There are a lot of flies in the house in the fall

Where do flies come from in the house in the fall?

Flies can appear in the house either on their own or with the help of a person who, unknowingly, brings them into his own home.

Flies in a wooden house in the fall are almost a classic. They find any loophole - cracks, ventilation holes, doors that are not tightly closed... There are a lot of options, especially if the fly is literally obsessed with the goal of getting into a human home at any cost.

An invasion of small flies can become one big problem for a person. In addition to adult individuals penetrating into the house on their own, a considerable number of eggs and larvae sometimes get there, not without human help, along with ripe or rotten fruits, indoor plants or bouquets of flowers.

A special type of fly is green flies, which make themselves known if spoiled meat or fish is suddenly found in the house.

The presence in the house of secluded, not very clean places with high air humidity and some food residues is another reason why these uninvited guests came to the house.

In the apartment

Where do flies come from in an apartment?

Several types of flies live in a person's home. They are similar in appearance, lead a similar lifestyle, so the owner does not even think about their differences. With the onset of warm weather, apartments are colonized by house flies, which are not adapted to live in the wild; by the end of summer, biting flies appear; at any time during the warm season, a blowfly of a gray color or with a beautiful green or blue tint can enter the room.

Flies appear indoors on their own or are brought in by people without knowing it. Adults crawl through small cracks in the wall, window sills, and ventilation shafts. They climb in through doors that are not tightly closed, if there are flaws in the mosquito net. And even if the house or apartment is completely sealed, all precautions are taken, parasites may end up in the room.

They are introduced by humans themselves at the stage of eggs and larvae. Females lay eggs on ripe or rotten vegetables, fruits, plants, and flowers. Green flies in an apartment or house appear due to stale meat and fish, since it is there that a new generation of pests begins to develop.

In winter, flies may appear in the house in a warm room. Their presence at this time of year is even more puzzling, since there is nowhere to come from. With the onset of cold weather, insects climb into cracks, fall asleep, and remain invisible to humans. On warm winter days, when the sun shines well through the windows and a comfortable temperature remains inside the building, they wake up. However, such wakefulness does not last long. The insects are either killed or they hide again.

Why did flies choose your home?

In October, when autumn finally arrives and it becomes much colder, flies climb into houses by hook or by crook, choosing the most suitable ones in terms of nutrition and reproduction.

A house next door to a garbage container or compost heap is initially at risk. The situation is aggravated if the house itself is not very clean, there are dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and a full trash can - in a word, if the inhabitants of the house are not too concerned about the hygiene of their own home.

A fly got into the tea

Once upon a time, people had to work hard to earn their living. Therefore, a fly that got into their food presented them with a difficult choice. Naturally, they could not afford to throw away food, and they did not neglect tea with the “winged guest.” Because of this, many skeptics claim that signs of insects landing on food appeared in this way. Since people could not afford to throw away food, they consoled themselves with good omens.

Superstitions believe that if a fly gets into a herbal drink, you should not throw it away immediately. This indicates that the person will be given a valuable gift. If she drowned in it, then the person will win the lottery.

But if this happened in winter, then you should not expect gifts, because this is always unfortunate.

How to get rid of flies in the house?

Flies can be annoying, and the first desire of any person is to get rid of them as quickly as possible. A classic fly swatter does not always cope with this task, especially if the autumn invasion is in full swing. However, if you calmly think about how to get rid of flies in the fall, there will always be several very effective and interesting solutions.

Duct tape

“Velcro” is a traditional and quite effective way to get rid of flies in the country house and beyond.

You can also make it at home. To do this, 90 g of rosin is melted over low heat in a metal bowl (you can take a tin can), 30 g of any vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of honey or any aromatic sweet syrup are added to the melted rosin. The prepared mixture is spread with a brush onto thick paper. “Homemade Velcro” are hung around the house.

Duct tape


Homemade traps also work great. A quarter teaspoon of chlorophos powder and half a teaspoon of granulated sugar are dissolved in 1 glass of water. The resulting mixture is poured into saucers and placed in places inaccessible to children and pets. As water evaporates, you need to add water. The shelf life of such a trap is 10-12 days.

Vacuum cleaner

You can solve the problem with flies, especially if there are a lot of them, using an ordinary vacuum cleaner. It is very important to immediately clean and wash the bag immediately after treating it at home so that there are no fly eggs left in it.


Aerosols are an excellent way to get rid of flies here and now. The action of insecticides begins already during the spraying process. At first the flies feel very lethargic, and then they are completely paralyzed and die.

The most popular sprays for killing flies: Chlorophos, Dichlorvos, Dichlorvos Neo, Dr.Klaus, Raid, Raptor, Fumitox and others.


Aquafumigators are small devices for controlling insects indoors. One of the most famous is the Raptor aquafumigator.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: a few minutes after switching on, the device begins to produce tiny particles of aqueous suspension saturated with the poisonous substance cifentorin. Penetrating inside the insect, tsifentorin rapidly spreads throughout the cells and tissues of the body. As a result, the nervous system is completely paralyzed, insects lose the ability to move and reproduce and soon die.

Since the fly larvae are resistant to the insecticide, the manufacturer recommends repeat disinfestation after two weeks.


UV lamp for killing flies

The principle of killing flies with ultraviolet light is based on the fact that these insects actively react to light and flock to it en masse.

The ultraviolet lamp in the device is covered with a fine metal mesh that is exposed to electric current. An insect falling on it receives a discharge of electricity and dies. This is a kind of stun gun that kills many flies at once and on the spot.


There are many plants whose smell flies absolutely cannot stand. They can be grown without much difficulty either directly in the house or on a summer cottage or garden plot.

Among indoor plants, geranium copes with this task perfectly. It’s a good idea to have lavender, basil, indoor mint, thuja, lemon, and rosemary in the house.

If castor beans, rosemary, walnuts, tansy, eucalyptus, wormwood or bird cherry grow near the house or on a summer cottage, flies will not annoy their owners too much with their annoying presence.

There are other natural fly repellents - cloves, thyme, lemongrass, cedar, garlic, thyme, lemongrass, rue, citronella, petunia, nasturtium, etc.

What factors cause a large number of flies to accumulate?

Few people will like being in a neighborhood with a lot of flies, and it doesn’t matter at all whether this happens in a private house or apartment. There are some factors that influence the fact that a large number of flies accumulate, namely:

  • near the house there may be cesspools, compost heaps or just garbage cans, and all these places create excellent conditions for the reproduction of these insects, and the most interesting thing is that if any of the above is on the neighbors’ property, then everyone will suffer, who is nearby;
  • You shouldn’t leave uncovered food that smells strong on the table, because it attracts insects, and it’s better to put all the food in the refrigerator or seal it tightly;
  • If you do not take out the garbage on time, it will begin to emit a strong odor, and this will also lead to flies multiplying very quickly.

In autumn, flies try to find a secluded place to survive the winter in a warm place, and actively search for it, and this is one of the reasons for the activation of flies in the autumn.

Where do flies go in winter?

The question of the location of flies in winter is relevant only for young flies born in the fall and larvae, since the life expectancy of these insects is a maximum of five weeks. In winter, all life processes of insects slow down, flies gradually hibernate. Thanks to this, the lifespan of insects is increased by several winter months.

Usually flies overwinter in groups, having found some secluded warm place for this, although there are also individuals who overwinter in splendid isolation.

On a note! A study of flies showed that only fertilized females survive the winter safely, while males die. The larvae usually spend the winter months underground or in manure. The unexpected appearance of a fly in the house in the middle of winter indicates that something or other has disturbed it, disturbing its winter sleep.

What is the danger of house flies?

Flies are dipterous insects, very small and light.
They feed only on liquid food, sucking it through their proboscis. Various sweet liquid products are very attractive to them: compote, juice, tea, jam, honey. If these products are left uncovered in your kitchen, they will definitely attract insects. No one knows where the insects flew before they entered your home. Perhaps they sat on decaying animal corpses, rotting fruit, human feces, and are now walking around on bread and fruit. A very impressive picture! Therefore, the question of how to get rid of flies in the house must be resolved immediately!

Insects carry on their legs thousands of bacteria that cause cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, conjunctivitis, diphtheria, and anthrax. They can also lay larvae in food and foodstuffs that you may eat. This is fraught with intestinal disorders. Some flies bite and can cause severe skin irritation.

To avoid having to solve the problem of how to get rid of flies at home, you need to take care in advance to make your home unattractive to them. What ways are there for this?

  1. Keep your house and apartment clean, immediately throw out the trash so that it does not spread odors: sweet ones for flies and unpleasant ones for us. If the surroundings are clean and unsanitary, then flies have nothing to do here.
  2. You can use folk remedies. It is known that flies dislike the smell of geranium. By placing pots with this indoor flower on the windowsills, you will prevent flies from entering your apartment through the windows.
  3. If you supplement your collection with room-sized pots of tomato seedlings, this will also repel flies.
  4. In the spring, when insects become active,
  5. Windows need to be equipped with mosquito nets.
  6. A method has come from Latin American countries that is not aesthetically pleasing and that residents of modern apartments are unlikely to resort to. If you hang plastic bags filled with water in a room, then flies will not take root in the room, since the environment they see through the water suspended in the bag frightens them and they prefer to retreat.

Next, we will look at drastic and effective measures to get rid of flies.

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