Phenaxin for cockroaches and bedbugs: instructions for use

Phenaxin Phenaxin against cockroaches is used to kill insects and prevent re-infection. The drug is produced in the form of a powder - dust. Contains a potent insecticide. Cockroach poisoning occurs after contact. Since small particles of powder stick to the body and legs, the infected cockroach infects its relatives, a chain reaction occurs, as a result of which the entire colony dies.

What's included

The insecticidal remedy for bedbugs and other crawling parasites consists of the following components:

  • Fenvalerate is an active substance with contact-intestinal action, belonging to the peretroid group of insecticides. The drug is not dangerous for humans, toxicity is mild.
  • Boric acid. Auxiliary insecticide, a long-known and effective chemical against insects.
  • Lubricating oil is present in the formulation. It is the oil that ensures that the powder particles stick to the insects' feet.
  • Fillers, which include kaolin, talc and white soda.

Phenaxin is available in powder form , completely ready for use. Packed in sealed plastic bags. Provides maximum effect and allows you to get rid of household pests, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Release form and composition

"Phenaxin" is available in powder form. The active ingredient is fenvalerate, and boric acid acts as an auxiliary agent. Fenvalerate is a pyrethroid insecticide. In addition to toxic components, the composition includes a special oil that helps the powder stick to the legs of insects. Talc, clay and soda are used as fillers.

When using the product "Phenaxin", the instructions for use are required to be read, especially if you decide to treat the apartment. No product guarantees 100% results, but proper use will ensure maximum effectiveness. What matters is what insects you want to get rid of and what room you will be treating. Powder is effective for controlling domestic parasites, while granules can help in the garden.


Mechanism of action

The action of phenaxin is similar to most insecticides. After the treatment is completed, cockroaches move along the surface and come into contact with the substance. As a result of contact, particles of the drug remain on the insect. Next, a pesticide begins to act, which affects the nervous system, which leads to paralysis and then death. The period from infection to death of the cockroach completely depends on the dose of the pesticide. The result will be noticeable within the first hour, but complete destruction of the colony occurs within 1-2 weeks, much depends on the degree of contamination of the room.

This remedy has a detrimental effect only on adult individuals, the larvae remain untouched. Therefore, repeated treatment will be required, which will help get rid of all the young individuals.

Composition, principle of operation

The active substance of Phenaxin is fenvalerate. The composition is supplemented by:

  • boric acid;
  • household lubricating oil;
  • fillers.

Cockroaches soiled in Phenaxin bring poison to the nest, which contributes to the rapid infection of the colony. The active component acts through the contact-intestinal route. After the insect comes into contact with the powder, the substance penetrates through the chitinous cover into the body, inhibits the functioning of the nervous system, which leads to paralysis and subsequent death of the individual. The first dead insects will be visible within 24 hours after treatment. Total death is observed 10-15 days after disinfestation.

Dust acts on cockroaches in the imago stage, larvae, but is not able to destroy eggs located in the ooteca.

Phenaxin is used to destroy different types of synanthropic insects:

  • black and red cockroaches;
  • fleas;
  • bed bugs;
  • imago and larvae of flies.

In dry rooms, the effect of the drug lasts up to 6 weeks.

Instructions for use

The procedure for carrying out disinsection treatment of premises is regulated by the instructions. The bag of powder is pierced in the places indicated on the package. The powder is poured through the punctures into the habitats of the parasites. The procedure for processing the premises is as follows:

  1. Before using the powder, places where cockroaches, bedbugs and other pests accumulate are determined, their nests and egg laying are identified.
  2. Phenaxin is applied to every place in the room where parasites can live: floors, thresholds, baseboards, heating and sewer openings, ventilation inlets. Particular attention is paid to hard-to-reach corners of the room, crowded with furniture.
  3. Facing surfaces, door frames, walls, areas under paintings and carpets are carefully processed.
  4. Be sure to pour the powder between the walls of upholstered furniture, under mattresses and in areas of loose wallpaper.

How to use Phenaxin powder correctly

The powder is available in sachets of 100 and 200 g; usually 1 sachet is enough to treat an average-sized room. Following the instructions, the bag is pierced in several places, and the poison is scattered in paths along the routes of the cockroaches. The area along baseboards, behind radiators, in kitchen cabinets and places located near water should be treated, as cockroaches often drink. It is also worth scattering the powder along the front door to prevent insects from crawling away from your neighbors. Be sure to treat the floor under carpets, mattresses, and the surface of furniture with the product.

The activity of the drug remains for 3-4 weeks, after which the entire room should be thoroughly cleaned using a solution of laundry soap and soda. It is mandatory to wash bed linen in hot water. During treatment, it is better to remove small children and four-legged pets from the house.

If the drug is insufficiently effective, it should be combined with various gels and crayons against cockroaches, but if there are a lot of pests, aerosols, the chemical composition of which allows you to quickly get rid of insects, will be more beneficial. However, in this case, a more thorough treatment of the room and subsequent mandatory ventilation for 7-8 hours are required.

After a few months, the room should be re-treated with Phenaxin, since the powder affects only adult individuals, without destroying their eggs and larvae.

Description of the product

Manufacturer: Russian. The drug for cockroaches is available in the form of dust (powder).

Many sources erroneously indicate another form of Phenaxin - granules. “Agrovit” actually produces them, but they are intended to combat mole crickets.

The powder against cockroaches is white in color with small inclusions, without a pronounced odor. The product is sold:

  • for home use in polyethylene packages of 100-200 g;
  • for sanitary services in craft bags of 10-15-20 kg.

How to use it correctly

It is necessary to apply the product in those places where the activity of cockroaches is most noticeable; hard-to-reach places are also treated. Since you will be working with a toxic substance, it is imperative to follow safety precautions and use protective equipment.

In order for the use of phenaxin to bring maximum effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the room and treat the necessary surfaces. It is necessary to carry out measures after treatment.

You can hear about this processing method, when a solution is prepared from powder and surfaces are treated with it. It is worth saying that this preparation is not intended for preparing a solution, and contact with water significantly reduces the effect of the insecticide.

Preparing the premises

A very important step when carrying out any disinfestation is the preparation of the premises; you will need:

  • Move all the furniture away from the walls, so we get access to the baseboards;
  • Cabinets in which processing is planned are completely emptied;
  • Be sure to hide all food products, they are packed in sealed bags or containers, dishes and all kitchen utensils are also hidden;
  • Clear surfaces of unnecessary objects;
  • Next, be sure to sweep, remove all cobwebs and carry out wet cleaning.


There should be no people or animals in the apartment during the procedure, only the person who carries out the treatment remains. If you have an aquarium, it is better to take it out; if this is not possible, be sure to cover it.


Working with the drug is prohibited for people suffering from allergies, asthma and those who have increased sensitivity to chemicals.

All procedures are carried out only using protective equipment. It is necessary to wear long-sleeved pants and a jacket, and be sure to use rubber gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator.

It is necessary to pay attention to the baseboards, under cabinets, behind the radiator, near the window frame. Furniture, door frames, ventilation holes are processed. In the toilet and bathroom, corners, pipes, and under the sink need to be treated. Monitor the behavior of cockroaches, mark for yourself the places where you notice them most often, and also track where they run away after turning on the light.

Post-treatment procedures

Take off protective equipment and clothing, wash your hands with soap, wash, rinse your mouth, take a shower, work clothes should be washed. Leave the premises for several hours. Upon return, ventilate the room well. Next, you need to carry out wet cleaning using soda and soap; for this we dilute the components in water. It is good to rinse those surfaces that are accessible to humans and animals. The product should only remain in hard-to-reach places. Clean with gloves. Remember that the drug is dangerous to human and animal health.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug


  1. The universal purpose of the drug is used against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs.
  2. Affordability - around 20 - 35 rubles. per package of 100 g.
  3. Low toxicity, practically harmless to humans and pets.
  4. Ready for use immediately without prior preparation.
  5. Residual effect up to 1 month.
  6. Availability - sold both in the market, in stores and online.


  1. The product is not intended for use on clothing and vertical surfaces such as walls and the backs of cabinets.
  2. Used as a prophylactic or in the initial stages of infection.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of using the product:

  • Long period of validity
  • Low cost
  • Wide sales network
  • Low toxicity
  • Relatively weak odor
  • Easy to use
  • The mold is completely ready for processing
  • Universal action on all insects

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • Does not destroy pest eggs
  • Does not provide the required effectiveness for large colonies of bedbugs
  • Does not penetrate hard-to-reach places
  • Not intended for treating upholstered furniture (dry) and clothing
  • Bed bugs may become resistant to the drug

Phenaxin is an effective remedy for all insects

The insecticidal drug Phenaxin will protect your home not only from bedbugs, but also from cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects

Fighting ants

"Phenaxin" against ants is used not only by apartment residents, but also by gardeners to save plantings. Before spraying the powder in the apartment, you need to determine the “path” along which insects walk. To do this you need to watch the ants. The powder is applied in a thin layer along the ant path. Most often, such places are cracks in doors, windows or floors.

To drive ants out of the garden, treat places where they accumulate: anthills, rotten stumps. Ants love to eat ripe berries, promote the spread of aphids and spread weed seeds. Termites can destroy a fruit tree or damage a wooden structure. Apply the powder to the soil around those plants where you most often see ants. Do not pour a mountain of product; a layer of 0.5 mm is enough. The procedure is carried out daily until the insects disappear completely.

Fighting cockroaches

One of the reasons for the appearance of “Prussians” in an apartment is lack of hygiene. However, these unscrupulous insects often live in panel and multi-storey buildings. They travel to neighboring apartments through holes in the walls for water pipes. Homes with a garbage disposal are especially at risk. A cockroach can often be found in the kitchen.

Phenaxin powder should be sprayed behind baseboards, near the trash can, in the sink, near openings for pipes and ventilation grilles. To treat horizontal surfaces, you need to prepare a solution: dissolve 5 g of insecticide in 100 g of water. In addition to using poison, try to keep the kitchen clean and do not leave food or crumbs on the table.

Fighting the two-tails

The two-tailed insect (also known as the earwig and the “pincher”) is an unpleasant insect that can cause pain to humans and animals with a sharp bite. In addition, the two-tailed plant is dangerous for many garden and indoor plants. At the end of the body there are cerci that resemble small claws. Double-tailed plants start in damp rooms (perhaps you live on the first floor, and there is a flooded basement below you).

Insects enter the house through all possible loopholes. For Phenaxin from dvuhostok to work, spray the powder near the baseboards, treat thresholds, doorway lines, and window sills. Plug any existing cracks. The first result will be noticeable after a couple of hours. The procedure can be repeated after a week. Do not allow animals into the treated area.

The effectiveness of Phenaxin against bedbugs

The drug is characterized by average stability and sufficient effectiveness. However, it should be used as an independent remedy for bedbugs only when their numbers are low. This is due to the fact that bedbugs move slowly, unlike cockroaches, and weakly spread the drug throughout their colony. After the product expires, some of the newly born larvae may survive and give rise to a new population. The manufacturer claims a residual effect of Phenaxin lasting up to a month.

How does Phenaxin work against bedbugs? Its action is manifested in relation to the nervous system of insects. Upon contact with the active component or when it enters the gastrointestinal tract of the bug, paralysis and death of the pest occurs. It is best to use the drug in conjunction with an aerosol insecticide, which will penetrate into the most inaccessible places. Also, to avoid the survival of some bedbugs, treatment should be repeated after 7-12 days.

Help: Usually a large sachet of the drug costing 30-40 rubles is enough to treat an apartment of 30 square meters. There are also large packages (20 kg), but they are usually sold only in specialized stores and are suitable for use in factories and other similar facilities.

Efficiency of dusts

According to the author of this article, most of the dusts on the market are very effective and are quite suitable for mass use, however, the effectiveness drops significantly if the room is not subject to banal hygiene standards, i.e. it is simply damp and dirty. If, after treatment, conditions favorable for the life of insects remain in the room, then soon another one will take the place of the extinct population; but it can be even worse, since the few surviving insects can reproduce, spreading their set of genes to the entire population, which can make it more resistant to the remedy that was used previously. Trite, but important.

Thus, if you keep the room clean, you can achieve high efficiency from almost any product, but each of them has its own mechanism of action, which should be understood when processing. Below, using examples of several means, this issue will be discussed.

Description and characteristics

The product is a powder for dry processing or dilution with water, packaged in 100, 125 or 200 g. The active ingredient fenvalerate (0.35%) is an insecticide belonging to the pyrethroid class. The drug also contains fillers and boric acid. The shelf life of Phenaxin is 1 year.

The drug is slightly toxic, but gives a lasting effect when the distribution area is small or the first signs of insects appearing in the house. If after treatment the pest population does not decrease, use more powerful drugs that specifically destroy the insect species that have settled in your home.

Safety of powder use

The powder will show its activity within a month, and during this period it is necessary to limit access to treated areas for children and pets. Fish are highly susceptible to the effects of the product; during treatment, the aquarium must be tightly covered.

Tips for working safely with Phenaxin are as follows:

  • When processing, wear protective clothing, a mask (respirator), goggles and gloves.
  • Remove children, animals, elderly people, and pregnant women from the premises
  • Avoid the presence of allergy sufferers and asthmatics in the apartment
  • Remove indoor plants from home before treatment
  • Close the dishes, kettle, toothbrushes tightly in bags, put the food in the refrigerator
  • After treatment, take a shower and wash clothes
  • Do not allow contact with skin, mucous membranes, eyes, do not swallow or inhale the drug

Attention: If the product enters the body, drink as much water as possible, take enterosorbent, and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Safety for people and pets

Phenaxin is recognized as safe for people and pets if you do everything according to the instructions and follow all precautions. The components of this group are insecticides designed specifically for the destruction of small insects in domestic conditions. The poison has a long-term paralyzing effect only on the nervous system of ants, cockroaches, and bedbugs.

When applying the powder, rubber gloves should be worn on your hands, and people with a predisposition to allergies should use a face mask. During the treatment period, it is better to remove aquariums with fish, birds, cats, and dogs from the premises. For 2-3 weeks after using Phenaxin outdoors, pets should not be allowed into the garden, because powder particles can stick to their paws, enter the stomach, and cause poisoning.

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How dangerous is it for humans?

Regarding the toxicity of the drug, it belongs to hazard class 3, which means that it is safe when used correctly. Components may cause allergic reactions. If you avoid direct contact with the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract, the treatment will not cause any problems. Also for animals, the main thing is to remove surfaces that are in direct contact. But for fish it is very dangerous and they need to be protected; it is better to take the aquarium out of the room.

What to do in case of poisoning

The cockroach repellent Phenaxin is classified as class 4 of low-hazard substances and is safe when used correctly, but if you ignore the instructions, poisoning is possible.

  • if the powder gets into the respiratory tract, the victim must be provided with access to oxygen, given water or a soda solution to rinse the mouth;
  • if the product gets on the skin, wash it off with running water;
  • If the powder gets into the mucous membranes of the eyes, you should rinse them with water and drip Albucid or Novocaine.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Phenaxin include:

  • ease of use, facilitated by convenient packaging;
  • affordable price;
  • high efficiency, especially against cypermethrin-resistant insects;
  • almost always on sale;
  • prolonged action.

Disadvantages of cockroach repellent:

  • unaesthetic appearance of scattered dust;
  • difficulties with cleaning after spraying the powder;
  • choosing the wrong places for treatment will not bring the desired result;
  • in damp rooms the powder quickly loses its insecticidal properties.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Dusts from domestic and imported manufacturers, based on chemical and natural insecticides, are available for sale. They differ in their active component, effectiveness, and degree of danger to humans and animals.

  • Pyrethrum. It is produced on the basis of the natural insecticide pyrethrin, which is obtained from Caucasian chamomile. The action lasts for a maximum of 2 hours.
  • Super Fas. The drug acts similarly to Phenaxin. Retains properties for up to 2 months. Massive death of cockroaches occurs within 2 weeks.
  • Dust Clean House.
  • Thiuram. An effective product based on a fast-acting insecticidal substance. It is quite dangerous for humans, so it is used when the premises are heavily infested. Strict adherence to instructions is required.

The price of analogues is from 20 rubles. up to 1000 rub.

Phenaxin, like any dust, acts only after contact with insects. If the drug is placed in the wrong place, the desired result may not occur. In the bathroom, you need to renew the protective layer every 14 days, since the powder loses its properties in a humid room.


If you decide to use Phenaxin for mole crickets in the garden, look for a product called Phenaxin Plus. The drugs are not analogues. The release form, composition and method of application differ. The granules have a very attractive smell and taste for garden pests. 2 weeks before planting, you need to dig holes at a distance of 1 m from each other and pour 10 granules into them. Just 3 hours after eating the drug, the insect dies. The product provides protection against mole crickets for 14 days.

A universal remedy is always less effective than a narrowly targeted drug. To guarantee success in pest control, you need to use comprehensive methods. "Phenaxin" shows good results in eliminating insects from the house and garden.

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