Rats are carnivorous animals that can eat meat
Rat wolf - the worst thing a rat can face
2 comments Home Rodents Can a rat attack a person? Can a rat attack?
Rat eats grain
Composition and rules for using poison for mice
Nutrition and vital activity Rats, like other rodents, are nocturnal, but when
Marbled cockroach: why they are bred and kept
Reproduction of domestic cockroaches - under what conditions do cockroaches reproduce?
Cockroaches are a large order, uniting more than 4,600 species. Most insects are forest dwellers
How to get rid of slugs on your property?
Everyone who has ever had their own plot has encountered a slug. His appearance is quite unpleasant,
How to determine the presence of rats in the house and how to get rid of them
What is the danger of rats? To some, these fluffy rodents seem cute, but until then,
What to do if you are bitten by a midge and your leg is swollen: how to treat bites
The danger of insect bites Most species of insects living on the planet do not pose a threat to humans
Ultrasound Tornado
Effectively getting rid of mice with Hawk repellers
Author: Michael Potter Updated: April 17, 2020 Ultrasonic rodent repeller is relatively new
Safe, powerful mouse and rat repeller
15 best rodent and insect repellers
Place Name Characteristics in the ranking The best ultrasonic rodent repellers (rodents only) 1 Tornado 400
Black Rat: The Rat King, Darkness and Plague
Lifestyle Life of rodents The black rat becomes active at night. Man defines
How to make an ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller with your own hands
Diagram of an ultrasonic rodent, rat, mouse repeller. How to assemble a repeller with your own hands.
How it works The rat and mouse repeller emits sounds at high frequencies that are not perceptible
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