Advantages and disadvantages of Hygienic against lice - a low-toxic drug for the fight against lice

Mode of application

1. Wash your hair with regular shampoo. It is not recommended to use conditioner or combined shampoo and conditioner products. Medical shampoo with a low pH level is also not suitable. After washing, you need to dry your hair a little with a towel - it should be slightly moisturized, but not wet.

2. Shake the Hygia shampoo bottle well before use. Make paths through your hair and start on one side of your head. Apply the product to the path and massage thoroughly. Repeat this operation until you have treated the entire head. It is very important that Hygia penetrates the hair roots. Pay special attention to the areas behind the ears and on the back of the head. Also, ensure that all hair is treated with the product. If your hair gets dry, you need to moisten it with water.

3. Wait 10-15 minutes for the product to take effect. Wash your hair thoroughly with water and then dry it with a clean towel so that the hair is damp but not wet.

4. Use a comb to remove lice and nits by brushing thoroughly. To do this, divide your hair into 4 parts and comb each of them separately. If you have long hair, it will take longer. Start from the top of your head. With one hand, lift a lock of hair 4–5 cm wide. Place the comb as close to the skin as possible and comb the hair from the roots to the ends of the hairs with sharp and even movements.

After removing lice and nits, use hairpins to secure each disinfected lock of hair. Clean the comb thoroughly and then comb the next section of hair. Nits can be removed from a comb using a paper towel, which is then placed in a plastic bag, sealed well and thrown away to prevent re-infestation. After combing, check all hair again for nits and, if necessary, use the comb again. Check your hair daily to make sure there are no more nits.

Main contraindications to the use of the drug

Before using Hygia shampoo against lice on your head, you need to do a simple test to prevent a widespread allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the elbow. After 20 - 25 minutes, wash it off and observe the skin reaction for several hours. If irritation, redness, or rash does not appear, you can use lice shampoo.

Shampoo Hygia

Main contraindications to the use of Hygia:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 5 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammation and skin disease, the presence of abrasions, cuts, purulent infection.


Hygia shampoo should not be used as a prophylactic against lice and nits.

Features of application

Do not exceed the indicated time of action of the product (10-15 minutes) and do not use it more often than every 7-10 days.

You should comb your hair with a comb every day for 2 weeks after treatment to remove only hatched lice. At this time, you can wash your hair as usual.

Those who perform the shampoo treatment procedure several times in a row should use rubber gloves.

Avoid getting the drug in your eyes, mouth or nose. If this happens, you must immediately rinse the area with water.

If the shampoo is swallowed, rinse the stomach, induce vomiting and apply symptomatic measures.

Treat your home and personal belongings!

After using Hygia shampoo, it is important to treat your personal belongings and home to prevent the spread of lice. Lice can live outside the human body for no more than 1 day, and nits - 7-12 days.

Side effects

During use, Hygia causes a tingling and slight burning sensation. This is due to the presence of wounds on the head from parasite bites and scratching. However, if the burning sensation is strong, it indicates an allergic reaction. The drug must be washed off immediately.

Hygia anti-lice shampoo - quick effect, safe action

  • In rare cases, symptoms of intoxication appear in the form of dizziness, weakness, and headache. Usually the situation arises when the rules of the instructions are violated - applied more than 3 times, left on the hair for longer than 15 minutes. To eliminate symptoms, you need to take activated charcoal, drink more fluids, take a bath with sea salt and pine essential oils. Such actions speed up the process of removing toxins from the body.
  • If shampoo gets into your eyes, irritation occurs - redness, burning, itching. It is necessary to rinse your eyes with plenty of water. If symptoms do not go away, seek help from a specialist.
  • After using Hygia shampoo, my hair is slightly damaged. They become drier and lose their shine. The hair structure is restored after some time. If Hygia is used for lice 3 times or the interval between uses is violated, the hair becomes very dry, brittle and split ends appear. Efforts are required to restore the hair structure.
  • Hygiene helps against lice at any age. Can be used by children from 1 year. The drug does not affect the ability to drive or the effect of medications. Allowed for use during pregnancy. You can breastfeed your baby 2 hours after use. During this time, the substance will be completely eliminated from the body.

    Recommendations for use

    When using Hygia, you should pay special attention that Hygia is used exclusively for external use.

    Characteristic symptoms of head lice include itching of the scalp and the presence of black lice excrement on clothing collars or pillows.

    If one of the family members is infected, all family members must be examined. If lice have been identified in all family members, then treatment should be done by everyone at the same time. Lice, like other insects, are capable of developing resistance to the products used. Under-treatment or "just in case" treatment increases the risk of lice developing resistance to permethrin.

    Lack of effect may be explained by improper use, re-infestation, or lice resistance to the product. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to dosage recommendations.

    Please note that immediately after hair treatment you can see live lice. However, this does not mean that they have developed resistance. It’s just that some time must pass after treatment for the lice to die.

    For adults and children over 3 years of age: all members of the family or environment where lice are detected should be treated at the same time.

    Adverse reactions

    If you follow the instructions included with Hygia shampoo, no adverse reactions will occur. But sometimes the body’s reaction is difficult to predict, so children and adults prone to allergic reactions most often experience:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • nausea;
    • weakness;
    • rash, redness, itching.

    In such cases, it is recommended to take an antihistamine and drink warm, sweet tea.

    On a note!

    After using Hygia, the hair becomes dry and loses its shine. Over time, the hair structure will be restored. To help them, it is better to use cosmetic masks or oils.

    Hair restoration after treatment
    Hygia for lice and nits has proven itself as an effective remedy against lice. The frequency of adverse reactions is so minimal that doctors prescribe it to children over five years of age. The most important thing is to follow the instructions and take precautions when using shampoo.

    Composition and properties, release form

    Lice hygiene is a pediculicidal agent with the active substance permethrin. The component belongs to the group of nerve and contact poisons and destroys parasites. Additional components that enhance the effect of permethrin are:

    • benzyl alcohol;
    • sodium chloride;
    • cocamide;
    • lemon acid;
    • cocamidopropyl betaine;
    • sodium C10-C16 alkyl ethoxy sulfate;
    • PEG-18 glyceryl oleate/cocoate;
    • polysorbate 80;
    • disodium edetate;
    • lemon acid;
    • apricot aroma;
    • yellow dye;
    • purified water.

    Hygiene is a yellow viscous pearlescent liquid. Available in two forms - shampoo and lotion.

    Alternative remedies against lice

    There are a large number of alternative drugs to eliminate lice. The most effective analogues include Nyx, Nyuda shampoos and the drug D95 .

    Nyx anti-lice shampoo

    The drug Nisk has a moderate level of toxicity. The active components of the shampoo block the respiratory tract of parasites. The survival rate is 3.5%. After using this shampoo, the hair does not split or dry out. A hydrophobic film forms on the hair, so combing out lice and nits is quite simple.

    Treatment of an advanced form of pediculosis will take from 3 to 8 weeks. The price varies from 237 to 450 rubles.

    Nyuda for lice

    Nuda is available in several forms: spray and shampoo. In addition to the active component - dimethicone, the spray contains wax, triglycerides and fragrances. This product is perfect for curly and long hair.

    The shampoo has a completely safe composition. Before use, you must read the instructions. Its cost is within 500 rubles.

    Remedy for head lice d 95

    Suspension D 95 is dosed in 10 ml sachets. There are 3 sachets of medicine in total in the package. To treat short hair, one sachet will be enough.

    Can be used to treat children over 3 years of age. Cost – 132 rubles.

    Hygia shampoo is an effective preparation for eliminating lice and nits. Before use, you must ensure that there are no contraindications, otherwise side effects are possible. If they occur, you should wash off the shampoo and choose another product.

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    What is included in the shampoo, its release form and how it works

    The shampoo is available in 120 ml plastic bottles. The kit includes a special comb for combing out pests. The liquid itself is gel-like and has a lemon smell. The composition contains the following components:

    1. Permethrin . 100 of the product contains 1 g of active substance. It refers to synthetic pyrethroids. Upon contact with a pest, permethrin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. The result is paralyzing lice. Due to the fact that shampoo molecules begin to break down upon contact with air, the risk of accumulation of the active substance and intoxication of the body is minimal.
    2. Glacial acetic acid . This substance breaks down the sticky substance with which nits cling to the hair. This acid allows you to comb pests out of your hair as quickly and easily as possible.
    3. Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate . This component is necessary for foaming and creating a powerful effect. It does not irritate the scalp.

    The shampoo quickly eliminates head and pubic lice . When used correctly, it is safe for the human body.

    How to use Hygia shampoo correctly

    The use of such a product is practically no different from regular hair washing. This procedure does not cause any discomfort, which is very important for children.

    Usage algorithm:

    1. Hair should be slightly moistened.
    2. About 20 g of the drug is squeezed out and distributed over the entire length of the hair, rubbed into the scalp.
    3. The shampoo needs to be well lathered.
    4. The product must be kept on the hair for 10-15 minutes. The exact time depends on the length of the hair and the number of lice.
    5. The shampoo is thoroughly washed off and the hair is dried with a hairdryer.
    6. Pests are combed out with a special comb, which is included in the kit.

    During combing, living but immobilized individuals may be present. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the thoroughness of mechanical removal of pests. It is recommended to do this procedure over a bathtub or in front of sheets of paper .

    IMPORTANT. The shampoo helps fight mature lice.

    After a week, it is necessary to re-treat the hair, as parasites can leave their larvae. In case of severe infection, the product is used once a week. The course involves 3 treatments. If after a full course the pests remain in your hair, you should seek qualified help. If you skip the combing step, then after a while the lice will begin to become active again.

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