Essential oils and herbs for cockroaches

The appearance of red cockroaches in a home entails a lot of trouble. Parasites are carriers of infectious diseases and helminth infections, therefore, for your own safety, it is recommended to immediately take measures to destroy them.

There are many ways to repel insects from an apartment, the most affordable option is the use of natural insecticides and repellents.

For example, wormwood for cockroaches in an apartment is the most effective, safe, affordable remedy, the use of which repels parasites from your home.

The properties of the medicinal herb are amazing; it has insecticidal properties and an unpleasant aroma that repels cockroaches. Placing just a few branches of the plant in the kitchen will allow you to quickly and safely clear the house of uninvited guests from the house.

Are they afraid

The answer to the question of whether cockroaches are afraid of wormwood can be answered unequivocally - yes. The aroma of the plant helps to quickly clear your home of uninvited guests and prevent their appearance in the future.

For example, for preventive treatment of an apartment, it is recommended to spread a small amount of dry grass or powder made from it in secluded corners.

It is important to change the raw materials from time to time, since the odor unpleasant to insects gradually weakens.

Oils and aromatics

In addition to herbal remedies, it is useful to use oils extracted from various plants in the fight against cockroaches. Pleasantly smelling aromatic products not only improve our mood, but also cleanse our homes of insects.

The essential oils of coniferous trees, in particular cedar oil, are the most hated by cockroaches. It can be applied pointwise to surfaces or used in an aroma lamp. Fir oil is used in the same way. In addition, a small amount of oil is applied to a napkin or piece of cloth and the surfaces from which insects obtain food and water are wiped. You can make small pads by placing pieces of cotton wool soaked in a few drops of aromatic oils inside.

types of ether

Use heated eucalyptus and tea tree oils. But if tea tree with its mild aroma simply promotes relaxation, then eucalyptus oil is useful during periods of rampant respiratory diseases: inhaling its scent protects against colds and flu.

Cockroaches do not like anise and lavender oil. Lavender can also be used as a herbal remedy in the fight against cockroaches. And an aroma lamp at the head of the bed, spreading a lavender scent, promotes deep, restful sleep.

As a deterrent, you can use any one type of aromatic oil or create combinations of different types. But at the same time, it is better not to use other floral scents that may attract cockroaches, because this neutralizes the active substance. You should not use products such as peach and other kernel oils, because they smell “delicious” to the cockroach, and instead of a mass exodus, there will be a mass pilgrimage to places sprinkled with these substances.

But no matter what herbs and oils are used, you need to know that they only affect adult insects. Cockroach eggs feel great no matter the smell, so to achieve a greater effect you need to use comprehensive measures, including the use of chemicals, and also do not neglect basic cleaning and maintaining hygiene in your home or work area.


So, a simple and safe remedy for cleaning the house is wormwood against cockroaches, which can be used in various ways. For preventive treatment of an apartment, it is recommended to use dry plant branches, pillows - sachets, to which you can add a few drops of essential oil.

In case of severe contamination of housing, it is recommended to use more effective methods, including sanitizing the apartment with decoctions and essential oils of wormwood.

Using dry grass

For preventive treatment of the premises, as well as after using insecticidal agents to remove cockroaches, it is recommended to use dry wormwood.

If there is a large number of parasites in the apartment, using the plant after drying will not bring the expected effect; the effect of such raw materials can only be considered as a repellent.

To treat your home with a dry plant, you need to spread the raw materials prepared in advance into the secluded corners of the apartment. It is recommended to place branches behind furniture, sofas, and beds. It is especially important to place wormwood in the kitchen, because it is there, due to the presence of food sources and moisture, that most of the parasites are localized.

Dry wormwood, despite its pronounced specific aroma, does not harm the health of humans or animals. However, if household members have a tendency to develop allergic reactions, it is recommended to use a small amount of dried plants.

Using a decoction

Standard insecticidal treatment of premises against cockroaches is carried out through the use of toxic agents that have a detrimental effect on parasites, penetrate the digestive and other organs of insects, leading to the death of the latter.

This option for removing parasites takes a lot of time; all family members and animals should leave the premises during the treatment period.

For a more gentle treatment, you can use a decoction of wormwood. Preparation of the substance takes a short amount of time, and the finished raw material is completely safe for humans.

You can use this recipe as a basis:

  • Boil five tablespoons of dried, pre-crushed raw materials in a liter of water.
  • Cool and leave for at least three hours.
  • Strain.

Use the finished product in several ways: pour the broth into a container equipped with a spray bottle, thoroughly spray the walls, ventilation holes, sewer lines, water pipes, and work surfaces.

Second method: dilute the concentrated solution with warm water and carry out wet cleaning.

Important! If household members have a tendency to develop allergic reactions, ventilate the room after completion of treatment.

Use as a tincture

Similar to the methods recommended above, you can treat the apartment with an alcohol-based tincture. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself.

The tincture is prepared simply:

  • Fill a bottle of any size with dry or fresh wormwood. It is better to take dried raw materials, as it contains the maximum concentration of active ingredients.
  • Fill the prepared container to the top with alcohol.
  • Leave for three weeks. No need to strain.

Dilute the finished tincture in the amount of five tablespoons in five liters of warm water. Treat the walls of the room with the solution and carry out wet cleaning.

If there are a large number of parasites, it is recommended to generously soak pieces of tissue with the solution and place them in places where parasites are more often localized.

Folk remedies for cockroaches with boric acid and borax

One of the once popular folk remedies against cockroaches is boric acid and its derivative, borax. Any of these substances, even in small proportions, causes inevitable death in the cockroach. But there is one condition if they don't find water. Even a drop of water will save their life, so before using this product, make sure that there is no moisture anywhere in the open.

  • Boric acid or borax can be sprinkled in pure form, behind baseboards and in corners.
  • This folk remedy is dissolved in water and all surfaces are washed. Since the substance is not toxic to humans, it is suitable for use in the kitchen.
  • In order for the product to work for sure, boric acid is added to the bait so that the cockroach eats the poison. The substance can be mixed with flour, sugar, potatoes, egg yolk and bread. Place the prepared balls near the trash can, under the bathtub and sink, in the dark corners of the room.

What else cockroaches are afraid of in an apartment is boric acid. The drug of chemical origin is harmless to humans and domestic dogs and cats, but is an effective means of exterminating Prussians. When ingested by an insect, boric acid completely paralyzes its nervous system, after which it dies.

Insects are most afraid of contact with boric acid powder. Therefore, you should scatter it behind baseboards, in places behind cabinets, under furniture. To kill the Prussians, one tablespoon of boric acid is mixed with flour and an egg, which cockroaches love to eat. Then the dough is kneaded, small balls are rolled out of it and placed in places where pests accumulate. The insects eat the treat and die.

How to prepare it correctly

To obtain positive results, it is important to properly prepare wormwood for cockroaches.

It is important to follow the instructions:

  • When harvesting the lower leaves, you need to take only them, leaving the stems.
  • If the upper part is required, cut off the crown, the length of which is no more than twenty centimeters. It is this part of the plant that contains the maximum amount of active substances and has a pronounced specific aroma.
  • The optimal harvesting time is the flowering period, which occurs in June – July.
  • Fresh raw materials can be used immediately after harvesting.
  • For long-term storage, wormwood must be dried. To do this, place the collected raw materials on clean sheets of paper or fabric. Should dry in the shade.

After all the manipulations, place the prepared raw materials in bags made of natural fabrics or cardboard boxes. Store in a cool place. Periodically inspect the wormwood for the appearance of mold, pests, and rotten parts.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of wormwood against cockroaches has advantages and disadvantages.

The following can be listed:

  • Pros. Cockroaches are afraid of wormwood. Using products based on this plant as a repellent will help quickly remove parasites from the room and prevent their reappearance. Wormwood is safe for households and pets. The strong smell of the plant will help protect your home from other pests, such as bedbugs. Raw materials can be used constantly.
  • Minuses. If there are a large number of parasites, it will not be possible to get rid of them by using only folk remedies, since wormwood does not have a detrimental effect on the body of insects. To permanently protect your home, you need to regularly treat your home with plant-based products and replace stems that have lost their specific smell with fresh ones.

To obtain the desired effect, it is important to rationally approach the choice of a suitable cockroach repellent. Wormwood is an excellent way to expel parasites from a home only if there are a small number of insects present in the home.

In case of massive infestation of the premises, treatment with chemical insecticides is required.

Decoctions and infusions of tansy for worms - the best recipes

Tansy has been used by mankind for a long time. It was used to initially embalm the dead. Later they began to use it in the home. The pungent smell of the plant repels many pests of gardens and vegetable gardens. Tansy for worms is a very popular folk remedy, the effectiveness of which has been proven by experts. In addition, the plant helps with liver and stomach diseases.

Have you been trying to get rid of PARASITES for many years?

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Traditional medicine considers tansy flowers as a remedy for many diseases. It is recommended for jaundice, pyelonephritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, gastritis, dysentery. It has astringent and disinfectant properties, helps cure ulcers, acne, boils, scabies, and ulcers. Many people use it as a remedy for dandruff.

Tansy is a poisonous medicinal plant, so when using it internally, you should strictly follow the dosages indicated in the recipes. Let's look at how to recognize tansy, where it can be found, and how to take it for adults and children to achieve an anthelmintic effect.

What does tansy look like and where does it grow?

Tansy belongs to the perennial plants of the Asteraceae family.
There are several types of plants; tansy has found widespread use in everyday life and medicine. The plant has many synonyms: love spell, glisten, wild mountain ash, nine-year-old. You can find tansy grass everywhere. It grows in steppes and fields, along roads and in forests. In Russia it is difficult to find only in the Far North. It does not form large thickets, but can litter pastures, meadows, and vegetable gardens. The main habitat of tansy is forests and forest-steppe zones.

How to recognize a plant? The height of the grass ranges from 0.5 m to 1.5 m.

The roots of tansy are long, woody, and highly branched. The stems are straight with a faceted surface, may have slight pubescence or be bare.

The leaves are dark green above and mottled below. They have an oblong shape, slightly reminiscent of an egg. At the bottom of the stem there are petiolate leaves, then there are sessile, hard leaves.

The bright yellow inflorescences are collected in baskets and resemble a semicircular shield located at the very top of the plant. The fruits ripen in late summer and last until mid-October. The achenes are oblong and long (up to 1.8 mm in length).

Beneficial properties - will it help against helminths?

What are the beneficial properties of tansy? Of course, its unique components. The leaves of the plant contain ascorbic acid, the inflorescences contain essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Essential oils are particularly toxic, but at the same time they are an excellent antiseptic.

Will tansy help against worms, how to use this remedy? If you read medical and folk medicinal literature, as well as people’s reviews, it will become clear that decoctions, infusions, and tansy enemas are quite effective means in the fight against worms.

Even the popular name “helminthic” speaks of the anthelmintic effect of the plant.

In addition, the plant has many useful qualities:

  • has a positive effect on the gallbladder, has a pronounced choleretic property;
  • astringent components of the plant help with diarrhea;
  • Pajama decoction will help relieve stomach pain and flatulence. The plant is used to treat many gastrointestinal diseases, helps normalize intestinal function, improve appetite;
  • pinworms and roundworms will go away without a trace if you undergo the recommended treatment with a decoction of the plant and give an enema several times. The bitter taste of the plant and its poisonous qualities lead to a massive release of worms from the body;
  • the bactericidal properties of the plant are used to treat wounds, skin ulcers, boils;
  • The diuretic properties of the herb are used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Recipes with tansy for worms

Tansy treatment methods are quite varied.

Let's consider all treatment options using:

  • infusion of flowers;
  • seed powder;
  • enemas with tansy.

Treatment with tincture

Flowers of medicinal plants are often used to treat parasites:

  1. For an antihelminthic infusion you will need 5 g of dry and crushed tansy flowers. You can prepare them yourself in June, or use pharmacy packaging. The flowers are poured with a glass (0.2 l) of hot water, and then infused in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After this, the infusion is removed and wrapped. After an hour, filter and add boiled water to again obtain 200 ml of herbal infusion. Treatment will be effective if the drug is taken on an empty stomach 0.5 hours before meals. Every day you will need to drink 1 large spoon before each meal (3 times a day).
  2. As a preventative measure, you can use regular tea, which should be brewed with the addition of a pinch of crushed tansy or wormwood flowers.
  3. If a person has a tendency to constipation, when preparing an antihelminthic infusion, it is recommended to use 2 types of medicinal herbs: tansy and buckthorn. They are taken in a 1:1 ratio and mixed well. Then 2 tbsp. spoons, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. After this, let it brew for at least 30 minutes. in a warm place. All antihelminthic preparations are taken on an empty stomach. This infusion is distributed into 2 doses - before breakfast and at night. Course – 5 days.
  4. Tansy infusion may be contraindicated for children, so a more gentle method of removing worms has been developed. To prepare the infusion, you need the following components: tansy, immortelle and centaury in a ratio of 3:3:5. The herb is crushed and mixed thoroughly. The collection is stored in a glass container. Taking 1 tbsp of dry herb, pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let the mixture brew, you can use a thermos. 50 ml of warm infusion is mixed with 1 tsp. honey and give to the baby before main meals 3 times a day. After 20 minutes, the child is fed milk porridge (semolina, oatmeal, barley). During antihelminthic treatment, the child should not be given spicy or meat foods. You can feed potatoes, berries, fruits, and vegetables.
  5. A three-component infusion is considered a good remedy against worms. It is prepared from wormwood, tansy and chamomile. The components are mixed in equal parts, and then 2 tbsp. 0.5 liters of hot water are poured. The infusion should stand warm for about 1 hour. When using, it can be warmed to room temperature. Should be taken 1 week 2 times a day. You should drink a glass (100 ml of infusion) per dose.

Tansy powder

It is believed that decoctions and infusions are not as effective as tansy powder. This is due to the fact that the liquid is quickly absorbed and excreted from the body, and the powder settles on the walls of the intestines and in the rectum, which leads to its accumulation. Worms do not have the opportunity to attach to the walls and fully feed; they gradually lose their tone and leave the body.

Options for using herbal mixtures:

  1. Troychatka consists of 3 herbs with anthelmintic effect: tansy, wormwood and cloves. The components should be taken in the following ratio: 100 g: 30 g: 50 g. After grinding all the components, they are mixed and sent to a glass jar for storage. Take the dry powder 3 times a day, always keeping a break of 30 minutes between taking the mixture and food. Drink with water. Treatment is carried out for 14 days. For prevention, the mixture is continued for another month, while the dose is reduced to 1 dose per day.
  2. People living in unfavorable areas or those who have four-legged friends in the house can use the following composition: mix 50 g of yarrow, buckthorn, wormwood and tansy with 25 g of clove buds (store-bought spice). Mix the collection and grind in a coffee grinder. Drink daily for 2 weeks. Adults will need to drink 1 tsp before breakfast, and for children the dose is reduced by half. For ease of use, the powder is washed down with water.
  3. A more delicious treat is ground pumpkin seeds and tansy flowers. The components are mixed in a ratio of 7:1. Take the mixture 4 times a day, always before meals. Treatment lasts 2-3 days. Can be mixed with honey. After treatment, you can give a cleansing enema.

Antihelminthic enemas with tansy

An enema helps well in the fight against worms. It can be prepared from tansy and garlic. You can use the following collection: wormwood, tansy, chamomile, which are taken in equal proportions. For a microenema you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 250 ml of boiling water. The broth is brought to a boil, then cooled slightly. Add a crushed clove of garlic to it. The medicinal mixture is infused for 2-3 hours in a thermos or a warm place.

To carry out the procedure, you should purchase a bulb with a plastic tip. The patient is placed on his left side and a tip lubricated with Vaseline is inserted. By pressing the bulb, 50 ml of warm solution is injected into the anus, the temperature of which should be 37-40ºC. The patient should lie down for about 30 minutes. After the procedure, 2-3 hours later you can do a cleansing enema with warm boiled water. Treatment with microenemas lasts 5-7 days.

If garlic greatly irritates the walls of the rectum, you can prepare a decoction of tansy flowers. For this, 1 tbsp. dry powder, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then set aside and let it brew. The enema is done every evening for a week.

Contraindications for use

Before you remove worms at home, you should get tested and find out whether the unpleasant symptoms really indicate the presence of worms in the body. After making a diagnosis and identifying the type of parasites, you can begin treatment for helminthiasis.

The list of main contraindications for the treatment of helminthiasis with tansy is as follows:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period. Tansy can cause miscarriage, because... it tones the muscles of the uterus. Young children may show signs of poisoning if the mother, during lactation, begins to be treated with an antihelminthic decoction with tansy;
  • Individual intolerance to tansy can be expressed in the appearance of rash, itching, and unpleasant dyspeptic symptoms. In this case, treatment with tansy is stopped;
  • if there are gallstones, treatment with tansy is not carried out, because it has choleretic properties, which can lead to the movement of stones;
  • high blood pressure and slow heart rate;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • enemas should not be used if there are cracks or ulcers in the anus.

Usually the remedy is not prescribed to children, but if a specialist recommends recipes with tansy, then the dosage of the herb should be reduced by 2-3 times.

Video about the beneficial properties of tansy and the most effective recipes for worms.

Popular questions

How long does wormwood retain its properties and smell that repel cockroaches? The effect can last from several weeks to several months, it depends on the conditions in the home: humidity, air temperature. To maintain the cockroach-repellent effect, it is recommended to replace old branches with new ones once every two to three months.

Is wormwood safe for people? In the absence of a negative reaction to the specific smell of the plant, or the risk of developing allergic reactions, the plant is harmless to humans and animals.

But when preparing raw materials, it is recommended to use fabric gloves, since there is a possibility of irritation and redness on the skin of the hands.

Can the plant be used as an additional means of home protection? Need to. Insecticides of chemical origin cannot be used continuously, as this can cause poisoning. The use of wormwood does not harm household members; plant raw materials can be used constantly.


Mikhail, Kostroma: “I used essential oils to repel. I noticed only a few Prussians. A few days later they left. It's a cheap product and has a good scent in the apartment. I just left a few drops in a bottle in the kitchen. We didn’t come up with other options.”

Tatyana, Tolyatti: “For a long time we couldn’t cope with modern chemicals. We decided to use a proven home remedy. They put a jar with bait. I had to change it periodically. But it worked. And chemistry affects people more than insects.”

Alevtina, Chelyabinsk “I was advised to use borax to solve the problem once and for all. They were poisoned along with their neighbors. The pests are gone. There is no smell and it is safe for humans.”

Important! In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is recommended to combine several methods of getting rid of insects. Take preventive measures immediately. Find out where the Prussians come from so that the process does not drag on.

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