The most effective remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs.

What is the remedy?

Averfos against bedbugs is loved by many city residents.
The substance chlorpyrifos included in it is responsible for the destruction of parasites. It blocks the motor functions of the insect and affects their nervous system. After application, the bug becomes paralyzed and dies. The share of chlorpyrifos in the drug is about 48%. This chemical component is complemented by various emulsifiers and organophosphorus compounds. The concentrated solution is dark yellow. It dissolves well in water. The smell is pungent, but after some time after using the product it disappears.

Averfos is distributed in containers of the following volumes:

  • 0.5 l.
  • 1 l.
  • 5 l.
  • 10 l.

We advise you not to purchase too much. For several thorough etchings, it will be enough to limit yourself to a liter canister. In addition, perhaps the “deliverer of dirty tricks” will not satisfy you in some way. If necessary, you can always replenish the stock.

Once sprayed, the product continues to kill bedbugs for approximately 7 weeks. In one fell swoop you achieve the disappearance of the larvae, the imago, from your life. The product does not fight eggs as effectively. However, progress will be visible after two or even three global sprays.

It must be stored in dark places at temperatures above -10°C. Shelf life: 3 years.

Features of the action

The composition of Averfos against bedbugs is extremely simple. 48% comes from the main component – ​​chlorpyrifos. A modern insecticide with a wide spectrum of action. It is a low-hazard substance and does not cause harm to humans or pets when used correctly. Dangerous for any insects, reptiles, fish, amphibians.

Chlorpyrifos enters the insect's body by contact - through the spiracles on the chitinous cover. How the product works afterwards - almost instantly. The insecticide disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. Within a few minutes, paralysis sets in, then inevitable death.

The maximum concentration of the product lasts 2 hours after treating the room. Activity gradually decreases under the influence of sunlight and temperature. But a layer is retained that kills bedbugs within a month.


Chlorpyrifos does not penetrate the bedbug larvae, which are in the egg at the time of disinfestation. But it kills parasites immediately after they are born. If the premises are heavily infested, it is recommended to re-treat 14 days after the first in order to increase the concentration of the poison.


The insecticidal agent “Averfos” is an emulsion concentrate in the form of a transparent liquid of light yellow color.


Contains as an active substance (AI) the organophosphorus compound chlorpyrifos in an amount of 48%, as well as emulsifiers, solvents, fragrance - up to 100%.


“Averfos” has an acute insecticidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, as well as adults and larvae of flies, mosquitoes and residual activity for 3-5 weeks.

According to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, according to GOST 12.1.007-76, when introduced into the stomach, it belongs to the III class of moderately hazardous substances, according to the degree of volatility - to the II class of danger, when applied to the skin - to the IV class of low-hazardous substances; does not have a sensitizing effect, but a mild local irritant effect on the skin upon single contact and a pronounced irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes have been established.

The danger of vapors according to the degree of volatility is expressed: hazard class II. In terms of the zone of acute and subacute biocidal action, in accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents, the drug belongs to classes II and II of highly and moderately hazardous substances according to the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents.


“Averfos” is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, as well as adults and larvae of flies and mosquitoes by a professional contingent in the practice of medical disinfestation at objects of various categories.

Method of action

"Averfos" acts on the nervous system of insects and leads to their death. It is very effective against ants, fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, flies. Moreover, it acts on both adults and larvae. After treating the premises with this drug, it continues to act for about another month.

Averfos is dangerous for people and animals, especially its pair, which are assigned hazard class 2. It has an irritating effect on the skin; when exposed to mucous membranes, it can cause very severe irritation.

What are the advantages of the drug "Averfos"?

Like other products for professional use, Averfos is a very concentrated solution (the proportion of active substance is 48%). It cannot be used in its pure form, and after dilution the amount of working solution increases greatly. The profitability of Averfos is high, and in terms of per square meter of premises, the cost of funds will be small.

Information: The average cost of a liter of the drug is about 1000 rubles, for 0.5 liters the price will be approximately 600 rubles. Usually one liter is enough to treat a three-room apartment, and dilution rates will be different for each type of insect.

The manufacturer calls the advantage of the insecticide the optimal concentration of the active component per unit of treated area. This will make it possible to definitely destroy parasites in your apartment - in your bed, on furniture and in secluded places where they hide.

The product retains its greatest activity in the first 5 days after treatment. This period will allow you to kill all adult insects with 100% certainty. The prolonged action of chlorpyrifor mitigates the disadvantage that Averfos itself does not have a negative effect on bedbug eggs. Based on the life cycle of the parasites, all larvae will hatch from the eggs within the operating period of Averfos. Repeated disinsection may be required only after 7-10 days if the home is heavily infested with bedbugs.

Composition and principle of influence

Averfos contains the insecticide chlorpyrifos. The annotation also indicates fragrances, solvents, and emulsifiers.

Externally, the product is presented in the form of a yellow liquid with a specific pungent odor. It will take several weeks to weather it. Experts include the main technical characteristics of Averfos:

  • exposure for 5 weeks after disinfection;
  • effectiveness against larvae and adult bedbugs;
  • Application in an apartment, house, warehouse.

The emulsion is used only by professionals, as it has a high degree of toxicity and concentration. It can be used independently, subject to safety precautions. Averfos against bedbugs is available in canisters of 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 liters.

The composition is not used in its pure form; it is diluted according to special instructions. The manufacturer lists the advantages of the insecticide as a good concentration of the active substance per unit of treated area, which allows you to destroy bedbugs the first time. It has been proven that the maximum activity of the substance remains in the first 5 days after disinfection.

Video description of the properties of the drug Averfos:

Compliance with safety regulations

According to the instructions for use, Averfos belongs to class 3 hazardous substances. The drug is considered relatively dangerous for humans. If it gets on the skin, there will be no serious negative effects. When the sensitive dermis is damaged, hyperemia, rash, and itching develop. To prevent negative symptoms, it is recommended to work with Averfos with gloves . If the emulsion gets on the skin, the damaged area is washed with water.

If Averfos enters the gastrointestinal tract, the consequences will depend on the concentration and amount of the active component. If the volume is excessive, symptoms of poisoning appear and the victim will need medical help. It is forbidden to use Averfos in gaseous form on its own. It is characterized by hazard class 2. To protect the skin from damage, disinfection is carried out using the following means:

  • latex gloves;
  • respirator;
  • special overalls with glasses.

To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to carry out the treatment in a special form, protecting the respiratory system, eyes and hands.

How to prepare a solution for bedbugs?

Each product package comes with detailed instructions for use. It must be read carefully before diluting the concentrate. The specific amount of water and preparation will depend on the type of insect. So, against bedbugs, the product is diluted 200 times - 5 g per liter of water. To prepare the solution, you need to use only warm water (room temperature or a little warmer).

Prepare Averfos solution

Averfos is very toxic, so it must be diluted very carefully and each type of insect has its own dosage of the drug

Interesting: For comparison, 10 g of concentrate per liter of water is dissolved against cockroaches, 5 g against flies, mosquitoes, fleas and ants. The prepared solution should be stored for no more than 5 hours.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The Averfos cockroach killer has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the drug include:

  • effectiveness (parasites die after one procedure);
  • economical consumption;
  • wide scope of application;
  • prolonged action;
  • Available in packages of different sizes;
  • is a professional tool.

Disadvantages of the drug Averfos:

  • high price;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • toxicity.

The average price of Averfos (liter volume) ranges from 1300 to 1600 rubles. This is comparable to the cost of professional pest control.

The smell of the drug is pronounced and lasts for a long time. For this reason, the apartment is regularly ventilated.

The vapors of the drug harm the respiratory system, cause allergic reactions, and have a detrimental effect on the immune system. Contact with skin causes irritation and redness. For this reason, the drug is banned in many countries.

If symptoms of intoxication appear (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, shortness of breath), you should urgently seek medical help.

Mechanism of action on bedbugs

Destruction of bedbugs using Averfos is quite simple. The active substance penetrates the pest’s body through the chitinous shell and has a deadly effect, paralyzing the insect’s nerve cells. Paralysis can occur in even a few minutes. After this, the bloodsucker has virtually no chance.

The poison has its strongest effect within two hours after the procedure. But the active component of Averfos remains on the surface and continues to work for another month. True, under the influence of heat and sunlight, the power of the drug gradually weakens.

Stages of disinfection

The first manipulation allows you to kill all adult bedbugs, while the eggs are not destroyed. According to the life cycle of parasites, the larvae hatch from eggs during the period of exposure to Averfos. Repeated disinfection is carried out after 7 days if there is an excessive infestation of bedbugs in the room. Before the manipulation, residents are evacuated, then the room is ventilated.

Be sure to take into account the type of insect being destroyed. To combat bedbugs you will need to take 1 liter of warm water and 5 g of the substance.

The components are diluted with extreme caution, and the finished solution is poured into a spray bottle. The device is kept at a distance of 25 centimeters from the treatment area.

Processing should be carried out in stages, following the instructions indicated on the packaging.

It is recommended to treat the following areas well:

  • lower part of furniture;
  • mattresses;
  • rear walls of wall and other cabinets;
  • skirting boards;
  • cracks in the floor covering;
  • switches with sockets;
  • door frames;
  • window sills

Video about testing the drug on cockroaches:

When carrying out the manipulation, it is taken into account that up to 50 ml of solution will need to be consumed per 1 square meter. When treating surfaces that absorb water well, the solution consumption increases by 2 times. Averfos should not be used for washing bedding and personal items. Blankets and pillows are treated with steam.

During disinfestation, it is allowed to open the window. You can return to the room after 2 hours to ventilate it. Work surfaces are washed. Treated areas should not be washed for 3 weeks.

Averfos against bedbugs - instructions for use

The instructions for using the pesticide recommend diluting the mixture in a proportion of 5 ml of the product per liter jar of water. If the apartment is heavily contaminated, the concentration can be doubled. The same applies to the treatment of soft surfaces, which require a larger amount of the drug. To carry out a full-fledged baiting of bedbugs in a one-room apartment, you will need a half-liter bottle of the product.

After preparing the solution, the Averfos suspension is poured into a container with a spray bottle, mixed with water, shaken thoroughly and the procedure begins. The exterminator must wear a suit that covers his hands, glasses and gloves. You also cannot do without a protective mask: the acrid, unpleasant smell of the chemical is one of the main disadvantages.

Before you start treating your apartment for bed bugs, you need to prepare it:

  • Wash the floors and vacuum everything thoroughly.
  • Close doors and windows.
  • Cover the sockets with film.
  • Take pets out of the room, and close aquariums and terrariums tightly.
  • Empty cabinets and chests of drawers and move them to the center of the room.
  • Remove bedding from beds.
  • Wash linens and clothes in hot water.

Every centimeter of the room is well treated with a spray bottle. At the same time, you need to look into every crevice: under the baseboards, the space under armchairs and sofas, under loose wallpaper. Bloodsuckers love these shelters and will try to escape.

When the bedbug treatment is completed, the home is ventilated for at least two to three hours. After the pungent odor of Averfos disappears, you need to wipe the surfaces with a cloth soaked in soap or soda solution. It is recommended to carry out general cleaning of the premises after two months.

Preparing for disinfestation

Before disinsection, be sure to do a general cleaning. Furniture is moved aside so that hard-to-reach places can be reached. Thoroughly wash thresholds, floors, window sills, baseboards using disinfectants.

Kitchen furniture is freed from dishes. Food is removed from open surfaces (spoiled food is disposed of). They are packaged in hermetically sealed containers and sent to the refrigerator.

The dishes are packed in a tight bag and taken out of the apartment. Personal hygiene items (razors, combs, toothbrushes, towels) are removed from the bathroom. Garbage is thrown away.

Household appliances and furniture are wiped clean of dust and covered with plastic wrap. Children's toys are hidden in the closet.

Bed linen is removed from beds and sofas and covers are removed from pillows. It is recommended to wash them and then iron them. The blankets are put away in the closet.

People and animals are being taken out of the apartment. The person who carries out the processing remains in the room.

Pest control

The apartment is cleaned using a respirator, protective plastic goggles, and rubber gloves. Clothes are worn with long sleeves, preferably made of cotton fabric. The windows are opened to let fresh air in.

The drug is diluted in cold water, since high temperature water reduces the toxic properties of the drug.

The solution is prepared at the rate of 5-10 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. The liquid is stirred until completely dissolved and poured into a spray bottle. The sprayer is kept at a distance of 20 cm from the surfaces to be disinfected.

Skirting boards, thresholds, back surfaces of furniture, ventilation grilles, cracks in walls, floors, door frames, areas near the sink, refrigerator, stove are subject to careful processing. The product is sprayed in the area of ​​sockets, but to do this, be sure to turn off the electrical power.

After disinsection, thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap, and rinse your mouth with a soda solution. The windows are closed and the apartment is left for 1 hour.

After a while, the apartment is ventilated for at least three hours and wet cleaning is carried out using soda ash (40 g of soda per 1 liter of water). Particular attention is paid to surfaces and places with which a person comes into contact. The drug is washed off the floor after 4-5 weeks.


We suffered with them for a year and tried a lot. We started with aerosols, then switched to concentrates. They seem to disappear for a couple of weeks and the situation repeats itself again. I consulted with specialists and recommended Averfos. The product stinks terribly, but it helps better than others. We did everything according to the instructions and waited with apprehension for the result - whether it would help or not again. The second month is quiet and we sleep peacefully; we didn’t have to use a good product a second time.

Ivan Moscow

We bought an apartment and didn’t immediately notice the specific smell. After studying the information on the Internet, I determined that these were bedbugs. I bought Averfos right away, the first one I came across in the store. I carried out the treatment, closed the apartment for 1 week, then repeated it again. A month later, I ventilated it well, cleaned it, and washed the floors. The problem was resolved without much effort. I hope I got rid of it completely.

Elena, St. Petersburg

Technique for using the drug

Against different insects, you need to use special techniques and use solutions with different concentrations. Mix it with ordinary water immediately before starting work on exterminating insects. The prepared mixture cannot be stored for a long time. After preparing the solution, pour it into a container with a spray bottle. When treating hard surfaces, use no more than 50 ml of solution per square meter. If upholstered furniture, carpets, etc. are processed - up to 100 ml per 1 sq. m.

When preparing the solution, it is necessary to use protective equipment - overalls, gloves, a respirator.

Extermination of bedbugs

Against house bugs, it is necessary to use Averfos, diluted in a ratio of 0.25 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. If there are not very many bedbugs in the room, only those places where they are infested are treated; if there are many, the entire room will need to be treated, since any corner and any crevice can be their place of settlement.

Treatment should begin with the internal wooden parts of beds and sofas, the underside of mattresses, as well as the soft elements of sofas. It is necessary to treat baseboards, borders, window sills, radiators, cracks in walls, window frames, ventilation grilles, door frames, the undersides of carpets, areas near sockets and switches (in a de-energized room), as well as the backs of photographs and paintings hanging on walls.

It is strictly not recommended to process bed linen; it is better to wash and boil it.

It is advisable to take pillows and blankets to the dry cleaner, or, if the treatment is carried out in winter, take them out into the cold, where the remaining bedbugs will die from low temperatures.

Premises are processed one at a time, not all at once. It is necessary to re-treat the room only if bedbugs reappear.

Extermination of ants

A solution with a concentration of 0.2 ml of the drug per liter of water is prepared against these insects. The areas where they accumulate, as well as the routes of movement of ants, are subject to treatment.

Flea extermination

The solution should be as follows: 0.24 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Areas of walls no higher than 1 m from the floor, cracks in the floor and baseboards, and the lower surface of linoleum and carpets are treated. If the treatment is carried out in basements, you should first remove all garbage from there, and then begin disinsection of fleas.

extermination of flies

All surfaces in the room are treated with a solution with a concentration of 0.025:1. To exterminate the larvae, it is necessary to treat the places where they are most likely to accumulate - garbage cans and the areas around them, as well as cesspools, if the treatment is carried out on your own site.

Mosquito extermination

The concentration of the solution is the same as against flies. Internal and external walls of buildings, as well as garbage containers are processed.

During processing, care must be taken to ensure that there are no people or animals in the room. The windows need to be opened a little. Immediately after treatment, the rooms must be thoroughly ventilated.

A day after the room has been treated, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all surfaces that people will come into contact with. For this, it is best to use a soda solution.

Spraying apple trees in the fall is a very important procedure that will help protect your crop from pests.

What is the toxicity of Averfos?

The hazard class of the liquid form of the drug is 3. This means that it is relatively safe for humans, therefore, if it comes into contact with the skin (externally), it will not have any serious negative effects. But in people with sensitive skin and in children, the solution or the drug itself in undiluted form often contributes to the development of hyperemia, rash, itching, and irritation. As a result, you must work with it strictly while wearing gloves, and in case of accidental contact with the skin, immediately wash it off with water (plentifully under the tap).

If the drug gets inside (in the gastrointestinal tract), the consequences will greatly depend on the amount and concentration of the active component. A large amount will cause symptoms of poisoning, so Averfos must be carefully kept out of the reach of children!

The gaseous form of Averfos is considered very harmful when it is used for irrigation in the form of steam (mist). The hazard class with such accessibility to the respiratory tract is 2. Therefore, using the product as an inhalant at home is strictly prohibited!

Even when irrigating a room with Averfos, you must be properly equipped for treatment and wear:

  • Latex gloves
  • Respirator (bandage)
  • Overalls (thick clothing)
  • Protective glasses

Before treatment, all residents must be evacuated from the apartment, especially children, the elderly, and pets. After a certain period of time, the room should be ventilated, that is, it must have access to fresh air.

Security measures

Before you start killing bedbugs, you need to worry about your own safety. Averfos is a toxic drug and emits toxic fumes, which means there should be no strangers in the apartment during treatment.

Protective measures during disinfestation

Particular attention is paid to the equipment of the exterminator. If you do not take care of a protective suit in time, you can get severe poisoning. If someone in your household suffers from respiratory diseases, it is better to think about another method of bullying.

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