Solar rodent repeller solar rodent repeller

The principle of operation of the control method

Moles themselves are not pests for vegetable gardens. They do not eat the root system or fruits of plants. Rather, on the contrary, they destroy most of the harmful underground parasites, since they are the main diet of these animals. But moles dig numerous underground passages, which is why unpresentable strips of earth appear on the surface of the earth. Also, due to digging, the roots of plantings can be damaged.

You can get rid of a mole in different ways. Garden stores offer many electronic repellers based on the principle of ultrasonic waves - they are inaudible to humans due to their high frequency, but extremely unpleasant to animals (mice, rats and other rodents are driven out of the area in the same way). However, such devices are quite expensive and consume a large amount of energy.

A good alternative would be to make a device such as a mole repeller. Most of the “folk” methods are extremely inexpensive to implement. Of course, they are inferior in efficiency to ultrasonic ones, but in this case you have to choose between speed and savings.

Operating principle of a solar-powered mole repellent

Regardless of the specific models of such devices, the principle of their operation is approximately the same and is as follows (see Fig. 1).

rice. 1

The body of the device is structurally made in the form of two parts: a hat-shaped body in which solar panels are placed to power the ultrasound source, and a pointed hollow rod - the executive part of the device, at the opposite end of which there is an oscillation emitter. When the rod is inserted into the soil (to a depth approximately corresponding to half the depth of the root part of the plants) and the device is turned on, ultra-high frequency sound vibrations begin to propagate in the ground. An animal approaching the boundary of the influence of ultrasound feels unpleasant effects and leaves the dangerous zone for it.

It is advisable to install the device in those parts of the land where burrows exiting to the surface in the form of small hills of earth were previously noticed. In this case, the efficiency of the device will increase.

Effective repeller schemes

Homemade repellers are mainly made from scrap materials, which are usually subject to recycling (cans, bottles, etc.). For the greatest efficiency, various sound mechanisms are used, which, however, are difficult to install.

In order to get rid of moles, the following are especially effective:

  • regular sharp sounds in the area;
  • vibrations in the ground.

Moles do not like to be disturbed and prefer to leave uncomfortable places. Sometimes, to get rid of the animal, it is enough to knock loudly on the ground in the areas of mole holes. However, if there are a lot of animals on the site, simple tapping may not be enough (Effective methods of combating moles and shrews in a summer cottage).

Plastic bottle on a pin

The first method is one of the simplest. To make a “noise maker” we will need a plastic bottle with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, a nail and a wooden pin, as well as a hammer, an awl and a stationery knife.

On the straight base of the bottle, use a permanent marker to mark 4-5 sections 15-20 cm long, depending on the volume. Using a utility knife, carefully cut out each section on three sides, leaving one of the long horizontal parts intact. Heat the awl over the fire and make two opposite holes at the base of the bottle. They should not have jagged edges.

Note! The required diameter of the holes is 1 mm larger than the diameter of the nail.

We insert a nail into the holes and nail it with a hammer to a wooden pin, which must be buried in the ground near the mole holes - the noise of the windmill will disturb the animals, and they will soon leave the unwanted areas.

On a note! The more homemade devices there are on the site, the more efficiently they will work.

Application of tin and metal

In addition to plastic bottles, tin and metal cans of beer and canned food have an excellent effect on moles. Any summer resident can make a mole repeller out of beer cans.

The manufacturing principle is similar to the previous one - we mark future “blades” on the metal and cut them using a special knife on three sides. We bend it. At the bottom of the can we cut a hole with a diameter 1-2 mm wider than the metal pin, onto which we put a can “rattle”.

Metal pins are more effective than wooden ones because, in addition to noise, they contribute to the transmission of vibration into the ground, which also repels underground mammals.

You can even put a can without blades on the pin or several cans, one after another (let's make a ratchet against moles) - the method will continue to work.

Using an alarm clock

An alarm clock is the most effective of the simple mole baiting methods. There are now two types of watches in stores - mechanical and electronic (battery-powered). It is better to give preference to the latter, since they do not have to be regularly removed from the ground to tighten them.

There are two methods for using alarms:

  1. The device is turned on for a certain time and placed in a jar, which is lowered underground. The clock will irritate the mole with its constant ticking and frighten it with its loud ringing - due to the fact that the animal has practically no vision, the moles’ sense of smell and hearing are heightened. It is best to set several alarms set for different times.
  2. A rope is tied to the alarm clock and it is placed in a long iron pipe, which must be buried not far from the mole’s home. Thanks to this, as in the case of a metal pin, the vibration from the alarm clock will be transmitted into the ground. And thanks to the size of the pipe, the vibration area will increase several times.

Underground animals will not like such a neighborhood, and they will soon leave the area.

Speakers and receiver

One of the most difficult methods of repelling moles is installing speakers underground. This is even more effective than alarm clocks, however, you will have to try to get the design to work.

A speaker is removed from a cheap receiver. Long wires are connected to it from the main device (they will need to be hidden in a hollow pipe). The speaker is placed in a jar with a hole for the wire in the lid and lowered underground along with the pipe. After the manipulations have been completed, all that remains is to turn on the receiver.

Airplane made from bottles

If you have children, you can involve them in the process of getting rid of moles. For example, making an airplane out of two plastic bottles - such a device, in addition to its functional component, will decorate the garden and bring joy to the child.

One bottle is cut in half lengthwise with a stationery knife. Only the main parts and the bottom will be useful (it must be cut along the pressed line on the bottle). The narrowed part is also removed.

Cut the main part into two halves. In the second bottle we make two perpendicular cuts equal to the length of the halves and place them there. We cut out a propeller from the bottom - this will be a decorative element of the wind plane - and glue it to the bottle cap.

According to the principle of the first instruction, we make two holes using a heated awl and nail the plane to the pin.

Homemade electronic device

Perhaps the most complex homemade mechanism for scaring away animals will be an electronic scarecrow.

According to the presented drawing, it will not be difficult for an experienced person to make a repeller with his own hands. It will produce vibration at a frequency of about 480 Hz.

Don't forget! A device assembled according to this scheme will still be inferior to the branded factory model.


In order to make a mole spinner with your own hands, you will need:

  • a bottle of one and a half liters (beer bottle is also suitable);
  • awl;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • nuts;
  • long nail;
  • metal or wooden pole.

This device will actually act as a weather vane.

The bottom is cut off from the bottle. It should be marked as follows: from the core along the depression to the end of the bottom and in the middle of the convex part. The resulting triangle must be cut with scissors or a stationery knife and removed. This will be the propeller of the future repeller.

In the center of the bottom or in the cap of the bottle, you need to make a hole with an awl, into which you should screw a self-tapping screw from the inside until it stops. Then use it to connect the bottle and the propeller into a single structure. Using a heated awl, we make holes in the bottle at the neck in opposite places and, using a nail, nail it to a wooden pole, which must be buried in the ground.

How to use alarm clocks against moles

Repelling moles from a summer cottage using a clock mechanism is already a proven and most importantly effective thing. To do this, you need to purchase an inexpensive battery-powered alarm clock, or better yet, more than one.

How to use alarm clocks against moles

The clock sets different ringing times. After which they are placed in glass jars with screw caps. This “gift,” previously tested for leaks, is buried in different places on the site. Moles are very annoyed by the endless ticking of the clock, and even more so by the ringing of the alarm clock. In this simple way, an alarm clock against moles helps a lot.

A slightly more complex version, again using a watch, is also considered very effective. To make such a homemade repeller with a clock mechanism, you will need a wide pipe (half a meter). Holes are drilled on its sides and in the lower part. The pipe is buried on one side in the ground, below the level of the mole’s underground corridors. An alarm clock is lowered into the pipe itself, to which a rope is tied for ease of further removal. The ticking mechanism creates an ultrasonic effect inside the pipe. And the mole is forced to leave the area.

Thus, using an alarm clock against moles, you can get rid of them one hundred percent. The main thing is to wait until the enemy’s nerves give in and he retreats from the battlefield.

As you can see, various types of noisemakers are excellent at scaring away moles. It is the annoying sound that complicates their life in a certain area. The most important thing is that the methods have been repeatedly tested and effective. Using them, it is quite possible to get rid of these creatures in your garden once and for all.

Benefits of using homemade products

First of all, the main advantage of homemade repellers over purchased ones is the cost. From practically waste, you can construct several “rattlers” and distribute them over the area of ​​the site. Of course, it will take some effort to get the animals to leave the area, and you shouldn’t expect instant results either.

The closest in effectiveness to factory models are ultrasonic repellers assembled according to special circuits. Next in terms of efficiency are watches and receivers, and plastic bottles and cans complete the list.

Note! If you want to achieve instant results, it is better to pay attention to the model from the store.

Additional tips and tricks

  • The key to the success of homemade models is their number - the more repellers you place on the site, the sooner the moles will leave it. It would be useful to combine different types and types of homemade “scarecrows”;
  • Most repellers are quite noisy. Decide in advance whether you can tolerate constant noise and crackling on the site. If the answer is no, pay attention to ultrasonic devices;
  • If moles have been settling on your site for several years, you should worry about protection in advance - in April-early May you can already install several “rattlers”. Mammals will most likely avoid the unpleasant territory without having time to settle underground.

Moles are cute underground inhabitants (All about moles - description, habitat, types and features, read more in the article here), which actually do not harm crops and soil fertility, however, they still need to be gotten rid of. First of all, you should decide for yourself whether you want to spend money on factory devices or install the mechanisms yourself, sacrificing the appearance of the site.

"Three sources and three components" of moles, birds and snakes

Everyone likes the singing of birds, it is interesting to watch the snake in the circus and it is interesting to look at the mole in the picture. It would seem, what do moles, birds and reptiles have in common? First the bad: we don't like them all as uninvited guests. Those who read this do not need to explain why. Now about the good stuff: all these living creatures are afraid of noise!

Let's assume that they won't be able to reach an agreement among themselves and won't all attack at once. However, there are folk remedies that help get rid of all the listed pests indiscriminately in the garden. For those who have friendly relations with birds, we offer an article on how to make a birdhouse with your own hands. Also see how you can build a feeder for birds.

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