How to use Get for bedbugs. Bedbug repellent Get reviews. GET Express, GET Express, GET Dry.

Composition and release forms

The drug Get for bedbugs is available in 100 ml bottles. The concentrated, white or slightly pinkish liquid consists of one type of toxic substance - chlorpyrifis. The top of the neck is covered with metal foil with the letter G in a figured frame. The name of the remedy for bedbugs is written in Latin font: Get total.

The concentration of chlorpyrifis in the original packaging is 5%. It is recommended to shake the bottle thoroughly before use. When opening the bottle, a faint aroma of orange alcohol tincture appears due to the added fragrance. The toxic substance itself is enclosed in polymer microcapsules, the integrity of which is disrupted upon contact with the pest.

Capsules up to 20 microns in size cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. Therefore, the liquid in the bubble appears uniform. The substance is heavier than water by weight. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, the bottle should be shaken vigorously several times before diluting with water.

On a note! To destroy 1 bug, one microcapsule of Get is enough, of which only 1 ml contains about 750 pieces.

The anti-bedbug suspension Get is used to combat bed parasites that prevent people from getting a good night's rest. The drug acts against adult insects, for which it is enough to wait 20-30 minutes. Pest eggs are also destroyed when a toxic substance gets on the masonry. The process of egg death continues for up to 3 hours.

After treatment, no traces of Get remain on wooden parts of furniture, upholstery, wallpaper, plastic, or tiles. The water base dries and the microcapsules are small enough to be noticeable.

Where to buy and how to distinguish the drug from a fake?

The popular substance, produced under the Get brand, can be ordered on the manufacturer’s website or from official representatives at retail outlets. The price varies from 710 to 790 rubles. If you order delivery, you will need to pay a small amount. To get original products that will quickly get rid of bedbugs, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of features:

  1. The name must contain one, not two T's.
  2. The label is made in corporate colors (yellow-red).
  3. If you open the bottle, you will notice a foil membrane. It must contain the Get logo.
  4. The original products are distinguished by a white, cream color, or less often a light pink tint.
  5. Upon opening, you can taste notes of orange and alcohol. The presence of the smell of gasoline or solvents indicates that it is a fake.

Mechanism of action on insects

When the substance is sprayed over the habitats of bedbugs, heavy capsules with poison settle on the treated surface, covering it with a dense layer. The shell gradually breaks down, releasing chlorpyrifis. The poison enters the respiratory system of pests, causing paralysis of surrounding organs. Bedbugs carry particles of the substance on their legs to the nest, where they poison their relatives. Also, the capsules are glued to the chitinous cover of pests, where Get against bedbugs begins a paralytic effect from the outside.

Places where insects accumulate are detected by traces of their vital activity. More often, the wooden interior surfaces of furniture are covered with numerous dark specks. Bedbugs can be found in the folds of the seams on the mattress, under peeled parts of the wallpaper. It is recommended to apply the toxic suspension to the following places:

  • in the cracks under the baseboards around the entire perimeter of the apartment;
  • treat the back of the furniture, moving it away from the wall;
  • remove and spray wall decorations, paintings, clocks with the solution;
  • the bed, sofa, chairs must be disassembled in order to treat all inaccessible places;
  • pay attention to the floor, the area behind the heating radiators, and walls.

Important! The poison must reach all possible locations where pests are located. At the same time, most of the poison is carried by the bugs themselves on their legs.

Duration of action

The poison against bedbugs Get is packaged in microscopic capsules that float in an aqueous solution. The boxes do not open simultaneously, but over a period of up to 180 days. The prolonged action and the inability to survive upon contact with the substance makes the poison effective for the complete destruction of bedbugs inhabiting the apartment.

After spraying the product, the capsules fall to the floor, covering it with a continuous layer. The boxes crack when insects touch them. Young individuals hatched from eggs die upon contact with poison.

GET Dry for bedbugs

solid form of the drug GET. When treating surfaces with this preparative form, a film is formed that is not absorbed into pile, fabric, concrete, wood, whitewash, etc.

It has a creamy color and matte texture, does not leave marks on furniture and walls. Ready to use product. You just need to take GET Dry out of the package and rub the surfaces. Compound

  • alphacypermethrin (3.0%)
  • imidacloprid (0.2%)
  • solvent
  • shaper
  • fragrance


The first result after using Get bedbug repellent is noticeable after a day. Bedbug attacks at night practically stop, but in order to completely eliminate the population, the substance must destroy the eggs and the beetles that survived the treatment.

You can calculate how much money will be needed to eliminate all insects using the classification of home infestation by parasites:

  1. In the morning, bite marks were noticed on the skin, but no bedbugs were found during the inspection of the room. This is the first stage. To treat an average apartment of 1-2 rooms, 1 bottle of the product is enough.
  2. Bite marks cover 1/4 of the body, but no bedbugs are visible upon a superficial examination. It is recommended to increase the dose of the substance (3 bottles are enough for a 3-4 room standard apartment).
  3. A person constantly wakes up bitten. Upon examination, signs of insect life are revealed. Neighbors can't find pests either. This is the third degree of infection, in which a thorough treatment with Get should be carried out, using a bottle for each room.
  4. Bedbugs are detected during a thorough examination; the use of toxic substances gives temporary results. The fourth stage, when the use of other means causes the insects to become accustomed to the poison. As a result, insects become immune to the poison. It is recommended to treat the apartment with a high concentration of the substance Get, which is not addictive.

Important! A greater effect is achieved after simultaneous disinfestation of the neighbors’ apartment. This prevents the development of immunity in surviving insects to the toxic substance.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug GET

GET anti-bedbug product increases sales in the market. There are more and more people becoming interested, and the popularity of chemistry is growing. To draw a final line, let’s mention all the existing disadvantages and advantages.

The advantages are as follows:

  • Resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays.
  • Easy to use.
  • Additionally, GET rids your living space of prussians and mice.
  • Does not leave streaks on interior elements.
  • Has a prolonged effect.

Unfortunately, you can’t do without minuses (nothing in the world is ideal), although in this case it is the only one:

  • The high price repels people who are inclined towards budget options.

Finally, we recommend that you watch a video on how to get rid of bedbugs using the drug GET:

Instructions for use

The apartment must be prepared for treatment with a toxic agent. First, it is recommended to do a general cleaning, destroying any nests of parasites found along the way. Then prepare a solution from the suspension, taking into account the requirements of Get from bedbugs instructions for use:

  • shake the composition vigorously so that the heavy capsules are evenly distributed throughout the suspension;
  • dilute the product 1:10, depending on the area of ​​the surface to be treated and the classification of pest infestation in the apartment;
  • treat the premises of a residential apartment with a solution of higher concentration than the utility area or warehouse;
  • to spray the product, you can use a garden sprayer or any container with a sprayer;
  • Do not treat bed linen, sofa upholstery, armchairs;
  • the apartment should be ventilated after a few hours;
  • Wet cleaning is recommended to be done after 3-4 days.

The drug Get is considered non-toxic for people and animals (hazard class 3), so you should not worry about health complications after antiparasitic treatment of the apartment.

GET Express against bedbugs

microencapsulated fast-acting suspension for the destruction of cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, wasps, bedbugs and skin beetles. The bottle contains a concentrate, which must be diluted with water before processing.

Begins to act after 2 hours. Safe for people and pets. It has a neutral odor and leaves no residue.


  • lambda-cyhalothrin (1.0%)
  • synergist dicarboximide (MGK-264) (1.5%)
  • stabilizers
  • emulsifier
  • water

Precautionary measures

As long as the microscopic granules are intact, the toxic substance is practically not released into the surrounding air. The chemical hazard of the substance is assigned to class 3. The poison against bedbugs Get is allowed to be used for treating hospitals and children's institutions. When using the substance, it is recommended to observe personal safety measures (respirator, gloves, overalls). Pets, birds, and fish should be removed from the area of ​​influence of the substance. It is advisable for people with pulmonary lesions to leave the disinsection site.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to wet clean the room. It is recommended to apply the poisonous solution with the windows closed to create an insect-poisoning atmosphere in the room. Heavy capsules with the substance remain on the treated surface without rising into the air. During the procedure, it is prohibited to eat, smoke, or lick your lips.

After treating the room, you should wash exposed parts of the body and face with soap and rinse your mouth. It is good to ventilate the room 2-6 hours after the procedure. It is necessary to wipe all areas that are constantly touched by the person living in the apartment:

  • handles of doors, furniture, window frames;
  • wash the dishes;
  • wash bedding;
  • wash glass surfaces of windows and furniture;
  • wipe the shelves inside the cabinets;
  • clean the outer surface of polished products, the handrails of the sofa, armchairs, and the backs of chairs.

It is not recommended to do wet cleaning for several days in order to successfully eliminate the next generation of bedbugs hatched from untreated clutches of eggs.

GET Total against bedbugs

GET Total is a long-acting microencapsulated suspension for the destruction of bedbugs and other insects. The bottle contains a concentrate, which must be diluted with water in the required concentration before processing. After preparing the required concentration, the solution is applied to the surface. After about 8 hours, the product dries on the surface, and the microcapsules remain on the treated areas for up to 6 months. During this time, the insect that walks along the surface catches microcapsules with the active substance, chlorpyrifos, on its legs. Gradually, the poison penetrates the chitinous cover, disrupts the function of the nervous system, and the insect dies.

Bed bugs are destroyed in 5-14 days. Protection of treated surfaces for up to six months. Safe for people and pets. It has a neutral odor and leaves no residue. It acts on insect eggs, so re-treatment is not required.


  • Chlorpyrifos (5.0%)
  • stabilizers
  • emulsifier
  • water

Pros and cons of Get

The effectiveness of the remedy for bed bugs Get lies in the duration of the active effect and the absence of addiction of individual individuals to the poison. Usually the effect of the poison is stopped after ventilation and cleaning of the room. Get capsules open gradually, ensuring the elimination of surviving insects.

The poison is effectively used as a preventive treatment if parasites are noticed among neighbors. In this case, the active substance, enclosed in a reliable shell, does not enter the human respiratory tract. A complicated procedure for preparing an insect poisoning agent is not required: the drug should only be diluted with water in accordance with the instructions.

On a note! The fairly high cost of the Gett bedbug remedy is justified by the excellent effectiveness of the toxic substance.

Reviews from people who rated the drug

Reviews about the GET product, like any other similar product, are mixed. Most of the comments on various forums and sites with discussion sections are created in positive tones. Of course, grumps, cliques and hoarders are indignant. The reasons for verbal anger are different: high price, preference for another product, the desire to zealously beat the water with your hands just like that.

Don't pay any attention to them. GET shows itself in all its glory. If the product were a dummy, a placebo, it would not have gained success among the masses and would not have received wide publicity. Therefore, without hesitation, reduce its number on the shelves, that is, purchase it and use it for the benefit of a clean home.

Reviews Get for bedbugs

Good evening. I treated the sofa and the third of the room adjacent to the sofa with a mixture of Get Total and Get Express. Since the diluted product was 2.2 liters (2 liters - water, and 0.1 liter x 2 pcs. - drug concentrate), I sprayed the walls, floor, sofa from the bottom, back, inside, and also outside at the seams 3 times. Ventilated after 8 hours. I haven’t spent the night at home for 20 days, but my dog ​​spent the night on the couch. After 20 days - dead bedbugs under the sofa, no living ones. It's already 11 nights. If they don’t show up, I’ll be very happy. The product is really great. Thank you very much.

Hello, we bought our first apartment, with two children we liked it here, and even on the 1st floor, but the happiness did not last long, the neighbors above us also bought the same apartment as ours, and it began: cockroaches, first, then bedbugs from them (there was nothing before them), with children and also a pregnant woman, it’s a big problem to get rid of them, then a friend at my husband’s work recommended the “GET” product to us, although of course it’s a little expensive at a hundred milliliters, but we bought it, processed it, and went to to a friend for the night, they came and ventilated everything, after the treatment there was a feeling that the neighbor’s bedbugs had gone crazy, like crazy people had crawled out, well, I think, it seems like the instructions say that it will help, that it should be so, and then I freaked out - I spread the remains of GET and just didn’t from a spray bottle, and with a damp rag I wiped everything everywhere so that it would be damper and a miracle would happen! For a year now no one has been crawling towards us, neither from neighbors nor from the street (ants and others). So yes, I recommend it. Although, of course, there are no insects, I will buy more to protect the house and prevent it. First floor, basement below us.

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