Does karbofos help against spider mites? Karbofos, instructions for use in the garden

Despite the many modern insecticide preparations, many summer residents prefer the time-tested Karbofos. Karbofos is an insecticide used to control insect pests. The product is also an acaricide - karbofos is used in the fight against ticks.

Karbofos instructions

The active ingredient in Karbofos is malathion. The product is used for:

  • extermination of bed bugs, cockroaches, ticks, flies and mosquitoes in everyday life;
  • extermination of pests in the garden and vegetable garden - aphids, sawflies, weevils, moths, spider mites, bedbugs;
  • for sanitary disinfection (against malaria mosquitoes).

Release form of the drug: concentrated emulsion, powder, ampoules with liquid concentrate, ready-made solution.

Forms of the drug karbofos

Karbofos composition and action

The insecticide contains the main active ingredient – ​​malathion. Its content in the product can vary from 10 to 50%. There is a fragrance - for smell, a filler and, of course, a surfactant.

It is thanks to the flavoring agent that Karbofos has such an unpleasant and repulsive odor. Which, by the way, is good in terms of preventing accidental poisonings.

Photo of the drug Karbofos

Composition and properties of the drug, application

The insecticide contains the main component, thanks to which pests are destroyed, and auxiliary compounds. The active substance is a group of organophosphorus compounds. This product is characterized by the absence of color, which means it will not leave stains on the surfaces being treated. In its pure form, the substance smells unpleasant, but the working solution is almost odorless. The insecticide is offered in powder form. For processing it is necessary to dilute Karbofos. A concentrated liquid solution is also available for sale. You can read about how to dilute the product in the annotation.

The structure of the finished liquid is oily. The insecticide in its pure form is very poorly soluble in water. However, the substance is easily affected by organic solvents. Due to its properties, the active compound can be easily neutralized with alkaline solutions. In this form, the poison is safe for living organisms.

If you plan to purchase Karbofos, the use of this drug is studied first. This reduces the risk of making mistakes. The active substance in the composition has a negative effect on sucking and gnawing pests. It can be used against plant and blood-sucking mites, mosquitoes, moths, sawflies, aphids, and weevils. This drug becomes dangerous for humans and plants when it is mixed with other substances of chemical origin.

Release forms

There are several forms in which Karbofos can be found:

  • in ampoules (5 ml, 10 ml);
  • in a ready-to-use solution in 5-liter canisters;
  • sachets of 30 and 60 grams of highly water-soluble powder (there are even bags up to 5 kg in size);
  • in 1 liter and ¼ liter bottles.

Karbofos - an effective insect repellent - video

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Rules for the use and storage of insecticide

The pesticide should be stored out of the reach of children and pets at a temperature from -20°C to +25°C. The shelf life is usually no more than three years. The drug should not be heated, brought to an open fire, or mixed with other chemicals.

Before carrying out the plant treatment procedure, you must wear chemical protective equipment: a respirator, goggles, a work apron, and rubber gloves. While near the prepared solution, it is forbidden to eat or smoke. When spraying trees and shrubs, neighboring plants or beds should be covered with film or any other protective material. After work, clothes must be changed, and the face and hands must be washed with soap.

The form of the drug is updated, safety for humans and animals is increased, and the specific odor characteristic of many poisons is removed. A popular home remedy is Karbofos. It has remained among the top sellers for many years.

The main active substance is malathion. Once in the insect's body, it turns into a stronger poison. Sold in powder and concentrated liquid form. It needs to be dissolved with water.

Karbofos has several advantages that persuade many to choose this particular chemical:

  • Since the production of the insecticide is located in Russia, the price of this drug does not exceed 60 rubles. You can buy it at any hardware store.
  • Despite the fact that Karbofos has been produced for many years, its effectiveness does not suffer from this. It is still one of the best insecticides.
  • Although it is not sold ready-made, the instructions tell you how to dilute the powder and concentrate in water - it’s not difficult. Anyone can use it in processing; there is no need to call specialists for help. You can simply pour the freshly prepared liquid into a spray bottle and spray all surfaces.
  • Toxicity is not high for warm-blooded animals. It is eliminated from the body quickly. The dangerous substance malaoxon is created only inside the body of insects, therefore it is safe for people, animals, and plants.

Also, the insecticide has its disadvantages:

Therefore, if you are not afraid of a strong odor, this product is recommended for use, since many customer reviews indicate its effectiveness.

Operating principle of Karbofos

The insecticide Karbofos has an enteric contact action, that is, poisoning of the pest begins from the moment the active substance penetrates inside the bug. At the same time, Karbofos acts both when it comes into contact with the outer surface of the body and inside the gastrointestinal tract.

The pest dies after 3–4 hours.


Very frequent treatments with the drug can lead to the development of resistance in pests to the product.

What is Karbofos

Liquid Karbofos is available on sale, in granules, powders and even tablets. The approximate cost of the drug in volumes of 30, 60, 1000 g is 30–200 rubles. The product from the group of insecticides has an oily consistency, characterized by transparency, a specific odor, which evaporates after a while.

When Karbofos is diluted in water, a homogeneous suspension is obtained, suitable for spraying garden crops. In conditions with negative temperatures, the working solution thickens, but retains its qualities. Keep in mind that it is a highly toxic insecticide, and differs from its analogues in the short duration of action of the main substance: after 2 weeks, malathion disintegrates and becomes ineffective.

Types of karbofos packaging


The product is ideal for the prevention and treatment of garden plants. Its active ingredient is the organophosphorus compound malathion. Additives can be introduced: “Antiklesch”, “Inta-CM”, “Iskra-M”, “Alatar”, “Aktellik”, “Phenaxin-plus”, “Fufanon-nova”. In addition, often for the safety of people and animals, the concentrate for use in gardening can be supplemented with fragrances with a noticeable odor.

Operating principle

Karbofos is effective against crop damage by bedbugs, leaf-eating, sucking pests, and larvae. All types of crops can be processed. Dilute the chemical in early spring, when parasites begin to wake up, before flowering or after harvesting. The poison effectively destroys:

  • Anophles mosquitoes, which transmit malaria;
  • scale insects;
  • leaf roller;
  • aphids;
  • red, spider mites;
  • bedbugs;
  • thrips;
  • gall midge;
  • whiteflies;
  • copperheads;
  • bud moth;
  • sawflies;
  • weevils;
  • stalk;
  • mealyworms;
  • leafhopper;
  • bean moth;
  • pea grain;
  • flies

Application of karbofos

Pest destruction occurs almost instantly. Features of the concentrate:

  1. Karbofos is an insecticide, acaricide of contact action. The effect is noticeable in cases of direct contact with the pest.
  2. The product protects those parts of plants with which it comes into contact. The main advantage of this action is the instant elimination of pests.
  3. It has a short-term effect. The main substance quickly disintegrates under the influence of sun, water, air. Complete destruction on the street occurs after 10 days, in a greenhouse - after a week.
  4. Characterized by continuous action. At the same time it destroys different types of pests and larvae. The downside of this effect is that with constant use, resistance (addiction) forms and the solution becomes less effective.

Purpose and areas of use

Karbfos has a fairly wide range of applications. Here are just a few insect pests against which it is recommended to use this product:

  • aphid;
  • black garden ants;
  • kidney mites;
  • red ants that appear in houses;
  • cockroaches;
  • bedbugs;
  • and others.

Photos of Karbofos release forms

Where can Karbofos be used:

  • compact garden plots and even entire farms;
  • treatment of residential buildings for disinfection purposes;
  • sanitary and medical disinfection against lice, malaria carriers, etc.;
  • warehouse processing of the drug;
  • destruction of exo- and endoparasites in the field of veterinary medicine.

It is necessary to keep in mind that it is necessary to carry out 2 to 3 treatments with Karbofos throughout the year. It is no longer recommended, since an enzyme is formed in the body of insects that destroys the structure of the main substance of the drug.

What pests is Karbofos used on plants?

The insecticide has wide application possibilities. It is used by foresters, farmers and agricultural specialists, sanitary services, doctors and ordinary people to disinfect residential premises. In the food industry, gardening and vegetable farming, Karbofos is considered the best remedy against herbivorous insects, their larvae and caterpillars that live on cultivated plants, as well as in food and seed warehouses.

The drug effectively destroys the following types of pests:

  • red and spider mites;
  • weevil;
  • codling moth;
  • copperhead;
  • sawfly;
  • mealy worm;
  • scale insect;
  • bud moth;
  • cicada;
  • whitefly;
  • bean moth;
  • pea grain.

The insecticide can also be used at home to combat flies, bed bugs and thrips that infect indoor plants. You should know that spraying with Karbofos is also deadly for beneficial insects, which include bees. Therefore, the drug is strictly forbidden to be used during the period of active flowering of honey plants, and also to be sprayed at a distance of less than five kilometers from the apiary.

Features of application

This product must be present in every garden plot. This is due to the fact that approximately 90% of pests that can appear in the garden can be eliminated using the Karbofos working solution.

Its peculiarity is that it is a disinfectant, which at the same time helps to improve the quality of the fruit. The soil is not damaged. It is only necessary to follow the consumption rates specified in the instructions for use of Karbofos. Each culture has its own.

Additionally, Karbofos fights gallicia, copperhead, weevil, whitefly, etc.


By eliminating pests, Karbofos can harm and even destroy beneficial insects. It negatively affects pollination because pollinating insects also die as a result of the treatment. To avoid this, you should always remember the “golden rule” of working with Karbofos: never treat crops during flowering.

Karbofos. Instructions for Use - video

Instructions for using karbofos: how to use the drug in the garden

Karbofos has found wide application in gardening. The drug works successfully on all types of fruit and coniferous trees, melons, ornamental plants, and flowers.

Karbofos is indispensable for the garden. It copes with various gnawing and sucking types of insects, it can be used to treat strawberries in the spring against mites, with its help to fight scale insects on pears, apple trees, quinces, aphids on blackberries and raspberries, bud moths on currants, sawflies on cherries and cherries, and weevils , codling moths, mealybugs. The first spraying with karbofos, as stated in the instructions for using the drug in the garden, should be carried out when the buds open on the plant, the second - on the eve of flowering, when the flower brush extends. You should not treat one tree or bush with karbofos more than 2 times per season, as stated in the instructions for use for trees.

For fruit trees, the norm of karbofos per 10 liters of water is 90 g, for berry bushes - 75 g. The harvest can be harvested no earlier than a month after the final spraying against ticks in the country. After collecting, the leaves are mowed down and a warm solution of karbofos is poured over the bed, then covered with film.

Karbofos is destroyed very quickly when alkali is added.

Protection against garden pests

Ants are one of the most annoying and difficult to remove insects in the garden. As a preventative measure to protect the garden from ants, take 30 grams of Karbofos per amount of water from 3 to 5 liters.

Treatment method:
spraying onto the anthills themselves.
Be sure to treat tree trunks in the same way. Pests in the garden!
Cutworm Wireworm Mole
cricket Additionally, to enhance the effect, sprinkle the powder in those places where there is a particularly large concentration of ants, as well as on the paths along which they most often move. Process no more than 2 times.

To treat fruit, berry and vegetable crops with Karbofos, it is recommended to use irrigation or the same spraying as described in the fight against garden ants. Process twice. Between treatments it is necessary to leave a gap of at least three to four weeks. The first treatment is recommended in early March, when the buds have not even formed, and the second – after the crop has finished flowering.

Precautionary measures

When working with the drug, the following rules must be observed:

  • Before diluting Karbofos to prepare a working solution, care should be taken to protect eyes, clothing and skin from accidental contact with harmful substances. To do this, you need to wear a respirator, special glasses, a protective suit with long sleeves and rubber gloves.
  • Treatment of plants must be carried out in calm weather at an air temperature no higher than +20 °C. The best time for processing is a cloudy warm morning or evening.
  • It is prohibited to treat any crops during the flowering period: the insecticide can kill bees. You should not spray plants with Karbofos solution in rainy weather to avoid the product getting into nearby bodies of water.
  • If the drug gets on the skin, you must carefully remove it with a cotton swab dipped in a soda solution, without rubbing the insecticide over the damaged area.
  • If signs of poisoning appear (nausea, vomiting, headache, bad taste in the mouth), you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Karbofos does an excellent job of protecting your home and garden from dangerous insect pests. Although many analogues of this insecticide have appeared on the market, it does not lose popularity among summer residents, because its effectiveness and safety have been tested over decades of use in various areas of human life.

Consumption rates of Karbofos for various crops (melatonin content 10%)

Different crops require their own dosage of the drug. Here are the consumption rates for Karbofos with a 10% melatonin concentration.

Karbofos against pests of peach and apricot

Typical pests of these crops are codling moths and leaf rollers. To eliminate pests, I take 30 grams of insecticide per 5 liters of water.

Photo of fruit path on apricot

For quince, pear, apple trees

To eliminate weevils, codling moths, scale insects, and leaf rollers, you will need 60 grams per 7 liters of clean water. 2 liters of water is enough for a young tree, and up to 10 liters for an adult.

Photo of fruit on an apple

Karbofos against pests of peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes

Karbofos is also often used for tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, which have their favorite pests. For example, aphids on cucumbers can seriously poison the life of any gardener.

In addition to aphids, these crops can also be affected by plant mites, white mites, and flies. For the solution, 30 grams of product per 5 liters of water is enough. A liter of working solution is enough to treat 10 m2.

Karbofos against aphids! Great result - video

For grapes

30 grams of Karbofos per amount of clean water from 3 to 4 liters is enough to eliminate mealybugs, phylloxera, and spider mites. Per 10 m2 there are from 1 to 1.5 liters of fresh solution.

Interesting article:
Fungicides for grapes

Karbofos for currants and other berry bushes

For bud mites, annoying aphids on currants and gall midges, you will need 30 grams of Karbofos per 4 liters of water.

Interesting article:
Proper care of currants in the fall and preparation for winter
One berry bush usually requires from 10 to 20 liters.

For melons

It is enough to dilute 30 grams of the drug in 4 liters of water to remove aphids, melon beetles, and melon flies. To treat an area of ​​10 m2 you will need from 1 to 1.5 liters.

Treatment of indoor and garden flowers with karbofos

Flowers are treated no less often than vegetables.

The active substance it contains will protect against:

  • bedbugs;
  • aphids;
  • sawfly;
  • spider mite.

Both garden and indoor plants feel great when the established drug consumption rates and the required amount of water are strictly observed.

The best fertilizers for indoor flowers
To prepare the working solution, take from 50 to 60 grams of Karbofos and mix thoroughly in a small amount of water, then add to 8 liters. The solution for treatment is ready.

Proper spraying involves completely wetting the entire leaf blade and the remaining green parts of the plant.

Typically, this treatment of flowers with Karbofos is carried out twice in one season:

  • in spring - before flowering;
  • after flowering.

It is necessary to calculate the liquid used in accordance with the quadrature. For 10 m2 you will need approximately 2 liters of liquid.

You can safely process barberry, roses, jasmine and other flowers. As the practice of many gardeners shows, this does not cause harm. Of course, you need to do a compatibility test.


The application rates of the drug depend on the specific type of pest, the degree of damage to the treated crop and the form of release of the drug . The dosage in each individual case is calculated based on the instructions included with the package.

Standard dosage of the drug, produced in the form of packaged powder:

CultureTypical pestVolume of water per 60 g (1 package) of powder, lConsumption of working solution, lWaiting period before harvest, days
Fruit treesAphids, weevils, scale insects, sawflies, leaf rollers, codling moths, cherry flies, spider mites, weevils8-10From 2 for a young and up to 10 for an adult tree20-30
CitrusWhitefly, mites, mealybug6-7Up to 5 per tree50
Berry bushesBud moth, mites, leaf roller, scale insect, aphid, moth, sawfly, gall midge, raspberry-strawberry beetle, moth81-1.5 per bushUp to 30
GrapeSpider mite, phylloxera, mealybug81.5 per 10 m²45
Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppersSpider mite, sprout fly, whitefly, thrips101 per 10 m²30
MelonsMelon fly, aphid, melon ladybird, mites81 per 10 m²20
Floral and decorativeMites, aphids, thrips, roseate sawfly81-2 per 10 m²

Risk factors and precautions

The main question that interests those who want to use Karbofos for the first time: how toxic is it to others?

The insecticide belongs to hazard class III, so precautions must be taken:

  • process plants indoors without unauthorized persons, including birds and animals;
  • When processing, remove food and kitchen utensils;
  • do not allow the solution to come into contact with mucous membranes and skin, for which use a set of protective clothing (goggles, gown, gloves, respirator);
  • at the end of the procedure in the medical center. and residential premises, immediately carry out wet cleaning using soap, soda (50 grams of soda for 1 liter of water is enough), ventilate the room;
  • If you have the first signs of poisoning, immediately seek professional medical help.

Does karbofos help against bedbugs? - video

Danger to warm-blooded animals.

This insecticide can be dangerous for humans and animals because it has some toxicity. But the advantage of the body is that harmful substances are quickly eliminated and during short contacts with the poison do not accumulate inside the body.

But when a person or animal is under the influence of Karbofos for a long time, toxic compounds accumulate in the organs; over a long period, the chemicals can cause disruption to their functioning.

Therefore, when using all chemicals, it is necessary to purchase personal protective equipment. Before you start diluting the concentrate with water, put on rubber gloves, special goggles, a gown, and a respirator. Follow the instructions for using Karbofos exactly and use the dosages indicated on the label.

Advantages and disadvantages

Karbofos is a fairly old remedy, tested by many gardeners and vegetable growers. Throughout its existence, its strengths and weaknesses have been clearly identified.


  1. rapid impact on various insects, including adults and larvae;
  2. the low cost of the drug Karbofos makes it affordable for many (the minimum price is 25 rubles per 30 g sachet);
  3. removed from the ground in a short time;
  4. works well in combination with other drugs of different types: growth stimulants, fungicides, inorganic fertilizers;
  5. The action of Karbofos applies to almost all insects that harm crops and plants.

One of the disadvantages is that with repeated use it causes addiction in insects, and also that it has a detrimental effect on insects that do not harm plants, including bees. Water and sun reduce the effect of using Karbofos.

Photo instructions for use from the manufacturer

How to use

Treatment of plants against pests and treatment of the home with the drug Karbofos is carried out in different ways. Instructions for outdoor use:

  1. Regardless of the form in which the drug was purchased (liquid concentrate, powdered substance), it is necessary to dilute the poison with water. The ratio of components is determined by the manufacturer of the insecticide. This information can be read on the packaging.
  2. The drug is sprayed over the affected plants, and this should be done provided that there is no wind outside, the weather is clear (no rain is expected), and the temperature is up to +15°C.
  3. The working solution is prepared in small volumes, since the insecticide cannot be stored outdoors for a long time.
  4. Karbofos begins to act in a few hours, the duration of its effect is 10 days outdoors.

If symptoms of the disease are noticed on the plants, treatment should be carried out, but this can be done no later than a certain period before harvesting. This period of time varies for different types of plantings. For example, if you need to clean shrubs or fruit trees (cherry, apple, pear, currant, plum, quince, etc.), spraying is carried out a month before harvest. For some vegetable crops (tomatoes, cucumbers) and root vegetables (beets), this period is the same (30 days). But the grapes are processed 45 days before harvest.

If you plan to use Karbofos against cockroaches, bedbugs and other crawling insects that live in human homes, the instructions for use will be different:

  1. The drug is diluted with water in the ratio stated by the manufacturer.
  2. The working solution must be sprayed over surfaces using a spray bottle.
  3. The best locations for treatment may vary. This is determined by the location of the pests that need to be eliminated: the back wall of furniture, the base of the bed, window sills, baseboards, walls, floors, etc. It is necessary to spray the product with the windows and doors closed.
  4. Then you should wait 4 hours and ventilate the room.
  5. When the poison is sprayed, the liquid transforms into another state - a suspension that enters the air. For this reason, after airing, you should wipe all surfaces with which a person comes into contact with a damp cloth. For this purpose, a soap solution is used, to which baking soda is added.
  6. For reliability, repeated treatment is carried out, but it is recommended to do this on the third day after the initial spraying of the poison.
  7. The duration of residual action of Karbofos is up to 60 days indoors. This means that general cleaning can only be carried out 2 months after spraying the poison.

Combined use of Karbofos with other drugs

In floriculture, horticulture, vegetable growing, and growing fruit and berry crops, one product cannot be used. A remedy has not yet been created that acts on everything at once. Therefore, it is necessary to combine drugs.

There's nothing complicated about it. For example, Karbofos goes well with many, as noted above. Despite this, when combining two products, compatibility testing must be done.

Information about compatibility is contained in the instructions for the drug. If there is incompatibility with any fertilizers, you can replace Karbofos with analogues that are similar in effect.

Here is a small list of drugs that are exactly compatible with the Karbofos insecticide:

  • Home;
  • Alioth;
  • Alatar;
  • Fufanon;
  • Novaktion (increases the protective effect).

Further, Karbofos and Permitrin are highly compatible. This combination will make the plants resilient and provide protection from diseases and pests.

Karbofos - use in gardening

The drug karbofos, according to the instructions, is used in the garden for treating all varieties of fruit and vegetable crops. Trees and shrubs, melons, flowers and ornamental plants - all this can be protected from garden pests thanks to the use of this insecticide. When used in accordance with the instructions, karbofos protects the garden and its growing and flowering inhabitants from such “uninvited guests” as sucking and gnawing insects, as well as from ticks, aphids, galitsa, mealybugs, bud moths, and whiteflies.

Karbofos - what is it used for?

If you follow the instructions, karbofos in the garden is simply an indispensable assistant in pest control. Its significant difference from other drugs is that it acts within 1-2 weeks. After this period, karbofos is destroyed, while other insecticides have a toxic effect dangerous to health and life for a long time after treating plants with them.

Karbofos - instructions for use in the garden in spring

Treatment of trees with karbofos should be carried out in early spring. This will destroy new generations of insects that hide on and under fruit crops. You should know that according to the instructions, the drug kills only adult insects, and it will not have any effect on their eggs. For this reason, pest control must be carried out during the hatching period of their new generation. Insects actively feed when tree buds open. Codling moths, sawflies, psyllids, and aphids appear in huge numbers in the garden during this period. It is advisable to treat with karbofos twice.

How to dilute karbofos for spraying trees?

How to dilute karbofos? It is strictly prohibited to use this insecticide on one tree or shrub more than twice in one season. Be sure to follow the correct dosage of the drug. For 10 liters of water take:

  • for fruit trees - 90 g of karbofos;
  • for shrubs – 75 g.

The finished product is used as follows: about 10 liters of solution is needed for an adult fruit tree, and a liter and a half for large shrubs

It is important to remember that you can collect fruits from the area no earlier than a month after treating the plants with karbofos. Otherwise, the harvested crop can lead to serious poisoning

It's better not to take risks.

Karbofos - analogues

Karbofos has a moderate degree of toxicity. But today drugs that are less dangerous to human health and life are being produced and released. Thus, you can purchase analogues of karbofos for the garden, invented on the basis of synthetic substances. Well-known insecticides include drugs such as Permethrin, Diazinon, and Imidacloprid. Their use according to the instructions attached to them does not pose a great danger, since they are low toxic to people and animals.

Karbofos - harm to humans

Speaking about the danger of karbofos for humans when used in the garden, it should be noted that the drug is moderately toxic, so contact with it for too long can lead to poisoning or burns of the respiratory system

To avoid negative consequences, when working with insecticide, it is important to use a respirator; glasses and gloves will not interfere with the gardener. It will be great if an air ozonizer is used - it will protect against the specific odor emanating from the insecticide

If there are signs of karbofos poisoning, you should urgently call a doctor.

Considering the harm and danger of karbofos, precautions are needed not only when using it in the garden. The instructions for the drug indicate that the insecticide should be stored undiluted in a dry place with good ventilation.

Karbofos should be inaccessible to children and animals. One of the rules of the instructions for use is that it is strictly forbidden to store the drug close to food products and medicines. It should be remembered that carbofom is highly flammable, so you should keep it away from sources of fire.

Karbofos has long been used in the garden in accordance with its instructions. Gardeners prepare a solution from it and spray the plants to protect them from pests. The effectiveness of this drug has made it a popular insecticide. Summer residents usually prefer karbofos to its analogues. It not only repels pests, but also promotes the growth and development of plants. For karbofos, instructions for use in the garden are included on each package. Following the rules of use will help you get benefit and not harm from this insecticide.

How to store the drug, shelf life

Karbofos in liquid form is stored in the same containers in which the drug was purchased. Tightly closed, away from heating devices. It is best to store it in a separate room designed for this purpose for the appropriate equipment (for the garden, vegetable garden). Restrict access there for children and animals.

It is forbidden for medicines, harvested crops, or food to be stored nearby.


It is impossible to treat plants with the drug when there are sources of water and containers with drinking water nearby (the distance is no closer than 1 to 2 km).

Safety precautions for use and storage

When using karbofos in the garden and storing karbofos, you must follow the following mandatory rules:

  1. Store out of reach of children and pets at temperatures from -20°C to +35°C for no more than three years. Avoid heating. Keep away from fire.
  2. When spraying bushes and trees, nearby beds are covered with any covering material.
  3. During the procedure, protective equipment is worn: rubber gloves, a respirator, special clothing, and glasses. When preparing the solution or processing, do not drink, eat, or smoke.
  4. After work, clothes should be changed, exposed areas of the body should be washed under running water with plenty of soap, and the mouth should be rinsed.
  5. Do not mix with other drugs.
  6. To avoid the insecticide getting into water bodies, do not carry out protective work in the garden during or immediately before rain.

When spraying with karbofos, use protective equipment.

Conclusions and recommendations

Karbofos is definitely a good drug and many people recommend its use. Why?

The most basic:

  • affordable price;
  • low toxicity for humans, domestic animals and treated plants, subject to compliance with all operating rules;
  • is in the ranking of the first 10 best insecticides.

Karbofos: how to use against pests in gardening, in the garden and at home

The use of Karbofos in the garden and in the home or apartment against many pests gives good results.

Karbofos in everyday life

To combat bed bugs, use a solution of karbofos or, better yet, Fufanon in ampoules. The working solution of karbofos for bedbugs is prepared at the rate of 1 ml from an ampoule per 1 liter of water, i.e. ampoule 5 ml for 5; 10 ml ampoule per bucket. In turn, the amount of working solution is calculated based on the area of ​​the surface being treated:

  • Hard dense (stone, hardened mortars, metal, glass, facing tiles, resistant plastics) - 50 ml per 1 sq. m.
  • Solid absorbent (wood and wood materials, laminate and other wood-based floor coverings) – 100 ml/sq. m.
  • Soft (leather, leatherette, furniture fabrics) – 150-250 ml/sq. m.

To kill bedbugs with karbofos or Fufanon, allergy sufferers, children, pregnant women and nursing mothers will certainly be evicted from the house/apartment during treatment. If the housing is heavily contaminated and all rooms need to be treated, then everyone is evicted. Before treatment, you need to track down the nests of parasites; most often they are found under loose wallpaper, in cracks, at the joints of furniture parts. In the order of processing, linen, personal items, and in general, if possible, all items are removed. Textiles are washed and carefully ironed or, better yet, sent to specialized companies for disinfestation.

First of all, nesting areas are treated with karbofos preparations, then possible routes of movement of parasites and then the remaining areas of the room. After treatment, the room is tightly sealed, with all cracks temporarily caulked, and closed for a week. Then, on the contrary, the windows are opened wide. After another week, they check: the room is tightly sealed again at night, and in the morning they smell it to see if it still stinks even a little bit. If the smell of the drug remains, ventilate for another day to a week until it disappears completely. How karbofos preparations are used against bedbugs, see also the video:

Don't poison flycatchers!

On the Fufanon packaging, the target object, among others, is a flycatcher insect from the family. flat millipedes (Scutigtdae). In the West, agile flycatchers are feared in panic, more so than lice and bedbugs. Although in the “most advanced” USA the most common childhood disease is pedicure (lice), and in an “all inclusive” resort in the EU you may be asked casually: “Do you want apartments without bedbugs or without an extra charge?”

The centipede flycatcher actually looks quite scary, see fig. But, although flat centipedes are akin to truly dangerous centipedes, they are harmless and safe for humans. Otherwise, it’s not for flies and mosquitoes: flycatchers in the house destroy them worse than swifts in the air. In the mass, flycatcher centipedes never breed, lead a secretive lifestyle, and do not disturb humans in their sleep. But if there are flycatchers in the house, the mosquito will never disturb your sleep with its itching, and the stray fly will be caught, eaten and digested with all its infection before it gets to the Velcro or poisoned bait.

Reviews about Karbofos

Oleg Vyacheslavovich, Moscow Bedbugs, uninvited guests in the house that appeared from nowhere, simply poisoned our lives for a couple of days, until a neighbor in the country suggested a good and old remedy - Karbofos. I don’t know how I didn’t guess. He was probably impressed by the living creatures that had filled the entire house. I decided to try it. Moreover, the cost of the drug is low, I would even say below the average cost. I diluted the purchased powder exactly following the instructions. After 5 days I repeated the treatment at home. The drug actually turned out to be effective. I recommend. And calling for disinfection would cost a pretty penny.

Lyudmila Georgievna, Vladivostok Our whole family lives in our own (private) house. We even fought against moles and shrews, and cockroaches. Here are some people, but there were no bedbugs. The reason for their occurrence is unclear, because I am an ideal housewife, the house is always clean and tidy. I think they could have been brought by the guests who were with us last time, because there was simply nowhere else for them to appear. I used Karbofos. One treatment and the bedbugs disappeared. There's even some remedy left. She also suggested that the guests try it so as not to spread such an infection.

Anastasia Dmitrievna, Novosibirsk Last year, the ants simply overwhelmed the dacha, they also bred aphids - they filled the entire garden, and they have already begun to find them in the house. I had to act. I started with Karbofos, which I remember from childhood, and the drug really helped. After 2 treatments there were significantly fewer of them. It is quite difficult to remove them completely, but this is already a victory.

Tatyana Nikolaevna, Arkhipo-Osipovka We live in a resort area. Every year, like a season, there is just an influx of tourists. We rent out our house by the sea. Never had such problems as the last guests. A family stopped by, and as it turned out, not alone, but with bedbugs. These parasites multiply very quickly. After some time they filled the whole house. We tried both expensive and cheaper ones. They thought that if the drug was more expensive, it would be more effective. We remembered the old Karbofos. We treated it according to the instructions 2 times and the bedbugs disappeared, but the guests remained. We settled the situation. Now we always have this remedy.


  1. 1 review – Maria Sanovna, 50 years old: “My husband and I have been using Karbofos since we bought a dacha. The product is very good, the parasites disappear for a long time. Recently, sellers have said that the drug has been discontinued, and as an alternative they are starting to offer a lot of new, more expensive drugs. At first, we also fell for this system, and then we realized what was what, and we continue to buy Karbofos.”
  2. 2 review – Ekaterina, 37 years old: “An excellent remedy, repeatedly tried at home by us, neighbors, and relatives. Flying and crawling insects die almost immediately. But you need to be prepared for the fact that if suddenly some individuals manage to escape, which is unlikely, then Karbofos will not take them during repeated treatment.”
  3. 3 review – Alla, 40 years old: “A familiar, proven, old-fashioned remedy. We use it to destroy unfavorable living creatures in the house, it helps. Affordable and effective. I recommend".
  4. 4 review – Vladimir, 28 years old: “Since our grandmothers we have been using Karbofos at our summer cottage, but none of our relatives have decided to treat the apartment until now. Too many toxic dangers for my liking. You need to remember about your health."
  5. 5 review – Oleg Yurievich, 41 years old, agronomist: “Karbofos is an organic phosphorus compound that is prohibited for use in many CIS countries, Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries. This drug may cause cancer in people who have used it in their homes. People are chasing cheap products, completely ignoring their health!”

How to use Karbofos

Before using the product, you need to clean the entire apartment:

  • vacuum and wet clean to keep dust as low as possible;
  • move all the furniture away from the walls so that you have access to the baseboards (insects move along them in search of water);
  • remove all personal hygiene items, dishes and food so that particles of the product do not get into them;
  • disassemble all upholstered furniture down to the wooden frame;
  • remove mattresses from beds;
  • send bed linen and clothes to the laundry or, if possible, to the dry cleaner;
  • remove all decorations from the walls: on the back of photographs, tapestries, carpets and other things you can find bedbugs;

If you have an aquarium or terrarium, you need to remove it from the apartment during treatment, or at least close the lid tightly and turn off the compressor so that particles of the drug do not get into the air that your pets breathe. It is also necessary to remove all people (especially allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women and children) and pets from the premises. Only one person should remain in the apartment, who will carry out the disinfestation.

You can use a mask instead of a respirator

Precautions should be as follows:

  • clothing should be as closed as possible and, if possible, rubber, so that if the product gets on the fabric, it does not get on the body;
  • Rubber gloves and a respirator must be worn, otherwise in the very first minutes of treatment you can be poisoned by toxic fumes;
  • it is necessary to wear safety glasses to prevent Karbofos particles from getting into your eyes;
  • if possible, you need to arrange a draft so that the particles of the drug do not concentrate in one place;

Carrying out processing

First of all, it is necessary to dilute Karbofos, if it is in the form of an emulsion or powder. The solution is not suitable for storage, so it must be done immediately before processing.

(If you purchased the drug diluted, it will last a long time.)

The water for the solution should be warm; for bedbugs, 4–5 g of powder or 10–15 ml of emulsion are needed per 1 liter of water. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

The treatment can be carried out either using a spray bottle or using a regular construction (new) brush. All surfaces should be generously treated with the solution, especially those that absorb moisture well - this is where bedbugs like to settle. Neither furniture, nor mattresses, nor carpets, nor walls, nor anything else will be harmed by the solution, and its high concentration will ensure the destruction of the entire pest population at one time.

Can be treated with a simple spray bottle

After all surfaces and objects have been treated, it is necessary to dispose of any remaining product and thoroughly ventilate the premises. If possible, you should not return to the apartment for the next two weeks, during which you need to carry out another treatment procedure.

If all family members must return within a few hours after disinsection, it is necessary to wipe with a soap and soda solution those surfaces that people most often touch: door handles, switches and others. It is advisable not to do general cleaning for 2-3 weeks after the last treatment.

If there are children and pets in the house

Children and small pets should live in clean rooms because they put toys in their mouths and touch different surfaces. If it is possible to move children and pets to another apartment for 2-3 weeks, do so; if this is not possible, you must choose another method of getting rid of bedbugs, because the longer the active substance remains on the surfaces on which insects crawl, the more effective it will be treatment.

Despite the abundance of modern means of insect control, gardeners still prefer time-tested karbofos. The drug is used to combat numerous types of pests of garden crops: vegetables, melons, fruit and berry bushes and trees, berries, grapes, flowers, and ornamental plants.

Shelf life of the drug

The product should not be stored in ready-made form.

. This will lead to its rapid evaporation and loss of all properties. Manufacturers recommend storing karbofos in a cool, dry place in powder form. The concentrate should be stored in a dark and cool place away from children and animals. In addition, it is not stored near food, medicine or open fire. The drug is stored for quite a long time. Its toxic properties persist for quite a long time.

As you can see, karbofos perfectly helps fight pests in the garden

. This remedy has been the most effective and safe for decades, although the modern market can provide other similar remedies, but this drug is proven, and it is still in great demand. Summer residents keep stocks of karbofos so as not to look for it in stores. It is also worth remembering that some manufacturers are discontinuing it, considering it very dangerous and toxic.

I always keep a supply of karbofos at the dacha. It’s not always possible to find it in the store, so I stock it up in advance.

An excellent product that has a wide spectrum of action. It copes with many pests and does not harm plants and fruits at all.

The product completely decomposes within a week. Therefore, the fruits can be collected a month after spraying. And at the same time it does not harm human health at all.

The active component of the product is malathion, a powerful insecticidal and acaricidal substance from the class of organophosphorus compounds. It belongs to the third class of toxicity, but in large doses it is very dangerous for humans and warm-blooded animals. Malathion has a characteristic odor, which many manufacturers specifically enhance with various flavors so that the aroma warns people and animals about the danger of contact with this substance.

Karbofos is available in the form of powder, emulsion (both must be diluted in water, and the concentration depends on who needs to be destroyed) and in diluted form. The most common form of release of Karbofos is powder

Another feature of malaoxon is that it breaks down very slowly in the insect’s body. If malathion enters the body of a person or warm-blooded animal, the substance will disintegrate quite quickly, without having time to turn into malaoxone. In insects, the transformation of one component into another occurs in a short period of time; the activity of the substances is very high, so they do not disintegrate until the death of the pest. Thus, we can say that Karbofos acts selectively - only on insects.

The following advantages of Karbofos can be highlighted:

  • the effectiveness of the product is visible after the first use;
  • the components remain active for the next 2 months after treatment;
  • ease of use: powder and emulsion must be diluted in water in a certain ratio;
  • malathion is able to penetrate even the shell of eggs, thereby destroying both adults and their offspring;
  • general availability and low price: 60 g of powder – 60–80 rubles; 1 liter of emulsion – 150 rubles;

However, the product also has disadvantages:

  • malathion causes mutations in the insect's body, as a result of which subsequent generations (if someone survived after the first treatment) are more resistant to the compound and are able to destroy it;
  • the drug has a disgusting, pungent odor;

This drug has much more advantages than disadvantages; it is very effective, affordable, and therefore is one of the most popular insect repellents, especially for bed bugs.

Instructions for use

To destroy ticks and bedbugs, Karbofos is used as carefully as possible, since it can cause poisoning.

Treatment of the premises with karbofos is carried out with a pre-prepared composition. It is prepared depending on the initial type of raw material. The solution is adjusted to the required concentration, the powder is mixed with water to obtain a solution. About 2-3 ml of Karbofos aqueous emulsion or 5 g of powder are usually dissolved in a liter of water. The solution is applied using a brush or spray, which is more convenient because it allows the solution to penetrate even the most difficult to reach places.

To kill lice, Karbofos is used in the form of shampoo, which should be used by all family members. Apply a generous amount of shampoo to damp hair, leave to act for five minutes, then rinse with water. After drying, the hair is combed with a fine comb to remove dead insects.

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