Worms in a child - how to identify, symptoms and treatment

Due to the high prevalence and mild clinical symptoms, worms in children are not considered a serious problem, but they cause general exhaustion of the body and affect internal organs. According to statistics, every year 50% of the world's people become infected with representatives of tapeworms (cestodes), flukes (trematodes) and round parasites (nematodes). Treatment of helminths in children is prescribed by a parasitologist; the choice of medications is determined by the type of worms, age and condition of the baby.

Sign against parasitic diseases

Worms are parasitic worms that live in the body of people, animals, and plants. They create unfavorable conditions for the absorption of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, borrowing useful substances for their own life. Intoxication with the products they secrete harms the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and in case of complications – the muscles, lungs, eyes, and brain.

Causes of appearance and routes of infection

In fact, there are several ways for worms to enter a child’s body. This type of parasitic disease is distinguished by one feature. As a rule, these parasites thrive in children’s still developing bodies, so it is mainly preschool institutions and junior grades of secondary schools that are infected.

A child can become infected in several ways. For example:

  • Due to non-compliance with hygiene requirements.
  • As a result of weakened immunity.
  • Due to the still fragile body.
  • Due to decreased acidity levels in the stomach.
  • Thanks to active exploration of the world: they can taste any object, they can stroke a stray animal.
  • As a result of playing outside, especially in the sandbox, where these parasites can live, thanks to the vital activity of cats and dogs.

Routes of infection:

  • Through unwashed hands.
  • As a result of using a shared toilet in childcare facilities.
  • As a result of putting various objects in the mouth on the street.
  • As a result of eating unwashed fruits, vegetables and berries.
  • As a result of swimming in a river or lake, when dirty water enters the mouth.

How to find out if a child has worms: signs

In general, there are about 350 varieties of such parasitic forms. The concept of “worms” is used in conversation, but in fact this is not quite the right word, since it is not general - there are other types of such parasites. The human environment is simply littered with them. You can pick them up anywhere: in the soil, running water, food, or in contact with animals. Young children are especially susceptible to infection, since they are extremely curious and are not limited to just seeing something, because it is much more interesting to touch or even taste it.

It is amusing that within the Russian Federation and the countries that are part of the USSR, most of these pests are not found in nature. But still, the remainder, consisting of 12 or 15 species, can pose a real threat to the child’s body, threatening it with gradual poisoning. Most often, children catch lamblia, roundworms and pinworms. The symptoms of each type are different, so it is extremely important to identify it in a timely manner. This is how you can establish what kind of parasite is in the body and use this as a basis when prescribing appropriate treatment.

However, there is a separate series of signs that allow parents to determine the presence of worms in their children. Each of these signs is directly related to the appearance of disorders in the child’s body:

  • signs of vitamin deficiency appear, provided that the child has adequate nutrition;
  • often there is pain in the navel area and nausea;
  • Dysbacteriosis is a causeless and frequent concern;
  • the child is lagging behind in growth and physical fitness. development from one year old;
  • there are frequent complaints of headache;
  • it is clearly noticeable that the child is weak and his behavior is sluggish;
  • the face is pale, there is blueness under the eyes;
  • frequent changes in appetite (unreasonably increased or absent, insensitive to favorite foods).

Of course, this does not mean at all that with such symptoms the child definitely suffers from worms - individually, they indicate the presence of other diseases in the child’s body. However, if several (3 or more) of the above signs coincide, then delay will be disastrous: without delay, you should send the child for examination to a doctor to detect infection with worms.

Symptoms of infection

The manifestation of the disease at the initial stage of infection is practically imperceptible, therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the presence of worms, except as a result of analysis in a medical institution. Therefore, it is very important to detect these parasites in time. While their number is small, their vital activity does not negatively affect the functioning of the child’s body. But if parents constantly monitor the psychophysical state of the child, then they may suspect at an early stage that something is wrong with the child’s body.

How do you know if your child has worms? To do this, you should pay attention to some signs. For example:

  • Itching appears in the child's anal area, which the child may constantly complain about to his parents.
  • The child does not show his former activity and behaves passively, while his skin color changes to pale.
  • The child complains of general weakness and constant fatigue.
  • The child has a poor appetite.
  • The child develops a cough for no apparent reason.
  • Frequent constipation or diarrhea is possible as a result of poisoning of the body.
  • Excessive salivation associated with the gag reflex.
  • Dark circles appear under the eyes, indicating that the child is tired.
  • There may be redness in the anal area.
  • A child may grind their teeth in their sleep.
  • Girls may experience vulvovaginitis.
  • Constant complaints of burning and itching in the anus.
  • Complaints of stomach pain without good reason.
  • In the stool you can see worm eggs, as well as live parasites.

In addition to the above symptoms, allergic reactions of unknown origin are possible, which can lead to serious consequences.

Worms – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Worms: find and neutralize

If it was not possible to avoid infecting a child with worms, it is necessary to begin treatment without delay.

To diagnose helminthiasis, special tests are required. Children are usually prescribed stool tests for worm eggs and scrapings for enterobiasis. Please note that results may not be accurate. To detect eggs, you need to catch the moment when the parasites multiply. To do this, you need to take three tests at intervals of several days. Concomitant examinations can also confirm helminth infections - an analysis for dysbacteriosis (suppression of normal E. coli) and a general blood test (low hemoglobin, increased number of eosinophils and ESR values). It is advisable to donate blood to determine immunoglobulins for the main types of helminths. If in adults this disease is usually asymptomatic, then in a child the disease most often manifests itself as an allergy.

Modern medicine has a whole arsenal of drugs for the treatment of worms: these are chemotherapy drugs, herbal medicine, homeopathic drugs, and ozone therapy. But only a doctor can prescribe treatment, because each drug has its own indications and contraindications.

Types of helminths

There are several types of parasites that can settle in a child's intestines. They differ in color, size, and the nature of their effect on the body. Moreover, the larger these parasites, the more dangerous they are for the body of a small child, since they release much more toxins.

Many parents assume that their child may only develop pinworms, but this is a misconception, since the child can also become infected with other, more dangerous parasites.

In children, the intestines may appear:

  • Pinworms , which are small worms, up to 5 mm long, with females growing up to 12 mm in length. Pinworms are distinguished by their gray-white hue and rounded-elongated body shape. They prefer to live in the cecum and small intestine.
  • Roundworms are already larger parasites, reaching a length of 25 to 40 cm, depending on gender. They are distinguished by a rounded body shape and pointed ends. As a rule, they live in the area of ​​the small intestine.
  • Whipworms are medium-sized parasites, up to 5 cm long. They are distinguished by a body divided into two parts: one part is wide, and the other is thread-like. These parasites live and reproduce in the large intestine.

How parasites enter a child's body

A newborn has a lower chance of becoming infected with worms than children 2–3 years old and older. But still, you shouldn’t write off a baby who is 1 year old, especially when he has contact with animals and people and spends time outside the home.

To avoid the appearance of worms, you should understand how infection with them occurs. And it is done through:

  • A person who has already been infected with helminths (quite often parasites can be identified in children aged 3–5 years who attend kindergarten).
  • Shoes, animal paws. Parasite eggs that enter the external environment with the feces of animals and people cling to the soles of shoes and enter the house.
  • Dirty hands.
  • Fruits and vegetables that are not washed before consumption.
  • Insect bites (very rare).
  • Improper preparation, namely heat treatment, of meat and fish.

Why are worms dangerous for children?

The vital activity of worms in the human body leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the body. Most adults do not have information about how dangerous such an infection can be, as well as its consequences, if it is not treated in time.

If parasites are not detected in time and expelled from the body, they will eventually settle in other important organs, such as the heart, liver, stomach, brain, eyes, etc. In this case, dealing with them will be much more difficult. Fortunately, such cases are very rare.

The fact is that worms reproduce at high speed: one female lays dozens, or even hundreds of eggs. It is not difficult to imagine the scale of infection of a child’s body if it is not prevented in time. The more parasites there are in the human body, the higher the degree of intoxication of the body as a result of the vital activity of such creatures. Therefore, it is very important to start treating this disease in a timely manner, otherwise various complications are possible. For example:

  • The child's immune system suffers.
  • Appetite worsens.
  • The child begins to lose weight.
  • Severe anemia may develop.
  • The functions of the digestive tract decrease.
  • Burning and itching in the anus area lead to sleep disturbances.
  • The body weakens as parasites consume most of the nutrients.
  • Possible disruption of the lymphatic system.
  • Possible development of bronchial asthma.
  • Children suffer from liver pathologies, as well as inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
  • The child begins to lag behind in growth and development.
  • In severe cases, the heart, lungs, and kidneys suffer, which requires surgical intervention.

Worms in children and adults. Ascariasis. From the program “Live Healthy!”

When should you take a blood test for worms and helminths?

The content of the article

Penetrating into the human body in the form of eggs, parasitic worms usually settle in the gastrointestinal tract. Helminths interfere with the absorption of nutrients and destroy the cells of the intestinal mucosa. This causes inflammation, cysts and secondary infectious processes. In addition, parasites secrete toxic waste products that cause general weakening of the host’s body.

Some types of worms also affect the liver, lung muscles, brain, and visual apparatus. All this is manifested by characteristic signs. A blood test for worms should be taken if the following symptoms appear:

  • digestive disorders - diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • dramatic weight loss while maintaining your usual diet;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety, sudden mood swings, general weakness;
  • rash, inflammation, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • deterioration of hair and nails;
  • debilitating cough;
  • decreased immunity, frequent colds;
  • hemorrhoids, pain and burning in the anus.

It is recommended for people at risk to undergo testing for helminthic infestations regularly:

  • People in contact with pets.
    This category includes pet owners, veterinarians, circus and zoo workers. Animals are one of the most likely sources of infection with helminthic infestations.
  • Residents of areas with a high threshold of infection.
    Helminthiasis is especially common among residents of tropical and subtropical countries.
  • Doctors and medical staff.
    There is a high risk of helminthic infestations among parasitologists, virologists, proctologists, and pediatricians.
  • Workers of cafes, bars, restaurants.
    Cooks and kitchen staff are constantly in contact with unwashed vegetables, and waiters touch customers' dishes.
  • People working with children.
    Kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, and sports section coaches are at risk for helminthiasis.

By regularly conducting laboratory diagnostics, you can identify parasitic infestations in the early stages and avoid serious health consequences.

Effective methods of treating worms in children

At the slightest suspicion of infection, the child should be taken to the doctor immediately. If suspicions are confirmed, specialists will prescribe effective treatment.

How can you rid your child of worms:

  • As a result of taking antihistamines and sorbents. It is very important to cleanse the child’s body of toxins, as well as prepare the gastrointestinal tract for taking medications.
  • As a result of taking medications that have a detrimental effect on worms. Modern medications are available in the form of tablets or suspensions, which are taken once. For effective recovery, the medication is repeated after 2 weeks.
  • As a result of cleansing the body. After mass death, the parasites begin to free the body, leaving along with the feces. It is at this stage that the child’s body receives the maximum amount of toxic substances. The task of specialists is to protect intestinal functions by taking sorbents, prescribing cleansing enemas and using choleretic compounds.


There are a number of effective drugs that help fight worms in children. These include:

  • Remedies for worms, such as Vormil, Nemotsid, Vermix, Pinerazin, Helmintox. The doctor decides which drug is preferable to take. The use of such drugs without consulting a doctor is unacceptable.
  • Allergy remedies. These are drugs such as Fexofenadine, Claritin, Cetrin, Diazolin, Suprastin. Doctors must take into account the child’s age and how healthy he is.
  • Sorbents are substances that remove toxins from the body. “Activated carbon”, “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel”, “Smecta”, “White coal” are used. They not only remove toxins from the body, but also protect the gastrointestinal tract from irritation and inflammation.
  • Choleretic substances. The ideal option is to drink herbal teas frequently. As a rule, doctors recommend decoctions and infusions of birch leaves, hawthorn berries, chicory root, mint leaves, flowers and yarrow leaves for this purpose.

Nutritional rules in case of detection of worms

As a rule, after the life of worms, the child’s body is weakened and requires support, as well as reducing the load on the liver, intestines and stomach.

In this case, you should adhere to some nutritional rules:

  • It is advisable to consume fermented milk products such as kefir and yogurt.
  • During this period, it is better to limit the consumption of meat and fish products.
  • It is better not to eat fruits and vegetables raw, but to boil, stew or bake them.
  • During this period, it is better to avoid foods containing starch.
  • A child should drink about 3-4 glasses of water per day.
  • Completely avoid fatty and especially fried foods.
  • Eat more cereals, soups or vegetable dishes.
  • Foods such as pomegranate or raw cabbage act as anti-parasitic agents. It is better not to eat vegetables such as onions and garlic, as they irritate the stomach, despite their usefulness.

Folk remedies for worms for children

The following formulations help in the fight against worms:

  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Pumpkin or flaxseed oil.
  • Microclysters or enemas with milk and garlic.

Children should not be given:

  • Tansy decoction.
  • Infusions of celandine.
  • Birch tar.

Parents must remember:

  • Homemade formulations are not recommended to be given to children without consultation with a pediatric gastroenterologist and parasitologist. Often, homemade recipes lead to poor health in children.
  • Folk remedies are powerless against mass reproduction of parasites.
  • Not all parasites die when using folk formulations. They can cause poisoning or intestinal obstruction.
  • The use of such drugs can weaken the intestines, which will provoke a large concentration of parasites. This can lead to blockage of the small and large intestines.
  • Homemade recipes are dangerous if larger parasites, such as roundworms or whipworms, have settled in the intestines.
  • The fight against parasites is best done under the supervision of experienced doctors.

How to remove worms from a child at home

Preparing for a blood test for worms

Before donating blood for helminthic infestations, no special preparation is required. To increase reliability, doctors advise following the following recommendations:

  • stop eating 4-5 hours before the test;
  • on the eve of the test you should not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • It is advisable to exclude spicy, salty, and sour foods from the diet in two or three days;
  • you should not take antihelminthic therapy (in consultation with your doctor);
  • Avoid heavy physical activity one day before submitting biological material.

Prevention of worms in children

Any type of helminths has a negative effect on the still fragile organism of children. To prevent infection of the body by various types of parasites, it is necessary to adhere to certain hygiene rules and teach children this. It is better to show children by example what needs to be done to always stay healthy and not get sick.

Simple tips can protect children from worms:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries can only be eaten washed.
  • After coming from outside or visiting the toilet, be sure to wash your hands with soap.
  • It is advisable to drink only boiled water, especially when its origin is unknown.
  • Do not allow children to pet stray animals that carry helminths.

Parents are obliged:

  • Teach children the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Explain to children why they should not eat unwashed fruits, berries, vegetables and other foods.
  • Change children's underwear in a timely manner, washing it thoroughly and always ironing it.
  • Explain to your child that you should not put dirty fingers in your mouth, especially when playing in the sandbox.
  • Take care of strengthening your children’s immunity by providing them with healthy foods.
  • Allow children to swim only in bodies of water inspected by sanitary and epidemiological services.
  • Monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in children, avoiding constipation.
  • Take your child to the doctor in a timely manner at the first suspicion of helminth infection.

As a rule, worms settle in the intestines of small children due to violation of the rules of personal hygiene, which in most cases is associated with the failure of parents, since children do not yet know everything and do not understand everything. Timely work with children on the topic of worms will help protect the child from infection with such parasites. Sometimes a personal example of cleanliness can play a much greater role than a simple, meaningless conversation. The child listened and forgot, continuing to play in the sandbox.


Anthelminthic therapy

The basis for the treatment of parasitic diseases are anthelmintic drugs. They should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor , since when selecting a drug it is necessary to take into account a number of important factors:

  • form of helminthiasis;
  • phase of disease development;
  • pathogen;
  • concomitant diseases of the child;
  • features of his condition.

Only a doctor can correctly assess these indicators and select the optimal drug. Self-medication for helminthiasis in children is unacceptable. Incorrectly chosen therapy is often not only ineffective, but also accompanied by severe side effects.

The most commonly used treatments are the following:

  • Pyrantel – effective against pinworms and roundworms;
  • Mebendazole, Albendazole – destroy roundworms, trichinella, whipworms, roundworms;
  • Praziquantel - used against cat fluke, tapeworm, bovine and pork flukes.

Be sure to read:

Mesadenitis in children: how does the pathology manifest itself and be treated?

When selecting therapy, the doctor must take into account the causative agent of the disease. You should not rely on a universal remedy, since most drugs act only on a certain circle of helminths. If the wrong drug is used, the clinical picture of the disease in the child does not disappear, the disease continues to progress, which can lead to serious complications.

If there are several children in a family, doctors often recommend anthelmintic therapy for all family members at once. This will prevent repeated cases of helminth infection after treatment.

Symptomatic therapy

In addition to anthelmintic therapy, the child is also prescribed symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating the clinical manifestations of the disease. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, antihistamines are used - Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin.

If the baby has severe manifestations of intoxication, he is prescribed antipyretics and painkillers. To relieve acute symptoms, plenty of fluids are prescribed or infusion therapy is performed. If there is a risk of developing vasculitis and myocarditis, glucocorticoids (for example, Prednisolone) are prescribed.


Parasites are the simplest unicellular microorganisms and helminths that penetrate the human body and cause acute and chronic protozoal diseases. Infection can occur through unwashed hands, contaminated products, household and hygiene items, and from person to person.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of parasitic infections are neglect of sanitary and hygienic standards in nutrition and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. When parasites have settled in the body, severe intoxication with characteristic symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, hyperthermia, intestinal pain, rash, etc.) can develop.

High-quality treatment of protozoal infections is ensured by timely diagnosis. The main method of testing blood for the presence of parasites is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). With its help, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the presence of helminths and protozoa in the body are determined.

The analysis is based on the study of the antigen-antibody complex, that is, an assessment of the body's response to parasitic invasion. Before blood collection, preliminary preparation is required.


It is often difficult to determine the presence of a disease by symptoms alone, so the main diagnostic method is laboratory analysis.

  • Enterobiasis (pinworms) is detected by examining material obtained with adhesive tape and a spatula from the anus.
  • Toxocariasis - with a special study of blood from a vein.
  • Ascariasis, trichuriasis and others are detected during a stool test. Often, stool tests can be falsely negative due to the characteristics of different periods of life of worms, so it is advisable to repeat them up to 5 times or do a special test for antibodies from venous blood.
  • A general blood test can detect an increased number of leukocytes and eosinophils.
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