Spray against lice and nits for children at one time, prevention and treatment

Lice spray

Lice spray is a popular drug. Ease of use, affordable price, high efficiency - all this increases the demand for such products. However, they also have disadvantages - side effects, toxicity. Each individual product has its own set of pros and cons. We will tell you about the most famous and effective products, and also help you navigate your choice.

What is lice spray?

There are the following types of lice remedies: shampoos; sprays; emulsion concentrates; creams/ointments; lice combs; folk remedies (tar soap, berry juice, hellebore water, etc.).

Lice spray is a watery or oily anti-lice treatment applied to the scalp and comes in an aerosol can. The main active ingredients of such drugs may be:

  • insecticides that are safe for humans (chemical ingredients that kill insects, in this case lice);
  • essential oils;
  • dimethicones are silicones that cause suffocation in lice.

In terms of effectiveness, sprays, like emulsions and shampoos, lead the ranking of all anti-pediculosis products, but differ from them in several factors:

  • Unlike emulsion concentrates, they can be safely used without medical supervision. It is better to use emulsions under medical supervision, as these are very strong drugs and can cause great harm if used incorrectly.
  • The procedure using a spray takes less time than using shampoo: the hair does not need to be moisturized before treatment.
  • Almost all shampoos must be used repeatedly to completely remove lice. Among the sprays there are those that kill lice and nits the first time.
  • Sprays are suitable for those who want an effective but non-toxic product. Non-aggressive silicone dimethicone is often the active ingredient in sprays, but it is not added to shampoos.

To summarize: lice sprays combine three important qualities - ease of use, high efficiency and safety.

Types of lice

It is believed that 3 types of lice can live on a person - head, pubic and body lice. Scientists call them morphotypes. They live in different conditions, and laboratory studies have shown that when living together, different forms are capable of interbreeding, laying eggs, from which nits then appear.

All types of pests and symptoms of lice are similar in that the full reproduction cycle of insects takes place directly on or near the human body, for example on clothing. All of them feed on blood and bite the victim several times a day, unlike other bloodsuckers, which can feed once every few days or even weeks.


Pediculosis pubis got its name due to its predominant appearance and habitat - this is the pubic hair and the genital area.

In addition, pubic insects can be located on the external genitalia and in the anal area. The eggs are firmly attached to the hair and are not washed off with water. The adult size is about 1-1.5 mm. The lice pubis parasite resembles a miniature sea crab that is yellow-gray in color. In rare cases, they can be found in the armpits.

Compared to other types of lice, pubic lice are the smallest. If you look at them under a microscope, you can see that they are much smaller and have more massive legs relative to their body. Pediculosis pubis is not as common as head lice, especially now that depilation is very popular.


The head louse lives on the scalp and is gray in color, but can change color to adapt to the color of the hair.

The head louse lives on the scalp and is gray in color, but can change color to adapt to the color of the hair.

The female has a long body measuring about 2-4 mm, males are smaller. Lice have 3 pairs of legs with small hooks that help them attach to the hair shaft. Head pests are mobile and can move 20-25 cm in a minute. Lice instantly multiply and in a short time increase their population by 2 times. For this reason, head lice is the most common lice worldwide.


Body louse, or otherwise called linen louse, is similar to head louse. They have the same body structure, size and elongated abdomen. The main difference is the color. It can be flesh-colored, white or light gray with a yellow tint.

Body lice live on dry clothing, which is most often found on the human body and is rarely washed. Therefore, tramps, refugees and other antisocial individuals who do not change their wardrobe and do not wash their things are most susceptible to this type of lice.

Advantages and disadvantages of lice sprays

All sprays against head lice are used according to approximately the same principle: applied to dry hair, left on the head for a specified amount of time, and washed off. But they “work” differently (the compositions can also differ greatly). Conventionally, all such means can be “divided” into two groups (according to the principle of influence):

  • Sprays that inhibit the nervous system of insects. Lice exposed to these drugs die from paralysis within a short time.
  • Sprays containing dimethicone (a type of silicone). Such means create an unbearable environment for parasites, and they die from suffocation.

“What difference does it make how the lice die?” - you ask. Products of the first category are stronger and more destructive for both adults and nits. As a rule, one treatment is enough to completely get rid of lice. Preparations with dimethicone are gentler and usually non-toxic (which is a plus for humans), but they usually need to be used several times.

All sprays have something in common among both advantages and disadvantages. The following advantages can be highlighted:

  • high efficiency;
  • the products are easy to apply;
  • they are easy to dose;
  • they have fewer contraindications than other lice medications.

The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to treat the entire area of ​​the scalp with a spray than, for example, with shampoo.

Even before purchasing the product, carefully study its contraindications. Some products are not suitable for very young children or people with medical conditions. Products should be purchased exclusively at a pharmacy.

Lice spray Pediculen Ultra

Pediculen Ultra can be called one of the most effective anti-pediculosis aerosol products.

Its advantages include:

  • maximum efficiency (destroys lice and nits);
  • achieving results even with advanced cases of pediculosis;
  • no need for re-processing.

The main active ingredient of the spray is natural anise oil. Despite this, the product is considered quite toxic - it contains aggressive chemical additives. This is perhaps its main disadvantage. Also, the product is contraindicated in the presence of trichological diseases - also a disadvantage of its own.

Pediculen Ultra is not suitable for children under five years of age. The product should not be used by nursing mothers or pregnant women.

The spray is applied as follows: the product is generously applied to the hair and gently rubbed into the scalp. After half an hour, the drug is washed off with plenty of warm running water, then the hair is washed with regular shampoo. Wet hair is combed with a special fine-toothed comb (included with the spray) to remove dead lice and nits. In most cases, there is no need to repeat the procedure - all parasites, including nits, die at once.

Pediculen Ultra is an inexpensive remedy for head lice. A set of spray (150 ml), magnifying glass and comb will cost about 450 rubles.

Lice spray Pediculen Ultra

Lice spray Para Plus

The active ingredients of the aerosol are malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. The effect of three active ingredients at once allows the spray to fight parasites very effectively.

The advantages of Para Plus include:

  • high efficiency (kills both lice and nits);
  • a small number of side effects (sometimes itching and burning may occur).

The disadvantages of the spray are as follows:

  • the drug is toxic;
  • The aerosol does not come with a comb; you will have to buy it separately.

There have been no studies on the treatment of head lice with Para Plus spray during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For this reason, it is not recommended for expectant and nursing mothers to use the product.

To use the Para Plus spray, apply it generously onto the scalp and hair along the entire length, leave for ten minutes. Wash off the preparation with shampoo, comb out nits and dead lice from still wet hair. Usually, Para Plus copes with head lice in one application, but in case of severe infection, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after seven to ten days. A bottle of spray (90 ml) will cost approximately 350-400 rubles.

Spray Para Plus is contraindicated for people with bronchial asthma and children under 2.5 years old.

Lice spray Para Plus

Parasites living in human hair other than lice

Each of us, after a morning shower and cosmetic procedures, found several lost hairs on the comb. There is no need to panic or be afraid of early baldness in advance; the process of replacing old hair is a completely natural phenomenon.

However, sometimes hair literally starts to come out in clumps and this is one of the reasons for alarm. The cause of this phenomenon may be parasites.

Parasites in human hair

In some cases, hair loss is explained by a simple lack of vitamins, is seasonal, or is one of the consequences of severe stress. It is worse when the loss is associated with parasitic diseases. Most often it is a consequence of infection with helminths or some other parasitic individuals. Among these reasons, the following should be highlighted:

  • mites;
  • psoriasis (scaly lichen);
  • asbestos lichen;
  • pediculosis;
  • fungal diseases.

Each of these diseases requires not only correct, but also prompt therapeutic intervention. Only pediculosis can be treated at home, but to diagnose it, it is still necessary to visit a doctor.

Fungal infection

The fungus can affect both the human hair itself and the scalp. In the latter case, blood flow is disrupted and the sebaceous glands begin to work incorrectly.

Such ailments are classified as information diseases, that is, they require appropriate treatment, as well as complete disinfection of personal hygiene items. At the first stage of treatment, specialized equipment is used to remove the affected hair using X-rays.

Impact of worms

One of the main dangers associated with infection with worms is a decline in immunity and protective functions of the body. One of the consequences of this is hair loss - even the thickest hair literally begins to crumble.

It is important to note: recent research by scientists has shown that a similar symptom is caused by infection with a bovine tapeworm. Among other features of the disease, it is worth noting the deterioration of the gastrointestinal microflora, as well as the deterioration of blood composition. The latter includes reducing the amount of protein components.

Other parasites

Among other parasites, you should especially be wary of Demodex mites. They are one of the smallest representatives of their species, but at the same time they can play a significant role in baldness and, at the same time, give a person acne on the face. For this last property, this tick is popularly called the facial tick. It parasitizes the cheeks, hair follicles, skin pores and eyelashes.

The basis of the tick's diet is sebum. That is why one of the treatment methods is personal hygiene. People with oily hair and acne are more prone to infection, since excess sebaceous glands become ideal nutrition for this species.


In the past, fleas were a real scourge and the cause of many deaths, as they were one of the main carriers of typhoid and plague. They are most often found in animal fur, but are also occasionally observed in humans. Fleas themselves are divided into several types depending on their “place of residence”: human, domestic, rat, chicken, linen, earthen, etc.

Some species prefer a habitat in the form of upholstered furniture and rugs (household). You can find fleas in the yard, but they do not pose any danger to humans, since they do not feed on blood at all. The main danger posed by fleas is that they carry all kinds of infectious diseases.

Symptoms of parasites in human hair

The term “parasites” itself does not mean a specific type of living organisms, but their entire set – bacteria, lice, mites, fungus, protozoa and others. The basis of their nutrition consists of useful substances and tissues of the human body. Having received plenty of food, they begin to quickly multiply and divide directly in the body, causing various negative symptoms.

Take lice, for example. They prefer to settle on the temples and back of the head, which causes the following symptoms:

  • Severe itching. To cope with it, a person begins to scratch the skin. In some cases, he does this until blood appears.
  • Formation of ulcers at the site of the affected parts of the head. Boils or similar pathological phenomena may also appear.
  • In the case of a prolonged course of the disease, the skin on the head becomes thicker, and pigment spots appear on it.

The demodex mite lives not only on the scalp, it can also settle in the glands of the cartilage of the eyelids or sebaceous glands. The parasite is very small in size - its length does not exceed 0.2 mm. The main symptom of infection with the parasite is severe redness of the edges of the eyelids, which is accompanied by severe irritation, itching and pain.

Unpleasant symptoms increase at night. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to endure them. In some cases, there may also be discharge from the eyes in the form of mucus or liquid that looks like foam.

In women, demodex sometimes leads to plaque on the eyelashes, and in especially severe cases, to their complete loss. Patients complain of a feeling of debris in the eye, redness of the eyes, and constant tearing.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • itching in hair;
  • the appearance of pink spots and acne on the skin of the face;
  • facial skin becomes uneven and bumpy.

There is also a wide range of individual symptoms, including enlarged pores on the cheeks, nose and forehead.

Treatment of parasites in human hair

Most often, for problems with hair loss due to parasites, the drug Fenasal is prescribed as a treatment measure. It is used for its intended purpose according to the following scenario: before dinner, dilute half a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water. After administration, Fenasal is diluted in 200 grams of water in an amount of 2 g (the exact dosage is prescribed by a doctor) and drunk after 10-15 minutes. A similar procedure is carried out in the morning.

As an alternative, the drug biltricide is used.

Numerous traditional medicine methods are often used for treatment. As an example, we can recall taking raw pumpkin seeds in large (at least 200 g per day) doses. After them, garlic enemas are recommended.

Another common option was a decoction of male fern. To prepare the product, take 2 tablespoons of crushed roots and pour boiling water over them. Afterwards the composition is boiled over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Take the product for a week, 0.5 cups in the morning and evening.

As for the use of sea buckthorn oil: trichologists say that it should be rubbed into the scalp some time before shampooing. Various essential oils can also be used for nutrition, as prescribed by the doctor.

Separately, it should be noted the moment of treatment of demodex. The parasite itself can live in the human body for a long time, causing virtually no harm. However, as soon as external conditions change, rapid development will be triggered. As a result, treatment requires not only sufficiently large temporary reserves, but also a systematic approach. Your own efforts in the fight against the disease are guaranteed not to be enough - you will not be able to do it without the help of a specialist dermatologist.

It is very important to carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not try to change the dosage of the drug on your own - most demodex remedies are toxic, so their use is contraindicated in patients with liver and kidney problems, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Remember that hair loss problems can be the result of more than just parasites. They can be caused by other reasons. To clarify all the circumstances, you should quickly visit a trichologist, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist and a number of other specialists. Only a high-quality examination and proper medical care will stop baldness and cope with the disease as quickly as possible.

If no serious health problems are detected, then more primitive measures can save the situation:

  • adding vitamins and microelements to the diet;
  • changing the brand of shampoo and hair hygiene products;
  • change of haircut;
  • nourishing hair masks made from natural ingredients.

You can try all of the above without any problems at home. If none of the above helps, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Useful video

In conclusion, we strongly recommend that you watch the video about parasites living in human hair:

Lice spray Nyuda

The main active ingredient of the drug is dimethicone. Nyuda spray does not contain aggressive ingredients, therefore it is one of the most popular anti-pediculosis products for children. Theoretically, the drug affects both lice and nits. In practice, some of the nits remain alive: to completely get rid of head lice, the spray must be applied 2 or 3 times.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • non-toxic;
  • effectiveness against lice.

The downside is the need for several applications of the spray.

The drug Nyuda is used for children from three years of age. The product is not suitable for women during lactation and pregnant women.

The spray is sprayed onto the hair until the hair becomes wet. The product should be slightly rubbed into the scalp and hair. The drug is left to act for 45 minutes. Then remove lice and nits with a comb and only then wash your hair with shampoo. The procedure must be repeated after 7 days, and if necessary, a third time, also after 7 days. A set of spray (50 ml) and a comb will cost about 350 rubles.

Lice spray Nyuda

Lice spray Paranit

Another mild remedy, perfect for children (from 3 years old) and people who avoid drugs with “aggressive” composition. The spray consists of dimethicone and mineral oil. The drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for diseases of the scalp.

The advantages of Paranit lice spray are as follows:

  • non-toxic;
  • gentle composition.

The drug also has disadvantages:

  • The spray has virtually no effect on nits, so after 7-10 days you have to reapply it.
  • The product has an oily consistency, making it quite difficult to wash off.

Spray Paranit is applied to the hair and scalp, left for 15 minutes, rinsed off. The hair is then combed with a special comb to remove nits and dead lice. After 7-10 days, the procedure is repeated. A set of spray (100 ml) and comb costs about 600 rubles.

Lice spray Paranit

How and how to quickly remove lice and nits from a child: tips and tricks

  • Features of treatment of the disease in children
  • Medicinal methods of elimination
  • Traditional methods of treatment
  • Prevention methods
  • It is possible to defeat parasites!

What causes lice in children? Exclusively from contact with a person suffering from head lice, or from using his comb or headgear.

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It could be another child or an adult, but the fact remains that lice are not transmitted by any other means than close contact.

Features of treatment of the disease in children

Usually the first reaction of parents to the discovery of lice is shock: how is it possible, in a prosperous family, in an impeccably clean house - and suddenly there are parasites! From where, we have already found out, especially since it is unlikely that it will be possible to keep children from close contacts, head to head.

The second inevitable question: how to remove lice from a child? Moreover, this must be done as quickly and safely as possible for both the child and the parents, so that they themselves do not become infected with lice.

Treatment cannot be delayed - these insects tend to multiply quickly and can cause extremely unpleasant consequences: from itchy bites on the head to ulcerative skin lesions and a serious allergic reaction.

But first you need to make sure that these are really lice. A louse is a very small insect, its length ranges from 1 to 3 mm.

It lives only on the scalp (we are not talking about other species yet), and its bites leave small swellings on the skin with a red dot in the center, which are very itchy and force the child to scratch this place all the time. If you look closely, you can easily see lice with the naked eye.

The second sign of head lice is the presence of nits (eggs) a couple of centimeters from the hair roots.

They can easily be confused with dandruff, but if you try to remove a nit from a hair, you will find that it is very firmly glued to it with a special substance that the louse secretes when laying eggs.

After removing the nit, squeeze it with your nails and you will hear a characteristic light click from the bursting egg.

Treatment of lice is aimed at destroying not only the lice themselves, but also the nits, which in about a week will turn into adult insects. Therefore, the head treatment should be repeated after 7-8 days.

It is much easier to treat boys for head lice - a very short haircut makes it easy to detect the presence of lice and nits, but what is it like for girls with long hair - the source of their pride? Here the mother will have to make every effort, and the girl will have to show a lot of patience.

The most important condition for treating head lice is safety. Sometimes you can hear advice that you can remove parasites from a child with kerosene or dichlorvos. This is absolutely unacceptable!

Kerosene can cause a chemical burn, not to mention an odor that is incredibly difficult to get rid of, and dichlorvos is extremely toxic.

And what is the point of resorting to such means when you can quickly and effectively remove lice even at home with modern anti-pediculosis agents - insecticidal shampoos, sprays, aerosols and lotions, which are sold in any pharmacy. In principle, a good product can destroy lice in 1 day, but there are still nits that must be combed out.

Thus, the treatment of pediculosis is carried out in two directions: treating the hair with an anti-pediculosis agent and thoroughly combing out the nits.

Medicinal methods of elimination

The range of modern anti-pediculosis agents is very wide, but not all of them can be used for children, so you must carefully read the instructions to see if this product can remove lice from a 1-year-old child or a 2-year-old child. The instructions also indicate how long you need to keep the product on your head.

So, how and with what can you get rid of lice? The safest are products whose active ingredient is permitrin - a synthetic analogue of chamomile extract, less toxic than others, but no less effective.

Silicone-based preparations are considered even safer, since their effect is not chemical, but physical: they form an oxygen-impermeable membrane on lice, as a result of which the parasites die, but do not have any negative effect on the child’s hair and scalp.

You will be surprised how many parasites will come out if you drink a glass of regular...

Parasites will leave the body in 3 days! You just need to drink on an empty stomach...

The use of sprays and aerosols is preferable, as they are less toxic, but no less effective than shampoos.

Shampoos for head lice

The main active ingredient in almost all such shampoos is permethrin - an effective insecticide that is considered relatively harmless to the human body, but has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects.

  • NOC is one of the most popular, although there are restrictions: it cannot be used by children under 2 years of age and pregnant women. It should be applied to the scalp for 30-40 minutes and then rinsed off.
  • Veda and Veda-2 are also quite effective products with a similar composition.
  • Biosim in an amount of 20 ml is applied to the head, foamed strongly and washed off after a while.
  • Pedilin is available in the form of shampoo and emulsion. Penetrates the chitinous membrane and effectively destroys lice.
  • Parasidosis is sold together with a special comb for combing out lice and nits; it is fast-acting - it is applied for only 5 minutes.

Lotions, sprays, aerosols for head lice

  • Medifox is a permethrin-based lotion-gel that has a paralyzing effect on lice. Suitable for children over 1 year old.
  • Para-plus is an aerosol with two active ingredients: malathion and permethrin.
  • Nyuda is a silicone-based spray with a milder effect compared to other drugs; recommended for the treatment of head lice in children who have contraindications to the use of chemicals.
  • Paranit is a silicone-based spray; destroys lice in 15 minutes, but has no effect on nits. Sold complete with a nit comb.

A few important recommendations:

  • Be sure to carefully read the instructions for the drug and its contraindications.
  • Some parents use several anti-pediculosis drugs at once - they think that this will be more reliable, but the effect may be the opposite: another drug deactivates the effect of the first.
  • All family members must undergo anti-pediculosis treatment at the same time.
  • It is not recommended to wash your hair for at least two days after treatment.
  • Before treatment, you need to isolate the skin around the scalp by simply tying it with a towel or bandage.
  • The child himself needs to be wrapped in a white sheet or any white cloth so that a louse or nit that falls on it is clearly visible and can be immediately destroyed.
  • There are special combs for combing, which are often included with the product, but you can also get by with a regular fine-toothed comb, stringing a little cotton wool on it. This way you will see the result of your efforts, and not a single louse or nit will slip past. To make it easier to comb out nits, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a vinegar solution.

Traditional methods of treatment

Perhaps the most popular folk way to get rid of lice is hellebore water. True, hellebore is a poisonous plant, so the product is quite toxic, but very effective.

After washing your hair with regular shampoo, lubricate your hair and scalp with hellebore water (it’s better to do this with a sponge or wearing rubber gloves), put a plastic bag on your hair, rinse after half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo again and comb your hair.

By the way, combing is one of the main folk methods of getting rid of lice and nits. It is better to do this with vinegar, it dissolves the adhesive substance with which nits are attached to the hair. An excellent way for long hair, as reviews indicate. There are two ways:

  • dilute 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:2, thoroughly lubricate the hair and scalp, cover the head with a bag and a towel on top, and after 20 minutes rinse, and then comb the hair;
  • Having rinsed the hair with a vinegar solution, they are thrown to one side, and then separated one small strand at a time and thoroughly combed from the very roots. After several such procedures at intervals of several days, there will be no parasites left.

Elecampane is also an effective lice remedy. It is brewed with boiling water, after an hour the infusion is filtered and the hair is washed with it.

Tar in tar soap or shampoo is a traditional folk remedy: foamed soap is rubbed into damp hair, covered with a bag and washed off after 15 minutes. For short hair, one procedure is enough; for long hair, several will be required.

You can still try to remove lice from a child using folk remedies, but does this make sense, since many pharmaceutical products contain various herbs and plants?

Prevention methods

The main method of prevention is to avoid close head-to-head contact. This is difficult to explain to a small child, but teenagers should understand, especially since the widespread spread of head lice has recently been associated with the habit of taking selfies, where heads are often brought close together. You should also teach your child never to use someone else’s comb or wear someone else’s hat.

To some extent, essential oils can be considered a preventative measure, especially geranium oil, the smell of which lice cannot tolerate. Add a few drops of this essential oil to your regular shampoo, and girls with long hair can apply a couple of drops on their heads to create something like perfume.

And, of course, constant, at least weekly monitoring, especially if you notice that the child is scratching his head. Although curing a child today is not difficult, you should not take this problem lightly.

  • Dispensed without a doctor's prescription;
  • Can be used at home;
  • Clears parasites in 1 course;
  • Thanks to tannins, it heals and protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, and skin from parasites;
  • Eliminates rotting in the intestines, neutralizes parasite eggs thanks to the F molecule.

A certified remedy recommended by helminthologists for getting rid of parasites at home. It has a pleasant taste that children will like. Consists exclusively of medicinal plants collected in environmentally friendly places.

?Expert opinion about the drug.

There is a discount now. The drug can be obtained for 149 rubles.

LiceGuard Lice Spray

Let's start with the main disadvantage of this product: it does not fight existing lice, but is used for preventive purposes. However, the manufacturer has a counterargument: preventing a disease is always easier than treating it. It's hard to disagree with this. The drug is also used after removing lice to avoid re-infection. LiceGuard spray can be used either continuously or periodically. The effect lasts 24 hours.

The product has the following advantages:

  • suitable for daily use;
  • perfectly repels lice;
  • it is easy to apply;
  • the spray is non-toxic;
  • has a pleasant floral scent;
  • has no age restrictions (can be used even for infants);
  • combined with other anti-pediculosis drugs.

Product Disadvantages:

  • ineffective in the fight against lice and nits;
  • This is one of the most expensive sprays listed in this article.

The drug must be applied to dry hair, then comb the hair with a comb. There is no need to rinse off the product. If you are hypersensitive, LiceGuard may cause redness and itching. In such a situation, you should not continue to use the product.

There are no strict prohibitions on the use of LiceGuard spray by nursing mothers and pregnant women. But still, you should not make an independent decision about its use: be sure to consult your doctor.

LiceGuard spray (147 ml) costs about 600 rubles (a comb is included with the product). One bottle lasts approximately 60 days.

LiceGuard Lice Spray

FULL MARKS pidiculicidal spray 150ml

The drug is released together with the comb. This allows you to remove parasites at different stages of development: from nits to adults. The product can be purchased in large quantities. For comparison, similar drugs are produced in 50-100 ml bottles. The spray is convenient to use, but there is a risk of increased consumption of the substance. To avoid this, you must use the Full Marks product correctly.

It is used to kill adult lice and larvae in the first stage. When the period of validity of the product ends, proceed to the next stage, as can be found in the instructions.

Anti-head lice spray Full Marks Hair treatment with spray

Briefly about the product, method of use, active ingredient, release form, price

The drug is used externally. It is sprayed over infected areas. The release form is a liquid substance contained in a bottle with a spray. The product is delivered through the hole.

The active substance is silicone (one of its varieties). The composition does not contain toxic components. This allows you to avoid the development of negative reactions. Average cost – 660 rubles.

The kit includes a comb and instructions for use.

Instructions for use

Full Marks anti-lice spray must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations:

  1. The product is applied to dry hair. You need to rub the substance into the outer covering. In this case, the drug will better treat hair in the root zone.
  2. After 5 minutes, you can begin to comb out nits and dead parasites.
  3. The head must be washed in warm water using shampoo.

Combing can begin 5 minutes after applying the substance.

Lice and nits after combing


Active components:

  • cyclomethicone;
  • isopropyl myristate.

The first is a volatile silicone whose molecular size is much smaller than dimethicone.


Full Marks is designed for rapid processing. The duration of the treatment procedure does not exceed 10 minutes (taking into account the effect of the spray on the hair and combing). The product has no smell. The likelihood of insects developing resistance is zero, which is due to the absence of insecticides in the composition. The spray allows you to destroy parasites physically.

The drug does not contain toxicity


The main direction of use of the drug is the treatment of head lice. The drug is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • itching;
  • the appearance of nits in the root zone of the hairline;
  • bite marks;
  • hyperemia;
  • blue skin in some places.

Head lice bite marks

Download complete instructions for use of the drug

If, while studying information about the destruction of parasites, questions arise, you can clarify all points of interest by referring to the official instructions from the manufacturer.



Today, the production of counterfeit products is widespread. To make sure that the product you are purchasing is of high quality, you should additionally download a certificate of conformity.


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