Service for the extermination of rodents, rats and mice in Moscow

Recently, rats have become a problem for city residents, after which there is a need for treatment of rats . These rodents penetrate apartments and houses in the most unexpected ways: they gnaw holes in the walls, crawl through sewers and ventilation, crawl into basements .

In addition to damaging property, these pests are carriers of many diseases. Therefore, treatment against rats is needed not only in residential buildings, but also in food industry facilities, food warehouses, and in medical and educational institutions.

Rat treatment

Rats reproduce very quickly. Just a couple of individuals can create an entire army of pests in a few weeks. Therefore, you should not ignore the appearance of these rodents and expect them to disappear on their own.

Harm from rats

Nuisance rodents can infect pets, spoil food, and some people experience severe allergic reactions to rat fur, saliva, and feces. Rats love attics, basements, warehouses, and cluttered places. Their sharp fangs are capable of chewing through wiring, pipes, and any obstacle including concrete and lead.

FACT! An investigation has shown that it was a rat that caused the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan! She gnawed through the wires, which disabled the reactor cooling system. Only thanks to the coordinated actions of the personnel was it possible to prevent a disaster.

Out of anxiety and fear, people sometimes even create legends about these animals. There are stories in the news that a cat-sized rat has been caught somewhere, or a video about a giant mutant rat being caught in the Moscow metro. None of this is true. Rats reproduce at a tremendous speed and that is why they need to be destroyed in a timely manner.

INFORMATION FOR CONSIDERATION! According to research, in 2021 there are 2 rats for every resident of the UK and USA. Populations are growing rapidly due to the large number of landfills and the rate of increase in consumption. If nothing is done further, there is a possible risk of a repeat of the rat epidemics of the Middle Ages, which claimed about 200 million human lives.

Bait houses (containers) for rats

If your enterprise operates according to European standards, you need to purchase plastic bait containers for rats so that deratization work is carried out efficiently and accurately.
Each container is locked with a key, marked with the date of installation and the name of the rat poison that is located inside each house. Having bait containers for rats makes it much more convenient to work on site; the results of taking baits are easier to track, because they will not be demolished by machinery or swept away when cleaning the premises. They also contain drinking bowls for rodents, which can also be effectively used in the fight against rats. To protect a warehouse or production from rat attacks, it is necessary to install bait houses not only indoors, but also outside the building. For this purpose, there are metal anti-vandal houses, inside of which plastic containers with bait are placed. Such houses are not afraid of either rain or snow. They withstand any weather conditions, and the rat poison remains dry and fresh for a long time.

Precautions when catching rats

If you decide to start exterminating nasty rodents, you need to be well prepared. With an integrated approach, you can get rid of rats for a long time.

ATTENTION! First of all, put on thick rubber gloves, protect your eyes and respiratory organs. Collisions with rodents themselves or their waste products can pose a threat to your health!

First, inspect your home or outbuildings. Address the following weaknesses:

  • Always store food in sealed containers. The rat is a physically strong animal and is capable of turning over or opening loosely closed lids. Sweep crumbs off the table, take out the trash promptly, and wash the dishes immediately after eating. Any leftover food attracts rodents like a magnet.
  • Pay attention to whether there are any cracks, cracks, or holes in the walls. A mixture of concrete, sand and crushed glass should be hammered into the gaps in the walls and floors. This kind of cement, if you try to gnaw through it, will lead to the death of the rat. Large cracks are clogged with metal, preferably more than one layer. Install protective grilles on windows and vents. If you live in a private house or in an apartment on the ground floor, close the entrance doors tightly.

Prices for extermination of rats

Object areaPrice
1From 0 to 500 sq.m.per object4000 rub.
2From 500 to 1000 sq.m.for 1 sq.m.7 rub.
3From 1000 to 2000 sq.m.for 1 sq.m.6 rub.
4From 2000 to 3000 sq.m.for 1 sq.m.5 rub.
5From 3000 to 5000 sq.m.for 1 sq.m.3 rub.

for individuals.

Name of service
1Extermination of RATSfrom 3,000 rub.

Folk remedies to scare away rats

  • Cat or dog of a hunting breed. Ratcatching cats are the most obvious and historically established method. The smell of a cat alone can scare away nasty aliens. It is enough to spread out lumps of cat hair, litter from the cat’s litter box, or even food from the mustache’s bowl. Also, dogs of some breeds catch rats: dachshunds, terriers, Italian greyhounds.
  • The smell of a predator. Place feathers of birds of prey in possible habitats: owls, eagle, falcon. A piece of fox or wolf fur will also work.
  • Protective aromatherapy. Place a few drops of eucalyptus, mint or bay laurel essential oil on a cotton pad. Dried stems with leaves of these plants are also suitable.

  • Allspice. Sprinkle ground black pepper in areas where rodents may appear.
  • Onions are also hated by rats because of their smell and are harmful to their digestion. Place sliced ​​onions near baseboards and in basements and attics.
  • Ash. Rats will never live in a house built on ashes. You can scatter ash around the house and area, thereby driving away unwanted guests.

The Clean City rat extermination service offers innovative methods of combating dangerous rodents. In our work, we use various methods and chemicals that have already proven their effectiveness. Why choose us?

  • Guaranteed results. Our specialists will not only completely destroy rats, but will also take preventive measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence;
  • Paperwork. An official agreement confirms compliance with SanPiN standards and is taken into account by all regulatory authorities;
  • Safe drugs are approved for use by sanitary and epidemiological supervision, are odorless and absolutely harmless to the human body;
  • Affordable price. Extermination of rats in Moscow by our company will not hit your wallet. We offer reasonable prices and transparent transaction terms.

Types of Rat Traps

If folk remedies do not help and rats still appear, various traps will come to the rescue. You need to put tasty bait in the trap. Perfect for this purpose: fried minced meat, ham, sausage, lard, chicken eggs, fruit, pieces of baked goods. Some of the traps can be made with your own hands at home.

How to make a homemade rat trap

  1. Bucket or plastic five-liter bottle. The bucket or bottle is well secured from tipping over, the bait is placed inside and there should be a small bridge made of plywood or thick cardboard leading to it. The bridge should be installed according to the swing principle. That is, as soon as the rat crawls to the opposite end, the bridge overturns and cuts off the path back. The walls of the vessel are coated with vegetable oil so that the caught rat slides and cannot escape. A caught rat can be filled with water and secured with a lid so that it drowns.
  2. Homemade cage made of metal mesh. Five equal squares are cut out of the mesh, four are connected to each other, and the fifth is the door. The lock is served by two magnets. The bait and the door are connected with wire. As soon as the rat eats the bait, the wire tightens and the cage slams shut. Using the same principle, you can make a trap from a piece of plumbing pipe.

  3. Pots for flowers. A piece of board or plywood is sharpened sharply and a bait is placed on it. On plywood with bait, a flower pot is placed upside down in the form of a balancer on top. As soon as the rodent, eating the bait, shakes the base, the pot will turn over and cover the rat from above.
  4. 4. Glue for rodents. There are special types of glue on sale specifically for catching rodents, but regular non-liquid glue with good adhesive properties is also perfect. You need to take a dense material, for example, a thin board, plywood or a piece of plastic. Place the bait in the center of it. Cover all possible paths to the treat with a thick layer of glue. Be sure to protect the surface near the trap with cellophane or newspaper. The caught animal will try to get out and can stain everything around with glue. There are ready-made sticky traps on sale, for example, a set of Mr Mause records.
  5. Plaster trap. Mix one part flour and one part gypsum, roll into balls and place the resulting baits in areas where rats live. The rat will eat the bait, drink water, the digestive system will become cast and the animal will die.

Ready-made solutions for exterminating rats

Poisonous substances for rats

The poisoning ability of poisons for rats and other rodents is achieved due to the active anticoagulant substances. Once inside the rat’s body, the poison causes multiple hemorrhages, kidney and liver failure and then death.

Among such substances on the market are poisons:

  • Ratid-1;
  • Goliath;
  • Storm;
  • Krysin;
  • Rat Death;
  • Mortorat;
  • Nutcracker;
  • Ratron;
  • Help granules.

Poisons are also produced in small volumes, and even in bags for professional processing. Some have a cumulative effect, over several weeks the rats eat the bait without fear and then die. And there is a poison with an instant effect.

ATTENTION! When laying out poison, make sure that children or your pets do not have access to them. Wear gloves, otherwise the rat will smell the person and not touch the poison.

Effective methods of controlling rats

  • Mechanical: traps, containers, professional rat traps. Traps are safe for humans and do an excellent job of exterminating a small population;
  • Ultrasound repels pests, but does not destroy them. After expulsion, the rats can settle nearby, and as soon as you turn off the device, they will immediately return;
  • Food baits with rodenticidal poisons cause internal hemorrhages in rodents;
  • Spraying poisons using hot and cold fog steam generators is an effective way to kill mice and rats. However, contact of drugs with food products should be avoided;
  • Fumigation - gas treatment of warehouses, production facilities and hangars gives the maximum effect and instantly destroys the entire population.

Treating rat holes with rodenticides

If it is possible to find holes in an object occupied by rats, then first you need to understand whether they are residential or not. To do this, you need to take and crumple up a piece of newspaper, paper or bag and put it in the hole. If in the morning you see that the “plug” has been pushed out of the hole, then you are on the right track. One of the effective methods in the fight against rats is pollination of burrows with rodenticides. Rats are very clean animals. They lick their skin several times a day. While going back and forth into the hole, the rat involuntarily wraps poisonous powder around its paws and skin, after which it is forced to clean itself. Thus, rat poison enters the intestines and poisons the animal.

Treatment of the apartment from mice

Prevention measures are aimed, first of all, at preventing rodents from entering various construction sites and populated areas. Also, within the framework of this group of methods, such living conditions are organized as a result of which mice have no access to food. In addition, the penetration of rodents to objects that could be potentially damaged is limited. For the purpose of preventive deratization, an unfavorable environment for the habitat and spread of mice is created in the territory of a particular location.

Actions in this case are aimed at transforming the external environment. Work is being carried out in several directions:

  • General sanitary measures. The set of measures includes compliance with hygiene standards in residential areas, industrial and commercial areas. Food products must be securely stored from mice; it is necessary to pack the goods in proper containers. Timely and effective recycling of waste, its disposal and proper collection are also important. The location of landfills is regulated, and conditions for their safe maintenance and use are introduced.
  • Sanitary measures. This group of methods of influencing rodents is used mainly at the stages of construction work. Through various measures, the entry of mice into the facility is minimized or eliminated. Ventilation holes, basement windows, and low hatches are covered with wire mesh for these purposes. In production facilities (especially food products), storage containers, inlets and outlets of pipes and tunnels are also locked with mesh. In addition, wooden doors are protected using sheet metal upholstery. In basements, concrete floors are installed, the thickness of which should be 10-12 cm or more. All floors should be in fairly close contact with each other, and there should be no free spaces. In addition, there are special techniques for ensuring that refrigeration units, elevators, and warehouses are mouse-proof.
  • Agrotechnical measures. This group of measures is the most effective prevention for rodent control. Methods of influence are aimed at reducing the number of rodents and preventing their mass reproduction. As part of agrotechnical measures in agricultural areas, the harvest must be harvested as quickly as possible, there should be no grain left in the fields, and losses should be reduced to a minimum.


They take any utensils. They put food for the tailed animals in it: something edible, something sweet would be nice, such as sugar, malt, you can add molasses, and quicklime is also mixed in there. There is no need to calculate certain proportions, just in reasonable quantities, the main thing is that it is edible for rodents. Place a container of water next to the treat - let them drink it.

The principle of operation is simple. A rat or mouse is tempted by sweets and eats it. And then she begins to be tormented by thirst: the lime makes itself felt. But there is water nearby - the rodent drinks. Quicklime reacts with water and is quenched. The temperature in the animal's stomach rises, a large amount of gas is released - in general, cruel. However, it helps to remove rats and mice.

Lime can also be added to fillings for vegetables, only use already slaked lime. Approximately one tenth of the fluff is mixed with sand, sawdust and other fillers. Rodents do not like to be in such places: their skins are constantly corroded and they try to get out of the cellar.

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