How to remove lice from a child with long hair at home: 10 ways

What is pediculosis and can it be treated at home?

Pediculosis is a parasitic infection . Parasites are lice and nits that feed on human blood. It occurs most often in children due to close contact with each other.

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention
Symptoms of pediculosis are:

  • the head is very itchy;
  • sensation of hair moving;
  • detection of lice and nits themselves on the hair or scalp.

Treatment of this disease can be done at home , without visiting a doctor. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary products at the pharmacy and use them according to the instructions provided. There are quite a lot of such means, and each of them has its own differences. They come in the form:

  • shampoo;
  • spray;
  • cream;
  • and even in the form of medications.

As a rule, the methods of their use are the same:

  1. products are applied to hair and skin;
  2. stand for a certain time;
  3. then the parasites are combed out.

The number of these procedures depends on the drug you choose. And if your choice is to treat head lice with medications, then you need to seek advice from specialists. Self-medication can not only not live up to expectations, but also cause harm to the body.

You can also use traditional methods to eliminate lice and nits. The most popular means are kerosene and vinegar . They are used quite simply:

  1. Apply to hair for 20–30 minutes.
  2. Then rinse and comb out the lice.

But these products can affect the child’s well-being, as they have a very pungent odor.
Attention! When choosing a drug for head lice, you need to read the instructions to make sure that this drug is suitable for the child’s age.

Professional remedies for lice in children

Lice in children are a rather unpleasant occurrence, so it makes sense to consider using targeted treatments for treatment. All drugs are suitable for use at home. Most of them are made from phenothrin and permethrin. Efficiency is high, but toxicity cannot be ruled out. For children, it is better to choose products containing esters.

No. 1. "Hygia"

Price – 330 rubles. The drug has proven itself, a lot of reviews prove its effectiveness. Easy to use, just like regular hair shampoo. Along with the product, manufacturers also supply a comb for combing in one package. The advantages include low cost. When handling and combing out lice (nits), you must wear gloves.

No. 2. "Paranite"

Price – 360 rubles. Available in aerosol form. Consists of essential oils. Helps equally to remove lice from children with short and long hair. Using it at home couldn’t be easier: spread over dry hair and scalp, leave for 15 minutes and rinse. Should not be used by children under 3 years of age.

No. 3. "Full Marks"

Price – 560 rubles. Available on pharmacy shelves in the form of lotion or spray. After spreading over the scalp, you need to wait 10 minutes, then you can start combing. Comb included. The drug is non-toxic, odorless, and can be used to get rid of lice in children with asthma. The downside is its dense, greasy structure, which is not always washed off the first time.

No. 4. Knicks

Price – 390 rubles. The product can be purchased in the form of shampoo or cream. It is necessary to apply it to moistened curls, then leave for 10 minutes and remove with water. The composition is gentle, so it is suitable for six-month-old children.

No. 5. "Pediculen Ultra"

Price – 470 rubles. Available in spray and lotion form. Before use, you must comb your hair thoroughly, then distribute the composition over the scalp and leave for 30 minutes. After the allotted period, the product is removed with shampoo. It is not recommended for use by children under 5 years of age.

Infection and types

Lice infestation can occur for many reasons:

  1. In close contact with infected people. As a rule, this happens in kindergartens, schools, and camps.
  2. When using other people's things, including personal hygiene items: towels, combs, hats, and so on.
  3. Through bedding: pillows, blankets.
  4. Storing things close together also affects lice infestation. After all, they can be found not only in hair, but also in clothes.


Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention

This type of lice is similar to head lice . Their belly is slightly oblong and can reach three millimeters in length. They may have a light yellow tint. These lice also lay larvae in the hair, which are also called nits.

Body lice reproduce only on the human body at high temperatures. At low temperatures they die. Their hiding places are the seams of clothing, folds and pockets. The presence of such parasites on the body can be recognized by several signs:

  • detection of bites on the skin that heal within three to four days;
  • severe itching at the site of the bite and around it;
  • the appearance of allergies accompanied by headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of bluish spots on the skin when the variant is neglected.

To get rid of these parasites, it is necessary to use special means. And clothes must be washed at a very high temperature, preferably boiled. The same must be done with bed linen.

Body lice infest areas of the body where there is no hair:

  • waist;
  • shoulders;
  • neck;
  • stomach;
  • lower back.

Head ones

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention

These parasites can be detected visually on the hair . They have a transparent, elongated body, up to 4 mm in size. They survive only on humans, as they feed every three hours. Female lice lay their eggs on hair, called nits. They are much harder to get rid of than the lice themselves. When the condition is neglected, red spots may appear on the scalp and behind the ears.

To eliminate head lice, it is necessary to use special preparations. They can be purchased at any pharmacy in various forms. For children, a spray or shampoo is more convenient. They can deal with parasites the first time. Very easy to use and harmless to the child’s health.


Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention

Pubic lice are parasites that live on the human genitals and pubic area . Can take root:

  • in the armpits;
  • beard;
  • even on eyelashes.

They are usually yellow-gray in color and measure 2–3 mm. In appearance they resemble a small crab. They live on the human body for 25–30 days and feed on his blood.

The presence of pubic lice can be determined by the following symptoms::

  • itching and burning at the site of the bite;
  • rash, redness, swelling in the areas where parasites are located;
  • purple spots after a bite;
  • appearance of brown spots on underwear;
  • nausea, insomnia.

There are different ways to get rid of pubic lice:

  1. Chemically - using special drugs that contribute to the death of parasites.
  2. By mechanical method - it is necessary to remove all hair and treat with antiseptic agents.
  3. Folk - using improvised means to kill lice.

To prevent pubic lice, you need to:

  1. observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  2. iron underwear;
  3. avoid one-time sexual contacts.

How to find out if a child has lice

When head lice appear, the child immediately changes his behavior. The baby becomes restless and restless, often wants to scratch his head. Feeling unpleasant sensations and not understanding their nature, he begins to get nervous.

This behavior of a child should alert parents. An external examination of the scalp should be immediately performed.

Symptoms that define head lice in children:

  • severe constant itching - the child often itches;
  • pinpoint bruises detected during examination indicate lice bites;
  • gray-blue spots on the skin;
  • wounds and irritations at the bite sites;
  • small pimples and bumps filled with liquid;
  • presence of rashes on the neck and behind the ears;
  • pustular formations on the skin;
  • with reduced immunity, an increase in lymph nodes behind the ears is observed.

Pustular formations appear as a result of combed lice bites, into which a secondary infection occurs. If appropriate measures are not taken, the child may develop complications in the form of ulcers and pyoderma.

Sometimes the body of a child under one year old with pediculosis exhibits symptoms of allergic reactions. They are characterized by a rash on the body, fever, symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting) and severe headache.

It is dangerous if a newborn becomes infected with lice, because the infant’s immunity has not yet developed. In developed countries, such cases are practically reduced to zero, because sanitary standards are maintained in maternity hospitals. However, in third world countries, body lice begin to harm babies within a few days.

Due to the fact that head, pubic and body lice can carry dangerous diseases, the fight against parasites in a child under one year old, as well as prevention for all family members, should begin immediately after the presence of lice is confirmed.

What to do if you find lice on your child

If there are lice, the child itches severely, sometimes to the point of bleeding.

Why do insects and their nits appear?

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention The problem of lice in children is primarily associated with non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards when washing hair, cutting hair, using dirty towels, and can also be caused by close contacts with infected people.
And nits are lice eggs laid . They appear due to untimely detection of pediculosis. Lice reproduce very quickly, so when you notice the first symptoms of head lice, you need to start treatment immediately.

Lice are transmitted not only by jumping from an infected head to a clean one, but also through:

  • personal belongings;
  • toys;
  • bed sheets;
  • personal hygiene items.

It should be noted that to become infected with pediculosis, one parasite landing on a healthy body is enough. If lice are found on one person, it is necessary to examine everyone nearby.

Is it possible to prevent infection: methods of prevention

Lice infestation cannot be prevented . You can only follow certain rules to avoid infection. Here are the most common:

  1. Do not use personal hygiene items and things of strangers: combs, hats, hair accessories, etc.
  2. Avoid contact with people infected with head lice. And also people with dirty, unkempt hair.
  3. Regularly inspect your head for the presence of parasites and their eggs.
  4. Change bedding more often, washing it at high temperatures.

Cleaning indoors with a vacuum cleaner can destroy places where parasites accumulate on carpets and furniture.

Preventing lice infestation

It is impossible to completely protect a child from head lice. But this possibility can be minimized through preventive measures.

Prevention of lice in children:

  • If a child goes to school or kindergarten, he needs to check his head for lice from time to time.
  • Take special care of long hair on girls. They should be neatly combed and gathered into pigtails.
  • Teach your child to use only individual means (combs, hats, towels). Do not give them to other children.
  • Wash bed in hot water.
  • Iron all items after washing, especially at the seams.

Long hair is not only beautiful, but also troublesome. Long strands require special and more careful care than short ones. It is on them that lice most often settle. At the first suspicion of lice, it is necessary to take all measures to get rid of the parasites. It is important to remember that not all folk and pharmacy remedies can be used by children. Therefore, it is better to consult a dermatologist so that the specialist can prescribe the safest and most effective treatment that will not harm your health.

Fighting lice with traditional methods can be dangerous for a child’s health. What alternative is there to extreme treatment for head lice? Let's listen to the specialist's recommendations:

How to detect by symptoms and signs?

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention These parasites can be seen with the naked eye . Their bites cause a number of symptoms:

  • pustular rashes on the scalp;
  • severe itching;
  • various rashes, redness, allergic reactions at the sites of parasite bites;
  • purple or bluish spots after bites;
  • sensation of hair moving;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • detection of lice and nits themselves on the hair or scalp.

Attention! If lice and nits are found on the hair and scalp, treatment must be started immediately. If left untreated, it will be much more difficult to remove parasites.

Folk remedies for lice in children

Since you can remove lice from a child using homemade means, let’s look at them. Working with long hair is more difficult, be careful at home.

No. 1. Essential oil

Prepare some essential oils. You need to take lavender, tea tree, almond. Combine them in equal proportions. Take a test to make sure you don't have an allergy. Distribute over hair and skin and leave for 2 hours. Comb your hair with a comb and wash your hair.

No. 2. Salt and vinegar

Mix together 120 ml. water and the same amount of vinegar. Pour in 5 drops of alcohol, add 20 grams. salt. Allow the granules to dissolve. Distribute over washed hair and leave for half an hour. Then comb and wash your hair. Repeat three times a day for 2 days.

No. 3. Pomegranate juice with mint

Gather fresh mint leaves to make a decent bunch. Pour into a saucepan and pour 0.3 l. pomegranate juice. Boil and cool slightly. Rub into hair and skin, then begin combing.

No. 4. Vaseline/mayonnaise

The technique is called "suffocation". The essence is as follows: hair and skin are smeared with mayonnaise or Vaseline, after which a bag is put on the head. In this state, the child needs to sleep at night. By morning the lice and nits will die, all that remains is to comb them out. The method shows effectiveness only with repeated use.

Consequences and complications

With timely and correct treatment of pediculosis, a number of unpleasant consequences and complications in children can be avoided.

  1. Development of streptoderma . This is the entry of infection into the sites of lice bites. With burning and itching, a child can scratch the wound, and unfavorable microbes will enter the bloodstream.
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes . When neglected, lice can even provoke many inflammations in the body.
  3. The occurrence of conjunctivitis . When the disease spreads to the eyelashes and eyebrows, diseases such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis can develop.

What they look like on the head: description and photo

The presence of nits on the hair is one of the most important indicators of the appearance of lice. Recognizing lice eggs is quite simple. They are presented in the form of small (2–3 mm) silvery bubbles that tightly envelop the hair.

They may be alive or dead. Dead ones tend to change color to a duller color. Such parasites will no longer cause harm to the hair and scalp, but you still need to get rid of them. This can be done by combing with a fine-toothed comb.

As for lice, they are much easier to spot than nits . You can detect them by simply examining your head, or by combing dry, clean hair with a thick comb, while tilting your head over a white sheet or towel. When you comb your hair, lice will fall onto the sheet, and then you can make sure that you are not mistaken and take the necessary measures.

See photos of head lice:

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention

This is what nits look like:

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention

Methods for preventing nits in hair

How to remove lice from a child with long hair? First of all, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene : wash at least once every 2-3 days, change bed and underwear at least once a week, regular haircut (2-3 times a year), combing strands, washing and cleaning clothes , including the top one.

It is necessary to wet clean living areas at least once a week and check the hair of all family members for lice and the scalp for itching or other irritation. Also, once every three to four months it is necessary to be examined by doctors to identify itching, rough scalp and inflammation of the skin.


Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention After using any of the special products, dead lice and nits must be combed out , since nits envelop the hair very tightly and they will not come out on their own.
This should be done with the comb included with the drug or purchased separately. It must have thick teeth.

To comb out you need to follow some rules:

  1. lighting should be bright;
  2. You need to spread a white rag on the floor to see the result;
  3. Thick and long hair should be divided into strands and combed one at a time;
  4. each strand must be combed several times;
  5. To facilitate the process, the hair is moistened with water or conditioner.

Leather processing rules

First of all, you should not scratch areas after parasite bites, as you can scratch unhealed wounds. And to treat the scalp you can use the following methods:

  1. Rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile and string . You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.
  2. A mask made from oatmeal will help with itching . Hercules is poured with boiling water, waited for swelling, and then applied to the hair. After use, rinse your hair well and remove any remaining flakes.
  3. Use tea tree oil . They need to rinse their hair after diluting it with warm water.

Important! Even after removing the parasites from the head, unpleasant sensations remain. It is not recommended to scratch your head for three days.

Methods for removing lice from long hair

How to get rid of lice on a child? Parasites on long hair can be destroyed using mechanical, chemical or folk methods. Chemical preparations act effectively and very quickly. They can only be applied at home to children aged 3-5 years; at this age it is safer to resort to mechanical removal of insects or folk remedies. When using pharmaceutical anti-pediculosis drugs, you must strictly follow the instructions. At the first sign of allergy, stop treatment with them.

Important! It is forbidden to use potent products on damaged scalp.

Mechanical method - combing

The safest method of treating lice on long hair in children is combing out. To do this, you can buy a special comb at the pharmacy. Plastic combs are not suitable for the procedure. They are not able to separate the nit from the hair. Separate each strand and carefully work through it. Before processing the next strand, rinse the comb in hot water. Combing should be done every day. Acute symptoms of infection will already pass after 1-2 procedures. Then within a week you need to clean your hair of nits by combing them out.

The disadvantage of this method is its duration. When choosing a comb, you need to pay attention to the principle of its operation. Some create an electrical charge that can kill the lice themselves, but does not affect the nits (Robie Combe). Other models have subtle notches that kill both lice and nits (AntiV). You can remove lice and nits manually, going through each strand. To do this, comb your hair to one side. It is better to start the study from the temples.

Folk recipes

Many traditional medicine methods help cope with lice. But some of them should absolutely not be used by children. Before starting treatment, it is better to find out whether a particular drug is safe and will not cause adverse reactions.

Essential oils for lice removal:

  • cypress;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • geranium;
  • lemon;
  • clove

They can be applied to the hair while combing (a few drops per comb). Then wrap your hair in plastic for 2 hours. At the end, wash your hair.

You can apply a mixture of corn, mustard and rapeseed oils to your hair. Soak under polyethylene for 1-2 hours. After this procedure, lice suffocate, making it easier to comb them out of long hair. If these oils are not available, you can replace them with olive or sunflower oil. Oils also have a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

How to properly and safely remove a tick from a person at home? Read useful information.

Read about how to recognize the presence of parasites in your home and what to do if you are allergic to dust mites on this page.

Tar soap

The most effective remedy for lice and nits for children. Lather your hair with it and leave for 2 hours. Wrap your head in plastic. Rinse off with warm water.

Plants for lice

  • Tansy. Infuse 4 tablespoons of tansy for 15 minutes in 1 liter of boiling water. Rub into head daily for a week. The infusion not only relieves the child of parasites, but also accelerates the healing of small wounds on the scalp and fights dandruff.
  • Squeeze the juice from the cranberries. Rub it into your head every day for 1 decade. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the juice. After the procedure, rinse off the product with water.
  • Pour boiling water over burdock (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Let it brew and use it as a hair rinse.

Pharmacy drugs

How to remove lice from children? From 3-5 years old you can use special shampoos, sprays or creams. A dermatologist should prescribe such products. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of allergies or skin diseases in the child. Even after destroying lice and nits in children with long hair using pharmaceutical products, mechanical combing should be the second stage of treatment.

Note! The simultaneous use of more than 1 chemical remedy for head lice is not allowed.


Such shampoos contain substances that kill larvae and poison lice. You need to wash your hair for 10 days. After the procedure, it is better not to apply any balms or oils to your hair. You can completely get rid of parasites in 2 weeks. After the course of treatment, the main task is to comb out the insects as thoroughly as possible.

Lice and nits shampoo for children:

  • Pedilin;
  • Parasidosis;
  • Paranit;
  • Nix;
  • Hygia;
  • Rid.

Aerosol Para Plus

It should be applied to the entire length of dry hair. The leather is not processed. Leave the product on your head for 10 minutes. Then comb the strands and collect insects. Wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat hair spray treatment after 7 days.

Spray Nuda

Spray all over hair, rub into roots. The strands should become damp. Leave for 40-60 minutes, then comb the strands with a comb. Wash off with shampoo. After a week, repeat the procedure.

Liquid Full Marks

Shake the liquid before using in the bottle. Rub into scalp and along the entire length of dry hair. Leave for 10 minutes. Comb your hair with a comb. Wash them with shampoo. Repeat liquid treatment after 4-5 days.

What should not be used for children?

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention For young children, it is best to use drugs with less toxicity that do not require lengthy and tiring manipulations for the child and adult.
These products are usually shampoos:

  • "Pediculen Ultra".
  • "Leisner."
  • "Paranitis."
  • "Para Plus"
  • "Pedilin."
  • "Nude."

The way to use them is quite simple:

  1. You need to apply the product to your hair.
  2. Wait for the specified time indicated in the instructions and rinse.
  3. And then comb out the dead parasites with a special comb.

These products are not very toxic and do not have a pronounced odor.

When can I go to school or kindergarten?

If lice are detected in a child, treatment must be started immediately . The main task is to destroy living parasites, and nits need to be combed out until they completely disappear from the head.

Doctors recommend visiting kindergarten, school and other places where there are crowds of people, best after complete recovery.

Getting rid of lice does not mean their complete absence . The remaining surviving nits can further multiply and lead to re-infection of head lice and infection of healthy people.

But parents think the other way around: when using special drugs to treat head lice, you can take your child out into public places immediately after the first use, since the drugs destroy parasites instantly, and the child will no longer be able to infect healthy people.

Komarovsky about childhood lice

Where do lice come from in children? Pediculosis treatment and prevention The famous doctor Komarovsky says that head lice cannot be predicted.
And he urges parents not to panic when they find lice on their child’s head.

He believes that currently there are many effective drugs with which head lice can be cured in one evening. The main thing is to read the instructions for the product and make sure that it can be used by children of a certain age.

Komarovsky also . And if lice and nits are found in the hair, begin proper treatment immediately.

Watch the video where Dr. Komarovsky gives a lot of advice to parents about lice:

Prevention of Pediculosis

It is not enough to simply get rid of lice; it is also important to take measures to prevent them from appearing again. There are rules by adhering to which you can prevent the appearance and rapid reproduction of parasites:

  • Follow basic hygiene rules, take care of yourself: wash and change clothes and bed linen. Clean skin alone does not guarantee protection against lice, but in the shower or while swimming, parasites can be washed off with water;
  • Wash clothes and bedding in hot water, boil if possible, iron seams and pockets - high temperature will instantly kill lice;
  • Avoid contact with an infected person. If you are a carrier, organize a quarantine for yourself;
  • Be careful during casual sexual intercourse - red spots and scratch marks in the perineal area should alert you;
  • Inspect your child's hair under a lamp every few days (i.e., Detective Combing)—prompt detection will quickly eliminate lice without giving them a chance to reproduce;
  • Do not allow a young child to wear long hair (including braids and ponytails), as this is a factor of infection - for lice it is like a bridge to a new home. If infected, the hair will still need to be shortened as much as possible due to the difficulties of removing numerous nits - this way you will reduce the scope of work. The optimal hairstyle for girls is a bob;
  • After removing lice, be sure to disinfect the apartment and things;
  • Instruct your child not to use someone else’s combs, towels, bows, hairpins, exchange dolls or soft toys, exchange hats, or wear someone else’s clothes even during games;
  • Apply a few drops of essential oils of lavender, tea tree, anise behind your ears, on your temples, at the back of your neck - the fragrant smell will repel lice or make them run away. You can also apply oils to clothes or objects in the apartment.

When deciding how to rid children of lice, remember the main thing: you need to act only according to the instructions and always know when to stop, otherwise you can undermine the child’s health as a whole.

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Lice Treatment Active Children Children Parents Useful Tips Tips

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Only 3 comments.

  • Olya

    with us 3 years, 6 months, 6 days
    2019-09-27 14:43:14

    We somehow got rid of lice very quickly with the help of Pediculen Ultra shampoo, it killed the lice from the very first use, I didn’t smell it, it didn’t cause any discomfort, it wasn’t very expensive, it can be used from the age of three, the child tolerated it calmly.

  • Julia

    with us 2 years, 10 months, 9 days
    2019-05-20 10:45:49

    At the pharmacy they recommended Pediculen Ultra to us, we took it in a set right away, there was a comb for combing, the product did not have a strong chemical smell, one treatment was quite enough to get rid of lice and nits.

Reviews and opinions of parents

Parents believe that in order to avoid an epidemic of head lice, their children should be examined by doctors in kindergartens and schools.

Both educators and teachers are first of all obliged to inform all parents if lice are detected on one of the students.

Many parents sound the alarm and believe that children from disadvantaged families can get lice. Others believe, on the contrary, that any child can contract pediculosis, regardless of the family’s condition. And currently fighting this disease is not as difficult as it used to be .

Also, many parents believe that it is best to use products purchased at the pharmacy to treat head lice. And traditional methods no longer seem relevant, since they are dangerous for the child’s scalp. They leave an unpleasant odor on the hair that lasts for weeks, in some cases for months.

The conclusion is that nowadays, if head lice is detected in an adult or child, there is no need to panic. This disease can be quickly cured with the help of special products for lice and nits .

There are a huge number of them, the main thing is to choose the most convenient for a particular case. You can purchase them at any nearest pharmacy and at a convenient price. You can also use folk methods and improvised means.

How to destroy nits and lice during the incubation period

First of all, carefully examine the head, paying attention to the roots of the hair. That's where the nits are. They are very small - only 1 mm long. But there can be a lot of them, and in large quantities they look like dandruff. It is worth considering that with the naked eye it is impossible to distinguish nits with larvae developing in them from empty ones. This is visible only at high magnification (more details in the article “How to detect lice and nits”).

If less than five days have passed since contact with a lice carrier or with his personal belongings, it is necessary to get rid of nits. They are attached to the hair using a very sticky substance. To peel them off, you need to use special tools. Among the traditional methods, acidic substances help well - a vinegar solution, for example. You also need a comb with very fine teeth to thoroughly comb out nits and lice (for more details, see the article “How to get rid of lice”).

In any case - when the lice are still developing or have already hatched - they need to be dealt with. For this, we recommend a line of professional pediculicides produced by the Moscow company Laboratory Medilis. These drugs are: Medilis - Permifen, Medilis-Malathion, Medilis-Super, Medilis-I, and Medilis-BIO lotion is intended for the treatment not only of adults, but also of the youngest patients from 5 years of age.

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