Can Raptor help against a bedbug infestation?

How does Raptor affect bed bugs?

As soon as a domestic bug lands on a surface treated with the drug, it comes into contact with the particles of the drug and carries them on its paws to places where relatives gather and nest. When poison enters the body, it disrupts the conduction of nerve signals in bedbugs and has a neuroparalytic effect. As a result, all vital systems and organs are affected, followed by paralysis and death.

The active ingredient is able to penetrate the durable quinine shell. The parasite's legs are the first to be affected, losing the ability to move. The effect then spreads throughout the body and death occurs. It is also important that even if the bug was able to avoid direct contact with the poison, it will become infected from other insects.

Raptor for bedbugs

Many people claim that it is not just an effective, but a professional remedy for bed bugs. Customer reviews show that the duration of taking the drug is up to three weeks. Therefore, not only the adults that were poisoned during treatment, but also the larvae that hatched later die. All this prevents the emergence of new generations of parasites.

Disadvantages of Raptor aerosol

The Raptor aerosol against bedbugs is famous for its availability, effectiveness and attractive price. Reviews indicate that the product is completely safe and recommended for use in families with children. However, the drug has its drawbacks, which some users point out.

The aerosol is quite versatile. The principle of its action is aimed at blocking nerve impulses not only from bedbugs, but also from all insects in general. Sometimes this is an advantage, because, in addition to killing bed bugs, you can get rid of cockroaches or flies. But at the same time, the versatility of the components does not directly affect mature bedbugs and their larvae. The most resilient individuals can survive, and the population spread will resume. Therefore, some users argue that the product is weakly effective and should be chosen more narrowly targeted.

Composition and release forms

"Raptor" is available in a wide variety of release forms - aerosols, sprays, fumigators, gels, traps, etc.

The products contain the following active substances:

Cypermethrin, which paralyzes the nervous system of adult bedbugs and larvae, insect poison Tetramethrin and Piperonyl butoxide, which in itself is not very toxic, but its effectiveness increases when combined with two other substances.

Aquafumigator Raptor for bedbugs

The Raptor product line now includes special products specifically aimed at killing bed bugs and increasing efficiency. This is a real concentrate of poisons. Their action is aimed at blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the insect and, consequently, the inability to breathe and move. The effectiveness is based on the strong neuroplegic properties of the main components. Due to the aerosol effect of the aquafumigator, all vital processes of insects are completely blocked, the normal functioning of internal organs is disrupted, and the insect dies. Moreover, the active ingredients are so strong that there is virtually no chance of parasite survival.

Insect Raptor

The Raptor aquafumigator is a universal tool that can save your apartment from crawling and flying insects. Most effective against cockroaches and flies. The essence of its action is the distribution of toxic fumes for insects, but harmless to people and pets.

Spray aerosol Raptor against bedbugs

Raptor insect repellent spray contains 350 ml of product. Designed to combat fleas, ants and cockroaches at any stage of development. It also works quite effectively against bed bugs. The active ingredients are cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

The positive thing is that the drug in question is widely advertised, and many consumers are aware of its effective properties. But its popularity is high not only due to commercials. This is due to the high efficiency of baiting insects with its help. Consumer reviews are mostly positive.

Spray raptor

Those who have already tried the drug note the following advantages:

  • Safety. When developing an aerosol composition, toxicants with a wide spectrum of action are used. However, they are only destructive to insects and do not pose a danger to humans. When aerosolizing a room, toxic substances released into the air cannot harm people because their concentration is too low.
  • Complete absence of unpleasant odors. Most sprays have one significant drawback - a strong odor. The Raptor aerosol does not have such a disadvantage. This distinguishes it from analogues of other brands. The product has practically no smell, but it contains aromas, so after treating the apartment the smell may even be slightly pleasant.
  • Economical. One bottle of Raptor aerosol is produced enough to treat a relatively large space when baiting furniture bugs.
  • Ease of use. The aerosol does not require any preliminary preparation for use. If you want to kill a furniture bug, simply spray it in the places where it hides.
  • Mass availability. The drug "Raptor" is quite common. It can be purchased at many retail chains, online services or sales departments. And the cost does not discourage the consumer. Even their own multi-storey buildings will be able to carry out sanitation on a budget.

Among the disadvantages of the Raptor aerosol is its versatility. On the one hand, it’s great if you get rid of not only bedbugs, but also cockroaches or flies in one fell swoop. At the same time, the versatility of the ingredients does not directly affect mature bedbugs and their larvae. The most resistant of them can survive, and the population will resume and have more stable immunity. Therefore, some users argue that the product has low effectiveness and it would be better if it were narrowly targeted.

In response to consumer requests, the manufacturer has developed a number of new products against parasites. Among them, a series designed to combat bedbugs stands out. In particular, the “Raptor” aerosol for bed bugs “Double Strength” appeared on the market. Surveys confirm that the aerosol kills insects more effectively and does not have unpleasant consequences. The composition is intended to target blood-sucking parasites, and responses suggest that this approach is worthwhile. Available in 225 ml bottles. The main active ingredients are Alpha-cypermethrin and Neopinamine-forte.

Raptor remedy for bedbugs

Raptor trademark is familiar to many users - a huge number of products against all kinds of insects are produced under it. Blood-sucking parasites are not left out of attention either.

Advantages and disadvantages

It should immediately be noted that the “Raptor” product is not used exclusively against bedbugs . This is a universal drug against most crawling insects. This is one of its main disadvantages , since its action is not targeted against bedbugs, larvae and eggs.

At the same time Raptor has many advantages for which buyers choose it as a remedy for parasites:

  • Widespread - the aerosol can be purchased at almost every hardware store;
  • Safety to use - its components are selected so that they do not emit substances toxic to humans into the air. Even if the product is accidentally inhaled, in small quantities it is harmless and quickly eliminated from the body;
  • No pungent odor - unlike most specialized insecticides, Raptor does not have a pungent, unpleasant odor. Thanks to the many flavors, after its use a pleasant, mild floral aroma remains in the air;
  • Economical in use;
  • Convenience - the use of the product does not require preliminary preparation, mixing the solution, etc.

Release forms

The Raptor product is available in many forms, but an aerosol and aquafumigator are best suited for killing bedbugs .

Aerosol “Destruction of crawling insects” is available in the form of a spray can. It contains active substances - cypermethrin , tetramethrin , piperonyl butoxide , various solvents and flavorings . As the name suggests, it can simultaneously be used against cockroaches, ants, and other insects.

Another product from the Raptor line, which has proven itself well in the fight against bed bugs , is an aquafumigator . It consists of two containers with insecticides and a bag of distilled water.

ATTENTION! When using an aquafumigator, you must leave the room very quickly - the smoke it produces causes a strong suffocating cough.

When connecting the containers, a strong reaction begins with the release of thick white smoke. It quickly spreads throughout the room, penetrating into every crevice and hard-to-reach place.

In addition, you can find the Raptor product on sale in the form of a fumigator , trap and gel . However, it should be noted that they do not help against bed bugs .

For example, a gel and a trap work on the principle of luring an insect to a poisoned bait, but the bug only reacts to human blood and is not interested in anything else.

Mechanism of action on bedbugs

The drug contains insecticides of contact-intestinal action. The poison penetrates the body of bedbugs through direct contact with the chitinous membranes. The insecticide does not enter the hemolymph of insects through the digestive organs. This is due to eating habits. Pests are not attracted to other food, only to the blood of warm-blooded creatures. When Raptor is used, it operates in sequence:

  • upon contact, poison particles remain on the chitinous shells;
  • the insecticide penetrates the body of the bug through the outer integument;
  • particles of the substance spread in this way, reach nerve cells, and have a negative effect on sodium channels;
  • the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted, tissue tone increases, while the parasite is constantly in an overexcited state, which leads to the development of paralysis, the bug loses the ability to feed, reproduce and even mix, and soon it dies.

This mechanism of action is due to the presence of insecticides of the pyrethroid group. These substances affect the nervous system of parasites. Death occurs within 1 day, sometimes earlier or later, depending on the dosage of the poison.

If Raptor is used, bed bugs, without knowing it, help destroy other individuals that have not been in contact with the poison. This occurs due to the fact that particles of poison remain on the chitinous covers of the parasites.

When insects

climb into nests, they infect fellow birds. In this way, 1 bug can destroy several dozen parasites.

Veronica Sidorenko, 41 years old, Yaroslavl I bought a can of Raptor. I didn’t really expect it to help. Previously, reviews about this drug were not the best. But there was no other one near the house at that time, so we had to take what we had. It turned out to be a good remedy. It helped me a lot with bedbugs; the bottle was enough for a small room, since it was a one-room apartment. Marina Lebedevskaya, 39 years old, Saratov Used the Raptor aquafumigator. I read that this product works better than analogues, so I bought it. I liked that there was no strong smell. I didn’t have to make any significant efforts; the drug did everything itself. It was only necessary to prepare it.

Instructions for use

Instructions are written to be read and followed, especially when it comes to products containing toxic substances. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the rules for using products from the Raptor series.

Raptor instructions

Precautions and restrictions

  • Protect yourself before you begin the bedbug extermination process. It is recommended to wear a work coat, or closed overalls and gloves.
  • Children and pets must be removed from the apartment.
  • Wear a respirator. The concentration of vapors during spraying is quite high, so the respiratory tract may be affected.
  • Ventilate the room half an hour after treatment.
  • Places and things that you do not touch do not need to be wiped. Wash only those objects and surfaces with which you will come into contact with soapy water. Aerosol "Raptor" is harmless to humans. Expert reports confirm that if bullying is done carefully, there will be no negative consequences.

On a note!

People with allergies should not enter a recently treated room.

Where to store

Since the aerosol is highly flammable, it should be stored away from open flames. The product retains its properties five years after manufacture.

Raptor storage

It is necessary to follow storage rules and avoid heating above 30 degrees. Freezing is possible; after defrosting, the product restores its properties.

Precautionary measures

Before processing begins, it is necessary to protect the body. It is advisable to wear a robe and gloves. Children and pets should be removed from the apartment. During spraying, the vapor concentration is highest, so the respiratory tract may be affected. Hence, face covering is recommended.

Half an hour after treatment, the room should be ventilated. It is advisable not to live in an infected room for three weeks and to move in only after thorough cleaning. However, if conditions do not allow, then all places with which a person will come into contact must be wiped with soapy water. The Raptor aerosol against bedbugs is harmless to humans. Reviews show that if the cleaning was carried out thoroughly, then there are no negative consequences. But people prone to allergic reactions should not enter the newly treated room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Advantages of drugs under the Raptor brand

The product from this series has many advantages.

  • There is no unpleasant smell.
  • Ease of use.
  • Safety for people.
  • Does not leave marks or greasy spots or streaks on treated surfaces.
  • Availability in all hardware stores and reasonable price. Its cost ranges from 300 to 400 rubles.

Disadvantages of Raptor drugs

  • Low efficiency in areas heavily polluted by insects.
  • The need for direct contact of the poison with the insect.
  • Does not kill bed bug larvae.

Proper preparation for disinfection

Before processing the apartment, you need to prepare.

Below are the main stages of preparing the premises:

  • Hide personal hygiene items, food, and clothing. They should either be removed from the apartment or isolated in plastic bags, plastic containers and hidden so that particles of the poisonous substance do not stick to them.
  • Pre-clean the surface. You need to remove all unnecessary items, vacuum the floor and upholstered furniture.
  • Move furniture away from the walls. This must be done to provide access to baseboards, back walls of cabinets and sofas.
  • Wear protective clothing.
  • All family members must leave the premises.
  • Shake the can before use to mix the active ingredients.
  • Remove the cap and start spraying. The bottle must be held vertically so that the treatment is uniform. The distance between the aerosol and the surface to be treated should be about 20 cm.
  • All areas where bedbugs accumulate must be treated. Particular attention should be paid to cracks, places behind pictures, wall clocks, window sills, etc.

How does an aquafumigator work?

If you want to get rid of bed bugs, you should choose the Raptor aquafumigator for bedbugs (225 ml). Does it help? This medicine is specifically designed to kill blood-sucking insects. Housewives like the absence of an unpleasant odor and traces after treatment.

Aquafumigator Raptor

The aquafumigator has the following effective composition:

Cypermethrin - 0.2%. Main active ingredient. It affects the chitinous membranes and gastrointestinal tract of parasites. Once inside, it has a neuroparalytic effect. Maximum effect in the first three days. However, the decline of bedbugs continues for another three weeks, giving them no chance to survive.

Tetramethrin - 2%. The component terminates the activity of Cypermethrin and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. It is toxic to blood-sucking parasites but has no harmful effects on people or pets.

Piperonyl butoxide - 5%. It combines all the components of an aerosol and is actually a catalyst. Strengthens the effect of all substances entering the aerosol.

Reviews of Raptor spray

How effective is Raptor spray in removing bed bugs? Reviews show that the more carefully the room is treated, the more effective the result will be.

Raptor series

Maria (Sevastopol)

“I work for a cleaning company. We clean private houses and apartments. Sometimes we are called to prepare the premises before bedbug baiting. I advise you to spray the spray in all the most secret places. To carry out the baiting process correctly, you need to carefully study all the manufacturer’s recommendations. In particular, when working with the spray, it is recommended to remove all small objects (toys, household appliances, books) from the house. Bed linen, curtains and other fabric items should be washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. And then iron them thoroughly. All this takes a lot of effort and time, but otherwise everything is pointless. The bedbugs will come back to you."

Ruslan (Krasnogorsk)

“I inherited a village house. Although it had been boarded up for a year, for some reason all the bugs survived and joyfully attacked me on the very first night after the housewarming. I started the fight radically. If there are a lot of bed bugs, you must first remove them purely mechanically using a vacuum cleaner. It is recommended to use a disposable dust bag, which is then incinerated.”

Natalya (Orekhovo-Zuevo)

“I have to move often because I live in rented apartments. Before moving, I carry out preventive treatment of the new place of residence against bedbugs. From my experience: a full wet cleaning is required. Large amounts of dust reduce the effectiveness of the aerosol. It will be a real magnet for volatile substances. When you start spraying, be sure to shake it well. I pay special attention to the joints between the floor and the wall, separated by wallpaper, mattresses, drawers, and furniture. I just spill every crevice. What if the substance remains? Residues should be sprayed directly into the air. I do general cleaning every day for the first three weeks.”

Olga (Vladivostok)

“I agree that it is extremely important to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations. The best effect can be achieved if the treatment is carried out at an ambient temperature of 15 to 30 ° C. Personally, I threw away the mattress infested with bedbugs.”

Love (Gelendzhik)

“I am impressed that in any supermarket you can buy Raptor for bedbugs and other domestic parasites. And it's very inexpensive. I bought Raptor spray for 250 rubles, which is acceptable for many. I am very pleased with the results of his impact. Of course, we had to implement an extensive list of preliminary manipulations. However, this effect exceeded the most optimistic expectations. Bed bugs are completely and forever extinct."

Customer Reviews

The drug has a large number of reviews. Often they are positive. Raptor for bedbugs is a highly effective pest control product, but for safe use you need to study the instructions for it.

On the advice of a friend, I decided to buy Raptor for bedbugs. The instructions for use describe the entire algorithm of actions. The remedy helped.


I tried many drugs to fight bedbugs. Nothing helped except Raptor. The procedure was carried out using gloves, a mask and a suit. The bedbugs died within a few hours. After the procedure, I did a wet cleaning. I recommend this product to everyone.


I saw this drug in the store.
Many friends were interested in whether Raptor helps against bedbugs. I decided to try it on my own. The pests disappeared instantly. The procedure must be carried out with precautions. Ivan

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