6 shampoos against lice and nits for children: how to choose a drug

Unfortunately, even in the age of computer technology, humanity has not gotten rid of its annoying neighbors, synanthropic insects, among which the head louse is far from the least important. Fortunately, there is an anti-lice shampoo for children and adults that is gentle on hair.

Photo of an adult louse.

The fight against these parasites has become much easier than even 10 years ago.

The following are offered as anti-pediculosis agents:

  • Shampoos.
  • Sprays.
  • Crema.
  • Lotions.
  • Emulsions.

Go to your nearest pharmacy, you will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of assortments. As always, you want to buy the best, and we will try to provide you with all possible assistance in this by presenting an overview of the most effective brands, in our opinion.

An unpleasant problem that requires treatment

Lice sprays

The sprays are highly effective because they act by blocking the vital physiological functions of the insect, in particular breathing. But their use also has its own characteristics.

When spraying, care must be taken as the substance may enter the respiratory system.

Spray Paranit

Paranit spray for children and more.

  • The popular Paranit contains mineral oil and Dimethicone. It works great for getting rid of adult insects, but it doesn’t help much against nits.
  • Paranit should not be used for children under three years of age, for pregnant women and while breastfeeding.

Spray Para-Plus

Para-plus is an instant pest killer.

  • Destroys parasites in 10 minutes.
  • Large populations may require re-treatment. But no more than 10 days later.
  • It is strictly not recommended for use during exacerbation or even a history of bronchial asthma, for pregnant women and young children.

Alternative and folk remedies for getting rid of lice and nits:


“Butadione”, “Levamisole”, “Albendazole”, “Ivermectin”, “Trimethoprim” - tablets for head lice. Prescribed only by a doctor and in combination with hygiene measures.



Effective: sulfur, mercury, mercuric sulfur, turpentine, boric, sulfur-mercury, "Lauri", "Nix" . Read the instructions carefully: not all ointments can be used before 5 years.

Sulfuric ointment


Allows you to comb out dead insects and nits, but one comb cannot solve the problem.


Hellebore water

It has a paralyzing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract of both nits and adults. It is not suitable for the treatment of children under 3 years of age (there is a high risk of poisoning from the alkaloids included in the composition).

Hellebore water for lice


Vinegar (apple vinegar, table vinegar, wine vinegar, alcohol vinegar) destroys the adhesive that parasites use to attach nits to the hair, and they can be easily combed out. It takes 3-4 treatments to solve the problem.


Dust, tar and laundry soap

Soap weakens insects and prevents them from fully eating and breathing . Of all types, tar is easier to wash out and dries out the hair less.

Dust soap

Hydrogen peroxide and kerosene

Hydrogen peroxide is an old and time-tested remedy. The peroxide contained in the composition corrodes the outer shell of lice, penetrates the body and burns them out. The survivors lose the ability to reproduce and cannot eat properly.


Kerosene (like gasoline and other radical substances) poisons parasites, penetrating the chitinous shell and clogging the respiratory system. However, children are prohibited from using it, because... Kerosene can cause scalp burns, poisoning, dandruff and hair fire when drying with a hairdryer.


The active substances in the composition (dichlorvos, cypermethrin, natural pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide) negatively affect the nervous system of parasites, causing paralysis and death. It works in a matter of minutes, but only on adults. Nits cannot penetrate through the protective cover. If it gets into the respiratory tract or onto human skin, it can cause severe side effects, so it is not applicable to children.

Dichlorvos for lice

Lotions, solutions

Solutions containing insecticidal preparations are no less effective in controlling lice. This highly concentrated liquid must be used strictly in accordance with the included instructions.

Hellebore water

Hellebore water: both a lice remedy and a hair mask.

  • Affects adult lice.
  • Caution is required when using.
  • At the same time, it has a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

Concentrate Medifox

The photo shows Medifox - an effective concentrate.

  • Kills lice and nits.
  • Toxic against scabies mites.
  • Before use, dilute with water in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions.
  • It is also available in gel form and is used in children aged six months.
  • Not for use by pregnant women or those with dermatological diseases.

For clarity, all means are summarized in the table:

Hellebore waterLotionModerate
Concentrate MedifoxLotionHigh

Now about the other means indicated in the table and a little about some others.

Top 3 effective shampoos against lice and nits for children

The problem requires a comprehensive solution, and the first thing you should purchase is a special anti-parasite shampoo. These shampoos are effective and easy to use. Yes, and allergies are caused in isolated cases. However, you shouldn’t take the first bottle you come across from the pharmacy shelf. First, study the list of the most popular drugs.

Do shampoos against lice and nits help children?

Not really

Shampoo "Lugovoi"

It is produced domestically and is designed to destroy lice, lice, ticks and other insects that parasitize domestic animals. There are many positive reviews after using it, but you should remember that since the drug is veterinary, you will use it on a child at your own peril and risk . There are several types of shampoo: for cats, for dogs and universal. You can choose any, but in cat shampoo the insecticidal base is somewhat softer. Ingredients: deltamethrin (analogue of natural insecticides of the asteraceae family), plant extracts (sage, thyme, coltsfoot, dandelion, burdock, plantain, St. John's wort), antiseptic (nipagin), glycerin, lanolin, excipients. Deltamethrin causes paralysis and rapid death of parasites, and plant extracts and other excipients relieve itching and irritation, destroy germs and bacteria, and heal wounds. The shampoo does not need to be kept on your head for a long time, it smells nice and foams well, is used sparingly and is cheap. Available in bottles of 180 and 270 ml. The price varies between 150-210 rubles.

Shampoo "Lugovoi"

Shampoo "Veda"

Insecticidal antiparasitic product of domestic production. The active substance – permethrin (a synthetic analogue of natural pyrethrin) – has a depressant effect on the nerve cells of parasites, inhibits polarization processes, and causes paralysis. Insects die within half an hour after treatment. The shampoo acts on both adult lice (head lice, underwear lice, pubic lice) and eggs. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, the shampoos are safe and do not cause irritation, but it is not recommended for children with hypersensitivity to components and inflammation of the skin. The residual effect lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. The cost of a bottle is around 200 rubles. Approved for use from 5 years of age.


Belgian shampoo “Paranit”

Does not contain insecticides. It contains clearol and a perfume composition, which have a suffocating effect on both adult and immature parasites, block the flow of moisture into the body and cause their death. Children are allowed to use from 3 years old. The shampoo also has a cosmetic effect: after it, the hair becomes soft, less electrified and easy to style . If the product gets into your eyes, they should be washed with a solution of two percent sodium bicarbonate.


REFERENCE! Paranit Sensitive shampoo has been developed for babies up to one year old. The active substance is the oxyphthyrin complex, the effectiveness of which has been proven by numerous studies.

IMPORTANT! Make sure that the child does not play with the bottles (even empty ones), does not put the drug into his mouth, does not drink or eat during treatment and after. After finishing the procedure, wash his face and hands with soap.


Shampoo and a fine-tooth comb are lice winners.

Shampoos are considered the most gentle means; many of them can be used by children without any age limit, as well as by nursing mothers and pregnant women.

But when choosing a shampoo to kill lice, you need to remember that:

  • In any case, you are faced with a dilemma: minimum harm or maximum effectiveness.
  • An allergy test is required. To do this, just drop a little of the drug onto the delicate skin at the bend of the elbow. If you are intolerant, redness will appear within a few minutes.
  • Such shampoos are not used as prophylactic agents.

Shampoo Veda

Lice killer

  • The active ingredient of this product is Permethrin.
  • This is an analogue of natural pyrethrin. It’s just that “Veda” is already a rather outdated anti-lice shampoo, although it is still being produced.
  • Veda 2 acts more gently, but is just as effective as the first.

Both options:

  • Causes the death of insects when kept for about 30 minutes;
  • Suitable for removing insects from children.

However, there are many disadvantages:

  • The nits do not die.
  • The instructions call for applying the product to the hair for 10 minutes, but in reality you need to leave it on for about 50 minutes.
  • Allergic reactions are very likely.
  • Requires reapplication after two weeks.

Apply as follows:

  • Apply to the head.
  • Beat the foam.
  • Maintain the previously agreed time
  • Wash thoroughly with water.

Shampoo Paranit

A clean head is a matter of technology

The products in the “Paranit” line from the Belgian company OmegaPharma are famous as effective shampoos against lice.

They are characterized by:

  • Maximum harmlessness.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Taking care of your hair and skin.

Active ingredient: Clearol. It is a white mineral oil substance. The action is based on clogging the respiratory organs of insects. The lice suffocate and die.

Advice! Do not confuse Paranit with Paranix or Paramix - anti-parasite products from the same company.

Paranit is used very simply:

  • We apply.
  • Whipping the foam.
  • Massage the skin.
  • Wash off with plenty of water after 10-15 minutes.
  • You can increase the exposure time to 40 minutes. This improves efficiency.

Paranit is slightly inferior in effectiveness to Veda, since Clearol is not an insecticide.

  • Paranitis is recommended in the fight against pediculosis for pregnant women.
  • It can be called a children's product, but it is not used for children under three years of age
  • The kit includes a comb for combing nits and lice out of hair.

Hygiene for lice

Chemistry at the service of hygiene

This shampoo is good because it works against all stages of parasite development.

This effect is created due to the presence of two elements in the composition:

  • Peremethrin kills adults.
  • Acetic acid dissolves the sticky substance that holds nits in the hair.

To successfully remove unpleasant neighbors using Hygia, you need to:

  • Lather your hair.
  • Leave the shampoo on your head for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Comb your hair with a comb.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends only on you

The last point is especially important, since its implementation will help get rid of nits and protect yourself from the appearance of a new generation of parasites.

Advice! Hygia contains vinegar and its use, although effective, can cause allergies and even burns. To avoid this, you need to monitor the sensations and wash the product off your head at the slightest sign of burning and itching.

Tar shampoo

Tar shampoo is more suitable for prevention.

  • Tar has long been used against lice, but Tar Shampoo itself is more suitable for treating skin diseases associated with lice.
  • Shampoo phenols to some extent weaken the effects of parasites, but cannot completely destroy them.


Pedilin – for delicate baby skin

Pedilin, judging by the reviews, is more effective than all other shampoos.

This is a baby shampoo for head lice.

  • Made with malathion.
  • Perfectly destroys the parasite at all stages of development.
  • Penetrates freely through the shell of nits.


  • Requires caution when using. Reading instructions is required.
  • Dangerous due to side effects.

Shampoo Lugovoi

Meadow shampoo - three in one

Strictly speaking, Lugovoi anti-lice shampoo was produced to destroy parasites in pets, but if other means have proven ineffective, it is recommended to use it, even for very young children.

  • This drug is used in the fight against lice, fleas and lice-eaters. It has a strong effect on all parasites.
  • It acts on the scalp as a skin-resorbent, degreasing, and sensitizing agent.
  • The recommended dose must be strictly followed.
  • Apply with a cotton swab, spreading over the entire hairline, but not getting on the mucous membranes.
  • After five minutes, rinse off and comb out the parasites with a comb.
  • The reappearance of lice requires another treatment.
  • Used for room treatment.
  • The price of the drug is affordable for everyone!

Sometimes they ask whether it is possible to remove lice with flea shampoo. It is impossible to answer it unequivocally. It all depends on the choice of means. In any case, it is still worth using the drugs for humans first; they are usually effective and safe.

Rating of baby shampoos and other lice remedies

Below we will present a list of the safest and low-toxic children's lice remedies.

Pedilin shampoo acts as follows: once on the scalp, the substances actively begin to penetrate the bodies of lice, gradually killing the parasites. The active components of the shampoo have a cumulative effect. Disadvantage: children may have side effects such as increased lacrimation, high blood pressure, abdominal pain, and nausea. This shampoo is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.

Paranit shampoo is applied to dry hair for a few minutes. You should first check all family members for lice. The shampoo is highly effective, but is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Children can, but after 3 years.

Nyx is an anti-lice product in the form of a cream that is applied to washed hair. Not recommended for use by children under six months of age and pregnant women. There are many side effects - skin itching, redness, pain, possible swelling.

Hygia is a highly effective shampoo with proven positive results. However, it cannot be used often - no more than 2 times every 30 days. It is not advisable to use in children under 5 years of age due to possible allergies.

Veda is a domestically produced shampoo, applied to wet hair for 15-20 minutes (a little more than in the instructions), then rinsed off. Shampoo Veda 2 is no less effective. The price is reasonable - no more than 200 rubles.

Tar shampoo is known from our grandmothers. They washed their hair with it not only in case of lice, but also in case of skin diseases. It doesn’t always fight them effectively, but it can be used as a preventive shampoo against lice.

Nok is a creamy shampoo with a long-lasting effect, can be used by children from 1 year. There are practically no side effects, except for a slight burning sensation at the site of treatment with the product. If the instructions are not followed, itching may occur.

Initially, Meadow Shampoo was used exclusively for treating pet hair. But it can also be used by children, even very young children, since it very effectively fights various kinds of skin parasites. Plus it has an affordable price.

Lavinal is a spray treatment for lice. It is rather considered preventative because it prevents lice infestation. The composition is absolutely natural - only high-quality essential oils. Suitable for both children and adults.

Dis is very effective against lice, but its price is appropriate - around 600 rubles. Helps immediately, no additional combing required. Prevents re-infestation by lice.

As we can see, there are many remedies against lice in children. But it is much easier to prevent them than to remove them. Explain to your child that everyone has their own personal hygiene products, be sure to regularly wet clean the house, and after treating lice on the scalp, change the bed linen everywhere. Lice tend to return to places where basic cleanliness rules are neglected.

Pets have a variety of parasites, both external and internal. But if fleas are on everyone's lips, then lice are considered an exclusively human problem. Lice, or pediculosis, occurs in kindergartens and summer camps. A child can catch an infection by using, for example, someone else’s comb.

However, both cats and dogs can also be parasitized by these annoying insects. The good news is that lice are strictly species-specific parasites. This means that cat louse cannot live on a person or dog, and human louse is not dangerous for pets.

Folk remedies

Everything new is well forgotten old

There are, of course, so-called folk remedies for this scourge.

They prepare them with their own hands and use them effectively.

  • Mix 200 milliliters of wine vinegar and 40 - 45 grams of ordinary salt thoroughly and add about a teaspoon of alcohol. Soak gauze with the solution and apply to the head. Hair should be dry. Lotions are made throughout the day. The compress is changed several times.
  • Kerosene plus vegetable oil, at a ratio of one to ten . The hair is treated and wrapped in wax paper and a towel and left for 12 hours. Then the head is washed and all parasites are combed out with a comb treated with vinegar.
  • A mixture of cranberry juice (50 grams of berries is usually enough) and honey (a teaspoon) helps against nits . The mixture is rubbed into the hair.
  • They say burdock and ninesil can also help . The leaves and stems are brewed, infused and filtered. The head is treated with a decoction.
  • Grind a cup of cumin seeds and mix with the same amount of apple cider vinegar . The solution is filtered and rubbed into the head. You need to keep your hair in the sun for about 20 minutes, and then do not wash off the solution for another five hours.

Lice eggs (nits) are usually combed out with a comb

Advice! Whatever lice remedy you choose, after treating your head, be sure to pay attention to bedding and general hygiene at home. Otherwise, re-infection cannot be avoided.


This is a relatively safe shampoo against parasites, which contains exclusively natural substances. It is a mild drug and therefore can be used in the treatment of children. This is an excellent product for killing lice eggs, but at the same time the components are very gentle on the scalp and hair.

This shampoo is killer not only for lice, but also for their eggs. The permethrin in the composition is capable of destroying not only adults, but also nits, and it is helped by the acetic acid in the product, which destroys the protective cocoon of the larvae and peels them off from the hair.

The method of using the shampoo is quite simple: apply the product to damp hair, lather well and leave for half an hour, then rinse with running water and comb out. Many parents whose children often suffer from head lice say that this is the most effective shampoo for lice and nits.


Posted on 08/18/2016
When I discovered this nasty thing on my daughter’s head, I almost fainted, I quickly rushed to the pharmacy, bought a pair plus, it helped quite a bit, but this critter remained on my head, then my mother brought the remedy on the advice of a neighbor D-95 pediculicidal (by the way, cheap), we treated the entire head, left it for 45 minutes, washed it off and started combing it out of the head, the next day we checked - it was clean, the manufacturer recommends repeating the application a week later, we did that, since then this horror has never happened again appears.




Posted on 04/30/2017
My husband and I also immediately bought a silicone product, they are now the safest, without toxins; others would not have been suitable for our 4-year-old daughter. We did not intend to poison the child. So, it was convenient to use the D-95 product, the liquid is easily distributed throughout the hairs, then they combed out the suffocated animals with a comb, and no matter how much my husband and I looked at the hair, they found no one. Even I was surprised that the remedies are so effective now; in our childhood it was more difficult to remove lice.




Posted on July 19, 2017
And we had the opportunity to become acquainted with such parasites as lice and nits. My daughter is small, but she got infected somewhere. The D-95 product was recommended to me by a pharmacist at the pharmacy, it was developed for children, so as not to poison the skin and the body itself, it acts more mechanically, the liquid is easily distributed through the hair, overpowers everyone, and then I combed it thoroughly with a comb, also convenient, small teeth quickly everyone is pulled out. I made sure to take preventive measures, and that’s how I dealt with head lice.


Text \ Photo Ekaterina Posted 10/22/2015



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