How do insects see? Description, photo and video

Insects' ways of seeing the world

Their ability to see is divided into three ways.

Whole body surface

An interesting feature in which it is not necessary to have eyes. But its big disadvantage is that the insect can only distinguish light from darkness. It does not see any objects or colors. How does it work? The light passes through the cuticle, the outer layer of skin, and reaches the insect's head. There a reaction occurs in the brain cells, and the insect understands that light is falling on it. Such a device is not available to everyone, but it is very helpful for those insects that live underground, for example, earthworms or blind cave beetles. This type of vision is found in cockroaches, aphids and caterpillars.

With simple eyes

Caterpillar eyes
Insects with simple eyes are luckier. They can not only determine darkness from light, but also distinguish between individual objects and even their shape. Such eyes are most often found in insect larvae. For example, mosquito larvae have pigment spots instead of eyes that capture light. But caterpillars have five to six eyes on each side of their heads. Thanks to this, she is well versed in forms. But she sees vertical objects much better than horizontal ones. For example, if she has to choose a tree, she will rather crawl to the one that is taller than to the one that is wider.

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