A child scratched a mosquito bite and caused an infection

Are mosquito bites dangerous?

Mosquito bite

When a mosquito bites, it pierces a person's skin, thereby causing unpleasant sensations. Male mosquitoes feed on plant sap and therefore do not attack humans. And female mosquitoes need protein to reproduce. They consume it from the blood of animals and people.

The mosquito chooses places with thin skin and nearby blood vessels to bite.

When bitten, the female mosquito salivates under the skin. Saliva contains anticoagulants. These are substances that interfere with blood clotting and also cause itching, redness, swelling, and in some cases a rash. Some people are more sensitive to mosquito bites.

They may experience the following symptoms:

  • Blisters appear at the site of the bite, up to 10mm in diameter
  • The bitten area itches for a day or more
  • Body temperature may be elevated for several days
  • Swelling may occur and the bite site may be painful when touched.
  • Sometimes a skin rash occurs, the spots spread beyond the damaged area of ​​the skin

Mosquitoes have no poison, so poisoning from a bite is impossible.

However, a person may experience allergies. An even more serious danger is diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. Only certain types of mosquitoes carry infections.

Symptoms of a mosquito bite

Sometimes a mother who sees her child’s skin bitten by mosquitoes in the morning suspects a childhood infectious disease accompanied by a rash. Some bites resemble the symptoms of chickenpox - during the process of scratching, the nodule is injured and covered with a dried crust of blood. You can distinguish marks left by mosquitoes from infectious rashes by the following signs:

Sometimes the baby becomes red and inflamed not only at the bite site, but also at the skin around it. In the case of an allergic reaction, inflammation of the skin increases, and after a couple of days the affected area doubles in size. The photo shows that the epicenter is a small point (1-2 mm in diameter), rising above the surrounding tissues, which looks like a tubercle. Hyperemia of the skin covers a large area.

Redness of the skin at the site of the bite is not the only possible reaction of the child’s body. Sometimes nearby tissues swell, causing a thickening that can spread to an area of ​​skin the size of an adult's palm. Such consequences are usually caused by an allergy to insect saliva, which contains a number of substances - coagulants, digestive enzymes, microorganisms.

However, most of all, the baby’s skin suffers from histamine. This is a substance that provokes tissue inflammation to facilitate the work of immune cells. At the site where histamine enters, the capillaries dilate, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow and increased vascular permeability. Macrophages and lymphocytes are able to freely attack enemy organisms. The coagulants that the mosquito injects with histamine prevent blood clotting and, as a result, the insect drinks liquefied blood from dilated blood vessels.

The mosquito bite area usually itches even in an adult. Histamine, as one of the components of a foreign protein, causes not only inflammation, but also itching, which is stronger in a child than in an adult due to the fact that the baby’s skin is thinner. In addition, the wound becomes inflamed if microorganisms enter it, which also cause itching. When scratching the bitten area, the skin is injured, which can lead to infection of the sore.

Apart from redness, swelling and itching at the site of the mosquito bite, there are usually no other symptoms. Sometimes the inflamed area hurts when pressed. If the itching and pain are quite severe, this may cause sleep disturbance. In addition, an allergy often occurs to an insect bite, which is manifested not only by redness of the skin. Possible urticaria, suffocation, anaphylactic shock.

Prevention of scratching

Immediately after a mosquito bite, swelling and redness and severe itching appear on the body. The last symptom makes a person scratch the wound, especially if it concerns a child. The itching is so strong and annoying that you have to scratch several times to get relief. However, by such actions the victim only harms himself and his health.

On a note!

To avoid scratching the wound to a dangerous state, you should initially perform one simple task - treat the mosquito bite. An antiseptic disinfects the wound, prevents infection, stops the inflammatory process, relieves swelling, and stops the allergic reaction.

Pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies are used as a disinfectant against mosquito bites for children and adults.

  • Ammonia alcohol, boric alcohol, ammonia.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Any alcohol tincture of medicinal herbs - motherwort, calendula, valerian.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Juice of aloe vera, plantain, cucumber, lemon, potato, celandine, dandelion.
  • Table vinegar solution.
  • Baking soda.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Toothpaste.

On a note!

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is also recommended to wash the mosquito bite site with cold or hot water. If you don’t have anything at hand, you can use your own saliva, which is a strong natural antiseptic.

Treatment for a scratched mosquito bite

Allergy with secondary infection

Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction include widespread inflammation, large red spots, swelling, persistent itching, bumps, and additional rash. Treatment should be with antihistamines and antiallergic drugs. In the absence of proper treatment, the itching does not stop, which forces a person to constantly scratch. As a result, an infection gets into the wound and it begins to fester.

Remedies for treating bites with allergies

Signs of the development of pathogenic microflora are pus, weeping eczema, ulcers. Treatment should be with local antibiotics or combination drugs containing an antibacterial substance, a hormonal antiallergic substance.

  • Levomekol. Broad-spectrum antibiotic with an immunostimulating effect. Eliminates painful symptoms, stimulates tissue regeneration. It is allowed to fix it with a plaster and apply it under bandages. Treat scratched mosquito bites up to 4 times a day. Allowed for use by children under 1 year of age. The cost of the ointment is 148 rubles.
  • Methyluracil. The antibiotic is used for poorly healing wounds, the presence of ulcers, and purulent lesions. The wound should be anointed with a thin layer, touching the healthy epidermis by a few millimeters. Children are allowed to use after 1 year. Do not use for longer than 5 days without consulting a specialist. The cost of the drug is 53 rubles.
  • Elokom S. The combined medication contains an antibiotic, a hormone of the glucocorticosteroid group, and salicylic acid. Quickly eliminates an allergic reaction, destroys pathogenic microflora, stimulates the restoration of the skin. Mosquito bites with purulent ulcers and a large area of ​​damage disappear in a couple of days. Apply the medicine twice a day. Price 85 rub.

If a child has scratched a bite to a wound, the situation cannot be left without due attention. In the absence of qualified therapy, symptoms will begin to intensify.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of individual intolerance. Side effects occur with prolonged uncontrolled use. If there is an infection, it is prohibited to use antiallergic drugs with the exception of combination drugs.

On a note!

A mosquito will not bite if you drop a few drops of essential oil of geranium, lavender, mint, citronella, lemongrass, and eucalyptus onto your body. An effective mosquito repellent is baby cream with vanilla. Drives bloodsuckers away up to 5 meters.

Treatment of scratching without severe allergies

Mosquito venom causes severe itching. To cope with it, a person begins to scratch the wound. It is especially difficult for a child to overcome such a desire. As a result, droplets of blood appear, a clear liquid. The bite site should be immediately rinsed with cold water and treated with one of the pharmaceutical preparations.

  • Balm, pencil or patch “Golden Star”.
    The products contain petroleum jelly, paraffin, essential oils, eucalyptus, mint, cloves, and have no contraindications other than individual intolerance to the components. After application, the skin feels a slight tingling sensation, strong cooling, and the itching goes away immediately. Children and adults can treat the wound up to 4 times a day. Cream "Boro Plus". The composition of the drug includes aloe, sandalwood. They relieve itching and inflammation if a child scratches a mosquito bite until it becomes very red. Boro Plus is suitable for children of any age. It should be applied pointwise up to 4 times a day.
  • Balm “Rescuer”. The product has a fatty consistency and has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It contains refined naftalan oil, sea buckthorn, lavender, tea and sandalwood oils, turpentine, beeswax, and vitamins. The balm should not be used together with other antiseptics (for example, iodine, hydrogen peroxide) to avoid an unwanted chemical reaction. For babies, you should purchase the “Children's Rescuer” balm. It can be used from birth.

If a child scratches a mosquito bite without causing an infection, the wound must be treated within 5 days. As the severity of symptoms decreases, the number of procedures is gradually reduced from 4 to 1 per day.

Medical supplies

The civilized way to solve the problem is to go to the pharmacy and buy medicine that will help against various mosquito bites.


We will need allergy pills, especially if the reactions are severe, there are a lot of bites and they itch so much that it is unbearable. Cetirizine-based products work quickly, but be sure to read the instructions and check the contraindications before using them.

At the pharmacy, the pharmacist will recommend antihistamine ointments based on dimethindene. If you have already scratched yourself, take ointment with dexpanthenol to help the wounds heal faster.


Useful in case of nasty reactions, when a mosquito bite swells into a bubble, ready to burst. The patch will cover the irritated area, protect it from dirt and from your nails.


Alcohol hand sanitizer is a quick way to relieve itching. It will reduce inflammation and at the same time disinfect scratches.

Essential oil

Tea tree oil, which dries the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect, will also help against mosquito bites.


If you have no contraindications to aspirin, crush the tablet, add a drop of water and make a paste, which should be applied to the bite.

What to do if a child scratches the bite down to the wound and gets infected?

However, while adults are able to control themselves and not scratch the bite, it is more difficult for children to do this. A baby who has introduced an infection into the wound will soon feel unwell, and a purulent abscess often appears in the inflammatory focus. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary, since the treatment of such phenomena in children is more complex. As a rule, the doctor prescribes:

  • An ointment based on antibiotics, to which microorganisms such as streptococcus are sensitive (Levomekol, Levomycin, Syntomycin). The use of such drugs in infants is possible only after consultation with a doctor.
  • Sometimes the doctor recommends making applications with Vishnevsky ointment, which draws out pus well.
  • In difficult cases, an antibiotic is also prescribed for oral administration.


Home and folk remedies

It's scary to realize this, but sometimes they work no worse than pharmacy ones. Lifehacker has already written that it will help with a mosquito bite, here are more options.

Cold water and ice

The reaction to a bite is often accompanied by swelling, the area swells and hurts. Periodically soak the bite site in cool water or apply ice. This will help reduce redness, remove the bump, and cope with the itching.

Warm water and hot towel

Oddly enough, both cold and heat help with itching. Therefore, a warm shower will help if there are a lot of bites. In the shower, use regular soap and do not touch the washcloth so as not to injure the skin, and apply a warm compress from an ironed towel to very itchy areas.


Dissolve a couple of teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of warm water and apply this solution with cotton wool to the bite areas. You can make a small cotton compress.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains over 130 active substances and over 30 amino acids that are beneficial for the skin. It is also a natural antiseptic, which means it is great for relieving the itching and swelling of mosquito bites. It helps reduce pain, itching and swelling, in addition to speeding up the healing process.

Keep your aloe vera plant handy, tear off one of the leaves, and apply the juice directly to the bite.


Honey - a remedy for itching from mosquito bites

Numerous scientific studies support the medicinal value of raw honey (not the kind you find in a cute plastic bottle with a teddy bear). Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a popular choice for many natural home remedies.

When it comes to soothing itchy bites, honey is a great pain reliever. Place a drop on the mosquito bite to experience almost instant relief. Apply as often as needed until itching and swelling subsides.


Garlic - a remedy for itching from mosquito bites

Garlic is a natural mosquito bite repellent that helps reduce swelling and soothe itching and also prevents swelling. If you are bitten, apply crushed garlic directly to the bite area. Leave the garlic paste on for a few minutes and then wash it off.


Ice - a remedy for itching from mosquito bites

Another simple yet effective way to achieve natural relief from an itchy bite. Cold therapy soothes the nerves that cause itching and pain so you don't feel either.

The cold temperature helps reduce inflammation at the site of the bite, which reduces swelling, providing immediate relief. Apply an ice pack to the affected area for 15 minutes.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar - a remedy for itching from mosquito bites

Apple cider vinegar is a common natural remedy for many problems, including natural relief from mosquito bite itching. It has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it an excellent disinfectant and soothes the itching of mosquito bites.

Simply soak a cotton swab in vinegar and apply it to the bite.

Lemon or lime juice

Lemon juice is a remedy for mosquito bites

Many acids can help relieve itching, and lemon or lime juice is no exception. Citrus fruits have natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anesthetic properties, making them quite useful as a natural remedy for mosquito bites.

Simply cut a lemon in half and rub the pulp over the bite area for instant relief. Drinking the juice also helps reduce the chance of developing an infection. However, do not use lemons as a preventative measure before going outside.

Not only is this ineffective, but applying citrus juices to your skin when exposed to sunlight can cause blisters.


Oatmeal, which needs to be boiled and not just poured with boiling water, will help. The flakes must be ground into dust in a coffee grinder or blender, mixed with water and made into a thick paste. Apply it to the bite areas and wash off after 10–12 minutes.

Tea brewing

It is most convenient to apply a bag to the bite, which has previously been squeezed out and cooled.


Seriously, plantain. Or basil, which is now much easier to find in the kitchen than plantain on the side of the road. The leaf should be washed, chopped or crushed (it works well in a blender), and the green mass should be spread on the bite areas. When you don't have time to do this, crush the leaf in your hand to release a little juice to the surface and apply it to the bite.


  • https://inet-health.ru/ukus-komara/
  • https://dou99.ru/infektsii/rebenok-raschesal-ukus-komara-zanes-infektsiyu
  • https://apest.ru/komary/ukusy-komarov/raschesannyj-ukus-komara/
  • https://notklop.ru/komary/ukusy-komarov/raschesannyj-ukus-komara/
  • https://jota.su/allergiya-na-ukusy-nasekomyh/raschesal-ukus-komara.html
  • https://Lifehacker.ru/komarinye-ukusy/
  • https://stranasovetoff.ru/kak-snyat-zud-ot-ukusov-komarov-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html

How to prevent being bitten - the basics

All of the above remedies and “ointments” for mosquito bites certainly work and help, however, what about just not getting bitten in the first place? The answer is obvious - you need to install mosquito screens on the windows, but we assume that our readers want to know more. For example, what are the chances of being bitten by a mosquito in general? It's hard to believe, but only 1 in 10 people are very attractive to mosquitoes, although, of course, these parasites are not averse to sucking the blood of those who are not so tempting to them... from their point of view.

Larger people produce more carbon monoxide, which is a very attractive substance for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are actually quite savvy, especially since nature has endowed them with some capabilities that allow them to definitely accurately determine not only the victim itself, but also the specific place to bite.

Additionally, at close ranges, mosquitoes have the ability to sense movement and heat, so when a person moves actively during a hot summer night, they generate more heat and their sweat glands produce more secretions, making that person a potential prime target.

There are many ways to repel mosquito attacks, and we have already discussed them in detail in one of our previous articles. Now let us recall only the basic principles.

Scented candles made with citronella essential oils are one great way to prevent insect bites outdoors, provided there is no wind, which can carry the beneficial aroma in another direction.

A more radical way to keep mosquitoes away from your home is to invest in some landscaping plant design choices. Plants such as lavender, lemongrass, rosemary, marigold, mint and others are repellents, that is, they contain aromatic substances that repel insects. Moreover, some plants even have an insecticidal effect, for example, mint - it can actually kill a mosquito if it comes into contact with its oils, which appear in the form of small droplets on the surface of the leaves.

Another way to prevent mosquitoes from infesting your home is to get rid of any standing water around the entire perimeter of the property. Mosquitoes go through four stages of their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult mosquito. During the first three stages, these insects live entirely in water, so the less water there is, the fewer mosquitoes there are.

We really hope that our methods will help get rid of both the bites of these harmful bloodsuckers and the itching that develops at the site of the bite

It is important to remember that trying to scratch will only make it worse. If our readers have their own proven methods on how to remove mosquito bites, we really hope that they will share useful information with us and other guests

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