Sulfur ointment for demodicosis

Indications for the use of sulfur ointment for demodicosis

Sulfur ointment is prescribed for the classic course of demodicosis - a disease that is accompanied by damage to the skin by a microscopic parasitic mite - iron mite. This parasite settles in places of increased sweating, inside the sebaceous ducts and hair follicles.

Demodicosis can be complicated by a number of concomitant pathologies - this could be acne, dermatitis or rosacea, as well as eye lesions - blepharitis or conjunctivitis.

The active activity of the tick can provoke serious changes in the structure of the epidermal tissue. During the disease, the patient may experience rashes, acne, small ulcers, clear areas of inflammation, nodules that can cover the entire surface of the face. The skin begins to become covered with scales, and an increase in the function of the sebaceous glands is observed. The patient may complain of itching, shine and an unpleasant aroma of the skin.

To prevent the active spread of the tick to other parts of the body, treatment should be carried out as early as possible.

Indications for use

The main use of Sulfur ointment is the treatment of scabies. But when eliminating skin mites, it also showed its best side.

The use of simple sulfur ointment is indicated for such manifestations of demodicosis:

  1. acne. Due to blockage of the lumen of the sebaceous gland, acne appears. Against this background, an inflammatory process develops. If a secondary staphylococcal infection is added to the inflammation, then pustules inevitably appear.
  2. Skin shine. The characteristic shine on the skin occurs when the sebaceous glands produce a large amount of sebum. Moreover, if you have demodex when washing your face or using cosmetics, it is quite difficult to wash off such shine. And in itself, the increased production of sebum creates favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of subcutaneous mites.
  3. Itching. During the life of demodex, allergic reactions often develop. This is due to the fact that subcutaneous mites produce toxins to which the immune system reacts violently. All this leads to the development of an allergic reaction in the body.
  4. Redness and peeling. This is a classic manifestation of the inflammatory process on the skin. Hyperemia of the skin occurs due to a rush of arterial blood through dilated small vessels.

Demodectic mange causes rashes, redness and the appearance of ulcers and acne not only on the face, but also on the back or chest. It is appropriate to use simple sulfur ointment in all of the above cases.


Liniment has a softening and drying effect, protects, and in large doses irritates the skin.

The drug is prescribed for external treatment of the disease. When distributed on the skin, a reaction of the active component with the components of the epidermal layer and with the tissues of parasites is observed, which determines the bactericidal and antiparasitic effect of the drug.

Sulfur ointment with a 10% concentration of the active substance helps to enhance the formation of outer cells, and over the course of several days restores tissue after superficial wounds and defects. The product has a keratoplastic effect, has a softening effect on the skin, ensuring rapid neutralization of parasites and bacteria. Successfully eliminates itching.

Highly concentrated liniment with a sulfur content of 33% makes the epidermal layer looser and exfoliates dead skin particles. Therefore, it is more suitable for the treatment of diseases accompanied by keratinization of the skin (acne, seborrheic dermatitis). The drug with a 33% concentration has an irritating effect on skin receptors, which accelerates superficial blood flow, stimulating local metabolic processes.

Sulfur dries the tissue a little, creating a feeling of tightness and exfoliation of the surface layer, so it is recommended to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage of the drug.

Due to the fact that sulfur-based liniment is a means of external local use, the pharmacokinetics of the drug is not presented.

Who is the demodex mite and how does sulfur act on the parasite?

The demodex mite has a microscopic size of up to 1 mm, a worm-shaped transparent body, so it is impossible to notice them with the human eye. Their favorite habitat and breeding environment is the sebaceous gland of the face or body, hair follicles on the head and eyelashes. Cosmetics, follicle cells, subcutaneous fat are food for these parasites.

The tick of this subspecies reproduces very quickly; when it dies, it leaves behind younger offspring, so it is difficult to defeat. If this disease is detected, treatment must be started immediately, since demodex can spread unpleasant symptoms throughout the body. With an inflammatory process on the scalp, the patient soon begins to experience severe hair loss, up to the appearance of bald patches, as parasites suck out all the beneficial substances from the follicles. When the disease develops in the eye area, demodicosis can cause serious ophthalmological pathologies.

Treatment of the disease requires patience. Sulfur ointment has a low price, and it is quite effective against demodicosis, but it has some disadvantages: it dries the skin, has an unpleasant odor, and can leave greasy marks on clothes.

Vaseline, which is included in the composition, covers the skin with a durable film, depriving the mites of oxygen. The resulting sulfides paralyze the parasite, and subsequently it dies. The life cycle of the insect does not allow you to get rid of it after several uses of the drug; the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor and is carried out under supervision.

Most often, to combat demodex, experts prescribe the product at a concentration of 33%, since when using this particular version of the ointment, a rapid restorative cosmetic effect is observed:

Who is the demodex mite and how does sulfur act on the parasite?

  • the product in this concentration softens the affected epidermis,
  • exfoliates damaged particles of epidermal tissue, due to which new tissue cells begin to be actively produced,
  • improves blood flow and blood flow,
  • activates metabolism,
  • reduces discomfort.

The familiar sulfur ointment at a concentration of 10% has the following effects:

  • relieves the patient's condition, reduces itching, inflammation, redness,
  • destroys ticks,
  • quickly restores skin tissue after shallow lesions.

Sulfur causes peeling and a feeling of tightness of the skin; the product should not be applied to healthy areas of the epidermis; it can only be used in a strictly prescribed dosage.

Use of sulfur ointment for demodicosis during pregnancy

As a rule, with the onset of pregnancy, women should be very careful with the choice of medications, including external use. Medicines taken without a doctor's prescription can harm a developing baby in the womb. However, the local use of some external drugs is still allowed.

Sulfur-based liniment, which is prescribed for the treatment of scabies, seborrhea, acne, demodicosis or dermatitis, is considered one of the safest during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It effectively removes bacteria, cleanses pores, dries the skin, giving it freshness and cleanliness.

The risk of developing side effects during treatment is very small. However, it is still worth consulting with your doctor first, since some expectant mothers who are prone to allergic reactions may experience unpleasant consequences, for example, dizziness, low blood pressure, and skin rashes.

Composition of sulfur ointment

The product has a thick, yellowish consistency and is available in concentrations of 10% and 33%. The product actively fights various types of parasites and bacteria and stops their growth.

  • the main component is sulfur;
  • water;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • emulsifier.

Brief indications for use: mycosis, demodicosis, seborrhea, psoriasis, lichen, sycosis, scabies and other bacterial lesions of the face.

Contraindications to the use of sulfur ointment for demodicosis

The main contraindication to the use of this external drug is considered to be a tendency to allergies. To avoid adverse effects, before starting drug treatment, it is recommended to apply liniment to a limited area of ​​skin (for example, on the back of the knee or elbow). It is necessary to observe the application site for several hours. If there are no signs such as burning, rashes or itching, then you can safely use the medication.

During pregnancy, as well as in early childhood, liniment is used only after it has been prescribed by a doctor.

Expected effect of the ointment for demodicosis

After application, the product acts as follows:

  • affects ticks after only 7 minutes, after half an hour a certain number of ticks will be destroyed,
  • accelerates metabolism in tissues, regeneration occurs at a faster pace,
  • the cosmetic result for shallow lesions will be visible after 2-3 applications,
  • the film that forms on the surface of the affected area of ​​the skin does not allow oxygen to penetrate inside, thereby limiting access to the parasites, and they begin to die,
  • itching decreases.

Side effects of sulfur ointment for demodicosis

Side effects are relatively rare, however, patients must be aware of the body’s possible reactions. Treatment should be stopped if the following symptoms appear:

  • redness of the skin;
  • itching and burning sensations;
  • swelling, skin tension;
  • allergic manifestations.

If you find yourself with at least one of the listed signs, consult a doctor - he will prescribe another, no less effective medicine instead.

Directions for use and doses

Most often the drug is used as follows:

  • distribute liniment over the surface of the affected skin;
  • if the affected area is large enough, then it is applied to a surface extending beyond the affected area;
  • as a rule, the medicine is used once a day, preferably at night, without washing off for four to five hours, but, according to indications, it can be used 2-3 times a day;
  • wash off the product by rubbing the skin with oil;
  • the duration of treatment is usually at least one week and no more than 10 days;
  • At the end of the course of treatment, the affected area should be thoroughly washed (if it is the face, then wash thoroughly).

When using the drug, you must especially carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to change bed linens, especially pillowcases, as often as possible. Feather pillows should be replaced with new ones, preferably containing synthetic fillers: such pillows prevent re-infestation by mites.

How to use

The dermatologist will explain in detail to the patient how to use Sulfur ointment for demodicosis. To combat ticks, it is applied to pathological areas 3 times a day in a thick layer.

The procedures are repeated for 7-10 days. After this, take a break so that an overdose does not occur. It may take a whole year to completely get rid of demodex.

When using Sulfur Ointment, you must follow the instructions:

  • before applying the medicine to the face, it is cleaned of cosmetics, impurities, and sebum using tar soap;
  • apply a thick layer of Sulfur ointment to the pathological lesions and do not wash it off for 3 hours for maximum impact;
  • After the allotted time has passed, the face is thoroughly washed with tar soap, bed linen, towels, and clothes are replaced.

After applying Sulfur Ointment, it is strictly forbidden to cover it with bandages or plasters. When the first improvements appear, you should not stop therapy.

The course of treatment must be completed to the end so that the symptoms of the subcutaneous mite do not return. For demodicosis of the eyelids, sulfur ointment is not used.


Most often, the medicine is used once a day shortly before bedtime, for 7-9 days. With longer treatment, signs of overdose may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of increased side effects, skin irritation, the appearance of lumpiness and deterioration in the appearance of the skin.

If you have to treat a large area of ​​the skin surface, it is recommended to use a less concentrated liniment

If an allergic reaction develops, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor immediately.

Interactions with other drugs

Sulfur is one of the chemical elements, therefore, when combined with sulfur ointment and other external preparations, the formation of new compounds can occur with unpredictable consequences.

It is known that fluoride and iron preparations enhance the penetration of sulfur into tissues. At the same time, drugs based on barium, molybdenum, selenium and arsenic reduce the effectiveness of liniment.

Specific tests regarding the interaction of sulfur-based liniment and other external agents have not been carried out.

Reviews of sulfur ointment for demodicosis

Reviews about treatment with sulfur ointment are quite contradictory. In the vast majority of cases, this is due to incorrect and illiterate use of the drug, gross dosage violations or incorrect diagnosis.

If liniment is used strictly according to indications and follows all the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed the drug, then its positive effect is very noticeable.

Sulfur ointment is a relatively inexpensive external remedy, and also quite effective. Of course, there are some unpleasant moments in using liniment:

  • the product may stain clothes and bedding;
  • It has a not very pleasant aroma.

However, all these shortcomings can be ignored, since this medicine still significantly improves the condition of the skin.

Sulfur ointment is safe for demodicosis, although it can sometimes cause dry skin. But if you use the drug according to the recommended dosages and application rules, the effect will not take long to appear.


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Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kiev National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "General Medicine"

Other doctors

Features of the treatment of demodicosis with sulfur ointment

Sulfur ointment is completely safe for the human body. The only drawback is the unpleasant smell. Modern dermatologists in the fight against demodicosis often use this remedy as the main one. Despite the fact that there are other stronger drugs for the disease, this one does not cause any harm to the body. It is even prescribed to pregnant women suffering from skin parasites.

Sulfur ointment is used as a multifunctional remedy. It perfectly softens the skin, dries it, relieves itching and irritation, and also activates the regenerative properties of skin cells. There are two types of ointment. One contains a small amount of sulfur (8-10%), and the other contains a large amount (33%). The use of one or another variety depends on the problem that worries the person.

A drug with a small amount of sulfur in its composition is often used when localizing skin tumors on the tissues of the head. This product perfectly softens rough skin layers, relieves itching, redness and irritation. Sulfur ointment is an effective remedy for external signs of eczema and psoriasis, as well as demodicosis. Any damaged areas of the skin, with daily rubbing of the medicine, begin to fade after a few days. And with demodicosis, the effect is felt after the first 2-3 days of use. The skin stops itching, and the inflamed areas gradually acquire the color of healthy skin.

A medicine with a high sulfur content in its composition is more powerful in the fight against skin ailments. In cases of demodicosis, especially advanced ones, the drug can quickly heal even the most extensive skin wounds and neoplasms. Enzymes in sulfur ointment increase blood flow and irritate sensitive receptors. Often, treating a disease with such a remedy requires a special diet and increased attention to hygiene. Ointment with a high sulfur content dries out the skin, so it is important to moisturize it properly.

Sulfur ointment dries out the skin.

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