What to do if a child is bitten in the eye by a mosquito

Who is bitten by mosquitoes and midges?

No person is immune from mosquito bites.
Long-term scientific studies of insects that pose a danger to humans have clearly shown that there is a certain set of individual properties, weather factors, and terrain features that attract more insects. If we talk about humans, then mosquitoes and midges prefer:

  • Children - thin skin, clean blood, not burdened with toxins;
  • people with excessive sweating - the specific smell combined with humidity attracts midges;
  • Blood group I - plasma contains more nutrients than those in III or IV (owners of these groups are least susceptible to bites);
  • pregnant women - a slightly elevated body temperature becomes a kind of beacon for insects.

As for climatic conditions, small vampires are not found only in areas of permafrost and constant negative temperatures (Antarctica). All other latitudes were mastered by midges millions of years ago. There is only seasonal activity, during which midges reproduce and therefore require increased nutrition. For example, mosquitoes begin searching for food at a temperature of +16, relative humidity 75-90%. Cold temperatures and heat contribute to temporary “hibernation”. Wetlands, areas rich in underground, open waters, wet basements, sewers, subtropics are the ideal habitat for bloodsuckers, in which they can be active year-round.

How to treat mosquito bites in children

The mosquito damages children's skin and provokes various symptoms. Pediatricians and pediatric dermatologists suggest using some products that relieve puffiness and swelling in the shortest possible time:

  1. Treating the dermis with ammonia. A special skin lotion will help against mosquitoes.
  2. Swelling that appears after a mosquito attack is eliminated with baking soda. It is used in the form of a paste or solution.

If a mosquito provokes scabies, ointments, balms, sprays, and pencils are used to reduce its severity. Similar compositions include “Vitaon”, “Psilo-balm”, “Zvezdochka”.

Effective ointments include Sinaflan, Fenistil, and Advantan. If a mosquito has attacked the eyes, they are washed with water. Then use ophthalmic drops with anti-inflammatory effects:

If a child's lip is injured by a bite, use ice. It will help reduce itching. Children suffering from an allergy to mosquito bites are given an antihistamine after an attack:

Extensive swelling, difficulty breathing, high body temperature require primary medical care. Such symptoms may indicate the development of dangerous forms of allergic diseases, including Quincke's edema and urticaria. For such diagnoses, inpatient treatment is indicated.

Symptoms of infection

If a mosquito bites the eye, it is impossible to avoid swelling, redness and swelling, and itching. In this way, the body tries to cope with the foreign substance and neutralizes the poison. In this case, to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to provide first aid to the child and treat the bite with folk remedies for therapeutic purposes for a few more days.

The situation becomes more complicated if a secondary infection gets into the open wound while scratching the bites, and pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply.

Symptoms of infection:

  • If swelling in the child's eye appears after sleep, but disappears within an hour, there is no infection. If the tumor remains in any position after a mosquito attack, infection has occurred.
  • Swollen eyes from a mosquito bite; the swelling does not subside within three days.
  • There is pain.
  • At the puncture site, suppuration and an ulcer appear.
  • The eyes are swollen, discharge appears, and souring is observed.
  • The child constantly tries to rub his eyelid.

A child's eyes are swollen from a mosquito bite

What to do if a child is bitten in the eye by a mosquito and everything is swollen, there is a certain mechanism of action. Proper first aid accelerates tissue recovery and prevents complications.

The midge is a blood-sucking insect.

Get the midge out of your eye
Get the midge out of your eye

If a midge gets into the eye, which begins to hurt badly, and there is no doctor nearby, then you need to:

  • blink frequently and cause lacrimation, which will drive the insect into the corner of the eye;
  • when the pain subsides, carefully remove the midge from the eye using a moistened, clean handkerchief, pulling back the eyelid;
  • if there is water nearby, you can put your face in it and blink, driving out the insect;
  • You should absolutely not rub your eye, as this will cause the insect to stick to the eyeball, which will result in severe pain.

The given answers to the questions of what to do if a midge has bitten you on the arm, leg, face, or how to relieve swelling of the eyelid, will be relevant for all people who have ever encountered an attack by a swarm of midges in the forest.

Consequences of a bite in the eye, possible complications

Each insect has its own set of toxic substances that affect the symptoms of the bite:

  • Mosquito - leaves behind a small swelling, light in color, with redness at the base. If you start intensively rubbing your eyes, trying to get rid of the itching, then very quickly an impressive swelling, a wet wound, similar to an abrasion, will appear.
  • Black flies - there may be no symptoms for several hours after the bite. Later, a dense hematoma forms, the eye becomes swollen, the eyelid swells and turns from purplish-red to bluish. Outwardly, it very much resembles the notorious hematoma under the eye, caused by a blow. The swelling can be eliminated quickly, but a dense lump will bother you for 3 to 7 days. They are the ones who most often bite in the eye area.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner, insect venom can provoke complications due to individual tolerance, where exactly the mosquito has bitten the eye. On the eyelids there is long-term swelling, an associated cosmetic problem, and the possibility of infection. If toxic mosquito saliva gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, then the consequences are more serious - the onset of an inflammatory process, temporary loss of vision, tearing.


As a rule, swelling occurs some time after the bite. Therefore, initially you may feel a slight pulsation and see a small wound. Watering and redness of the mucous membrane may also occur.

We suggest you read: Itching and rash symptoms of flea bites. First aid and treatment for bites

If an allergic reaction occurs, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and increased body temperature may occur.

A person may not feel the moment of a bite and only learn about it when the eye begins to swell and discomfort occurs. A pinpoint wound may be found on the eyelid in the center of the swelling. If the bite occurs on the mucous membrane of the eye, in addition to swelling and redness, increased lacrimation and painful pulsation in the eye area appear. The consequence of this is a temporary decrease in vision.

Rinse the affected eye with cold waterRinse the affected eye with cold water.
Risk factors for developing an allergic reaction may include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakened immune system;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • chronic liver and/or kidney diseases.

An allergic reaction can manifest itself in the form of severe redness, skin rash, angioedema, and it can also be generalized and spread to the respiratory tract. In this case, the swelling takes over the airways, and the person begins to suffocate. In such cases, you should seek medical help immediately.

If a patient develops an allergic reaction, the following may also occur:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • weakness;
  • anxiety, worry.

Midge bites in the eye area can cause not only swelling, but also other unpleasant consequences

Children, especially preschool children, often scratch the affected area vigorously, injuring it and opening the gates of infection. More often this causes local inflammation, but it can also provoke a general infectious-inflammatory process, with a deterioration in the general condition and an increase in temperature.

In most cases, swelling after an insect attack goes away quickly, and burning and itching in the affected area may persist for several days. However, it is difficult to say exactly how long the swelling will last - it depends on the person’s tendency to allergies, the presence of certain diseases, the type of midges, and the number of bites.

Effect of poison on the eye area

If a bee stings, several tens of seconds later several active substances from its venom, called “histamines,” enter the bloodstream. Red blood cells begin to gradually break down, and blood pressure drops. But an insect bite is not dangerous for an adult. It takes 500 bee stings in a short period of time to cause death.

Unpleasant consequences are inevitable. The bite site swells. A bee sting in the eye is accompanied by severe inflammation, because the eyelid is a sensitive area. The damaged area is painful to the touch and very irritated.

In rare cases, an allergy develops. Possible anaphylactic shock, weakness, severe swelling, a sharp increase in temperature, difficulty breathing. Vision drops sharply.

Tumor as a normal reaction of the body

People generally have the same reaction to a mosquito bite. During the bite process, the insect pierces the human skin, special enzymes enter the bloodstream, which prevent it from clotting during the first minutes. In addition, such substances have a short-term analgesic effect. There is a category of people whose body reacts ambiguously to these enzymes.

The body’s normal reaction to a mosquito is the appearance of edema and swelling after 3 minutes. The mosquito bite site should gradually smooth out on the skin, and the redness should disappear. If the symptoms worsen, itching and redness appear, this indicates the development of an allergic reaction or other pathologies.

The most obvious symptoms appear in children. Adults should not immediately worry: many children under the age of five often experience severe swelling and itching after a bite. This is a normal condition, since a child's skin is more delicate than that of an adult.

Throughout the day, swelling and swelling do not go away from the site of the child’s bite. However, after a day the baby’s skin is restored. A large tumor often appears in the eye area. The cause of swelling, itching and redness often lies in allergies if the listed symptoms do not go away.

Let's look at the main signs of an allergic reaction in children after a bite:

  • the area of ​​edema increases and amounts to 8-16 cm;
  • itching and burning, turning into hyperemia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness in the body;
  • chills or fever;
  • craving for sleep;
  • headache;
  • tachycardia;
  • difficulty breathing.

If you have the symptoms listed above, you should consult a doctor in order to confirm or deny the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Usually the doctor prescribes medications for external and internal use. When the baby is unable to breathe and the heartbeat increases, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Such a combination of circumstances is a rare occurrence with a mosquito bite. Quite often, such situations arise from the bite of the most dangerous insects - wasps, bumblebees and bees.

Local swelling can be cured at home by resorting to traditional medicine and a home first aid kit. The main thing when choosing medications for therapeutic therapy is to take into account age and the presence of allergic reactions to the components in a particular drug.

First aid

It should be taken into account that the skin around the eyes is extremely thin and sensitive; the use of products with aggressive components against mosquito bites is prohibited.

  • If your child’s eyes are swollen after a mosquito bite, you should immediately rinse the eyelid and disinfect the wound. For this purpose, cool water is used. Wipe the eyelid and apply a compress for a few minutes. You should not use soap to avoid irritation of the eye mucosa.
  • A baking soda solution will help relieve swelling, stop the inflammatory process, and eliminate itching. Small children under one year old should wipe the damaged area from mosquito bites with a solution - add 0.5 teaspoon of soda to 100 ml of cool water. Children over 1 year of age are allowed to apply baking soda paste to the eyelid for swelling and leave for 10 minutes. Add a little water to the soda until a paste forms.
  • Cabbage juice or leaves will help relieve swelling. Apply a compress with gauze, wipe with juice or fix a fresh cabbage leaf for 20 minutes.
  • If a mosquito bite occurs in the wild and the eyelid is swollen, it is recommended to use a clean plantain leaf. Or gently treat the wound with dandelion or celandine juice.
  • Lemon and potato juice have a pronounced antiseptic effect. Cucumber juice will help relieve swelling.

On a note!

If your eye is swollen, it is recommended to rinse it with black or green tea, or apply tea bags for a few minutes. When using any chosen remedy for puffiness with antiseptic properties, you need to make sure that it does not get on the mucous membrane.

Cause of tumor

If your eye is swollen after a mosquito bite, then remember that there is nothing to worry about. During the bite, the mosquito injects a special substance that prevents blood from clotting and provides adequate nutrition. Many doctors claim that this substance is a strong allergen and the immune system instantly reacts to the fact that poison has entered the blood.

If a mosquito bites a child on the eyelid, then a red spot initially appears with a dot at the site of the puncture of the epidermis. However, after a few minutes, swelling, swelling, and redness may appear. The skin around the eyes is extremely delicate and thin. Even the most minor damage can subsequently cause a strong local reaction.

It is important to know! Another feature of the epidermis under the eye is its ability to stretch greatly. Sometimes the eye may become completely swollen and not open. Fluid accumulation occurs during the period when the child lies down. In this case, swelling, redness and unpleasant itching immediately occur.

Pharmacy drugs

If there is a severe allergic reaction, doctors prescribe antihistamine tablets. The dose should be adjusted depending on age. Children under 1 year old should take ¼ part of Elcet, Eden, 1 tablet of Diazolin, ½ part of Suprastin. The medications must be given to the child before bedtime. The course of therapy depends on the complexity of the situation, but should not exceed 10 days. Antihistamines perfectly relieve swelling, redness, resist complications, and also have antiallergic properties.

It is imperative to instill Albucid drops into the eye. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic at an affordable cost. It is usually prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases and for prevention. The active ingredient is sulfacetamide with an antimicrobial effect. You should instill 1-2 drops into the eye up to 6 times a day. The dosage should be reduced as symptoms disappear.

The maximum course of therapy is 7 days. The cost of the drug is 100 rubles. The products are produced separately for both children and adults.

You can also use antihistamine ointments to treat the bite site, such as:

  • Fenistil gel;
  • Soventol;
  • Nezulin.

This drug should be applied pointwise up to 2 times a day. Should be used no more than one week.

If there are obvious symptoms of an allergic reaction, experts also recommend the use of hormonal drugs. However, their use must be supervised by a specialist. Quite often doctors prescribe Akriderm.

The addition of a secondary infection involves the use of antibiotics. Only a doctor should determine which drug is right for your child.

Eliminating symptoms

Itching and swelling cause victims severe discomfort, which can be eliminated using medication or folk methods.

Drug treatment

The following therapeutic measures help relieve local edema:

  • lotions with vinegar, soda or saline solution, furatsilin, novocaine (0.5%), as well as alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1;
  • rubbing with boric or ammonia;
  • local application of antiallergic creams and gels: Fenistil, Cynovit, Advantan, Psilo-balm;
  • hormonal ointments: Hydrocortisone, Sinaflan, Trimistin, Triderm, Kremgen.

If the swelling has spread to a large part of the body and the patient suffers from general poor health, the doctor may prescribe a number of medications:

  • antihistamines in tablets or injections: Tavegil, Loratadine, Claritin, Diazolin, Zyrtec;
  • decongestants: Furosemide, Manit, L-lysine escinate;
  • glucocorticoids: Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone, Dexamethasone.

Most often, Suprastin is prescribed for midge bites.

In case of severe pain, it is recommended to take Paracetamol or Nurofen. If a midge has bitten the eye, you can apply Levomekol or hydrocortisone ointment to the affected eyelid. It is better not to apply the medicine to the wound itself, as this may increase the discomfort. It is necessary to instill antibacterial drops into the eye - for example, Sulfacil.

In cases where an infection has entered the bite wound, treatment depends on the degree of its development.

  1. If the surface layers of the skin are damaged, it is sufficient to use glucocorticoid drugs (Gyoxysone, Prednisolone) and antiseptic ointments (Oflocaine, tetracycline ointment). You can also use medicine containing iodine (Betadine) and make lotions with boric acid.
  2. When deep wounds form, treatment begins with the use of hydrogen peroxide. Then the damage is treated with water-based antiseptics (Chlorhexidine or Decasan), after which an antiseptic ointment (Oflocain, Levomekol, Levosin) is applied to the wound. In some cases, it is possible to use antibiotics (Azithromycin, Augmentin).
  3. In cases where the wound is covered with a black scab, before the above actions, it may be necessary to surgically remove the crust, under which pus usually accumulates. Along with wound disinfection, hormonal ointments are used to reduce inflammation.

After the condition of the wound has stabilized, it is necessary to treat it with local agents that promote skin healing: Bepanten, Panthenol, Solcoseryl, Methyluracil.

Treatment with folk remedies

Peppermint juice helps relieve swelling and reduce itching

If there are no medications at hand, after disinfecting the wound, you can use folk remedies. The following recipes help relieve itching and reduce swelling.

  1. Lotions with fresh parsley juice.
  2. Onion or cabbage leaf gruel.
  3. Oral hygiene product containing menthol. Both mouthwash and regular toothpaste will do.
  4. Crushed leaves of bird cherry, dandelion, plantain, mint, lemon balm, yarrow, wormwood.
  5. Honey infusion with geranium. In a glass of water you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and put a few geranium flowers there. In a day the setting will be ready for use. You can use it to lubricate bite sites and wash your eyes.
  6. Essential oils of mint, lemon, tea tree. It is advisable to use them not in pure form, but after diluting 6-7 drops in a tablespoon of olive or any other vegetable oil.
  7. Lotions made from black tea, as well as decoctions of chamomile, marshmallow and rose hips. They can be applied directly to the eyes, mouth and other mucous membranes.

An effective way to relieve swelling is a cold compress with ice cubes. Instead of ice, you can take chilled slices of cucumber or fresh potatoes. But it is not recommended to heat the affected area: this can increase the itching and pain. For the same reason, you should not take a hot bath in the first few days after the bite.

Application of traditional methods

Experienced summer residents who know how mosquitoes bite use a standard set of folk remedies to combat the main symptoms. It contains extracts from tea tree and aloe. It is allowed to use alcohol tinctures, through which disinfection is carried out. To cope with swelling at home, you will need:

  • Tweezers. With its help, the proboscis of the biting pest is removed, which sometimes remains at the puncture site.
  • The bitten area is disinfected. Alcohol tinctures or special lotions are suitable for this.
  • To get rid of itching and swelling in the area of ​​the bite that is swollen, you can use ice cubes, tooth powder or baking soda solution. For a child under one year old, use only a weak solution, which includes a food solution.

To prevent allergies to mosquito bites from getting worse, folk remedies are combined with medications.

Preventing and treating eye infections

A mosquito bite hurts, especially on sensitive skin like the eyelid. But it will be even more painful if an infection gets into the bite site. Moreover, the constant itching makes you want to scratch your eyes. This injures the mucous membranes and increases the risk of introducing pathogenic microflora. Therefore, after an insect bite, prevention of infectious complications is recommended. For this purpose, antimicrobial drops are used: Vitabact or Albucid. It is enough to instill 1 drop of the drug 2-3 times a day.

Mosquito bites should be taken seriously, just like bites from other insects. Especially if they cause severe swelling in the eyes - a sign of an allergy. Therefore, always keep in your home medicine cabinet products that help cope with swelling and itching. Even in winter, since mosquitoes in modern houses with heated basements bother residents of all floors even in the cold season.

Health Hazard

In addition to the unpleasant sensations after a mosquito bite, a person is exposed to a number of other dangers:

  • Allergy. It develops as a consequence of increased sensitivity to the components of the saliva of the ectoparasite. It contains anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting as the insect feeds. These substances are potential allergens. In most cases, a person with a predisposition to this pathology develops local symptoms of allergic manifestations, including severe pain, extensive swelling, spreading to the eyelid and part of the face. Also characteristic are eczema-like rashes and increased body temperature. In some situations, with severe hypersensitivity to anticoagulants, the pathology is not limited only to local problems - there is a chance of developing Quincke's edema throughout the body, anaphylactic shock, requiring immediate medical attention and hospitalization of the person in a hospital.
  • Secondary bacterial infections. Mosquito bites reduce local skin immunity. Along with this, a person regularly scratches the damaged eyelid due to itching, which provokes the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the organ of vision. In the absence of timely antiseptic regular treatment, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and other inflammatory eye diseases of an infectious nature quickly develop.
  • Severe infectious diseases. The insect can act as a carrier of pathogens of serious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoan pathological microorganisms - filariasis, encephalitis, dengue and Nile fevers, setaria, malaria, tularemia and meningitis. The chances of contracting them are low, but if several predisposing circumstances coincide, they are quite possible.

Bites on the eyes and face

Consequences of a midge bite on the face
Consequences of a midge bite on the face

A midge bite in the eye, eyelid and other parts of the face is especially dangerous, because not only swelling occurs, but also severe lacrimation, possible blurred vision, dizziness and shortness of breath.

Rules of action if a midge bites you in the eye:

  • it is strictly forbidden to scratch the bitten area, so as not to cause additional irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • a midge bite on the eyelid is treated by applying a cotton pad soaked in parsley or green tea juice, you can apply an ice cube and hold it on the eyelid for 2 minutes;
  • Apply an antihistamine cream around the eye circumference to relieve itching and swelling: hydrocortisone 0.5% ointment, etc.;
  • Raw potato juice, which is obtained after grating the tuber through a grater, or applying a small clean slice, relieves swelling of the eyes well;
  • Compresses made from parsley, bird cherry and mint leaves can soothe itching and relieve burning.

Treatment of swelling of the eyelids and eyes after a midge bite is best done after visiting and receiving recommendations from an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe special drops to restore the mucous membrane, reduce pain and discomfort.

Actions that are prohibited to do when bitten by midges:

  • Do not scratch the bitten area;
  • taking hormonal medications and antibiotics is carried out only as directed by a doctor; they cannot be prescribed independently;
  • hormonal ointments are not recommended to be applied directly to the wound, but only around it, so as not to cause increased burning;
  • To avoid an allergic reaction, do not neglect taking an antihistamine.

What to do if your eyelid is swollen from an insect bite

In most cases, after a mosquito bites the soft tissue of the eyelid, medical intervention is not required. The effects pass quickly, from a few hours to 2-3 days. But it is worth noting that with age or in young children, mosquito bites in the eye area can have unpredictable consequences. Therefore, you should be wary if the following symptoms appear:

  • The eyelid is very swollen - the diameter of the blister exceeds 1 cm, the swelling spreads to the temporal area, cheeks, bridge of the nose;
  • allergic itching and rash gradually appears from the eyelid, on the face, neck, chest and arms;
  • weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea appeared;
  • increase in general body temperature, feeling of heat in the eyelid;
  • the tumor continues to grow in size;
  • suppuration on the eyelid or mucous membrane of the eye;
  • difficulty breathing, chills.

This may indicate a severe allergic reaction or infection. In any case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist and urgently undergo a course of medication.

The popular video explained in an accessible, understandable language all the main points associated with summer problems - a mosquito bite in the lower eyelid area, the consequences of an attack, first aid methods, methods of drug treatment.

Traditional methods

Available home remedies are the first type of help when a mosquito or other insect has bitten the lower eyelid area. First of all, it is necessary to treat the affected area. Rinse the eye with cold water, preferably using laundry soap, and apply a piece of ice wrapped in a soft cloth to the blister. Then proceed with basic treatment:

  • Regular table vinegar is suitable for these purposes. Moisten a cotton swab with a small amount of 9% vinegar and gently wipe the eyelid without touching the mucous membranes. You can replace it with lemon juice or ammonia, taking the same precautions.
  • Mix 100 grams of vodka and 2 tablets of validol, crushed into powder. Moisten a cotton swab with the mixture and wipe the bite site every 30-60 minutes.
  • Also, any sedative tinctures are suitable for treatment - “Valocardin”, “Corvalol”. The medicines and menthol included in the composition quickly eliminate itching and burning.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in 100 ml of boiled water, apply a sterile bandage soaked in the solution for 10-20 minutes, repeat until there is a clear improvement.
  • Raw potatoes help a lot. Peel the root vegetable and cut it in half, apply it to the lower eyelid area for a while. Repeat several times, updating the slice.
  • Parsley juice has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Squeeze a small amount onto a gauze or cotton swab, apply a compress for 20-30 minutes, repeat until symptoms are completely eliminated.
  • Apply a cabbage leaf, grated or whole, to the eye every hour for 15 minutes.
  • Onion (or garlic) juice has anti-inflammatory properties. Cut the onion into quarters and apply to the bite site. Make sure that the caustic juice does not get into the eye; if this happens, rinse with plenty of cool water.

If the above methods do not bring a positive result, then you need to resort to pharmaceuticals.


The main goal of drug treatment is to relieve the allergic reaction and prevent the growth of edema. Therefore, you should take antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. To quickly relieve primary symptoms, ophthalmologists recommend doing the following:

  • No matter how severe the itching after a mosquito bite, do not scratch or touch your eyes with your hands at all. This can cause the infection to spread if it is acquired during a bite.
  • Take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug - Acetylsalicylic acid, Nimesil, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  • Take an antihistamine tablet every 3-4 hours. Available over-the-counter drugs are suitable - “Fenistil”, “Suprastin”, “Diozolin”, “Zyrtek”.
  • Disinfect the bite site with hydrogen peroxide - carefully, using a cotton swab, in several approaches, without touching the mucous membranes. If the sore spot has already been combed and a bleeding wound appears, treat the area with an antiseptic. Greenery is best.
  • Apply drops to the affected eye with preparations based on naphthyzine and diphenhydramine.
  • Use an antihistamine or hormone-based ointment. For example, “Hydrokartison” eliminates unpleasant sensations after the first use. “Psilo-balm”, “Fenistil gel”, “Cycloderm”, “Nezulin” help well.
  • Alternate procedures every hour.
  • If there is no result in the next 12 hours, contact the clinic.

If you follow the recommendations, the swelling, itching, and burning go away very quickly. Otherwise, this may be a sign of anaphylactic shock, infection, or the development of rapid inflammation.


What to do if a mosquito bite causes itching, redness and swelling, which indicates an allergic reaction? To establish an allergy, they consult a doctor, after which the patient is prescribed antihistamines that block the release of histamines into the blood.

Modern allergy medications do not cause side effects, so they can be given even to a child. If a person with allergies is aware of his diagnosis, before going for a walk in the forest, he must take drops or tablets for redness and allergies in advance. Antihistamines quickly relieve swelling from the eyelid and relieve itching. The most popular drugs include:

  • Cetrin.
  • Altiva.
  • Allergomax.
  • Aleron.

Most often, people take pills to prevent or relieve allergic swelling. Some medications are sold at pharmacies in the form of a spray or drops for the eyes or nose.

Special syrups with a sweet aftertaste are produced for children. Injections are also effective if the affected area is very swollen. Among injection medications, Diphenhydramine and Suprastin are widely known.

In extreme cases, when the patient suddenly experiences an attack of suffocation, an antihistamine is administered intramuscularly.

Drugs from the NSAID group

You can relieve swelling and swelling after a mosquito bite in the eyelid or other area on the face using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Let's look at the most popular medications in this category:

  • Nimesulide. The medicine effectively relieves hyperemia in the affected area and brings the person’s temperature back to normal. In addition, the medicine relieves pain and itching.
  • Meloxicam. Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can take it for a long time, but only under the close attention of your doctor. The medicine is used as intramuscular injections, ointments and tablets. Adults are recommended to take 1 tablet per day. It is not recommended for children to use the drug.
  • Celecoxib. It is prescribed by a doctor if the patient has progressive inflammation in the wound after a mosquito bite. Tablets are not given to children.

Ointments, gels and balms

How to relieve swelling and swelling of the eye from a mosquito bite? Gels, ointments and balms combat this disease well. The therapeutic effect of the ointment against mosquito bites is felt 10 minutes after application. In addition, the product is easily removed from the skin and washed off clothes. The following are popular medications for mosquito bites for external use:

  • Cream-based gel Nezulin is made on a natural basis with the addition of celandine, chamomile, plantain, lavender oil and basil. It is easy to use the medicine: just apply a small layer of the gel to the mosquito wound. The drug relieves itching, reduces swelling and prevents the appearance of the inflammatory process.
  • Fenistil gel has anti-inflammatory properties, which relieves a person from pain and severe itching.
  • Psilose balm is sold on pharmacy shelves in the form of an ointment. Contains diphenhydramine. Indications for use: swelling and itching. Due to diphenhydramine, which is part of the ointment, the drug should not be used by pregnant women and children under one year of age. The medicine is also prohibited from being used with alcohol or when walking in the scorching sun.

Why are bites dangerous?

Swelling and swelling from a mosquito bite is a common occurrence in the summer. A short-term swelling appears on the affected area, which you always want to scratch. The consequences are not always harmless.

Human blood is a vital substance for mosquitoes to survive. Why does the bite of this insect itch? The thing is that during a mosquito bite, anticoagulants penetrate into the blood, preventing it from clotting. Otherwise, the microscopic wound would quickly close, and the mosquito would not get enough. This is why the affected area itches and swells.

Wound healing

Anticoagulants act as an irritant for the human body and provoke an allergic reaction. Depending on the location of the mosquito bite, various complications can develop. For example, a mosquito bite on the eyelid can cause a person to lose visual ability due to swelling and swelling. The tumor does not disappear from this area of ​​the body for a long time, since the skin around the eyes is thin and delicate. In rare cases, a mosquito bite can lead to the development of eye diseases.

Swelling from an insect

Due to the individual structure of the body, people have different effects on stimuli from the external environment. Swelling is especially pronounced in a small child, causing severe itching and redness.


Swelling and redness after a mosquito bite is a common cause of allergies. If the substances that penetrated the human blood did not cause allergies, then the swelling will quickly pass and will not leave a trace.

Histamine allergy diagram

Let's consider the main manifestations of histamine release into the bloodstream:

  1. Allergic swelling of the face, characterized by massive rashes like urticaria.
  2. A sudden attack of suffocation that resembles bronchial asthma.
  3. Increasing body temperature.
  4. Periodic itching in the affected area that does not go away for several hours.
  5. Accumulation of a large amount of viscous fluid in the nasal cavity.
  6. Rash on other parts of the body.

It is necessary to visit a doctor if a person has these symptoms. In extreme cases, angioedema may develop. This situation rarely happens in medicine. As a rule, an ambulance is called for the patient.

Mosquitoes as carriers of diseases

Health problems arise from a mosquito bite if the insect was a carrier of the following diseases:

  • Encephalitis.
  • Tularemia.
  • Setariasis.
  • Fever.
  • Malaria.
  • Dirophyllariasis.
  • Brugioz.
  • Wuhereosis.


Infections with the listed diseases are often recorded in tropical countries and Central Asian countries. In the Russian Federation, similar cases have been recorded in the south, rarely in the central part and Siberia.

The following changes in the human body indicate infection:

  • Detection of eye infections.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Modification of the subcutaneous layer.
  • Disturbed functioning of the central nervous system.
  • The presence of urge to vomit and nausea.
  • The work of the lymphatic system is being restructured.

Types of mosquitoes

In rare cases, a person may faint. It is noted that the types of mosquito bites and symptoms after them may differ. If you are planning a vacation to tropical countries, you must be vaccinated against the above-mentioned diseases in the hospital.


Hyperemia after a bite is swelling, due to which blood flow to the affected area of ​​the body increases, and, as a result, redness develops. The name of the pathology comes from two Greek words “over” and “blood”. The disease is not transmitted to other people.


If such a symptom is present, consult a doctor for treatment. Hyperemia is divided into 2 types. In the first type, arterial, the patient’s blood flow in the arteries increases, so the tone of the vasoconstrictor or vasoconstrictor nerves decreases. Venous congestion is characterized by swelling at the site of blood accumulation.

Depending on the predisposition of the human body, mosquito bites may cause the first or second type of hyperemia.

How to protect yourself from mosquito or other mosquito bites

To ensure that mosquitoes, midges and other vermin do not cause discomfort, some loss of ability to work, or ruined precious vacation days, it is necessary to follow basic preventive rules:

  • Avoid visiting places densely overgrown with grass, with high humidity (the banks of abandoned bets, swampy forests, natural reservoirs with reed thickets, etc.);
  • wear trousers and long-sleeved shirts made of thin cotton fabric;
  • during overnight hikes, ensure the presence of a mosquito net;
  • use essential oils of mint, lavender, cloves, juniper - the pleasant smell for humans repels midges;
  • on vacation near bodies of water, stock up on, and most importantly, actively use repellent products - sprays, ointments, outdoor spirals;
  • Always carry with you a package of antihistamines, simple anti-inflammatory drugs - “Paracetamol”, “Aspirin”, “Diozolin”, “Suprastin”.

This does not mean that you need to turn into a pharmacy stall and carry all kinds of drugs with you. It is enough to use one type of proven and reliable product to eliminate the possibility of a mosquito bite. It is worth mentioning that the choice of medications must be treated with caution - many can cause allergic reactions, especially in children.

How to remove swelling from the eye after a mosquito bite?

A red dot remains in the place where the mosquito stuck its proboscis. Through it, mosquito saliva with a substance that prevents blood clotting got under the skin. It often causes an allergic reaction in the form of swelling, redness and itching of the affected area. And the skin on the eyelids and around the eyes is so delicate and elastic that after an insect bite it can stretch several times. It is scary to show yourself to people with such swelling; it blocks part of the field of vision and causes pain. Therefore, you need to get rid of the consequences of a mosquito bite on the eye immediately. What should we do for this?

How to relieve swelling?

For uncomplicated swelling, home treatment using local remedies is possible.

If the patient has signs of systemic allergies, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, symptoms of a severe bacterial infection and other serious pathologies, then it is imperative to consult a doctor. Specialists who carry out diagnostics and therapy in this case: pediatrician, therapist, allergist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist.

In home practice, medications in the form of ointments, sprays, gels and traditional medicine recipes are widely used.

Drug treatment

Considering the proximity of the affected skin to the organ of vision, it is necessary to select medications for treatment as carefully as possible. They must be effective and safe.

Carrying out antiseptic treatment

It is carried out with antiseptics that do not create preconditions for chemical or thermal burns. These are the drugs chlorhexidine and miramistin.

  • Chlorhexidine. A local antiseptic that effectively inhibits the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It does not have a systemic or burning effect, and is not absorbed deeply into the skin. Chlorhexidine is applied to any type of skin, including scratched, swollen, and small wounds.
  • Miramistin. An effective disinfectant and antiseptic for external use. It does not have a pathological effect on the mucous membranes and skin, does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and is not absorbed by soft tissues. Suppresses the growth of most known pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and individual viruses.

Use of antihistamines

Antihistamines reduce the intensity of allergies by blocking histamine receptors locally and systemically. They are used in the presence of signs of corresponding pathological reactions, accompanied by extensive swelling of the eyelid, severe irritation of the epidermis and mucous membranes, itching and pain. If necessary, it is possible to combine local agents and drugs in tablet form.

  • Fenistil gel. Contains dimethindene, a 1st generation antihistamine that has a rapid antiallergic effect when used topically. It should be applied on the outside of the eyelid up to 3 times a day for 1 week.
  • Loratadine. Tricyclic selective antihistamine 2 generations. Safe for systemic use in tablet form. Strengthens the effect of local anti-allergy remedies.

Use of anti-inflammatory drugs

A mosquito bite on the eyelid is accompanied by severe inflammation of the skin and soft tissues. Corticosteroid-based drugs can effectively stop it. They can be used systemically (tablets, injections) only as prescribed by a doctor, however, local ointments and creams are used as part of home treatment.

Known corticosteroid ointments: prednisolone, betamethasone, hydrocortisone, lorindene, sinaflan, mometasone.

Restoration of mucous membranes and epithelium

In the second phase of home treatment, after overcoming the acute reactive period of the pathological process, complex therapy is supplemented with agents that restore the skin of the eyelid.

Preparations based on dexpanthenol are safe for the eyes. This component is one of the forms of vitamin B and is a derivative of pantothenic acid. After absorption into the epithelium, it accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes and epidermis, normalizes cellular metabolism, and increases the strength of collagen fibers.

Known drugs: panthenol, heppiderm, bepanten, dexpan.

Antibacterial therapy

In case of confirmed infection of the bite site or nearby elements of the organ of vision with pathogenic bacteria, local antibacterial treatment must be carried out. Two types of funds are used:

  • Drops. Apply directly to the eye, allowing you to treat the skin from the inside of the eyelid. Typical representatives are Sofradex, Vitabact, Tsipromed, Normax.
  • Ointments. The outer part of the eyelid is called the means. Typical representatives are gentamicin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, clindamycin.

It is advisable to use an antibacterial agent after prior consultation with your doctor.

How to quickly get rid of a mosquito bite

In our latitudes there are at least 3 most common types of mosquitoes:

  • malarial;
  • spring mosquitoes;
  • squeaking mosquitoes, which do not allow us to live peacefully in the summer.

Mosquitoes are two-winged insects that survive in a wide variety of environmental conditions. The males of this genus of insects are the most harmless. They have no contact with people and feed on pollen. Females need regular intake of protein into the body, which they take from the blood of people and animals. They need protein for active reproduction.

One female bites only once in her entire life. After this, she lays eggs and immediately dies. That is why mosquitoes are often called “ephemerals.” The biting process itself is almost always painless, since mosquitoes have very thin noses, the penetration of which into the skin we practically do not feel. But after a certain time, at the end of the bite, we begin to feel an unpleasant burning sensation.

One female bites only once in her entire life. Anticoagulants usually cause swelling and swelling at the site of the bite. Gradually this mark begins to itch. If you start scratching the tumor after an insect bite, its saliva will begin to quickly spread into neighboring tissues, as a result of which the itching will only become more intense.

Mosquito bites usually cause a lot of discomfort if there are a lot of them

Small children also do not tolerate them well, so it is important for young parents to know how to relieve swelling from an insect bite and at the same time get rid of itching

Every person should know what to do if they are bothered by mosquitoes and how to relieve swelling from an insect bite. This can be done both with folk remedies and with special preparations. Typically, bites manifest themselves in the form of itching and slight swelling that interfere with life. There are several basic methods that can help in the process of eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Experts also consider a baking soda solution to be a good remedy. Approximately 1/2 tsp is diluted per glass of water. Or you can apply it in the form of a paste.

If you have been bitten on the leg and the foot is swollen, as a rule, unpleasant pain occurs; onion juice will help get rid of it. To do this, just peel a fresh onion and apply the cut side to the bite site. Both itching and unpleasant pain will disappear.

There are many medications that help relieve swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. Examples of such gels and ointments include “Zvezdochka”, “Vitaon”, “Psilo-balm”. Such drugs are inexpensive, but they get rid of itching in a matter of seconds.

Special antihistamines, such as Sinaflan, Advantan, Fenistil-gel, often help

It is very important not to use medications on mucous membranes (eyes, lips, etc.). For such places, an ordinary frozen piece of ice is more suitable.

As you can see, insect bites, the treatment of which is not so difficult, can be easily disarmed.

An insect attack is considered dangerous, since during this period the enzymes that make up the saliva of the mosquito penetrate into the circulatory system of the victim. Against the background of the reaction, the blood clotting process is prevented and allergies are provoked.

More than 90 species of mosquitoes live on the territory of the Russian Federation. Most often, victims are attacked by representatives of the genus Culex, Ochlerotatus and Anopheles. Mosquitoes are classified as two-winged insects, the males of which are harmless, while the females carry dangerous diseases, including malaria.

The female drinks blood once, then she lays eggs and dies. The attack process itself is often painless.

Rarely does the victim experience a sensation similar to that of an injection. The insect likes to attack delicate skin located near blood vessels. The female uses her trunk to pierce the dermis. When she bites, she injects her saliva with an anticoagulant - a substance that prevents blood from clotting.

When a mosquito bites a person, it causes discomfort, which is dangerous for small children, especially newborns. Such persons do not control their feelings, constantly scratching the problem area.

An allergic reaction provoked by a mosquito attack occurs less frequently and manifests itself to a mild degree, in contrast to the attack of stinging insects, for example, bees and wasps.

We suggest you read: At what temperature does the scabies mite die?

Signs of the phenomenon under consideration include:

  1. swelling of the skin;
  2. high body temperature;
  3. migraine.

Sometimes a mild clinical intoxication develops. The risk group for an allergic reaction includes asthmatics of any age. Rarely do doctors diagnose urticaria, vasomotor type rhinitis and bronchospasm. When any of these diseases occur, the patient is hospitalized, examined, provided with primary care, and subsequent treatment is prescribed.

How to help a child with a mosquito bite on the eyelid?

The eyelid can also swell in children. They endure mosquito bites much more severely. In addition, the child practically cannot restrain himself when the bitten area itches and scratches it. Thus, the condition worsens.

The child’s body reacts differently to anticoagulants that enter the bloodstream along with mosquito saliva:

  1. Local allergy - swelling subsides after a day, and the diameter of the swelling does not exceed 10 cm.
  2. A mild degree is accompanied by an increase in temperature and rashes.
  3. A serious condition will be indicated by manifestations in the form of nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, anaphylactic shock, and vascular collapse.

If you have the slightest allergic reaction, you should immediately show your child to a doctor.

What to do if a child suffers from mosquito bites in the eye? How to relieve your baby from painful sensations in a short time:

  1. Use cold water or a piece of ice to wipe the eyelid.
  2. You should definitely use Albucid (Sulfacil) drops.
  3. You cannot do without antihistamines.

Thus, the remedies listed above will help solve the problem: soda solution, Aloe Vera gel, antipruritic agents.

There are many ways you can protect yourself from unwanted bites. But if this happens, it is important to immediately begin treating the inflammation. The main thing is to be patient and let the swelling go away without scratching.

What to do if your leg is swollen

If a person is bitten by a midge and then his leg swells, he should know what to do to localize the site of the swelling. The victim should be given first aid using available means.

It is very important to prevent scratching, which can increase inflammation and lead to various complications.

  • Immediately after a bite, apply pressure to the affected areas of the skin to prevent the spread of poisonous saliva;
  • It is very good if you can cool the inflamed area with a piece of ice. You can also soak your foot in cold water for a while. This will significantly reduce discomfort;
  • Mint toothpaste or a mouthwash with a refreshing effect will also be useful if your leg is very swollen after a midge bite. Applied to the inflamed area, they will provide some relief;
  • A bag of drunk black tea applied to the area of ​​swelling will help make it smaller;
  • Dandelion milky juice, mashed mint and plantain leaves, onion gruel have a good wound-healing effect.

Medicinal methods

Drug treatments are used to relieve inflammation. It is recommended to treat the affected area with an ammonia solution (ammonia). The drug cools and disinfects the skin well.

You can relieve swelling from a midge bite on your leg using an alcohol compress. They do this as follows:

  1. Medical alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1;
  2. A soft cloth soaked in this solution is applied to the bite site;
  3. Actively evaporating, alcohol cools the skin well and relieves puffiness.

Let's consider how to treat a leg if a midge bite provokes the development of a bacterial infection or an allergic reaction. The following medications are used to treat complications:

  • To relieve an allergic reaction, antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil), calcium preparations are used;
  • Severe swelling is well relieved with hormonal drugs (Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone);
  • If an infection occurs, the patient is recommended to take antibiotics, both locally (in the form of ointments) and internally (in the form of tablets, solutions). The wound should be thoroughly treated with brilliant green or iodine.

Traditional therapy methods

If your legs are swollen and itchy due to midge bites, traditional medicine will also help. You can localize swelling using the following recipes:

  • A thick decoction of dried veronica. Compresses should be made from it on the bite site;
  • Soda compresses. Apply a concentrated solution of soda to the leg swelling, leave for a while and rinse with cold water;
  • Laundry soap. Treat the bite site with it;
  • Potato juice. You can put a potato cut in half on the bite;
  • Finely chop or crush a leaf of white cabbage and apply to the bite site. Secure with adhesive tape.

How to relieve swelling and swelling from a midge bite

If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, the eyelid will begin to swell and swell. Therefore, you should know how to relieve swelling from a midge bite. In this situation, folk methods will come to the rescue.


Baking soda will help relieve pain after an insect attack. Its solution can reduce swelling of the eyes (1 tsp per glass of water).

Plantain and mint

Effectively relieves inflammation of the eye and relieves swelling. To do this, the leaves of the plant are washed with cool water, slightly crushed and applied to the affected area. Mint has similar properties. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, it removes swelling and protects the eyes from infection.


To prevent your eyelid from itching, you can use parsley juice. A piece of gauze soaked in it is applied to the eyes for several minutes. Such lotions relieve itching, swelling and swelling, and also improve vision due to the high content of vitamin A.

Plantain, mint, parsley and soda


You can relieve swelling, itching and soothe irritated eye skin with a decoction of chamomile.

You need to know this! It is dangerous to treat eyes with swelling with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or vinegar solutions. Such procedures can lead to corneal burns. Alcohol and vinegar lotions are effective when midges have bitten your arms, legs or back.


Treatment of edema often begins with the use of cold compresses. By applying ice wrapped in a cloth to your eye, you can quickly get rid of the discomfort.


The consequences of a bite can also be relieved with the help of raw potatoes. It is enough to cut it lengthwise and apply it to the bitten eyelid. After several such procedures, the swelling of the eye will decrease significantly.

Chamomile, raw potatoes and ice

Knowing how to relieve swelling of the eyelid when bitten by a midge, you can provide timely assistance to the victim. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if your health has worsened. This is especially important for children, since their body’s immune defense is much weaker than that of adults. If a child gets a midge in his eye, he should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Rinse thoroughly

It is important to wash the area well with soap and water to avoid bacterial infection or, worse, Morgellons syndrome. Dry with blotting movements without rubbing.

Biting midges have four sharp blades in their mouths that tear the skin, leaving a small open wound susceptible to infection.

After thoroughly cleansing your skin, apply an antiseptic.

Apply apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is a popular natural home remedy that is used for a variety of purposes. It will help reduce swelling, pain, and redness. Soak a cotton swab in a little vinegar (1 part water to 1 part vinegar) and gently apply it to the area until it starts to feel better.

Apply a cold compress

If a midge bite causes swelling and unbearable itching, you may find some relief by applying a cold compress. Add some ice to a damp cloth and place it on the wound. Keep it on the affected area for at least 15 minutes.

The cooling sensation will reduce swelling, numbness of the skin, and relieve itching. Do not apply ice directly to the skin or leave the compress on for more than 20 minutes.

Use anti-itch cream

There are a huge number of pencils, sprays, balms that relieve itching, burning, and pain. Over-the-counter creams such as Cortizone-10 contain hydrocortisone.

Hydrocortisone is a chemical compound that temporarily relieves the itching associated with insect bites. Many creams contain aloe, which helps soothe and moisturize the skin.

Essential oils

Essential oils are an excellent treatment for insect bites. With a few drops you can quickly get rid of swelling and itching. Some will help prevent infection.

The best essential oils for midge bites:

  • Lavender;
  • Lemon balm;
  • Tea tree;
  • Chamomile;
  • Thyme;
  • Mint;
  • Eucalyptus.

It is important to remember that oils are extremely effective and should never be applied directly to the skin. Before using, you need to make sure that you dilute it with a quality carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, almond.

They are great for repelling midges, midges, and other annoying pests.

Take aspirin

Aspirin is a treatment that reduces inflammation associated with midge bites and also helps reduce swelling and itching. Use the back of a spoon to crush the aspirin and mix it with a little water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the injury site and leave for ten minutes.

Take a cold shower

If you're dealing with multiple bites, taking a cold shower for ten minutes will help you feel better. Cold water reduces swelling from midges and other insects.

The danger of a midge bite

The saliva of midges contains toxic substances, as a result of which, after a midge bite, skin irritation, swelling and swelling often occur. The biting process is different from that of a mosquito: the midge bites with its jaws, damaging a small piece of the upper layer of the epidermis and its saliva with an anesthetic gets into the wound.

The bloodsucker's saliva contains a strong hemolytic poison that can cause swelling and swelling from the bite, as well as:

  • anticoagulants;
  • enzymes that dilate blood vessels;
  • substances that break down blood components to make it easier for insects to digest.

Very often, the victim experiences swelling from a midge bite and manifestations of allergies in the form of severe itching and inflammation. In rare cases, the extremities become swollen or swollen.

Itching can usually last for several days or longer, causing a strong desire to scratch, which can cause skin damage and suppuration. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the burning sensation and soothe the itching after an attack and bites by midges by any available means.


Repellents are means that repel insects. It is enough to use them in nature so that midges cannot bite you. In addition, you should not wear white clothes and avoid tall thickets of grass near water bodies. At such events you should always have a first aid kit with the necessary medications with you. House flies bite no less painfully than those that can be found in the forest. To get rid of midges in an apartment, you can use fumigators.


  • https://zdravushka-med.ru/interesnoe/opuh-glaz-posle-ukusa-komara.html
  • https://paracels24.ru/bolezni/ukus-nasekomogo-v-veko.html
  • https://klopkan.ru/komary/rebenka-ukusil-komar-v-glaz-vse-opuhlo-chto-delat-kak-snyat-otek-na-veke/
  • https://komarmuha.ru/chto-delat-esli-komar-ukusil-v-veko
  • https://www.spacehealth.ru/bolezni-glaz/veki/otek-veka/kak-snyat-otek-veka-ot-ukusa-komara-i-drugogo-nasekomogo/
  • https://OtekOff.ru/otek/otek-ot-ukusa/komar-ukusil-v-veko
  • https://ozrenii.ru/glaza/komar-ukusil-v-veko.html
  • https://vzglyad-sevastopol.ru/raznoe/ukusil-komar-opuh-glaz-u-rebenka.html


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