Mexican cockroach - a flying giant from the tropics

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The Madagascar cockroach is one of the many fascinating animal species native to the island of Madagascar. This insect looks and sounds different than anything else. This is a fascinating insect because of its unusual ability to produce sound. However, his unusual appearance and thoughtful behavior also contribute to his attractiveness.

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Madagascar cockroach

Photo: Madagascar cockroach

Madagascar cockroaches are an endemic species found only on the island of Madagascar. Close relatives of hissing cockroaches in Madagascar include mantids, grasshoppers, stick insects and termites.

Fun fact: Madagascar cockroaches are known as "living fossils" because these insects are very similar to prehistoric cockroaches that lived on Earth long before dinosaurs.

Madagascar cockroaches are docile, easy to care for, and are often kept as pets. They require a small room with a place where they can hide because they prefer to stay away from light. Due to their tendency to climb, the living area should be checked to see if they can climb out of the enclosure.

Video: Madagascar cockroach

Aquariums or terrariums found in pet stores work well, but it is wise to cover the top few inches of glass with Vaseline in order to prevent them from leaving their habitat. They can live on fresh vegetables along with any type of high protein pellet, such as dry dog ​​food. Water can be provided by keeping a damp sponge in its natural environment.

Fun fact: In some places, people eat hissing cockroaches because they are rich in protein and easily available. Eating insects is called entomophagy.

Tips for keeping Mexican cockroaches

Representatives of exotic fauna have become popular pets. In order for them to feel good and produce offspring, proper care is necessary. 3 females and 1 male can start a colony.

Attention. Pheromones and other cockroach secretions can cause an allergic reaction in humans. Tropical species can be carriers of infectious diseases. After contact with insects, you must wash your hands with soap.

Housing for cockroaches

The first thing you will have to deal with is the choice and equipment of the insectarium. Large cockroaches, growing up to 7-8 cm, will require a spacious home. Aquariums or plastic boxes measuring at least 50x40x50 are suitable as a cage. The size of the insectarium is calculated using the formula - 1 liter per 1 cockroach. If there are a lot of boxes and vertical objects (branches, bark) in the home, then the usable area increases and more insects can be kept. Special plastic containers are lightweight and equipped with a lid and handles. They can be easily moved and taken with you for display.

The top of the aquarium or box is covered with a lid with a metal mesh for ventilation. A layer of 4-6 cm of litter is poured onto the bottom. A moisture-intensive substrate is recommended - coconut chips, sawdust, oak leaves. The internal filling is chosen according to your own aesthetic taste. A terrarium with a substrate that imitates forest litter, branches and bark has a decorative appeal. If the aesthetic component is not important, then you can fill the cockroach house with cardboard egg trays. Blaberus feel equally good in the first and second cases.

Information. Mexican cockroaches do not fly or crawl on smooth walls, and they do not need to lubricate the top of the cage with Vaseline.

Driftwood, branches, and bark placed in an insectarium will help create comfortable conditions for pets. All items are pre-treated with boiling water, this will destroy ticks and other parasites. Cockroaches like to climb artificial heights. The temperature inside the insectarium should be 25-300 C. Humidity – 60-70%. A red lamp will help provide exotic creatures with warmth; periodic spraying with warm water will be required to maintain humidity.

Attention. Exotic pets should be handled with care. A frightened giant blabberus may bite, scratch with sharp spines on its legs, or emit a strong, unpleasant odor.

Appearance and features

Photo: What a Madagascar cockroach looks like

Photo: What a Madagascar cockroach looks like

The Madagascar cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa), also known as the hissing cockroach, grows up to 7.5 cm in length when mature. These cockroaches are one of the largest species of cockroaches. They are brown, wingless and have long antennae. Males have large bulges in the chest and antennae that are moister than those of females.

Unlike most other cockroaches, they do not have wings. They are excellent climbers and can climb smooth glass. Males are distinguished from females by thicker, hairier antennae and pronounced “horns” on the pronotum. Females carry a carton with eggs inside and release young larvae only after the eggs hatch.

Like some other forest-dwelling cockroaches, parents and offspring usually remain in physical contact for long periods of time. In captivity, these insects can live 5 years. They feed mainly on plant material.

While many insects use sound, the Madagascar hissing cockroach has a unique way of creating a hiss. In this insect, sound is created through the forced displacement of air through a pair of modified abdominal spiracles.

Spiracles are breathing pores that are part of the respiratory system of insects. Because the airways are involved in respiration, this method of sound production is typical of the respiratory sound produced by vertebrates. In contrast, most other insects produce sound by rubbing body parts (such as crickets) or vibrating a membrane (such as cicadas).


Cockroaches have strong gnawing jaws and are capable of eating dry and juicy food. Variety is important. The diet should include the following products:

  • rolled oats flakes, mixed feed;
  • White bread;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • oranges;
  • bananas;
  • cucumbers;
  • meat;
  • greens (lettuce, dandelion leaves).

Advice. Eggshells are used as a supplement to replenish calcium deficiency. It is washed, freed from the film and ground with a coffee grinder. The powder is added to the feed or directly to the substrate.

Breeding and keeping Mexican cockroaches is not difficult. When feeding, part of the food is placed on the surface of the substrate. This allows small larvae to approach the food from below. It is recommended to feed insects with gammarus, which is an excellent source of protein, twice a month. The serving size depends on the number of cockroaches in the colony. You should put cotton wool or a sponge in the drinking bowl, otherwise the small larvae may drown. Experienced breeders recommend alternating products. After 3-4 days the diet changes. Vegetables are replaced with fruits, then greens are given. Dry food should always be present.

Advice. A balanced diet of insects will help prevent cannibalism, eating young animals.

Cockroaches take away leftover food throughout the insectarium. Products begin to rot and mold appears. They must be removed promptly. Otherwise, ticks will appear that can destroy the entire colony of pets.

Where does the Madagascar cockroach live?

Photo: Madagascar hissing cockroach

Photo: Madagascar hissing cockroach

These large pests thrive in warm climates and become sluggish in cold temperatures. Little is known about its ecology, but the insect probably lives on the forest floor in rotten logs and feeds on fallen fruit.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches live in damp places including:

  • places under rotten logs;
  • forest habitats;
  • tropical areas.

Madagascar cockroaches are native to the island of Madagascar. Because they are not native to the country, these pests are rarely the cause of cockroach infestations in the home.

To keep these cockroaches at home, the following rules should be followed:

  • the aquarium or other container should be large enough to allow the cockroaches room to move around. Clear plastic or glass are best so you can more readily observe their behavior;
  • a lid is needed for the tank to prevent them from escaping. Although wingless, they are quite mobile and can climb up the sides of a container;
  • mouse bedding or wood shavings will line the bottom of the cage. Bed linen should be changed periodically, especially if there is a high level of humidity;
  • a wooden block or log is needed for them to crawl. Cockroaches tend to become aggressive if any object is present in the cage;
  • there should be a tube filled with water and covered with cotton wool. Cockroaches will drink water from the cotton and push it back into the tube to keep it moist;
  • The water must be changed every week.

Characteristics of an insect

They got their name from the island of Madagascar, where the largest concentrations of these insects are found. The Madagascar hissing cockroach includes approximately 20 species. A distinctive feature is the absence of wings at all stages of insect formation. This criterion makes it difficult to determine the age of representatives of this species.

The appearance of the beetle is peculiar: the body is covered with a shell of chitin, reminiscent of a shell. Adults grow up to 9 centimeters in length and have a wide abdomen. The color varies from red with different shades to black. Age can be determined by the contrast of color: as it grows older, it darkens.

The sex of an insect should be determined by the outgrowths on the shell, which are found only in males. Often a deformed or broken mustache can indicate that a person is masculine. This is characterized by the frequency of battles for superiority, which the beetles organize among themselves.

In females, the last two segments are highlighted in black. The male is endowed with only one such fragment. The larvae are practically indistinguishable by gender. Visually, they are similar to adult representatives of their species, but the scutellum on the surface of the shell is less developed.

Madagascar cockroach
These insects do not cause allergies

Like many insects, the Madagascar beetle is timid. Under natural conditions, they become active at night, and during the day they sleep under stumps or in any places where there is the smell of wood. They only come out after dark to search for food. These insects do not pose a danger to humans:

  • do not bite (for no reason);
  • do not release poison;
  • do not show aggression.

The defense reaction was developed exclusively to preserve life in natural habitats. During an attack, they behave in a special way:

  • freeze in place (with little noise);
  • fall tightly to the ground;
  • begin to produce loud hissing sounds (in case of unsuccessful camouflage).

The hissing sounds are very similar to snake sounds, and therefore can scare away any enemy. Cockroaches are hunted mainly by birds and small animals. They quickly move away from the dangerous sounds made by the beetle.

Hissing is carried out by special organs - spiracles. At the moment of danger, the beetle sharply compresses its body and contracts its lungs. Males often make similar sounds during ritual ceremonies and during sexual hunting. A fight is a butting. The weak beetle rolls over onto its back, admitting defeat.

In the wild, cockroaches live for about one and a half years. In an apartment, their life expectancy increases to 5 years. The approaching death of the insect should be judged by the color of the chitinous layer: it becomes significantly lighter.

What does the Madagascar cockroach eat?

Photo: Female Madagascar cockroach

Photo: Female Madagascar cockroach

In their natural environment, Madagascar hissing cockroaches are useful consumers of carrion and rot.

Hissing cockroaches are omnivores that feed mainly on:

  • animal carcasses;
  • fallen fruit;
  • rotting plants;
  • small insects.

Interesting fact: Like 99% of all cockroach species, Madagascar cockroaches are not pests and do not inhabit human homes.

These insects live on forest floors, where they hide among fallen leaves, logs and other detritus. At night they become more active and scavenge for food, feeding primarily on fruit or plant materials.

At home, Madagascar cockroaches should be fed a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as green leaves (except iceberg lettuce) in combination with a high protein kibble food such as dry dog ​​food.

Carrots seem to be a favorite, along with oranges, apples, bananas, tomatoes, celery, pumpkin, peas, pea pods and other colorful vegetables. Remove any leftover food after some time to avoid spoilage. The water should be served in a shallow container lined with cotton or other material that can absorb the liquid to prevent your cockroaches from drowning.

Madagascar cockroaches are hardy, like most cockroaches, and have few health problems. It is only important to monitor hydration. If your pet cockroach looks shriveled or wrinkly, it is likely not getting enough water.

Now you know what to feed the Madagascar cockroach. Let's see how it survives in the wild.

Danger level

Madagascar cockroaches are extremely calm insects. They do not attack people and other animals, as may be the case with the same Prussians, among whom it was noticed that they were eating skin from the human body. They lead a quiet lifestyle and hide from other animals, and if they come across them, they try to scare them away or run away. It's the same with a person.

Hissing cockroaches do not attack people or even bite, which makes them absolutely safe. Therefore, you can have them as pets, and if you accidentally find them in fruit boxes, then there is no need to sound the alarm. They rarely carry dangerous diseases, since they have virtually no contact with other animals and insects.

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: Male Madagascar cockroach

Photo: Male Madagascar cockroach

Males use the horns in aggressive confrontations reminiscent of battles between horned or antlered mammals. The rivals hit each other with their horns (or abdominal cavity) and often make amazing hisses during the fight.

Madagascar cockroaches make the hissing sound for which they are famous.

Four types of hissing have been identified, with different social purposes and amplitude patterns:

  • the hiss of a male fighter;
  • courtship hiss;
  • mating hiss;
  • alarm hiss (a loud hiss that frightens predators).

The cockroach hisses by pushing air through a pair of modified spiracles, which are small holes through which air enters the insect's respiratory system. The spiracles are located on the sides of the chest and abdomen. They are believed to be one of the only insects that use their spiracles to make sound. Most other insects produce sound by rubbing parts of their bodies together or by vibrating their diaphragms.

Male Madagascar cockroaches hiss more as they establish territories and defend themselves from other males. The size of their territory is small. The male can sit on a rock for months and defend it from other males, leaving it only to find food and water.

Aggressive hissing and posturing are used to warn other males and predators - the larger male who hisses more often wins. A dominant male will stand on his “toes,” called stilts. Stilting is a way for males to “show off.” Males use humps on their pronotum as a defense mechanism. The pronotum is a plate-like structure that covers most of their thorax. Fighting between males does not cause injury.

Females are more sociable and do not fight with each other or males. Because of this, they are less prone to hissing, although in rare cases the entire colony may begin to hiss in unison. The reason for this behavior is not yet understood. Females carry the egg inside and release young larvae only after the eggs hatch. As with some other wood-dwelling cockroaches, parents and offspring typically remain in close physical contact for long periods of time.

Mating process

Reproduction of Madagascar cockroaches begins in the spring. Males hiss and whistle to attract a female. If several males claim a female, then battles between rivals occur.

They push with their bellies, trying to push the enemy as far as possible. Cockroaches fight with projections on the head shield and bite off each other's antennae. The winner gets the female.

It is recommended to place coconut substrate in a container with a pregnant female. It retains moisture well. Under comfortable conditions, cubs appear 55 days after mating and fertilization.

If the microclimate in the terrarium does not correspond to the norm, then the development of embryos is delayed. Pregnancy can last up to 77 days.

When the young are fully developed, they gnaw through the ootheca. The female Madagascar cockroach opens the genital slit in the abdomen and releases the young. She tenses her abdominal muscles, pushing out the babies.

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Baby Madagascar cockroaches

Photo: Baby Madagascar cockroaches

The Madagascar cockroach even begins its life in an unusual way. The life cycle of the hissing Madagascar cockroach is long and different from most other cockroaches. Females are oviparous, with the female carrying the eggs and raising the newborn larvae inside her body for approximately 60 days until they become first-order larvae.

One female can produce up to 30-60 larvae. This insect has an incomplete life cycle: egg, larva and adult stage. The larvae undergo 6 moults before reaching maturity after 7 months. Larvae and wingless adults can live from 2 to 5 years.

There are striking differences between the sexes. Males have large horns behind their heads, while females have small “bumps.” The presence of anterior horns makes it easy to recognize the sex. Males have hairy antennae, while females have smoother ones. The behavior of men and women also differs: only men are aggressive.

Madagascar cockroaches molt (shed their outer skin) six times before they reach maturity. This is the period when the cockroach is most vulnerable. He may not eat for a whole day before molting as he prepares his body for the process. When it reaches 7 months, it stops molting and reaches maturity.

Let's talk about reproduction

As mentioned, Madagascar cockroaches are viviparous. Offspring appear 2-3 months after fertilization. Nymphs are born with a completely white color, against which black eyes stand out. Their body is soft.

This condition is observed for several hours. After this time, the nymphs become hard and brown in color. They naturally do not have the ability to grow proportionately, which forces them to molt up to six times, like snakes. Around the fifth or sixth month of life, the last change occurs, after which the nymph becomes an adult capable of reproduction.

It should be remembered that the process of transition from one stage to another can last about 10 months. The reason for this may be:

  • low temperature,
  • poor nutrition.

Both in natural and domestic conditions, nymphs and adults calmly coexist together - cannibalism is unfamiliar to these insects. That is why the reproduction and breeding of cockroaches does not present any great difficulties.

Natural enemies of Madagascar cockroaches

Photo: What Madagascar cockroaches look like

Photo: What Madagascar cockroaches look like

Madagascar cockroaches likely have many species of predators, but there are few documented relationships between them. Arachnids, ants, tenrecs and some land birds are likely predators of these cockroaches. As mentioned earlier, an anti-predator strategy is an alarm hiss, which produces a loud snake-like noise that can startle potential enemies.

The mite Androlaelaps schaeferi, formerly named Gromphadorholaelaps schaeferi, is a typical parasite of the Madagascar cockroach. These mites form small clusters of four to six individuals at the base of the leg of their cockroach host. Although it was originally thought that this mite was a bleeder (blood-sucking), recent research has shown that the mite simply "shares" the cockroach's food items.

But since these mites do not harm the cockroaches they live on, they are commensals rather than parasites unless they reach abnormal levels and begin to starve their host. Recent studies have shown that these mites may also have beneficial properties for cockroaches as they clean the surfaces of cockroaches of pathogenic mold spores, which in turn increases the life expectancy of cockroaches.

The insects themselves pose no known danger to humans. Males are extremely aggressive and usually fight rival males. Male cockroaches create and defend territories using a unique sound. They are very territorial and use their horns in combat. Females only hiss when disturbed.

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