How to get rid of cockroaches in a dorm quickly and permanently?

How to get rid of German cockroaches in a hostel, how to remove these carriers of infectious diseases, what chemicals and what folk remedies work reliably and effectively. Prussians are carriers of diseases, so they need to be exterminated.

One of the biggest problems of hostels is the control of cockroaches, which can spread diseases.

Cockroaches in a hostel are the norm rather than an exceptional case. A large number of people with different habits and different levels of culture who come from different places can bring with them any insects and parasites, including cockroaches.

How to get rid of cockroaches in a dorm?

Students have been living next to the Prussians for many years and cannot get rid of their annoying neighbors in any way. Therefore, everyone who is forced to live in a hostel is concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get rid of the Prussians, who are not afraid of anything and calmly run across tables and baseboards before your eyes.

Features of wrestling

There are many effective methods for getting rid of cockroaches in your own home or apartment, but a hostel is a special case. The peculiarities of the struggle are that in a hostel, as a rule, there is a separate building, which occupies a large area, in which many people live at the same time, many rooms.

Baiting cockroaches

Bullying should occur simultaneously in all rooms.

From time immemorial, dormitories have been breeding grounds for cockroaches, so bullying naturally occurs quite often there, cockroaches constantly adapt to insecticides and all poisons gradually cease to work. Therefore, the fight against cockroaches in dormitories must be long-term and varied. A variety of poisons must be used, they must change, as well as the methods themselves.

And after the eradication takes place, everyone should improve their literacy, receive instructions on how to repel cockroaches and be very vigilant.

How to kill cockroaches in the sewer

Stop being surprised by cockroaches emerging from the sewer.

Cockroach in the sewer

What to do in order to remove cockroaches forever you will need the following items:

  • 1 pair of gloves;
  • 1 toilet brush;
  • 500 ml alcohol vinegar;
  • 250 ml detergent;
  • 5 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 500 ml bleach.

Step by step guide to solve the problem:

  • open the drain pipe cover;
  • distribute the detergent throughout the drain, including the side walls;
  • remove all dirt with a brush;
  • rinse the area with plenty of water;
  • pour the bleach down the drain, making sure to include the sides;
  • pour vinegar in the same way;

How to get cockroaches out of your closet

It doesn't matter which dorm room the red cockroaches come from, what matters is how to remove them from your room and food cupboards.

It is important to emphasize that the solutions presented below are palliative, that is, they do not kill cockroaches, they only drive them away from cabinets.

Cockroaches in the closet

Here are some good ways to banish them from your lockers:

  • spray alcohol solution with cloves;
  • add basil leaves to the cupboard or nearby;
  • leave a few bowls of lavender oil on the shelves;
  • Scatter rosemary or bay leaves behind furniture.

Fight the enemy

Disinsection of an institution in which a large number of people live must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SanPin Any extermination of insects takes place according to the instructions for using chemicals. People who have undergone certain training and have no medical contraindications are allowed to perform the procedure.

During disinfestation the following activities are carried out:

  • All residents are notified about the start of the fight against bed bugs. The management of the hostel must post a notice at the entrance about the presence of insects.
  • Residents themselves should be more attentive to signs of the appearance of parasites and promptly notify commandants and the management of the institute about the appearance of insects in their living quarters.
  • When calling the disinfection service, notify residents about the day of the procedure and monitor the preparation and vacancy of the rooms.
  • Keep empty rooms under control. Carry out preventive maintenance on them periodically.

Today's story is unpleasant and very complex. From the stories of hostel residents, it is clear that the appearance of bedbugs resembles an epidemic that is impossible to fight. And what to do in such situations is not completely known.

While in an infected room, you must:

  1. Notify the hostel management about the appearance of insects, and insist on disinfestation of the entire institution.
  2. Take independent preventive measures and negotiate with neighboring rooms to fight together.
  3. Show mental toughness and don't let yourself get depressed.

Remedies for Prussians

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is a safe and effective method for eliminating German cockroaches. Diatomaceous earth is an abrasive substance that kills gurus by attacking their exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and die. The benefits of using diatomaceous earth to control cockroaches are that the insects carry the dust back to their colony and infect everyone.

The insecticidal effect of diatomaceous earth on pussies was confirmed in a 2014 study. Researchers found that it is very effective at eliminating cockroach populations, that it is safe for people and non-toxic to pets. Diatomaceous earth is effective where other control methods have failed.

Remedies for cockroaches

To use diatomaceous earth to kill red cockroaches, it is important to use the food grade. You need to sprinkle a thin layer of diatomaceous earth in areas where the barbels live or feed. Repeat the procedure every 4-5 days until you get rid of all the cockroaches. Remember, diatomaceous earth is only effective at killing cockroaches when it is completely dry. So if it gets wet, dry the area thoroughly and dust again.

Overview of available tools

At the moment, you can find many different drugs in stores that you can use in the dorm. Let's consider the most affordable and effective means with which you can get rid of pests.

  • Gel Globol. Should be used as a prophylactic. It can be applied before complex treatment in order to reduce the number of pests. The main advantage: the ability to apply gel to cracks, baseboards and hard-to-reach places. It is important to renew the gel on time and get rid of dead insects.
  • Get liquid concentrate. Excellent for complex processing. Features prolonged effects. Cockroaches do not die immediately; they carry poison particles and infect each other. This is the most suitable remedy for controlling insects in a dorm. When using fast-acting drugs, there is a possibility that the poison will not reach some cockroaches and they will remain alive. For disinfestation you will need to purchase a sprayer.
  • Lambda zone. The action of the drug is similar to the previous one. The manufacturer claims that the drug is odorless and does not cause allergies. Great for allergy sufferers and highly sensitive people.
  • Among the preventive agents, it is worth noting the Cleanbait and Solfisan traps. They are affordable and easy to use. But it is worth remembering that gels, traps and folk remedies cannot be considered a full-fledged fight against insects. You need to poison with liquid preparations. As for ultrasonic traps, they are ineffective and it is better to abandon them completely.

If you follow simple rules and fight together, you will be able to get rid of pests for a long time. Only with an integrated approach will it be possible to eradicate cockroaches from all rooms.

Exclusive methods of extermination

  • Entomopathogenic fungi parasitize insects, incapacitate them and even cause them to die. The potential of Aspergillus westerdijkiae was first noted by Antonio Carlos Monteiro from the FCAV plant science department, who discovered a dead cockroach covered in fungus. Isolated and grown in the laboratory, the mushroom was studied in comparison with a conventional chemical control.
  • The researchers examined the pathogenicity of an isolate of this fungus, called JAB 42, and found that it was not only capable of easily killing adults of the American species Periplaneta, but also its eggs in the ooteca.
  • The ootheca has a protein coating that protects the eggs from drying out and chemical penetration. The researchers, however, observed adhesion, germination, penetration and extrusion of the fungus on this structure. This happens because the fungus produces enzymes that can digest tissue, penetrating the ovary, colonizing it from the inside and infecting insects.
  • The fungus has potential for the development of biological pest control formulations, replacement or addition to synthetic products, as it is capable of infecting cockroach eggs. The properties of the fungus differ from those of chemical-synthetic products. Thus, the organic product is able to kill cockroaches before they develop and limit their infestation in the environment.
  • Pathogenicity testing of isolate JAB 42 was performed in the laboratory due to the difficulty of propagating spore masses and the lack of a formulation for field use. The results were promising, resulting in the destruction of at least 60% of the eggs - while insecticides and other commercially available species of entomopathogenic fungi tested in the field by the researchers for comparative purposes were not very effective against the eggs, only killing the eggs.
  • Researchers are now aiming to study the composition of the fungus, which can be used in the field and thus distributed, transported and stored for large-scale commercial applications.

Proven methods of destruction

Boiling water, a simple and exclusive method for eliminating cockroaches in plumbing.

You've probably heard your parents or grandparents say that boiling water is a great option for those who want to unclog sinks and get rid of dish grease. However, what you don't know yet is that this simple ingredient is also effective in removing cockroaches from your home and removing the ones that live in your pipes.

Boiling water is poured into the sink

By helping, for example, to remove grease and remaining food that gets stuck in the pipes after washing dishes, boiling water also kills cockroaches in these places. You get rid of those bugs, dirt, and little bits of food all at the same time.

Now just choose the best homemade recipe and start killing cockroaches. Do you know any other home remedies or poison to kill cockroaches? Share your knowledge with us!!!

How to exterminate the Prussians in the hostel

To exterminate the Prussians in the hostel, you need to use all possible technologies and methods.

Traditional methods

Cockroach repellent based on onion paste and boric acid.

  • Effective and very cheap, this poison has benefited thousands of people. To make the poison, you need to beat half an onion in a blender until a paste forms. Then mix half a cup of flour, 4 tablespoons of boric acid (which you can find at the pharmacy), a little sugar and water or beer. You need to create a dense dough. Place the mixture in bottle caps or pieces of cardboard, scatter it throughout your dorm room, communal kitchen, and anywhere you commonly find insects. Eating this treat will cause them to die. Be sure to keep the mixture away from pets as it may be harmful to your pet.

Boric acid for cockroaches

Homemade poison, made from a mixture of sugar and baking soda.

  • Baking soda is known for its thousand and one benefits, and one of them is keeping cockroaches away. To make this happen, simply mix equal parts refined sugar with baking soda and distribute the mixture throughout your home. When eating bicarbonate mixed with sugar, cockroaches die.

Soda and sugar for cockroaches

Poison for killing cockroaches based on ammonia and water.

  • Ammonia is a real poison to cockroaches and can help you keep your home clean and free of these unwanted insects at all times. To do this, simply mix a little of the substance in a bucket of water and wash the floor, wipe down countertops, sinks and cabinet shelves, and what is left after cleaning the house can be poured down the drain to kill the cockroaches living there.

Ammonia from cockroaches

Stop cockroaches using bay leaves.

  • Used in gastronomy to add flavor to food, especially broths and soups, bay leaves are a nightmare for cockroaches. This is because its scent is so strong that it can easily repel these insects. A tip is to scatter bay leaves where you usually find insects. And remember, the fresher the leaf, the greater its effect on cockroaches.

Bay leaf for cockroaches in a spoon


Helps with low insect colony counts. The huge advantage of this method is its absolute safety for people and pets. The traps use a sticky and baited surface that smells like a cockroach.

You can buy ready-made traps or make them yourself. There's nothing complicated about it. A homemade trap is a piece of cardboard covered with glue on top. In the middle of the bait:

  • slice of smoked sausage
  • boiled potatoes
  • piece of fat

If you're not afraid or disgusted by cockroaches, you can create sticky traps to trap them and become an easy target when it comes to eliminating your colonies. To do this, simply apply a little glue to the cardboard and sprinkle sugar on top. The food will attract insects, they will get stuck in the sticky mixture, this will help you eliminate the intruders.

Cockroach traps

This method of controlling cockroaches is not suitable for dormitories. Firstly, it is not suitable for mass infections, which are typical for dormitories. Secondly, many people have a strong aversion to cockroaches, and they will object to this unsightly method of extermination.

Cockroaches die from most insecticides

We have already tested more than 40 drugs based on various insecticides. In the form of an aerosol, almost any means kills red and black cockroaches.

So, in our experiments, cockroaches from different apartments and from different industrial enterprises were successfully killed:

  • Get Total and Get Express
  • Executioner
  • Chalk Mashenka (!)
  • Boric acid and borax
  • Karbofos
  • Cifox
  • Combat
  • Sinuzan
  • Averfos
  • Lambda Zone
  • Various aerosols from the Raid and Raptor lines
  • Hector from cockroaches

It was not possible to kill the cockroaches with Phenaxin powder, permethrin-based smoke bombs and several gels. We believe that the point here is not so much in the active substance, but in the preparative form of the products themselves. For example, an aerosol with fipronil quickly killed cockroaches that had not previously been “taken” by a gel based on the same fipronil.

In any case, cockroaches indoors can be completely exterminated at one time with a relatively inexpensive means. If this fails, it means that the product is being used incorrectly. If you manage to destroy cockroaches, but then they appear again, it means that the places where they enter the room are simply not blocked.

We have completely removed cockroaches from apartments many times. In one heavily infested apartment, we even shot two videos: one before treatment, so that you could assess the degree of infection and look at the procedure for disinfestation itself, and the second, three weeks after the persecution, when not a single live cockroach could be found in the apartment.

In most cases, DezinCity specialists poison cockroaches with exactly this result; in the most difficult situations, after the second treatment, not a single cockroach remains in the apartment. And the exterminator always warns the customer that if cockroaches once got into the apartment, then in the future they will be able to do this again and will probably do so. People nod their heads in understanding, promise to find and block all ways for cockroaches to enter the apartment, but forget about this exactly at the moment when the exterminator leaves the apartment. But they remember after a couple of weeks, when they notice new newcomers. That is, when it is too late to eliminate the routes of their penetration.

How to get rid of cockroaches in a dorm room?

If you try to get rid of cockroaches in one specific dorm room, you will fail. A dorm is a place where you need to introduce all-out combat in all rooms at once. Only in this case can you hope for results.

Places suitable for pests to live and live in

You want to eliminate the cockroaches that are roaming around your home but you don't want to use any toxic products or anything that you can find in the market, you can make your own poison to get rid of cockroaches. It's pretty easy to do.

Before using a homemade poison poison, it is important to know where the enemy is. Cockroaches can easily pass through tiny cracks, climb walls, and find the smallest cracks to create their nests. They are most often found in cracks in bathrooms and kitchens. They like hot, humid and dark environments, and during the day they hide in places such as drains, holes in the floor or wall near appliances (eg washing machines, stoves), behind the refrigerator, in the microwave.

Places where cockroaches live

So be sure to seal any cracks you find in your home or outdoors, place a protective screen in your drains, and always keep your trash can closed and free of food debris inside.

Professional treatment for cockroaches

If there are no results from the methods described above, in agreement with the management of the hostel, you need to invite a team of specialists from the SES. They will perform pest control against cockroaches using professional products. Since all drugs act for a long time, there is no need to be afraid that the “Prussians” will return in the next few months. They usually charge 500 rubles or more for a room, which is a small amount considering the peace of mind and the absence of pests nearby.

Special pest control service

To prevent cockroaches from returning, you must always keep your room clean, be it a dorm, your own house or apartment. Pests easily live without food, but die without water, and the absence of even a drop from the tap or on the table is a sure way to prevent infection of the room.

Tips to help keep pests out of your dorm:

This is what you need to know: how to get rid of cockroaches forever? 8 effective ways to fight!

Prevention is absolutely necessary

Cockroaches can also enter your home through small openings in windows and main doors, as well as hiding in sewer pipes, kitchen pipes, heating or air conditioning systems, electrical boxes, the laundry room or even the flue.

Cans and trash, cardboard boxes are their favorite places. Don't keep them at home.

Maintain collective cleanliness. Make a schedule and a list of mandatory actions to ensure that public areas are always in order. Appoint kitchen attendants who will monitor order.

Rules for maintaining cleanliness in dormitories

  • Store food in closed containers.
  • Keep cabinets closed.
  • Check cracks and corners of cabinets and walls periodically.
  • Eliminate possible hiding places for cockroaches, seal cracks, especially in damp rooms, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.
  • Avoid the accumulation of debris and food debris in the sink and on the kitchen floor. Store trash in closed bins.
  • Glue, soap, sweat and cardboard are sources of hydrocarbons: a real feast for cockroaches. Put them away and don't allow them to be stacked: cardboard boxes, newspapers, magazines and trash in inappropriate places.
  • Keep thick boxes clean and well sealed.
  • Cover drains with lids.
  • Place rubber seals on the outside of the doors.
  • Carefully monitor the junctions between walls and floors.
  • Beware of low ceilings.
  • Clean the top of frames or panels periodically.
  • Remove and destroy ootheca containing cockroach eggs.
  • Don't leave food on the table, protect your computer keyboard from bread crumbs, etc.
  • Carry out a full wet cleaning as many times a day as necessary to keep floors, hoods, stoves and appliances clean.

Appearance of insects

The Prussian cockroach, scientifically known as Blatella germanica, is also known as the German cockroach, kitchen cockroach, and small cockroach.

It can be small in size (from 2 mm to 1.5 cm).

Appearance of a cockroach

Why is it so difficult to get rid of German cockroaches? The difficulty is that the reproductive potential is very high, and eggs are formed within a few days after crossing. The incubation period for cockroach eggs varies depending on temperature.

Prevention of parasites

The bug is a bloodsucker, so it does not care about the sanitary conditions of the room. Most of all, the insect is attracted to crowded living conditions, when there are a large number of residents in a small room. For preventive purposes, when moving to a new place, it is necessary to disinfest the premises and the things brought there.

Residential premises must have normal repair conditions. To prevent the appearance of bed bugs, it is necessary to eliminate all cracks and cracks in the floor, update the whitewash and plaster on the walls. Particular attention is paid to mattresses and baseboards. Timely inspection and disinfestation of which will help reduce the likelihood of unexpected guests.

Why is a pest bite dangerous?

The most common symptoms of a cockroach bite are:

  • Red bumps are one of the main symptoms. These red bumps are slightly larger than a mosquito bite and have a scab-like appearance. You should not scratch them as this can cause severe inflammation.
  • The bites also cause redness and a rash.
  • In addition to swelling and rashes, over time a group of edema appears at the site of the bite.

The most common places where cockroaches bite are nails, eyelashes, feet and hands.

Researchers have found that cockroaches bite 50 times harder than their body weight! This allows these pesky insects to chew on hard materials like wood and leave nasty marks on your skin.

Cockroach bite

Cockroaches will eat anything. If they don't have enough food or if there is a large infestation of cockroaches in the house, they may bite a person.

Cockroaches are attracted to various foods in your home, especially those that are decomposing. Roaches are attracted to the chemicals released from flour and sugar, so one of the first steps to prevent bites from American or German cockroaches is to keep work surfaces free of food waste and trash cans tightly covered.

It may be difficult to distinguish cockroach bites from other insect bites. Most species of cockroaches are more active at night, so in the morning you may only notice bite marks on your arms, legs, or other parts of the body. The inflammation is usually caused by an allergic reaction to the bite. If germs or bacteria get into the wound, infection may occur.

Scientists have discovered a number of health hazards associated with cockroach bites. One of the most serious complications of a cockroach bite is a wound infection. Cockroaches carry many strains of harmful bacteria, including the Staphylcccus aureus strain. More than 170 different strains of bacteria have been found in Prussians. Some other types of microbes found in cockroaches were Escherichia cli (E.cli), Salmnella typhi and Shigella dysenteriae.

Manifestation of an allergic reaction

Prussians can cause stomach and intestinal infections, allergies and itching.

A very common skin reaction to a sting is an allergic reaction. A cockroach bite can cause inflammation, itching, redness and swelling of the skin.

Cockroaches have been found to be one of the most common sources of allergens worldwide. In addition to causing allergic reactions in many people, cockroaches can also cause asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Allergy to cockroaches

Food contaminated with bacteria can cause illness, nausea and diarrhea.

Several studies have identified cockroaches as a potential source of food poisoning. Cockroach-infested foods can cause Helicbacter pylri infection. This strain of bacteria causes abdominal cramps and stomach ulcers. Outbreaks of salmonella poisoning have also been linked to cockroach infestations.

Getting rid of annoying insects

In dormitories, preventative disinfectants are mandatory. All dorm residents are responsible for controlling cockroach infestations.

The recommendation is that sanitation should be carried out regularly in dormitories.

After choosing a service provider, it is important for the company to visit the hostel to determine what strategy is best to use. This assessment will also help you choose the most suitable product and how to use it. When working with pesticides, it is very important that the contractor follows all current guidelines. Residents should also take part and fight cockroaches using gel, contact powder, sticky baits, and aerosols.

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