An effective means of combating cockroaches Regent and reviews about it

What kind of drug is Regent?

Initially, Regent 800 was used to treat cultivated plants against garden pests. It was later noticed that the substance also has a detrimental effect on cockroaches.

Composition of the drug Regent

The main active ingredient of the insecticide is fipronil, a pesticide belonging to the second class of poisons. It is included in the composition in a ratio of 800 g per 1 kg of the drug and is characterized by long-term toxicity. Additionally, the poison contains permethrin (10%) and chlorophos (15%), which are converted in the intestines of the pest under the influence of stomach acid into very toxic substances.

Release form

Regent is available in the form of:

  • powder (0.5 g bags or 100 g plastic jars);
  • emulsions (in 5 mg ampoules or 100 ml bottles).

To disinfect a room from pests, poison in any form requires dissolution in water.

Useful information about the drug

The popularity of the drug Regent against cockroaches is no coincidence. Advantages pointed out by consumers in reviews:

  • guarantee of insect death;
  • after use there is no smell, no traces remain on surfaces;
  • 5–10 g of the drug is enough to treat one room;
  • the cost of the product when packaged for non-professionals is affordable, lower than the prices of modern insecticides;
  • easy to use - dilute with water and saw with a cheap spray bottle.

Minor negative aspects do not affect the properties of the drug. To kill insects, treat twice intermittently. If you violate the instructions for using the drug Regent against cockroaches, red Prussians remain alive. Children's belongings, food, and hygiene products are hidden, and people and animals leave the premises.

Inconveniences are created, but Regent is no different from other chemicals.

How Regent 800 works on cockroaches

The drug is doubly effective, as it is capable of destroying a cockroach in several ways:

  1. External. If the drug gets on the legs or chitinous cover of an insect, then after some time it seeps into its body cavity. There it affects the nervous system, disrupting its functioning. Also on the legs of the cockroach, the poison is transferred to the nests, further infecting other individuals.
  2. Internal. If a cockroach eats poison, it enters the digestive tract, instantly having a toxic effect on the nerve endings and destroying the insect in just an hour or two.

Another quality of Regent 800 is that it affects any individual that comes into contact with the poison. There were no cases where a cockroach ate poison and did not die.

Instructions for use Regent 800

The manufacturer provides instructions for using the drug against cockroaches, but unfortunately does not indicate the dosage for diluting the solution. You need to look for information on how to mix poison with water yourself.

Below are recommendations that need to be followed before, after and during treatment of the room with Regent 800.

How to prepare premises for treatment

First of all, before spraying the poison:

  • remove all household inhabitants from the apartment, including animals;
  • either take out the aquarium with fish or cover it with a lid, turn off the compressor and open it only after ventilation;
  • remove all products that may be affected by the substance, as well as yours and pets’ dishes;
  • Place clothes, toys and household items in plastic bags and place them in the closet.

Prepare the room by following these steps:

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the cockroach cannot drink or eat the poison. Clean up, getting rid of crumbs, dirty dishes, leftover food and debris.
  2. Keep the room as dry as possible. Turn the taps on tightly, wipe the sink dry, and repair the water supply and sewage system if necessary (if there are leaks in the pipes).
  3. Remove potted flowers and other objects that can absorb poison vapors.
  4. Close the windows tightly.

How to breed Regent 800

The drug should be diluted and used only if safety precautions are observed. For the initial treatment of a room inhabited by a large colony of cockroaches, make a concentrated solution. Dilute an ampoule or 0.5 g of dry powder in 1 glass of warm water. The solution is immediately ready for use.

How and where to apply the prepared solution?

Before the procedure, buy a spray bottle. It will facilitate processing, save solution and ensure that the substance gets into hard-to-reach places. Fill a spray bottle with concentrated poison and treat all possible cockroach habitats, paying special attention to:

  • semi;
  • skirting boards;
  • areas near the trash can;
  • drains under the bathtub and sink;
  • cracks;
  • ventilation;
  • window sills;
  • legs and walls of cabinets.

The poison should be sprayed at a distance of 20 cm from all areas and surfaces. After spraying, leave the room immediately.

Effect of the drug

For the product to help, do not open windows and doors in the room for at least two hours after spraying. The highest concentration of fipronil is 1.5-2 hours after treatment. The substance immediately begins to actively influence the pest, however, it does not destroy cockroaches instantly, but over time, over several days. The poison will be effective for about 4 more weeks.

Preparing the premises for occupancy

After 2 hours, return to the apartment and open the windows. The poison is odorless, but its vapors can remain in the air, enter the respiratory system and have a negative effect on humans. Leave the room to ventilate for 1.5-2 hours. Then carry out wet cleaning, thoroughly washing all objects that people or pets may come into contact with with a saline or soap-soda solution.

How to use the drug for prevention

The drug is capable of destroying adults within a few days, but the poison will not destroy eggs protected by a hard shell. To get rid of all individuals forever, repeat the treatment after two weeks, making the solution less concentrated. For preventive spraying, dilute an ampoule or sachet of Regent 800 powder in 1 or 2 liters of water. Treat the room in the same way as before, being sure to follow all safety precautions.

Methods of application and price

When working with the drug, the following safety rules must be observed:

  • hands are protected with rubber gloves, especially when working with concentrate;
  • it is necessary to use a respirator and goggles when spraying the product;
  • indoor plants, animals and children are removed from the premises;
  • all hygiene items, clothes, toys are put away in closets;
  • food products are carefully packaged;
  • treatment begins from places where pests are most concentrated - along baseboards, pipes, sinks and sinks; the underside of mattresses and upholstered furniture is also treated;
  • after finishing the work, open the windows and ventilate the premises for 60-90 minutes;
  • To neutralize toxins, surfaces that people come into contact with are thoroughly washed with a saline solution.

To obtain a solution from the concentrate, the ampoule is opened and dissolved in a glass of warm water (200-250 ml). For spraying, a household hand-held sprayer is used.

In order to prevent the reappearance of pests, the ampoule can be dissolved in more water (1-2 l).

The powder is diluted according to a similar principle. Take one 0.5 gram sachet per glass of water. For preventive work, the same amount of powder is dissolved in one liter of water.

Suspension from plastic bottles is used as follows:

  • basic treatment – ​​5 ml of the drug per glass of water;
  • prevention - the same amount of insecticide per liter of water.

On average, it takes from 1.5 to two hours to completely process all premises. For the same period, residents need to leave the apartment and allow the insecticide to act on the pests. Then the housing is ventilated and washed with a saline or soap-soda solution.

The active substances belong to the second class of danger to humans and can lead to acute poisoning. Its symptoms:

  • severe dizziness and weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance, especially if a small child has been poisoned. If the solution gets on the skin, it is recommended to wash it off with water and soda.

It should be noted that you cannot dilute the drug using the instructions - it gives

recommendations regarding the destruction of Colorado potato beetles.

By dissolving the recommended amount of insecticide in a bucket of water, you can achieve only one thing - to distribute moisture in the apartment, which cockroaches love so much. Therefore, the struggle must be comprehensive.


  • Achieve maximum dryness - eliminate pipe leaks, ensure high-quality ventilation of the bathroom and kitchen, promptly wipe up water on the floor under the sink and sink.
  • Remove all food supplies using plastic containers and plastic bags, as well as sealed containers.

You can purchase the product in stores at the following prices:

  • suspension - from 200 rubles per 100 ml;
  • ampoule – from 8 rubles per piece (usually there are 6 ampoules in a package);
  • powder - from 16 rubles per bag.

Which insects harm trees the most? What enemies do insects have? Who are they? Our article has answers to this question.

You will learn what products can be used against parasites and pests by reading the material at the link.

Security measures

Be sure to follow safety precautions. The poison is dangerous to humans and can cause poisoning if it gets into:

  • on the skin;
  • into the respiratory tract;
  • into the digestive system;
  • into the blood through wounds and scratches.

To protect yourself from the negative effects of poison vapors, when preparing the solution and spraying the room, follow these steps:

  1. Wear clothing that completely covers your body. Ideally, a special thick suit or robe.
  2. Wear rubber gloves on your hands.
  3. Put a protective mask on your face. It is better if it is a respirator, so the vapors will definitely not get into the respiratory system.
  4. Cover your eyes with safety glasses.
  5. After treatment, wash your hands and face well, rinse your mouth with soda solution.

How does Regent affect pets and people?

It is prohibited to use the product and contact with treated areas:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people suffering from allergies or asthma;
  • children and pets.

If the drug does get on your skin, wash it off immediately with water. If you feel unwell or experience the first symptoms of poisoning, call an ambulance immediately. If you are poisoned by vapors, you may feel:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • abdominal pain.

With a more severe infection, a person may even faint.

Animals with poisoning experience similar symptoms.

Pros and cons of the product

The drug is endowed with properties that allow you to effectively destroy the entire colony of cockroaches.

Regent's virtues:

  • acts for quite a long time, at least 15 days, which allows you to exterminate all pests that come into contact with the poison;
  • is inexpensive;
  • has no smell;
  • leaves no marks or streaks;
  • preparing the solution and treating the room does not require additional skills or abilities;
  • Only a few ampoules will be needed to treat the room.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • all cockroaches are not destroyed immediately, but within a few days;
  • may affect human health, therefore requires compliance with all safety measures;
  • During disinfestation, all household members will need to leave the premises for at least 4 hours, and preferably for a day.

Difference from other toxic agents

Regent differs from other means for exterminating cockroaches in its 100% effectiveness, availability and ease of use. The main features that are superior to the effects of other brands of poisons:

  • penetrates the cockroach’s body in several ways, due to which a larger number of individuals become infected;
  • the effectiveness of the product does not depend on external factors, changes in temperature, light or air humidity;
  • does not cause addiction in insects.

Is the Regent always effective, according to reviews?

Mostly on various Internet forums, users leave positive reviews about the effectiveness of the product. However, there are also negative comments. Not everyone knows that the effect of poison can be reduced if:

  • the solution was diluted in the wrong proportions;
  • did not pay special attention to possible places of migration of cockroaches;
  • the drug was sprayed incorrectly;
  • food and crumbs were not removed before processing;
  • the cockroach was able to reach the liquid, thereby reducing the toxic effect of the poison on the body;
  • Repeated preventive treatment was not carried out and new individuals hatched from the preserved eggs.

To prevent cockroaches from returning, team up with your neighbors and treat not only your apartment, but the entire house. Then the cockroaches will leave your home forever.

What consumers say

Now you can find many reviews about Regent. Here are some of them.

I bought Regent on the advice of a friend. Once I complained to her that I was completely tormented by cockroaches coming to “visit” a negligent neighbor. I bought the drug and did everything as my friend advised. I cleaned the entire apartment and went to work. Arriving in the evening, I was pleasantly surprised - all surfaces were strewn with dead cockroaches. This is how my months-long struggle with the Prussians ended! Anastasia, Samara

Just recently I purchased a home in a new house. But the joy of the housewarming gave way to disappointment due to the meeting with the Prussians. Unfortunately, I knew very well what it was and how much trouble it could bring. I decided to turn to my mother for advice. She advised the Regent. To be honest, there were certain doubts - the packaging says that it is a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle. But I decided to try anyway. The result amazed me. Some of the pests died, and some simply left the apartment. Natalya, Moscow


If you are not afraid to use Regent 800 due to increased toxicity, study the anti-cockroach properties of similar products. More effective drugs include:

  • Raptor;

  • Raid;

  • boric acid;

  • Dichlorvos;

  • Combat;

  • Globall;

  • Mashenka;

  • Cucaracha;

  • Clean house;

  • Dohlox-gel.

Basically, all drugs work on one active substance included in the composition. Before purchasing, study information about the effect of the drug on forums or ask friends for advice.

Regent 800 is a substance that guarantees the complete extermination of cockroaches from the apartment.
It is available and very cheap. Before use and during treatment of the room, be sure to follow safety precautions. After spraying, wash the room thoroughly. Do not allow the poison to come into contact with children and pets. By following all the recommendations described above, you will get rid of pests forever. Did you like the article? Was she helpful?

Composition and principle of action

Every year more improved drugs against harmful insects appear on the market, which is explained by the presence of resistance to the drugs used. This is how the contact-intestinal insecticide Regent was developed. Its active component is fipronil, which is distinguished by its ability to have a detrimental effect on adult insects and their larvae that live not only in the soil, but also on the leaf mass of plants. Among the additional components of the drug:

  • chlorophos;
  • permethrin.

The drug penetrates into the body in two ways:

  • Intestinal. The pest dies after it tastes parts of the bush treated with the working solution.
  • Contact. Poisoning of the parasitic individual occurs in the process of spraying potato plantings. The active substance of the insecticide begins its action after contact with the body of the Colorado potato beetle.

The use of a drug based on fipronil does not leave a single chance for pests of potato bushes. The process of their poisoning is carried out through:

  • blocking receptors;
  • disruption of the passage of nerve impulses;
  • paralysis (immobility).

As a result of such irreversible changes, the parasitic insects die.

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