximately 3 cm.
  3. After the shoots emerge, 2-3 balls are placed under the bushes and in the mole cricket’s burrows, and then these places are spilled with water.

Drug Regent for mole cricket

If you want to purchase a fast-acting and effective remedy for garden pests, you can purchase the drug Regent for mole crickets, made on the basis of an insecticide. It is not addictive and has a wide spectrum of action. Regent is produced in ampoules and is a viscous concentrated liquid. Before use, you need to cook the crumbly porridge, mix it with the contents of one ampoule and roll the mixture into balls. The bait is laid out in the required places around the garden, lightly sprinkled with earth and covered with planks to prevent birds.

Tzipi medicine for mole cricket

The drug Tzipi for mole crickets is also effective, which is used together with bait prepared independently. If this concentrated substance gets on a mole cricket, it will die within an hour. Tzipi is not dangerous to humans or plants. The best effect can be obtained by combining its use with traditional methods of combating this insect.

Advantages of the drug Rubit

  1. It is non-toxic and does not have a cumulative effect (does not accumulate in the soil or in various parts of plants). The substance does not harm plants planted in the garden, does not poison them and does not interfere with their normal development at all stages of growth.
  2. This insecticide is capable of killing most of the adult mole crickets and its larvae in one area, preventing the insect from spreading beyond the beds.
  3. Rubit acts quite quickly: three hours after eating the poisoned bait, the pest dies.
  4. The cost of this drug is quite humane: from 40 rubles per package.

But you should not treat Rubit (as well as other chemical and folk remedies for combating mole crickets) as some kind of miracle drug that can destroy the entire population of mole crickets in one area in one treatment. Firstly, disposal cannot be complete if clutches of top eggs remain in the soil. But Rubit granules do not work on them, since the active substance must enter the insect’s intestines.

Secondly, any pest control must be comprehensive. You should not use insecticides alone; you need to combine these products with repellents and mechanical methods of control (traps, pouring water).

Thirdly, the golden law of agrochemistry is that all preparations for controlling insect pests must be alternated. Long-term use of the same pesticide will inevitably lead to the mole cricket becoming addicted and reducing the effectiveness of treatments.


A new generation insecticide, Boverin, is a biological product. By adding it to the soil of a site, you can simultaneously get rid of several types of insect pests. Characteristics of Boverin:

  • Release form: liquid or light powder.
  • Active ingredient: spores of the fungus Beauveria bassiana, located in the nutrient substrate. When ingested by a parasite, they begin to grow and cause the death of the insect.
  • Duration of action: fungal colonies continue to grow in moist soil even after the death of the pest, so their action is active throughout the warm season.
  • When to use: the optimal time for the growth of a colony of Boverin fungi is spring-autumn, when the ambient temperature is in the range - + 18-28 ° C with a humidity of 80-85%!
  • Directions for use: add 2 tbsp to 200 g of the drug. spoons of vegetable oil and stir until smooth. Spread the resulting mass into holes and row spacing to a depth of 2–10 cm. Product consumption is 200 g per 100 m².
  • Toxicity: Boverin is not toxic, but all manipulations with fungal spores must be carried out using personal protective equipment (gloves and a respirator) to prevent them from entering the human body.
  • Price: 200 g – about 50 rubles.

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When are protective equipment needed?

The orthoptera pest loves soil fertilized with humus, horse and cow manure. Medvedka:

  • has good adaptive abilities;
  • Reacts sensitively to increases and decreases in temperature;
  • detects danger.

The pest prepares for winter in advance, trying to find a warm place. The mole cricket gnaws a large volume of vegetable fruits in a few hours.

The basis of the pest's diet is:

  • roots;
  • cabbage;
  • squash;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • decorative flowers.

The insect is hardy and has a significant resource of physical strength.

Attention! The mole cricket population is capable of destroying the entire crop on the site. Therefore, at the first sign of the appearance of a pest, it is necessary to apply crop protection products.

Traditional recipes do not always give good results in killing mole crickets. In this case, synthetic drugs are used. They hit the insect outright. The principles of mole cricket extermination vary depending on the climate and time of year, the chemical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the soil, the characteristics of the cultivated area and the plants grown.

Rating of the best remedies for mole cricket

NominationplaceName of productprice
Rating of the best remedies for mole cricket1Medvetox46 ₽
2Frontier17 ₽
3Thunder15 ₽
4Rubit Rofatox25 ₽
5Rembek35 ₽
6Terradox65 ₽
7Nemabact730 ₽
8Grizzly17 ₽
9Medvegon19 ₽
10Biodischarge85 ₽
11Phenaxin Plus37 ₽
12Extraflor39 ₽


Rating: 4.9

The first is a contact-intestinal type drug, which outperforms the others in terms of effectiveness. The toxin is able to quickly rid plantations of mole crickets, aphids, wireworms, cabbage and onion flies, weevils, and ants. Poisoned granules have an attractive smell and taste, so there is no doubt about the death of pests. Within 3 days, the area is completely free of them, which allows the plants to develop and produce the expected harvest.

The product, despite its high toxicity to mole crickets, is absolutely safe for the soil and its beneficial inhabitants. After 20 days, it breaks down into harmless components. It is enough to use Medvetox once at the beginning of the season.

According to reviews, this product is the best among analogues, as it helps to destroy several types of pests not only in the treated area, but also in neighboring ones. The product is very economical. 1 granule is enough to kill 1 mole cricket. The drug is ready for use without additional preparation.


  • long-term activity after treatment;
  • minimum consumption;
  • environmental safety;
  • unique bait composition;
  • without addiction among pests.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.8

The silver rating is for a universal product that helps gardeners destroy pests such as mole crickets, aphids, wireworms, and cockchafers. All these insects are capable of causing significant damage to plantations, including complete destruction of the crop. “Rubezh” is not addictive and does not have a negative effect on people or beneficial insects.

The death of the bulk of poisoned pests occurs in the first 3 hours. In the next day, the surviving mole crickets experience paralysis and death. After adding granules to the soil, their effect lasts up to 3 weeks. After 3 days you can begin manual work. The drug is ready for use; it does not need to be mixed with water.

Thanks to the synthetic flavors included in the composition, the product attracts adults. The larvae also die after contact with them, completely freeing the garden from the presence of harmful insects. Many experienced gardeners use this particular product and recommend it to other gardeners.


  • low toxicity to humans, plants, animals;
  • rapid destruction of various types of pests;
  • minimal resistance;
  • economical consumption.


  • dangerous for bees, therefore limit use during the flowering period of honey plants.


Rating: 4.7

Third place in the ranking goes to a product that quickly deals with garden pests and protects vegetables, berries, ornamental plants, coniferous and deciduous shrubs from them. High efficiency is achieved due to the high content of toxins, so the product must be used with caution near bodies of water and avoid being eaten by poultry. At the same time, it is absolutely safe for soil microorganisms, earthworms, and does not affect plant growth.

8 active components form a scent that attracts adult insects more than the roots of young shoots. Microgranules do not require dilution with liquid. Rapid death occurs within 1-2 days. The product has a long-lasting effect, the duration of which is 3 months.

According to reviews, the drug has proven to be equally effective on vast agricultural lands, small vegetable gardens, in open ground and in greenhouses. Its efficiency is proven by its consumption, which is only 20 g per 7 square meters. m. At the same time, the packaging is low cost.


  • destruction of adult insects and larvae;
  • long period of protection;
  • super tempting smell for pests;
  • for all types of soil.


  • not detected.

Rubit Rofatox

Rating: 4.6

Fourth in our rating is a product created on the basis of the insecticide fipronil. This is a powerful substance that is destructive to mole crickets, but is absolutely safe for agricultural and ornamental crops, people, and pets. It does not accumulate in the soil and quickly breaks down into harmless compounds. The composition includes strong aromatic additives that attract insects, but are practically not felt by humans. The granules are colored red and green, reminiscent of plant rhizomes.

The adult dies within 3 hours. During this time, she manages to come into contact with other insects and larvae, which subsequently also die. After treating the area, the drug is valid for another 20 days.

Rofatox is used at any time of the summer season for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. This can be immediately before planting, during the growing season, or as needed. Summer residents highlight this remedy as one of the most effective. It perfectly combines performance and environmental friendliness.


  • for all phases of mole cricket growth;
  • rapid death on any size area;
  • does not harm biobalance;
  • enhanced taste and aroma properties.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.5

The fifth nominee in the rating is a universal drug that helps destroy mole crickets, Colorado and May beetles, wireworms, aphids, and caterpillars. It is absolutely harmless to ornamental plants and agricultural crops, but in a short time it clears the area of ​​pests and preserves the harvest. The main active substance is boric acid. It does not have a negative impact on human health compared to chemical analogues.

The composition includes onion peels, vegetable oil, kerosene, red pepper, chrysanthemum leaves. The product is available in the form of granules. There is no need to make any preparations before the event. The substance crumbles when planting seedlings, under adult bushes, directly into insect burrows.

The drug has a pleasant smell and taste for the pest and is eaten with pleasure. According to the instructions, its effect lasts up to 2 weeks. According to reviews, this time is longer and amounts to 1 month. During this period, thanks to the chain reaction method, not only adult individuals die, but also larvae in burrows.


  • multifunctional product;
  • non-toxic to people and plants;
  • long lasting effect;
  • destruction of the entire colony.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.4

In sixth place in the ranking is a drug that affects all harmful soil insects. It is used to protect potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, berries, coniferous and deciduous trees, and ornamental crops, providing reliable protection and accelerating their growth. The product belongs to a low toxicity class. Humans, animals, birds, earthworms are out of the risk zone.

The action is based on the contact-intestinal method. The poison penetrates the insect's body, paralyzes it, which leads to death. The specific smell and taste attract adults, who happily eat the poison. The drug can act for up to 3 weeks. When used during planting, potatoes can be protected for the entire growing season.

The best folk recipes

Lovers of natural farming are always ready to choose not aggressive chemicals, but folk ones that can be prepared from scrap materials with their own hands.

Attention! In terms of effectiveness, they, of course, are usually inferior to agrochemicals, but they remain completely safe. This is considered their undoubted advantage - the products are environmentally friendly.

Ammonia and ammonium nitrate

Nitrogen-containing fertilizers create an unfavorable environment for the pest, forcing it to go deeper into the soil. Ammonia and ammonium nitrate are added at 20-30 g per square meter. m., ammonium salts are also suitable - ammonium nitrate and sulfate, ammonia.


The wireworm likes to live in slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5-6.0), even changing its acidity to neutral reduces the number of the pest by more than half: the beetles do not lay eggs in the soil, which prevents their reproduction.

The application of alkaline fertilizers - chalk, lime and ash - is carried out at least several days before planting potatoes. They dig up the ground, scatter the powder, mix it with the soil and water it. If there is no ash, then finely crushed eggshells, which need to be laid out in the holes, can be a good remedy.

Potassium permangantsovka

A solution of potassium permanganate helps against wireworms if you water the ground with it when planting or when the presence of pests is detected during the growing season of plants. You need to dilute 2-4 g of crystals in 10 liters of water; pouring 0.3 liters of liquid under one plant is enough.


Mustard powder is used as a repellent. Add 1 tsp. funds into each hole, carefully distributing it and mixing it with the ground. If there is already a lot of pest, you can add hot ground pepper to the mustard in a ratio of 5 to 1. This composition not only drives away the pest, but also destroys pathogens.

Onion peel

The husks left over from peeling the onions can be collected and placed in each hole of the potatoes during planting in the spring. It is believed that 1 handful will be enough. The husk also protects against pathogens, so it won’t be unnecessary.

Conifer needles

Instead of husks, you can put a handful of pine litter in the holes. The needles will protect not only from larvae, but also from a host of other pests, bacteria, and viruses. If the pest is noticed after planting, you can help the plants by watering them with pine infusion. It is prepared like this: you need to chop coniferous branches into pieces, put 1/3 in a bucket or barrel, and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 3 days.

Folk remedies for mole crickets in the garden

For those gardeners who are interested in how to get rid of mole crickets without using chemicals on their plots, we can recommend several safe methods. Their regular use will help, if not completely get rid of pests, then at least significantly reduce their numbers. The fight against mole crickets with folk remedies includes destruction, as well as repelling and catching pests. To achieve this, experienced gardeners have invented many different methods.

Ammonia from mole cricket

The use of this product with a pungent odor repels pests. Before use, ammonia must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. This solution is used to spill those places where mole crickets can settle. After the insects crawl to the surface of the earth, they should be collected and burned. However, fighting mole crickets with ammonia is not very effective, since ammonia evaporates very quickly, and the procedure will have to be repeated after a couple of days.

Eggshells from mole crickets - how to use?

Eggshells from mole crickets will also help get rid of the pest - a very effective remedy in the fight against earth cancer. Before use, the shell must be thoroughly dried and crushed. After this, you can use this tool in two ways:

  1. Pour the powder into the holes under the seedlings or into the holes under the potatoes. When used in this way, the shell will have a deterrent effect on the mole cricket, which loves loose, light soil, and if it comes across sharp pieces of the shell, it may leave the area.
  2. Mix the powder with aromatic vegetable oil and spread as in the previous case. Such a shell will act as poison, since the mole cricket’s stomach will not be able to digest such food, and the pest will die.

Mole cricket trap

This method of fighting mole crickets is convenient because it “works” for a long time. You need to place traps around the garden and check them for two weeks, destroying any pests that come across. The designs of traps can be very different:

  1. Glass.
    Since the mole cricket moves along pre-dug underground passages, if a glass jar of water is dug in its path, the pest will definitely end up in the container.
  2. Honey.
    Any container with smooth walls must be dug into the ground. Coat the inside with honey, cover the hole with a piece of iron, and put straw on top of it. The mole cricket will be attracted to the trap by the honey smell.
  3. Beer house.
    Pour 100 ml of fresh beer into a half-liter bottle and dig it into a small hole in moist soil. In this case, the neck of the container should not touch the ground. Cover the structure on top with a piece of tile, iron or thick cardboard. A mole cricket trap with beer can last 7-10 days. After this, the individuals that got there are removed, and the bottle can be transferred to another place.
  4. Dung.
    Since the mole cricket likes to spend the winter in a warm place, manure will be an ideal place for it. Therefore, in the fall, you can dig 2-3 holes about 0.5 m deep in the area and put half-rotted manure and straw in them. Just before the frost, we open the traps and destroy the pests that have gathered in them.

What is the bear afraid of?

To get rid of the “earthen cancer” you need to know which plants repel the mole cricket, what this garden pest is afraid of and does not like, and then you will achieve success in the fight against it:

  1. Marigold.
    These flowers can be sown between vegetable crops, and their smell will repel the mole cricket.
  2. Green alder branches.
    They are placed at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, and periodically replaced with fresh ones.
  3. Onion peel.
    The mole cricket cannot stand this smell. Therefore, to repel it, you can use a water infusion kept for a week.
  4. Coniferous branches.
    Finely chopped thin branches of pine, spruce or fir are laid out between the rows.
  5. Kerosene.
    Dissolve 100 g of this strong-smelling fuel in 10 liters of water and pour this solution into the mole cricket burrows. It is better to do this in the autumn, after harvesting.
  6. Washing powder.
    Apply its solution in the same way as the previous one.

What remedies are used for wireworms?

You can fight larvae using various methods. In most cases, agrochemical preparations are used, but you can place bait and traps on the site, plant plants that will interfere with the development of the pest.

Poison and pesticides

This is the main way to combat beetle larvae. Remedies for wireworms in the garden can be found in any gardening store. Some of them are intended only to destroy this pest, others have a wider spectrum of action, they can be used not only on potatoes, but also on root crops, which are also susceptible to attacks by the pest.


There are special pheromone traps that are designed to catch adult male beetles. Using such drugs, it is possible to control the reproduction of the pest. However, these effective means are used mainly in industrial cultivation, but rarely in the home.

You can build a simple trap with your own hands, for which you will need some kind of trapping container - you can take a small glass jar or a plastic bottle with a cut off top. Finely chop the potatoes, put the mixture at the bottom of the trap and dig it where the pest is most often found. Leave the neck level with the ground. Beetles attracted by the smell will get inside the jar, but will not be able to get out. From time to time you need to check the trap, select beetles from it, update the bait and put the jar back.

You can make traps of another type - dig holes in the beds, line them with rotted straw or dry hay, and sprinkle them with a little earth. Pour water and cover with boards or pieces of slate. After some time, pests will appear in them. The straw must be selected and burned immediately. After this, make new traps.


Baits are made from potato pieces or peeled peels. You can add sunflower oil for flavor. The bait is strung on a wire and buried in several places in the area to a shallow depth. In order not to forget where they are located, you need to mark them somehow. In the ground, the smell of potatoes will attract the pest to clean them.

You need to check the bait at least once every 2-3 days. The disadvantage of this method is that the baits need to be constantly updated, since they only partially destroy the pest.

Green manure plants

Wireworms, like other insects, do not like the smell of certain plants. They are repelled with the help of mustard, radish, legumes and phacelia, but mustard is still considered the best green manure against wireworms.

You cannot plant rye and other cereals, as pests feed on plants of this family, especially wheatgrass. You need to get rid of wheatgrass on your site first; its roots are the pest’s favorite habitat.

The advantages of white mustard as a green manure are as follows: if you sow it in the fall, after the vegetables are harvested, it will have time to sprout and grow before frost. You can sow in the spring, but you need to do it as early as possible, since the plants not only need to grow, they need to be embedded in the soil about 3 weeks before the intended planting of the tubers. Mustard enriches the soil with nutrients, its roots strengthen the soil, and it is cleared of bacteria and fungi.

Advice! Legumes - peas, beans, lupine, vetch and other crops - can also be used as green manure for potatoes. They destroy the larvae and at the same time accumulate nitrogen on the roots, which will then be used by the potatoes.


The remedy for mole cricket Terradox is an insecticide with a prolonged effect. It is used to protect vegetable, berry crops, and fruit seedlings from pests. Characteristics of the chemical:

  • Release form: granular product packaged in 100 or 200 g.
  • Active ingredient: diazinon. Its concentration is 40 g per 1 kg of the drug.
  • Duration of action: Terradox protects the treated area from mole crickets for 2–4 weeks.
  • When to use: the insecticide is applied in the spring before planting garden crops or before winter. Laying in the ground should be carried out in the morning or evening in calm weather. When it rains, the poisonous effect is significantly reduced.
  • Method of application: scatter Terradox (20 g per 10 m²) and bury it in the soil by loosening.
  • Toxicity: Terradox is not harmful to humans or pets.
  • Price: 100 g – 40 rubles; 200 g – 65 rub.

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( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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