Why the scalp itches: causes, treatment

Factors that provoke scalp irritation vary depending on the gender and age of the person. A common cause of itching is allergies: both adults and children suffer from this reaction of the body. It occurs on cosmetics or those used for washing clothes.

In children

Causes of itchy scalp can be:


The main cause of itching in newborns is insufficient heat treatment of bedding and clothing. In addition, it is important to select exclusively hypoallergenic cosmetics.

In adults

Itching is often caused by muscle tension in the neck and stress. In addition, irritation is a natural reaction of the body to a lack of certain vitamins in the spring. In particular, C, A and D are responsible for the water-salt balance and maintain the skin in normal condition. In case of their deficiency, itching occurs.

Provoking factors include chronic diseases: diabetes, hormonal disorders, mental disorders. The latter are especially dangerous, since a person can cause harm to himself due to irritated skin.

In men

Men often work in harsh conditions, such as in industries that use chemicals or in dusty environments. Constant contamination of the scalp and lack of proper hygiene lead to irritation.

On a note.

Ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on the condition of the hair and skin. This is relevant for those who work outside in the warm season.

Among women

Due to constant hair coloring, even with high-quality products, the scalp is exposed to chemical burns. The epidermis begins to peel off, which is accompanied by itching.

In addition, women often use gels, varnishes and other cosmetics. Many of them, when used continuously or when they contain certain ingredients, cause an allergic reaction accompanied by hair loss.

In the elderly

The skin of older people requires special care

due to decreased function of the sebaceous glands. The covers are not sufficiently moistened, which is why they become brittle and crack. This process is accompanied not only by itching, but also by burning or tingling.


Do not scratch the affected areas and touch your hair less often, do not use a comb until examined by a doctor, so as not to damage the skin.

In most cases, itchy scalp is accompanied by dryness, and in order to understand what to do under these circumstances, we recommend reading.

  • Treatment of itchy skin and dandruff on the scalp, indicating disturbances in the sebaceous glands or the presence of fungi, can be carried out using special shampoos. For example, for dry skin use Friederm Zinc, for oily skin - sulsena. If you encounter itching after trying to wash the paint off your scalp, then press .
  • Itching that occurs exclusively on the back of the head may indicate nervous tension or overwork. In this case, there should be no pronounced ulcers, dandruff, or damage. Take a comfortable body position and relax. If the itching does not improve, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of itchy scalp

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that the scalp is itchy, especially if the sensation intensifies in the evening or at night. Another dangerous signal is hair loss. Well, the main alarming sign is the occurrence of inflammation, spots, compactions, blisters, ulcers and other unacceptable formations.

Once you notice these signs, you need to urgently contact a specialist. A dermatologist, trichologist or endocrinologist can help. After the examination, an individual treatment regimen is prescribed. If it becomes clear that the irritant is external, treatment can be carried out at home using traditional methods. Once the source is eliminated, the itching usually goes away.

Let's look at the TOP 10 reasons why a person experiences itchy scalp.


This disease, in addition to severe itching of the scalp, is accompanied by the appearance of scales, which are desquamated epithelium.

Hair loses its shine, becomes dry and brittle, or, conversely, becomes greasy. Dandruff is often a symptom of psoriasis, seborrhea, mycotic lesions of the scalp, vitamin deficiency and even problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, itching of the scalp accompanied by the appearance of dandruff should not be ignored.

Why does my head itch after the sea?


Frequent worries and psycho-emotional stress are accompanied by an increased release of adrenaline into the blood.

During physical activity, this hormone is consumed, but if physical activity is not enough, then its accumulation with increasing concentration in the blood leads to muscle tension throughout the body and the appearance of skin itching. This sensation is often called nervous itching.

Why does my head itch after the sea?

Allergic reactions to shampoo and other products

Often the skin begins to itch severely when changing hair care products or products (mask, conditioner, shampoo, conditioner, styling or coloring products). If itching appears immediately after using a new care product, it is recommended to return to the previously tested old one, or try another product that does not contain substances such as, for example, sodium laureth or sodium lauryl sulfate (usually the packaging of such products says “hypoallergenic”). . This is often the source of itching. If the itching does not disappear after changing shampoo, you should consult a trichologist who will diagnose the scalp and test for allergic reactions.

Hair dye allergies are also common and can cause itchy skin. Typically, paints containing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide cause an allergic skin reaction. Therefore, to prevent this phenomenon, it is recommended to give preference to tinted shampoos and ammonia-free paints. But even in this case, no one is immune from allergies. I would like to add that before any procedure, be it hair coloring or a cosmetic procedure, always do an allergy test. If the scalp is still itchy and itchy after dyeing, you can use special dye-neutralizing shampoos; they are applied after washing off the dye. It is recommended to wash your hair with them after washing off the dye.

Why does my head itch after the sea?

Scabies and pediculosis

You can detect and confirm this reason yourself using a magnifying glass that has a fairly strong magnifying glass. Lice usually look like whitish and even translucent insects of very small sizes. Of course, it will not be possible to see ticks with a magnifying glass, but it is possible to see their passages, which the parasites gnaw in the scalp. To notice this, the suspicious area is smeared with a stick or cotton wool with iodine. The layer of the epidermis where the scabies channels pass is looser.

Because of this, it is saturated with iodine more intensely, and the holes become noticeable. They resemble thin brown scratches - straight or curved. Scabies only affect children's scalps; these parasites do not bother adults. If your child constantly scratches his head, and at the same time his nails begin to peel off and crumble, then the itching directly indicates that scabies is developing.

Why does my head itch after the sea?


Psoriasis is a common disease accompanied by redness and peeling of the skin. Usually with psoriasis the scalar is much thicker and more pronounced than with dandruff. It often requires prescription medications to control it.

In this case, shampoos containing coal tar or salicylic acid with mineral oils are suitable to help soften and remove flakes. Dermatologists often prescribe topical steroid medications—liquids or foams that dry quickly and don't tend to weigh down the hair, and can be very helpful in combating dryness, itching, flaking, irritation, or rashes.

Why does my head itch after the sea?


Ringworm is a skin pathology caused by autoimmune diseases or infection of the dermis by pathogenic fungi. The inflammatory process in tissues that occurs against the background of infection provokes itchy scalp and dandruff. It is formed due to peeling of the skin in the problem area.

Ringworm is distinguished by characteristic signs that make it possible to differentiate the pathology:

  • thinning and thinning of hair;
  • skin redness;
  • intense itching;
  • small bubbles that eventually become covered with yellow crusts.

If the head itches for a long time, and the skin cracks and peels, this leads to infection and suppuration of the tissue in the problem area. Without treatment, lichen becomes chronic.

In such circumstances, the clinical picture is supplemented by the following phenomena:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • uneven plaques on the surface of the head;
  • discharge of purulent masses;
  • intense pain;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated body temperature.

Lichen is single or multiple in nature. In advanced cases, the pathological process causes almost complete baldness. Ringworm is considered a non-contagious disease provided it is not fungal in nature.

Why does my head itch after the sea?


Demodicosis is a skin disease caused by microscopic mites of the genus Demodex. A mite with a worm-like long body - demodex folliculorum longus - lives in hair follicles, with a short one - demodex folliculorum brevis - in the sebaceous glands. Various areas of the body are affected, including the scalp. There is severe itching and hair loss.

Why does my head itch after the sea?


Itching of the scalp and neck appears due to a lack of macro- and microelements in the body. A lack of certain vitamins affects the skin as follows:

  • Lack of vitamins A and C leads to excessive hair loss.
  • With a deficiency of vitamin B2 in the body, excessive production of sebaceous glands occurs. This can lead to the development of seborrhea (oily type).
  • Insufficient vitamin D intake causes premature skin aging. The epidermis becomes dry, peeling and itching appears.
  • Deficiency of vitamins E and B6 impairs the regeneration of skin cells.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of diseases associated with itching of the scalp is carried out by a trichologist and a dermatologist.

Doctors collect anamnesis to find out the duration of the symptom, the degree of its progress, the presence of concomitant manifestations and chronic pathologies. Blood tests are prescribed to find out whether the itching is caused by harmful microorganisms and which ones.

How to treat severe itching in the head? The symptom can be eliminated by using simple remedies. Medicines can be used at home, but consult your doctor first.


Some remedies may not be suitable for certain fungal diseases.


The prescription of drugs depends on the causes of itching of the scalp.

If none of the above treatment methods helped you, then we advise you to follow the link and learn about other ways to get rid of itching and dandruff on the scalp using folk remedies.

Why does the head itch even if a person has recently taken water treatments? This question is of particular interest to those who often encounter this problem. It should be especially noted that the causes of itching can be anything. But only a competent and experienced doctor can make a correct diagnosis and save a person from the disease, subject to a personal examination and medical examination.

Seven possible reasons why your head itches a lot

2. Seborrhea

Another common cause of irritation on the head is seborrhea. It occurs due to excess sebum production and changes in the composition of sebaceous secretions. Very often, seborrhea causes severe flaking of the scalp, which is popularly called dandruff. This is why a person may constantly complain that his head itches. It should be noted that such a serious disease cannot be cured on its own. After all, treatment must last several months and be comprehensive.

3. Allergies

A reaction to skin care products can also manifest itself in the form of itchy skin. Quite often, people have an itchy head after changing a mask, conditioner, shampoo or hairspray.

4. Dry scalp

This is also a common cause that leads to constant itching. Determining for yourself whether you have such a problem is quite easy. After all, with insufficient sebum production, hair becomes brittle and dry, it slowly becomes dirty, frizzy, highly electrified, quickly absorbs moisture and is difficult to style.

5. And again allergies

Now onto the dyes intended for hair. This is another reason why your head itches. In this case, it is better to change the product.

6. Fungal diseases

Rare, but still sometimes encountered, causes of this problem are fungal diseases of the scalp. They should also be treated comprehensively and over a long period of time. In cases where a person experiences severe itching, and there is no way to consult a doctor, you can use various shampoos sold in pharmacies that treat fungi. They usually contain antifungal substances such as zinc pyrithione, piroctone olamine, climbazole, etc. Among the healing natural remedies, you can purchase tea tree oil.

7. We repeat again: allergies

An allergic reaction to detergents or rinse aids that a person uses to wash clothes, including bedding, can also cause itching and irritation of the scalp.

The scalp of most people is covered with thick hair and experiences minimal contact with the external environment. Therefore, the epidermis in this area of ​​the body is characterized by increased sensitivity and susceptibility to various influences. Any mechanical or chemical irritation can cause damage. As a result, itching of the scalp is one of the most common complaints when visiting a dermatologist or trichologist.

An itchy scalp can occur for a variety of reasons. In some cases, irritation of the epidermis is caused by physiological factors:

  1. Dryness of the epidermis
    . In the thickness of the scalp there are alveolar glands that provide the production of fatty secretions. If the functional activity of these glands decreases, the amount of sebum decreases. As a result, dryness and flaking of the epidermis occurs, and itching appears. Hair becomes dry, dull and brittle. They become highly electrified, cannot be styled, and may begin to fall out. This problem can be eliminated with the help of special cosmetic products, masks and moisturizing creams for the scalp.
  2. Hypovitaminosis
    The lack of vitamins in the human body most noticeably affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The epidermis becomes dry and thin, easily injured and takes a long time to recover even after minor injuries. With hypovitaminosis, the scalp may itch or hurt, especially for patients with thick, heavy hair. To restore the balance of nutrients in the body, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes: Complivit
    , etc.
  3. Mechanical or chemical irritation of the scalp
    . Traumatization of the epidermis can be caused by rough influence, for example, using a hard metal brush for styling instead of a massage comb. Also, itchy skin is provoked by frequent use of hairsprays, gels and hair dyes. A decoction of chamomile, calendula or nettle leaves will help relieve inflammation and relieve irritation. To do this, add 5-6 tablespoons of dried herbs to a bowl of hot water, then cool. The head should be rinsed with the resulting infusion several times a week until the discomfort disappears.
  4. Stress
    Emotional stress, psychological pressure and constant worries can cause irritation of the epidermis. This is due to the excessive release of adrenaline into the human blood, which leads to prolonged itching of the scalp. Physical activity, reducing the amount of stress in everyday life, and taking sedatives: Afobazol
    Motherwort can
  5. Irritation and itching of the epidermis may indicate muscle tension
    . Discomfort occurs as a result of being in one position for a long time. In this case, a spasm of the muscles of the back, collar area, shoulders, etc. occurs. Skin irritation also occurs in people who wear tight and heavy hairstyles: braids or ponytails. You can get rid of itching with a relaxing massage, a warm shower or bath.

If irritation of the epidermis is a consequence of tension, skin damage or a lack of vitamins in the body, then you can fight it yourself at home. The patient is advised to eat well, follow a sleep and rest schedule, and use masks and lotions to improve blood circulation in the capillaries of the scalp.


If the itching cannot be relieved within 7-10 days, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will conduct a clinical examination and prescribe the examination necessary to determine the cause of the problem.

Senile itch in the elderly

As a person ages, his skin begins to require special care. The skin of older people becomes more fragile and thin. Loss of elasticity, previous moisture – all this increases its sensitivity to external influences. Functions that protect the skin work worse, and this happens due to physiology.

Metabolic processes become slower, skin cells are regenerated at slower speeds. The resources that the skin needs so much to successfully perform its primary functions are supplied in ever smaller quantities. But the skin must repel infections, normalize the body’s temperature balance, and take part in oxygen exchange.

Patients over 65 often complain of unpleasant sensations such as burning, tingling of the scalp, and a feeling of some irritation. But it is important to distinguish itching caused by aging from other diseases. For example, itching can signal a nerve disorder, pathologies of internal organs, allergies or infections, or fungus. When treating, it is necessary to take into account all individual factors, such as the patient’s health. It is also necessary to consider the likelihood of negative consequences of treatment.


Dandruff is not a serious disease, but often when looking for the cause of its appearance, it is possible to find more serious health problems. for a person suffering from dandruff to hide this problem from the eyes of others, since three parts of the body are simultaneously covered with scales. First of all, this is the scalp, on which red spots appear in places with dead skin particles. They, in turn, provoke itching. This leads to the formation of scratches and wounds, due to which the condition of the scalp worsens and dandruff increases.

photo 6

It is worth noting that itching is not always a consequence of dandruff. Very often the head itches for other reasons. This could be a hormonal imbalance, a stressful situation or an allergic reaction. The main thing to understand is that too much dandruff and severe itching should not be ignored . Only inattention and negligent attitude of people towards their health can lead to serious problems.


Diagnostic methods used to determine the pathology that causes itching of the head:

  1. Fluorescent diagnostics using a Wood's lamp - an ultraviolet lamp with a filter. Prescribed for various mycoses and dermatoses.
  2. Histological examination of a piece of affected skin. Indicated for psoriasis.
  3. Dermatoscopy is performed if favus or seborrheic dermatitis is suspected.
  4. Spectral examination of hair for microelements will help to find out the cause of the development of seborrheic dermatitis.
  5. Microscopic examination of biomaterial, for example, the contents of a hair follicle, for the detection of subcutaneous demodex mites. Prescribed for suspected demodicosis.
  6. Microscopy of scrapings from smooth skin for pathogenic fungi. The method is used for trichophytosis, folliculitis, microsporia and many other fungal diseases.
  7. Bacteriological seeding of discharge/scraping for microflora to identify the type of pathogen and determine its susceptibility to antibiotics, antimycotics or other chemotherapeutic drugs. The study is necessary to identify folliculitis, trichophytosis, etc.
  8. Study of the patient's hormonal background. Tests are necessary to determine the cause of itching of the scalp.

To find out the cause of itching, determine the necessary diagnostic measures and develop treatment tactics, you need to contact one of the doctors - a dermatologist, trichologist, mycologist or dermatocosmetologist. Based on the etiology of the disease, it may be necessary to consult other specialists - an endocrinologist, an allergist or a neurologist.

At the first stage, the doctor conducts a physical examination: finds out the possible causes of itching, as well as its characteristics - duration and intensity, examines the affected skin. At the second stage, he prescribes various studies, the results of which can confirm the presumptive diagnosis.

Reason #3. Other dermatological diseases

In addition to seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis, there are other skin diseases that cause an itchy and itchy scalp. They are inflammatory or autoimmune in nature. Often these are irreversible forms of alopecia (fibrous, scarring). That is, these diseases are characterized by itching and hair loss, in the place of which new ones no longer grow.

One of the first symptoms of fibrous alopecia is itching, flaking, and redness. Only then does irreversible hair loss begin.

This is why it is so important to see a doctor on time. Although sometimes such a diagnosis is difficult to make immediately, an experienced doctor and trichoscopy (examination of the scalp using a trichoscope) are needed. The treatment is difficult and serious.

Treatment for itchy scalp

Since itching of the scalp is just a consequence or a symptom, to treat it in 1 day it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause that caused it. In this case, you need the help of a specialist who, after a complete diagnosis (various studies taking into account clinical manifestations and the specific case), will prescribe the optimal treatment.

Treatment of seborrhea is a long and complex process. Proper nutrition, avoidance of stress, hormonal balance (disturbances can provoke seborrhea), adherence to sleep and rest schedules are important in the treatment of the disease. In addition, it is important for patients to keep their scalp clean.

For dry skin, nourishing masks will be useful; they will have a softening effect and improve microcirculation. Also of great importance is compliance with the drinking regime (at least one and a half liters of water per day), which will prevent dehydration. If the itching is caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements, you should take a course of vitamins (Vitrum, Complivit, Alphabet, Centrum, etc.).

If the cause of the itching turns out to be elementary parasites (for example, lice), then to remove them you should purchase modern effective drugs against such parasites at the pharmacy - Nittifor solution or cream, Para Plus aerosol, Pediculen lotion. After removing lice, you should also get rid of nits by using a fine comb. It is also recommended to check other family members for the presence of lice, and the patient’s clothes and bedding should be boiled and ironed with a hot iron.

In this case, resorting to traditional methods (using, for example, kerosene) is not recommended; they not only will not help, but can also cause harm. Unlike lice, it is somewhat more difficult to determine the presence of demodicosis, but the doctor will do it in a matter of seconds. To treat demodicosis, you must consult a doctor; only he can prescribe medications.

Why does my head itch after the sea?

What to do and how to treat if your scalp itches

If you experience discomfort, itching of the head, excessive and atypical greasiness of the epidermis, lesions on the skin, pimples, you should definitely consult a dermatologist or trichologist. They will conduct all the necessary tests, determine the cause of the symptoms, the source of the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. However, in some cases, when it is not possible to urgently go to the hospital, and the itching is very intense, it is worth using remedies that will help improve your well-being.

Shampoos and masks for dandruff and itching

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The simplest remedy to relieve the itching and burning sensation is special shampoos. Based on the symptoms, you can use remedies against:

  • dandruff (in the absence of allergies to such);
  • fungi, lichen (antifungal agents, for example, climbazole, zinc pyrithione);
  • itching of nervous or allergic etiology (lotions containing salicylic acid, tar in combination with general therapy);
  • seborrhea - medicinal masks (containing ketoconazole, tar, sulfur, salicylic acid, antibacterial substances);
  • irritations - soothing shampoos that relieve redness and inflammation (based on chamomile, string, and other herbs).

Drug treatment

Depending on the cause and nature of the disease, local treatment of itching is often supplemented with medications (they are prescribed exclusively by a doctor), which have different effects and directions:

  • for seborrhea - these are vitamins A, E, B2, antifungal drugs;
  • for increased levels of stress - remedies for nerves: sedatives, antidepressants (Alora, Novo-Passit, infusions of chamomile, motherwort);
  • for hormonal imbalances - drugs that restore the balance of male and female hormones in the human body;
  • in the presence of fungal diseases - remedies for the fungus that causes the infection;
  • for allergies - antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin, diazolin); in severe forms - corticosteroids;
  • For vitamin deficiency, vitamins A, B, and C are prescribed.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for itchy scalp

The intensity of itching is reduced by the following folk remedies:

  • applesauce (apply to the scalp for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week);
  • apple cider vinegar (dilute with water in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per liter of water, rub into the itching area before washing your hair, repeat the procedure for 5-6 days);
  • onion peel (cook for 6 minutes, cool, use to rinse your hair after washing);
  • mint (2 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water, cool, rub into the scalp, then rinse with clean water);
  • chamomile with sage (mix them in equal proportions, steam 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, apply twenty-minute compresses to the back of the head, crown and other areas where itching is localized).

Ointments to relieve itchy scalp

To get rid of itchy scalp, there are special ointments:

  1. Nezulin is a cream-gel based on plant extracts, essential oils of mint, lavender and basil with the addition of D-panthenol. Nezulin can be used for allergic reactions and scalp irritation. The drug can relieve itching caused by insect bites.
  2. Benzyl benzoate - available in the form of an emulsion for external use. Allows you to get rid of mite infestations, including the parasites that cause scabies.
  3. Boric ointment is intended for the treatment of pediculosis. The product must be applied to the scalp and left for half an hour. Sulfur ointment has a similar effect.
  4. Advantan – ointment, cream and fatty ointment. This remedy allows you to get rid of seborrhea and microbial eczema; it is prescribed for contact dermatitis and photodermatitis. I recommend applying a greasy ointment to very dry areas of the skin with severe itching.

Diet for itchy scalp

To combat dry skin in general (including on the head!), you need to follow a balanced diet at home:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flax seeds and some nuts, are known to help the body fight dry skin (as well as fatigue, moodiness and poor memory). Introducing more foods with omega-3 fatty acids (or fish oil supplements) will also help against itchy dryness.
  2. Zinc is another assistant in the restoration of skin tissue, including on the head. Seafood, meat, poultry, nuts and whole grains are excellent sources. Pharmacies also sell supplements.
  3. Vitamin A is another key element in the overall health of human skin. It supports blood circulation and the immune system. Good sources of vitamin A include eggs, butter, and orange and yellow fruits and vegetables.
  4. Vitamin B supports healthy skin cell production. Sources include meat, poultry, greens, beans and whole grains.
  5. Vitamin C promotes collagen production in the skin, keeping skin hydrated and healthy. Present in abundance in spinach, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, strawberries and citrus fruits.

The head itches on the back of the head

The itching sensation on the back of the head is explained by the reasons described above. In addition to them, a significant causative agent of this condition is muscle tension. Most often, irritation is felt when the muscles of the back and forearms are overloaded. And there are enough muscles on the head and back of the head that can easily be overstrained.

This condition impairs blood microcirculation in the vessels located under the scalp. In addition, it can cause minor injuries to muscle fibers. The result may be the development of an inflammatory process and intense skin irritation on the back of the head.

Oils with antipruritic effect

The most popular are 3 folk methods. They can easily be implemented at home. The effectiveness of these methods has been proven by many people.

Tea tree oil

This oil is an effective anti-inflammatory and soothing agent. To help with itchy scalp, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton pad and wipe the disturbing area. After 5-10 minutes, you need to repeat the procedure. The itching will disappear within a few hours. When it appears, lubricate the head with oil again. The product has a drying effect and is effective for oily seborrhea.

Rosemary oil

This oil can normalize the microflora on the scalp and has a tonic and healing effect. Apply the oil to a cotton pad and treat itchy areas. It has been noticed that rosemary-based preparations help quickly get rid of dandruff.

Jojoba oil

If tea tree oil is recommended for oily seborrhea, then jojoba is recommended for dry seborrhea. This drug moisturizes the skin well, promotes softening and rapid exfoliation of dead cells. Thus, it cleanses and heals the scalp. Jojoba oil is used in the same way as previous products: by lubricating itchy areas with a cotton pad.

How long does it take to treat severe dandruff and itching?

The time to treat dandruff depends on the causes of its occurrence. Allergic dandruff from cosmetic products goes away immediately after replacing them.

  • The medicated hair shampoo will begin to work after 3-5 uses . The time for the full course is indicated on the package. Treatment with folk remedies takes the same period of time.
  • In general, it takes at least 2-4 weeks to reduce scalp itching and dandruff in the hair.
  • 3 to 6 months to completely get rid of dandruff
  • When it comes to physical therapy , doctors recommend at least 15–20 treatments.

Interesting! Oily dandruff is more difficult to treat, since excess sebum is an ideal environment for the development of fungal infections, which can trigger its appearance.

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