How to choose an effective moth repellent?

A little history

For the first time, an aerosol-type remedy for fleas and other insects was released. West German products were unavailable to Soviet citizens, so domestic manufacturers produced their own product - dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate.

It was placed in a can. This is how Dichlorvos appeared.

The presented drug is able to protect fur products from moths. To do this, fur coats are simply sprayed with an aerosol, then you can put them in the closet for the summer and not worry

The product quickly gained popularity and began to be used in homes and summer cottages. You could buy the drug at any household chemical store. And, despite the fact that the composition of the product has changed somewhat over time, the name remains the same.

It is safest to use Dichlorvos in the countryside, in the fresh air.

Features of the product

"Dichlorvos" is available in volumes of 500 or 300 ml. The product is “enclosed” in a metal can. Method of application: spraying. The indicated volume is enough to treat an area of ​​70 square meters against lice and other insects.

Since many varieties of Dichlorvos have an unpleasant odor, the room should be treated with the windows open. There should be no children or animals in the apartment. Don't forget to wear a respirator!

There is only one way to get rid of the smell of Dichlorvos in an apartment - open all the windows and the door to the balcony

The formula for repelling bedbugs and other insects is constantly improving. This means that in the store you can find products not only odorless, but also with a pleasant aroma - mountain freshness, floral, sea freshness. “Dichlorvos Neo” has no odor at all, “Dichlorvos Eco” has aromatic additives.

If the product gets into the eyes, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, rinse them thoroughly with water. If the drug is ingested, you will have to consult a doctor - gastric lavage is required!

Modern aerosols against lice and other insects do not damage surfaces. There will be no marks left on plastic and wooden furniture.

Folk remedies for moth control

  • Products in a severe stage of infection are thrown away. If there is only a small amount of moth, you can sort out the grains and then dry them in the oven or microwave
  • The cabinet where the parasites lived is washed from the inside with a hot soap solution, then with water, the cracks are treated with food vinegar and leave the cabinet open
  • you can try such means of fighting moths as drugs: plates, sprays and tablets
  • irradiation with quartz lamps or taking clothes outside into direct sunlight
  • steaming, hot water (for clothes whose care rules allow these measures)
  • freezing

Pepper from moths

How to use Dichlorvos

The most famous “Dichlorvos” is a product that helps remove cockroaches. At the same time, it is completely universal, which means it will help get rid of other insects.

Do not spray the aerosol near plants, as their leaves may turn yellow.

The method of application is quite simple. The aerosol stream is directed to the place where the insects live or directly on them.

It is also worth processing:

  • cracks;
  • area around the sink;
  • water pipes;
  • back side of carpets;
  • cracks behind door frames.

It is worth noting that the product that helps get rid of moths and other insects has an unpleasant odor. In view of this, processing must be done while no one is at home. Avoid contact of children and animals with the drug.

Important! Over time, insects get used to Dichlorvos, so it is recommended to periodically change the product to something else.

Spraying is carried out at a distance of at least 30 centimeters. The main mistake is spraying into the air. In this case there will be no effect at all.

If there are a lot of insects, you will have to re-treat. However, you will have to wait a couple of months before that.

There is only one way to get rid of the smell of Dichlorvos in an apartment - open all the windows and the door to the balcony. The use of flavorings will not help in this case.

Dichphlovos molecules will still fly in the air, and you will breathe them.

It is safest to use Dichlorvos in the countryside, in the fresh air. But you should not spray the aerosol near plants, as their leaves may turn yellow.

“Varan” against fleas and other insects is allowed to be used not only outdoors, but also at home

The most effective means

It is necessary to combat the larvae of lepidopteran butterflies in a comprehensive manner:

review all the closets, mezzanines, check fur and knitted items, bed linen, old clothes that no one has worn for years. The less often the housewife reviews and rearranges things, the higher the risk of insects appearing in secluded corners; clean up the kitchen cabinets, wipe the shelves, remove spilled cereals, transfer bulk products into glass containers with lids. Place a bay leaf or garlic clove in each jar to repel insects; take fur items out of polyethylene, clean them, place them in breathable covers, inside of which there are bouquets of lavender: the pungent smell of the plant cannot be tolerated by moths; wash linen and various wardrobe items. Sweat, dampness, and musty smell attract parasites; clean sofas and armchairs, vacuum well and beat out carpets. If natural floor coverings are infested with lepidopteran butterfly larvae, then it is advisable to dispose of the products, especially if the affected area is large (eaten areas). Even a couple of larvae that go unnoticed can lead to the emergence of a new population of voracious insects that move from the carpet to the closet, to knitted and expensive fur items; After washing, carefully iron the bed and clothes with a hot iron. It is useful to hang fur items, knitted sweaters, sweaters, hats, scarves on the balcony for several days in sunny weather. The hotter it is, the more actively the larvae die. In severe frost, you can also ventilate and freeze wardrobe items; do general cleaning, wash kitchen cabinets and shelves with vinegar, treat with synthetic compounds (solutions, aerosols) all places where moths were noticed in cabinets and on mezzanines. Toxic chemicals should not be applied to underwear or clothing.

Folk remedies

You need to get rid of moths in your apartment using synthetic compounds, but herbs, spices, and oils are great for repelling insects. Folk remedies are safe and non-toxic, inexpensive, and show a good protective effect.

Effective folk remedies for moths in the apartment:

essential oils: rosemary, mint, lavender, cedar, fir; dried orange peels; lavender bouquets; dried wormwood herb; garlic cloves; toilet soap with pine aroma; geranium in the apartment; dried twigs and needles of cedar, pine, spruce.


If there is an abundance of larvae, toxic synthetic compounds can be used. It is important to carry out two treatments to completely destroy the pest population.

Aerosols have a good effect. Manufacturers offer formulations of varying degrees of toxicity, with and without odor. It is necessary to treat all areas where pests live, after following the rules for combating harmful insects. Do not spray insecticides inside kitchen cabinets, on food, bedding, towels, or clothing. After disinsection, you need to wait a certain time, then rinse off the product. In hard-to-reach areas, you should not remove aerosol residues: the volatile substances will erode, leaving a thin protective layer on the surface.

Effective aerosols and anti-moth products:

Dichlorvos. Types: Morpheus, Buntox, Neo without smell, Kill time, Joker Ban, Universal Boom. Morpheus Antimol. Bros. KRA (from moths and larvae). Lemon-scented raptor.

Other types of chemical moth repellents:

Antimol Universal, Lavender, Universal for the kitchen. Gel Raid with lavender. Product Cedar. Remedy section for clothes moth Mosbitto. Anti-moth composition for the Profissimo cabinet. Means Antimol Needles. Tablets with lavender scent. Plates against mosquitoes and other flying insects. Kartas - eucalyptus. Frontline. Dust Clean House. Rembek Super. Vendetta anti-moth tablets (with lavender). Cover for fur coats made of spunbond against moths with lavender flowers. Insecticide "Death to pests". Moth ball.

Important! All work should be carried out strictly according to the instructions for chemicals, protect the respiratory and visual organs, hands, and body from contact with the smallest particles of toxic compounds against harmful insects.

From food moths

Basic rules: cleanliness and absence of spilled cereals, pasta, flour, dried fruits, nuts. It is important that containers with bulk products are tightly closed.

Lavender sprigs, bay leaves, garlic cloves, dry orange and tangerine peels repel pests. During cleaning, you need to wipe all shelves and doors with a solution: 1 liter of water + a tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

From parasites in the closet

After putting things in order, cleaning, washing and ironing things, you need to place bouquets of dried wormwood, sprigs of lavender, orange peels, and tobacco leaves on the shelves (not in the bedroom). For cabinets there are special sections for doors and anti-moth tablets with the scent of lavender.

You need to regularly ventilate your closet and never seal fur coats and hats. A cover made of spandbond (breathable material) with bouquets of lavender is an excellent solution for storing fur products.

Find out what temperature should be in the refrigerator and freezer from this article.

Go to and read about how to grow dates from seeds at home and how to care for an exotic palm tree.

From furniture moths

After vacuuming and cleaning the sofa cushions, you need to place the same natural ingredients and herbs inside the upholstered furniture that repel lepidopteran butterflies. You can apply a few drops of essential oils to the inside of the upholstery. You need to vacuum upholstered furniture more often and remove loose particles of material in the corners. You can treat the internal surfaces with an aerosol against flying insects.

Dichlorvos "Varan": odorless

If you cannot stand the smell of standard Dichlorvos, it is recommended to pay attention to a product such as Varan.

It has many advantages:

  • easily gets rid of bedbugs and other insects;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • creates a barrier to the reappearance of insects - for 14 days;
  • safe for animals and children.

For the first time, an aerosol-type repellent for fleas and other insects was released

“Varan” against fleas and other insects is allowed to be used not only outdoors, but also at home. The principle of operation of the product is that when sprayed, the substance seems to envelop the area with “protection”. As a result, insects entering the treated area die.

Moreover, the presented drug is able to protect fur products from moths. To do this, fur coats are simply sprayed with an aerosol, then you can put them in the closet for the summer and not worry. We recommend learning about the types of domestic cockroaches.

So, “Dichlorvos” perfectly helps to get rid of fleas and other insects. The product has been successfully used for several decades and does not lose popularity. However, it is worth remembering that careless use of the drug will become dangerous not only for parasites, but also for humans! We recommend that you learn about methods of controlling flies in your home.

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