Executioner “Super” remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, 100ml

  1. Description of the drug Executioner for bedbugs and fleas in the house
  2. Preparing for disinfestation against fleas and bedbugs
  3. Precautionary measures
  4. Instructions for use of the product Executioner for bedbugs and fleas
  5. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Executioner
  6. Possible health effects

Executioner is a new generation insecticide based on fenthion. It affects adults and larvae of parasites - bedbugs, fleas and other harmful insects. Let's look at how to use the remedy for bedbugs Executioner, what are its pros and cons.

Description of the drug Executioner for bedbugs and fleas in the house

In addition to fenthion, the components of Executioner are:

  • stabilizers and antioxidants (thanks to them, the product is stored for a long time);
  • emulsifiers;
  • surfactants;
  • flavorings.

The product is a yellow-brown oily emulsion. Available in 5 ml bottles. When the drug is diluted with water, the solution has a milky tint.

A bottle of concentrated substance is enough to treat 5 m².

The drug Executioner for bedbugs is often counterfeited. The original product features a hologram of a bedbug (when tilted, the design changes to a shiny ant) ​​and the logo of the official website.

Executioner from Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Fleas

The cost of the product at points of sale is 450 rubles. 1 package
The price is for 1 package (5 bottles of 6 ml each). The Executioner product is sold in packages of 5 bottles.

1 package (5 bottles) - total volume - 30 ml, approximate consumption - for processing 15 m2.

Active ingredient: fenthion 27.5%

The “Executioner” product is a set of 5 bottles of concentrate that is diluted with water (the volume of one bottle is 6 ml) for treatment against insects - bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas and flies. The insectoacaricidal agent Executioner has a specific odor.

Required amount of product

To kill bed bugs, you need to dilute 3 bottles of the product per 1 liter of water.

To kill cockroaches and synanthropic spiders - 5 bottles of product per 1 liter of water

To destroy red house ants, fleas, skin beetles, silverfish - 3 bottles of product per 2 liters of water

On average, one bottle of “Executioner” (6 ml) is enough to treat 5 sq.m. premises. The resulting mixture is applied to the surface using a regular household spray bottle. For a two-room apartment, 15 to 20 bottles are consumed. We advise you to take 20-25 bottles, since if you have a lot of furniture, then the product may not be enough. The entire area needs to be treated, especially if the bedbugs have been infested for a long time. Also, do not forget that in most cases, when exterminating bedbugs, repeated treatment is required, and sometimes more than one.

Approximate consumption:

1 room apartment (about 30 m2) – 6 bottles x 2 treatments = 12 bottles

2-room apartment (40-50 m2) - 12 bottles x 2 treatments = 24 bottles

3-room apartment (up to 80 m2) - 18 bottles x 2 treatments = 36 bottles

To effectively combat bed bugs, treatment should be performed 2-3 times, with a frequency of 7-10 days, this is primarily due to the fact that bedbugs very actively lay eggs, for this reason a single treatment will only be effective on already hatched bedbugs.

One of the effective means whose purpose is to combat bedbugs is the drug Executioner. It is produced in Russia. The product is a light brown emulsion, which is packaged in 6 ml plastic bottles.

Manufacturers use the effective insecticide Fenthion as the active ingredient of Executioner. It belongs to moderately toxic substances. When ingested by insects, it has a nerve-paralytic effect, causing their death after a few minutes.

Fenthion occupies 27.5% of the volume in the Executioner's solution, the rest of the composition is represented by fragrances, antioxidants and stabilizers. Thanks to the kerosene smell of the drug, bedbugs are attracted to it, where they are exposed to the action of Fenthion, which is fatal to them.

Instructions for use

Before processing, you should carefully read the instructions that come with the drug and follow all the points:

  1. Wear protective equipment.
  2. Close windows and doors indoors.
  3. Dilute the drug with water of any temperature. 1 bottle of concentrate will require 0.5 liters of water. This amount of product is enough for 5 m2 of surface.
  4. Treat the room, starting from the far corner. Pay special attention to sleeping areas, upholstered and wooden furniture, and spaces behind baseboards. Move furniture from its place, turn it over for processing. Spray the product on bed linen, blankets with pillows, carpets on both sides, and clothes.
  5. Leave the apartment for a period of 8 hours to 24 hours. Upon returning, ventilate the premises for 15 minutes and wash thoroughly. Wash clothes and textiles.
  6. Repeat the treatment after 5 days, when new bugs may appear from the remaining eggs.


Use only for its intended purpose. All work with the product should be carried out using personal protective equipment (robe, beret or headscarf, rubber gloves, universal respirators). Treatment of premises is carried out in the absence of people, pets, birds, fish, with open windows (vents). Food and utensils should be removed or carefully covered before processing. 5-8 hours after treatment, the room should be thoroughly ventilated for at least 1 hour with a through air flow. Premises treated with the product cannot be used until they are cleaned, which is carried out no later than 3 hours before use of the facility. Wet cleaning is carried out using a soap-soda solution of all surfaces of the room that people and pets come into contact with. In places where there is no danger of the product getting into food (behind baseboards, furniture, pipes, door frames, etc.) they are removed only after the death of all insects or after its expiration date. The room is cleaned with the windows and vents open. When working with the product, observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat. (More details in the instructions).

The Executioner product comes with detailed instructions that indicate the correct ratio of water to product to combat each type of insect. In addition, the instructions describe which areas need to be treated to obtain a guaranteed result. Compliance with all its points will be the key to both safety and effectiveness. We also recommend not to neglect protective equipment, such as a mask and gloves.

Despite the moderate toxicity of the Executioner for warm-blooded animals, when treating premises it is important to follow safety rules and use protection.

Shelf life: 4 years in unopened packaging.

hazard class - 3 (moderately hazardous substances).

Manufactured by: Alina Nova Prof LLC

The product is officially registered

Certificate of state registration - RU. dated 06/14/2017.

Preparing for disinfestation against fleas and bedbugs

Before disinfestation, bedroom furniture (sofas, beds) is disassembled: the back, armrests, and sections are separated from the body. Soft upholstery and mattresses are a favorite place for harmful insects.

Cabinets are moved away from the wall so that hard-to-reach places can be reached. Do wet cleaning: thoroughly wash floors and wipe surfaces using disinfectant solutions. Posters, paintings, and carpets are removed from the walls.

Food, dishes, and clean linen are placed in plastic bags and taken out of the apartment.

Housing is cleared of people and pets (aquarium fish, birds, dogs, reptiles, etc.). There remains a person who carries out disinfestation.

If the aquarium or terrarium cannot be removed from the apartment, they are covered with protective glass to limit the entry of toxic substances inside.

During disinsection, windows and doors are closed (in the fresh air the drug will erode and there will be no effect from the procedure). Be sure to wear a respirator, gloves, and plastic safety glasses.

Instructions for use

IMPORTANT . Before you start using the drug, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, the bottle should be diluted in warm water 30-40° (half a liter per bottle). It is advisable to dilute in a spray bottle.

Preparatory stage of processing:

  1. Open all windows and doors.
  2. Remove people, animals, and aquariums from the premises.
  3. Disinsection procedure:
  4. Wear a respirator, gauze bandage, safety glasses, and old clothes.
  5. Treat all possible insect habitats. This process should last no more than 3 hours.
  6. Leave the treated area for 8 hours.
  7. Ventilate the room for at least 2 hours.
  8. Carry out wet cleaning, wash clothes, vacuum the room to collect dead parasites.
  9. Repeated disinsection is allowed after 1-2 weeks.

REFERENCE. The Executioner product is widely available. 1 bottle of the drug will cost approximately 70 rubles.

Precautionary measures

Compliance with precautions will help prevent unpleasant health consequences:

  • During treatment, wear clothes made from natural fabrics that cover your arms and legs.
  • The product is stored in a place inaccessible to children. If, through negligence, the drug is ingested by a child, an ambulance is called for hospitalization.
  • If the solution gets on the skin or mucous membrane of the eyes, they are washed with water.
  • After disinsection, the items that were treated are washed at high temperature.

The treatment is not recommended for pregnant women, persons under 18 years of age and people suffering from allergies.

Instructions for use of the product Executioner for bedbugs and fleas

The drug is diluted in 10-15 bottles per 5 liters of water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and poured into a spray bottle.

Treatment begins in the bedroom. The drug is sprayed on upholstered furniture (particular attention is paid to the joints and crevices inside the sofa), carpets, back walls of cabinets, folds of curtains, baseboards, walls, space under the radiator, cracks in the floor and walls. Spray the product on clothes, as bedbug eggs are found there.

Door jambs, window sills, furniture legs, and ventilation slots are carefully treated. The product is sprayed inside the sockets, after turning off the electricity.

After disinfestation, windows and doors are closed and the apartment is left for at least 5 hours. Hands and face are thoroughly washed with soap and water and the mouth is rinsed.

After a while, the apartment is ventilated for at least an hour. Surfaces are wiped with a soda-soap solution (a tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of soapy water). Dead pests are collected with a vacuum cleaner. Treated clothing is washed at high temperature.

It is recommended to repeat disinfestation after five days. There is no need to treat the apartment subsequently (two procedures are enough to destroy bedbugs).

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Executioner

The bedbug repellent Executioner has advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • low toxicity;
  • affects different types of insects;
  • no pungent chemical smell;
  • does not leave streaks after treatment.

The disadvantages of the drug are high cost and high consumption.

A 5 ml bottle of product costs on average 80-85 rubles. To treat a one-room apartment you will need 10 bottles (800-850 rubles). For 1000-1500 rubles, a professional pest control of the apartment is carried out.

Mode of application

Due to the fact that “Executioner” is supplied as a 6 ml concentrate, the specific cost of the drug is more favorable. The product dissolves in water to a certain consistency, after which it can be used for processing. The ratio of insecticide to the volume of water depends on the type of insects that need to be destroyed; the exact table is given in the instructions. We have the most affordable price for Executioner 6 ml.

One bottle is designed for an average of 5 square meters of treated surface (the figure varies depending on the concentration of the solution). The resulting mixture is poured into a plastic bottle (preferably one designed for working with chemicals) and evenly distributed using a spray bottle. In this case, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract and eyes.

You will find the best price for Executioner 6 ml in Moscow on our website. Each bottle is accompanied by a label confirming its quality and origin. The drug is approved by Rospotrebnadzor for use throughout the Russian Federation.

The amount of “Executioner” required for the preparation of working emulsions:

Insect type Concentration (%) according to DV Amount of product (ml) per (l) water
1 l 5 l 10 l
Cockroaches 1,00 36,4 182 364
Ants 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Bed bugs 0,50 18,2 91 182
Fleas 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Flies imago 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Fly larvae 0,10 3,6 18 36
Mosquito imago 0,060 2,2 11 22
Mosquito larvae 0,035 1,3 6,5 13
Spiders 1,00 36,4 182 364
Carpet beetles 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
Crickets 1,00 36,4 182 364
Silverfish 0,25 9,1 45,5 91
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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