How, when and where do mosquitoes attack humans?
Female mosquitoes need fresh blood from mammals to reproduce. For them, a person is a completely suitable source of satisfying their needs. When bitten, anticoagulants in the insect's saliva prevent the blood from clotting and, if a person does not swat the mosquito in time, it will move away, leaving behind an itchy and swollen wound.
It happens that one person is actually bitten by mosquitoes, while the other remains practically untouched. Insects are more attracted to people with:
- high cholesterol and steroid levels;
- increased acidity of sweat;
- increased sweating;
- high body temperature;
- large volume of exhaled carbon dioxide.
Mosquitoes live in different climatic zones, their activity directly depends on the duration of the warm period of the year. In the tropics, insects drink blood all year round, and in temperate climates from late spring to early autumn. Bloodsuckers are more likely to inhabit areas around water bodies, as well as places where animals gather.
How to choose the right ointment
The remedy for mosquito and midge bites is produced in a variety of forms. They differ in their composition, packaging and consistency. Among the drugs used are the following:
- gels;
- creams;
- balms.
Gels are water-based products containing various additives and medicinal components. Creams are made from synthetic or natural oils and also contain some medicinal additives. The balms are based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances. Such products promote rapid tissue restoration.
Treatment for mosquito bites
There are not many options for what to do if you are bitten by a mosquito. You can use pharmaceutical drugs or turn to traditional medicine. The method depends on the symptoms, individual intolerance and the risk of infection with dangerous diseases.
Medical assistance for mosquito bites is necessary when:
- body temperature rises above +38…39°C;
- a reddened area of skin with a diameter exceeding 50 mm;
- your health quickly deteriorates;
- the bite is located near the eye socket.
Infection of the bite site
Due to severe itching, small children scratch the mosquito bite. A wound appears in this place, into which pathogenic microbes enter. Because of this, unpleasant symptoms intensify. Secondary infection is characterized by:
- the appearance of blisters;
- weeping wound;
- increased itching;
- increase in red spot;
- ulcers and pustules;
- release of liquid when scratching.
If infected, treatment is necessary, otherwise the bite will last a long time. The wounds will constantly become inflamed, and lumps and lumps filled with pus will appear. Local antibiotics are used for treatment: Levomekol and Tetracycline.
If secondary infection is combined with allergies, then medications should be prescribed by a doctor. He usually prescribes combination products with hormonal and antibacterial compounds. Effectively relieves inflammation Lorinden C, Fluorocort, Triakutan.
Sometimes symptoms of secondary infection occur after long-term use of hormonal drugs. Do not violate the doctor’s instructions and use them for longer than the prescribed time.
The time it takes for mosquito bites to go away depends on how accurate the therapy used is. The wound should not be scratched to prevent secondary infection from developing. If the treatment is carried out correctly, the epidermis will recover in 14 days. If the wound suppurates, unpleasant symptoms will persist for a month or longer. If the bite does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor.
How to relieve itching and swelling from a mosquito bite?
Swelling and itching in the bitten area of the skin is caused by a reaction to the insect's saliva. To alleviate the first symptoms and slow down the rate of damage, you can:
- cool the body area with ice or cold water;
- wipe the bite site with antiseptic agents;
- take an antihistamine.
It is more difficult to treat victims who suffer from autoimmune diseases or have increased sensitivity to insect bites. They need consultation with a doctor and individually selected medications.
Consequences of bites
Pharmacy products
Pharmaceuticals offer several options for treating a mosquito bite:
- Antiseptic on an alcohol or water base (Dekasan, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin and others). The drug solution is applied externally immediately after receiving a bite.
- Local analgesics (for example, Menovazin) if itching occurs in the bite area.
- Preparations based on zinc oxide for external use dry, disinfect the skin, and relieve irritation.
- Combined means. High effectiveness in the fight against mosquito bites has been noted in such universal preparations as: Fenistil gel, Rescuer, Psilo-balm, Gistan, Moskitol, hydrocortisone ointment and others. Chemicals and natural components (oils, extracts, menthol) in their composition soothe skin itching, relieve inflammation, and enhance tissue regeneration.
- Antihistamines. Targeted anti-allergenic substances (Suprastin, Zyrtek, Tavegil and others) quickly relieve itching and swelling of tissues. However, after using them, concentration decreases and severe drowsiness may occur.
- Hormonal medications. Severe local swelling can only be relieved by hormone-based drugs, for example, Triderm, Celestoderm or Advantan. But only a doctor can prescribe these medications after conducting the necessary tests.
- Antipyretic drugs. If body temperature rises, it is worth supplementing treatment with Ibuprofen, Paracetamol or their analogues.
When choosing how to treat a mosquito bite, you should pay attention to the side effects of drugs and contraindications, especially when treating a child. If during use the symptoms intensify and your health worsens, you should seek help from a specialist.
Folk remedies
It is most common to treat mosquito bites using traditional methods that have been used for more than one generation:
- Apple cider vinegar solution. A cloth or cotton wool soaked in it should be placed on the reddened area of the skin and left for 30 minutes. This lotion will gradually relieve itching and burning.
- Natural green clay. The dry substance is mixed with water to form a homogeneous paste and applied to the affected area for 60 minutes. The applied mass can be wrapped on top with a bandage or clean cloth.
- Baking soda. A mosquito bite should be treated with a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/4 cup of water.
- Paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid. The medication tablet should be crushed and mixed with a small amount of water. Apply the resulting paste to wounds left by mosquitoes.
- Mint or menthol toothpaste.
- Kefir or sour cream.
- A weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Potassium permanganate solution
Homeopathy treatment
Immediately after a mosquito bite, you can make a lotion from natural materials. Many herbs and plants contain natural anti-inflammatory, soothing and healing components. Effective separate use on the damaged area:
- gruel from parsley leaves;
- grated garlic or onion;
- drops of honey;
- aloe;
- juice of sage, thyme or St. John's wort;
- slices of cucumber or potato;
- the inner surface of the banana peel;
- mashed plantain leaf, wormwood or string;
- mint puree;
- cold green tea;
- eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree essential oil;
- lemon or lime juice.
Allergy to toxic saliva
According to experts, a person can withstand up to 400 mosquito bites without a toxic reaction. But for some people, one bite is enough for an allergy to occur. It is caused by a secretion contained in mosquito saliva. Signs of an allergic reaction:
- persistent itching that gets worse over time;
- a large red spot, sometimes spreading to the entire limb, neck or back;
- blister;
- swelling and burning that does not subside within 10 hours;
- additional rash around the bite site.
Typically, allergies to bites occur in children, pregnant women, and adults with allergies. A severe reaction is rare. Sometimes allergies are accompanied by cramps in the intestines, nausea and vomiting. The patient's temperature rises, blood pressure drops, and drowsiness appears. To avoid the consequences, it is necessary to begin treatment with allergy medications.
Initially, the bite site is treated with antihistamine ointments. Fenistil-gel, which is used for children older than 1 month, works effectively. To improve overall well-being, children and adults are additionally given tablets and drops: Fenistil, Claritin, Diazolin.
If after 3 days there is no improvement, then treatment with antihistamines is stopped and hormonal drugs are used, which should be prescribed by a doctor. The most commonly used are hydrocortisone ointment, Lorinden, Advantan. They are used for no longer than 10 days, but usually allergy symptoms disappear after the first medication treatments.
How to disguise a mosquito bite?
Bright red hives, which can appear due to a large number of mosquito bites, cannot always be hidden under clothing. Even a single mark in the reflection of a mirror can ruin your mood. After applying the medicine, the unsightly appearance of the bitten area can be masked. Good ways to camouflage mosquito bites on the face and other exposed areas of the body:
- combination of light foundation with powder;
- using BB cream;
- neutralization with concealer or green concealer pencil.
Pharmacy products for children
It is very important to choose a good remedy for mosquito bites for children to eliminate severe itching, swelling and inflammation. Usually, children are lubricated with special ointments that contain natural ingredients and help eliminate the main signs of allergies.
Hormonal ointments are used only in cases of severe allergies and swelling. In this case, you need to use hydrocortisone ointment. Psilo-balm will help eliminate unpleasant sensations. This remedy helps relieve allergic reactions, as well as itching after bites. It is characterized by antiallergic, antipruritic and analgesic effects. Literally a few minutes after treating the bite site, the itching disappears.
It is very difficult for a child not to scratch the bites. Therefore, means to eliminate inflammation are required. The Boro+ product helps a lot, as it helps eliminate swelling, itching and redness as much as possible. You just need to lubricate the affected area with cream. All unpleasant sensations will go away literally immediately.
Medical help for an allergic reaction
Sometimes multiple bites can cause the development of severe allergies. Cases where the face and eyes are involved are especially dangerous. Complications from bites can affect vision. If swelling, severe redness, or fever appear, you should seek medical help. It is not necessary to be allergic to mosquito bites. A large number of them can cause toxic shock to the body. In this case, you cannot do without doctors. The doctor will administer a special drug that will help cope with the poison.
Sometimes severe swellings appear in the areas of vinegar. You don't need to fight them on your own.
Mosquitoes are carriers of infections, so you need to go to the hospital immediately. Only a doctor will prescribe the right medications.
Medicinal ointments
It is necessary to use the medicine immediately after a mosquito bite, because the wound can become inflamed very quickly. This is especially true for people with hypersensitive skin. Among the fixed assets are the following:
- "Vietnamese star";
- hydrocortisone ointment;
- "Bamipin";
- "Soventol";
- "Bepanten."
Such a remedy for mosquito bites as “Vietnamese star” has long been very popular. It is characterized by good antiseptic qualities. It can be used by both adults and children. This ointment is also used to prevent bites, as it repels insects.
A very good remedy for mosquito and midge bites is hydrocortisone ointment, which has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its versatility, it is used to treat various skin diseases that occur in a chronic form.
Bamipin ointment, which is an antihistamine, helps to cope with itching well. However, before using this remedy, you should definitely consult a doctor, as it has certain contraindications.
Soventol ointment helps reduce swelling and itching after a mosquito bite. Due to the fact that this product is practically not absorbed into the skin, it has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.
Bepanten ointment is suitable for use in children over 2 years of age, as well as pregnant women. This medicine has the following qualities:
- skin hydration;
- rapid healing of wounds;
- preventing itching;
- rapid elimination of inflammation.
This ointment should be applied directly to the affected area of the skin, which promotes faster healing. Contraindications may only apply to those who have individual intolerance to certain components of this drug.
Why do mosquitoes bite?
Scientists have proven that only females drink blood. They need this after fertilization so that the eggs mature quickly and fully. Amino acids found in the blood provide the building blocks of proteins. They contribute to the full development of eggs. After saturation, the female is able to lay 100-150 eggs. If a fertilized female fails to find a victim to drink blood from, she will still give birth. However, in this case there will be only a few eggs.
The blood of rats and buffalos is considered more preferable for mosquitoes. It contains much more amino acids than human blood. But since animals have long been forced out of their usual habitats, mosquitoes began to attack people. Children are the most attractive to bloodsuckers. The fact is that the skin of children is much thinner than that of adults and mosquitoes can easily bite through it to get enough blood. The following categories of people are most susceptible to mosquito attacks:
- People who exhale large amounts of carbon dioxide. This feature is observed in pregnant women, obese people and athletes who breathe more frequently during physical activity.
- Active secretion of lactic acid is observed in people with increased sweating.
- After drinking beer, a person is more likely to become a victim of bloodsuckers.
- Owners of the first blood group. It is considered the best, so it is ideal for breeding healthy offspring.
- According to scientists' theory, there are people who attract mosquitoes at the genetic level. When scientists manage to discover the gene that attracts mosquitoes, it will be a great discovery.
- Mosquitoes are attracted to skin that contains a lot of bacteria. Basic hygiene rules will reduce the attractiveness of humans to mosquitoes.
- Women are more likely to be attacked by bloodsuckers. Some speculate that this is due to thinner skin than men.
Causes of itching from a mosquito bite
Anyone who has been bitten by a mosquito knows that the site of the bite itches, and with the bite itself there is an outbreak of pain. From a scientific point of view, these sensations can be explained quite simply - by piercing its proboscis into the skin, the mosquito injects two substances:
- Anticoagulant. The substance slows down blood clotting. Thanks to this, a mosquito can drink a large amount of red liquid in one bite.
- Anesthetic. The anesthetic agent is intended to reduce sensitivity. This is why many people do not even notice how mosquitoes bite them.
The body considers both of these substances foreign and sets the immune system against them. He tries to get rid of them by releasing his own special substances. The combination of these substances leads to itching, and scratching only increases their generation. That's why it's better not to scratch the bite area so that it doesn't start to itch even more.
A small dose of substances injected by a mosquito goes unnoticed by humans. Only after several bites, when a sufficient amount of these substances has accumulated in the body, does it begin to fight them.
( Video : “Why does a mosquito bite itch?”)
The bite site is similar to other skin lesions. The affected area becomes inflamed, with slight swelling and redness. People whose bodies do not exhibit an allergic reaction to mosquito saliva tolerate single bites quite painlessly. With regular attacks from bloodsuckers, some people adapt to them. If a person is prone to an allergic reaction, the consequences of a mosquito attack can be quite serious. You may need medical help here.
If the body reacts normally to a mosquito bite, the itching will last for several days. As a rule, it disappears on its own. The exact number of days during which discomfort is present depends on the immune system of each person. If it is severe, the itching goes away within a couple of days. Weak immunity can cause not only prolonged itching, but also an allergic reaction.