Scolopendra. Interesting facts (23 photos + 7 videos)

  • Scolopendra - description, structure, characteristics. What does scolopendra look like?
  • What does scolopendra eat?
  • How long do centipedes live?
  • Scolopendra's enemies
  • Types of centipedes: photos and names
  • Reproduction of scolopendra
  • Is scolopendra dangerous for humans?
  • What to do if you are bitten by a scolopendra
  • Giant scolopendra in the desert, video
  • Whatever you say, the scolopendra is far from the most pleasant representative of the animal world, and it is also very dangerous for humans. Many species of scolopendra are poisonous and sometimes a scolopendra bite can even lead to fatal consequences; it is not for nothing that the giant scolopendra is included in the list of the most dangerous insects on the planet. Scolopendra belongs to the genus of millipedes, order Scolopendra. The name “scolopendra” is of ancient Greek origin and is translated into our language as “centipede”.

    Scolopendra - description, structure, characteristics. What does scolopendra look like?

    Scolopendra is very reminiscent of a long and thick worm, black or brown with splashes of green. However, the color of some centipedes may differ depending on the species. The body length of the centipede is 10-15 cm, but sometimes it can reach 35 cm.

    The body of the scolopendra consists of a head and a long torso, which in turn consists of twenty (and sometimes more) segments connected to each other by flexible

    membranes protected by an exoskeleton. Each segment has its own pair of legs. The first pair of legs of the scolopendra are called the mandibles; they serve the scolopendra to grab potential prey and send it directly into its mouth.

    The last pair of legs of the scolopendra is also different from the rest; it is large in size and serves as a kind of anchor for the insect, at the same time helping with movement through earthly burrows.

    The head of the scolopendra is like a plate with eyes, two antennae and a pair of jaws. The scolopendra's compound eyes provide it with excellent vision and good orientation in space.

    Character and lifestyle of scolopendra

    Scolopendra does not have a friendly character; rather, it can be classified as an evil, dangerous and incredibly nervous species of insect. Increased nervousness in centipedes is due to the fact that they are not endowed with visual acuity and color perception of pictures - the eyes of centipedes can only distinguish between bright light and complete darkness. That is why the centipede behaves extremely cautiously and is ready to attack anyone who disturbs it. You should not tease a hungry centipede, because when it wants to eat, it is very aggressive. Running away from a centipede is not an easy task. The insect's agility and mobility are enviable. Among other things, the centipede is constantly hungry, it chews something all the time, and all because of its digestive system, which is primitive.

    Most people, due to ignorance, have the false idea that scolopendra has a potent poison and is therefore dangerous to humans. But this is fundamentally wrong. Basically, the venom of these insects is no more dangerous than the venom of a bee or wasp. Although in fairness it is worth noting that the pain syndrome of a large scolopendra bite is comparable in pain to 20 bee stings performed simultaneously. A scolopendra bite poses a serious danger to a person if he is prone to allergic reactions. If a person is bitten by a scolopendra, then a tight tourniquet should be applied above the wound, and the bite site should be treated with an alkaline solution of baking soda. After providing first aid, you should go to the hospital to exclude the development of allergies.


    How many legs does a scolopendra have?

    The number of legs of a centipede directly depends on the number of segments of the body, and it is usually from 21 to 23, since each segment has its own pair of legs, then any decent centipede has 42-46 legs. It is also worth remembering that each of the scolopendra’s legs has a poisonous gland and, for example, if it comes into contact with human skin, it can cause inflammation.

    What are the dangers of meeting a centipede?

    The danger of these predators is greatly exaggerated. All centipedes have venomous glands that produce poison, but many of them are harmless to humans because they simply cannot bite through the skin. These are cryptops, or blind centipedes, and drupes. A flycatcher living in houses can bite only for the purpose of self-defense. Most often, her jaws cannot bite through the skin. But if this happens, the bite will be equal in strength to a bee.

    What does a scolopendra bite look like? It depends on the type of centipede. When the animal bites through the skin, it releases poison, which causes burning, pain and swelling. The bite may also be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.

    The venom of the giant scolopendra is especially toxic. It causes severe swelling (the arm may swell up to the shoulder) and high fever. These symptoms persist for several days.

    Video: Scolopendra catches and eats a mole cricket

    The only documented case of death from a scolopendra bite is the death of a child from the venom of Scolopendra subspinipes. This species has several names: Chinese, Vietnamese or orange centipede.

    Some species of these predators, when disturbed, secrete a protective fluid that causes burns when it comes into contact with the skin. For example, the Californian scolopendra has this feature.

    After a centipede bite, you need to wash the wound, apply cold water and consult a doctor. Usually, analgesic drugs are prescribed and tetanus is prevented.

    Female centipedes pose the greatest danger (they are more poisonous) to small children, people with weakened immune systems, and people with allergies.

    What does scolopendra eat?

    As you probably already guessed, our today's heroine, centipede, is a notorious predator of the insect world; other smaller insects act as a source of food for centipedes: earthworms, beetles,

    crickets, grasshoppers, etc.

    Scolopendra caught a grasshopper.

    But the giant scolopendra can easily attack small ones

    lizards, frogs, birds, small snakes and even bats. To catch the latter, the centipede, holding the surface with its claws, climbs to the ceiling where it sleeps, then attacks the bat with its front claws, simultaneously wrapping itself around the victim and injecting poison into it.

    How to get rid of scolopendra: effective methods

    There are a number of simple, affordable and effective methods for getting rid of this insect. Firstly, you need to take care of the normal microclimate in your home, making sure that there is no high humidity in the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms. The insect should not be destroyed, since there is no harm from it, but only benefit. Secondly, it is better to analyze the situation and think about what kind of insects the centipede is interested in. If she is deprived of food, she will leave the home herself. It is better to throw all your energy into fighting harmful and dangerous insects than to get rid of safe and useful creatures. Since the insect is not interested in leftover food, but feeds exclusively on insects, it is not so easy to fight it, and on the other hand, it makes no sense.

    General rules

    It is permissible to get rid of domestic scolopendra only using environmental methods. For example:

    • Dry the rooms, getting rid of high humidity. In addition, stagnation of air masses should not be allowed, for which you need to regularly ventilate the room and monitor the operation of the ventilation system.
    • Repair all taps and water supply and sewerage systems, eliminating the formation of condensation on them.
    • Regularly get rid of moisture on the walls, and even more so of mold.
    • Seal all cracks to prevent insects from entering.
    • Use polyurethane foam to get rid of gaps between the wall, windows, doorways, etc.
    • The area around the house should not have accumulations of garbage, since centipedes like to breed in such places.
    • Be sure to get rid of various insects that are part of the scolopendra's diet.

    Application of insecticides

    There are a small number of treatments available for millipedes. Therefore, means are chosen not only to combat centipedes, but also other types of parasites. It is very important to follow all safety precautions when using insecticides. It is imperative to protect your face, hands, and other parts of the body from exposure to chemicals.

    On a note! It is possible to use toxic substances, but only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to get rid of insects using simple, accessible methods.

    Recommended use:

    • Medilis-Ziper is a product that needs to be diluted with water. After this, problem areas are treated with a spray bottle.
    • Starex, a spray product that is good for treating cracks.
    • Raid, in aerosol form, has a pleasant aroma. The product is not toxic to humans, so there is no need to leave the room.
    • Henkel Combat, in special packaging, which allows it to be used for treating hard-to-reach areas. It has a strong odor.
    • Globol Original, available in the form of a paste based on deltamethrin and diflubenzuron. The product is toxic, so it should be applied to the surface where children and pets cannot reach.

    For those who have a negative attitude towards chemicals, a product based on natural pyrethrin is produced.

    Folk remedies and recipes

    It is not always possible to use chemicals. This is especially true when small children, expectant mothers, and people prone to allergies live in the house.

    Boric acid

    Boric acid is used to control many types of insects. It is used both as powder, which simply crumbles in problem areas, and as bait based on boric acid. Unfortunately, the centipede will not be interested in bait, but it can eat a poisoned cockroach and can also become poisoned. It is better, of course, if only cockroaches are poisoned, then the centipede will leave the house and begin to look for another place where there is something to profit from.

    Use of hot pepper and diatomaceous earth powder

    They are used on the same principle as boric acid powder. If a centipede runs through the powder, it will die. Death is also possible when she eats a poisoned insect.

    Help from professionals

    Most likely, in the fight against centipedes you will hardly have to turn to professionals for help. Most likely, such services will be required when it is not possible to get rid of cockroaches or other parasites that centipedes feed on. Special services use various methods of struggle, such as:

    • Impact of temperature.
    • The use of microcapsules with synthetic pyrethroids.
    • Use of toxic substances.

    As a rule, one treatment is enough to keep centipedes out of the house. This is, of course, good, but such a service costs a lot of money.

    Types of centipedes: photos and names

    There are about 600 species of these insects in nature, but we will describe the most interesting of them.

    Giant scolopendra

    As you probably already guessed from the name, this is the largest scolopendra, its body length reaches 35 cm. It is also the most dangerous, since its bite can be fatal to humans. The giant scolopendra lives in the tropics of South America.

    Ringed scolopendra (Crimean scolopendra)

    In our country it is better known as Crimean scolopendra, since its habitat is Southern Europe, including our Ukrainian Crimea. The Crimean scolopendra is not as large (and not as dangerous) as the giant one, its body length is on average 10 cm. The ringed scolopendra has a golden yellow color and is a very fast insect that eats other smaller insects.

    California scolopendra

    The Californian scolopendra lives in the arid regions of the Southern United States and Mexico. Its body length reaches 20 cm. It is distinguished by its bright orange color. Although its venom is not as toxic as that of the giant scolopendra, it can nevertheless easily cause inflammation of the skin in humans upon contact with the poisonous limbs of this centipede.

    Scolopendra Lucas

    Scolopendra Lucas also lives in Southern Europe. Its body is rusty in color and its head is heart-shaped.

    House scolopendra (flycatcher)

    The smallest and most harmless of centipedes, its body length is only 3 to 6 cm. Also, unlike its dangerous relatives, it has no poison and, as a result, does not pose any threat to humans. It lives in southern Europe, the Mediterranean and also in North Africa. It got its name because of its habit of settling in people’s houses, and although, as we have already noted, this scolopendra does not pose a threat, nevertheless, its presence in the house is not at all desirable. The domestic scolopendra feeds on small insects, usually flies, which is why it is even nicknamed the flycatcher.

    Chinese scolopendra

    This representative of the scolopendra kingdom lives in Asia, in particular China, and also in Australia. It is distinguished by its red color, which is why it is also known as the Chinese red centipede. Interesting fact: the inventive Chinese have learned to use the venom of the Chinese scolopendra for medical purposes; in the treatment of various skin diseases, it promotes the healing process in small doses.

    Origin of the species and description

    Photo: Centipede

    Centipedes are classified as centipedes from the subclass of invertebrates, which unite four classes of terrestrial arthropods. There are more than 12,000 species of centipedes, including 11 fossils that lived about 450 million years ago. The clearly identified fossils date back to the late Silurian period and are considered to be the oldest arthropods to emerge from the ocean onto land to date.

    Video: Centipede

    Due to the similar structure of the limbs and a number of other characteristics, for quite a long time centipedes were classified as insects, but they are not. After much research, it was found that centipedes represent a sister group to ordinary insects, that is, they have a common ancient ancestor, but all kinship ends there. This species of arthropod formed a superclass of the same name - millipedes, which belongs to the subphylum tracheae.

    Fun fact: Adult centipedes can have anywhere from 30 to 354 legs, but the number of pairs of legs is never even. The house centipede, or common flycatcher, as it is also called, has legs that grow gradually as the individual grows older, and as a result, mature centipedes have 15 pairs of limbs. If a flycatcher has fewer than 30 legs, it has not yet reached sexual maturity.

    Reproduction of scolopendra

    Scolopendras become sexually mature by the second year of life. The act of copulation itself usually takes place in the silence of the night, so that no one can disturb the love idyll of a centipede couple. During sexual intercourse, the male produces a special cocoon, located in the last segment of his body; this cocoon contains seminal fluid - a spermatophore. During mating, the female draws this fluid into her genital opening, and a few months after mating she lays eggs/larvae. Moreover, up to 120 eggs are released per clutch, but not all survive. After a few more months, small ones emerge from the scolopendra larvae.

    general description

    The giant scolopendra came to this planet, apparently straight from a nightmare. This centipede reaches a quarter of a meter in length, and its body consists of 21–23 sections, each of which is equipped with a pair of fast, dexterous legs 2.5 cm high. Giant scolopendra lives in South America, Puerto Rico and Jamaica.

    The head of the centipede is equipped with strong jaws filled with poison - thanks to this, it is able to hunt animals significantly larger than it in size, for example, bats. In addition, the centipede has an irritable and nervous character, which is facilitated by the lack of vision - the animal’s eyes can only distinguish between light and darkness. This makes the centipede rather suspicious, and in response to a threat, it prefers to attack by injecting a paralytic poison into the victim.

    When hungry, the scolopendra becomes very aggressive, it is capable of developing great speed when hunting, and the agility and mobility of its body allows it to hunt even small birds. Scolopendra devours its prey gradually, since its digestive system is very primitive. For example, once researchers observed her dining on a killed bat - in 3 hours she devoured and digested about 35% of the victim’s body.

    The giant scolopendra is included in the list of the most dangerous animals. In addition, she has a repulsive appearance and has one unpleasant feature - she is not at all afraid of people. It is a cold-blooded predator that hunts not only small invertebrates and beetles, but also lizards, birds, mice and frogs.

    Is scolopendra dangerous for humans?

    Regarding the danger of scolopendra to humans, the giant scolopendra that lives in the jungles of South America is especially dangerous; its bite can actually cause severe poisoning, even death. As for the Crimean scolopendra living in our country, although it is not fatal, nevertheless, you should stay away from it.

    Symptoms of a scolopendra bite (in particular our Crimean one):

  • elevated temperature (up to 39 C),
  • severe pain comparable to a bite
  • hornet,

  • skin burn,
  • general poisoning of the body.
  • This discomfort lasts about two days.

    Interesting fact: female scolopendras are more poisonous and dangerous than males.

    Encounter with Scolopendra

    Giant centipedes, distinguished by their aggressive nature and toxic poison, are found in the tropics and subtropics. Residents of the temperate zone should not fear a collision with a 30-centimeter giant, capable of easily killing a small snake. In Europe, there are individuals that are half the size of representatives of tropical species. Why is scolopendra dangerous for humans? The bite of a poisonous centipede is very painful. In most cases, the dose of injected poison is small; it will not kill or paralyze an adult. Children are at greater risk; their bodies have still formed a strong protective immune system. An attack by a large animal on a child can lead to serious consequences.

    Attention. California scolopendra can cause painful skin changes without even needing to bite. Her body contains toxic mucus, which comes out when there is danger. Contact with it causes a severe allergic reaction.

    On the territory of Russia, scolopendras are found only in several regions - Crimea, the Caucasus, Rostov region and Krasnodar region. Small centipedes, 12-14 cm, live here. This is the ringed scolopendra. She is nocturnal and at dusk goes out to hunt for insects and small lizards. The species is not aggressive, but you should be careful during overnight hikes. A centipede can crawl into a tent or sleeping bag. You should also be careful when collecting branches for the fire. If you accidentally disturb a scolopendra, you will receive a bite comparable to the sting of 20 bees. The effect of the poison is not fatal, but extremely unpleasant and painful. Claws on numerous limbs leave red spots on the skin if the arthropod simply runs across the body.

    What to do if you are bitten by a scolopendra

    First of all, of course, it is best to simply prevent the scolopendra from biting you. She herself is unlikely to specifically attack a person, but she can bite in a state of fright and self-defense. Very often, scolopendras have a bad habit of crawling into tourists’ tents, so to avoid unwanted guests:

    • use a closed tent with a zipper, and even such a tent should not be left open unattended.
    • Inspect your tent thoroughly before going to bed.
    • In the morning, check your clothes and things for the presence of scolopendras, they like to arrange a shelter for themselves in these items.
    • Also remain vigilant when turning over stones or collecting dry branches, as centipedes may be hiding there.

    If it does happen that scolopendra runs across a person’s skin, leaving a mark in the form of an inflamed stripe, measures should be taken immediately:

    • wash the affected area with soap and water or disinfect with alcohol.
    • then apply a sterile bandage.
    • to drink a lot of water.
    • provide peace to the victim.
    • Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances (it speeds up the body’s metabolism, and with it the effect of scolopendra poison).
    • It is highly advisable to consult a doctor for professional medical help.

    If a scolopendra has bitten a pregnant woman, a child, an elderly person, a person suffering from cardiovascular diseases or prone to allergic reactions, then immediately going to the hospital for professional medical help is mandatory!

    Centipedes in the house, why are such neighbors dangerous?

    The appearance of a flycatcher in a house does not threaten its residents. The insect is more active in the dark, so the risk of encountering it will increase at night. When the light is turned on, the centipede rushes to a secluded crevice. If a centipede is spotted in a house in the summer, it is better to catch it and take it outside. You need to catch it not with your hands, but with a can or box. In tropical countries where there are no harsh winters, flycatchers do not migrate into houses.

    Having settled next to a person, the insect does not encroach on his food, plants and pets. Centipedes do not chew furniture or wallpaper and are not carriers of dangerous diseases. There will also not be an invasion of large numbers of flycatchers; they do not live in families. You can get along peacefully with them, even benefiting from such a neighborhood. The little predator copes well with annoying flies, and if cockroaches are hiding in the apartment, the centipede will get to them.

    Is the centipede dangerous for humans? If there is a clear threat to life, such as a pet or human attack, it may bite and inject venom under the skin. A small dose of a paralyzing toxin is not lethal to pets, much less to people. It causes an unpleasant sensation, but no more than a bee sting. A tendency to be allergic to insect venom can aggravate the situation, causing swelling and general malaise.

    Do centipedes bite?

    Even the most non-aggressive creature can bite out of fear. A flycatcher, even if it attacks an adult, in most cases will not be able to bite through the skin. Children's skin is more delicate and thin, so getting wounds is real. Symptoms of toxin entering the body include redness, itching and burning. What to do if bitten by a centipede? The first piece of advice is don't panic. The poison is very weak and will not cause any harm to health. It is worth acting according to the circumstances:

    • disinfect the wound with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide;
    • if there is a strong burning sensation and swelling, you should apply a cold compress and hold it until the discomfort disappears;
    • if the bite site hurts, take an antihistamine and pain reliever.

    Attention. Individual intolerance to flytrap venom can lead to complications. If symptoms of an allergic reaction appear - weakness, dizziness, breathing problems and others, you should go to the hospital.

    How to get rid of a flytrap

    Not everyone likes the presence of an unpleasant insect in the house, which can fall from the wall directly onto anyone’s head. Many people are afraid of a centipede bite and its consequences. A change in the conditions that are comfortable for it can force the common flycatcher to leave its favorite place. Simple and affordable actions against centipedes:

    • The flycatcher loves dampness - it is necessary to ensure a normal level of humidity. Wipe up puddles on the floor in a timely manner, fix leaking taps, and do not leave wet wipes or rags on.
    • Airing and good ventilation also reduce humidity in the room.
    • Check the basement; there is often an accumulation of rotten boards, old paper, mold and dampness.
    • Try to deprive the flytrap of food, destroy flies, cockroaches and other prey yourself.
    • Block possible routes of entry into the house - fill cracks with mortar, put screens on windows, repair cracks in the wooden floor.

    Attention. Sticky insect traps placed on the floor will not help get rid of the common flycatcher. She runs away from the tape, leaving several detached legs on the surface. This is a small loss for the centipede, because the legs grow back over time.

    The centipede or flytrap is not the most pleasant neighbor, but it is useful. Various insect parasites exist hidden in every home. The predatory centipede effectively destroys pests. If you ignore her repulsive appearance, it will be a mutually beneficial partnership.

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