Symptoms of cockroach poisoning

How to avoid getting poisoned by cockroaches?

To get rid of insects, a huge number of different products are used - from creams and crayons to highly toxic compounds, which can only be sprayed in special respirators. At home, poisoning with a cockroach repellent is most common. Modern insecticides belong to class 3 of dangerous substances and should not cause harm to the human body, but failure to follow instructions, storing these products in places accessible to children and pets, or simple carelessness cause intoxication - from mild illness to serious poisoning.

About poisons for cockroaches

Cockroaches are arthropod insects that have lived in human homes since cave times. They actively destroy food supplies, spoil food and household items, and are carriers of infectious diseases and parasites.

It is almost impossible to get rid of cockroaches without the use of special means. They multiply quickly, live for several years and are remarkably resistant to poisons, radiation and radiation.

Cockroach poison comes in different forms:

  • insecticidal gels;
  • aerosols;
  • suspensions;
  • crayons;
  • traps;
  • folk remedies.

Insecticide poisoning occurs most often due to:

  1. Failure to comply with safety precautions - when preparing or using solutions and aerosols. It is recommended to carry out the treatment of the premises using a respirator, in the absence of people and pets, with the windows open. Violation of any of these rules can lead to poisoning. Most often, at home, poisoning occurs when spraying aerosols in an enclosed space or inhaling fumes during the preparation of solutions and surface treatment.
  2. If the substance gets on food, water, clothing or bedding, consuming food or water with insecticides can cause serious poisoning, and contact with clothing and bedding can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.
  3. By negligence - such poisoning occurs when household insecticides get into the stomach or mucous membranes of children who find aerosols, pencils or dry mixtures and try them or spray them near the face. Unfortunately, it is precisely such poisonings that occur most often and are the most severe. No less often, pets suffer from poisoning - cats, dogs, who also need help and treatment.


This method is represented by a wide selection of drugs. These are aerosols, crayons, gels and powders. They all contain chemicals and require careful handling.

Aerosols and sprays

The advantage of these products is ease of use and high efficiency, as well as speed of processing. Insects die almost instantly. Disadvantages: aerosols and sprays have no effect on eggs, they are inconvenient to use if cockroaches are hidden in inaccessible places, and are very toxic.

Therefore, these products may not be suitable for apartments where children, allergy sufferers and pets live. Moreover, you will have to poison cockroaches indoors. You can ventilate it only an hour after use.

Recommended aerosols and sprays:

  • "Raptor";
  • "Raid"
  • "Combat";
  • "Clean house".

Gels and crayons

These medications do not work as quickly as aerosols. But they are also effective and safe in relation to household members.

Do not require protective equipment other than gloves:

  • Gel. It is considered a safe remedy and also quite effective. It is convenient to use - the substance is in a syringe, which measures the dosage. This bait does not leave marks on the surface used.

The insecticide is effective for 2 months. During this time, the cockroach colony dies out. It is important that the gel contains a substance that will prevent it from being eaten by pets and children. It also contains a special component that attracts cockroaches. Gel treatment is done once. This is enough to destroy the “barbels”;

  • Crayons. They consist of a cement-like substance and chlorperiphosis (poison). Since Prussians are omnivores, the chalk will definitely enter the digestive tract of the pests. It will be easy to poison them in the apartment. It is enough to coat the skirting boards, back walls of furniture, window sills and other habitats of cockroaches with chalk.

Signs of poisoning from cockroaches

You can suspect poisoning from cockroaches based on the following signs:

  • The use of cockroach repellents or possible access to them is the main and most important sign. Most often, symptoms of illness appear on the day of application of insecticides or 1-2 days after that. Poisoning often occurs in children who access chemicals and play with cockroach traps or insect chalk;
  • When intoxicated, patients experience specific symptoms that help determine the cause of poisoning.

Almost all toxic substances have an irritating effect on human skin and mucous membranes, and when they enter the bloodstream they cause disruption of the central nervous system. Insecticides affect the neural membranes of cells in the brain and spinal cord, provoking the development of pathological excitation, and in severe poisoning, inhibition of the nervous system. Some substances can also cause disruption of the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure and asthma attacks.

Symptoms of cockroach poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning depend on the type and form of the insecticidal substance, the method of its entry into the body and the severity of intoxication.

If poison gets on the skin or mucous membranes, severe irritation, redness of the skin, profuse salivation and lacrimation, and pain occur.

If a large amount of the product gets on the skin and mucous membranes or it is highly toxic, then burns form on the damaged area, the skin around it turns red, swelling appears, and an allergic reaction is possible.

If the product gets into the eyes, a burn to the retina may occur. If the damage is superficial, then the main symptoms are watery eyes, pain and redness of the eye. If signs of visual impairment appear, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, as there is a risk of complete loss of vision due to a retinal burn.

Most often, insecticides enter the human body through particles of inhaled air. This type of poisoning is characterized by general symptoms and specific ones that occur when using certain anti-cockroach remedies.

Common symptoms of cockroach poisoning:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • coldness of the extremities.

Depending on the type of toxic substance and the method of its application, the following specific symptoms may occur:

  • for chlorine compounds subject to inhalation of particles - cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, increased salivation, chest or abdominal pain, impaired coordination of movements, loss of consciousness, convulsions;
  • for anabasine - profuse vomiting, a burning sensation in the oropharynx, changes in the diameter of the pupils, convulsions and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye and oral cavity;
  • for phosphorus compounds - increased body temperature, shortness of breath, speech impairment, blurred vision.

If signs of poisoning appear...

Let us repeat once again: in our practice there has never been a case of poisoning of an adult or child, or domestic animals with insecticidal agents with which we treat the apartment. However, theoretically, poisoning can occur if safety rules are violated (a person without a respirator enters the apartment during treatment or before ventilation is completed), or if there is a high sensitivity to the drug.

Signs of poisoning are:

  • Salivation
  • Tearing
  • Bleeding from the nose
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth

If any of these symptoms appear, you need to go outside and breathe. Here the condition quickly returns to normal.

It only makes sense to use agents such as activated carbon or other sorbents if the insecticide gets into the digestive tract. This practically never happens.

Small pets (mice, hamsters) and various cold-blooded animals (amphibians, reptiles, fish) can be quite sensitive to the agents. The former only need very small amounts of the product to cause poisoning; the latter are very sensitive to insecticides due to the specific nature of the enzymes in their body. Therefore, by the way, before treatment, aquariums must be tightly covered with a cover glass and cloth so that the insecticide does not get into the water.

In any case, after treatment, small animals are brought into the apartment in cages, aquariums or terrariums. If everything here is well ventilated, there will be no insecticide in the cages and aquariums themselves, and since the animals do not move around the apartment, they will not come into contact with the drug on the floors and walls.

If you still have any questions, you can call our consultants and ask them. We will understand your situation and tell you what exactly needs to be done.

First aid for poisoning from cockroaches

If you poisoned cockroaches and poisoning occurred, first aid should be provided immediately, at home.

If the product gets on the skin and mucous membranes, wash them with plenty of clean water and soda solution.

If vapors are inhaled, the victim should be taken out into fresh air as soon as possible, given water, and inhaled with a steam solution or soda solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water).

If a toxic substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is given as much liquid as possible and vomiting is induced to lavage the stomach.

It is mandatory to take sorbents - activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta. After this you should drink a lot..

In case of mild poisoning, such measures are sufficient for the complete recovery of the patient. The condition of the poisoned person must be monitored for 2-3 days in order to notice symptoms of deterioration in time and consult a doctor.

If you do not know what drug the patient was poisoned with, it is better to call an ambulance. In case of intoxication with certain compounds, only timely qualified medical care can save life and health, for example, in case of sulfuric acid poisoning.

First aid and treatment of poisoning

First aid to a victim of insecticides must be provided as soon as possible, otherwise, in case of acute poisoning, there is a high probability of death. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. the victim is brought to life if he is unconscious;
  2. stimulation of the gag reflex or artificial lavage of the stomach and intestines (if insecticides enter the gastrointestinal tract);
  3. after washing, the victim should be given absorbent and Regidron;
  4. a poison neutralizer is injected intravenously;
  5. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and stay calm.

If harmful substances enter through the lungs, then first aid is provided through inhalation with a soda solution and expectorant tablets. Skin affected by insecticides must be lubricated with zinc ointment or covered with compresses soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Only specialists in the field of toxicology can provide basic assistance in curing this type of poisoning. Depending on the condition of the victim, he is prescribed drugs of local or general action, including detoxicants, painkillers and restorative injections, ointments and tablets.

How to choose a remedy for cockroaches and not get poisoned?

When choosing a product to combat cockroaches or any other insects, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Buy only well-known products produced by official manufacturing companies. Under no circumstances should you purchase unknown solutions or powders produced by someone unknown and use them to get rid of insects.
  2. Before use, read the instructions and follow them exactly.
  3. Do not leave products within reach of children and pets.

Today there are many effective and safe remedies for cockroaches. By following the instructions and not forgetting about the safety of yourself and your family members, you can easily and quickly get rid of any insects.


Traditional methods

The use of chemical insecticides is not always possible. Then you should use traditional methods.


  • Ammonia has a pungent odor. Cockroaches cannot tolerate it.
  • After treating the home, it will become noticeable that the number of insects has decreased.
  • When using ammonia several times there is a chance to completely get rid of unexpected guests. Ammonia only drives away the Prussians.
  • Application requires mixing with water. To do this, add 5 teaspoons of ammonia to a five-liter bucket of water and then mix.
  • You need to spray not only the floor (hard surfaces), but also upholstered furniture. Repeat the procedure for 2 months, as the aroma fades over time.
  • After treatment, you need to close the windows and leave the apartment for 6 hours.
  • Ammonia can scare away a not too large colony of pests. Otherwise, it is better to use aerosols or gels.

Boric acid

  • Leads to paralysis and death of cockroaches. Effective bait based on powder.
  • You need to mix the egg yolk with 30 grams of boric acid.
  • Knead the resulting mass and roll it into balls. Place them in cockroach habitats.


  • Powder for making effective baits.
  • To obtain them, starch and borax are mixed in equal proportions. Add a pinch of sugar. Then water is added to the mixture. You will need the consistency of jelly.
  • The mixture should be lubricated with the trash can, baseboards and other places where Prussians gather.

House plants

  • Many people plant plants in the room whose smell is unpleasant to cockroaches.
  • The presence of geranium protects the home from visiting pests, and not only Prussians.
  • Insects also do not like the aroma of chamomile and lemon balm.
  • If it is not possible to grow plants in pots, they can be purchased dry. They are sold at any pharmacy.


A simple way to fight cockroaches in an apartment. There are these types of traps:

  1. With adhesive base. “Foresight” is based on mechanical fishing. The bait has a low degree of toxicity. It consists of 5 houses. It's easy to assemble them with your own hands. The price of the trap is 65 rubles. Adhesive tape – “Taiga”. Valid for six months. The packaging is enough for 20 square meters.
  2. Electrical. The environmentally friendly device attracts cockroaches and kills them with an electric discharge. Expensive but effective device.
  3. Homemade. One of the traps: you need to coat the inner wall of a liter jar with Vaseline, in which you put the bait with boric acid. Pests attracted by the delicious smell will not be able to get out of it.
  4. With bait containing poison. The Combat trap has an insecticide inside. The “barbels” become infected themselves and carry the bait on their paws, poisoning their relatives. The Raptor trap has the same operating principle.

Advantages: low toxicity, wide choice of device type and price, safety, ease of use.

Disadvantages: will not work if there is a large colony of Prussians, have a short range of action.

Essential oils

Advantages of volatile oils: low cost, ease of use, environmental friendliness, long-lasting effect. Tea tree oils, mint, lavender, eucalyptus and many others are used. Citronella and lemongrass are considered very effective.

Several recipes:

  • Mix half a liter of water, a quarter glass of vodka, and 25 drops of fir oil. The liquid should be sprayed in the habitats of the Prussians.
  • Irrigate with mixtures of essential oils - mix 100 ml of vinegar and 12 drops of eucalyptus, clove, peppermint and tea tree oils in a glass of heated water.

Poison for cockroaches, we poison ourselves or insects

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Good day, dear readers. The other day I heard on the news that the owners were seriously poisoned by cockroach poison. Fortunately, everything worked out, but the couple spent almost two weeks in the hospital before their health was no longer in danger. So I thought - how can it be that such dangerous substances are sold freely to everyone?

Today's article is entirely devoted to insecticides. We will talk about which cockroach poison is most often used in insecticides. You will find out whether it is possible to get poisoned during the pest control process, and how to avoid it.

I will tell you how to choose and use insect repellents correctly. At the same time, we will discuss the rules of safe pest control - after all, as you know, God protects the best. So make yourself comfortable - I have a lot of important information for you.

Is it possible to get poisoned by cockroaches?

I won’t create intrigue and will say right away – it’s possible. Moreover, the consequences of such poisoning can be very, very sad. Of course, this depends on the type of poison, the amount and the way it entered the body, as well as the age and general health of the victim.

And although in modern insect repellents the concentration of poison is usually extremely low so as not to harm human health, poisoning does occur. This can happen due to many reasons. Here are the most common mistakes that lead to intoxication when treating a room with an insecticidal preparation:

    Ignoring personal protective equipment. In most insect repellents, the concentration of the toxic substance is usually low enough not to harm people. But this only works if we follow safety precautions. Each type of insecticide requires the use of certain means of protection, and below we will talk about this in detail. Incorrect use of the drug or combining it with other drugs. It is not for nothing that manufacturers indicate in the instructions that the combined use of the product with other insecticides is prohibited. An attempt, in the pursuit of efficiency, by hook or by crook to obtain professional preparations that are used by pest control services. Needless to say, the use of such compounds requires special equipment and skills. Exceeding the recommended amount of poison - if the packaging says that one bottle of aerosol is enough for 50 sq.m., you should not buy a dozen and mercilessly pour poison on all surfaces for greater effectiveness.

If you follow safety precautions and the manufacturer's recommendations for use, the cause of intoxication may be individual sensitivity to the poison. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the presence of this sensitivity in advance. Therefore, during disinsection and for some time after, it is very important to closely monitor your well-being, without brushing off alarming symptoms.

What are the symptoms of poisoning?

All insecticidal preparations act on the principle of suppressing the nervous system of insects, suppressing the transmission of nerve impulses and causing paralysis. Therefore, most signs of intoxication in warm-blooded animals are primarily associated with the functions of the nervous system, but nausea, dizziness, etc. - this is already a consequence.

The range of insecticidal poisons is very impressive, but pesticides or organochlorines are most often used to make cockroach repellents. The main active ingredient greatly influences how the victim will feel and the choice of therapy if he seeks medical help.

Therefore, when visiting a doctor, it is advisable to take with you the packaging of the drug with which you treated the apartment. As a last resort, try to remember its name - if necessary, finding out the composition on the Internet will not be so difficult.

So that you do not confuse intoxication with toxic substances with a banal ailment, I have prepared for you a list of relevant symptoms:

    dizziness; disorientation; tremor (fine trembling) of the limbs, fever; blurred vision; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; salivation increases; chills, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area; loss of control of speech and gait; bitterness in the mouth, cough.

Symptoms and their combinations depend on the degree of poisoning and the type of poison. In case of poisoning with pyrethroids, the symptoms will be the same, and in the case of organochlorines, they will be different. The type of exposure to a toxic substance and how it entered the human body also affects the degree of illness of the victim.

Thus, intestinal poisons often provoke vomiting, while dusty and inhaled poisons cause a sore throat and dizziness. Therefore, if you are only worried about excessive drooling or only dizziness, you should not ignore the deterioration in your health - it is likely that you could be poisoned by an insecticide, and other markers of intoxication will soon appear.

How to choose a reliable and safe product?

It would seem that what could be easier than buying poison for cockroaches? In fact, there are many nuances here. You don’t have to choose between effectiveness and safety, you just need to be a little more careful in choosing the right product:

How to poison cockroaches in an apartment?

There are many methods of destruction, as well as repelling. For this purpose, chemical and natural means are used.


Cockroaches don't like the cold. The best living condition is a temperature within 28-30 degrees above zero. As soon as the thermometer drops below zero, insects begin to die. The lower the ambient temperature, the faster the death of pests.

Therefore, it is easy to get rid of them by freezing them. It is enough to lower the air temperature in the apartment, and there will be no Prussians. At -5 degrees, cockroaches will die within an hour.


Ultrasound does not destroy pests, but only repels them. The device is exposed to low frequencies during operation. Animals begin to run chaotically, reproduction stops. Insects stop looking for food or do not always find it.

Over time, the “barbels” leave the apartment. It becomes unsuitable for their life. In order for the result to please the owners, you will need a powerful device. Otherwise, cockroaches may not escape from the home.

The most popular repellers:

  • Typhoon LS 500. Cost – 1500 rubles. The radius of influence on the nervous system of insects is 80 meters. Made in Russia;
  • Eco Sniper AR – 120. Homeland of production – Hong Kong. The price is 1400 rubles. It works silently. Efficiency increases if the device is installed closer to the floor. Repels pests with low-frequency waves;
  • Banzai LS Country of origin: China. It has proven itself with a lot of positive reviews. A powerful repeller that is not recommended for use in a child’s room, near sleeping places and pets. Cost – 1800 rubles.

How to avoid getting poisoned by cockroaches?

To get rid of insects, a huge number of different products are used - from creams and crayons to highly toxic compounds, which can only be sprayed in special respirators. At home, poisoning with a cockroach repellent is most common. Modern insecticides belong to class 3 of dangerous substances and should not cause harm to the human body, but failure to follow instructions, storing these products in places accessible to children and pets, or simple carelessness cause intoxication - from mild illness to serious poisoning.

Airing the apartment

After proper ventilation, people (including children of any age) and pets can be in the room. When ventilated, the insecticide is drawn out of the air into the ventilation or outside, and the insecticide that settles on surfaces dries out and no longer poses a danger to humans.

You need to ventilate the apartment for at least 1 hour. If the baiting was carried out in the warm season, it is advisable to ventilate the room longer - up to 2-3 hours. This will guarantee safety for people and pets.

There is no need to be in the apartment during ventilation. It is enough to simply open the windows and doors wide, remove the ventilation damper and go outside or into the entrance.

About poisons for cockroaches

Cockroaches are arthropod insects that have lived in human homes since cave times. They actively destroy food supplies, spoil food and household items, and are carriers of infectious diseases and parasites.

It is almost impossible to get rid of cockroaches without the use of special means. They multiply quickly, live for several years and are remarkably resistant to poisons, radiation and radiation.

Cockroach poison comes in different forms:

  • insecticidal gels,
  • aerosols,
  • suspensions,
  • crayons,
  • traps,
  • folk remedies.

Depending on the type and form, insecticides may contain dangerous substances such as chlorine, anabasine, organofluorine and other compounds that cause damage to the neuromuscular system of insects, damage their vital organs or lead to deprivation of the ability to reproduce.

Insecticide poisoning occurs most often due to:

  1. Failure to comply with safety precautions - when preparing or using solutions and aerosols. It is recommended to carry out the treatment of the premises using a respirator, in the absence of people and pets, with the windows open. Violation of any of these rules can lead to poisoning. Most often, at home, poisoning occurs when spraying aerosols in an enclosed space or inhaling fumes during the preparation of solutions and surface treatment.
  2. If the substance gets on food, water, clothing or bedding, consuming food or water with insecticides can cause serious poisoning, and contact with clothing and bedding can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.
  3. By negligence - such poisoning occurs when household insecticides get into the stomach or mucous membranes of children who find aerosols, pencils or dry mixtures and try them or spray them near the face. Unfortunately, it is precisely such poisonings that occur most often and are the most severe. No less often, pets suffer from poisoning - cats, dogs, who also need help and treatment.

How do cockroaches get into an apartment?

Insects can enter your home in two ways:

  1. Infiltrate from neighbors. In this case, the “barbels” run away from the fact that they are being poisoned. Or when residents, on the contrary, are not concerned about the presence of pests. Then the latter, quickly multiplying, look for food in other territories.
  2. Prussians can be brought into the apartment with purchases or on shoes. For example, if there are cockroaches in the store where you purchased equipment or products, there is a high probability that they will be brought into your home along with your purchases.

Danger to humans

Cockroaches pose a danger not only to health, but also to human life. They live in garbage chutes, as well as sewers and basements.

They bring drops of sewage, pieces of dirt, and particles of rodent excrement on their paws and bodies. Insects smell unpleasant and spoil food. But most importantly, Prussians can carry several dozen types of pathogenic microbes.


  • staphylococci;
  • mold fungi;
  • tuberculosis;
  • polio;
  • hepatitis;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.

Note! Cockroaches bring worm eggs into the apartment and are able to crawl into the mouth of a sleeping person. Insects can cause allergic reactions, including asthma. Pests are able to penetrate the ear and bite through the eardrum.

Signs of poisoning from cockroaches

You can suspect poisoning from cockroaches based on the following signs:

  • The use of cockroach repellents or possible access to them is the main and most important sign. Most often, symptoms of illness appear on the day of application of insecticides or 1-2 days after that. Poisoning often occurs in children who access chemicals and play with cockroach traps or insect chalk,
  • When intoxicated, patients experience specific symptoms that help determine the cause of poisoning.

Almost all toxic substances have an irritating effect on human skin and mucous membranes, and when they enter the bloodstream they cause disruption of the central nervous system. Insecticides affect the neural membranes of cells in the brain and spinal cord, provoking the development of pathological excitation, and in severe poisoning, inhibition of the nervous system. Some substances can also cause disruption of the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure and asthma attacks.

Symptoms of cockroach poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning depend on the type and form of the insecticidal substance, the method of its entry into the body and the severity of intoxication.

If poison gets on the skin or mucous membranes, severe irritation, redness of the skin, profuse salivation and lacrimation, and pain occur.

If a large amount of the product gets on the skin and mucous membranes or it is highly toxic, then burns form on the damaged area, the skin around it turns red, swelling appears, and an allergic reaction is possible.

If the product gets into the eyes, a burn to the retina may occur. If the damage is superficial, then the main symptoms are watery eyes, pain and redness of the eye. If signs of visual impairment appear, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, as there is a risk of complete loss of vision due to a retinal burn.

Most often, insecticides enter the human body through particles of inhaled air. This type of poisoning is characterized by general symptoms and specific ones that occur when using certain anti-cockroach remedies.

Common symptoms of cockroach poisoning:

  • headache, dizziness,
  • impaired coordination of movements,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • weakness,
  • coldness of the extremities.

After a few hours or the next day, the patient may experience fever, blurred vision, indigestion, pain or cramping in the abdomen.

Depending on the type of toxic substance and the method of its application, the following specific symptoms may occur:

  • for chlorine compounds subject to inhalation of particles - cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, increased salivation, chest or abdominal pain, impaired coordination of movements, loss of consciousness, convulsions,
  • for anabasine - profuse vomiting, a burning sensation in the oropharynx, changes in the diameter of the pupils, convulsions and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye and oral cavity,
  • for phosphorus compounds - increased body temperature, shortness of breath, speech impairment, blurred vision.

Which dichlorvos to choose

Each user chooses the best cockroach repellent for himself. They vary slightly in price and all claim to kill insects. The difference may be in the smell of the product and the method of application. You also need to pay attention that if you use only one product for a long time, cockroaches can get used to it and develop immunity, so they often use several varieties and brands together or in sequence, depending on the reaction of the parasites.

The cost of the spray is 79 rubles. It contains components that allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of cockroaches. After treatment, it not only kills, but also manifests itself in a residual property, which means a long absence of insects.

Dichlorvos gel against cockroaches is an insecticidal agent. The basis of the product is fipronil. The drug is less toxic to humans. The effect on cockroaches is a paralytic agent, which allows you to kill the insect within 8 hours. The gel is in a special syringe; it is applied in a thin line along the entire perimeter of the room, as well as on furniture and corners where cockroaches appear. Cost 45 rubles.

First aid for poisoning from cockroaches

If you poisoned cockroaches and poisoning occurred, first aid should be provided immediately, at home.

If the product gets on the skin and mucous membranes, wash them with plenty of clean water and soda solution.

If vapors are inhaled, the victim should be taken out into fresh air as soon as possible, given water, and inhaled with a steam solution or soda solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water).

If a toxic substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is given as much liquid as possible and vomiting is induced to lavage the stomach.

It is mandatory to take sorbents - activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta. After this you should drink a lot..

In case of mild poisoning, such measures are sufficient for the complete recovery of the patient. The condition of the poisoned person must be monitored for 2-3 days in order to notice symptoms of deterioration in time and consult a doctor.

Important! It is imperative to immediately seek medical help if a child under 6-7 years of age, a pregnant woman, or people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys have been poisoned. Urgent hospitalization is also necessary in case of loss of consciousness, seizures or blurred vision.

If you do not know what drug the patient was poisoned with, it is better to call an ambulance. In case of intoxication with certain compounds, only timely qualified medical care can save life and health, for example, in case of sulfuric acid poisoning.

How to choose a remedy for cockroaches and not get poisoned?

When choosing a product to combat cockroaches or any other insects, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Buy only well-known products produced by official manufacturing companies. Under no circumstances should you purchase unknown solutions or powders produced by someone unknown and use them to get rid of insects.
  2. Before use, read the instructions and follow them exactly.
  3. Do not leave products within reach of children and pets.

Today there are many effective and safe remedies for cockroaches. By following the instructions and not forgetting about the safety of yourself and your family members, you can easily and quickly get rid of any insects.


Cleaning the apartment after bedbug poisoning

Treatment of the premises after disinfestation should be minimal and very limited. This requirement is explained by the fact that in the apartment you need to leave as much as possible of the dry drug that has settled on the surfaces. In this case, the bedbugs that survive the treatment will crawl out of their hiding places, move across surfaces coated with a layer of the product, become soiled in the product, and be poisoned.

The more of the drug there is on the surfaces and the more the parasites get dirty in it, the higher the likelihood that they will all die and repeated disinfestation will not be required.

Therefore, after airing the apartment, you only need to wipe the individual surfaces that people and pets most often come into contact with:

  • Kitchen table;
  • Door handles;
  • Cranes;
  • Surfaces of bedside tables;
  • Toilets;
  • Sinks.

They should be wiped with a soap-soda solution, the soda in which effectively neutralizes the active ingredients of insecticidal agents. You can also use any detergent for this purpose.

It is better to leave all other surfaces untouched. If you have a very strong fear of the drug, it is enough to wipe the floor in the room where children or pets often play. At the same time, the floors must be left unwashed along the baseboards, under beds and sofas, under cabinets - where bedbugs move most often.

After treatment with both cold and hot fog, there are no stains or stains left on the floors or furniture, and therefore there is no urgent need to wash them.

In general, you should not be afraid that after ventilating the room with the product, someone will be poisoned. In our practice, over 12 years of effective treatments and the use of powerful means, there have never been such cases of poisoning. Still, the layer of the drug that forms on the surfaces is very thin, there is little product here. Even a relatively small animal - a cat or a small dog - needs to carefully lick several square meters of surfaces in order to receive a dose that is dangerous for it. At the same time, a cat is not a stupid animal; it will not just lick the floor or baseboards.

Children are the same - even if a child plays on the floor, he will not get very dirty, and he will not have any undesirable consequences.

General wet cleaning with thorough washing of floors, walls, and baseboards should be carried out when it becomes obvious that all the bedbugs have been destroyed and there are no more living insects in the house. In this case, you can confidently wash off the entire layer of the drug from all surfaces, since there is no longer a need for it.

In our experience, after successful treatment, the apartment can usually be thoroughly washed after 7-12 days. During this time, all bedbugs die, including nymphs hatched from eggs, and cleaning will no longer affect the final result.

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