What essential oils repel fleas in an apartment?


Fleas are evil. And few will question this fact. Most people believe that they are created by nature only to bite all living things - people, dogs, mice, birds and even fish - however, water fleas bite the latter. And also to transmit infectious diseases with a bite. They are tenacious and fertile creatures, but they are afraid of strong odors. Therefore, lavender oil for fleas is an almost ideal solution, especially for those who care about nature and do not think like most.

In the summer, fleas live in the grass, in the winter they also do not hibernate - they occupy the entrances, waiting for the owner's dog to go for a walk, and they immediately jump on people. Thus, they get into the apartment, and getting them out of there is oh, how difficult it is. Small and jumping insects multiply quickly, bite, and do not give life to owners and pets.

It is not always possible to use professional insecticides in the house - this is quite dangerous for pets (cats, parrots, dogs), and, of course, children, and the owners themselves too. Another thing is essential oils, especially lavender. It smells very pleasant - people like it, and it doesn’t harm cats and dogs. But fleas from lavender panic and hastily evacuate from the occupied territories.

The principle of action of essential oils against fleas

Essential oils are a natural repellent that helps get rid of fleas. Blood-sucking insects do not tolerate strong odors, so they try to get away from their source. The method of getting rid of them using aromatic oils is based on this feature of parasites.

Important! The main thing to understand is that oils do not kill fleas and do not destroy larvae or eggs. The effect is that bloodsuckers leave the room in which an unpleasant aroma hovers.



What are bed bugs most afraid of?

Bed bugs, your worst nightmare, terrorize you endlessly. Everyone knows that bed bugs are very difficult to kill, which usually means they can cost you a lot of money to exterminate them.

Are bedbugs afraid of ultrasound?

Ultrasonic devices cannot deter or attract bed bugs, at least not yet the right combination of frequencies has been found. Bed bugs are typically exposed to frequencies produced by their (human) hosts.

Therefore, it is possible that traps will soon use sounds made by their owners, such as breathing or snoring. Future studies of bed bug bioacoustics may benefit from using low-frequency sounds produced by humans while they sleep.

Are bedbugs afraid of bleach?

Bleach can technically kill bed bugs by oxidizing their outer shell/body through sodium hypochlorite, but you will need to apply it directly to the bug and risk damaging your property or inhaling toxic fumes. The risks far outweigh the benefits, and we strongly recommend avoiding the use of bleach or any other type of “natural” alternative.

Are bedbugs afraid of the cold?

Yes! They are afraid if you are ready to freeze your home for several weeks at temperatures below eighteen and even twenty degrees below zero.

Bed bugs do not like extreme temperatures.

Are bedbugs afraid of water?

These invulnerable insects are not afraid of water and wet cleaning. It is a myth. They don't like water and don't live in bathrooms or damp basements because it's far from your bed. There are traps using water, but the principle of operation is not the fear of bedbugs, but simply that they cannot get out of the water when trapped on land. Or you can pour boiling water over them. But the main thing here is not the water, but its temperature.

Are bed bugs afraid of light?

Bedbugs are afraid of light and love darkness. If you turn on the light at night, they will quickly fly away from you to their hiding places. But you won’t get rid of them forever, you’ll just scare them away for a short time. You can, of course, try sleeping in the light.

But this does not prevent the cockroaches from fasting for a while and waiting until you get tired of it. And the cost of electricity has become high.

What oils are effective against fleas?

It would take quite a long time to list which essential oils repel fleas, since the list is extensive. It has floral, herbal, pine, citrus aromas.


Fleas are almost more afraid of the aroma of eucalyptus oil than anyone else. The pungent smell of eucalyptus quickly spreads throughout the room, repelling insects. Eucalyptus oil can be used to treat floors, carpets, and furniture (including upholstered furniture). The product has strong disinfecting properties, and also helps strengthen the immune system and alleviate the symptoms of colds.


Juniper oil is a good disinfectant. It helps not only drive away insects, but also reduce the risk of developing an infection at the site of the bite. The oil can be used not only to treat a room, but also to protect cats and dogs from fleas, since animals are quite loyal to the aroma of juniper.


For fleas, you can use both wormwood oil and fresh herbs. Volatile substances irritate the nervous system of insects, forcing them to leave their homes. Considering the fact that wormwood has a rather strong, specific odor, it must be used with caution - it is best to place small containers with essential oil where there are especially many fleas or where they enter the house.


The aroma of lavender quickly and effectively gets rid of fleas. Lavender oil has calming properties, so it can be used in the bedroom and even applied to bedding. But we must remember that the smell of lavender negatively affects hypotensive patients. It is better for them to use coniferous oils, for example, fir or cedar, which not only repel insects, but also have a positive effect on health.


Melissa essential oil is one of the few types that can be used not only against fleas indoors, but also for treating pet hair.


Fleas cannot stand the rich smell of cloves and try to get as far away from it as possible. But clove essential oil should be used with caution when getting rid of fleas in the room where cats live. Animals react negatively to the smell, causing them sleep disturbances and anxiety.


In addition to those listed, the following oils help against fleas:

  • tea tree;
  • basilica;
  • lemongrass;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • geraniums;
  • celandine;
  • anise

Coniferous aromas work well - fir, cedar, pine.

Plants that repel flies in the country, in a private house

To protect the premises from annoying insects in the private sector, at the dacha, you need to plant a walnut tree near the windows or along the perimeter of the area. In the Caucasus countries, gazebos and recreation areas are built under it, where people spend time quietly. A decoction is prepared from the leaves of the nut, and the frames are wiped. Flies do not fly into the house even with open windows.

Plants that repel flies in the country, in a private house

Flies do not like the smell of black elderberry. The product is especially effective during flowering. The bush should be planted near the house. The plant repels not only flies and mosquitoes, but also bedbugs and rodents. Bunches are hung in the house, placed in the corners of outbuildings. The plant is toxic, so you need to wear gloves when working with it and do not use it in the bedroom. Excellent product for repelling insects from outside.

Tansy secretes a substance that paralyzes the nervous system and causes muscle paralysis. Bunches of fresh grass or ground dry powder are placed in the house.

Jasmine will be a wonderful decoration for a summer cottage, will fill the house with a pleasant aroma, will smell from a great distance, and will repel annoying parasites. A fragrant bouquet in the house is the best protection.

Helps against flies in the country:

  • wild rosemary;
  • bird knotweed;
  • swamp mytnik;
  • horse chestnut;
  • ivy;
  • Rowan;
  • thuja;
  • juniper.

They use scents both indoors and outdoors.

Rules for using essential oils

Before using essential oils for fleas, the apartment must be thoroughly cleaned - vacuum, wash the floors, get rid of cobwebs, dust, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth, wash textiles and pet bedding, clean upholstered furniture.

Thorough cleaning

Thorough cleaning

The oil will help get rid of insects if you follow a few recommendations:

  • the optimal proportions of the solution against parasites are 5 drops of oil per 1 liter of water;
  • Before you start treating the room, you need to protect yourself from insect attacks - use a spray bottle to spray your clothes and feet with the solution;
  • apply the solution to all surfaces, not forgetting hard-to-reach places - under the bed, behind cabinets, in corners, in crevices behind the baseboard;
  • It is necessary to treat not only hard surfaces, but also carpets and curtains.

The oil is effective as long as its aroma is felt, after which the processing procedure must be repeated.

List and review of the most effective

The most effective and popular remedy for fleas, as mentioned above, is considered to be wormwood. It is easy to buy, the smell emitted by the plant does not irritate the sense of smell, and medicine based on it can be either purchased in a store or made independently. To do this you will need:

  • we buy wormwood at the market or in a specialized store;
  • finely chop with a knife;
  • pour the crushed product with oil (preferably olive);
  • Place the container on the stove and slightly heat the liquid. Do not boil it under any circumstances, just heat it up;
  • pour the medicine into a glass container, seal it with a lid and put the container away for 1-1.5 weeks in a cool place not exposed to direct sunlight.

No less popular are mixtures based on:

  • mint;
  • tea tree;
  • lemon;
  • geraniums;
  • eucalyptus;
  • carnations.

Note! A list of the most effective components is listed, but, if necessary, any aromatic oils will do as a medicine.

Homemade medicines are diluted in water in a ratio of 20 drops of the substance to 1 bucket of water. This remedy will help you quickly and effectively get rid of parasites without causing inconvenience to other family members.

Fragrance oil

How to make the fight against fleas in the house more effective?

You can enhance the effect of using essential oils to get rid of fleas in your apartment in the following ways:

  • after general cleaning, it is necessary to clean the vacuum cleaner and immediately take out the garbage, otherwise insects may spread throughout the house again;
  • When starting the fight against parasites, you need to not only treat the apartment, but also wash your pets with anti-flea shampoo or put on special collars for them;
  • Fleecy surfaces should be treated with special care: floor coverings, carpets and door mats, bedding and pet houses

Using mixtures of several oils, you can make pest control more effective. Popular combinations:

  • mint and lavender;
  • clove, lavender and tea tree;
  • mint, lavender and eucalyptus.

Regular use of the aroma lamp will help to consolidate the results.

Unsatisfactory environmental conditions

Fleas choose birds and animals that have shelter (burrow, nest, hollow) as their host. This allows parasites to reproduce at any time of the year, because the ambient temperature remains comfortable for them both in summer and winter.

When starting the fight against fleas, it is useful to study their habits and find out what natural conditions can be used against parasites:

  1. Cold. Insects cannot tolerate frost - at -10°C, adult individuals lose their ability to reproduce, and when the temperature drops to -15...-20°C, they die. Therefore, one of the effective methods of destruction is freezing the room in which fleas have infested. The house or chicken coop should be kept for 1-3 days with the windows and doors open wide. This method is more suitable for treating a barn, barn or summer kitchen, since in a residential apartment the walls and ceiling may suffer from freezing (wallpaper will come off, paint will crack, etc.).
  2. Heat and dryness. The optimal climate for the existence of fleas is an air temperature of 20 ... 30 ° C and a humidity of 40-60%. At a temperature of 35°C, the eggs dry out, which prevents the appearance of the next generation of fleas, and when it rises to 45°C, mass death of pests occurs. You can heat the interior of a house, basement or outbuildings using a heat gun or an industrial fan heater. A few hours of their work will be enough to destroy the entire population of parasites.
  3. Water. If insects are cut off from access to oxygen and the body of an infected animal is completely submerged in water, they drown and die. Bathing pets will help reduce the number of pests and reduce the pain of a cat or dog, but will not completely solve the problem - individual insects will still survive and continue to reproduce.

Fleas cannot stand sunlight and tend to leave a brightly lit area. If blood-sucking insects appear in the house, you need to dry pillows, mattresses and carpets in the open air: hang them on the balcony or take them outside and leave them in the open sun for several days.

Water and heat against fleas.

Fighting itching and pain from bites

Essential oils can also be used to treat insect bites. The most popular oils are tea tree and lavender, which are used to lubricate the bite site. They reduce inflammation and relieve itching. The product can be used pure or mixed with base oils, such as olive, jojoba, and wheat germ.

On a note! First you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the selected oil. For the test, a small amount is applied to the skin in the wrist or elbow area.

But it is better not to use essential oils for flea bites on cats and dogs. The cat's body may respond inadequately to such treatment, causing severe skin irritation or impaired olfactory functions. The best option is special products for animals.

Mistakes that are important to avoid

Avoid mistakes that could jeopardize your success in preventing cockroaches.

  • Do not throw dead cockroaches in the trash, because if the females carry ootheca eggs, they will hatch and the infestation will be present again. In addition, dead insects can attract other pests such as flies and ants.
  • Always recheck after 7-14 days. Sometimes additional baiting may be necessary to eliminate an infestation.
  • Do not use the same insecticide on the same treated area.
  • Don't treat all cockroach species the same: German and Oriental cockroaches, for example, have very different feeding and reproductive habits. Therefore, the removal methods will differ.

Safety measures when disinfesting with aroma oils

Despite the fact that essential oils are a completely natural product, when using them against fleas in the house, you must take precautions:

  • follow the dosage, dilute the oil according to the instructions;
  • use a small amount of product;
  • do not inhale concentrated vapors;
  • Before first use, check if anyone living in the house (including pets) is allergic to the selected oil.

Attention! Aroma oils are not recommended for use in the presence of pregnant women and small children.



If, after treating the room, one of the household members feels unwell (dizziness, headache, nausea), it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room and continue to use other means.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Essential Oils

The use of aromatic oils has a number of positive and negative features. The advantages include:

  • natural composition, lack of aggressive effects on the human body and pets;
  • the ability to choose the scent to your liking (an additional plus is the pleasant smell in the apartment);
  • availability, large selection and wide range of prices;
  • ease of preparation of an oil-based product, no need for protective equipment (gloves, mask, respirator).

Main disadvantages:

  • individual intolerance or an allergic reaction is possible in both people and animals;
  • aromatic oils do not affect eggs and larvae, so the treatment will need to be repeated after a few days.

Another disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be used if there are children under 1 year of age in the house.


The most harmless means for humans to repel bedbugs is the smell of “fragrant” herbs. Typically, wormwood, tansy, calamus, wild rosemary and chamomile are used as an aromatic repeller. Let's take a closer look at each of these plants.

Uses of wormwood

Bunches of freshly cut wormwood grass are recommended to be placed in places where bedbugs may accumulate in the house. First of all, these are the places:

  • under beds and sofas;
  • under mattresses or in them;
  • under baseboards;
  • in bedside tables;
  • under pet bedding.

The disadvantage of using wormwood is that its repellent properties are quickly lost. After the plant dries out after 2–3 days, its aroma, which is so unpleasant to these parasites, also disappears.

The aroma emitted by wormwood serves as a mask for the odor of the human body, preventing the insect from detecting its prey. Therefore, it is better to place its bunches next to the person. The use of tinctures and decoctions prepared on the basis of wormwood is also widely practiced.

You can add a piece of laundry soap to the wormwood broth, then use this solution to wash the floor coverings in your apartment. This is an excellent remedy for preventing the appearance of bedbugs in the home.

Wormwood is one of the most effective plants for repelling bedbugs. However, better results can be achieved with an integrated approach to the destruction of blood-sucking parasites in the apartment. Preference should be given to fresh plants. Before spreading the grass, it is necessary to carry out a wet cleaning in the room, and subject the curtains and bed linen to a boiling procedure.

We must not forget that wormwood does not protect the home from repeated penetration of parasites. Experiencing a strong feeling of hunger, the insects attack the victim, despite the presence of wormwood in the room.


Tansy inflorescences are distributed to repel house bugs in all places where people are most often found. You can also use tansy inflorescences before bed to rub the skin with them. This can protect a person from bloodsucker bites at night. A concentrated infusion of this plant, when interacting with an insect, blocks nerve impulses and causes paralysis for some time.

The use of tansy requires frequent ventilation of the treated area.

Using calamus

This plant is used to repel bedbugs when crushed. To do this, the dry powder mixture must be scattered in all places where a cluster of blood-sucking parasites is found.


The repellent properties of wild rosemary are based on the presence of a pronounced intoxicating aroma in this plant. All places where insects may be located must be sprinkled with powder from ground dry leaves of the plant. To achieve the best results, you can resort to fumigation of the home. It is best to collect wild rosemary shoots from the end of August to the beginning of September.

Oil-based medicines

While aromatic oils can be used to treat a room against fleas, it is not always safe to use them to get rid of bloodsuckers from pets. If the product gets on the skin, it can cause irritation, the strong smell will cause discomfort to the pet, and if it tries to clean the fur and starts licking the medicine off, it can become poisoned.

Aroma oils

Aroma oils

Special preparations containing essential oils will help protect your pet. The most popular include:

  • Beaphar (spray or shampoo);
  • Doctor ZOO (shampoo);
  • Bars (shampoo);
  • GreenFort (shampoo).

When using a new product for the first time, you must carefully monitor your pet’s condition to notice possible manifestations of allergies.

How to use scents correctly

In order for aromatic substances to have the desired effect, they must be used correctly. There are a number of rules that should be followed:

  1. Essential oils are placed in close proximity to animal burrows. The liquid must be applied to a cotton pad or napkin. You can smear the corners of the room. In apartments, it is recommended to add oils to the water for washing floors.
  2. Dried herbs will smell longer if they are placed in cloth bags and tied.
  3. Fresh plants quickly lose their aroma, so they need to be replaced periodically.
  4. Rodents quickly get used to some smells. It is worth alternating scents.
  5. For maximum effectiveness, several different herbs can be used together.
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