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It is incredibly difficult to fight them due to their insane reproduction rate. In just one month, a female can lay up to 2000 eggs. Once the larvae hatch, they only need 10 days to become full-fledged flies.

By the way, the warmer it is, the faster they reproduce. Typically, one city trash can is enough to produce up to 1,000 new insects.


Flies belong to the Diptera family. Unlike other insects, flies have only one pair of wings. The back pair of wings resembles a pair of cobs and serves as a support. With the help of hidden muscles and skeletal tension, flies can flap their wings very quickly and perform fantastic maneuvers during flight.

There are thousands of species of flies in the world. Flies can carry parasitic worms and various pathogenic microorganisms that can cause typhus, cholera, tuberculosis, anthrax and polio. In South Asia, flies have also been found to be carriers of SARS. In nature, flies play an important role: they serve as food for many other organisms and play an important role in pollinating flowers.


They are carriers of various diseases. Flies vomit their stomach juices onto the food, lay their larvae there, and walk on it with their dirty paws. The latter need to be discussed separately. Stomach juice and larvae are not the worst things these insects can give to a person.

But on their paws there are many pathogens, including Vibrio cholerae (the causative agent of cholera) and E. coli.

Moreover, in order to leave these pathogens on the food, the fly only needs to touch the product for a split second.

External structure

A fly is an insect that has a typical structure for representatives of this class of animals. The body consists of three sections - head, thorax and abdomen. Six walking legs are attached to the middle one. The housefly is small in size - up to a centimeter.

On the head there is one pair of antennae, eyes and a sucking mouthparts. Therefore, the fly is not able to eat solid food. The insect searches for liquid, which it draws in using its proboscis. The fly liquefies solid substances. To do this, the insect regurgitates onto the food. It is the vomit that contains digestive enzymes that make food suitable for absorption.


They have a short lifespan. After the fly lays an egg, its offspring hatch within 24 hours. These offspring take about 10 days to become flies.

On average, they live about 30 days. However, their lifespan is greatly influenced by their environment and conditions. For example, at lower temperatures their life expectancy increases to 2 months. At higher temperatures it is around 30 days or even less.

She can live only 2-3 days without food.

Interesting information about the common housefly

Flies can mate within a few days of birth! A housefly lives on average two to three weeks

depending on the ambient temperature. The reproductive potential of the fly is enormous. During her short life, she can lay from one to three thousand eggs. It’s hard to even imagine how many billions of adults there would be if all the eggs were able to form and give birth to offspring! In just one summer, several generations of a pair of flies would eclipse everything around.

Of course, in nature everything is thought out. Most of the eggs and larvae die, becoming prey to birds and animals

. Some die from the cold, some from accidents. In addition to natural enemies, adult flies are also affected by a special parasitic type of fungus that kills the insect in a few days.

The housefly has a licking-sucking type of mouthparts, which allows it to take only liquid food. To absorb particulates, flies have to dissolve them in saliva. The tongue acts as a small proboscis, which is divided into two parts - channels through which food is absorbed. Flies are omnivores, they feed on human food, human and animal waste, their sweat and secretions of mucous membranes

. Despite the fact that flies are not picky about food, they always check its quality by feeling it with their paws with supersensitive hairs or their proboscis.

Everyone knows the unique ability of flies to move along walls and ceilings. This happens because the fly's legs have sticky pads that help it stick to different surfaces.

. This is why flies often rub their paws against their paws to clean these very pads.




They need a small area. You think about these insects flying all over your house, accompanying you outside, etc. In fact, studies have shown that they do not need much space. On top of everything else, they fly very slowly, naturally, if you don’t chase them with a sneaker. The average speed of a fly is 7 km/h, which is slightly more than the speed of a person.

Usually she covers a distance of no more than 1000 meters per day. On average, a person covers 3-4 km per day.

Good, neutral and not very bad flies[edit]

Mythology and folklore[edit]

« The sea shook, the damp earth groaned, the winds began to blow so strong that flies began to drown.»
— Folk
  • Ukrainian folk song “Oh, why did you make such a fuss, what a mosquito that married a musk.”
  • “A fly sat on the jam - / That’s the whole poem.”
  • There are also white flies - this is what falling and flying snow flakes are often called.


  • I. I. Dmitriev, fable “The Fly and the Ox.” The one that “we plowed.” Attributed to Krylov.
  • A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” - it was in the guise of a fly that Guidon made his aunt squint in her left eye. And in the guise of a mosquito - another woman, on the right.
  • “The Legend of Ulenspiegel”: when Philip II was a teenager, he squashed flies that fell on cake crumbs. And at the same time he masturbated.
  • K. Chukovsky, “Tsokotukha Fly”: the fly here is a damsel in distress. He also has a poem called “A Fly in the Bathhouse.” Here the fly is the victim of an accident. And a very strange happy ending.
  • D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak - in “Alyonushka’s Tales” there is also “The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived.” It shows the human home from the point of view of flies - an innocent and naive race of intelligent creatures with wings constantly suffers from bad people, but certain representatives of humanity seem to “live only for flies.” In the fall, the only fly left alive flies in the house until spring (people decide not to kill it) and in the end, having met a young spring fly and flying out the open window, he concludes: “Now I know: we, the flies, make summer.
    ” .
  • A. Green, “Scarlet Sails” - the coal miner Philip calls Assol a “fly”. The most affectionate nickname he can give her.
  • Nikolai Oleinikov, “The Fly”:
  • « I absolutely loved the fly! It was a long time ago, friends, When I was still young, When I was still young... »
    - And then there’s a teardrop... or not?
    • Stanislav Lem, “The Star Diaries of Ijon the Quiet” - on the planet Enteropia, the main character was proudly informed that the local zoo contains, among others, terrestrial animals, acclimatized and fed in local conditions with the greatest difficulty. When the hero, feeling emotional, wanted to see them, the director of the zoo refused him this. The animals in question turned out to be...well, you get the idea.


    • “Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik”, short story “Partner”: “That’s right... and drive away the flies!”
    • "Eega" aka "The Fly" is an Indian film about a man who was reborn as a fly and in this form took revenge on his killer (possibly an allusion to the story "The Winged Death").
    • “Space Watch. Episode 1" - the signs of the Vulcan horoscope are different types of flies.

    TV series[edit]

    • Doctor Who - Intelligent alien dung flies briefly appeared in one episode.


    • (link)

      Tower of the Fly "Terem of the Fly" from the series of cartoons "Mountain of Gems".

    • "Cars". Haven't you noticed the flies here? They look like tiny Volkswagen Beetles with fly wings.

    Animated series[edit]

    • “Chip and Dale”: here the male fly Zipper acts as a positive character, a loyal ally of the main characters. But among the flies there are also bandits.
    • “Minuscule”: the flies here are not exactly evil, but hooligan. Since whoever is kindest wins, the flies invariably lose to the positive ladybug, but cleverly leave the voracious spiders in the cold.
    • "Casper's School of Fear": among the students there is a fly man.
    • “Friendly company” - Fanny the postman fly.
    • “Star against the forces of evil” - Mukha, aka Boo-Mukh.


    • “Asterix and the Stone Oil” aka “Asterix’s Odyssey” (also known by the completely incorrect English name Asterix and the Black Gold) - Nolnolsixix was given a sentient fly as a partner. Zigzag: she is rather sweet and funny, although she serves the antagonist. Just for fun: she also fell in love with Nilnolsixix that your Moneypenny - after all, not a single flirtatious female creature can resist the charming super agent! The fact is that the French tease spies with “flies”.
    • And when Nolnolsixix and his boss screwed up... guess what punishment Caesar gave them? Yes, yes, honey came in handy...

    Anime and manga[edit]

    • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure/Vento Aureo: it was by using the fly that Giorno tracked the movement of the unknown Narancia. She also gave away the stand user who was lurking below deck. When the aggressor threatens Bucellati, and a fly looms in close-up in the frame, the result is superbafos. Well, that's something else! Here is a page from the manga, where a fly flies straight towards Leone and Bruno, and the latter bothers the former, “You have to run, the fly is very close!”, out of context, it can make you laugh out loud. Yes, and in context too.
    • And in the third part, a fly fell on Joseph’s photo and involuntarily triggered the main plot quest - it showed that Dio was hiding in Egypt.
  • Zeb-Noid, a very short manga by Tsutomu Nihei about the war between humanity and intelligent flies. Everything ended well.
  • Video games[edit]

    • The Binding of Isaac (yes, again): in addition to hostile flies, there are also useful blue flies and all kinds of fly artifacts. Isaac himself can turn into something fly-like.
    • Unsuccessful teleportation to Space Quest V will allow you to be a subject for some time, and also to find your own mortal remains in order to regain your normal appearance.

    Board games[edit]

    • Ravenloft: King Crocodile contracts a fatal disease from a fly bite. The insect takes revenge on him for deceiving the animals and taking their powers.



    • Enjoykin, “Flies” - a reworking of Ivanushki International’s song “Clouds”, obtained by cutting the scale from the film “The Green Elephant” and its subsequent processing. The video (see right) was also obtained by processing frames from this film.
    • Alexander Mirzayan, “The Fly”. Although here she is quite sinister.
    • “Sounds of Mu” - “Source of infection.” No, the source of infection here is not a fly. The fly is like a gingerbread here.
    • Vyacheslav Butusov - “Cat, cup, fly and bast shoe”, the song is absurdist at first glance, but very symbolic at second. The fly accidentally spent the night in the bast shoe and did not notice it itself, but now the bast shoe cannot forget it.
    • "Fly":
    « I’m lying on a dented bed, making a monument out of myself, and my secret agent flies through the window with the constant “zhu-zhu.” Immediately he hits a bright light bulb, climbs into bed with his feet, and passes the code to me, humming monotonously in the darkness. »
    — Leonid Sergeev
    • A folklore parody of the famous lullaby “Sleep, my joy, go to sleep”: “Sleep, my joy, go to sleep, the lights have gone out in the morgue, the corpses are lying on the shelves, the flies are buzzing over them...”
    • NOM "Mushischa", there is a good clip


    • “Pun” - in one of the episodes of “Bar Pun” a little fly managed to eat up as much as half a liter of beer! After which, completely drunk, she left the bar.
    • “40 devils and one green fly” - in order to raise his authority in the eyes of hooligan students, the new teacher (G. Khazanov) shot a fly with a slingshot with the first shot, after the main leader of the class (thus the teacher) failed to hit it several times at the same time brought down the “authority”).

    Real life[edit]

    • Drosophila fruit faithfully serves geneticists and other biologists due to the small number of chromosomes (only 4 pairs), short life cycle and unpretentiousness.
    • Flies are excellent at recycling all kinds of organic waste and sewage. If it weren’t for them, the decomposition process, of course, would have continued, because no one has abolished bacteria, but it would have taken much longer.
    • One of the most harmless army games: after lights out, old-timers give the command “Spirits - flies!”, and the “spirits” who hear this should buzz.
    « - Perfume! - We-s-s! (in a sepulchral voice) - Who are you? - Flies! - How can you prove it? - Bzh-zh! - Dichlorvos! - Ah-ah-ah! (as squeaky as possible) or Cough-cough-cough! »
    — Advanced version
    • How many people instinctively wanted to drive away the painted fly from the screen when reading this article? [4] Artists have long been joking in this way: for example, many viewers tried to drive away the fly “sitting on the frame of the painting” by Petrus Christus “Portrait of a Carthusian Monk”. There is an old Soviet joke about this:
    « — Have you tried sending your Vovochka to an art school?! - the teacher says in anger. - To use his talent for peaceful purposes. He drew a fly on my table, and I hit it with my whole hand! “What’s more,” says my father, “at home he drew such a... um... naked woman on the stove that my burns couldn’t heal for a year!” »
    • You are completely spoiled here... Here is another option: “He drew such a crocodile in the bathroom that I jumped out through the drawn door!”
    • “He drew a barrel of beer on the fence, and there the men and I stood in line for half of Saturday!”
    • There is a legend about Vasily Surikov that, while working as a clerk, he drew a fly on paper. The paper got to the governor, the governor tried to drive away that fly, but couldn’t. As a result, I found a clerk and paid for the Academy of Arts.
    • In one English-language popular science program (the author of the edit does not remember exactly) they talked about the reproduction of flies in ideal conditions. The fisherman put a box of maggots in the refrigerator and left home for a while. While he was away, the electricity in the house went out and the larvae came to life. Having no problems either with food or with finding a partner, several generations of flies appeared in the refrigerator. When the would-be fisherman returned and opened the refrigerator, the horde that rushed out looked impressive.
    • RPG-18 "Fly". It bites extremely painfully. It bites through up to 300 mm of armor.
    • The author of the edit often buys maggots to feed the tarantula. Sometimes the larvae turn into flies and buzz the entire room before the spider has time to eat them. Then you have to take the terrarium out of the dorm and clean it in a vacant lot... What a hassle!
    • Mukhosransk is a negative version of a common noun to designate a provincial town, a wilderness area.


    Flies are active during the day, they mainly navigate using their eyes. The eyes of a fly are very large compared to the head, thanks to this flies have a broad outlook. The eyes of flies, like other insects, consist of many small lenses. The eyes of flies distinguish objects much better than the eyes of vertebrates, so they have a faster response. Flies are attracted to green and red light waves, as well as contrasts between light and dark. Flies also perceive ultraviolet light. Unlike moths, which can communicate over long distances using chemical signaling substances, flies can only communicate at close range.

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