Folk remedies for mosquito and midge bites to prevent itching

  1. How to relieve itching from mosquito bites at home Lemon
  2. Essential oils
  3. Banana peel
  4. Bulb onions
  5. Apple cider vinegar for mosquito bites
  6. Potato
  7. Soda
  8. Tinctures
  • Pharmacy remedies for itching after mosquito bites
  • If you do not apply appropriate mosquito repellents in a timely manner, then after being bitten by these insects, a person will inevitably receive irritation, which will lead to swelling of the skin, unpleasant itching, redness, and sometimes painful sensations. Let's look at a number of ways to relieve itching from a mosquito bite at home.

    Itching from mosquito bites

    Timely use of mosquito repellents and having suitable insect repellent products on hand will save you from a lot of discomfort, discomfort and skin irritation.

    Vanillin has recently gained popularity as a natural mosquito repellent. The repellent recipe is not complicated: just dilute it with water in a container equipped with a spray bottle and generously sprinkle it on yourself. Repellent and perfume in one bottle!

    But if it was not possible to avoid bites, you can use folk recipes to quickly reduce itching from mosquito bites, based on the use of natural products.

    Why and what do mosquitoes bite?

    For female reproduction, protein is needed, and the female obtains it from the blood of mammals.

    Four jaws with long thin needle teeth placed in a long case - this is what the female’s oral organs look like.

    The female, ready for mating, makes a characteristic squeak with her wings, and the male, feeding only on nectar, flies towards him.

    During her life (from 43 to 119 days), the female lays an average of 150 eggs every two to three days. Moreover, autumn mosquitoes spend the winter and can begin to bite as early as April. The life period depends on the average temperature; the higher it is (25 degrees), the faster the mosquito dies, and at a temperature of 10 degrees it lives a long time - up to four months.

    What causes redness and a bump after a mosquito bite?

    Mosquito saliva contains an anticoagulant and histamine. After injection, the anticoagulant (hirudin) changes blood clotting; this is necessary so that the female can suck the blood freely for the required time.

    Histamine contained in mosquito saliva has the same effect on the human circulatory system as its own - it significantly expands the capillaries to fill them with blood. The mosquito itself needs histamine to facilitate the supply of food - the blood of mammals.

    At the time of the bite, under the influence of two factors - decreased blood clotting and the presence of foreign histamine - swelling develops, accompanied by itching, bloating, and pain. This skin reaction to a bite is similar to an allergic one.

    The better parents understand which plant juice helps with mosquito bites, the less noticeable the consequences of an encounter with blood-sucking insects will be. Care in choosing a protective agent will help to avoid such serious consequences as allergies and anaphylactic shock, when the help of a doctor cannot be avoided.

    Bumps, like mosquito bites, can develop after meeting other insects (bees, midges), leeches, snakes, whose blood contains the same anticoagulants and histamine. Discovered by John Haycraft in 1884, the anticoagulant enzyme hirudin is used today to create drugs that prevent blood clotting.

    Why does the mosquito bite area become so itchy and swollen?

    By piercing the skin with its proboscis, a mosquito (or midge) injects a little saliva into the wound, which contains anticoagulants - substances that prevent protective blood clotting. The insect needs the blood to remain liquid, otherwise it will be impossible to drink it.

    Different people's bodies react differently to insect saliva. For some it goes almost unnoticed, but for others it causes severe allergic itching and swelling. As a rule, the bite site itches for several hours, and then the itching gradually subsides.

    Most often, swelling and redness last no more than a day. But if the immune system overreacts, the red blister may not go away for several days. Sometimes a rash or bruise appears at the site of the wound.

    What to do against mosquito bites?

    Preventive mosquito control measures can reduce the number of bites by 90%.

    Getting rid of squeaking parasites in your home is not difficult. Modern products produced by industry are quite diverse. There are three groups based on the type of action:

    • Protective mechanical.
    • Repellent.
    • Insect exterminators.

    The first group includes ordinary mosquito nets that block access to rooms, mosquito nets for hats and sparse types of fabrics (for example, tulle) that can be used to cover a stroller with a sleeping child.

    Repellents - repellents made in the form of creams and sprays can repel female mosquitoes that are selectively sensitive to odors for a long time. Folk remedies, information about which has been collected by many generations of those “bitten,” are varied. Although very few plants are recognized as essential, the smell of which repels parasites: indoor geranium, garden thyme, garden elderberry. Ground cloves together with lemon (orange, tangerine) peels create a lasting aroma. Mosquitoes will not fly into the room if you place a napkin moistened with clove and citrus oils on the windowsill.

    The principle of operation of fumigators as devices that destroy insects is based on the use of insecticides. Volatile poisons released when heated are not harmful to humans, but insects die from them.

    Fighting the consequences of bites in the forest and park

    When in a suburban area with a child, you need to be prepared not only to protect yourself from bites, but also to deal with the consequences. The situation when a baby, who has been thoroughly smeared (sprayed) beforehand, suddenly finds himself bitten, is quite common. This can happen due to the end of the repellent's effect, or due to an oversight (unwrapped), or when biting unprotected places (nose, lips). In this situation, you need to urgently take action, knowing very clearly which plant juice helps with mosquito bites.

    Tansy, a plant with tall stems and yellow button flowers, is something to learn to recognize. If you apply crushed leaves of the plant to the bite sites, the itching and burning will decrease.

    You can lubricate the bite site with dandelion juice, but this must be done extremely carefully.

    Plantain has a slightly less pronounced effect; its leaves, carefully rubbed in your hands, not only stop bleeding, but also relieve itching. True, they need to be changed quite often.

    Mosquitoes in the country

    Country plants provide greater freedom in dealing with the consequences of bites. You don’t need to undergo any special preparation to remember which plant juice helps with mosquito bites in the country or in the garden

    There are always a lot of plants at hand here: spicy plants for seasoning, medicinal plants, vegetables, berries, and fruits. Some of them are constantly present in the garden.

    • Parsley (root and leaf). You need to crush its leaves and simply apply it to the bite. The itching goes away quite quickly, the swelling goes away the next day. You need to change it first after 20 minutes, then after an hour. Sometimes once is enough.
    • Mint or lemongrass. The bite should be lubricated with squeezed juice, although sometimes there is not enough time for this - then just thoroughly mash a handful of leaves and apply to the itchy area. Improvement occurs almost immediately: the child calms down, the itching goes away, and the redness decreases.
    • Thyme (thyme). The paste from the leaves will soothe and relieve pain at the bite site.

    Knowledge of techniques with these plants is sufficient to answer the question: “How to anoint a child’s mosquito bite at the dacha?”

    Primary processing

    Soda for itching after insect bites
    Before treating the mosquito bite, you need to clean it of dirt. This will increase the effectiveness of the methods and prevent infection from entering through wounds. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in any case, even without obvious signs of contamination.

    Stages of primary wound treatment:

    • Washing with soap.
    • Drying.
    • Treatment with one of the antiseptics.

    Washing with soap

    It is better to use running water or warm boiled water from a kettle. Laundry soap is recommended because it contains fewer chemical additives.


    Wipe the skin several times with a clean waffle or any other towel until the water is completely removed. You can also leave it to dry on its own, but this will take longer.

    Treatment with one of the antiseptics

    Antiseptics in the form of liquids or sprays are used to remove bacteria. Liquids are applied using cotton swabs, and sprays are applied with special sprayers. For adults and children, a 96% solution of ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and special pharmaceutical preparations are suitable.

    Important! The use of antiseptics is mandatory in case of severe scratching and other injuries at the site of the bite. The effectiveness of primary treatment is assessed by the absence of any types of contaminants on the skin.

    Soda and soda compresses

    Baking soda mixed with water creates an alkaline environment. When applied to the skin, it allows you to get rid of itching, inflammation and, in part, has disinfectant properties. Baking soda with water is something that can be used to treat a mosquito bite on a child or an adult without causing harm to health.

    To prepare a 5% solution, you need to take 1 level teaspoon of soda (5 grams) and 100 ml of warm boiled water. Stir until the dry substance is completely dissolved. Moisten a gauze bandage with the solution and apply to the bite overnight. To fix, tie it with a bandage or stick it with a plaster. During the day, apply the solution using a cotton swab and wait until it dries on its own.

    Essential oils

    Among the variety of essential oils, there is always something to treat the bite of a mosquito, midge and other blood-sucking insects. Valerian and tea tree are suitable for this. They equally eliminate itching and soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and swelling. The problem of choosing between oils is choosing the scent you like and having an allergic reaction to one of them.

    Apply with a cotton ball or gauze to the bite site. The oil is not wiped off, but rather waited until it dries on its own. After a while the itching will stop.

    Important! There is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction in sensitive people. Therefore, if signs of an allergy appear - the skin turns red or the itching intensifies, then the oil should be washed off and anti-allergic medications taken.

    Medicinal herbs

    Medicinal herbs for itching
    Among the medicinal herbs, you can find many representatives that are suitable for eliminating itching after a mosquito bite. These include dandelion leaves, speedwell, mint and basil.

    • Dandelion leaves - crushed until the juice is released and applied to the bite site, fixed with a bandage or plaster. The procedure, if necessary, is repeated every 3 hours.
    • Veronica officinalis - wipe the skin with a cotton swab moistened with a strong decoction. Make compresses or baths at night.
    • Mint - the skin is lubricated with a paste of fresh leaves or wiped with a decoction.
    • Basil - for multiple bites, make a decoction of 2 tbsp. l. basil and 500 ml water. Drink ½ glass 3 times a day, lubricate the skin and add to the bath when bathing.

    Some plants can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to be extremely careful.

    Vegetables and fruits

    Vegetables and fruits for itching
    Among vegetables and fruits you can find representatives that save you from itching after insect bites. Among the vegetables suitable for this are garlic, parsley, cabbage and potatoes. Among the fruits, banana, lemon and lime help.


    • Garlic - you need to crush a few cloves and mix with water until you get a paste. Moisten a cotton-gauze bandage and apply to the affected area.
    • Parsley - parsley leaves are crushed until the juice is released and applied to the skin.
    • Cabbage - cut off a thick layer, immerse the leaf in boiling water for 1 minute and, after cooling, apply to the skin.
    • Potatoes – raw potatoes are cut into thin slices and applied to the bite.


    • Banana - apply the peel of a fresh banana for 2-5 minutes.
    • Lemon and lime - squeeze a few drops from a slice of fresh fruit and rub on the bite site.

    Using vegetables and fruits, lotions and compresses are also made at night. They are safe and have almost no contraindications.

    The itching is gone, the redness remains

    The consequences of bites, such as a small bump, swelling, and sometimes a wound, can remain on the skin for a long time. How to remove mosquito bites? What remedies can help?

    1. The most effective, but for some reason unavailable lately, is considered to be arnica-based cream. The cream is sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive (imported cream is made from goose fat, so it is more expensive). Itching, pain, redness go away within 24 hours. Arnica-based ointments are recommended even in severe cases when no medications help.
    2. The most affordable treatment is considered to be a soda solution (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water). Sometimes it is helpful to apply a baking soda cake.

    How to lubricate a mosquito bite for a child if there is no arnica and soda does not help? It’s worth trying to apply a banana, several times. An older child can be treated with Zvezdochka balm or adult toothpaste.

    Modern medical products are widely available, the well-known ones being “Fenistil-gel”, “Psilo-balm”, “Eplan” liquid, “Rescuer” cream, “Taiga” cream.

    All tips given in the article are advisory in nature. Parents should understand that if after a bite the swelling only increases within 24 hours, the itching does not go away, and the child has a fever, an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed.

    Mosquito bites are painful, and in some cases painful, fraught with the most unpredictable consequences, for example, terrible itching, swelling, redness and all kinds of suppuration. As for young children, in such cases the situation is much more complicated and can result in acute allergic attacks.

    A mosquito bite requires special attention and handling. If you or your child has been bitten by a mosquito, then you need to know what remedies help in such cases (creams, ointments, tablets, etc.), traditional medicine methods.

    Most people do not know which plant juice helps with mosquito bites. So, so that you don’t panic if you don’t have the necessary ointment or antiallergic drug on hand, you need to know that there are plants and flowers whose juice will come to the rescue.

    Danger of mosquitoes

    A banal mosquito bite is quite serious and dangerous, since the insect carries the following diseases:

    • malaria or swamp fever;
    • yellow fever;
    • tularemia;
    • dirofilariasis;
    • hemorrhagic fever (mortality rate 80%);
    • mosquito saliva contains filaria larvae, which can penetrate human blood, resulting in elephantiasis and hyperthermia (37 degrees Celsius);
    • Lyme disease (borreliosis);
    • Japanese encephalitis is an inflammation of the human brain that causes severe neurological disorders and consequences.

    It is important to remember that a mosquito bite is similar to the lesion that a bedbug can leave, so you should not confuse the two. However, despite the fact that the bites are very similar in appearance, they have differences that make the lesions easy to distinguish from each other.

    Symptoms of an allergic reaction

    As a result of a mosquito bite, mild allergic reactions may occur, similar to those that a person experiences when attacked by wasps and bees. In order to provide timely assistance to the victim, you need to know the symptoms of an allergic reaction:

    • nausea gradually appears, sometimes severe vomiting occurs;
    • excruciating headaches;
    • there is an increased body temperature in the affected person, especially in a small child;
    • severe redness and swelling occurs at the site of the lesion;
    • Quite rarely, consequences such as bronchospasm, vasomotor rhinitis, urticaria occur.

    If such allergic reactions occur, the victim should take antihistamines and seek medical help to avoid complications.

    The most severe consequences

    The most severe complication of an allergy to mosquito bites is considered to be anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. They are dangerous to health and require immediate medical attention. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes also carry pathogens that cause deadly infectious and parasitic diseases. They are treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

    Itching after mosquito and midge bites can be easily eliminated with folk remedies. They are affordable and easy to use. But there are times when this is not enough. Then you need to seek medical help and undergo full treatment.

    Health care

    The most common symptoms of a mosquito attack are severe itching, swelling and swelling, which can be combated not only with medications (mosquito bite ointment, cream, tablets or drops), but also with proven methods of traditional medicine (juice of various plants), which help very well and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

    So, simple, but quite effective and popular recipes will help to remove the symptoms caused by a mosquito bite:

    1. Take ammonia or medical alcohol, wipe the affected area to provide high-quality cooling.
    2. A great way to help relieve severe itching is baking soda. With its help, you can prepare a solution (one glass of warm water and ½ teaspoon of powder) or a paste.

    In addition to the above methods, you can choose effective ointment, balm, cream or lotion, which are sold in all pharmacies:

    • “Star”, Psilo-Balm, Vitaon;
    • ointments with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects: Advantan and Sinaflan;
    • a very effective ointment - Fenistil Gel, instantly relieves severe itching and pain.

    Remember that it is best to use the product in ointment form, as it is more convenient to use.

    There are cases when a mosquito bites a person in the eye, what to do in such cases? The main thing is not to panic. Modern medicine has thought of everything ahead: you can use special drops with an anti-inflammatory effect. Albucid (another name for Sulfacyl sodium) will suit you.

    The method of application is quite simple: rinse the mucous membrane of the eye with cool water, always clean, and then you can drip drops. If you find a lesion on your lip, apply a piece of ice and hold for three to five minutes to relieve itching.

    If a person has an allergic reaction, then he urgently needs to take special medications, for example: Tavegil or Suprastin. Use proven and effective antihistamines: Telfast, Zyrtec or Claritin. When a victim experiences a severe allergic reaction, accompanied by extensive swelling, increased body temperature, and difficulty breathing, you need to urgently call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital yourself.


    In addition to medications, you should remember about traditional medicine, which suggests using the juice of the following plants for mosquito bites:

    Parsley is considered the most effective remedy.

    Method of use: you need to thoroughly mash the leaves so that they release the juice, and then apply to the bite site. The result will not be long in coming: symptoms such as itching disappear after a few minutes, and swelling disappears the next day.

    Food and hygiene products

    Hygiene products for itching
    To relieve itching with food, you can use oatmeal, ice cubes and tea bags. In terms of hygiene products, OFF and Fenistil have proven themselves to be effective against mosquitoes.


    • Oatmeal - boiled oatmeal without sugar is applied to a cotton pad and pressed to the bite site.
    • Ice cubes - apply without pressing for 30 - 60 seconds. You need to handle it carefully to avoid frostbite.
    • Tea bag - after brewing green or herbal tea without sugar, squeeze out the bag and apply for 2 - 3 minutes.

    Hygiene products:

    • “Bite-OFF” - cream relieves swelling, itching and inflammation. Apply to affected areas several times a day.
    • "Fenistil" - gel quickly eliminates allergic manifestations, relieves inflammation and itching. Apply to skin 1-3 times a day.

    Mosquito repellents “Fenistil” and “Bite-OFF” are used for children only after prescription by a pediatrician.

    Consequences of a mosquito bite

    In temperate climates, the consequences of mosquito bites are swelling and itching at the site of the bite. But sensitive people may experience allergic reactions. Symptoms of this phenomenon will be:

    • Nausea and sometimes vomiting
    • Headaches that are quite severe
    • There may be a rise in body temperature, usually in young children
    • Redness at the site of the bite, swelling, severe itching.

    If you have such a reaction to a bite, you should take an antihistamine, or better yet, consult a doctor.

    What to do if you have multiple bites?

    Multiple mosquito bites lead to blisters, fever and a severe allergic reaction. As a rule, you can get by with one of the traditional medicines or pharmaceutical drugs, but there are cases when more serious treatment is required.

    To eliminate allergies, antihistamines are used in tablets, ointments and syrups. Hydrocortisone ointment, Fenistil, Bite-OFF, Clemastine, Loratadine are suitable for this.

    Inflammation is relieved with ibuprofen tablets. It also helps reduce fever and reduce itching. Instead of ibuprofen, you can take paracetamol or aspirin for fever.

    Itching is relieved with the help of baths and lotions with the addition of decoctions of peppermint, chamomile and Veronica officinalis.

    Important! At the first sign of a severe allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Remedies for mosquito bites

    With itching and swelling, both specialized products from the pharmacy and folk remedies can help. They cope well with itching:

    • Ammonia. Helps effectively cool the bite site and relieve irritation.
    • Regular baking soda also relieves severe itching. You can lubricate the affected area with a solution or make a paste of soda.
    • The familiar “Star” ointment, in addition to cold symptoms, will also relieve itching and swelling of the skin.
    • Advantan ointment will help get rid of inflammation.
    • Fenistil ointment is very effective - it relieves itching, inflammation and pain.

    But if you get bitten, you don’t have to run to the pharmacy; traditional methods work great. The most common way to eliminate itching and swelling is plant juices. The product is the most natural and effective, and also inexpensive. What plants can be used to treat mosquito bites?

    • Parsley. You can squeeze out a little juice or simply grind a parsley leaf and apply the paste to the bite site.
    • Plantain. This plant has long been known for its medicinal properties; it also helps with swelling.
    • Mint. Relieves irritation and additionally has a cooling effect, which perfectly relieves the itching sensation.
    • Onion. Onion feathers have been used to treat insect bites for a long time and have proven themselves to be excellent. Quickly relieves itching and soothes the skin.
    • Aloe. This plant is a very popular folk remedy; it has a soothing, healing and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
    • Dandelion. This plant can be easily found both in the city and beyond. Relieves itching and burning; to do this, you need to lubricate the bite site with milky juice.
    • Thyme. It has excellent analgesic properties and a mild sedative effect. Locally relieves itching and pain at the bite site.

    Plant juices are an affordable and effective way to get rid of discomfort from bites not only from mosquitoes, but also from other insects. This method is especially suitable for people who are allergic to certain medications and who are unable to use ointments and gels.

    How to relieve itching from insect bites

    To quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to regularly use medications. Before using lotions and ointments against insect bites, you must thoroughly wash the affected area with soap and water. This is necessary in order to cleanse the skin of the parasite’s saliva.

    To do this you need to follow certain steps. These include:

    1. Treating the affected area with an antiseptic. For these purposes, you can use iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Regular rinsing with water will not be enough.
    2. Use of hygienic baths. You should also wash the bite thoroughly with soap and water.
    3. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, use a compress or lotions based on diluted alcohol.
    4. Compress using hormonal ointments for insect bites.
    5. For more severe damage, the person is prescribed antihistamines.

    You should not expect instant results from these products. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms only 2-3 days after regular use of medications.

    Folk remedies

    For moderate damage, it is advisable to use homemade anti-itch remedies.

    Recipe 1. Aloe vera compress. The plant is finely ground (almost to a liquid state). A small piece of gauze is moistened in the resulting mass and then applied to the bite. This treatment method is used twice a day. The compress will help relieve itching and soothe the skin.

    Recipe 3. You can relieve itching after an insect bite with lemon. Lubricate the affected epidermis with lemon juice (3 times a day). This natural remedy helps prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms.

    Recipe 4. Few people know how to relieve itching from insect bites. You can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms using herbal lotions. An equal amount of St. John's wort, peppermint and oak bark is poured into a glass of cool water and put on fire. Prepare the decoction for 30 minutes, then cool. To get rid of itching, soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply it to the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

    Recipe 5. Vinegar-based lotion. To prepare the solution, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/1. Then a cotton pad or small piece of gauze is moistened in diluted vinegar and applied to the bitten area. After 20-30 minutes, the lotion is removed from the skin and washed with water. Therapy must be carried out twice a day.

    In order to relieve itching after bites, doctors recommend using antihistamine ointments. It is advisable for children to use drops, as they do not cause drowsiness. The products “Zyrtec” and “Fenistil” do not have a negative effect on the child’s body.

    They help fight itching, reduce swelling and redness in just 1-2 days.

    After insect bites, the following medications help well:

    Levomekol. Used for wound disinfection, antimicrobial and antiviral therapy. For insect bites it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

    Advantan. An excellent antiallergic ointment that helps localize inflammation and reduce swelling. But the drug has a disadvantage - hormonal effects, so it is not recommended to treat large areas with the gel.

    Hydrocortisone ointment. The product has a hormonal effect. The ointment blocks the production of histamine in the body, thereby reducing the spread of the allergic reaction. Used to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock when bitten by poisonous insects.

    Akriderm. The ointment is used to apply to the sites of bedbug and mosquito bites. Akriderm reduces itching and gets rid of rashes.

    Mosquitall gel-balm and Gardex gel. They have a delicate effect, so there are product forms for children. Quickly relieve itching and also help prevent insect attacks.

    Menovazin. The drug has an analgesic effect, since the main active ingredient in the composition is menthol. Menovazine can be used to treat bites of stinging insects and bedbugs. The product will reduce pain, itching and provide a local feeling of coolness.

    They are available in several forms: tablets, injections, syrup. Medicines help with allergic reactions caused by insect bites. There are side effects: they can cause decreased performance, weakness and drowsiness; they are not recommended for children and pregnant women.

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