Spiders of the Stavropol region photos and names

Main families in the country

The territory of our country includes a variety of climatic zones and natural conditions in which many representatives of arachnids exist. Spiders in Russia impress with their features and amazing life, they frighten with their appearance and help people. Many of them are rare and are listed in the Red Book.


The Latin name - Licisidae, is a representative of a vast species, numbering more than two thousand species. It has a gray, brown or brown color, an average body size of 3 cm, and has a “standard” structure. The wolf spider has no blood; it is replaced by hemolymph, a nutritious fluid that circulates in the body. In case of injury, the hemolymph flowing from the wound acquires a blue tint.

Spider wolf

Licisidae is a dangerous predator and an assistant to amateur gardeners in the fight against harmful insects. Its diet consists of flies, midges and insect larvae. Representatives of this species are very cunning; in the event of a threat that they cannot cope with, they prefer to pretend to be dead. The spider falls belly up and lies in this position until the threat passes. They are semi-venomous spiders whose bite does not cause harm to health.


Latin name: Heteropoda, family Sparassidae. You definitely can’t call a hunter’s spider a standard one. It has an amygdala-shaped body, 2 to 4 cm long, and very long legs, the length of which can exceed the length of the body up to four times. The longest legs are the front ones. Color varies from mustard to red-brown. The hunter is active at night and hides in dry branches, hollows and tree bark during the day. The maximum lifespan is three years, during which time Heteropoda is able to molt up to 12-15 times. The molting period is easily determined visually: the paws become very dark.


The Latin name is Agelenidae, there are more than 1000 species. The funnel spider got its name because of its special web, which it weaves in the shape of a funnel or pipe. It serves as a reliable shelter and trap for other insects. Every three to four weeks the spider changes its location and builds a new labyrinth. An adult male grows up to 2 cm, females are slightly larger. The color is mainly brown or black. Agelenidae live in grass. They can be easily distinguished from other species by their characteristic, swaying mode of movement. Spider venom is harmless to humans.



The Latin name is Salticidae, there are about 6000 species. They are quite fluffy representatives of arachnids. Males and females differ in color: the main color of the female is gray or orange, the male is black. Each individual has a characteristic pattern in the form of spots and stripes. The jumping spider is an active daytime hunter. He does not wait, but acts: when he sees potential prey, he jumps and grabs it. The web is used to construct protective nests for eggs and as insurance during a jump. Because of its ability to jump, it is called a jumper and a grasshopper. This species is absolutely harmless and does not even bite on contact.


The Latin name is Argeroneta aquatica - silver spider. The only species of spider that can live underwater. Their peculiarity is the construction of underwater houses - tents, the dome of which they fill with air. Special hairs on the body allow you to form an air sphere and carry it with you under water. Among the representatives of this species of arachnids, equality reigns: females do not eat males. Silverfish overwinter under thick ice, in their houses or empty shells.


The Latin name is Atypus affinis, a family of digger spiders. It grows up to 2 mm, has a dark, “earthy” color. The mole rat got its name because of the characteristic feature of the same name. The spider breaks a hole in the ground, up to 40 cm long, covers it with cobwebs, bringing the weaving out. Thus, a tube of web is obtained, the end of which is sealed, and the spider itself is inside and awaits the victim. If the hunt is successful, the web tube breaks through and the victim is carried inside. Afterwards the hole is “patched”, and the spider again takes a wait-and-see position.

Black widows

Latin name - Latrodectus mactans - black widow. The name of this species has become a household name due to the characteristic behavior of the females. The spider lives its entire life in the same web, which it impregnates with pheromones to attract suitors. Partners do not keep you waiting. The very first male to enter the territory of a dangerous female begins to “punch” her web to remove the smell of pheromones in order to avoid competition.

Black widows

If the black widow does not like the groom or is hungry at the time of the meeting, the female immediately eats the potential partner. If contact is established, then the moment of eating is postponed only until mating. The body diameter of females is 1 cm, males are half as large. The legs of a dangerous spider are five times longer than the body. The color is black, glossy, and there is a “mark” in the form of a red spot on the abdomen.

They live mainly in the south. For example, in the Astrakhan region or Krasnodar region.

The black widow is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. Aggressive females helped the species earn this reputation. In case of the slightest provocation and aggression, a lightning attack and a poisonous bite follows. Black widow venom contains a powerful neurotoxin. It causes respiratory arrest, severe joint and muscle pain, and cramps. Scientists have found that the concentration of neurotoxin in black widow venom is 15 times higher than that of a rattlesnake.

If you are bitten, you should immediately go to the hospital. The issue of providing timely assistance is a matter of life and death.


Latin name: Steatoda grossa. The spider is characterized by sexual differences: females reach 1-1.2 mm in length, while males are half as much. The color is dark brown and black. There are oval spots on the chest, pink-red in females and white in males.

Steatodes' favorite habitats are forests and bushes; they often coexist with villagers. Their love for “tree” shelters pushes them to be close to people. The crevices of wooden private houses and fences provide excellent shelter, and garden plots are the best place for hunting.

The web of the steatode is distinguished by its horizontal arrangement and large size, which reaches 1.5 meters. A spider bite is not fatal, but can be very harmful: it causes fever and temporary paralysis. Spiders are not aggressive, but you shouldn’t irritate them too much.

Knitting spiders

Latin name: Tetragratha. Individuals are predominantly gray in color, with a brown stripe on the abdomen, and differ from their counterparts in their elongated body structure, similar to that of an ant. The knitter's thin body carries long legs that can be folded in half. The body length of an adult female varies from 7 to 12 mm, of a male – 6-8 mm. The length of the limbs exceeds the length of the body three times.

The habitat is the area near water bodies and the sea coast. The knitter's web is directed vertically and is aimed at catching flying insects: flies, mosquitoes and midges. Representatives of this genus are absolutely harmless to humans. There are known cases of mass invasion of the species, as a result of which coastal and agricultural areas were covered with webs.

Knitting spiders

Orb weavers

Latin name – Araneidae. One of the largest families of arachnids, includes more than 3,000 species. The size of an adult spider reaches 8 mm, it is brown in color and has a striped pattern on its abdomen. Orb weavers are distinguished by a rounded abdomen and dark color at the end of the legs. Despite its small size, the hardworking orb weaver is capable of weaving a web with a diameter of up to two meters. The most famous representative of the species is the cross spider. The bite of such a spider causes only pain, similar to a bee sting.

Why is a spider bite dangerous?

If you are bitten by a spider that is not poisonous to humans, in most cases it will not have any adverse effect on the victim. However, for some people this can have fatal consequences. Even the bite of a non-venomous spider can trigger a local allergic reaction. People prone to allergic reactions may develop anaphylactic shock, angioedema and death within a few hours as a result of swelling of the upper respiratory tract.

The damage to a victim from a poisonous spider bite can be no less pronounced. The consequences depend on the characteristics and amount of the substance injected by one or another type of insect. The greatest danger comes from the bites of large individuals, since the amount of poison they produce is often sufficient to harm a child or adult. However, there are exceptions.

All types of enzymes secreted by the poisonous glands with which the spider stings the victim, depending on the nature of the effect on the human body, can be divided into 2 large categories. The first includes those that have a neurotoxic effect, affecting the peripheral and central nervous systems. The second includes poisons that have a hemolytic effect. In this case, the rapid spread of poison through the circulatory system causes the destruction of red blood cells.

The most popular representatives

Represented by a large number of representatives. Each spider is endowed with certain capabilities and is perfectly adapted to life in its region. Due to the fact that climate change has been observed over the past decade, the geography of arthropod habitats is changing. Species that previously occupied only certain regions migrate and colonize new territories.

Jumping spider

The jumping spider is found throughout Russia and is considered one of the best helpers for gardeners. Its advantage is the inability to bite through the human body. You can keep such a spider on your site to combat garden pests. It is enough to catch several individuals and plant them in a garden bed or under a tree. The horse will not be confused - it will immediately begin to spin a web and settle in a new place.


They live in Siberia and the Far East. This species is predominantly characterized by gift-giving during the courtship period. The male, when preparing to meet his beloved, carefully packs the caught flies or midges into a cobweb cocoon. This offering reduces the chance of being eaten and increases the chance of mating.


Crossweeds are one of the most common species of the orb weaver family. They live throughout the Russian Federation, make a great contribution to the fight against harmful insects and easily adapt to a new place of residence.


Recluse spider

A tiny spider, no more than 8 mm in size, with a leg span of up to 2 cm. A distinctive feature of the cross spider is its wide legs and a striped, elongated body, with a characteristic cross-shaped pattern. Color varies from brown to dark brown.

The hermit spider weaves its web randomly, as necessary. It is formed by careless and chaotic movements during the weaving process. The hermit's bite is not fatal. But its poison contains substances that strongly break down the skin, which threatens tissue necrosis (death).

In the central part of the Russian Federation

The central part of Russia is characterized by pronounced seasonality. The climate is mostly humid and is not suitable for all arthropods. The following spiders are found here:

Silver spider

The only underwater representative of the world of spiders, the popular name is dropsy. Lives in bodies of water with standing water. The silverfish species are small spiders up to 15 mm in length, brown in color. Since dropsy is the only spider that is found on the surface of lakes and ponds, it cannot be confused with anyone else. If you disturb such a resident of a body of water, you may get a bite. Its venom is not dangerous to humans; the result of a bite is pain near the bitten area, which disappears in a few days.


Heiracanthium is the Latin name for the green spider in Russia. Popularly called sak or yellow-bag. The places where saka is distributed are Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region - it loves warm regions. Climate change is contributing to its emergence throughout the central part of the country.


The abdomen is yellow or beige, the cephalothorax is often orange, the green spider grows up to 15 mm. Its color appears green against the background of the leaves, hence the name. Sak builds web sacs and has the ability to jump. It has large chelicerae and poisonous claws; the yellowjacket bites painfully. The first sensations from a Heiracanthium sting are similar to those of a bee - a sharp, severe pain. The consequences can be different - from a long-healing wound to nausea and an allergic reaction. Depends on the age and health of the person.

Knitting spider

Popularly called the grandmother's spider. It often settles with a person, occupying corners of the apartment, cracks behind furniture, and weaves its “classic” web. It grows up to 1 cm, has a light brown color and an elongated abdomen on long legs. The knitter is absolutely harmless; when meeting a person, he prefers to pretend to be dead: fold his paws and sit motionless until the threat disappears.

Fourth place - bag spider

Bag spider
The bag spider, or bagworm, is also a southern resident who chose the Rostov and Volgograd steppes as its habitat. Its bite causes very severe pain, which does not go away for a day or more, but the attack of this creature does not create serious harm to health.

Interesting: The most poisonous fish in the world - list, names, where they live, photos and videos

Steppe regions of Russia

The nature of the Russian steppes is inhabited mainly by dangerous and biting arachnids, the most common of which are:


The most poisonous spider in Russia, it lives in the Urals and the Caucasus, Crimea, the Black Sea region and the Moscow region. The bite of the karakurt is a double hole made by chelicerae. The spider will attack immediately if accidentally disturbed. Poison injected into the wound spreads throughout the body within 15 minutes. After this time, severe muscle pain, fever, increased sweating and tremors begin. If you are bitten, you should seek help immediately. The most aggressive are sexually mature females, who, in addition to the instinct of conservation, experience a natural feeling of the need to preserve offspring.



He got his “nickname” due to his love of living in cellars and barns. In these buildings, he finds crevices and cracks in the wooden elements that are optimal for his habitation. The spider is small, the average size is 10 mm. The head is colored brown or black, the abdomen is lighter - from red to brown. Pogrebnyaks are characterized by a hot climate; in Russia they prefer to live in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Crimea. A bite from a porcini mushroom can lead to fever, nausea and fever. They themselves do not attack, but if the spider senses real danger, it will defend itself.

Black Eresus

Popularly called ladybug. Lives in the Caucasus, Western Siberia and the southern Urals. The male specimens of this spider are very impressive; they have a round, bright red abdomen, on which there are four black spots, the legs are black, thick, with white transverse stripes. Females do not have such an attractive appearance - as a rule, they are black. The average size of eresus is 1 cm, sometimes individuals up to 1.5 cm are found.

Ladybug lives in earthen burrows, which it digs under stones. The black eresus is a family of venomous spiders. Poison injected into the wound leads to numbness of the limbs and severe swelling.


This species is called a relative of the black widow or false widow due to its external and behavioral similarities, only the steatoda is brown in color and lacks markings on the back. Steatoda lives throughout Russia and often settles in human dwellings. This is due to the presence of constant heat in the room and access to water.

This species can go without food for about a month, but it needs to drink constantly. The female grows up to 1.2 cm, males - half as much. Steatoda is a poisonous spider. A bite can kill a mouse or frog or cause complete paralysis in a dog or cat. For humans, the consequences are malaise, nausea, increased heart rate and shortness of breath, muscle and joint pain. Swelling appears at the site of the bite, and then it turns blue.


House spiders

Not everyone knows that not all invertebrates with four pairs of legs that settle in the house are spiders. For example, a haymaker has long limbs and a small body (see photo in the table).

Also in apartments, people can keep tarantulas or tarantulas - large, hairy arthropods that bite painfully and are poisonous, but they should be considered terrarium animals and not pets. For clarity, the main species are shown in the table; their biology and methods of control are described in the video in this article.

Table. The most common representatives of arachnids that settle in a human home:



Very similar, but not a true spider and belongs to a separate order. It has a distinctive appearance - long legs and a small abdomen. It usually settles in the upper corners of rooms, between furniture and in other places where there is at least some space protected from drafts. The body is very tender, they do not bite.

Gray spider

The size is no more than 1 cm. It settles in secluded places, where it forms a tube-shaped dwelling. Not poisonous and very shy.

Spider is a tramp

It is a constantly migrating species, so when it enters a house, it should not linger there. The insect does not pose any danger to humans.

Black spider

Does well in residential areas. They can bite in defense or when a person is sleeping if the animal is accidentally crushed. The damage does not cause pain, blood or lymph, but if an infection occurs, small local inflammatory reactions such as acne or boils cannot be ruled out.

House spider bite

The animals are quite weak and timid. Their size does not allow them to bite through the skin and cause trouble. Some people may still experience an allergic attack, but such reactions have been reported extremely rarely.

An attack can occur if you crush the spider or pick it up. There is no pain or it is very insignificant and short-lived.

Important. All domestic species are shy, afraid of humans, and lead a hidden lifestyle. They do not attack themselves, bites are rare and completely safe.

It is extremely rare that minor irritations and even more rarely allergies can form after a bite.

What to do if you are bitten

If there is no pain or irritation, then there is no need to take any action.

When there is a mark, it is enough to treat the skin with any antiseptic:

  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine or brilliant green;
  • bite;
  • lemon juice and others.

You can simply rinse with cool water. If you feel pain, apply ice and take an antihistamine (Eden, Citrine, Suprastin or any other). When there are signs of a developing allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Damaged skin can be treated with hydrogen peroxide

Southern regions of the country

The warmest regions are home to the following spiders:

South Russian tarantula

The popular name is Mizgir. Habitat - central and European Russia, namely steppes and semi-deserts. The female tarantula grows to a huge size of 3.2 cm, males are 5 mm smaller, weight starts from 30 grams, the maximum weight of an adult reaches 90 grams. Such parameters cannot but impress! There is no doubt about which spider is the largest in Russia - it is definitely a tarantula.

The massive body is dark brown or dark gray and covered with many hairs. Due to the large number of hairs, the spider looks very fluffy. Tarantulas live alone, except for the mating period. The diet, in addition to standard midges and flies, is supplemented by frogs and mice. Representatives of this species are true hunters; they prefer to guard, attack and chase large prey, while inflicting additional bites. Despite the terrifying appearance and predatory nature of the spider, it can bite a person if it senses danger. The bite is dangerous only due to an allergic reaction - redness and irritation.


The popular name is wasp spider or wasp spider. It received its nickname due to the similarity of the color of the females of this species with the wasp: a yellow abdomen with black and white stripes. Distributed in the Krasnodar region, Astrakhan region and Volga region - warm regions. Argiopes have pronounced gender differences: females are large and bright, up to 3 cm, and males are on average 0.5 cm and have a dark gray or brown color.

An interesting feature of spiders is their “gregarious” life - the number of individuals in a group is up to 20. The wasp spider is poisonous, but its poison will not cause serious harm to health. In terms of pain, the sting can be compared to that of an aspen or a bee; it will be painful and swollen. An allergic reaction is possible. Argiope will never attack first, but if you accidentally touch its web, an immediate reaction will follow.


Dangerous classes

There are varieties of spiders that secrete a toxic substance. Medical intervention after a bite is required to neutralize the consequences. You need to know the names of the most dangerous spiders in Russia, which live in different regions, in order to protect yourself from bites.

Common crosses

The diet of this arthropod species consists of insects. The cross eats flies, bees, hornets, mosquitoes, butterflies and other flying insects, which it catches with the help of a web. The cross immobilizes prey with poison, then entangles it with threads. He injects liquid digestive enzymes into the victim's body, from which the body softens and turns into a semi-liquid state. After a while, the executioner eats the half-digested contents. The crossfish makes provisions for the future; if it is full, it hangs the prey from the edge of the fishing net.

This species is not one of the largest spiders in Russia; females grow up to 20−25 mm, but males are smaller in size (10−11 mm), as with all arachnids. The white cross lives in all regions of the country and prefers the atmosphere of beech, spruce or pine forests. Individual representatives are found in arable lands, swamps, meadows and orchards with fruit trees.

Characteristic features of the appearance of the cross:

Body color depends on external lighting. On the back there is a pattern in the shape of a cross, for which the spider got its name.

  • The representative's carcass is covered with a waxy layer. This substance protects the body from excessive evaporation of moisture on hot days.
  • In front of the head there are 4 paired eyes, and the cephalothorax is covered with a dense and dense shield.
  • At the back of the abdomen there are 3 pairs of arachnoid warts. On the surface of each formation there are hundreds of tiny holes.
  • Representatives breed in August; for males, mating games often end with eating. The male attracts the female by twitching the signal thread on the web. To lay eggs in the fall, the female makes cocoons from specially spun webs and dies after laying. The eggs overwinter in this cocoon, and the spiders are born in mid-spring. Sexual maturity occurs only after the next wintering.

    Harmful chiracantids

    Dangerous arthropods are found in grass and shrub thickets. This species belongs to the poisonous spiders of the middle zone. Chiracantids are vagrant individuals and do not weave any web traps. The highest activity occurs at night, hunting from tactile contact with the spider. Usually the victim touches the legs of a hidden hunter, who attacks her in a jump. The diet consists of caterpillars, grasshoppers, moths, aphids, and mites. Spiders of this species avoid contact with wasps and ants.

    Characteristic appearance features:

  • the body is painted in a light brown, yellowish or greenish color;
  • the size of the female ranges from 0.5−1.5 cm;
  • the carcass is oval-shaped, the back part is somewhat pointed;
  • the front legs are longer than the others and larger than the body.
  • After a bite, severe pain appears at the site of the lesion, a burning sensation is felt, and the symptoms gradually spread to nearby areas. There is no itching or numbness in the muscles, but the lymph nodes located in the path of the poison begin to swell and ache. Stiffness and swelling develop a little later, sometimes the person cannot breathe freely.

    If help arrives in time, the pain subsides within a day, and other symptoms disappear within 2 days.

    Poisonous karakurt

    This species is recognized as the most poisonous and belongs to the so-called black widows. Representatives live in the southern regions of the Urals, in the Caucasus, in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions. In recent years, the range has shifted to the northern regions, reaching the Moscow region, which scientists explain by climate warming.

    The species does not settle in residential buildings and will never live in a multi-story building. Prefers a hot climate and lives in steppe regions. The spider's enemies are hedgehogs and wasps. Near housing, the spider builds burrows in landfills, in piles of firewood, and in cluttered areas of dachas.

    Appearance of karakurt:

    • the body is black or gray-black, with red spots with white edging;
    • The size of the female reaches 1.5−2.0 cm, and the males grow up to 0.7 cm.

    The older the spider, the darker its body, and the bright spots become less noticeable over the years. The female's venom is dangerous to humans only after 5-6 molts; before that, the venom is not so poisonous.

    The female builds a den in soil depressions, often uses ready-made rodent burrows, drainage pipes, and places nets at the entrance for protection. The eggs spend the winter in a cocoon, and in the spring the young spiders scatter in the wind with their webs.

    The karakurt attacks animals and humans if it is disturbed. After a bite, a burning pain quickly spreads throughout the body. Severe pain occurs in the abdomen, chest, lower back, shortness of breath appears, the pulse and heartbeat increase. In later periods, excitement gives way to depression, delirium appears, and consciousness becomes confused. For relief, anti-karakurt serum, novocaine, sodium hydrogen sulfate, and calcium chloride are used. The patient needs urgent medical attention.

    South Russian tarantula

    A light gray spider with a body length of up to 3 cm lives mainly in dry climates, settling in forest-steppe, semi-desert, steppe. To live, it digs a hole up to 40 cm deep and covers the walls with cobwebs. Looks out for the victim in the shadows as it passes by the entrance. After this, it instantly bites the prey, immobilizing it.

    The tarantula attacks only when there is danger; it can jump up to 15 cm in height to attack. Its bite is not too painful, but without medical help it causes nausea, fever, and swelling of the lymph nodes. Deaths are rare, but health problems are common.

    Far East

    A striking representative of the spiders of the Far East is:

    Digger spider

    The name of the spider speaks for itself. It is found in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, in the Sakhalin Region. The mole rat can be identified by its very massive and prominent chelicerae; they are 2.5 times the thickness of the legs. Size – from 1 cm to 1.5 cm, color – reddish brown. They live in groups. The place of residence is an earthen burrow, covered from the inside with a cobweb, which protrudes to the surface in the form of a tube.

    Diggers are very shy and unsociable; the likelihood of meeting them is negligible. All his time he sits in ambush in his underground house, waiting for prey. Despite its terrifying appearance, the mole rat is harmless to humans.

    First aid for bites

    When bitten by poisonous spiders, it is necessary to provide first aid to the person as quickly as possible. Wash the affected area with soap and cold running water. To prevent damage to the skin and tissue, you need to immobilize the limb. The bite site can be treated with the following antiseptic agents:

    • iodine;
    • ethanol;
    • brilliant green;
    • hydrogen peroxide.

    To reduce the risk of spreading toxins, it is recommended to tighten the limb with an elastic bandage above the area of ​​injury.

    A cold compress should be applied to the bite site. After providing first aid, you should call an ambulance.

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