Do cockroaches bite? Cockroach bites: how to identify, treat, cure. Danger.

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Greetings, dear readers. In today's article we will talk about the ability of cockroaches to bite people. The controversy surrounding this issue has not subsided as long as arthropods have lived next to humans. Some people believe that red-haired creatures do not bite; others are sure that at night they come out of their hiding places to profit from human skin. Who is right?

I will tell you whether cockroaches bite people, how, when and why they do it. You will learn what a cockroach bite looks like, what kind of trouble it can cause to a person, and also how to avoid these troubles if you do get bitten. At the same time, I’ll tell you how to protect yourself from arthropod cannibals if they do settle in your apartment.

Can pet cockroaches bite humans?

The behavior of cockroaches has its own specifics. The cockroach is capable of biting a person thanks to its powerful gnawing mouthparts. Fixation of the skin occurs between the powerful chitinous lips and horns of the insect's mandibles. A pair of upper jaws holds the skin, and the teeth pinch off the upper layers; when bitten, infection occurs with the contaminated oral apparatus and saliva of the pest. The basis of language with a specific structure is chitin. Well-developed organs allow cockroaches to absorb and digest any food, of any strength or coarseness. The insect can bite through cardboard paper, leather items, shoes, and denim items. Human skin is much more delicate than these things. It is not difficult for a cockroach to bite a sleeping person, especially considering that human skin has an odor that can attract the insect. They are active at night when the lights are off.

A red-pink crust with a diameter of up to 5 mm forms around the site of the cockroach bite. If characteristic signs of a bite are detected, you must immediately consult a doctor to prevent a possible inflammatory process. If a bite is detected, it is recommended to treat the wound with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

The danger of cockroach bites

Human skin is a rather dense natural material, but the powerful jaws of the Prussian dog can seriously damage it. It has been proven that the bite force of a cockroach is more than 4 times stronger than that of a human.

It is easy to recognize traces of exposure to the skin of a barbel. Unlike blood-sucking insects, which leave behind only a puncture, or bedbugs, whose distinctive feature of contact with a person is a stripe of bites, the Prussian leaves behind a characteristic wound.

By morning, the damaged area, as a rule, has time to become covered with a crust, and around there is hyperemia of the skin, less often a blister, or swelling. Reactions are especially strong after the bite of “exotic”, American and Egyptian species.

The consequences of contact of the pest's mouthparts and saliva with human skin are not limited to small wounds, but are papular, purulent rashes accompanied by severe pain.

Local reactions of the body are not the only danger of contact with insects. A special protein, tropomyosin, found in barbel saliva can provoke a severe allergic reaction in people prone to allergies. So, after being bitten by a Germanic dog, many patients experienced hives, irritation, and sometimes suffocation.

Cockroaches are notorious for carrying various infections. When barbel saliva comes into contact with human blood, there is a risk of contracting serious infectious diseases, including dysentery and tuberculosis.

It is known that the presence of Prussians in the homes of some people can provoke asthma attacks.

Is it possible?

Do domestic cockroaches bite: photos of bites on the human body

Cockroaches not only look menacing, they pose a threat to humans. Cases of attacks on humans by Prussians and other individual species of cockroaches are not uncommon. Prussians attack humans due to lack of food and drink. The shortage can be caused by active persecution, lack of direct access to water, an increase in the number of individuals living in the same premises, as well as violation of sanitary standards and regulations.

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When biting a person, cockroaches do not want to harm him, but only want to save their life. They are driven by the instinct of self-preservation. If there is enough food and water, cockroaches will not bite people.

Cockroaches hunt exclusively at night. They can only bite a sleeping person. The pest is quite cautious and timid, and will not approach a person when he is awake.

Different types of cockroaches have their favorite places. Black cockroaches live in the kitchen, red ones can get into cracks and move from room to room.

What species bite

Many people are interested in whether cockroaches that appear in the house can bite a person and whether the ability of insects to be aggressive depends on the type of pest. Scientists say there is no direct relationship.

Any representative of the cockroach order can bite, especially if there is no access to food:

  • The most common and often found in people's homes, Prussians bite if they are hungry or thirsty. Domestic cockroaches are more likely to bite at night, when humans pose the least danger. Longhorned beetles don’t just bite, they eat the skin around the mouth and eyes. Thus, cockroaches look for moisture remaining in food crumbs or accumulated in the lacrimal glands.
  • Black representatives of longhorned beetles are dangerous during times of food and water shortage. In search of food, they, like their red relatives, can bite a person.
  • The American cockroach, smaller in size compared to the Prussians, is also capable of harming humans. The consequences of a bite from an American longhorned beetle are worse than the consequences of damage to the skin by a red or black cockroach.
  • Harmless-looking Egyptian pests also bite. Egyptian bites often cause severe allergic reactions.

How do cockroaches bite?

Fleas and bedbugs, after biting a person, leave a bloody spot around which the skin is inflamed.

Cockroaches do not bite, but gnaw human skin and leave behind wounds with slightly torn edges. The affected area of ​​skin looks like a scar after a boil or pimple. Cockroaches are capable of biting through human skin in several places at the same time. Insect tissues, harmful dust particles and pathogens present on the pest's mouthparts, when entering the wound during a bite, can cause infection and an allergic reaction. During and after the bite, the person feels discomfort and a slight tingling sensation.

When examined under a microscope, a deep, crusted bite can be seen. There are bruises and fragments of dried lymph inside the wound. Cockroach bites are painful; itching after the bite indicates infection of the wound.

Regeneration after a cockroach bite is a rather lengthy process, since the upper layer of the epidermis is affected. To quickly restore the integrity of the skin, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic solution.

What to do if you are bitten by cockroaches? How to treat bites?

Don't be afraid, cockroaches are not poisonous, but they are carriers of diseases, so the first thing I would do is treat the bite site.

  • Clean the wound The simplest and easiest way to clean a wound is to take a clean cotton swab, dip it in alcohol, and press it onto the wound. You can also use: Tea tree oil, almond oil, apricot oil (dilute the oil according to the instructions), witch hazel
  • It is necessary to stop the itching and inflammation of the wound. Once the wound is clean, you can use anti-itching and inflammation medications. Do not scratch the bite area, because... Scratching can damage the skin and cause infection. There are several ways to relieve swelling and reduce itching. You can apply ice to the bite site, or for example a piece of cold meat, a bottle of cold water, etc. Cold will reduce swelling, numbness, and itching. Apply diluted lavender oil to the bite area. Lavender will soothe inflammation and itching and will also help keep the wound clean. You can apply baking soda to the bite area to stop the itching. Mix baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the bite. You can apply an aloe vera flower leaf to the bite site.
  • Observe the bite site for signs of infection, such as
  1. enlarged lymph nodes
  2. suppuration around or at the site of the bite
  3. pain, redness, inflammation in the bite area

If you see any signs of infection, contact your doctor. Typically, cockroach bites go away on their own within a few days without any special treatment. If the bite persists for more than 4 days, consult a doctor.

What does a cockroach bite look like in the photo?

Do domestic cockroaches bite: photos of bites on the human body

The bite of a cockroach is significantly different from the bite of other insects. Visualization allows you to see the absence of part of the epidermis, as well as the depth of the wound, which is covered with a hard crust with a diameter of up to 5 mm. In people with sensitive skin, the crust can reach large sizes. Sometimes it can be indistinguishable from allergies.

Do cockroaches carry diseases?

Cockroaches can spread dangerous diseases. The World Health Organization states that cockroaches are carriers of several intestinal diseases such as dysentery, diarrhea, cholera and typhoid.

It is important to remember that cockroaches are omnivores; they feed on food when they crawl through sewers, drains, and garbage. They eat feces. Cockroaches crawl after “traveling” through your food, and this is where infection is possible. The same is true during a bite.

Cockroaches can carry helminth eggs and can infect you. For people with allergies, cockroaches can cause swelling in the eyelid, dermatitis, itching and asthma.

Reasons for attacking a person

The reasons why cockroaches attack people are starvation, lack of access to water and an increase in the pest population. Cockroaches can live no longer than 2 days without water. Not receiving the moisture it needs through water, juice, fruits or vegetables, the insect strives for human skin. He looks for the food and water he needs, extracting them from the corners of a person’s mouth or eyes, as well as other parts of the body.

The cause of a cockroach attack on a person can also be a food shortage caused by a large number of insects in a given room, when not everyone has enough food and water.

In what cases does a cockroach bite?

If you are still not sure whether cockroaches bite people, then it is worth noting the reasons for the possible attack. Such attacks are quite rare for an individual to move from the kitchen to the bedroom onto the bed and bite.

Prussians are nimble, timid creatures, so in rare cases they purposefully appear on sight. This happens when the insect is hungry or thirsty.

Can a Pruss bite if a person is not sleeping? This is impossible due to the fearfulness of the pest; it does not show itself to people during the day.

Does the Prussian bite or not?

  1. When there is a shortage of food in the house, Prussians climb into a person’s bed when he is sleeping and gnaw the skin - fingertips, ears. These places are the softest, most tender, and can be easily bitten by insects.
  2. Pests can live without food, but not without liquid. The lack of water in its usual location forces insects to look for it in other places. As an alternative - the mucous membranes of the nose and lips, which are bitten by the pest while a person sleeps.

If you are bitten by a cockroach, can its bite be dangerous? This is worth looking into.

when do cockroaches start biting

What to do with bites, first aid

The secretion of cockroaches contains a special protein, which, when bitten, enters the human body and can cause a severe allergic reaction. Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the strength of a person’s immunity to the protein. In the first days, allergies may look like hives, but then lead to asthmatic attacks.

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An insect bite can also cause:

  1. Numerous inflammatory foci at the site of skin damage. Crusts form on the surface of the inflammation, and as a result, scars. A bite can trigger the development of dermatitis, accompanied by redness and irritation. Such consequences are caused by the bites of red cockroaches that live at home and bite a person in his sleep.
  2. The development of serious diseases such as dysentery, tuberculosis. Red cockroaches are carriers of bacteria of these pathologies.
  3. The occurrence of erosion, papules, blisters. Such consequences appear after the bite of American and Egyptian cockroaches. The bites of these pests are painful; purulent crusts often form after the bite. If the victim has a weakened immune system, the bite sites take a long time to heal, turning into ulcers.

A cockroach bite requires quick and immediate treatment. The treatment is carried out by a dermatologist.

If cockroach bites are detected, first aid must be provided immediately. It is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic to prevent infection. To soften the skin and relieve irritation, it is recommended to apply an ointment or moisturizer.

If the victim is prone to allergies, he should be given any antihistamine.

Why are cockroach bites dangerous?

It has been proven that exotic and indoor cockroaches contain tropomyosin in their saliva, a special protein that provokes allergic reactions. That is why even the smallest and seemingly harmless bite can cause individual reactions in the body, including hives and severe asthma attacks. In addition, cockroach bites on the human body very often become inflamed, covered with scars or long-healing crusts. There is a high probability of introducing various bacteria found on the insect’s legs into an open wound.

Very often, residents of tropical countries suffer from attacks by American and Egyptian cockroaches. In most cases, their bites are accompanied by skin erosions and blisters. Severe pain, discomfort and purulent crusts become faithful companions of the victim for several days. But if the immune system was initially weakened, then the situation worsens several times: skin inflammations become chronic, poorly healing ulcers.

In what cases can a cockroach bite?

  • If there are crumbs in the bed, this is an additional source of food.
  • An insufficient amount of food forces entire families of parasites to go in search of a new source of food.
  • Active reproduction of cockroaches, which leads to increased competition for water and food. Adult individuals still go in search of new sources of food and sooner or later on their way they meet a person whose skin meets all the necessary requirements.
  • The previously mentioned water deficiency, causing insects to become saturated with human saliva and tear fluid.

Mouthparts of a cockroach

Favorite bite spots

Cockroaches can bite any part of the body, but they especially often bite the hands and face. Since the pest’s task is to find water and leftover food, those parts of the body that come into contact with food fall into the risk zone.

More often than other areas, cockroaches bite the area of ​​the fingers, around the nail, the corners of the mouth, the area of ​​the cheeks and lower jaw, and lips.

Wounds on the lips take quite a long time to heal; constant contact with food irritates the wound and creates conditions that inhibit the regeneration process. Food debris often contributes to the development of infectious processes in the tissues of the lips.

Cockroaches often target infants due to the abundance of formula or breast milk in the baby's mouth area. The child reacts to unpleasant sensations by crying loudly. A cockroach bite is especially dangerous for newborns, since their immune system is not fully developed and the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is high. To prevent cockroach attacks on children, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures in a timely manner.

Symptoms of a bite and its treatment

Usually, if a patient is bitten, he does not feel pain. Most often, a person practically does not feel the attack, as it occurs during sleep. If the victim is awake, he only feels a slight tingling sensation in the affected area. This is due to the small size of the cockroach's mouth plates. After a bite, discomfort occurs after some time, for example, in the morning, when the person wakes up. Then a burning sensation, severe itching may appear in the damaged area, and if the cockroach bite was weak, then discomfort.

This condition is dangerous, as the following consequences are possible:

  • Allergies may develop. According to research by scientists, this reaction to cockroaches most often appears due to the presence of tropomyosin in their body. This substance is one of the strong allergens.
  • If a child is bitten or there is a lot of damage, the situation is complicated by the occurrence of severe swelling.
  • Infection of human tissues with pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms is possible, since the insect has many different bacteria living on its entire body, legs, and digestive organs. Their penetration through damaged skin into the human body can cause the development of an infectious disease.

If a person is bitten by a cockroach, then it is necessary to treat the injury site with an antiseptic, for example, hydrogen peroxide. If signs of allergy appear, it is recommended to treat the affected area with antihistamine ointment, gel or cream. If the allergic lesion is very severe (burning, itching), then you need to seek help from a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate medicine for oral administration. To prevent an infection from developing, doctors do not recommend scratching the affected area.

How to treat?

If a cockroach bite is detected, it is necessary to treat the wound with chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide (3%) or medical alcohol.

Do domestic cockroaches bite: photos of bites on the human body

When the inflammatory process is fixed, cockroach bites should be treated with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular Fenistil, Akriderm, Levomekol. If allergies occur, antihistamines must be used.

It is not allowed to cauterize the wound with iodine or brilliant green; this will make it difficult to visualize the damaged area of ​​skin, and suppuration may develop under the resulting crust.

What is the danger from a bite?

The danger of bites lies in the possible penetration of a serious infection. An inflammatory process often develops under the dried crust. The presence of an inflammatory focus is indicated by hyperemic skin around the wound, as well as the presence of swelling.

The lack of adequate treatment leads to the development of a purulent-inflammatory course. The victim's temperature rises; when feeling the wound, the patient feels pain, as well as constant pulsation.

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Cockroaches are carriers of various parasitic, fungal and intestinal infections. The latter can develop as a result of eating foods with the excrement of the pest.

Rarely, but there is a possibility of a dangerous disease – myiasis. The disease consists of the penetration of a cockroach larva into the thickness of the skin and its further development. Myiasis is treated surgically by desiccation of the larva with healthy tissue structures and applying an antiseptic bandage.

Often a bite wound becomes infected as a result of scratching or the presence of pathogenic organisms on the cockroach's legs. Cockroach saliva contains toxic components that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

General harm from Prussians

When settling next to a person, cockroaches cause damage to property, eating everything that comes to hand.

Why are cockroaches harmful if they are found in a house or apartment?

  • They spoil the appearance of things - if surfaces and household items become a place of mass accumulation of cockroaches, black dots appear on them. This is Prussian excrement, which is difficult to remove with a regular damp cloth.
  • They spoil food - Prussians nibble on food, leaving barely noticeable bite marks and clearly visible excrement on it. If a cockroach has been on a plate of food, it can no longer be eaten: the insect could have acquired an infection on its legs, having previously been in a garbage chute or sewer.
  • They leave an unpleasant odor - in rooms where many cockroaches live, a specific odor appears that is not easy to get rid of.
  • They clog equipment - insects crawl inside electrical appliances and cause them to break. A cockroach that gets into an outlet can cause a short circuit.

Also read: How to remove cockroaches quickly and permanently

Cockroaches are omnivores, so they can chew electrical wiring, books and other objects that are inedible from a human point of view.

The harm of cockroaches lies not only in the damage to things and food; the Prussians pose a serious threat to health.

Myths about cockroach bites

There are widespread opinions about cockroaches that are often untrue.

First myth

Many believe that since cockroaches are not harmed by the radiation they accumulate within themselves, their bites can cause mutations.

The truth is that these whiskered pests can withstand 15 times the amount of radiation allowed for humans. But accumulation and mutation as a result of a bite are a fantasy.

Second myth

It is believed that cockroaches love to eat earwax, nails and human hair.

In fact, cockroaches are omnivores and can bite a sleeping person anywhere. They can crawl into a person's ears, creating a serious danger to health and life.

The third myth

It is often said that a cockroach bite can cause anaphylactic shock.

Do domestic cockroaches bite: photos of bites on the human body

The appearance of such a pathological condition is possible in rare cases. Most often, a person who has been bitten by a cockroach experiences an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of itching, watery eyes and shortness of breath.

First aid after a cockroach bite

Does the insect bite people, how to help with a bite? The Prussian secretion contains a special protein; when bitten, it enters the body, causing a serious allergy. The reaction manifests itself differently, based on the immune system's resistance to the protein. For the first 24 hours, urticaria may appear, then asthmatic attacks occur.

When faced with cockroach bites on your body, or when insects have bitten a family member, what should you do? A cockroach bite needs to be treated quickly and immediately. When suspicious erosions or skin lesions are detected, regardless of whether a cockroach or another parasite is biting, a visit to a dermatologist is required.

The bitten wound is treated with an antiseptic. The following are used as disinfectants:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • chlorhexidine,
  • compounds containing alcohol.

Treat the wound with clean hands. If suppuration begins, treatment is carried out by a doctor.

You cannot cauterize the bite with brilliant green, since the dye causes a hidden purulent process to develop. The presence of brilliant green makes it difficult to examine lesions for hyperemia and pathology.

hydrogen peroxide for treatment

If swelling and itching are present, take an antihistamine. Eliminate irritation and use Fenistil as a calming aid.

To determine whether cockroaches are biting people or other household pests, you need to have an idea of ​​what a bite looks like.

Preventive measures to combat cockroaches

The destruction of cockroaches is the main condition for preventing their bites. A radical way to solve the problem is disinfection, which can be organized either independently or with the involvement of special organizations.

To prevent pest bites, you must:

  • Keep the bed clean and avoid getting crumbs and grease on the sheets;
  • Take a shower before going to bed and do not eat after water procedures;
  • Spray with insect repellent spray or use creams with a similar effect;
  • Treat the walls and floor near the bed with a special insecticidal pencil.
  • It is also important to monitor the cleanliness of the premises and the serviceability of the sewage system. It is necessary to seal all the cracks in the floor, walls and ceiling, install fine mesh grilles for ventilation, and regularly take out the garbage. Food should be kept closed and dishes should be washed immediately after eating.

    Cockroaches are synatropic parasites. To prevent their occurrence and further troubles, it is important to monitor household sanitary and hygienic conditions. If signs of the presence of pests are detected, the premises should be promptly treated with special means.


Dear readers, you can leave your feedback on whether domestic cockroaches bite in the comments; your opinion will be useful to other users of the site!

Do domestic cockroaches bite: photos of bites on the human body


I didn’t know that cockroaches could attack people. When a neighbor's child had such a problem, I was very scared. Now I constantly monitor the house, I think that there is a risk of parasites entering our apartment from the neighboring one.


When I served in the navy, an incident happened to me. A cockroach bit my ear. It was very painful, the wound was treated with antiseptics and a bandage was applied. Thanks to strong immunity, the wound healed quickly. But after this, I can frankly say, I am terribly afraid of cockroaches.

Health hazards of insects

Several types of cockroaches pose a danger to people: red, American, black. Most often, the red cockroach settles in homes: the insect reaches a length of 1.6 cm, its body is colored brown in different shades.

The danger of cockroaches is that they cause severe allergic reactions. Allergies are caused by chitin particles that remain on furniture and things after insects molt. A strong allergen is Prussian excrement; Mixing with dust, they circulate in the air and enter the human respiratory tract.

Symptoms of an allergy to cockroaches and their waste products:

  • runny nose;
  • constant swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • cough;
  • skin rashes;
  • itching in the eyes, all over the body.

Also read: What cockroaches cannot tolerate in an apartment?

Cockroach allergens are especially dangerous for children, as they can cause bronchial asthma.

A person in whose apartment cockroaches live is exposed to another danger: small insects can crawl into the nose or ear canals. This happens exclusively at night during sleep, so the person cannot resist. Subsequently, the cockroach gets stuck in a narrow hole, at the moment when it moves its legs and antennae, the person experiences pain. Only a doctor can help here.

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Cockroaches move freely between rooms, their movement speed reaches several kilometers per hour. Red cockroaches run at a speed of about one meter per second, so in one day they can be in the sewer and on the kitchen table. This becomes the main danger, since insects are capable of spreading various diseases.

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