Agita against flies - instructions for use, reviews


The drug Agita is presented in the form of a powder consisting of small granules. The advantages include the fact that the product does not have an unpleasant odor. After carefully studying the instructions, the powder is diluted with water in the required proportions. The products are packaged in plastic containers.

The uniqueness of Agita lies in the fact that it uses two active components simultaneously: the sex pheromone of flies and the insecticide thiamethoxam.

They complement each other perfectly, which allows you to achieve maximum effectiveness of the drug. There are also sugar and lactose, which are auxiliary components.

After mixing the powder with water, a foam with a beige tint is obtained.

Hazard Class

The insecticide Agita is able to please with a wide spectrum of action. The active components completely destroy not only flies. They actively fight cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, bedbugs, and ants. Within 24 hours after use, harmful insects will be completely destroyed. The product also has a long residual effect. You can be sure that the insects will not appear again for the next 5-8 weeks.

The insecticidal agent Agita belongs to drugs of hazard class 4. The working mixture, as well as its vapors, are considered a low-hazard compound.

Thus, if the dosage and safety precautions are followed correctly, the active components are not capable of causing harm to human health. The product can be used both to combat insects and to prevent their occurrence.

Precautionary measures

Agita fly repellent belongs to hazard class 4, meaning that it is safe for humans with short-term contact. But, like any insecticide, the drug must be used with certain precautions:

  1. Persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women, and allergy sufferers are not allowed to kill flies using Agita.
  2. Before treatment begins, people and animals must leave the premises. All food products, dishes, and animal feed must be taken out of the treated area or isolated, tightly packed in airtight packaging.
  3. If Agita is used in pigsties, surfaces located at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor level should be treated. In farm buildings for cattle and in stables, walls are not treated at a height of up to 2 meters.
  4. The person who uses the drug against flies must have personal protective equipment: gloves, a gown or a special suit, a respirator. During the entire procedure, you must not eat, drink water, or smoke.
  5. Containers and tools that were used during insecticide treatment cannot be reused for other purposes and cannot be stored. These items must be disposed of.

Instructions for use of Agita

The drug can be stored in undiluted powder form for three years. If the suspension is prepared, it must be applied within six hours.

To dilute the powder, the manufacturer recommends using slightly warm water. Water at room temperature will also work.

When treating large areas for a long time, it is recommended to stir the suspension thoroughly every half hour.

If this is not done, the mixture will separate, which will significantly reduce the power of the active components. The manufacturer gives some recommendations to achieve maximum effectiveness from the product:

  • try to treat the entire room without interruption so that the suspension remains homogeneous until the end of work;
  • a few hours after preparing the working composition, its effectiveness begins to decrease;
  • To ensure that toxic substances do not have a negative impact on pets, it is recommended to remove them from the premises during treatment;
  • carefully treat areas where flies or other insects most often accumulate;
  • processing must be carried out by one person who uses personal protective equipment;
  • all food products must be tightly closed or removed from the premises;
  • If at the end of the work there is a suspension left, it does not need to be poured into the sewer or the nearest body of water. Dispose of it away from rivers and pastures.

( Video : “Remedy for flies... Agita.”)

Ways to use fly repellent

There are two main processing methods:

  1. Applying the suspension with smears . The powder must be diluted with water in equal proportions. Here you should use a brush designed for painting. With its help, the drug is spread on walls, floors and other surfaces. Areas near window openings and baseboards must be coated as thoroughly as possible. If the walls have just been plastered, it is not possible to apply the drug to them. In this case, the product is used to treat pieces of cardboard that are simply hung near these walls. After such treatment, the drug will be effective for another two months.
  2. Spraying Agita. Here you will need a spray bottle. For this processing method you will need a fairly liquid solution. To prepare it, the powder is diluted in a large amount of water, approximately 1:8. Before use, it is recommended to make sure that all granules of the drug are completely dissolved. Using a sprayer, apply the product evenly to the surfaces to be treated. Try not to skip. After spraying, the active components will remain effective for another six weeks.

How to use Agita correctly

Agita powder is diluted with warm water and mixed well before application. The working solution is applied by spraying or brushing. The table shows the proportions of the substance and water for different types of treatment.

Pay attention to the following tips for using the drug Agita:

  • The prepared dab solution can be applied to interior items, walls and other surfaces.
  • Consider the fact that the composition, although low-toxic, is still an insecticide. Don't swab anything you come into contact with regularly.
  • The product will be less effective if applied to wood, plaster or other porous surfaces.
  • If you don’t want to leave traces of processing, make smears on cardboard or polyethylene and place them in the “favorite” places for flies. Better yet, hang it from the ceiling.
  • When choosing spraying treatment, spray the walls at the top (about 2 meters from the floor).
  • The active effect of the drug will end after 6 weeks. Thus, one treatment is enough for the season.

I always look at hanging sticky flycatchers with some disgust. Especially if there is no free space on them, and some insects continue to buzz, trying to escape. Running around the apartment with fly swatters is also not the best option, except perhaps to develop attention and reaction. Using Agita solution, you can make hanging baits (by spreading the product on cardboard), which will look much better than sticky tapes. Flies will land on such poisoned “platforms” due to the action of pheromones. And, most importantly, such traps will have to be updated infrequently - once every 1.5 months.

Security measures

Agita has a low degree of danger.

However, when using it, personal protective equipment is required:

  • robe;
  • gloves;
  • a respirator, especially relevant when spraying the product;
  • sealed glasses.

There are cases when people used the drug Agita in dry form. This was done in order to avoid dirty stains from the suspension.

Attention! Using the product in dry form is dangerous, so carefully follow the instructions when using Agita fly repellent.

Immediately before treatment, it is necessary to properly prepare the room, namely, remove everything that should not be touched by the product:

  • dishes;
  • Food;
  • food and animal feed;
  • children's toys and clothes.

Description and principle of operation

Agita is an insecticide produced in Austria, designed to destroy flies, cockroaches and fleas. Available in the form of a finely granulated white or beige powder. The product is odorless.

The traditional form of release of the drug is plastic jars, sealed with protective foil film and hermetically sealed with lids.

The product is based on thiamethoxam, which is toxic to flies at a concentration of 10%. This insecticide is classified as a group of contact-intestinal poisons. Once in the body, it causes paralysis of the insect’s nervous system and leads to its inevitable death.

In order for pests to come into contact with the substance, an insect-attracting substance, the pheromone Z-9-tricosene (0.05%), is added to it. Sensing the stimulating odor, the insects touch the product and die within a few minutes. The product contains sugar and the carbohydrate lactose as stabilizing additives.

It is recommended to use the product to control flies in residential premises and on livestock farms and enterprises. Store the drug in a cool, dry place for 5 years at a temperature not lower than -10, but not higher than +30 degrees, away from food and animal feed.

First aid for poisoning

Failure to follow safety rules is not the only reason why a person can become poisoned. There is still a possibility of individual intolerance to the active components. There are several options for poisoning:

  1. We inhaled the fumes. During work, there is a general deterioration in well-being. In this case, it is recommended to immediately stop work and go outside. Consult a doctor to accurately identify the cause of your poor health.
  2. Contact with skin or eyes. If the product comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  3. Ingestion of the product. If the product somehow gets into the stomach, it is recommended to drink as much water as possible immediately. Then you need to take activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.

There are no specific medications that can help get rid of the symptoms of poisoning from this drug. If a person has individual intolerance, it is better to consult a specialist. After studying the specific situation, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate medications.

Reviews about Agita

Oleg, homeowner:

Of the main advantages of Agita, I would like to highlight the fact that it literally works on the spot. Flies and midges, which are frequent guests in my house, die almost instantly. I really like that the drug has a long-lasting residual effect. After treatment, insects do not bother me for more than a month.

Yaroslav, used the product several times:

When this product was recommended to me, I didn’t quite understand how it could protect against insects for a long time. But after I personally tried it, I was convinced that it was possible. This is what the chemical industry has come to. I carry out the treatment twice throughout the summer. And throughout the warm season I am not bothered by flies or mosquitoes. Of course, after applying Agita, there are a lot of flies lying on the floor that need to be removed. But this is not a problem, because the main thing is that the chemical does its job perfectly.

Irina, I tried a lot of fly repellents:

Of course, the effectiveness of Agita is at the highest level. I really liked that after treatment there were no flies or other insects in the house for a long time. However, for me there is still a certain drawback - the price. I have to process quite large areas. As a rule, it takes me two or three 400 g containers. So I have to calculate how much money I need to spend on one treatment. Of course, I will keep in mind that this product completely gets rid of flies, but I will also try to find some cheaper, but no less effective analogue.

Where to buy Agita

You can find Agita in almost any veterinary pharmacy. It is better to avoid purchasing the product in markets or underground passages. There is no guarantee that you will be able to buy original products here. You can also contact a specialized online store.

Is the drug dangerous? The product is moderately dangerous, so pay special attention to proper use according to the instructions.

Still, there is a certain danger:

  • For a person . Poisoning is possible in cases where safety measures have been violated. For example, when working without safety glasses, a drop of the product may get into your eyes. When spraying the drug without a respirator, you risk inhaling small particles of toxic substances.
  • For pets . Naturally, if the pet is in the room where the treatment is taking place, it will inhale toxic substances. If you take your pet out of the room and return it after treatment after a certain time, then the use of this product will not affect its health in any way.

Prices for fly repellent

To purchase Agita, it is recommended to choose specialized retail outlets or Internet portals. They are also sold in veterinary pharmacies. The cost of the drug at different retail outlets does not differ significantly.

So, the cost of a jar with a capacity of 400 g costs about 1600-1700 rubles. The drug is also packaged in 25 g sachets. Their cost is about 150 rubles.

Naturally, if you need to process a large area, it is better to pay attention to a larger capacity. Also, some stores may offer promotions where you can purchase products at a discount.

Release form and price

Agita insecticidal powder is available in plastic jars with lids of 100 and 400 grams. The container volume is 240 and 900 ml, respectively. Closed packaging should be stored away from food products and out of reach of children and animals. It should be stored at a temperature of minus 10°C to +30°C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of release.

You can buy Agita at a hardware store that specializes in selling chemicals. This product is also available on websites. The price of Agita fly repellent may vary depending on the supplier, place of sale and a number of other circumstances. The average cost of a drug weighing 100 g is 900 rubles, and a large jar of 400 g is 2,400 rubles.

Analogues of the drug Agita are: Absolute in the form of granules, insecticidal powder Adamant, Get against midges and flies, universal powder Delicia.

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