Several options for effectively destroying a wasp nest

It is unpleasant when a cluster of wasps appears near the home in the immediate vicinity of the house with the subsequent construction of a nest. This “neighborhood” is dangerous - children and people with an allergic reaction to the toxins in their sting can suffer from their bites.

The question arises: “how to get rid of a hive with wasps yourself?” There are several ways to do this quickly, efficiently, and safely.

Finding a nest

In order to destroy a wasp hive yourself, you need to detect it. If a lot of their activity is noticed near a certain place, then we can say with confidence that the wasps have made their home somewhere. To determine its location, use patience and special tactics.

It can be in places under the ceiling, in the attic, on the balcony, under the roof, under the canopy of a window from the outside, between the walls. To detect them, you just need to follow them, see where they come from and where they then fly. It is important to approach this process with extreme caution so as not to get bitten by these insects.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

The lair of wasps can be carefully hidden and located in a hard-to-reach place. If detection takes a long time, you can lure them. To do this, you can use sweet syrup, which can be placed in an open place in an open container. Uninvited guests will definitely want to eat this “delicacy”. After that, they look where they will fly from and look for their home there.

Why are they dangerous?

The proximity to wasps and their nest is extremely dangerous. Having set up their home under the roof of yours, they feel completely safe and reliably protected from precipitation and the scorching sun. You should know that insects can carry various infections, such as E. coli. To do this, they just need to visit a landfill or trash container, and then “walk” through your products or fruits on the table.

In addition, bites can be multiple. If a bee bites only once, leaving a sting at the site of the bite, then wasps are quite the opposite - they never leave the sting, but can bite five times. If a person is attacked by a whole swarm of wasps, this is fraught with quite a strong painful shock, and for a small child such a shock can even lead to death. Anaphylactic shock is no less dangerous.

If the number of wasps becomes alarming, they constantly visit your house, your attic or your balcony, you need to immediately decide how to get them out from under the roof of the house.


What do wasps make their nest from? Bees produce wax, thanks to which they build their houses. Wasps do not have such abilities, but they have jaws that can detach pieces of wood and chew them. With the help of their saliva secreted during this process, they process this material into a thin plate, resembling paper in appearance. From the resulting raw materials, the wasps already form their home, first constructing honeycomb cells, and then wrapping them in a wrapper resembling a cocoon. To see how insects make a nest, you need to watch them for several days.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

What does a wasp's nest look like? At the first stages, its appearance is similar to a honeycomb, and then they become overgrown with numerous walls and are more reminiscent of a cocoon with a hole from which they can fly out and fly in. What else do they build a hive from? What materials can they use? Wasps can use not only pieces of wood, but also dry leaves, transforming plant stems into the walls of their house.

Effective poison for wasps

  1. A fairly popular insecticide for killing wasps is boric acid. It is characterized by complete absence of odor, so it is suitable for use at home.

  2. The well-known dichlorvos has changed somewhat recently. The drug presented today has changed somewhat; now it does not kill all living things at once, thanks to its toxic aroma. But it is still effective against many types of insects.

  3. Karbofos has an extremely unpleasant odor and low cost. Ideal for irrigating a wasp's home, however, several procedures are required to completely destroy the insects.
  4. Delta zone - the product has a slight odor that does not repel wasps, so it can be used as part of bait.
  5. Get is a modern remedy that does not have a pungent odor. Ideal as part of bait for destroying wasp nests. The downside is its detrimental effect on all insects.
  6. OtOc" - the product contains sugar, poison, and flavorings that attract wasps. Sold as a ready-made bait, the manufacturer guarantees the safety of this product for bees.

Important! If you are bitten by a wasp while treating the nest with a product, do not kill it, so as not to provoke an aggressive attack by an entire swarm.

The existing wasp control agent in the form of glue operates on a single principle: the surface of the cardboard is covered with the product and bait is laid out. The downside is that most beneficial insects also bite on the bait, and the product is not able to cope with a whole swarm of wasps at once.


In such a colony there can be many wasps - hundreds and even thousands, and if you do not get rid of them in time, then it can be very dangerous. How to get rid of a hive? How to remove a wasp hive safely, without harm to your own health? These questions are relevant for many who want to get rid of these insects. Their colony is located near human habitation or directly in it for obvious reasons:

  • Lots of dark places.
  • Constant warmth.
  • Access to a variety of foods.

When the number of individuals in a nest increases - this can bring danger to humans - they are considered carriers of diseases. They can fly in landfills, sewers, and other places where rotting and infections multiply. These insects spoil the food, fruits, and vegetables that they eat. And the greatest danger comes from their aggressive behavior when a person approaches their nest, which they perceive as a threat to their existence and attack.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

One insect can sting several times, their sting does not fall off, and they do not die from it. Their bites are painful and can cause severe allergic reactions. Many fatalities have been recorded. Without knowing how many dangerous wasps there may be in a nest, it is impossible to visually determine their number, but you can suffer from one individual or from an attack by the entire colony. After destroying the cocoon, the wasps may return next year and build new housing.


Wasps leave their nests for the winter, but can return to them in the spring or build a new nest next to last year’s. Therefore, all empty nests found in the cold season must be removed and destroyed, and the places where they were found must be treated with kerosene or insecticidal agents such as Sipaz-Super and Sinuzan.

Models of wasp nests hung on the site scare away wasps looking for a place to build a nest. There is competition for territory between different swarms, so the wasps do not settle next to each other. There are also ultrasonic wasp repellers.

If for some reason it is not possible to get rid of wasps using any of the possible methods, or the owners of the house or cottage do not want to waste time on this, you can call an insect control service - they will destroy the insects without the participation of the owners.

Mechanical disposal

How to remove a beehive from a balcony? What to do if wasps have built a nest under the roof? To do this, there are several effective methods that can be used to quickly destroy a wasp nest and remove them from the house. Prevent these insects from coming back. First, you can protect yourself from the harm they can cause.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

Hands can be protected with long rubber gloves, and clothing should be tight and as closed as possible. You can protect your face with a special beekeeping hat with a mesh, or come up with your own homemade version.

You need to choose the right time of day - it would be ideal to go on such a “hunt” in the evening, at night, when they are least active.

If it is noticed that wasps make their home in the spring, early summer, then it is not recommended to debug their destruction until later, when their colony becomes numerous and it will be difficult to find out how many wasps are in the nest.


Fire should only be used as a last resort. Everything is done quickly and efficiently. Wear protective clothing, wait until dark, take a bucket, kindle, matches, and approach the nest from a safe distance. When you are completely sure that these insects are sleeping, you can begin to neutralize this colony.

To carry out everything safely, you can take an unnecessary rag, throw it over the cocoon, throw it into a bucket, quickly set it on fire, and then move some distance away, since some individuals can fly out and behave aggressively.


They remove the wasp nest using water, mainly on the balcony. There are two ways to do this: the first method requires boiling water, the other you can simply put plain water in a bucket. You can throw a plastic bag over it and destroy the hive in water by immersing it completely, while pressing it down with something heavy so that it does not float up and the wasps do not get out.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

Everything should be done quickly. You cannot leave these insects in the bag for a long time - they can chew through the polyethylene and get out. It is best to remove this bucket from the house immediately.


How to destroy a wasp nest under the roof? This is very difficult to do with the help of fire, water, access to it is difficult. Then you can destroy the wasp hive using special traps. There are such options on sale, or you can make them yourself. Using this method, you can lure them out of the hive and destroy them by falling into a prepared trap.

What to do if wasps have built a nest under the roof - use this ideal option. It won't be hard to do it yourself:

  • To do this, prepare a clean plastic bottle.
  • Its neck needs to be cut off along with a small part of the bottle, placing it in it with the back side.
  • To prevent the neck from falling inward, you can secure it to the bottle with tape.
  • Wipe the walls of the trap with sunflower oil so that individual individuals cannot get out.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

It is necessary to place bait in this trap, which will attract wasps to it by the smell carried around. In early spring, it can be prepared from meat waste and offal, but it is worth remembering that such a “delicacy” has an unpleasant odor. In summer and autumn, you can pour sweet syrup into a bottle, which attracts wasps into it.

Don't use honey - it will attract bees. The bait in the trap must be changed regularly, washed, filled, and filled with new bait. As they decompose, dead individuals release an odor that repels the living.

It is worth remembering that catching all the individuals is difficult, time-consuming, and unsafe, but if you manage to lure the queen into this trap, then it will be easier to destroy the colony, and removing a wasp nest on the balcony will be much easier.

It can only be lured in early spring - it is not so active or aggressive. There are special traps on sale that have poisonous bait. It needs to be changed as it becomes filled with insects. Due to the chemicals it contains, it must be hung away from your own home.

Vacuum cleaner

There is a simple option - remove the hive using a vacuum cleaner. This can only be done if the vacuum cleaner is a washing model. Pour soapy water into the reservoir, make sure that the hose is long enough and the grille is shallow, which will prevent insects from flying out.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

Carefully bring the end of the hose to the hole in the socket and turn it on. If they get into water with soap, it will be difficult for them to get out and they will die there. Before you remove a wasp's nest in your dacha, be sure to make sure that no one is left there, all its inhabitants have died.

Getting rid of a nest with wasps under the roof of a house or barn

If it is difficult to get to the wasp hole, for example, it is located under the roof of the roof (free space under slate, tiles, etc.), first get rid of the wasps themselves. When there is unobstructed access to the entrance to the hive, insecticidal dust, for example, Sevin 5 Garden Dust, is scattered near it in the evening. The insects will collect the poison, bring it into the home, and infect other individuals. The procedure is repeated several times (daily) until all the inhabitants of the hive die.

Instead of powder, various poisons are used. Bulk or liquid preparations (OTOS, Adamant, Inta-Vir, Sherpa, Get, etc.) are mixed with bait: fermented jam, kvass, beer, spoiled fruit, melon pieces, watermelon skins, meat or fish. The treat is placed in a plastic bottle or other container, placed and hung near the roof, as well as where insects fly most often. The wasps do not die immediately; they manage to transfer food particles to the nest, thus infecting others.

Attention! For control, drugs without a strong odor are selected, otherwise the bait will scare them away. One of the best and inexpensive is boric acid (take half a teaspoon of powder per 100 ml of sweet syrup).

To prevent wasps from drowning in the bait, several long sticks (at an angle) are attached to the walls of the containers, which will serve as a kind of ladder. The poisonous treat is changed every 2–3 days; all insects will die only after 1–2 weeks.

To enhance the effect, traps are also hung around the perimeter of the roof; if they fall into them, the wasps will no longer be able to crawl out or fly out:

  • Cut off the top part of the plastic bottle and turn it over so that the neck is facing down. Sweet syrup is poured inside (up to half the container);
  • Alt-type glue is applied to a sheet of cardboard or plywood, then the surface is smeared with jam or honey, wanting to feast on the insects, they will stick to the surface.

Hardware stores offer a wide range of ready-made traps of various types. You can lure wasps out of the nest using a powerful vacuum cleaner; in this case, a tube with a wide nozzle must be placed directly at the entrance to the hive; this method is not always appropriate; in the process, the tube often becomes clogged with particles of the “structure.” They make their way to the nest only after even single individuals stop flying near the roof of a house or barn. The ceiling, if possible, is dismantled, the remains of the hive are removed, and they are burned. Cleaned surfaces are treated with a strong soap solution, and the area is then looked after.

Chemical disposal

If you find a colony of wasps in your garden or you need to remove them from the attic, and other gentle methods are not so effective, then you can use drastic methods - use various chemicals. No matter how many wasps there are in the colony, whether there are a few or several thousand, it is necessary to remove their home in order to protect yourself and your family from their bites.

When using substances that are dangerous not only to insects, but also affect human well-being, it is necessary to take some safety measures. You need special clothing, rubber gloves, a respirator, and a gauze bandage. If the cocoon is located indoors, ventilate it after processing. Do not forget that no matter what method is chosen to safely remove the hive from the house, all actions to neutralize it must be carried out late in the evening or at night.


What bait should be made from to poison all the inhabitants of the wasp hive? When making a trap, you can add a solution of boric acid to aromatic, sweet baits at the rate of 10 grams per liter. Even if she tries this mixture, gets out of the trap and flies away, she will not live for a long time. Poison for these types of traps is commercially available. It does not have a strong odor and can be sold in the form of gels or powder.


How to quickly remove a wasp nest from the attic? This can only be done after the complete destruction of its inhabitants. You can force them to leave their home, or you can use drugs that will lead to the death of the entire family. They are sold in various forms: liquid and powder.

How to effectively remove a wasp hive in your garden? To do this, dilute the drug with water in the proportions as indicated in the instructions and place this solution in a special sprayer (used for spraying trees) and, following safety precautions, apply the product to the cocoon.

Sprays and aerosols

When fighting a hive, you can use special sprays, aerosols, which can be found in stores that sell chemicals for pest control. Having purchased such a drug, go to the hive, insert the sprayer into the hole from which the wasps fly out, and begin to inject the chemical inside.

Some individuals can get out. They should be sprayed, not forgetting about a safe distance and protective equipment.


How to get rid of a wasp hive yourself? This will not be difficult if you use special chemical liquids that are sold in concentrated form and require dilution with water. Even if there is a wasp nest on the balcony, you can apply it using sprayers. Such poisons can be potent and dangerous to the health of others. After applying them, you need to ventilate the room.

Methods for controlling dangerous insects

Every owner of a private house or summer resident should periodically inspect all the secluded places of his attic, as well as sheds, garages and other buildings. This will help you start the fight in time and prevent painful bites. You need to be especially careful if neighbors have complained about wasp attacks or the building of nests on their property.

Children often suffer from wasps because, due to their curiosity, they try to study the “insect house” as an unusual and interesting object.

You can suspect the presence of insects in the attic by the characteristic buzzing sound. In this case, when going under the roof, it is important to take care of the safety of yourself and your loved ones: take your children away from a dangerous place, wear clothes that do not leave bare skin on your body. It is recommended to protect your hands with gloves, and your face with a mosquito net.

You should not immediately “rush to the attack”, trying to destroy the nest, because it is firmly fixed. Trying to remove it will greatly anger the inhabitants, who will immediately proceed to bite. It's better to come back here after preparation. Methods for removing wasps from a roof can be divided into several groups:

  • mechanical destruction of the nest;
  • swarm poisoning with chemical insecticides;
  • traps – purchased and homemade;
  • etching using folk tricks;
  • contacting specialists - SES services and private companies that provide insect extermination services to the population.

You can cope on your own if you have no fear of insects. Calling specialists, especially to rural areas, will not be cheap. Many home owners are deterred from contacting the service by the fact that they use products containing very toxic substances for treatment. Spraying them in a residential building can be dangerous if the premises are not ventilated for a long period of time. The use of strong pesticides near vegetable beds, greenhouses and fruit trees does not inspire optimism among vegetable growers and gardeners.


Chemical insecticides are the fastest way to control unwanted insects. They are sold in hardware departments and stores specializing in the sale of gardening products.

They contain toxic poisons, so the wasps die soon after treating the attic. In order not to harm your own health, you need to carefully read the instructions from beginning to end and strictly follow all the rules written in it. As personal protective equipment, it is recommended to wear a respirator to avoid inhaling toxic substances.

There should be no space between the neck and the collar so that insects do not fly there.

How to poison wasps in the attic? The following insecticides are suitable:

  1. Aerosol from wasp nests “Moskitol”. The liquid from the can is supplied under high pressure, which allows it to be sprayed at a distance of up to 6 m without approaching the nest. Suitable for treating only non-residential premises, which includes the attic. You can also use Moskitol outdoors.
  2. "Dichlorvos NEO" is effective against any insects. The modern variation of the famous insecticide is odorless. But the product also has a drawback: it does not act immediately, and several treatments are required, carried out after 4-5 days.
  3. Spray against flying insects "Raid". It is sprayed from a distance of 1 m, so you will have to get closer to the nest. They treat not only the house itself, but also the surface of the ceiling and walls around it.
  4. Get total concentrate. Before use as a spray, it must be diluted in water.
  5. Aerosol Dr. Klaus, containing cypermethrin and tetramethrin. These poisons lead to rapid paralysis of insects, causing their instant death. Spray range is 3 m.

Help from specialists

A special team of disinfectors knows well how to destroy a wasp nest under a roof. They have in their arsenal all the means for the chemical and mechanical destruction of these insects and have extensive experience in these processes.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

They know how to remove a wasp nest quickly and safely using safe removal techniques. It is especially important to involve specialists if the colony is too large and its removal can be very dangerous.

Using improvised means

Aerosols and formulations

You can always try using products that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  1. Prepare a solution of Actellic and Cypetrin in equal proportions. Add 5 milliliters of the substance per liter of water.
  2. A wasp nest is sprayed.
  3. Covered with a bag.
  4. After a few hours, the nest is removed and destroyed.

This solution can also be used to evict insects that live under the floor or in the soil. In such a situation, the composition is simply poured into the entrance. You can repeat it if necessary.

Dichlorvos does a good job. However, from experience we can say that odorless Dichlorvos is not too dangerous for wasps. For these purposes, it is possible to use products such as Domestos, products containing bleach or VD-40, well known to drivers.

Traditional methods

One of the popular methods is to repel pests with the help of unpleasant odors: the aroma of pine needles, garlic, horseradish. They can be used in their natural form, in the form of flavorings. Mosquito repellents also repel them. If you set a spiral on fire and leave it near their home, the smell will be unpleasant to them and they will fly away.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

You can consider the option of removing a wasp hive using a dummy. Artificial nests that look like real ones are available in specialized stores. It is best to hang them next to a wasp hive; its inhabitants will leave their home themselves - they do not like proximity to their other relatives.

A solution of liquid soap, shampoo and water may help. This substance needs to be placed in a spray bottle and sprayed on these insects. The soap will begin to envelop them, preventing the ability to fly, and will lead to the death of this individual.

They do not like the smell of kerosene, gasoline and other petroleum derivatives. You can spray their home with these products and they will leave it in a short time. You can use smoke bombs, but this method is suitable for use outside enclosed spaces, in street conditions.

If it is necessary to destroy earth wasps living in burrows, cover their housing with earth, fill it with poisons, and fill it with cement mortar. After removing their hive, be sure to treat the area with potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, which will discourage other wasps from building new housing in this area.

Ways to remove a wasp nest in the country in the summer without killing the wasps

There are few humane methods to drive away stinging insects, and they do not always work. It is popularly believed that if you hang a rich red cloth soaked in fruit tree resin to a nest, the wasps will leave it within 2-3 weeks and never return. According to reviews from some summer residents, the method works, so if you do not want to destroy beneficial insects and they do not pose a particular danger, you can try it.

Wasps cannot tolerate the aroma of mint and hot pepper. If the hive is located low in the tree, the herb can be planted directly below it. In other cases, bunches of fresh and dry sprigs of mint and hot pepper are hung around the nest, closer to the entrance to it, as well as in places where wasps most often fly. It’s easy to remove an empty hive, but first you need to make sure that there is definitely no one there and watch it.

Precautions and Recommendations

Whatever decision you choose regarding how to remove a wasp nest, you should remember precautions. If the question is how to remove these pests in the spring, when the colony is still small and consists of several individuals, this will be easier to do than in the summer, when their colony numbers several thousand.

10 methods to get rid of a wasp nest

In the fall, when cold weather sets in, these insects leave their home; you can safely throw it out - it will be empty. Handle dead wasps with care too. Their sting, even after death, remains capable of piercing human skin. Wear protective clothing that is not tight to the body, protect the face, skin of the hands, feet - then proceed to action. Treat the location of the cocoon with poison - this is a warning against the return of surviving wasps.

Removing wasp dwellings from hard-to-reach places

Very often, wasps build their homes in the walls of a house or under the floor. These are the most difficult places for humans to reach. Therefore, to remove the nest, use the tips below.

Select a rubber tube. Attach one end to a container filled with poison, and place the other end in a hole in the wall or floor. Inspect the area for other entrances and exits that wasps might use. Seal the passages hermetically, for example, using polyurethane foam.

Release the poison from the container and wait 20 minutes, this is the time necessary for the complete death of the insects. Then fill the holes with polyurethane foam to prevent other individuals from settling there.

Important! Carry protection with you as wasps can fly out of gaps in walls or floors and you may not even notice them until they sting. Also make sure that there are no other people or pets in the room.

Wasps often enter a home through ventilation openings. Soak a mosquito net in vinegar and cover the vent with it.

There is another rather original way to destroy wasp nests. To do this, you will need a vacuum cleaner with a long tube . Bring its end to the hole that leads to the wasp's nest and turn it on. Despite its apparent simplicity, the process is quite dangerous, since wasps can attack if the hose is disconnected. In addition, the larvae and the queen will remain alive. And most importantly, there is a high probability that this will simply anger the wasps. Therefore, this is a dangerous event, it is better to entrust it to specialists.

Security measures for self-destruction of the enemy

Personal protective equipment is very important in this matter, so it is worth paying special attention to them. By deciding how to get rid of wasps in the house on your own, you are putting your health and sometimes your life at risk.

In order to minimize the risk of an unpleasant outcome , you should be afraid of wasps and follow the safety rules below:

  • work is carried out in tight, loose clothing, a mask and gloves;
  • actions to destroy the nest should be carried out only at night, when all the adult individuals are in the nest and are inactive;
  • You should not kill insects that fly out one by one, even if they attack you - when this type of insect dies, special substances are released that warn relatives and provoke an attack by a whole swarm;
  • if you fail, or a whole swarm of insects fly out of the nest, do not make sudden movements, but try to take cover, wait a few hours and only then repeat the procedure.
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