Sample application (complaint) if there are rodents or insects in the house

Leading legal consultant of INCOM-Real Estate legal service Kirill Kokorin answers:

The maintenance of basements and technical underground areas is the responsibility of organizations servicing the housing stock.
In your case, this is the management company. In particular, it is the management company that must ensure regular deratization and disinfection to eliminate rodents and insects in common areas, basements, technical undergrounds, especially after the residents of the house apply. If you contacted the Criminal Code in writing and did not receive an intelligible answer, and disinfection did not take place, then you must submit an application to the district prosecutor’s office and Rospotrebnadzor with a request to conduct an inspection of the Criminal Code and oblige you to carry out work to exterminate rodents. A copy of the management organization’s response must be attached to the application, or it must be reported that there was no response after the application.

How to deal with parasites in an apartment?

How to solve problems with the management company?

If you did not submit a written appeal and limited yourself to an oral one, then you must submit it. Perhaps the lack of a written request was the reason to ignore you and not carry out any work.

Regarding apartment renovation. If you own the home, then the burden of maintenance and repair falls on the owner; It will not be possible to oblige the management company to carry out repairs. If you own an apartment on the basis of a social tenancy agreement, you should contact the Housing Inspectorate of your city for an inspection (since your apartment may require major repairs). After which you can contact the landlord with a request to carry out major repairs.

Regarding your financial situation, you can contact the social services of your city with a request for help. Perhaps your family receives government support in the form of subsidies.

Signs of large rodents

Signs of a rat

  • There is a specific unpleasant odor characteristic of the mouse family.
  • Eating food supplies. Rats eat everything a person eats. They can steal meat, lard, cookies, sausage, salad, bread. Any product not hidden in the refrigerator or bread bin.
  • Presence of excrement in the form of small black peas.
  • Damage to property. Rats' incisors grow daily. To prevent their excessive increase in size, animals are forced to constantly grind their teeth on hard objects. Wooden products, plastic, leather, rubber can be damaged.
  • The presence of rustling sounds at night. Rats settle in an apartment under the floor, in the walls, on the ceiling, if there is a layer of insulation there. You can hear the animals gnawing on hard objects, running, and squeaking.

A clear sign that there are rats in the apartment is holes in the wall.

Rodents are able to enter the premises through the sewer through the toilet. You can see an interesting picture in the morning - the protruding face of a rat in the toilet.

Associate Professor of the Financial University Susana Kirakosyan answers:

Of course, the management organization must resolve issues related to pest control of common areas in the house. By virtue of the law and the management agreement, she is responsible for the proper maintenance of the common property of the apartment building. Deratization is a mandatory sanitary measure (subclause “g” of clause 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property No. 491, clause 23 of the Minimum List of Works and Services No. 290, clause 4.3 of the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor No. 131). It should be carried out for preventive and exterminatory purposes. Deratization and disinfestation services are necessarily included in the management contract; refusal to provide these services is unacceptable. To carry out these actions, the management company can attract a specialized organization or carry out pest control on its own.

When the Criminal Code does not respond to the appeal or gives an unsubscribe, you can file a complaint with the State Housing Inspectorate or Rospotrebnadzor. It is recommended that you take a photo of what is happening in advance. Since supervisory holidays are in effect until December 31, 2020, inspectors conduct unscheduled inspections on exceptional grounds. Rodents in an apartment building can be such a reason. After all, they are the source and carrier of a large number of dangerous infections and pose a threat to the life and health of citizens. It is recommended to appeal the refusal to conduct an inspection. Damage to health and property caused by rodents can be compensated in court.

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Prevention of rodents in the apartment and house

Rats and mice carry many dangerous infections that can be fatal to humans. In addition, these pests damage wiring, food, appliances, walls and furniture. A severe allergic reaction is also possible among residents of an apartment where rodents have settled.

The reasons described above are quite enough to, at a minimum, prevent these animals from appearing in your home. To do this, it is important to follow the following rules and you will not have to think about where to go if there are rats in the basement:

Prevention of rodents in the apartment and house

  • High-quality insulation of premises. Without special insulation of apartments and houses, prevention against rodents is simply impossible. To prevent them from entering living spaces, all openings in floors, walls, attics, and around pipes must be well sealed. For this purpose, ordinary polyurethane foam and small iron mesh are quite suitable. When building a new house, the foundation must be filled with a thick layer of high quality concrete so that they cannot get into the basement. Ventilation windows in the underground must be locked. In order to prevent rodents from getting into the apartment, it is important to ensure that there are no large cracks under the wallpaper or holes near the pipes through which they can enter from neighbors or from the basement.
  • Breeding predators . Complete isolation in rural areas is often impossible. There are such houses, next to which there are pigsties, chicken coops, etc. In such houses, prevention from rodents includes keeping animals that prey on these pests - dogs and cats. A large number of the latter with a strong hunting instinct are recommended.
  • Cleanliness of the premises . Rodents love unsanitary conditions and disorder. Crowded, dark closets, garbage and dust are optimal conditions for mouse nests and rapid reproduction. Prevention involves performing frequent general cleanings, scraping out debris and dust from all corners. In order to protect your home from mice and rats, avoid cluttering your premises and always throw away old clothes and furniture, magazines and newspapers in a timely manner. In addition, it is important to ensure proper storage of food. In the apartment, all supplies must be placed in closets or refrigerators. In the cellar, it is necessary to promptly remove all rotting vegetables, near which rodents often settle. Finally, you should ensure that the trash can is always closed and emptied regularly.
  • Surveillance of the surrounding area. Pest prevention will not give you the results you need if the conditions around your home are completely unsanitary. Near the estate it is necessary to mow and remove grass, carrion and leaf litter. Rodents can get into a private house with a stove through the chimney, so it is important to ensure that tree branches do not hang over the house. In the city, it is very important that the garbage cans are closed, and then you won’t have to decide where to go if there are rats in your apartment.

How to avoid getting diseases from rodents

To stay healthy, you need to follow certain rules. Otherwise, you could become a victim of a dangerous infection carried by a rodent. It is also important to know where to go if there are rats in the apartment.

Prevention measures:

  • All food should be kept in well-closed containers inaccessible to rodents.
  • Avoid direct contact with rats and mice and their excretions.
  • In old buildings where rodents live, all work must be done in protective clothing, respirators and gloves, which must then be disinfected or simply burned.
  • Always wash your hands after any work and before eating.
  • Never eat food that has traces of pests.
  • Systematically carry out deratization using any methods.
  • In old, dusty rooms, cleaning can only be done using a wet method with the addition of disinfectant solutions.
  • Avoid swimming in bodies of water if there are prohibiting signs there, and also do not relax in wild areas.
  • Basements, attics, garden and courtyard areas must be kept clean and garbage must not be allowed to accumulate there.
  • Setting up dumpsters in places that are not intended for this purpose is prohibited. These landfills pose a great epidemiological danger due to the uncontrolled reproduction of mice and rats.

The head of the legal department, Vladislav Frolov, answers:

The management company is obliged to carry out such work. If the management company refuses, complain to the housing supervision authorities (Housing Inspectorate) in your region, the local administration, Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office. Refer to the fact that the management company violates Art. 161 and 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 10 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 and paragraph 3.4.8 of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170.

Such violations lead to holding the management company accountable, up to the revocation of the license and the inclusion of management and founders, which will make it impossible for them to engage in this activity ever again in the future.

Fight for life

At home, they use modern glue-based traps, poisonous bait, and prepare their own poison for rats.

Fighting rats with glue traps is very popular. Especially if the apartment is uninhabited. The product is made in the form of glue and is sold in a tube. Does not dry out for 2 weeks, firmly fixes the animal’s paws at the first touch.

  1. The glue is applied to plywood, oilcloth, or a piece of plastic and firmly fixed to the floor. To catch rats, you need a piece with an area of ​​50*50 cm.
  2. Distribute the glue in a continuous line at a distance of 5 cm.
  3. The bait is placed in the center. The rat hears the smell of food, makes its way to it, and sticks its paws to the rodent glue. The more he tries to get out of the trap, the more he ends up in it.

The advantage of a trap is that several individuals can be caught at once. Disadvantage: animals die a painful death of starvation, making terrible sounds. It will not be possible to rid yourself of an unpleasant sight. The caught rodents are thrown together with the trap into trash cans.

Expelling rats with folk remedies

DIY poison

The extermination of rats is carried out using poison that is safe for humans and pets. Leave treats along the walls overnight.

  • Mix flour and gypsum in equal proportions. Place a saucer of water nearby. In the stomach, the product hardens along with the insides. Death is inevitable. You have the opportunity to gradually, safely for yourself, poison the rodents within a month.
  • The wine cork is crushed and fried in lard. Treats are laid out. In the esophagus, cork powder swells, causing deformation of internal organs and death. An effective method that allows you to destroy pests in a few weeks.
  • Sugar and baking soda are added to the flour. The product causes increased gas formation. Rats are unable to burp, so something as harmless as baking soda can be deadly to them. Can poison you in one go.

Rats are partial to alcohol. They soak a piece of bread in beer and feed it to the rodents. This is done every day, increasing the strength of alcoholic beverages over time. After 2 weeks, the rats are no longer interested in anything other than alcohol. The population is degrading. Cubs are born weak or dead, adults die from alcoholism.

Where to go if there is a mouse in the entrance

Ideal conditions for the life and reproduction of rats. Only representatives of the management company (housing society, public health unit, etc.) can do this efficiently and effectively. Existing documents: SanPiN, Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, Housing Code (Article 161) clearly interpret that the responsibilities of this organization include providing citizens with safe living conditions that comply with all sanitary standards and preventing the appearance of rodents. She must take action on time. The appearance of rats in the basement, fleas and other parasites indicates the dishonesty of housing and communal services employees, untimely removal of garbage, irregular visits to problem areas and areas, failure to take measures to exterminate rodents when they first appear, as well as the lack of inspection of wired screens on the windows of technical floors.

Mice in residential high-rise buildings.

There are two ways to control the population of this type of rodent: prevention and deratization. Preventive measures are technologically simpler, faster, and therefore always preferable.

Destroying dozens, or even hundreds, of representatives of a detachment of rodents that easily adapt to any conditions, are cunning, resourceful and quickly change their location, is not an easy task. However, in a residential apartment building, mice cannot suddenly appear out of nowhere in large numbers. It will take months (sometimes years) before the mice make themselves known and become active. By doing nothing, residents risk not noticing the first signs of the presence of rodents in the room, and later - paying a high price for their own carelessness. It is better to spend a little time and effort right away than to solve problems when they become rampant.

The period of activity of house mice occurs at night. Moreover, rodents warn their owners about their presence by marking their territory. During the day, one individual leaves about 70 particles of its droppings on surfaces. If there is one rodent in the kitchen, it will still make itself known.

When inspecting residential premises, it is necessary to carefully inspect all apartments planned for sanitary treatment. Particular attention should be paid to the kitchen, in particular the stove. The droppings may be on the top surface or bottom of the slab. The cavities under the sink, the bottom drawers of the kitchen unit, and other places should be thoroughly examined. Any cracks or recesses in the walls through which rodents can easily enter the room should be sealed. The inspector can issue the corresponding order to the residents or the balance holder of the house.

During each inspection, specialists must have special equipment with them. If the presence of mice is detected in a particular apartment, you should place mousetraps in it or use rodenticides. The apartment will need to be visited during subsequent inspections. To monitor rodent activity, it is necessary to remove all droppings and observe whether new ones appear.

It is also necessary to inspect the surrounding areas. Often, the burrows of domestic mice are located along the perimeter of housing construction - under heaps of gravel, garbage, among weeds, in sheds and other outbuildings. Rodents are attracted to leftover food, bird feeders on balconies, and grain supplies.

In autumn, it is advisable to finish the fight against mice before the onset of cold weather, since during a sharp cold snap the rodents quickly move to living quarters. In the foundation of a multi-story building, it is necessary to thoroughly seal all the cracks and holes, and similarly secure window and door openings and communication lines. All residents of the house can be involved in preventive measures.

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