Effective protection against mosquitoes and midges, suggested by an experienced huntsman: the method still works to this day

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When the summer season begins, one of the most pleasant events that both adults and children look forward to is an outing into nature. It’s so nice to finally take a break from the dust of the big city somewhere on the shore of the nearest lake or in a clearing in the forest. And nothing can disturb this harmony!

Nothing but one thing. Mosquitoes. These, in the literal sense of the word, bloodsuckers love this kind of terrain most of all. They could very well ruin your weekend, especially if you didn't think about insect repellent.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about this problem before getting ready for a trip, and therefore, in this article, we will look at the most effective ways to prevent mosquito bites. And if you have already been bitten, then don’t worry, here you will also find good tips for caring for your skin after being bitten.

What are the dangers of mosquito bites for human health?

Mosquitoes are very common throughout the planet. The most popular type is considered to be “culex” - these are the same small, annoying “buzzers” that we encounter in nature, in city parks, or even in the house. The sizes of this type of mosquito are quite different, but in most cases it is approximately 5 to 20 centimeters in length. The sensation of a bite is almost always quite noticeable due to the specific shape of the “proboscis” with which the mosquito pierces our skin. But if you come across a smaller mosquito, then you may well not feel the bite, which is a little more dangerous.

Mosquito bite

The main danger posed by mosquitoes is infection of some disease. We have all heard about the terrible disease called malaria. But we must remember that in most cases of infection with this disease, mosquitoes of the Anopheles genus are to blame, which are quite rare in our area. Diseases that are quite possible to get here are yellow fever, tularemia, encephalitis and others.

What you should know about mosquitoes

There is a myth that large mosquitoes are definitely carriers of diseases, but in fact, absolutely all types of these insects can transmit diseases. This is because the fastest way for infection to enter the human body is through injection and contact with the bloodstream. Also an interesting detail - in fact, mosquitoes do not “inject” infected blood into a person, and the infection may simply be present on their proboscis. Otherwise, the mosquito could infect itself, which would certainly kill it. But do not forget that these are still practically isolated cases and in fact such infections occur quite rarely. But more real harm from mosquitoes manifests itself in bites and skin irritation, which in turn can greatly affect your health in the form of allergies or skin diseases. We will look at ways and means of dealing with this danger, and even if you cannot afford expensive goods for this matter, do not worry, here you will find something that will definitely be affordable for everyone.

Feeding of females

Female mosquitoes eat not only food of plant origin, but also the blood of humans and warm-blooded animals. They need blood to lay eggs, as it contains fats, proteins and iron. Without this food, insects are unable to prolong their genus.

Female mosquitoes determine the proximity of their prey by specific thermal radiation and the smell of carbon dioxide emanating from a person during exhalation. Near populated areas, females attack people and livestock; in the forest they “hunt” wild animals and even birds.

Folk remedies


Let's move from theory to practice. In search of reliable means of protection against mosquitoes, we should remember the recipes of our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, which were passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes folk methods are greatly underestimated, not only for fighting mosquitoes, but in general, but in fact, it is from folk experience that one can learn a lot of benefits, which are often superior to those from expensive pharmacies or specialty stores. One of these precautions against mosquito bites has always been a mixture of regular hand cream with vanilla. Oddly enough, all types of mosquitoes cannot tolerate vanillin! The mixture should be applied in a thin layer to the skin of the hands, neck and other exposed areas of the body. Be careful, and if you, or especially your child, has very sensitive skin, or any type of allergy to vanillin, then it is better to avoid this method of protection!

Another very simple and at the same time very effective way to fight mosquitoes is eucalyptus oil. Everything is simple with this, just a few drops (for the smell) on your clothes or a handkerchief that you keep with you, and mosquitoes will no longer approach you. It is also worth noting that this method is perfect for protecting children, because it does not require unnecessary contact with the child’s skin.

One of the best ways to specifically “fragrantly” resist insects is to mix different types of oil. The most common recipe for such a mixture is a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of tea tree oil, plus a few drops of clove oil. This is probably the most pleasant way to protect yourself from mosquitoes and you can not be afraid to apply this mixture to the skin of even small children, but only together with herbal cream. The only disadvantage of this method is that you cannot apply this mixture to the skin during the day, especially on a hot and sunny day, as this can cause minor burns.

When you've already been bitten

When, after all, it was no longer possible to avoid the bites of small “bloodsuckers,” then again folk remedies come to our aid. The cheapest and one of the most reliable ways to relieve pain after a mosquito bite is baking soda and water. You just need to mix one teaspoon of baking soda with 200 g of water. Next, we make a lotion and carefully treat the bite site.

Another good natural way would be a kefir mask. This “mask” creates a cooling effect, and after it the bites will begin to go away faster and the most important thing is that it greatly facilitates the process of healing and restoration of the skin.

Well, don’t forget about such an “old-fashioned” method of treating mosquito bites, familiar from childhood, as “Vietnamese Star” ointment. Probably everyone has used this wonderful balm at least once in their life, the smell of which is impossible to remember. And another big plus of this product is the ability to use ointment, like an insect repellent.

Simple solutions for your home or apartment

The first thing that comes to mind when you need to provide protection against mosquitoes entering your home is a mosquito net. This is a very effective way to prevent insects from entering the house, because we remember such devices from childhood. Even ordinary tulle on doors or windows can play the role of such a mesh. But if we are talking about windows, then a dense mesh, which allows air and sunlight to pass through well, but is impenetrable to mosquitoes, will of course be more reliable.

mosquito net

Choosing a mesh is quite simple, because there are only a few types of similar products, and the only significant difference between them will be in the methods of fastening. There are nets with Velcro, which is very convenient if you need to remove it from the window from time to time, there is a net that is attached with adhesive tape, and so on. You must choose this yourself, paying attention to the price, quality, and need for these devices.

There are also special sprays that are applied to the mosquito net to improve the level of protection. It is clear that there is a possibility of mosquitoes getting into the room even with a mosquito net. There are quite small species of mosquitoes that can slip between the fibers of the mesh and enter the room. It is from such cases that a special spray can save you, so sometimes this can come in handy.

Mechanical devices and means for protection against insect bites

When it comes to various types of mechanical means against mosquitoes and other insects, you need to pay attention to the fact that, first of all, such means are made into two types. The first type is fumigants and their goal is the direct destruction of insects, and the second type, on the contrary, only repels “flying pests”, but does not cause any harm to them.


Most often, fumigants are used in apartments, houses, offices or other residential premises. This is because it is much easier to get rid of mosquitoes once and no longer wait for them to come back and bite you while you sleep.

The most common type of fumigants is a special “bubble” that is inserted into an outlet and emits a quiet buzzing sound. Even if you have never seen this device in person, you definitely know about it from the once very popular advertising on TV.


Then it was a brand called “Raptor”, after which all rosette fumigants were later named that way, meaning not the brand, but the device itself. The essence of the operation of this device is quite simple: a replaceable plate (consumable material) is inserted into a special slot, which contains an insecticide and, when exposed to electric current, it releases a certain substance that poisons mosquitoes.

There is no need to worry about the security of this device. For an adult or even a child, it is completely harmless and cannot cause any harm. This is why it is one of the best options for your home.

The next and even more effective type of fumigant will be an insect repellent lamp. In everyday life, these devices are less common due to the price category; such lamps are much more expensive than ordinary outlet “raptors”. The principle of operation here is not very complicated. In the middle of the lamp there is an elongated blue bulb, which emits muted light and attracts small bloodsuckers. Almost any type of insect, including mosquitoes, that gets inside this device will die instantly. Also, most of these lamps have a built-in fan, which acts like a small vacuum cleaner, but it does not pull into a bag of garbage, but towards a hot lamp.

Another interesting way to fight mosquitoes would be mosquito coils. This is a fairly cheap method, but unfortunately, it is not suitable for indoor use. Just set fire to the tip of the spiral and the smoke that will be released from it will poison all insects that come close to it. It would be most appropriate to use this method in the country or in nature, where there is no enclosed space.

Well, the heavy artillery in the fight against mosquitoes will be the use of gas cylinders. This method is most suitable for particularly difficult cases. If you are willing to spend a lot of money, but say goodbye to these annoying insects once and for all, then this may well be suitable for you. Special services workers who regularly deal with insects most often use this method. These devices are massive cylinders and spray guns that weigh several kilograms. For ease of movement, they are most often equipped with small wheels. But in the fight against mosquitoes, this “monster” simply has no equal. In just a few minutes you can clean your home of small parasites once and for all. The only disadvantage of such cylinders is the price; they are quite expensive and are not sold in every city.

It must be remembered that after treating an area or living space with such strong substances, under no circumstances should children and animals be allowed there in the first 24 hours. You must also use special masks, gloves and thick clothing.


A more humane way to combat mosquitoes is with repellents. The purpose of this type of means is not to destroy insects, but only to scare them away from people or homes.

Repellents, in turn, are also divided into subtypes. These are “solid” and “liquid” repellents for mosquitoes and other insects. Let's start with the “hard” ones - these are different types of pencils. They are very convenient because they do not require frequent reapplication. It is enough to treat your hands and exposed areas of the body just once a day, and protection for the whole day is guaranteed. Also, another advantage of the pencil is that it is completely hypoallergenic.

Mosquito spray

Various types of creams and milk are considered to be the “classic” pharmaceutical method of fighting mosquitoes. This is the safest option, especially if you consult a doctor before purchasing mosquito repellent products. Most often, such products act for an hour or a maximum of one and a half, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to take a tube or jar with you if you go on vacation or somewhere far from home and pharmacies.

It is worth remembering about new interesting means of fighting mosquitoes - mosquito bracelets. The mechanism of action of such bracelets is that they are impregnated with a special substance - citronella oil. This is perhaps the most convenient way to protect yourself from annoying insects, and what’s more, it can be a wonderful decoration. Children will definitely like these colorful “trinkets”, which is sometimes very useful for combining business with pleasure. Plus, no matter where you are, it will always be with you, and this makes it possible to freely walk in the park or in the forest without fear of mosquito bites.

How to protect yourself

To reduce the likelihood of skin damage or an allergic reaction, certain measures must be taken. People have access to folk remedies and certain medications.

folk remedies against mosquitoes

Folk remedies

It is difficult to get rid of blood-sucking pests using folk remedies. They are used to repel mosquitoes. Among the popular folk remedies are:

  1. Spices. They give off a rich aroma that repels mosquitoes. Spices include cloves, thyme and rosemary. Bags of spices are scattered around the room or in the gazebo.
  2. Essential oils. Extracts and essential oils are suitable to repel blood-sucking pests. Citrus, lavender and clove extracts are especially popular. They are applied to the skin or items of clothing. Treatment of window openings and ventilation shafts is allowed.

Chemicals and preparations

To destroy and repel squeaks and mosquitoes, the following are used:

  • Aerosol preparations and sprays. In their preparation, active substances and repellents are used. They are used to treat items of clothing. Some types can be applied to the skin. Before use, a test is carried out to prevent the formation of an allergic reaction.

effective mosquito repellent chemicals

  • Fumigators. Fumigators are used to protect a home or other premises. They are equipped with plates and containers with repellent substances. The radius of action of fumigators is 5 meters or more.
  • Straps and buttons. They are suitable for protecting children and teenagers from squeaks. The buttons differ in color and design. Therefore, each person will be able to choose the right accessory.
  • Gels, creams. They are suitable for treating skin that is not protected by clothing. They are developed and produced by a variety of companies that use repellents and active substances.

Knowing the taste preferences of blood-sucking pests, it is easier for a person to protect himself and others.


In conclusion, it is worth adding that mosquitoes are not as terrible as it might seem from history; diseases transmitted by mosquito bites are rare cases and it is unlikely that we will become the next victims of such a case. But be that as it may, you can and should be careful and constantly monitor your health. And, in the end, we do not always know about all our allergies or sensitivities to diseases or to any external influences.

There are also opinions of doctors who find mosquito bites to some extent beneficial for humans, comparing them with the eastern medical practice of needling. And there was not a single person in the world who would not have been bitten by a mosquito at least once in childhood. This can also be some kind of small test that every child must pass.

Be that as it may, always remember that protecting yourself from or getting rid of mosquitoes is a completely doable task, even on a small budget. Everything depends on you! Be healthy and may mosquitoes never cause you trouble.

Male nutrition

The diet of mosquitoes varies significantly depending on the sex of the insect. The male's mouthparts are not equipped with piercing teeth, so he does not consume blood, remaining a “vegetarian”.

The mosquito diet is based on plant sugars, honeydew, pollen, flower nectar and, of course, human or warm-blooded animal blood. These products help insects actively reproduce.

What do male mosquitoes eat: they do not have a parasitic diet. Males are content with plant foods, nutrients obtained from juices and nectars, which are sufficient for them to fully function.

The favorite food of male mosquitoes is nectar - a sugary liquid secreted by nectaries, that is, glands located in the sepals and at the base of the sepals of a flower.

After mating, female mosquitoes become aggressive and begin searching for warm-blooded prey, which they need to bear offspring. The diet of males does not change; they feed only on plant juices, sugars and nectar, posing no danger to people or animals.

Diet of male mosquitoes

Nectar has a high calorie content, thanks to which the insect’s body is saturated with a sufficient amount of energy.

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